Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 1 Jul 1887, p. 5

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ àtm-> NeZ n , ~uik kme d am - -1-10 u ______ bwrJam I aLOuVb -IIt upuma& enseig e 84m* w m d 10a1 ~~ srt alai Urktl fo i J = (G OE k W"gâ t s m O M M l VillèlePou À GOLEN 1u S~ 4uP IiSongerl LSI2~~~ cs~~r&c~goomhstowfd. t uw bon"ke in lsmai ma______ 410110w uIrq.UOgIir--mj-*,k.OUUmm~WBbN M7. wom.haui -md ù mm c-h1- oo m m &MMataDuo u i' a. ouhi * FUPWIS'~ 0008. falduehm llouz o sog . &Z ~feLuham US tmofatu lou C , mmma98011110 r . 0 5 u m U S s o e t t e I l w gv ý l e ,m c & h a o Ty u mg . befuisd titrd os sft y afhu, 15 .Liercb flItIWiS rte. sluht ce a dsloeil ud. buhoourni.the geTupoil.USS~t. uIi.'be moe, le serai, Wang hlm ont Chf th e r ouMd pXeaklnmn ub os WU' bonlclub i~~IE -toa eran xtnt néxitwuréof the valué of gnoodm. l"orotig mI esam " OISIis<ch.l. u.WSW ibr Mus 1~'antllîenastre ('l' what the gonds4 %vi11 sel for. lt ray 17011015ottm,1 l 05 h'ê 06hMo 3jgj 4tb t Ju. Ladaeg iiior bow. 1Ill te storekecpers noiitin. Do net h 4 fIb 4 lw th1S tImhbtdBtB ré woomue Is m& It. blemut Tma POW.. Os 0fuia~ ~uS Ob, b.Ladiet uthebo g,-Iyu rwpmor t be muit et cth& Sodalf~~~~"ty ofet l.Mire Chevet wUa " thuIv Vagmega UtttlGFO~Usy1mr *l< laem&MWIIb UsM. Dl«M ai bercer tégsu-ai" 1 tWbl duIO-*." rtha b. rio ce ~~~ te art tw kt~o ftkeepPff. You wiU ll ways 'bave *Pom wmkwm**Lm»ib t M&8.4 h" a mb 4 . PUS0~ 0 1'rt.1i' niiind as it otteli effec'tA the price radically. We laII.ES B~US.ou s'myu. J. Wn.ffiaM. wpti 1 1l~ iavinc. nrof .ontradiction, that, we have as SB' oolU a mu 4i uu. TOwr o h~b 0 &0h 510 1ree stir ar'iithe 1 rovince <f O tad6 foidepelidWACl tali. h" foe v o u à " sui <e"~nia (1<thing. (iodivolgooid workmanmhip,.gond OsTuuisofth1h UhwOdtBobWie lboboalà~kl .oouig de». lperiS Me_________ttheN.P. .n ii Very pair of l9at 1 est ($t or Ordereri ý1îiwhich We uUMUW itb WalOPiet bfl èsxu. lo mNi il at to aqrineiit whic'h we-can*t recomrmend as the dmoeooial atameàetI a RVMUOo ueuaq. -» gdm Prty nvea. nauise b.mapisa The.lodf.m lm 84s Pwk Md as3 oet6Ik s Cero *0 Cg lm. ocaropilflsou i~ n tîtiil at1 t ircê. alid the liei 1a. h oet .asuiîiyb~a'Bmo o.uv..u~o h iUSIOi cairred bouquietà of beWIfol evrSêu UV- »rm clde aWos a MoYemobl 8 ____________ ~~~~~~~~erél very haudoome fforall .mlemê veartâed oeta flu'b.atd5 a UUS tir aour oa f the Iodas. M CtboolW f a-MMO ,f& h tnai wm h "M smaiit .lb. mmn mbmi oiThe vouu"s voe, o untydeomitid OOI tVsofabrother wallede rM&'b ~vl el1>al'euasi étapeudmii lo ad"hmbOUS Vert freouaalIUSW aw ibertoe Md c-am. «of ies, Ui1 quitha n Mm i four mbaea rs lu the mufW rrruhmnW a m-uerequtasea. the bOug Tipubli@ana UW tO ¶IL« "= maeshile dtacouaIu g50t mu"iO bla amfrimcrailuIF"i. .vesotM oelboos. 'b. lees does W the 11.sMaiprmSOýwrin 5white iimdaiIs e t onde w b. c 1. m 1oi am - g a au - M talé s of 0 = 9-4 0 t »S 1 S~ IU S#uuoil hlas erfuiy pu O': U :it ~IfI yuuge a~ ntapair f Pants nr a parmi of :ny W. ro avetaM& .MuaPewy, < 0 raibnus, os. TheS macla a ~ n~ otutls i jl.,ouly low pries look 0ontfor the iquaUity ,,0 h=rdelea mlm eepsoret.veve'alfoOT ih ~'uk.Yô ii fii OI aegtignotbing beotter thin mm, g* hu5nom&s <~u ay 'or.Kec anet' on the prie-,ind-ottwhat kind of il -mmé emtrw0louS et ls p 2BlO 0his pointthOdlMDuDdThe .i~v" i.u ae iiituai emouiler tht. yo cantget fvo douarW'os,~e0rf chic W mdaivoe takoplace toauieSPttsuty rr iht ytti.cftn* gétIlvedollaA' Vrt rnc=lt been ftKed. -'l'hemaO bUOow Win, aMm et-Mrl. RaaHomt edeoiet Montreui coumg '.'n i giîl 1 pyilgOfOdollar. We are- willitug to have Uda'sTeis.SaSïJi vSpehla.AudreWO oharebi uuuaU ,HIL'P u-Illte 1î1unlitv (if <milgoO(l, i<lWtPoise t Amiii0 b ea batoo'c i-mdvon.nztitumdal. :Ir. T. A. CofflOv0 _'à ouis ofthe mum 0fu omi eu!e lae,WvoIlata, Charge -ofSt. ....~ .~ 1 1(w) ùriO vets;' %vorth of weariand iorth for evei'y teevll be o hed oaYrUler. JTSi ft1 ÂW.chaithlétMtr0 aboonme ZaU au1 aiOa. to 3t'. mdmmS7 -Thé am r %@bat wu r t mdimcf R. smyth'* remideflce. WaV&erlr-av5. &WNgITvAI ermo" ee a tmM"w»a largo attendiouo. Ain tbe coa- E C r A N o "y Domnion duji. *â w tIO y it ta sics f cY.m n .a ..vuta hélé oa theen W jogm e t c ch.r oveing - IsoIaing the bad. -P.emberfthe sunnaSgalant of o lothelb.voa t UilC, dol leus ifteshIUOO' O8" PiStl proprty oiS Mr. P. G li. wbieh takue piao uil& ThePytul' men of the asoiaion - so oiastStuda> S gu.. it Ieae a g.h&v chlcnaek of ellIUS héamlI5ihü V ic or i gul u r a y au 4 a uO L M 1ma006 " 1&tac of th e potind ladies, cou s- -J o M di cimMd-sl baulI uoies.gm e lI i5ggtUCll5wU 0; Suturdaiy lbboy was aoeted shile alMilUM S uf oovdfo e.D.MTv ___Mon« f rom thettîL of Mss Ieve'e toer.... Au. -LeTteru nocivet WinnipeD. %MctherO Rc ey. lOr. MoTaquimilveut go attend the <UemwMe Voit ly l Cd (. A. Warq% ,wbo oodeas M. a er .AmoeDbli of the l>rO- butar@u hrl.susca eànàta-g 1. . - ett erclvn t0t0 ivl~ih c ,are enjnri n au emmolry pleaimnt violS te at:140 Yonâeo.0., Tormite -414t. a tuh pab f oe OS l ébeut Tu. nehewSti poMUO. A Mi t I - - ----- o04oiunon William-or. mbOau put dowa h. rne scsiimp" l ta$ imutpe~ a&t a e- GP" 'i~ BW. lf!IpctV %ena ud e gla- Bvag hat yl lpot'î mla"srviM aicihar plama v ot 4Ih ts wàocwTUUaiiUU Wts ear' amdter for Ith euri l euis. A. of înceeog. Mceg radae. RovDr. Mc- TOW NN 9 Ume$TY U 1 lb. oo brvaSumi orSIai . ic- ' et s Tow a~hwlfêtUe O O=te and' - c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~on.«&o.liesu à hs auve ot0 oo ouIb .Lagl DA swgs A1VD TM'~W ' ~ inol chas aol owm e- nsvd. A aoi f g-- tovrdmUti fnlAoeoub . IgIwimlu w Iat4dna mis. lovai sue. :Wn r ivé ae astlime of gotatu go -Prose uta Th4ivd al uw~ uId hcas ne pulie matas seat riuRY evensg g cel. AI IPmî,enrtlîemq 1<~u i4.1tf.,ý wlvtaielatnt. mà#bOtqU t[OI osrMt i bt sop:. dioentbe quug=*os cf osite O'tct* eut- - ItICIUV.le 8011129, Mon18 ' Md uw mt olasm e t ' ame ties11 .duugl.offiee watol Worth the prifeOetadmiuiies' rntVnipnI on fl0ut iloii iHaluf hsao t w» a ihIitrolaamopo'ghe *:i c h'tiftll tvrt n~utee-at eo m ou& oowMphaticoVoVlhe-matO5oibthe.ysOMMcame g voielà* bleues f tichewrt la. £Doiaentnd o'. 'lb. chaiW'u e cc- lwutomutiOs --- .w mî,b SI lu rthfeu. V.. W 9, tais. Po lc aîiltUl e mp by Inopotét'Short île, coulti ho aoparasoi. cRoit as booeauota »emmeursh&e »V .îui ýdrng twlll w0a1' WibY a 0"@$ jfor violation@.ofthch ana"a IOWPenùm oet -An .z.ooutli'i Co W»VSlmDBl«mm o au site etsuer Ca BniIuwe h't .iie' tI 'îi ,w yayazd tO kO iMBfnr4Willim <o a i AnMd Sole olni V ia a é o 7 , ti0neviat o a c-nuoi. h l a comuidm the M M ifvorablO, * i w îîn îCr'v n o ,îy n l, ond fteteeà. J ff tT1 a n Jmmiah1orov i d "fangetim a e u u lb. ub. or o a 'il t est ett eadC II,- ~ ~ ~lie pbd [If leverb or ieSSWM <up iageiilu..... i4ohrc ots oui w'îî ni întutf<-~ê.________aM.- Bnn"pocsa te tuas lute couse Omst Mr ~G race. M. BritOB,.MM. ~î~dut lI-ilw". t>tccaietO _________ ~ ooibueo wlboOS"ma la" MolemanDd othors aUi W&thas n au em ot ga'uvemrIPO ihem dIU"bi mmiau9 BOcov. *gi buhomore confisali"fothchvoie E êf.LngSiChtll alh itmfn lIama isiouulcWkdIleiVtUR* MhaiOultleff cown msti vouhl b.mors jiu.ast Mdfairta thel -j'. n.Th~d~ ,nflhilC" b uurt1<1(II" îstoi wom emriltifl'ils th somerh ie? î.USefrcsouWdod o tueru *0.1otilm of Kent-it.. whbck lsd for voe ha!'ai yunar. sas oo hagiutt iudi0fiacl-LMd __ _ or In àv aSm 0aiu tim@t rttb-i"' . t(i 'rl41nr- fl IIte MMP 11mo rêtbeOhtea«' ageuco' cf hiaiptrtheuMg s ouillas 5 uu î .fuuîW î.dlîu'ît m alflr01 ch m ti vla ts c'lits b811a000 Of -' msoimnbioiaitbo uki Thelc haa - - - i i i' f uu t 9 rîO gi ant . 011100e DIel'lla i ver 0ousmom o porosu l oseut- ., a .30 oloc l. u n d vers jo hine h i - * a <vu îîl<îî I'w th10 l<> i ~ i s t uoti aSe siml s i 0 gece erlt Iéo.B-SU O A Publie po l.uî',îi ttaIi. iiil UFbi ->a m>il oe iIi H.oe ledltfMUs. îhmlfa h. Cl-nm * 1 e , ulfl e Ffo. apueti a C .1 moulu liq irxan ta ti ie S Kt t heaI uO fi O ue,O0ne 1lm . ru tedt O b a hSS OIl e au S. m is o u Il ito apM B t W n iet. lii h.' vîctc'h aIo? Ile hit4tl1mmalghen awneew 84 the te m is ge at tsl the B e md &i eai c C asst ua i m s i e lm wIl mn'> fhr tl îllhiwon. Iploilie aéuèmcmmu mpsmcc . b tfr he Ut U. f î, - îtt - e f.f e jhm <mur mm pr1' alteUOf1 15 ueS CoVoahpo os ch isoauatwmbO Md etiOoa e ho" 044 qqa mlabarsM.tI-,< IMusuioth -. Ba., Md-meu a aeilse uem â b usOa'won Mie&i 1,10 f it "i"'iit'l i unit<bt peli'fO fVi"fo jvlof ad tukii n 5Wl~W 'g.i.'SV. os e lI vay lnU orous îhoir oemmualoslaherna Ic blpo Md tualon" i..ii.iImw t lie'ii? IleapeokmOM 1 Mt Vllgko" nlaIta" M Tar J i fl " sIbeimb-oOé&ue ume .o util lid h« rver, Xf ixkm::iii Wobblybu tth 011amaate uIfe M whctO'u.U Wî' wptit a olMiffl odeet t<«9 1bu1t1=cVicfofImlP u.16liniii' ttoW ic 11au. mse me l oi.'I oli tCeloi1,~OUm5e ieiF. t 1,,:1if i sud CIu neILl i si b. ot h coue lave riqulie lboimonmbO 11mev 9sa as __k <teine pr i l et \orulî V ,'. ue weel Point Thisi te1el» 8 «1=I P m were such ne té eg. olp'm ilmI êt rnvm 1thé ti ebIIWMsi m8S" os%, d 1110faNs, Sw vi Vou'll pur m of ttuam bft mit'Vhvenu lbovms sBmuik te - m Vt V h mîureal i&M- 'VIe W lw'gu te Md 0f. I MftW11 t » flLuibl heT A%,iid eI@l h toFoo tUr __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ _ &5 ANNUA CLERINOSALE AT TEE cm WZOEE, OGEN~GMIESUEAT IJETE Ibh, UhM efory mideula the bMm WUildau e1a ~ Itat abou± COSTPaier. AU CRR TE Oer 30 cenits a ordZ 4U b.soZL ct ezoctly am S omb a oevf er cost Price, and aU Cnuts wider 30 cmta qoMUbis at aGpr/i1t of ove. btwo cenb ÀU DREM 600DM vtd*r 25 Bc4stswiU b. soUld at one to twuo oemta advoce <aU mer 25 coeisf'romn 2 to 3 cens. LAU pENTE&%d GINGRANE wiU bc sokdir. sorne cases ct .Mmtt1y cot, a%4~& *no mm a tuU ?LMcI&crge 7IOT8 tI&Gb1icen&t par E'vSy wGIS n thas toe 4cingGo'ues, Hosiery '%and Fsmcy GoýOd, iU aU b. re*i&cd t MietV A sam>e srnael profit., VILINERI A" KNTR-We wilt give you a str4'gl&t cdowntof 25 »rye%oe[toff. Covunty Stores,. Hotai-keeper and lao(egenr&Uy, t1is is tas orOt'usM 21for 2/0% to sav o msny a th&e opportutnity* you& AOWbeenwasht'g for. Cow&s sarty b.fore the stock is broken. SOOTHRAN, RURO &MARK, CINe Drauper anci ClotMiers, Keâst-st., Lliri4ay. No-2 lom'uEoký Kmt-t, Liaduv, Tvo doors Wemt of the Pot Office. Jolm Dobson~ AU gi oya' and happy rt CREAT ARQAIN SALER SELLINO 'OFF AT OSTB to mw to qr>oiow a"t~',,ire stock of it ui em&a gGd opp<rtuWMY for Bcrgains in GINGAMSPARASOLS, GLOVES, HOSIPRY, ETC. 6.mIaW' hoM it rMa ins g qe*opotu&%it?/for cston- OLOTHU TWEEDS, ATS? SHIRTS,' Our stock is aul firstc1as. No rubbish here. je simoNS, VIVT.EGN. 18870. rnkl Sin titis, tAe jubfliee gger of ber prosperolis etgîi, celebrate thi.e eitt by1irehuoin1g tlîesr - - - -- -- -- t-8 of wM<ck tl.A Wi li full utaesortme'st ltt »4?jstore- cana"eares i E.B»sTougue, Imam, Chiokezi, Chipped Luocheon. Neut al Pig' Fot. Chume Piah hi Lobftoe, Salmon, KIfaokrel aad ardicL.6 cana" Vegetables ini Peas, Tomatoos, Corii. Pîéie .Saucmý es.5f1e. armalailes Sud Coideimed Mut2. Leimous. Lime Juin.. Umm* ï Juin. Eapberry. Straw- HNDoBSON, -wo/ Lindur, JUDO id, 18ri.-tu.

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