Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 20 May 1887, p. 7

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__________________________________________________ I 54CWvu', 45.4k. Cor AND TUflUvUT.. IG! NZ*S DrugSr n" i e. Oghan a Sse6 of2 and"'r"""ty.. 1< irf.¶sIr<on Ti e v.Pas"'. elie. Ittil(f- ~t'eit'.ve, Selirna Hall emwu llel11l. A .rthuir H. Poster, Clie'a àNotherttiîn, 1'1-h lLt,'re.Seondedcai: Nélite, ' lames, Lldi 'A1obe, RâwaA'lSin. e lair aitd Wltýt dna. 1l'aro. ascrd: 1-t tokàtIil.,- iiic'rNcs Sueli.Rso ia .1n telr* raipst:Se* ion .Shmvr, Clariece Upotuio Mina, Short, 1>sbby Mar«. ... -th isatti lu snt hini clami.s tht. reomn *ahciwomthe< reifflet sofantteit ,umliations blhtt nAlîrUl. Naulsu av be lomerielu onden 'A nS. T. 1Il. Rftr4, moi.ber. rbi NWr<).et IM 1Ïtjr.rsIt'. ouif. C'. Ji<.*41S. lusur- * 't..tAwAY. - On 'rhtreadar evaitng wt'ek aur tearlt-.'IMn. Voseal01 walqmudldenly Ima'ElV power C-t Cartwrlght. Ait.u'î&tiay ýwatt lt-ldit ;%t.hiu %"éieou l'lasiy 12 is, Tisa chiet vonitof tha daiy wat P1intlnàEtrees, levellitui aitde, eloaning e éo hl ît, *-te, relcredît le. dthle toarhqr for takiug sRuth intenseSle 0 sang thé urounii" seoatly. s ioo. fxmowu' fo*,e.- .No. 1, Mauveva ?r pI l%.4 fnlle: -Fouvth cia'..': 1i05 Malh, IL.iJ.uhtt Wrattienhlll, 2,111; Thes. Iierter. ik4 i$: Enu"mMar.bsil. Third laus 4401ildt: _% iliesr; gl, àN*ltll-20: Minnsu leie dem 8,i N a' 7 t avi4lyi Mag,7'1. T>tr lm#e aislor: N!aWgto Wtçràthoiehii, '2714; Robert I~.i~rLMa21, 71: 21iMaUii. ~:Vînt. Var)ter, 1*1: 11h, lPurtr. lI4>:Lovii o&la l. J *1> Bli x, .FoM.lti' ,liii; .foeoo i Mgli. BSec- oru càa:Blanche Mitii . 287;StitlOy PFowlot .11i7; IE1e Fuwleip, 2"; LtWë.e Nirhomece, lB8; Thomu Wsn. 1fowler, M:' l'art a'e'oed et flràt: fred ,Porter.-Part me ntf r*i: Samuel lPorter.-T. lsale Porer Auttite Kowlen. Italand àagi, Artitur i1ons Lt. VrAt.1, teache. I<onnomepondonce ofeThe ot.) 51ttt'IIYILi. n tad dluty this vosi to reilard t ho death oftMMn. John Itosa', teho J.'ar:.'l ht, lt.'a euday. agto at tise AI- were Itée ntethe Eldon ?omasany. -W. exttand mee=mymthy ta ts hrav*d tar- iy..Tho 1nat chilI et hIr. Jas. Slild '<id t d. ly ltnt . Wesk. Thie hci.av#t Pàréntg h!lavo sho aympashy er thc netgI- tintt4deb gaanarex -Oiont lelmeora hc-a Dit ,îNtitiay, lm inmut., rm a irowdielboues.. Mr.Mcétmcisar valve, <soucI ad luid i 'iI.iS 1(IIANI U.q e-Tha UtidKIrkt .finrestl? ,ton ueliavis jrined the ('aiid l'.ahtenarîehiir.h. Thi-4 14.as Iinve Intheti rl*hr <lrertIàn. Wu ane Ipie.iv..ed to- lt*ane imt.le' M. la bto lensai n i.lî4preeant Charge'. ni a e..timmle suad reee intniia4tt sud lp dCIti&t trdM *nrk ber-.. ;trîu (.gopm.-ieodng leit fYal pltltA. VîA¶. -ga ia tthe tati 'Whnist. hw. ben plo'véd tir)In thit ' lellty end whlit lt4 loft unplowed -wlll mlot bus bait à vfop. I Unromnneof etThe 0l'm. day arhàl -wfil 4 held.orà the 'rdth:May. A .,!aIfc . rm thue(l irug niii hoorgania.'listtve jp., .wher trît -itinxnu' eël ngt i ii h. s'e edtrsatm ly ev Iohin*tone, '~ikJ' sut iseineut ulaTcta..Tstobe ,eer.e Iillu,,s$,iivRelb e. B.W. 11111 ed te ail. BASE IFium.. --The hball cltub oet uap' ermi rh4% bei, tisu le orgartlid wltb se exceéllent prépet for h. cominsg masse. %Tr. lIanry Oliver ha. bae chOoecapiows a ii n lan. McLam cretary.rpmuaerr. hi club at ie' ha kn ve it-e pear be 'he aime cf te Flngatsosd CHipert. sle bos.are puite aanoiîîîne 0 nieesu thuy i ouhd lîks o sa baBy rous otites luse le0eM terence ta havinolg a frienli garni.. Tee "ds etheofàllàs xAfRalw B&s:wca "D I Q Mue.-TI la « thLe aa»Oa ln cii seotoole ou M t as tmn " aiijpurobeed i bp lMr. <G.,oot.« On.Ci ur ar youu1g80mraueseri. . bis&m vcrktlhe ia r dltlemaute dol'h liais Grg itut Msd Chance A. Poster tee hees cpwma M'si op~rtlSS Ibrugis slci01 scaqm tas mber wilu Suer bts as l lmas thl Iebt0»84lem 'esUIteisunlouey bel-mt c.oo Sm émIed vey -bdaSe=rmaism lievir rit w insa Selu e afie à cmsa i à" vn eaIsol tmus.£ab 8meuo~maetes h l Mes-» USem IR, aa4-s.Ele U W Vaos IF TEEGXEAXwcr. Xe OT.,IUAT ]KAT 9.»qSMt le WW hoe iuaMha Imui -WC s p hi.t ulrs log. o Us s UA MMi ts omev lta "fui imi l'h Ile thelaee oasaahse l aqumm erge tc sorees. Be levas ue.aive p saui ~us.-The pmera09hmbse KuNaw t1h sumer Imdeoal they pwt .m o tee.lagai se. IL bas ldl a-La, sWo. t 1%.et udllue. I. ilu mi ene Bla R oLfy w-A me eg e lbasbail noll ~a el o i lmpsltu"d e "Iev, a .toUssa W E.0 mm. n . lest.;MW . vs,,e" lvst Cha. M-99u9089, "M ov pnder Seball eetrm amp onquéuimi, t. awTu. re MdThe fUaewsnmrel oea $@Mhd routy îl h p ine 09t.taichet bu.* bGm gailcu m i dlt poeti Clhnu.i elog. 'r ub tl' "icfimu me seas- l et rm'y ad eho goh aï rtîU STuduia- elyite Thtg laeu e i fashhe oa or '.PmanàaMy eth Muboes e . oa et haste billub *vaid lsatSa84ur. ayevernd. ...u.. !mm e - m il s hope legal e- <itetrou 11e ite erS mmgosu. ..... fr oft.-ait LImai.u EM ardu et moollâehoe forvtom licas M. A. durl' .limera 1.1 iseaur t ud amyet hm R. ... . .. NM &Lie e u cil0mts ashi. bo" for me s m ime Ma*O. Nma baMetdes ite LlmlssNie subetom« the main pla for moe Iluse uytIUn lmOu tia, gvsâumlem'segoul, ai vlstecmg eo &Ussy reels l Oaa he eutaofpaseturei L&mTou e - ai thabU lay e thla "es.J.-n A mmuwoMt gve.slcur la«ti Mest hdir'e c=tprh.et m Vt oIR& eh. olva he "The Phof R ow. A otMarge, W» v 1cutug ouTh.vrnt atouhstof the shure vIii go trous havagoeBonevtou oe the 249à lu& Buzs Bi..-Wbm a e .malimi vIli aurbaiesb>àll lub? N'(othlcasg a.beau doue pet. Why nos organlsateis ne 1 Oe Tax BoAS) cAuN-Mir. A. Cam. obaela talllosn onk.w laid av tlm wkW* or tvo wsa s mmm.oel, te on, bIs rouIs A8801% Dà.-As mîbwrday vas mothlie dvet otae da e. semaeoi le te b. reDstred tory 1151e vwas doue la B0c lias et rx " otnt. tNo comïleu. *Apply tW Louis M.I.I.r'R kpsr'va. orJ. Cf. jzVIueIMI U4 0.41WOOD. Iloensishes 10 lofonse the Inaiue ofOa- *ood and vlcaity cth. oham oIrnIIsut a drens and imtlpe.msilnuostahllShmUR tiext t6 the pout ornies an m eof117 o- liettp&trnn<.we.Orlon viii buprompcly 4fue .d-L la1T. EuTrn'hsrn.bhu acre a gluTe deal of notice. The mu do a bilg butsses andi being enterprialniw, ebliglon Mmd papa- jar pausa mon, arge incroameMar h. oxpéecied. Thoy itavi a cooesasd virwe stock and. r ilen. are 1ev, aies aun T nCo ler.- o r et U cmaool bisaj uvnst»- nus. ot the rp Freitînu trDes bu at el r aoa le "Prssetid lIaI l sboul nM "tnIP." sd net "tripes" Whlci '1'. correct fo« shah va e ter the question se out al tnIend Dunean Csrmlehsei Ett..-Um X .Tboadi1ce la secovericig Mt rytlovîy tram né mron umai et ilese lneureed lait vinter. Snatou-. Acctînmq.-Kne . B. eum et tâte village met vuth an accittuel uhile svmy tl*.hliz as Davtasen'smiii sialuesrly ré4eclta tally. He a vasthrwon et ens otawaggonand by &eefall tour ribe von broben. Nlatersovsm'w lm 5I.1 îllse u M.Conning . m. MStïver ot Stisuffvlle la àt Mr. Liown*mhreug's. OowsÔ TO TRU PAItb.-Kt'. W. E&COU*n laesha. akpn thi eCirnpbell faim en tie have bee use mtchad by Iltiiv Brou. for the mcomnmodaigon of thome deinlUgtouse thevm. DirrD". cAw C. Fn.-Etmaken us murnr. fut le thlak t r mCan Carnlebael "flbb. ltue, about howhe votai ila the Lowus hmroalielectîn. 11.hm. said usb hur âca ho vxtel for Lownsbrouch; bat accrding te "Swtpes" ho votai for Kv. Hudmpeel Thse lattergave hlm sud "SnîPWswayl coepleoly sWhou spesklag hem, anl me saouler. "Do pou thinIt we'd baie liaS tellbea'mirlff sud,'Tomamy SvIpem' rneani rhngaia. baif or dcputy.," va% Ibm score. filt »eMark. NOv, vho le 'Tommy Tus Tôwrul SciT AaAinU T ua Km- m LAN».Thiiut of lima r«oet Patearwo agals*tl the MIldai llay, mt devu forC trial a st épèmenintslmu afor Ume -0.s *et heem wlhdrawtheibmrail uap cmrpsny MWMMleg o- o make much amend nient4 tle lb. I rai-vy oswttet asBothuna-m. sa.Sb"ycmau ses their var bear ta ioic&t h. elle.IM ponl ii hautuema MI.-- , sit; 9 viii b. leedWsbther Cierevu vibMOM.' gignue h suit or salîhîrasait.. - 1 A #lqnD Si.me--ýTt*dàaeilgse thUn G. T.I.VltdianeXpreestrai tram Liai-9 bey va» bovllsg aalnrttis lima tiIselle et th li bheige theenaluestuati va mis0i mat mi-t.h vhloh lai lom0amol tes0Un hîiph suubakmout bg *9 3recee tashe sud .leva d»taothe -mVci, aue MUS bilug: MAI ete wri vm brauomeit. Untaispubel abisi Md amuse t moue *I soves.for lis lacient, lisaI gsrm mp ply et tedi mklng te Bhe "Mato sTzmrG TO D-thO Vo> erisMien MMs5 sacel vas th* I cm ofet Eseber v. Bavera, sblaI as adobvaagmub DBoucheramalmet C. b.am sua dfmasv~is ea go meuli lc iiau~miseffle of Ilm su te glegcfDr. lufs, esue eImm ua~lI IU kdm~ alit, mm nidiamlsaamime litu ~~,trstclIl. etuswImos ,uuiuamly a aulllTa by u *s Un~~L 21k Et kw wIl- sd ohdm #M.S They se.i Peffl *ae$" omA. N.bus. X&hlaw basa. r le uihiUnb*vmulale mgwý4a ?. A eveimm Un~hse àe", lWh.rmde" iai nmo. a Md sa I*8maaa mo~Wllm bu 86eo bamo Bal wbasBBmbeà*t t e bad On h v..oap aiiti a 8h40 fulalae tbai..MU e. LavIs awbis mmvproMies 0to*e mibuaim Puâ «rMioA-v ut a Eu bu uuau- V~a maok 1, ' & lulit Saum CoLr.-ID6 Oea.Unaboa eWoawlllela e opoS«~s «e0ou.=t U anCt bra a is. a le omlalo au I.0 ait vwuLiaiby Bs.6kuak<r. he yr. - SOI; matic Gtam,42.1 ; 'lut X aridord, 2il25; snd Ut»c oshes=1uILe.2 à ilt. The udamof Boob&r a sWlldvoel q Nmiswood, 2.18?, hi Belmant NetuoMi as.bpItmii' HusleeueaPrimeusa Se da;moit e M.mraiby J.P. TIsai'. Rys4rk, Ch. aenet COSimgaUme, 14; Little VI. -icmourneloSal a bbete met vttee ,Victor, 1 e*sMd s ast et si- a troctlmg Llb":Lao lia&, The dam of. bLallal, by ?eyWok' amlaan o fil. If thlu aombluim 0e1amimal trdlng domDmproie&.a trottmr of Un h«t vaho'vswé- 5 i l hmeus«Our- mme the t uleraareul radcec Wullng. The matherof Ibis m#mlilSh bmd tot«E sic mbl4sIum elmu W.E lae eus ba eau LOs -lit. Ch*&m Thompan lem a valu.1 b miyuu boume.Wal. tlé w ut bei' mIei mdâouly lbat oïl umaet e0e bAud ICI&. B tad bar umhitèesM m tmma wgu beir n the otaW hlvbs"m0lots'lmOsef-etis %her ble iW, issalatber aalruily help- às, tram u'hich. a suqueatildIed. ..Kv M. AlexmoDet ai @e»euee bis Basi a ALL-Oui: em: have rooslve Mdia P ostanymistmplvt imru u I N toraimaed M pLif Parc Poey le- mdes lo ptayCromwel t yullb.ai ool sue as u ha»c aopili taam Me S. ms Mn, tboe Mt Mmciach, w od ylet Sie su&m.-Turo formgu eueum vit brove boïar 01%»veu O xbMbllo or l'bi& he olI fmllov vW" ttSe uhdrermau et hie mustersMd ai Mach lu aivam ofetcumbemaolsmem- ardu uodaeaeaadtfg -eh. laRUgeOf tIS ut dan 1 otmr vas takea mee'wy lit Un Ien ewb. -q"te adSic11I . mlt nmteof Dr. Glîlempie amile »muvwbutter. BicYcL^-Oti' village bal Chues b-1cy list i. l 1mi tudp. ..B. Welem, <Cuvasaaoas tadhaelad e Ix peusenti o-eommuiem Apor L Us oi 1 ZY..aNrIalSi. or J. V. t. KSm Insui- EARLT CLOU»,O.-Thislaleorneai Un w minetcsa omn gttu I id of our -crkeJuSI n»v leBiaterlan.W. esider tg hlah ttme Our uaanbBuie n- azdel uomethig ta thaIr epoyae. Whu b mas comiàunugvomi et yMat»OIR a. m., as sasse of -ur clora ed beavue nonk at frits .I#) ta 10 pt. m *Is l do, vo bîist 01081009as ,ea sP.M.evy.al sardae moeamptel, a".lmnbo al "aYse ath ean utilte arOU480 "cBet nt Mmes Ieli air aMd bave meu11011 te. oreaisu. Wtl lme oso.tOM S et Our" hamtesel*ma e 0500 sbpboabmns houvs ahml otliel . bouter MdaMiO mme». &I loumi hedm-la ES l beablbiar fer mercimants eheustivo". Toem lot us atesa meaial.bouMst»sdi--- ewbeezv- moieai amol lai aasls21 ee. emnca tige s215h us aa, g o, i biavebloc Itmouer.Th. 1,gres t met etqulue ruaecg esIlelfor lame 71144 à m veu a agir. Jeume' fisvsadewe a1 baud battuS aprac- utl .bet Md ueilummbesuf et lsbaud ide membemra e nrifle selseu,t;vas mou*ud«IlaSyiaitt»hei mIU lm ab log qoins.ait-aise launm, gm e PM- rifle ssbactéalla lute r uu de cap tae emPlo taon mls*11,value àt a-beit, *mm. - We vIlu ps (mil pWUna seigt yodIf îtposmlbl.EtpIf r a m aloe e amttiet l euar 01M ave Ib0 2#t1us e, hure sMd sassailais-em etI.Cbe VRIM M as10u1110119- CasAI lnsbol usuuea ~SL bop lav te-pu amuir. mwan, O"fusan X ..... .....in us n two s BU-. c=mm nMa jb qoBi eaI uos l e lucovISsS ce W do Mot bels Immle Ob duo$vmni humus laa u il@ , m M -« E -2 h VLENT IlEn IM--MM M ________________________________________________ bc bi .0 tl h k i 99%Th m à lilas faf-laatbbaiuaofo km- -- t u v am il me lais. lah.tm mla liai asm .1hgLthlaktab=.pubm& wqwafter-X bu oma i vale OVUn bey le.wi.balut y bom. ie tea M&l ethi muqeho eUM » s cimet bovast "dir av*0 er, MlbmalinU"aoWi" rene oeos. in@ Med the-me" 09 tcal eu ohs salle mà a , ni ouelamsmer. *ma ho me i ls ad Maa>c asinatii luskiai mo gEmome Wss anes, Bmut igEs ous poall s, u ofha lUMs -"inuvefe thm, patoh bemameet sitwot ils.ilitean m knoa tma.,lao, esud sthedegercof- putg ema*bW.omul ialonheg vibtheu vhave Ouvmu& vol eau inrày giouy ai doiug k«moul then. W. a ci um tu-mai e eamtth.t busy in ««mlig orefaboua a oitnthet by ele tor; mmai tOnVIRahwam »vi ie I Oue baedezua atucli. s o secac psud ha adimuue yl ea*0 laireo ifm the vIsh *6 s. talias.udla uoale o, abo b gïn tho uu whih suéemeov Cha vn e vs bayeu for s~îe nom numeha âloS t he &alaseam ie uaern". - ul t pledb leame of hmasim h.uegof liter ww ut- fhist amea obave s usin,.thavant oti Ileus vh. bave saiMil.thsave srn ar madey ii: ut iUweban. umachu the liuir hutbor 51d a i fon~ i.." Am à t at lau the t , upathiug; te mml kapowuiWh" lw m"NhOtLieu noames. ena fitecaue tBu»t amuo nlaI gaimea ss b inmtheu mougi place asihave "b7 ras tva mail, op i aisth mmfad maihae aae,- mu atimdleyvi aa euli Ceols muai 1.he1'WIbtm ho al alestpbe bo dri. uoff vthevioth sebro0ugi lb.he Ptv toraut. lhntelooadmeth es Ile mcaidt frve uplce or au glasdraoph off Te. place maa is msade y ou peopl up ill Im vrpeanas. mmdcannge e The0re eniouallyect la heo rosu to ie.MdWuyshsr end et they sheyuin. gpeff l.o h è". ie vhdo ini mmgoS lies utthe ah.làfournilb.ote aide Ches snuplacd te fo ti. b drap Wloff et0. sanet athemi.bthr. . pe»ole h as to risau t o hag t he.01 m ga. Th o o aat l y o b u valu eh foeufo h i t e d . theion te nem te brer iawm la i.mdl sp1 tii bmunun., ur hp ir .jiai vUl~ifAvlton ada tisoie.O uuohe a almbje oav .ML Mm BOn1a Or' PI. m lsPrenan i... plrwNRs. KJCENAS, or ta HUD- &PTE JÂOK80N, Maaori, ILEiUB7 dATTLE WA-NTED.-O200 cattie a- %J e or ehe C.ameran tache, Carde-amd ~hoflmrke i,t puoi ans». iMn a 2:mao*=wUI boisage te penture dur 1h. mmm: at the tonner ratés. ÂApltoWN CAMBRON, Woofflls. Cardon. My3,. M. F OR TER Special Benefit --OF- GCAM FA RMERS amd athermww laht1rmo te ,MKOTA MIE SOT.A, MAMVTOBAi And Otiter Wesern Slaien Sp" ITron 401hEiemin Train Pms Nmitobe, ]Dakota misu e North-wmt via *eh. mitrt rouite and'at, lowea aes. Pao a:geand freight rateand my ather r. 0. ALE Express Ofie, Llumay., i~da. Mftrch 1-t. l&-i -3L TH E H -31PL E T NIAN BRED KENTUCKY JR. WIZSstm i fer mares Onriv g tho eaMOInet mm 7ns Til ai:- agONDA.KarAT2rzd. wi*.l Icavchis owui @table. Let 12.ceau 6. F.ldon. at non, andi proceea ofva e Gienarm to John Chamber'a. %=17ou. fan s p.m; thenco taoblelu- paMa Ho'..1Fenelon Fai Io, for the nlght. TUIsUAT. umîl proeeedto Jultu Junkia's. Wr. Teanrarnh Rni, ir noon;* theuce te Rock- Imd i Rouie. l3obeaygmof. for the . igus . W UE &y. Winl pnoeetu John MOI)=a- taileb Doaag oiiHai. for noon. chence naBs hatoi. l>nnterd. for the nigbt. lanumBDv. yl proosai by us>- af Dow- «sville for noon; mena ta Clark'eHtl Oàmea. for the nighu MmAiT. vLU, pmoei ta Carre Hôtel, aina- , my, for the ngt g*IgUDAY. ulîl pracced ta Rrnukeer Ratai. CkwOoi. for uaa; thauca ta hlme a mabla, vlha vh inI romain utUuDon on Mon- day falovlug.- 1-à KExxTUCETJr. vas aIraI by Importai Ke atinRy dyk. A XMblotna byM mb>-Maseuga. su a âmes rasitar. vau mrai y h> meoabýebrt haes Bkwais xhibition, rterebyeoemblubtheb bisa ifet * puai t.-Julien. viraimire vau Volieom. bY R yk'e Hanubleaau. 5h. fous" ohailf Jtb astotactmera to idu" ou tiis cantiuemt. St. JUie aMs-0 EuisamurnAf.M80,ami maie te.roman- 1ahim saoni hoa. x tah lu. vIlS be elah9 *pars aId m ne sut,MUas if boamhluha" valghe LmUlbs, neilaa miel hmlmuii eempt émua» MWala hie foruhosi =Mr" dbfra"e =ns satenee a tam1h.wuisand as tue jouIs, oMmsblond- 1ham ette, oies proulu-ent but ift ad uamlsl&m aoxneulshim nSnorleetmaies. sUs wau lut n v teaiiwoblique smeaib a ~asemLbnelrocuD& ivel aimaval. vWt Haubbleloniaquartas. Me hae f551 sasouci Mam math anid ai umir b0iom ledmtl.v. i.ei trmm M I " Mm r. tga amartlafi paer. Em- :wj7t. &«mWpe s et t «*VIetria ai w thsflmgr une ruerhblp oam ~ pelas ,.town shipsh U 1h.- Msmuegn.l fl "wTonB theai sa mlOMM.eam et a Kilpuma taumu Xey, atiug animaS 12 ohm sl in haluci me Js u.sudaghlmthe but un Catha eti*a ul eeur Mn Oretp acisca n Meï -n --ghi . -Uan-.-5Lma ln ~s as MMBoul lewtsslgmn 80 fn pe sud ilpma aI ls W M81>bi lug is. US. 5aisand oifls.K. la o mae'II e- MU, The gese eeiyfer' ceugblm, 1h, ASbrm ama i mlikhus en& Lung C.a IaMts, Ra s ul m m in u amougut the mury eimoas vhaitla Lsali ve the tallwion: .W W *=VVal......... FDmaBi am ........ ....WGiam Vlsstw...................m au P a b i ... ... . .. .. ...........alu Obtuaga.111.............. te Ihew m ....:............ lu PO Ses. .......e........ arr 0 monum" ............. ...... JUsb1a Jua c = J .......... j eense ......................E Lhdmyv P.'b 14. M. IC k CLES. je RIGGS, r.. Z N mS A. 'Y -Dealer lu- BICYCLES, Bfea amet Son-hautof tu Best >Lvzke. Llmoga. Aepui S.3 L a imam* 1 m ladrarusthe, M4 ffat toUS 1 I - ,~bm IbmU S -1SIN W8Ee. I ava o eu ,sne lo.' hava b oail ada. b i mzMr Io ruah ma mas h tb w m .aMa*h . t labMgtlm-t M m bm t..eêMPWI l WhoaaMy lvor me «h15 5 ild e aioey »M T OA£M* 8UUm-. avmso.BB i ksoIlr 1!nLENNAN &CO's«e tatir for twauty.ftve yeard. Turip, Mangold. Garrot, . imothy, Clover, lX,-Uett. 4Anfi ait I griefettiera c-i y Cabbage, Lettuce, Onion, Tonato, .dnti tell Sf-ct.for the Garolea, FLOWER SEEDS9 Fresh t=d True ta Kame. E. GREGORY, CO&NER ETA WXLÂSTur. Lluidomr, Mar-h 7. Q.-. - -Miscellaneo us. SHARON an. stour yetrs <M-1. s GEO. LAI-oL.W, *rho Kurt, V Ko ti: i P.O., Masy 12, DX7164.I N E~W M>D YARD. lie that ho' has iriy cVeii,ç! eA ri, o j the Em.:t Warff. andi,;i- r,.' Itn '* y quantity of L'rr zi"tH--'*. . of the ?own ,r lawt'..' r, tt-. fe rflr. I t 1P. J. Hurle'd or.i i itn .' or. 1'. A. 1).M.Lb . Lindsay. lee. 15,l. l4.-23-tf. ci~~ed i i n r r-:- SOLD IN L1NDZZAY iy al! Dl-?.il 'y DruagiMteriy..hre. Aîîw. . lIý. I G PS Co URT oF lRE\I1 . The Mnicipal Cauncul of Ops will vie, A COURT OrZSIN ft I. day, :IOth eay f My , 1s ' ai which alictert-sred ar# rt tike u.'i gavera rht'rnae1lvqt- .j% jjg y the tow gah rsc the..iUb nr Clerk àorticc unril mo iî11.11d.ay Of t ite amnor tliereafrer. '1ownaLdr . G URT <!4 RVI)F'N TOWIV 0F LZINDSL'. IL557. \'oVti ee ' o. - N ;;î - The Couirt of~Ieso tn hear arlpaW.f'rn t1t> £.'esî ir tii.'h 'Town of l.ndwi'kN lertfie 3 'r Il--. vî i 1 h.ý held lu the c>uit'i , ,uîwr in tmhc i. -.% r 1i' Lindsay. on Thurmday, 2Cth Day ofMa .c At Oae s'a0imasP. M. JAIE'SB. IN tWi. May 5, M7-43-3. Tc-nri . BEWARE'à OF WORTHLESS IMITATIOX.-S i t .. 1. r ...t i i ou4r q!tIie 'Oun.hjt. U al -8 .t iOMUPTON CORSm,-ET coup Vitout ich no ne ane gmu-C May 26th.lS.-9l1 . WH1TEPIN EBALSAM CWWM oCI&4s oree LatAbma. Bronchitine croup, Who&pi»g a lim ve mod tSr cague sud colis RoBEERT HARDING. Jr. knai ea amofat ld t Icamu ne u gt wy. a laenlradm suCollet ~aid o m ut " am i" Is. O . m l f. $ I beote iUthot gbtfitl est lPrOP@B ~y r, hat 1. msi bu fr cuaha uynlsî imw or boardUit f lfesrralf.p the GOLDEN EOOT. à. E. BRUXER AU geamie hls unt b. force tu that h he Il&*>,t' nmterflan ud hi- eu, maethue Ynv..' iujqi nuade bout tu ".M lu iun $tock 1. Nowr Lerent. jI< bui gtJW LéCATIIE. ~for 'a- dies, andlgent leniu Wear. W f » ti o Ma tJ he lims A. pcrfet lt 1 bave iugt reeelved a cetâMflp qortr', -nt Of er a"d the intit style inIgs4p.tî, ti'r t rû oflina. land. and ani now prt-pamietg)rU rla oit %. à the equiLtu a'iy rûbe hall lit Canada. J. 2. BRUXER ---DER TWINE for smuoa of 188l7. IU~n. rab. 15. M.3 RL'XT in F«'% TerneS, jP B I' Applyl Bavesk F mne -, ay1 "U&7. rýopX«&W iPiluE TAR -CORDIAL, et ara. .. u...0 LU MUER AND WOBI rK.IL A BYr arKENNZD rp LJ7MBERBILL 82T"7 j Timier sMd Joins et *lL.mgI~~I,~le &à sU gain ohms> 09 eh0 ban ."9 dlveoi teaMrPuet te tawn. JU-UýANqD LOTr FOR SALE.- r ECBRER WÂI4TED-Pur S. S. No. 3A.eOP&ilog seo , mals. Duim mo mmaDtim h. muio helilys ApplicadmasOvini h. rueutainpw2#1h Nay. Apl cttmlie aISAACBUMALE miou- w E WANT ON£ BUNDzrEX> GOD MM AT ONCE wteilson r t. aibm sm au; plmii ntS uralha ADI uahmum Osm suoed. Apply fer BTONE a wELLINGTON. 11-8.Toet. tnt. THE FAMTSTROTxiNG STÂ&L-

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