Pefet ait 0 , 0 B. WO 1h I f e. s& UîîtdI ai'I î.. m m> rialloea f tt f thi .' I1ù ftIIOu*f t1î 01ft(frPIPI*D L-ter _am_______ il. r \ r SCUOO or-0w Pou~<. u bon or iy WmsWUwhghtmakt r I .. ' fire h.s~ al V <m-*egm1 f .s c u uu tg 04q gl .af seuoÊlmfl a dtgw a 9arlb mr *.ItH'#. 1f t whve 0(MVi» ««~w fta ise hm5 t.s.Iuwouyp~g uaui j m.dIP SW -B' Tuvis !D[ iLil"l.rtnu teVapia1 eOtumr yrd ù" m e mfl bt ku»m t htb* mow e l t hu e, Mbuosal a » alauW t17db.,c>1 aa Ayc r ~ ~ ~ ~ * Hairl AMgorW*, » tée guec u "0 ta .. ,a eubigIeinppot I ~ t pll ue ue so dwvluphoua che POT BFil~ ~ ~. sSk iOu swblo. ua@euuS. laumeft Tiuusdau nt h mA.1garI1u ~ * * ~ *. î , t 4 1 6.. t O jow l d W 1 1 1 4 6 " w utw O S k Rr .bd i e u n i l i , E K u o n t c Wm g f r m a d t a e c i l a e a l s h * '~~ v ay lqe i.t ffitumse oy *ut h e t .balc, uw.14 e, to w $ uIm ra flcovnetoana kp z.uaec;o W * otlethWe ý,wamfbt Theyaremedshcafhpui. * ' VIRMIL LIA. VSi1@ -U1yIf >OM hSV i ~ a d " civrinc*ple t t nlum. blng .11. t leqd" aiflg AboUt 12Vcloilr bh ôoas Of euw ueb, thraie torm stlw h a .th j De lot b. nduced o take ohrbut ____ m an& * . , , , ,., .,,, Kv 0. mm i fKai, iwom N»ln to i ou d am ue, é aSieu the. l ai on e t u i.avb 6 wgeni» "PetnHine." whkisalwa en. m t s o k e o i e ~ ~.. .t eom rtdluqof tnuiwa.rmIded by ce -druv &fhêo1ssfasusb*_______._ ~,, ~ ,,.W: mlf4 Ees ougi., ho atta Ohe bou sew ois~ p g ~ ~ ~<, ~ . T t P.'W.PP.C>W. nP.diCI,.o - ~ ~ ? M S LkI Sthe Wl3E WW yMd maL Uo r aottai Wrg. £IwaboMdoo on a week' t . - - t 5 4 f n-N t'4t o m c a c a o l i ty o g I U » m e u % & , L m a is ,! IA bI y * WO p c a e e u b ceJmIeetetipsaI obu the com o f as *ithui a sofe ib«t bus oLpto ~~0*9 r A *S440SToa¶.-At twe veSi ug M, W04 lavi aycle aou adntttw»w vrla don TmnBt i ab.aredo mosusdMr.tJolis "*ruae wfth le .ho. vas standiog Caithe .klevumgt beWhe twt nm imefrhadandoft 0ois. fiit a Usm ui&M=t& V flutu Mu~ SSIT.~ lutais wIa~.J. IosV. aIfadm, W"& " ù ho&a n d h aut .inoverfaiL wcure. Price aïSeft& be e orWoa od falkn (ÇII il (te4 for & &q or, uve. om hi*s va goa tuifsom«at *" d dcowinugdoue àeItin &M" p" lar~. ".' IV, VIIII)A 0 S'o9IIUa. T1<he PM g ditsel .somMf d ah. bualacai4d0. .The glaaa w»a, ho "MaM1sd 4 0CrocuW~ ieab<lasMW, nMu161Oy ai osUs.ourde, end h. cracus ra « e sssly- but Uwse toeerhs acok4m *W. tt cOsluseto Cta ,dow tuet hevîs reit. W hile untiàulnaotre ffeecte . bs o.4lu s I ad jamffestt hngti. ES 18WOIB7éy, J4' aA1~ V'v.I.'i. t¶ft!-vole,#r woë,aeckitmclv diaohwgetz the valk" op mnd down t.? motus titMA but ons.Lu RGITLld. *y » u OfYà& t thr 0111 Md "Iba* e M 0m90 Me -th e ouest;,e Sylrest r Br s. -____ ,~ ommphwaspiovbymtd hd ofaeiedt wOiitSrW1ithke l.m vr * ** ,<.i.d . ~. c ...* tý-brthp * hîighme'h<,oî imt sinim. r. *E ýn MIlIbrooSi, iem blte aP. M. Hlaiilmu m * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ red lit..J ejsîw:t~ î a thehvlt mv mmtb i i ia dyovtgouwvosc'Uo UILD[NGr LOT FOR SALE.-LOt -, e: 1 1f el.n d P m L h. v lo#i.L tff n e d 8 1 0 0 , l ing e m mt a c t d tr s g ve M d a m i * c m mn g 3 éubÏ: h a t . w e a v e iiick me e t o 'i e t ly tîscvIlme <f nteaprssredlube Af~<~$mi K-RF I. e '1&TLX RANCH-Ou 1Lot No. 2, in ftdihumIuiM g teIImpeuet t * 'Ml ellliewbad sppeaaucs Os m41I'd Mqsd [Coi reiepondspoe of The. Post) l bs2»3ruit.Contossouct etCÂRDMN .. _____em n âbiee,'~tc~. PANN~MIL n.1w±a I., *'r 4.i.î.. F.u t~' '.a.h* Staihsd a h.180a, u% tlomdsmy. tms'jh. id. erIaid lalkofi l urev g eo4lUgpab> ailatrn f2. Uti, 1; Iif* i 00, .'* %. 'Ptw* hOtt#OzsOSlhSJM Jrnuo- :Ditgî uî mesfrnm Bélmover'.Gosd doLDIE. da'cfesiandi * ' .4 "S a' a, .ia' & î~ d *me ai 4r t~ on P td y 'v sup frm T o- 54, ho uvover ... The . fe o m e eial on. CRA W FIO D, E i swuO.T i S. a Es rPtio us. re L o re re tu f r M aI ki d. L ' 1ý end tho togeth.v la ieesagflbi ad t-hhupli e neon ovine m" . rP O G- -U EIl.f&&M 'Ualz4 11tsRi"< 1el ffe.d er ...Mr-al r IALUABLI PROPERRT Y Aîi7OiAZ .,ti'k &57 IytoRImIj mni plauCs srsie' ..MrKat~hIvlitdor.cho;~-TIW duimrble blopig oa Ke et MMand al classes o auatrdwodwrco iweiri-îî. * rttiiv ptprstà.srtl oPerdthu ve vparti,=' wud paa" 7 7 i Si ti i c ll l m it f, h l*: secd om m i W i A P Çunv s u C a or S o Ê _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * t>. * fl*~~bmtproduutoie lt a5seeîg. The, ditton. Z: weaîd remin l u or à. i'wd ' mlh "" "" "*»~> étemiaUndif the fovniweffnor t hé chrougmo"ne rnpfttintà ]pilagit"Si oe.S Mtee teBrt di'? Pr l t f, 0 i4iýti 'îpvm ctb.<ii 1» m î I stomlwiis 0tr po s aa l n.v ogiveeà tB O O T S Gim11181 M A he, 0#làaallîbe f, M nu WW"WatlàeVU w'AV 17mf wu MBof a M * * ~~ ~,"~ *-MI4 h. Irupilâebotwch aie tn"d -hoèldn Wvs7 -m t Lae. Howvvr, thers hewebo& uI"" ?AT EITLEOH89 Yus «rond N'be*aw ing tt «yln.Sa, .Ifrm 0 lttt te tiiar sMd us orée.,,t~ : - hall. orslue . unarv ( Ou'bide lios ams 14111 .. S5îl r huai 1 fImor sble te sco m Podats ah.; W t huu e t ra itt.e a ne an vr hc po . = o . nv iib ei t.oetbhn 3 V~ * iat iajI'I. ~ l,~:îa , h 0 sluildu AleAee ll e t e kho4 i io l;l ot M? .nd vîthot enas e. U uWUe retbq * ~ '~".ttr: . 1. ý ,<:lttt tk ihriiîu ili r« w h b e o r f t l1 t e t Whas u e l e l d wL c bt$W *r.q aiteafr a is e t În nbola i il I ,V>i~ I'I s' i. A. 1Iç qi'the o aji ýQ m m rm n h. n henu c .y o m 1 t an thia p ron p sf erto u K G d wTota te t er ks y ct e a 8 m h oe a r i m i Ot*tou i>p, vzi < otuîî.U VIJ ** * O OT:E O E en ieaangeodri LMo aesenorco 2. .bi*\,iî". I.îpkq là >-i iVItS thelWlsI ewva.sBlak rver.Uri.s ps-4fP.a naau' ezpnde os qi E . .. >. 5t flot1< . -'indf. K111gilI h . t"0 d b S edlY, the éouàe'tiat i n j< t & Ube-j j t[ l sdvIL&M 1mutds "r' ' ltî tai t * 4 ui d t M ru h ng u m u s e the ause th eon s is , it tItuw.s r t ofah. ai e .1 ch. h a U S T A lU St e a e e a l d a gw o tema u .Te st a v r 'i.' 'I',",êt I' 'h bridhe litk.hloi e dvisio* couvailsthe Mt fltk eiac o listtroubsvo.jjoh J... Ç 54,Vl X> b l U~R ~..~u. ~ ~> rLettheou'yltak i.o na& fflh a I~~ ________________i " wuK umZEST C t" u ." ,' ».'y lftatAI..-1E ud n.G' Gedu thIeenltskia' . ni er the' 'tlelo the. % u m b'lu'I ni'Id 'h Tr.aa 'ela Wu!Awr. -hm I O. g' 1rljz a.t a ..'-LM" lt te ml sp'r&s"~ b a gnderpb te Rpm2. . .M. Vol. slx.>;sivwazFmd FsuaCi &,t. i etob 1 le . lta JtfllE i stttM ol vh t e tloct inoitata he >a' .in y kîUibod lu L O niorlean W go". seVo. T e .WU;a. ttn thskfrhuosuf<lco sl h et 1iou Col* im éwait * ment situ hO te rod ltoecgaîent- . a Xy&j wJtWILem tO- , ~a ~ lfowouou eucs v" . 1.1. - . L ffog. nt~, altaflugs c ada suc ci iisane l th MrMdun C. lmd ihpi-ttenm- -1 1. '*.. ** al. It it t6a r, o j. . M I<f' ntr ua :hlvsl oyfaaubg vrls M N A, ay.vl suetes v .;' : ;t yt1~I~1~#<, ~~ .. ~ LiIlv, .10. on 1. mav~~ s c O ~ J w- __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ __ ___ ___Tu___@m m__ 'u'.a,.t a> I,.v.aee ot e t sl sy afot go a d- ho la m. cl be gli' hireS»~»& .a~ cesdtoRc gotauIs&ils * ,j5le.,,g a .î~ îirltlM g alott.bkSoZekIlsaeuAî'. m1csuunLîai> nî,bîîLwee ut y (no V. G,;c OLe V' Fsb te tiaau- VU I >1 t t a . ' ' J., à.., sm a1i&iFý bsé. aitisect.iona-* m am n ~ ~ St"m la sli m0<<1-I a OIsmr. efoe .lînodte esil. lapsVUE ve uoesdlf @ai. mIr an . Al M me DEDEING-h WI& 5W11u " * *a g u o y a . e l a u l n e o S w a k m e t e T a u w L w r a . - A v e e l i m m o l e t F r i d s y 1th e1 o a L . o vr i b . 5 au n i l s b 1 h 0 /i ~riapîasam wy ys é mee V upoe" tu vifs mi. an. Beno aet um i'ou w » a msdor ul 1 . . ,PC1yE ~ -tV X T O E .Viîa êp' ar.o <1 ao'îuac'raîty m c tlm«s9" ai s aees ew esaa ls rebomd lre ttC Chies badmonIteueeass. "*à eluum mes M ad IT M Bâ mWM RBOE u.jgvn ia l0.I-ty lt .t ibeS oserse, but t9» paufl'sk Wimoi oti <da gisesait dola Weal!. Ur. bum.<a a sImkiEUa Zs umbNOLDIOSat îeu ui'0&111!11et * .k4 f sit safîreîî tiôI kk64 pe' te SdiM allefot « d m lmt is f it . Bmber, sur loley, a t- "M'assi Nh~ Sh iafina e O>.ir 4 A.NNBREL lu ;-ï 1fth_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Im T 1118I é seu i . Tom lug" .s 1wamireg, s'c. fdqa a t ws. t'an lwld itth Th«b iyshae 5. i dàu d top "Oie lu. _______________F_____qui__Anscol. .91»» et imbe-, mu s" ea quë.labnIT'8SBOUNDTOm iCOME. f t~ pu4 c M 04 Vet4t ie cruu.'Wls M .. .3 w.v b iss "iob4, Sa " Msnomodmlated, b s 2h0.. ___ Nez DUUGL . .4fitb i là taflié.l»e o iaoos -ss ra w VitfOIlsd1a7a Iepr suttai t m dh Sai Bs . - bai IssasalIsualm ata ~ l i M ami laes.~m * wbv m Meesa lit-ihote" ujuy - -M -44 svteI a swulvs.m*ma*O#" f~!lkmflhIr MWUORNÉ;-r <jv tc d easfi Soif hlndtgaouse n fPU&,ieuauammal s *WU. I w B ,~AI 1 m..aa W mu. Vm...i.....~.m wa. et.. s tuVa fls.h.i . . . . . . . . v ILma.M *met siL de.'.. Fet at lese-os eIummb i, ~Us eauu vabgqa odimêe mas aTel cicen ImmMsiSa 1 . a se M»afltitÏ -Fmaam Ah. -eow-e«itea sj IFI m u mw-umqnm mm meI lionN~T~ ouh~i 5, s p n e 3' i