______ - ~oe - - ~- - ~- -- - - os_ hz:M.AUiIkI.I M.BW. ENNED&CT I - -- quiv6g-Www a ma 0ae VO RTE W tbg rWai mm *W ~It is a ase of Protection Awa retbm lqutxbsaenoffl @lt"-ori tui iIl l w -u fiuW sun heat isdeshrabl- WMtb & hM aorwit. ajudicious measuve of uerra ait m isbatlif<fta 3ta»M ce ZMhWWB fUETb __ Mt i - -êImm. np e -----on availabIe. k wem& w- We propose tWàin~h- * < g ~ ~~ tmm measure of protection omif * 410 -tfI -ma Wu"Ele MW bnl udsawn, boaflbl, Um vu amnesofPrahs ie(san u aesaa mrouex gi0Ii Iré &W.INew V m su.nlc'moo wrlu> havembvafino'it compladeta ftp, ,* fl.u11W. . SSI. *os t.~.on.êt q ion . ~'~ " ' "~*~> Ladies should sSe these- ~~z: ~ goods.. They arc al that U b W aiY k f~fP~, Csuut.u1 m qwmawtmtmhlmF WIÉM WsMWeeded. hey tcombine . Q E MT L. M E N--- * owm Wb" CM@leT Sf um.lM sN..IroL. 1 p.vun WmrIli wbh t or cmbu miWe V d. tesuarirla wy hi» g qrtinng o ot ~~uq ~ -- ~".t~t'a.'w" us~~ ~ Keat? They rnay bec mad~W WE~ ~lwi aelto a. flg&L. ewews~uI a. vernt vMfy Ut Iet.seh Sf tUBSneater but. it is hardlyps. aUWbtl f ~uuoevoehr PlasamSw sible Strcn? etau)t.w->~~ i vessa ..«O. .ei .i.utg b«M WWSM&dL nez, they ca bc reied on to M8*@UNW#U ~ vitnutOKMsu t.llu ktp W& PaverthIeUS. ts stad the heavsest wind 1sU w.& S qMetIe.~ .1 . ~~.~M - tom*& .. ~ kinpressure o lutrng 111% Im .8T, l-à,. & day. .Prices? Lower than * ~5WW (eô«AloewulgWu -aums v .»*wr U.ever! aud.whea the prîces ~IiImW ~ 'WE~stand as before the goods * pet.-t M.- aW. KENNEY& G ~ ii 1~ttefStIF ~~ ~Q' t VIITLIUJ.Tb7IgSfUI e hae teseParasohls'JIi~. Auq J%. IS-4L, d~'~ ~.sL ihUS~* hi________ lvugmhh~wun ii ailcolors. The dit _____________ 55W Rd lace covered sunshaet. fl:t**kv..mnlk. .19Y *1 oi; ov(xd,%Mpm -6 e-î solid siik tUm brella Piîra- toer*4..... . momiet_ PS it *w t &av ~t u ~ bkg - - SOIthat affords the __ ~kwBUl kSfl ~~ ~greatest - - ~~~~~~~~~of service combm ____________________ mlub.3i UT isiV PW.~k ww -~u m u . atWWWa. wîhgood aperance. i, owei MP.n 1.rvsS t K D. UmLk . Mr ne munt ar Parasols for hldyng E H VE G Iil W -94. vn I:, ' I# l, 1 I 4 11 4 t êti1uip o ut WO.4IFII K ~ ~ wn of wamm.rsu monesy mnWoi»"'S ur Parasols for poeae Mxrmuul » OdIoi .Mi hmo tIi Vwn,3www 36 KWe ,, MParasoLs for sumnier out-___________ .pi weu svsf iir.w aisu "f l --à-08300% Ub@ yigs; Parasols of nobby,- m zx@ smc DE - vio iuwtis. on u isauw nt I . thsaeta ofraTwo Cars of Fine Sait n a Sgr avo q .4 MW P.90«& tilt a eu S i y mMp&.Iom.lsa*lon (iduathe lmuade.,e. , T becomes positively captivat- n a .n a tdS FT A I 15~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~i Nô lb ~umKIuSIPII'II& .rvIiwlhseypmeifw ~m.N ady"s*costume is offmeM t AluN' <tuW I tellul tll> t myvaae hab J4tIýett. complete wanting a Para.ý I One Car Land Plaster, OeCrAeia olOt rit "Ils sol to match. With us toO Caasow Grcres nefMM.ml i hrl tl fW, leiton wa a mrtaeftll streoqmrion of hl* longi 1 a 1ý m 1t O ne arass rt E t 'n ' mom BarM u fLA M E upuuup mara. iIM , in., e for you«f#8# ammto ve the stock to se-________ mi t £.ute ailumwmw.- >et fmo.uthat grivesus m.ee. sthe' rW* IU . u. 139M e 1vSutoati Uh PmbiUI - -- -l-WCS YU th d15ndm,1*Wf1he om »Mdul" w~YW<. IUd.uLuS utmost la-titude in choic..,-t~S ~ Bu 11 Vai~men<temtrîi5 t ~ ot~'~ .- t.aai. zihrm 81WEWM Who ..W-- 'iatardaywilI uc with us___________ .oi»oui u.l , t.Plltl04i ue.0We eae.a aspecial Parasol day. If A. moT usllbmw roc"& cotgdu w ..~'~Jyou have not already bought l Tki NSW âSfl'Z 'Vt huUU BlUis a L . E mletu or coUICand b.?We have jut reoiv.d aarmm* uvoie of ASW»w'SF<~ ILSS ,tebe W r ihffi ii îoeIsu A aeanug ma t te ofl mprnr( ne u rif. 3gmvelt, ;# -ma go». DavM miue oev1g y for dsfy ou nupuued.Good Buter oah rdzst adripefc 1hosb s JIt,(1IAf.. 'tp Uwtft#ts leuI bt ah1.Iy ttned ay ' en. Lahtlaw 84$I go Mu A.e wr ~i, tU. w efi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ @ rI~.MiliiLI U .SW In41 tic r<itiIrmr Of &prartlflee fr o rie EEU SnWelut sa Doyoii kno Wîhow trm. ooê aldt, bt ,d ep U!Oàinur11 ed'bPoO iig e sutigbupotUt.We cndrth t» IMPOMM nd brinteg on d.kboby sant, Pd Mo4 th.inotiier ba& d the MrskwSrthon alotuble TheueimpeeltI()foflue.,y miss k&tqqte Jourof.the bprintet oinaad knobb te. d~i.it tlrs yhss 11*le'tt'eett .IfaNrnVly 4a~wu ..VonlmIf you dont you have some- i ea i*uaj per osat-;tblng ithov u lio.eretai astofgrouthgai 411Aty sîp4eouw d hlmplyponm*w> sp. tP1,orI d <>f1w1itin a¶ ulglm Vil -a'l « ur hing olar.'ie es.A wmûof Ahiu!"uanag 24 lba..ug an u otepudu oîevlaIay.e 411uh'i#N Oly. UPfSlIOtUUl 4 y . ai an i h'rrdls eligotion EU lkU lxIbe. o c h >-V&of bIlUmI eo» persit.of whieh *(36 lb..>ai 25e- per Mb. vti .urh8,sdii eti u~ h oui enI ~w ft~rar and In. 1 _______i.U flotstan iifthei on. am uiin aimat tb sWbuOumtii.valu.of=yua poduc anyhere ru*atwo e teofens pe OftdSliSilWUt. W og: m wi.o'e eàDý 9~0e. ..Wlà.WilsS to >that nri UPteweMm» ni &«iamftIK&b.Ioff edT-n e -& lm &quius?- UWWWW M m ut.Way a x B "M m pOlhS~~~~ne no 0eUwutterSl uIfiu--uI tunoi s#twte aw«I m sot,.... se uipSf idec flwmueei m. Sf g» sur M U$i- better sellinggoods in. the eulet wss.vItiy ms i~DIs;.S.Ureidl n Y IeaVI"rarket. Men are picMILLET 9«I te *0 aM mmt. m sba IMM u *dodu some, ma I wmft **vu* theeup quiy-d TR PS orm$ut e uee *s.mr . rn f iS . s l~ ie. SMvTeIhig...JWthey may. Yon caaffôrdA PxM. MNOD IuM *ut vima Ut h or~tt uv e.ma phmo. lb&Ia bWO"uMwuMmre ta byMad keep acfrSWIGRPEiAROwED sueMtiru.wf ur Wuuli.s p pvlne~~e our picnicjaunts down Uich________________ fie ut.ospu~ ~-~ wSf~~U~.I emm.river, hohîays aid other ama 46000k, de a - un m % a&Ma.*tmma <a ~ ~ u tiu .b uU .m S.àk~e ~ e~.e suit $6. -DIou't IaUgh <as. lu-Sfhumlu uofflae. g um n saM ow e snte ami sec? Couse and feci? -mo.a r ne m &r r *',im~~ ~ ~ ~ e.u Mm ~ sutJ Couse and bue~4£ 0WlPS~ 0 O SBe.7MleS wie.mAv* UEeu.- w£.imstpkI â o Iimu t e4.d tUo 'fP~UbonoiiUWunau# 4*- f #Wm M uw*~~.e.vww -~ _____VOTATO BWA TD f e.atm - ww. bw vý 311,1 m F-- g Om afflar 10p,