_________________ TEE VAN POWZ, LINEBÂT. ONT., YWAY, MARCE 95 1887. 7 P.abo7J44&JI8aue EMiausted VltliltY, Nsroffs Md P110111011 .T>outh*. amI the uÜtoldmisser ous.Wa hm ietllCietloa or excum u & o Ok f ««Fu Mien. 1014 Il s ddle.semmdii" l atlas 1%prescriptofa fr &Il amiteM.amIiue. ils lem. -BCh 0on0etf vhM 15 lulubtie. U bomnd by thie uitisor. vlils m pww turW 1w ih.m so 8piobby s~ l'bt .10. physlofas493W0Pape., oAS ut liritiied to lise afinrver t inesvurv . . . . thas anY other vork som sa ", eamwa fir ci r.th« W#Mer *111l ra. sd te.v* I»Usno. l rices oùil 1.00 vmi. esas illntrtile imfle frese te nbl.odmv Buidinii adel thse w Use el aiOl medlial a la.05, thpesdete VsCh411nelHon P.tA . tbusi.55 Mtsell Iesrsethé bOrP. ib-rA- e auustu The gàieof et le. wmvrh mom te ith. poinn A at .l mo.e ms et tis agosrte lisesail 1h.' ,nist mine et Califotoffia idthe mil. 'l ise e.,îceo Litepoints. ont thserOetksand qutokmsndt -.on wiich th iseooWitutlei sa" hoi* et Mai 7ai 7Ualui asan bave bétenetaIl Thei. $vaenrmi 01ro1.0le of e4grete Value, thsas ail the i nucire.usi orks ptibUihed lanIbis cous - Th*lMrfle*r ot ifde1 a s5b andl netrli mme.mt.is.on àprvou adpisllSdinti.- Tisai.lu o ine ebre, soiw t Ion i M"i ofe Ltevii seb ustu istse A(idrems tht' IPhoabfmedelmosItut.. Or W. IL F'.rko'r,'40. t4Rmliinoh ates ams in. mma*whô mai ha .emeult54 on 1l<ls IR rs iqsiric ti kiii ui slsliliê.Chrenle 00s1 ii timutel idisaitasthat have bafflei tue su icf i aier phn4nit opta sm o %il.us 1.ylS'Y, p it 1 Y lA-CI25157 j%,AItM IN 1) FIl ~ESDE. o fru it. rovrhzsg im(net is rt-èi' in ,,a er,î.st tlt*,a 'attention ni, tho e. -imu r i ti~~ul rtaourvtqily se. IVI omr twa 1 ,k tI if rom a*i lit ii lor .heelthu rîj vjrrw tir îie beauîtifyin.g of (li h~s,-a Is L4j5iIl5aré u jkasing, but in a .i. 1 hek411 %va have tnet tihe lu t. t~rIlutO ian talliWtitiflS th% t 1riu tIîsiîVCtri 1.u, buit I viii brief- 17 rovitrwV a15i f t he isruding pointa >e- .4o wtii irk.sLtakt, luib 'cuniderationn lhe 1 a ufîrîr 1i)ývniWI) nitht cas (f fruit; tlit êi Oi r,lii imptutr'es nlu1h. orlir- glorti.. -i,ît% tirent (b')jýet ta bi s ibght. f.kr se a*ir.àiiir* ib,îui u -1nui. Ille itîuation 1)mî 'liq r1*os îrarthta ulwlinjk as peeiblt4, fyr -tw.' r re.fnil irst -Coiivenwice fir korkiu.îmgri"trauîd nîtoniiuigt,1th ie noes. b:îvinst.the si) sed n ituaited that it.viii m1i- kthe ou iiii tracrtive by breakinç; up Ah t t2-.riS amu'swhich tch aracler-i i zq'. a rlel. "4frm. The ilshnuid bu art~ ~ ~ ~~-,Lob , ru'. îtîl.. ~iClay lesa ural! *.ii w lu ri1î lî î ,ravîl la pumier. r 1 wi1 i11 iu-i'it w 1ur.l, iîîturmî hitï ot li. t !14 i Il. -niîy *'vrcnîn" ail d til 'il 1411 . -i l î rt' d ei-iii i s.4' t. w it..!%il .1t* W 4fi': tmi b. f ir,~.'u o tlil liv -tr ;Ii, i'ur r m-îît Cl.'? 1h l yer pr.viàis wLu 1itinmî, toie trji.- "ou_1.-. duùly wil e tb Pit ip a gond st~ î~ ~. sanit b i t'ek o'ta' envkinj rt ' r it îhtýir lisiure. V il art, 11')w mudly it.Ii~. y"î)tr tr,',4. '-r-e .r'satul fil i~i r ' ut i.ume rvrr01. If y'uî bill 111( - loi-tr' 14.iar fîm . fr r .4it 7 1 - .rite: rft i'mal4: tii,% Yollov E.lt, Lôua- jiarium1Prvi'm r.i'djflC o eli in ttus t4tceinr rft ifOonries -the, Eàrljy Riohmond # e huvimu detmimined upon pour var- Wtiàtplaat 1 ititld reoonmend Yon tW Pi çr.î aroW ome îlçid, reliabie, l'uîsIi 1nurarymo'î, and 1vwiien jour ra-..rvue rat cae ahoid lie takea th M é lie ots are cxposed as 1111!. as P'S« bible tai-ha dryii, in~iriflsO. t4loai and air. Vaiti nt l houlcl b. stakecl ont thé e riddiatsnue 'spart foi pour Susse &nd tmahotes made goo nd lulage, hsu on ta dop outai our trous, p&reofany musileIrou, sprsa il et lieue in, as hodgéztal Pms~o fels pourtree inn pst.iy S ehtvo. hieaot Is. uete. *0 rm "d v bO mDs#hau oi M Md-. k u sats laos ---- osé abs. plauébut ve ur . Is4àe lias tb 1 .tius v.Wl1. tut a t kM pow un dflubu lueprbyb" utla «dvalfor torldoiohù b so ts ilet e dn peom sbe megeotW lnt maintheu s go e amai trats, iié1"ua lie me a lbewiedu try. o.tb teic»htuim u V o iils iei e go wpefu t 1& 1u au 09.éesin sh dow aletbl!etb Foruui- sufcouse.a i à RMo 1iolise Juger of ti eaAxaI& Poer.j 1% inast a ii c omuslaao-tioe éd vith retemsc e id vluft90"5 et aeorgreis inmgle lise..it shonlilbe reinebere, boveve, tam .Mifamp os. da « 1e*0is opus.t. -Pl" moms*0 nor, or mostexpoueul"ofethie lot, a brosd belà a haccrai or s» n ltlj feM videtfdefauusmo, bsovil ishIain imeitermach sooner"ubsb iszgle lime et Plusaor cedas, aM.àOmdsralle depuis et branches, thoig bobae of haves, vilS give machs aheler in ululer. Tihis bas beuprovel by experimmes etfieS et vire acroee gteucyssud eveDous vbee Iwo, or lime S uccessive @sieusalmot checked tise air ouvrent,, uhile le look at them e it vormid b. hisocgis uo obstacle voul hée opooiéd te the air by their pre- se non. Monl t thé ealocdnus.trees eu b. obWslsd iu meny. parts oftheiii cutrj in lise undergoti et sucis vols asnJe remais, and if plactaI hhickly on ach a #p eans uent iosed vilarcu vamp reapid- ev ensispiai mishe other, as it in ssid. Tisey éhrrsld l#)f course bo'planteI fart te tîuiiekiy at iret soa s hortip te ibid. tima grniîuud, vhm.u as fait as neossurp her 04nu ha hisinued ount A feu everg0"e1 Aloîg th"seodge voseld gu-aly aid lu aiseS. ter. ;1,u su8ous a boit ail hindi oet decil. nous troes coul b. groum, et cources M licSno'.0a",%te choou cutivation te keep loves veels for capeur or twe, sud tSe profi, star a tisse, vonl probablj hé gr.mater thets in eny ruser similiac reage on tise fra, fnor tituber clone, te sml noti. [inq of the shultar. FPurvisere tises are ciarmly amrv and carod for lisiy viii giv. tai1 etreigis. stema aud fev brenois eh- aides mepid groti,. 14ma hindisu valx- ale vien petsomli. Per instance, e vwel.-known cacriage tirtaai t (anuj lately vanteý ta me conosring ickor. TiS cotuld b. profitabiy growunboreand could lb. uaed fotr tise tsix ishdi- asmet'. A termcavre4vlthuseond growuh hik ry toussix inciS.up wvoul hémersi veltalile than some visai. î'u'ushipe tisaI are nuv setruggling unul. crops.-Yousrs, etc. RL W. PHIzrP". Toroito. Match lth, Ilm. An Oppontiulty for (,iualan Thse London crreoponedent of th8 M)ns. treri Grm3îtOwrites as fuliows:---The de- cision oft he iniperial goverment ti , Our- chuse arniunta frona Canada i. quiekoi;tise intelligence of tise Britishs t-rai nticommn-smty. Continental gouamu- ,met. areo es y 0one closfisfthie gaies aaeinlt the xportation nof horco.bel in Ilsir ovu torritnmy. limt tise. onris are ul tf0c tisa most part abile ta pendues otouslh lu mt-ifr the pnusciooasof their ý owv-, a'y. 11.n-ec hia prohibition aot ex- prtaion nrut driva lutu lise Ulliiied1 Kinildaîm a gians'nmuser of lisîers, and hhio tact i. uo- binu: bcuught hoee l1 Brilles brzeo rs. Taiey.ihave bitiseri'> bnoni nuaibie ta suppip tise vicie, or, in- doed, tii qicater -parI t ftise eele ofthtie impérial aramy, asnd item au oistalde de. mimd on au even 1-sgr sosie la upringinq up vhich, unies. liey bestir thienisives, they yull aise fuil ta meeL Tise occasion s n impertmtnoui ot oulj tishe Bis- tich, but aisetalise Canadiatn breeder. fi sisonldshow hem clearl iat mif ha viii but take proper stops ta meore tise re- fî%liaiteç>lan of herses ie uMay fin au i-. mont unîiried Borapean emaul et prIe. visichshouîd hiag hlm-e tain margiof pro- fit. Ï4h Imidrse tiriaMoiulture are sperlinq, no Pains ta liriniq thesu tacts te the. minda <'tlîhew fellov-nÉmculturkst home, aud thoee inronmaelw oromCanadien t>profit Yhyb.ooirquniip. COl. Raven- bilh ieamortissu"once indlicaedel heclans ort borneas. baI ili along. met imperial r.- (luivetnellmL. baseinthia veek Rives oven more nMsnute dntaulieas te viat. consti. tise. -oais__vo _1 cusm lAt I l.d.i. bwol0*h .-b ..'**t . ,of --, -I& OTT *1 ENrO0:wONVI0MIONS W us bte m»g rmdWu e nhit s rwlOuat etVioda ma dkLu. uOne. h thsQmar«Mb ndimg t Exo, A. 1881 . . . .. . ..i.. .. . . .do 31) '0*Ch td .a ltor 2 mos. abthard labor. h. . . . . . . . w m .... k . . . . . .0 . . do .................. .................. ... .............d o m d o ol I. .?étukG.iy . usaas d 31*7 . do ...........mltedTownl Tm f Iauq . Ja.sVis.. . k ~ iseoey. . .. d .. SL Fdr*th ..... o.. T rumue, .Aunait..............o.......::... ... *.::................. d .o......ISbd. do 3 ... . do ........ .. oi)..... do k .J odo.. .. ... ...h3adm..0dodo .HuhG ..........de à 40 ......... Mon ...............do. 0do do de......Vuk...............m........... .dofl .... do, Commlt...... do 2.mo....h d de....de...b...... ::... .....u.uoab... d 3; . ..... do .........t.......fo0r..u... do &bu* - . rlauliuytam..... .... . u .... do ...0...........lS..... ... .. .. ... .ded kD l. ............. . .1... do .. .................... .................................... .... .........................do do2x é.hL Joh . . aE.... ....I h.. ............. 27 .. do .................. ........... ................................... .omtt dotL. de ....... is p .............h....ý....... .... .e27.. . .. .0.............................. ....................... ......................... .do do ..... h. . .-..... .L S M 1do. . .. ... ..e S7.. . . . do ....... . ........ .................. ................... .... d do ..... s- fb.~ o4~.................. 'Commlfted lu defanidotd do 1. . .Iusfeoa ....d 1 ......do 4do *42....... .............. .. ................. d tetado 40 .. ... .Lu" ise ........d e ............ 4de . ................ .... .4...... 1.. ........ ....... ................. o '~t doea1 do d Tenni (ow...d..........dot .... do....... ... ... ..... ............. ........-ý.. ...... d do de Br1Ui W oi o oro.......do 4do ...................... ...... ............. ......0zMldo in dofu do doWW Jult o wffisdo deo... ........do4 do.... ........ ..... 4-:0....... .............................. ...................do do du do ... .al..... uni de Mode 4 ..... de 10..... .................... .............omUt doeut hde. . .Lslw o e o d o . do ...........* iten.........deedo 4.......do ............. ........tu........ .................... ....... ......... .. do do de de....I.il. e de...........dodo 4 ... doe ....................8 .................................do do '0 do......al ...e......r. k do de y....... .do .... do ............ 4 .... d.d doma BlL .. .. Prba B t .- .. . Pe dg o dl e ....... do S 4do ............. SOI....>............ .............. od dé douy.....Liames Cdu A...............................do 4l ..... do .........................±a ........................do d . D ie a iY ..g....... o .... d 4 .... deo ........ .. ............de..... . o dtt4 ol o, .dob8 ...... do .... i ......... too ....... ............ .. . ..... ...... .. Sotyct pild. doý M 1 Josepbg Mr:......do........... ........ d 3 doo10Frb thd aI... d ........................ ...d do 1...dduuGb....d....... .............. d ........do ................... .3: ....... ........ ..... ....... do .. .... . .o Kend.. . . d. . . . . .......d . ... .. do ....................... ............ ... .. .........3V0 d j doi tdo r oh h'T.. . JOnM eGjs I db s.Iag s o 3 deo ............*301N t e a =à ....... ... d.............h1do1..... d Que.......... . Gere id. o v ........................d - de ........................ de SofUdsq..... Tbm aekssy..... eu...............h àdo ........................:1d..... I d om dforlol -de de......... wu.Daiem .... da.......................do10 ... do 3..................t......... od do.. . .. . . Jobn Kurpby.. . do ........... ...de 3 . .... o ................31)............ ........... .............oo deo . S: q d ......... ......... .... 393 . ...... ...................... ..... 1dd job",.us Siye.. -tIn~ ........ttfass ......... ldobs .-........... d e o'R. a"l d ....... oB.... 0 ........... do 3 o .................. _. 393..................... ...................... d J.bs ....on. coresIO& ~...0....11PS07 . ....... 0 ......... .. . do 3 ......Jo .as........................ do......... .1o.~ raue.,ad J"bY T .. Rusr y ........VFiol o aaa epamaA'J. 8J .sns .. ....... ..... 0.0.0 ..cots... . 2do 18....uut.... ChiEs. Armbs,'g.....Vu. ........a................Veb.74 . .L. d 0. . . otulLTesrro oc~eu Qum M.L w s..... .l e r. . . aV esdpo s.au ae.. do 821 .... de ......... ......a0.... c.. ... .... .....o...DPUIdo d dusi .....l..... . m rb ul.........btti......do 2Ge.dO laT seroFneon..... .doo dolm Po.n...Vl ........og. MAul.....tL.............J. j.&24eJ..e.. doesn......4U...otwî o .............. . ia St Mb....... .d te27... ae............70. . e.~r ~ ouyresrr 4. C. ..pe .....GO&. Lam ......... V oslu C a da T mpa. c..........,l& ~ .. ...........J. .F. ....... ...5 . .... oî... ........ ....oo a .o.................do do VO L 2, ..J o do dokm ....... .. 00 .o .. .... do .. do d Pald. ILLA__________......_____Md__________age... d 2 . .... de e....... s............ M......3 c'..t ?................ detV1 JO" d.... dAi aitMddot ___............_do_@_.....Go&______....._._........._..................._......_........ L *1887. Aov....P.... 'V LINue 1 wihiout a vord of reproot or admonition I __Lamber. Marriage Licenses. I rouspuipior pea. Wm kuow notbingoilI- ______ _____ ie tb.ircur oy la tis c ut canneslie N u u -_ or men once diâturb preach-L MBE A D n0 0 lu1a.-E' . orT JiT TA">IM rR O UZM&GE LMMU ÀLVU'JS WHA RF-EMfIL Y. FINB Lj iAIlLA OT iuiormsapOd«Sce a!Tise PoasI Wholesle Md rota atiTEerRW ai DEpAaTua&.- Osr mtamed reaidentjbed "re[~ S >(>!tr Mr. recnnla about tei leeve the wherf. LVM E 9BL T F D)mrlmgmany peara restidemse e has eara* J BR EL S U PfJ kRÂ-LCiS ed heréptaionorbIain airroty .ueI ND WOOD. MISRIAGR andl upriibt citien. Ris sucrest-mou la.3Mr. çIs~YV'T. O'Neil, who cornes vlth a goond rsputaifu n LrfibOet sof rdesriptioli. DrY, Dremdse.é - troin bis former meiaihb-ms.To hlm asa .iniin Mathed. rseain for ns. d;Iristet; lira..-. ..I--. - etrmiger, use extendthelb bad of fellomishDien h».Singi'esof &UgrBIH ['TON heplmg hbistsay vlth us, viether short or iij- - long, vil ho pleanant. F IEW OO» a 1 nratict.r Dà.jrr. of the beilt -"U-"y dellvered te any part ef BOSCA YGEOY. ' 4e own. Lmdey ICorespoadeace or The Post.lîO1r i CREUSE FAcroui -Â meeting. of the Brick and Tee. IO~! V~1C kIE -trom otlhe cieettetactory vas bcld oun _________ - s~ - "-"v<"~t' Wednesday for theeeOttUof offleefrp. and jS! BRICKS! BIRICKS!M.c1heus Bredinila pretild-at; M-. J. L. Resd. se. A EOTJTFATOUITUUCUIDR ,j'N- : i -- tary, sud Mm. Wm. Thlureton, treasucer. TUB 1P-îrrrs Thse fadato ysystem la budtei lu entively 119 ntî r tlv r rî:~,.~. *iltfl JaiT O&tistrêtory. It produire. more money thasin 1M . O.DRAKBhaiu aUmamOâ thas 1 Prin ie-t io- r 1îyr or;-. 1r.. r,4 't y thettdsividual motnufacturerof butter, anditwl.nv ar foarJi aIai glgmi ..e.- r :-.,i* ..,ilnTuwTu acres the isounelold nDoeend of vork sud ltt is maitstuiugcfV- r î- r -' r-.: ,ru. u.4i trouble. Proppripcoaducleal eo-oper-.tm lR i Çj- . _ _-- cul* oommnnaisuamuai umdoubtediy ho 1 c)~ELI F I \11 ~.u~e mors adiantafeous thaui Wolated imlvi.on aextnsive wal. .r. Drae -tecmerty- itc»,-)tt j1kn:-i nalisus. caeuieain hemanufac.tun'..ig of brick onthewe% $rondoti -î-. .:*,--r- rdn SALUTM PÂRtT.%Uuuu.-Several dancing preunises audthe ciaj l notai fur rnaklucontai . ic a.--r -nt partes aro eenheit i ay.T4aet week j bricks of a superfor nns.litv. reê--î'.--tm r r..rr rrr.i ltmh ve w- enheld 1 i tsVauimet IlI iri< 11- r'.. . thr S. Whiel ouest B. F ru..ana t Drakeisavlnit bsen for vearssluthe. bus , -.i. ,x- --- Maso'S.,Whose% et D. %.aFotn'ar oe t nin Moroughly undereiuinâs ihie 'verX and - . ?dimlâ oe t roal,--4sid th rpl M 1Personally superviisas m.it. W hopeiby stri.- -t , - ~ v~- -.- tao numtrOu* 10 mentn.Tha:s .%righte 1 tes.îîon, tphMisboijine'fland ti astfgrw...r'tI ~ ' ,- let tise ladesuandilasse. erJ,-ip hemiaeive.. be- tiellmg te mmrit ai llre et PuNlc Putronaus J- Br 4 l , foe . busy routine et apring vork coa. Tue yard lt he eso>seresi se thse Wlage I GEO. DRAKE FWRiEZý T» S"TWO RrIc. --Saêturd&y night ~- vouîid.up th e o&s ha! log. The rlnI r M,- ~ rum vas erowdsd vitis specuettor sadnti ektems awo.Mi tl". -~ ~. -.:r. rf melmibi o'clock the bn lci iet eea ____________________ -.dr~ -U populai airabin empitla tyie. Tht' 3rtspoli Miscel.laieoius. . vsea aie in potaituInn andi th.. lad*. eut lasmes____________- The "Grind NiMîrcis" v. m'on'tc-1 Rnué aI: !(' ninl.af d oiibrick store@. on . . rogether thes .e&lou and.wludmng up v" the. corner orcernemronait alLUidt&a,.te; beau. 1 quit. a arseeg@. bns§incs@ stand inl the vilièmt. For partlelar. ' A Puita s tTlEWAHEm tCIl appiy te PRA. eINCià. PLtR mey, liad sud fil - stesdilv, fI -te by fi kp, tirleansew la luis- j ur-nes bruiter, Canauagmun. Jeu. lt,91 a'~ ,111, - 1n Wo .1,1p, Md vittb mcmv ctrichie mtue J. à col, broait Il-hi uterai ta reaciin« i a l- HORTI-H>R S FO R SA LE. -Th ree I tive apo.- Nov ibte britdges tare bore, and' Dil.raameoth-eerund or -- the . rers 161IIIsoera, nTO m w ood f v-n jdent rd ua id roan: lamge andl rrPeulmnalmlled: W~a tis ea cas b.90t, DO lot If lu rot-b P e i .j .ueC'-% . &mU EJYKCRS and May 2*- h * - thumule'. CA IMM .reiqt.-ed in I)'-mnn H eid Barris.-- - puLpir MoTUS -Sanda, moulng Rei'. JOHN CULLIS. Fendes arMade P 0S. Cametron Cher6,0 ,C F'P S Mir. Craigle preactied lu the Pre-oby temtan Cratim, Victora Braeh G. T. ILR.I.1, eî- 6o 0O O~P S cBreun the eiehth commar'rirnelt tlacnS ~pd. -à E D &clp jîscumeerdthb.-ver», ackng lu the EWWOOD Y-%RD.FE R , lébor qtlinIn, cotiiinIit, etc. ne det. F RRE wu beelursin olppo-emd te ihe lave et Ganaslcttlehclmiopeti a od Yu.iii .~rv ~E aivren lu the bible. At theseanme liehothe FM Ward. and le p'-iri.d to sup avy . .-D..EfC3 condemned the ureedy gimpîne etfnsany quanityî et D)rv Trmnmt-r' delivm.rt-d to any par-t or tue, capittlitt4 f our ews tîmps. ni of the rown at loweut rate«. Orders lcît nt P. titeoIncluatedal scb actions en deorlwlr-g j J. Hurleysor et My sstore vil ho promptly at , .For4I*I. MMe n t r f 115*7voteat In oppositIon te iteseel ta. w u iber uterr'a vsheq, or eobtrrvluehind4br- î-4A.D. KALLON.Faà Zzon <nar then, aS au equsaly grecStiu.tr' se to. ULlds, l)ee. 1.. IFFR0--2tf mandment'ýThôu sait sot hfbm allsa vît-j 1 vB~EGIH JI1OX i':~", rneasgein&t thy etoeh-or.'beinu the next ftmeî..!vr- j .- -r: e~ 'I rtation, ges.IAps anald ehmaasare wi'.tîrs L~iuî utru ç -.v requestied te attend, an the Rer. Mut. Cra4gb'. S r ,hvr-~--r'r-.-rrrV- lists mfl#ctive innerof timtim vi' wfh I Q.. .n rt'r.q- rv.-.4 , j>. bie toe.. -. .Ssndar siena lte X-.Ibdiat t anr-i. ta"!b'*rrrtire' --qr- r.L..- eiuc ~mcoid ah es11j-te iu. etrî en .rr..ridi1 'OII rRY&I ebbrchw * cowdd e tq dna» t i-btn au-.;! 1 ri.r îor c .e Sa:-: a1111 Rer. Mr. Adam i reaci. Mr. Aam'.. healthb 1paraest'r-rr-!ri- .-t-:v n---lWrr O sesas te bave lioveai ainre hibvuaot'. oth r iie-irr-,.l. Jan., 6.r-:,l-.' -Mr. Adam 11 aser ettrnest anti csqient ~u-&.laa 1r.L.. *presher. BâtW î'-rypnppuassIn thavtle sLMmi.DZTyl mv*.adb met al amonot hi. ovu people but. wvluh ISu.>INLNDÂ lyailnbe. 4. . andb>'11-11%-. th Usecisopf tami.rp elliiito.Dugit .AVl.-.An.t S - <liLy OiE LwI.-' Webin metoit i sport aewvvthe heure; cli rusEr h.. ln oBus. yvilu orla l lke otir."-.7Ur. Bons,. t,u'nrALs.-Oo W-ilrie4day, Ml-n q 1Louerv g-.v- usp cl chance ncfar avehm. 1- g la arenielai lvot'e!, ati vasunitedtlu1 ris.hm hniond.. a or M-trirnony te Mu. John1 Willenn, tornprlry of this vilage bar mmv amouns îo08100u municipal elections. LI'i FRMer-ti ue uUC DIr~B L A wa.E.PS odClydedait. ye-ars ild. T-OnrusTfCàn 2':tdia n r rhIt .5ir> t.J(IIN WOSTEk. Bo-.îmunviiie TRIL-O KodayJia Kfontaomery! rJ'IH LIVElKPOOL AND LUNLssrb .it><e >ac iat* sud mily *'rratried fr- as% .int1 » LB KUÂCGMA C0i.JVO>4k Jeta MeflermIotlou. SEaerua. .-'Den Coceyli, Etc. aiaS uneadourusel liithe foliowumg day 1 .r -lE ma K VllanTh e -tn aton'ha 1 e.- '.Beet thing I evor u-d. for coughs aMd celé J tomr pleadeul-amo reIIyM sd lthe Ztul ite muataa PMW -IOBiHÂRLN. Jr. : pOStd.TiSe upatbut Sf hail VS.11111011WWI& h orsé me ef a cod that II aB et et aM y alaoyvssenuWLI-s toi stad................ .......... 81=11111S tu te o lh. BLLy BOOol] Saetr st lamuiteprbe ssîs. A&Iea"l. Aaenmemlateé 7um........3il11.USAtSSsr uexmlln sp, q Calbf'dell"dant; Jobs a. iBarrasla hugila ...............8160111lreeiui cm excellet.IM1NG &t fiePWiwtd Mr. Barrec havlt. b eupre- jkwM U54 ptmumMWa su as557 r. su ula 10 usiaitseWeovll anut.E Ss«%l"? fttTbe comte km» l51'.vihout oubtit lbe bM PS IIU »Met ithie cteoG. Koeten r a a;~=essaéThuWme lmaureélug @»_n_ hteongbasu a" CO" sow te ri AMdCon -_uauTi u .. b as mi &Munie se. boM l ua LADM. t air Toa.-couM h@MîMi.g mgr--is su àîevrmv r Wusé sin e fe. - 'Of-leUu - trU omfS = MbVCid M no CLIXPROPECft O PlCe.WOOD V11£9. LONiio, Match 14. - Th* Vienne ofliciai rcoeru odeacof ut he POUL Polilcal Coirseposden ce re.lviiààr R theL.Mr.James Par..ons, ubo basq nactitl eenmranosa fi odlg the pressa et: beeL areaosit fthis l lcilt7 for rhe PlA" tveomtiTsnremoved tth se Hlcktilhot. Europe treathefli W Rasit-"So'U VOsaU tala ferai, anille lest week. Mr. «rusegaiedouble as W l. sse riSty Pareom*u sousetof ur loedine. farmm.r'u or IRuusla7ssppOsa d ifffureuce, vblh B.dmatock.ralseraMd hie deaflm e WMaich pobabzy lsthe *aomk suder vblcb tise eltb. mont Rerlous Istentlon. are concsaled. (RRVR K OUm.,Vissa. ppt4reprisi additleual re. jCmeesoS et gThe. PuLl porte of the aiarîulag lacresen0r Russies Pw;a OR 'AL -A.pale *alai as1 miltary preparetlon., sMd ahIbmtheen. -beld et 5Mr. Wm. Mcl!ilian* leut Tuped a 148 eftiMe enormsOufs côceutrtloB Of evenîn, luaid.ofi. Presby erlan Ssbeth1 truope auoutiseflé e.d weters Ruitie If sciool. Soinseseventy or elghty perasqu ver ha a t'huau declat.d. The reporpte of vers Shirt, snd as tui. teb.hedret social of more frleusdly relationsabetween BRusie Iis kind haldlatbis elghborbood. 15 vas Mpd ABUU ré re ot 0comlrwnedttl ilil*a enjoyed by -&IL WVa udpr,Àmnd that t. uiens ame làceaainîtly ptelflte, s beiveen neatsocial l& aWb. eldoit!s Mr. J. Alla'.. Germmsy and Franc.. D.Lpupsp's uii;t on Tuesday evenlng, the :bIt at Wis halled au a mes-eniter et peser. Sel. jLwcmu-A. lecture urider tise auspi ce- tralGermain papera eil on tlseicoverumnent of tise ladiees nid un deiiv..red in telb. M ta adopt ai' ruera conciliatary attitude t: Ibtadisi chumeh onTusaday eveane zlet, by varda Alosae eLorraine, anti take meai4ureg Ithe Rel. E. ROYP. Suhecet, "uivît-iiam.et h ihaiinet% nopr«Brt@hM, r aeta r .a l glW proe th emeemieb is Bot ancrpoa- Bobrod"bt oel bi, os ion i b G drâisaaempere i ite cpessn. asd la a botter speaker tisau, agreet lîybu anadantig. Te rnh rem masy mIlacerà vho bave had mure exper. lassImaSseth&% a te.word@ raBsarkilus deciaMotl definitrely las fivorof peace vos 4lms be regledse prouf ibit ýhe piclfic eseur PORT FERRY. saces of bis@pics'. arieem - '..ITzU CENTAL Bau K.-Tbe directors of ,rz.*aout-a 3B Pp1SUpàATtO%5 Foa th. Central Besnltoi.Canada h v cUc'd. WAtt. d ta open a iane of their bmn*ke aPuort iPerry,. vitis Mr. Wm. Magili am manaiger. Thse L.Mdou corre4pondent ot the Mon- i FAT C," &-Darîssi eur st@my la Part tin Star e*be.:-The pahlilc la b 01.j ln - Pmrry Ili;hm rusen our privilege tu bée mre tormed hem. of th.ejgsni preparet lon Amis,1108ne IMcutaof the bovine race but neyer ti sIl G.rmeayh ave mààdsfor itnedl. a flner one than, or ose .0 fine as. that Me wr. Acorrespondentt littairrve The aunid as a three ym'er old but!,, t&m Craenu nforme mue ti 10,6W )moenlochiug 25iS pauads, a perfect beanty la an eïmaa sgttsu4da? fottjloa thst isiymnet ry, asud se ftsas a seal. It vas brsé pu,.Amsi rie'. preparatlonis for wàr are i'andi ted by Mr. Jobn Leask of lbe twvuslp pisos.of Beach. M. i,)niard ba. madie oti. r berculean but la.. ertmamy, on the: purchasset 0f iret-cises anicmisil of other baud, lu preparel Wta tart lb. oaa- !vhich have beau sblpped te the Montreal pszun ta mpbrow. Arusy conLtracte a markeat.- [Standard. simnel, olleert bave' sesled marnaslt I4-01-IPS orilsi', sudi-irpetaron of immediate wvr I ipanegTeP la al mont unluer 4ai. The.arm," etate of CorespUond-haneuf h ae ti. i r:ai- mess Wpurt4 nos a lgalter bistJesseo.a~oase. -The mwnved roues et Mr. butia'g vssiu« . ti te equli mut. Ru a m on es a. Wox ve train ta Durbem relations b%.beme sipleteit dlsteurbed sonantel bproesslu bta lthas tm o ba fathes oplulos faoa a lusiei t rudesseaW*pend lb. psetwvek vlsh bis' father, troi Vi tuSIol. laGernuuv uov r. Tisommnas se. seni. etaeinq rumom et fprolseble violation of ~Campbsell,$ Infantchilla Ilylumi the 110eiunterrito.y, *tise ti -4 Itht 'verv lbu viticonice"uiou 0f the lune*. the eamàabu ill lisconuéeted l rnc.1P8h70&ia-M.Dbuîl Rogers et N'yw on tise Alise.Loralse froniler. Fiance tisdaite, is net so resit oc vu m Garmm ili ul harktaméidb lidukeMe is i îhoougslv n*.steo tiaI I Me A. lRogers, pald hie childmm.s & short lq thor West m roe hat oId bu vitis lut vek...... ise AAnIYM etSelsi . breaks est ltWî -oe ol etld sud Ur. G. V-traon o.ot t are vasit- ,ef= a by Gela usyp for tacticel and dipla-~ .B~mî. mate rea*mo t eil iFranc. int.h oaer-4ADSNC-Wntc ent ior-a* Amuelo4slascoist.a ie VTSIOX£DsÂc-Wnold ammoaoae Who came tramneadistancé. te WSRAT WI&L. DIARCE Do t ac%« Ibelr -bellot% for Kr. Lowtisbroagu Tise 1 eil Informed Loedos, correspondentt Messes. John Poster of Dovasanville, oft1he New York Titumea cblms.-SeItd David PRtr.m of ewmarket, Ju.. [ýa- samamesti cu isauoe ~ a etflDrami cuuty, sud Netheaiel Yerex 9 mils0f South Ontario.: cbauge tu the attousseeete b ba h l --- rkm* é Hlmack euslladevlopmg tbe YELVE&TO.4v tabit h"1 ne4ithesRus oie rFrance le Duri. TI-HverofinT lue ii ntai Willlt g Ohe If eh. en eihalo 14MdI taI Tla ram eni Thea cie paiai. ho for &Il dliutatIeor Ighttlug purposea, lteresalsain the hiacamltis Mao, wbere le more etlwl beashel op ai home thas' men dî@emo ussoiilur., etc...Lise mcboe,wvierr h. e ham ver huemm, .To. q1es4e0 e.laris susmler.ô! puspilié are aeuendiîoeai preen~t-,tise bumch, viSer' ail ce&-.mer. tbm nariahs, effeci yulthese sue dis. Let Suuadal evenine.Marcis 13h, tht overim h ave oushim, cud,. ibroue iis ,.cburchvas credul vth people amomuu on thSe Euroiss e alius, jadusi by homJsustvil. uvais .l repweseted. OM i - awsof et i wil b » ev.Mr. 'oor prertliel e manmllcent owuy laa-t cton, ivi bt t »mm on Ve Cili oleamueL" Mr. Pow- sSsite tiSw le vii be lIt ed a Eot a r'. lje an ah.sud salous mialator aud Ia lile More tisas»MIsan sd taput os die-. aoua goal ork . tasorw al aia To atate is asother vag, h.o JI'Tiuio. 1-Ne. R. Gcandy la repillyr re. me111y te tS" b., cm »souafford toe yI ovrt troas hie late ascd&... .r blstc iai et ece ha.M4 teW be pu'rna - . i ll or Burtoa lW hettr sou thas bli m' aud Ig*11l vii b Îles qutestion vhp'hbei'thie boer foremetrne. le sot tisevery tti tàm sicloIated te PîmowL-gri and Mu'. Xarugdliand buckth Vo.- ou>18 f ec-asëity tbis le ail àj Le - H.C4rrusof ifEdon, 3Mr. and 3Mas. ema UpecisauL eres7koli t w mth., Tre*Can otéaw othave becsvlltm twauatise ettopoute Golsou tiSe le-.t[te lu suem ok ul I assrtevilséquaic debiinet DaUYMiet 0-1V 111111111111110 oaoeu t îh.Rus ,= J&rtetas mw E £u- r.oleisanThom raav 804 liils bme vt aSthefaim bu39ingo. V. Boum»ite Ssr ie Ib.SUOUU. .d a- 1. --PU !rack et S4 sesg dw rthtIai b. sa rffs s"ed vso e lig.ae la Sc4.GUW el 10* Da5.- ibseb u k..' mBReiê ..hs~iuus~ ate slsyuei r f&esI fdor ~unaaeoa nomaipe~eItaur. »_p I laebc e me ibve l . mneb.nmt Mm 111. m hm ommei fl ns SU es nualaa h.I~is s S. es. w temu- a tue àt ai, vUe wliiasbtllaI E hp m tL i s isa l u li*es vi$bu ver U b9 elutualyl MbL Avu'vmapprel>as mêeume S. ~8e~. B06 Wei* mwliLeusukEsm wuu B.UmE 49SwpeSWSsea w. us S. nass. Sf uS o