Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 24 Sep 1886, p. 1

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- di - w~mF L~~I ~r~i~ii LUUI@W ~Eawe ai~~sW~1I 111840 0f j.UbU~ IUB* fOtM Il ~v ~ ~nLUMEXVIL VELIair., 09MN EWAN@N ~bqPr.a(the enoia1 ýGtV shewSd % ot failt u>asn Il OI trii a-, w ba meof y oilbose flfrk'(ïoe7rJu, and ,/i-M/oe4 WUtheh.colebvate#d obleffd MnNfih..and CfrgrVhOawi*4te bd tlwbe m.ule 0' ~.ianineth. la ai the hbUfl0VW FR KYLU..I- W.S.- AU partiesindelitesi to' e os" p w epa nc rcoF ll sm0Z .Ik E Y wit o .'ùn tw f.ririiih (ird'roft (lo nS mst the Ioweett Themle 14, ùîj j1- ri,n t of 4 'loti.lt4 n~'fri' tntOvsrcoatU. tc, tl ois nile up n igoci style. rrew n(nd144for flût.tride. inotundlf GZOWWA& PM O0lIS unai1110M iii "-~ x~. i iri Xittwhich are ,eveval lineot fint.taI B ongBol i**l 114t clIi' < ti t.ii nîl. îud winvb. ieln@!wetfon cf the goo d sicoimPf l Of fPRIC1rG. À. r tqqi-hîî i fr4, ti". su w- e. pkly. and the 8.1AR *woau slliig at 20 Ibo for 8100 la lnw.'r ilian t <t h ntîgta wholeeale for now, * T :?#slDV . esevetgAl f hý r ai 50tu an bu in uortw t. G. Mrlat ___ Ulm__ the known wantr' Of this comùmunityo Wt woed ak1IJOUyo aitvudlps p(#r uw L, sOf seasox1ale ood à bfovê10-S bUy. WedIQnot le ar citioilm or COitpadM t ahe ooaraqw l wISYit .t y-ou wlll receive poiteattention wh~e y107purohsn<ff go&. THE IRED FROC S810 OtE, 9OPPIIII iE T FIngCEofl, LI8y. TUE MIOLANOBANNER FAIS Fourth Annual Grand 1firaIse #9110#IVirm TOWN 01,FLIN DSAY, llncLer thé, as$c.a of the,& ua tl&1tor" à igrSoi4 tura~t So ~,t.8Ste c4Wsan k 'w~Of Lonsaq, S~xr.28, 29, and 30. 'Tho O t bkf It oe ri fth btt em itef¶»»us e SPEDNOIlTHE RI% r]nrhng tblfrstz« *1l1 -b# tb ouSfor « . îeîit woW? uRSm mN M.F.0wTk OR5[m Oukoi D iii b. oWe<ê ti, veN i fes lef LAD D~VI8niL-Y PUM FOR THE'OOUNTY PiWE The11IIiwu M0I04%Su«A WlIbe~tî~~<j.~y d'lhIE tltXhblUatw1 ~b a 1 dotu FAIS Niext week tii.]Po=& Q Gand ~ AnnualLi.Lansy Cefftra1 FaWrtkes a plac-aSt L.dsayof course It' might b. well- called the -V-lctotia County FaW' but otuhs point our opinion was not asloed- nortaken We hope you and.youns wilII finiL time to attend dm Fair. Itwefl deserves your patronage. You may flot fin& the. magnificence of the big Toronto Fair about. the institution but it ivili weil ýrepay your vist and investnient ai a quarter dollar. 1 There are three daysof it. The time is none too long and megt lx Shorter. Fortunateiy itwot be Sa. Corne in early and take a look at the shopS. We've ail madle extra preparations. for-Fait trade and it wivil,' do you à. service to se vbat à we've got to show.t Ir you walk.to the ground neyer mind the narrownes. of *the side-( walk along Adélaide st. The nar- t row walk has no bearing on the pro-. portions of the 1 Fair which are I broad and clemocratic. Iractical, f armers -who 'cai'e but littie for ,fanc irticles, and such mnatters will find interest i and. about the buildings, in the good dis-' play of reaping and . harvestingE machiner>'4 the.ploughs,' fannzng t mi ls and such, and catilgo back to their farms with heaps of- ideas and their pockets bulging ivith cîrcujars ind- pamphlèts. Loyerq or horseflesh can take a short %valk along the. sheds which shielter the huge Clydésdàales, and the light-limbedstepp)ers. Fane>' stock raisers cai s..trikela bee Une. for the long avenues of catt, sheep I and swine, and- won't care niuch if they skip the rest of the lFair. Stay> for h -aiternoon display of spccd in horse flesh. It will repa>' your, waiting. Mlankind loves a& struggle of sorne kind. The trot- ting contcsts wl be worth seing- and you won' t hear a,word about politics while thc races arc on. Buy a ticket for the grand stand if you car e ta look, at thinrgs from a higher plane than -mfost people. - Besicles, filling up the stand has the. additionak menitthatitkeeps folk frons straddling acroos h. track andc giving the fait constables trouble ta clear _'cm-off. Don'C do anyt hing to give a,- fait constable trouble. He has th wear a0badge aMi give hismind.ta it. Tats quite plent' for any one maà to grapple with. perb, ad the tyles ttrcie No- or heacr t~snotpoTibeT. goom , amê b«Owghm alow as th Igoodsam sold. Youltfind TEA oL ",W ogrdani SerU%*suirjmueg 2~o~IlgeSJGàRS mgosweet hatrah oenprothêfauullywill heiMmv- e4& ,SoAn Chaur00137 asic tir L C490bs Càockorua GLASS- o~ue - v - oe86014,102 ~ I I. a ___ la u" ulmwvw outwIL but o a lu oepomeuMal b.0 OM M mmAD TT mUenu agaio f The Pon .ToUoM% But.17', ISBT. amaeit b e.ibeYWWk aeqe.ly hwmoltk. itk oum tozttts eh~ Oum l bm ou nom àttffl Meuqpgwmtbdd& M dmamm t tit aukrmoloftwelvtbos.w. vuy dq. TUEGA SUUETDCT. Ont sujoutwhluh hem seephlmut g S7 m *uiffl to the b" it funtsm bauW"S Tht - »"Ùcoah.unom-ut MdveM tht, question le every partimular. gm@wt.tè ssy cmt auerintendmt te bwap@Wft&,oChafi wSted two, aid urne wmuwo1 hrt electoci throei, Tht cou- buMS .UItaawy so ieuitattwo.shoui bu elct& mamiesodlRy tht e yv. Dr. ~*mu. ami lier. EWilliaem som z Aohrquetls wmthat the t 5m MW. Tht c@m-iittW*nfflt ieomunmd. ii t. four yure. Tht diacuatus va my imimatel»aditook Up mOut Ofttwo M- Mo.ue&& tht firet of wbtch 15 wae deetUd tha t ttpaotorak, Surin auld b. zam. 3f tt. ztaulo w. usA Itwaarech., àAd-ntt t uelo, ami attere lamgby diuuilosthe coutuimOoS rasavoai t, thue ehould be Do ech a athe lmmsb Thetbstho tchumàhba S4w&B im. idi t. be thet frjode of&Iai nd tte @mia of mont, bumc.duritu 5h.essaionsag the OMUM iCoutaTisaleouer eofuumutng vae mm frm t»e confarencerta the Provinuial wyno of th* AUicaa churoh, Whtch vu C«ddl âcevaisu andm&w« sau to tb. :L= coufflla tht mu m M AW A»DIEI TO TME QUMW. BK eeeys«sion ettt ecom aSDr.. WltUMw lnttma"tui hetth. vMs the istt"eth4ua cfber maJsty Quéezs'Vie*> rie raton,"saa hombW r ddrece should bt pmffld »daMi uto.har MW04aY owk wutulatag er ou tbhtfau th"ala bIher DaJe'S Jubt end r eig m su be a uurlayulty ta bar ,DsiJu3re erma8"Ou for hw Utm flflva a pleaued vlt tteintitiWon.that the BK 1100*1 àpthon w» a* ~Wtt mm& uatur TUM BDUC&TIONAL QUESTION. The sulijoot 0f educettos ba» noselusi, occUpitému&hattsstrou renthe couhr- egs,. Tht. va» Uuvoldeble, both lu, cm- mquem aof thtlipoutanS of the subJuc M mmi freih faut thas tt r »oeraiof Vi smut unlverwtty ta Toffltts luvolvus the 4%pm.ttum of e gruecs mouint of rone vbich cmnl ey be, relie4by the MMa alitmesrcomnudud tht coufornSu to op- POt" t PlB". Dr. POKer W tht OMM fic @uu " uoaIesrtay. Thm er mbut ae oilmla the t utum-eepctffl Dr. pou fi"Mfor tht e.M e ls the mma DOIlvof a&l t" mothomIte ntaisture la aum"d ha.%ien meuT pVofe Of hà weM lot IqeIth ush t.au4 amitthe Muthodit Scharels. 9T-emptnofibru bas heam Male- ta b te tgo acrm stht lines ta lueliercuhurch e, but hbuha. boum ud :&à ailsue tamptatonsMalalure meuo.d.15nuScommat lem41a1l790 emaPt tht mppoýltItIt, but os tht em da", vhus hie huat va wrung wilh so mvw ntttadin desth of hMe ogmep chil,h. emt slouer te htconfeuel plutu bismerutoes04 lht iapOss f tbe eofuu. Tbe W» grmet ea is uanrswl bb U "e-misnMM t Ou ontam m .a rmun- ce ltur apsw 011vbeh.Usalé a-M. fastelug Md peauclnp cunty, gave us ck- net 1 b @ a ho" meuthava Cc undaïstmiuulttcana"aasw» nai!» ab ou deéttbti.a.vthh h hataranuopgtttaay Wcouirtbtts vho as uM«Wrlwi*thvtlmahtv-tkhalm"o. pvdsImaud corofort fa.' Chair tsllow la. coM1, i&aapp th Nme. Lemur la meuatuuaauthAtmamtt. AersrvIc W shtldusas mmubut teea.s min athe Or-mm. ~~~~~~dR fVoum-le hssrtet bai Wthe ladies tthe cbuaeb. Thin. * ~ ~ ~~t usiwt.ie .M"a maibrnl.B te.~b h. Boy. Drgâbî q WuLhrhr u~CrhmTtuidoutera plesIsa a faulm ut the oi buwhm M tater tu lsb01m r h eeie opmn h igr ut- - - ----- h m hé . o m -hi M& !vl affl t tem~te b ab = i W ~ s. fagh onier mita.At the Tht couer t Ch.leat Iwoa rtere hue as lu It w t-êttRW tt ou omo f rht.hth- halm a dW v et la rom Oé MA ltnIEUlU. LUf. JUUUU4mwba ohno vate~ithmt.a ow vlan.,et the mm .. l Auu--cou~esina eotemaker fm thor ta svuflIber hléIl a- ue fiT'Ouriosal aprterna 5Juinluk ia~g uSm iWho a d i thk tb."'flbava Mu.h as utaliaweouorasettoulx id X' («M ii lusa t t10 8»16> M 6.8> tr nu. Ouind »&ee vlbermu rousrei &M .inu. yt. p wm tr viok iiiwS ZONMe ~ - I ma m ius u , mersaaaaTeuletç --a- - -Grmus m veeblowar d thami th 6 aMd ragumetut iu la a a Urtre viiib. 5ah -N;te t aemuns, M1Mie.Au --coma th, xvrws utpta ismsts.. er hum th".Put abuié thernu talt, etstTarant.9 rutmni~mê u l ue. Wb" W»vieta havaecuM»091hia"mth ha TorntoMdr ciam Cmrega eieml he ors - f I" eek cnuot by a prtils allerIth aurer'belot. errW asimporant paint. 15 abouléhavem sxrror. 5dthat the 110k EV55.ou, a tsti lS otnePbpi utont 641 buas of utCIavscs hest tu l tha amulbuoeehrtft m muuUa. Thetitue vas omittei. O mual bu 16d. enoutbmse h ot i~ha la uIt...Who MT»va uppeu,est ftt&BhZCHL'X n ,ve.s.Who . i» the m t Cazmuaaaf The PW. -ho - Amm t SulILren ii ai yi-ha COC. aag sucz.O.ernrh ~hs ntion tbset tu theIJUIIB P en fat.' 1 et uélsOLO una il . lota for tarmers S -amana hme. S il =Vt tout hie veri' teat-o' A.ns-desbor b ni ug your uýmk nd --Bé"Thdthe aiefa__ tîtcoma madeeml e .bran mmanllnatter "e eeypt rami offereé la ail kimia cf dry gs." Geinie. - ~ ~ ~ ~~~~pkc th atc ou Cansieue mmsbatae tht viner mets lu commasd in te bu ofcom.'Chyswalecum A methe bargains offoredj.inboots mai abolis, aa l titm t. spend 'm s B tailff W< amispeec Agure uorrutc wtth Cenumandur Choynê.an a et.Am misore JOMrNuis-Rumarsapayer e reto hava ot dry goos, gracrles, bootsasd siiotE eMother couchant vho la n t o, é l abats sud caes, crackery aud eavaro, new.storeou the car 1er urbeve the hardareetc, et pi. ha aycompeth, tire cieaunai aooe tuma o, Tisalooka t. flgta rialways given. for but'- H liber aivaucament sMé viii u mcb tai o Dutogsttyen ca cf oui ~ ~ MI....alvaye mura rooney by buins et thoISet OtcrT&U «Cash store, BecFn a ro- mpc rlimkn hop crt~ Po" th quewshotl .....M. b iiW.e1 Cuttle lea bout to reSi» troathte-uitLu re P*lvàaLSHOW PMzu IMMS-Thesaclrt- d busima nessd hba vertIRed & oleof, » hmrcetve the Wshow prislistai ulture. A. gacéopaina for aUra rosadisriutonthenu. Cal fer a copy.l WOOD VILLE. os CAMBRA y.oorum-a tTh oL LacTu et T.'"-Jhat Pof lor ,GiVu usFim veether, 1ev tarot. and thetI deieed ecuelaa r»ymn iieltafii fadlaffaira vil na the Lini- th chuchonT«"' aectè,lat o fir y enra 1 sr.For dates eueo adv. cbsd udince., T» »abvecg -t.» 6&T e Su ÂeàGM.-Wer areplesoodtut mizei aulens. Tt oujee vue"Th notice that J. Campbell. jr. -haà eau ver Southr ' Tht lecture vasle t a éby sucesu l et tht Toronto fair wlth h d di&vings aipanine "w»" l'Shropshire mbeop. He reporta sales good. IMPEVING-Mr.Oxbya mm, vs ~ W. vil anpply a ful liqtof bis prises attera lujuroi by talling on s or, leov w»u h. return e otu at proeut lu Guelph aid a aidraieutet eaae ut ue ~i sa e goas rom there te Hamilton. I i siere ou ofdansr, battheoldTx CÂuzmneTox FÂxAi.-I nnerstaué th'at mstrtuna ovr ent mgly '«mm there are quite e number froua this section h t. ber .neupllfied lu.their case e. sa rs. golug .t. ehibit stock a anaîennaton tk Oxbey ha tht. vu5k btau calledto i t Ilh fairt. . wî, ati vo ezpict te mes a lur- tj lgaito ta t on ber' ouest moute% ber' et roi tickets coaebeck. Al number cf vho le lving lu-& very daugaroua condition paumonsave salé to me làtely thât Ca.-V efront StyphU5 ningtou te moe o fa Toronto fuir than thoir t GÂanEww PSY-T.l5tatt vToonto haviug suppliait, according Tl peety, owlug u t uvowrabte vahaW&& ta tht. Prea,1iaSthoe reat bermcf the.10 nose. muceoul as vue tiesirbl. ritM& WULCONULz-We velcorotthe Bey, li. TEE ELn PAR. -Weavilmeu taircu e iMiom sud hie vittoi 0 ur village and trust Wdnumsay, tht th Oct, promisies te b. a thS Il fneE s abL e omAin)a na -isccn&. SàneÂm S"cH O AnEst h M. -(~~ DianoeG.-Thoe Sottaet drinks muet bu bah ez* t ht 2Sreth emt, thl Be y.of Mth'. g utranger, a. w . bave muen quite su Ganose.' ii adrueSabtht chiurol c lanthe b r of truni.. arou ni tow vu l esmun y ethoitat SsMb. G. a col l Soma Pn. iox cew.-lfr. D. A. Stuart chuch S 0 pm*16.G, _yumeail ~andi Chma.Campbell, vho bave basa evay b home lua &ddreaatnuths litts, folksanmai vs vith the 34th Battailion baud as Niagar, i anlol 5liforw5udte a voy lut.tIn hav returnet. Tbey dii notU lke the camp- SsOWere -mmparecta "le Divitlti 0 u luac mggreunda thetr neenly so vlas they didIlA mot. Tht cctre mats tremeraid for thte lt Torcnto. Mr. Stuart je baud-mastor for mchoci chtldrsu. ,A. collecton l 1 1of the the Batt., he aiMe lathie position, vtrh mahool ftnds ta ta b. talen up. our band hores ad- aiala Sunderland. Hoe tOL BRL. T ldi? sum la engagai every nlgbt M the week exet t peut otites stove. Ladiesdetaig iri5 lesJvthth cret the band boys ai bc 15 abhoul cal es ouce, as owlug ta th.e theem of Woicville presetothlm witb. I roeut aivence these goods cannot be. ~CàATTLz smpwu=T.-rr. L Mybee ofv *peatiést tht àmne prlce..- 112. Cnnntuaiei thraecurlo"&s of stock o for Torotou u<say. lMr. Maybebuis fi BOC4aEN.a lot et stck threnqgh thia sectionaid te-ù LCormPodeeofe The Paet.l ports th. quuityua«uy goet. Prfcesamue r TX BimaT PAR cftht< lMidlni ditrictvary Iuw. w Ill ber the Lnsay Outrai, W. beoutIt tla h uutt.o golg t b a.bta~our villagere or peaple froua tue urrouné. t poing ta ha & b avcesbin asrai n gcountry1 1visitait tht Toronto ehbto suteot na0a ucas I thg sauo arer of yetfour campera troc mn. O rna- usyaet"edwtth thei trtip. Gam r.TL.-Tbe Bcbcaymeou riastmIl REABORO.b 4 hatocoiveti acot nov»w acherùy, iclu& [uauano t'Tii.Poat.l -1 tmg àbraz duatur. The mint nov viii- Aloor the attractions ait tho Lindsay0 I_ piIitp ebttr.cntrai Fait vil ho tue Traction. englues. ' mu.uFié,LL -Siow. - Our' villame Evary farrnor.mhould ame theu.ý or shov te butée for October lot ani 2nd. Unuoit CoscsRT. -Tho concert given Povwn-A. cew vms liopund" ilua Mn heme on.Montiav uvenl.ug vus a grand su- t IRftcSis'ayard but attily enough goS eut ceas, notwitataudlnu tithe-unfavoteblo * »ai&vy laa houai te. vuaSthur. Mrt. P. Fisher occupioti the chair * WunuixoBELLix . IÂxsT.-On Wui- and performed iàis mUes meut efticientlY. * namiay et leist week, no le»e thm lAve Tht ontietainment opened with au lnstra. * couple bi eanclnded te jeta hanie. This mentai muetS by Miàa Toropkins ot Kempt- * cool veether vtà rteata ngbsmenot ville, argand aiMr. JO&. Gillogir, violin. it t.htupnilv'smiui.olet Thon fol.lowed chorales, duots and solos by e but cuir tvo havae a the flamme of the follovinu vouâme.ts The Missale Me- '0 Unl' trl nte'Party aie oe Svuyua ai Mise Lee, lMr, Lee, lMt. Me-t t uoii alier a tht eo.Sveyn and J. î%. Glly, Lindsay; Mime 'Offt'TmaE.-Thategidn.ait bous Ode- Hawkins sud James Gillogly, Lindmay. et aptiedof Shetu potatoas. A Md i voerW isé.Toropkins playei the accompami- *ý la 5h5wInBu>. Whst&epity thetrie ra> menti vith an. ability pousmusé by few. Ak 155105 betw5oe tht United Statas eand Mme Hawkluasag Tho Daimbe Rie," 9- *ieaib4arr 0fn o sait c haraian t o vlowng a rlch. iveat soprano voice.Tht atlow ai ne ailis pstatum la tht 1Newv MinesMcSeynveeloutily enesreit et V.W demed fo' l tê rone hau. i taber toaslev'a Batu&m ru." Ni cdiu . Tellghtt Re us........4te .14 y r9god.... 1te 12* Ldovgaa . .......... :.. lu te Thehm babea no epecifie chauge luth choc»sositatia., reporta the MostnealGaz ettr, wmich, however, muaSbc cheumtabf- ed fm I wthspmont esbuiUade or kmlesles,6if not u atraL thanla te contry, vhoere iattvu Y htgbu pies. hav aomu. M&coMntracta luthe Bmskil.e mtim aving besa mwiseli for the baiane.ITha t. Dot a 1 viue but fatarynummvii nS nOtrt ftfeu& . Th T uvn" lp e e e h b oobeau ew o boo0ght up met de éuim lgr, la faée t"tcl oè oMdscoutMaus, VI&, hwam prsemathe country thea bu-% vhllstht. naetla above LveiPseL PFlowim mae 5h.e Mtel qetusta.. e o fliu te . . . ....la....s lii ubla.Jiy........... tek Io for the Iment bM m a ciaas » ce Dunelrd aMd stan. timelibeaulsu M& KIRKFIELD. [OoesaVa"auc ciThe PeUL "Conm AvA Wrrs' tutho Liau"y Cern M EWr, Sept ". sud a. LIt' Mb h» usa holiday. BesusaiIk sast neda;y te s« th. eahtu. Surnrnw DzÀmru-It becom"ourmai dutr cchroniele the demies of Mi. Xail Mcm- a. wt., vhs lved about orne mile West or shoUiege.Deceased waa showljng Marn artte. vuare t rm way gaivhM. a udeuly dropped whm eh. vas stand-. ngarn udat ns teutiy êplred. Dwcsm. dosaite t Sis country about f eriq yeer ïP and WUO ftIr-ày y....engagea l*he aebngprofession. lie vas iwaymhtuwu uan obllglm ud uneai ueghbor.Be vas native f the.Ita d cf Ion,4Aglm ls ictlsui.Hoe ai reechuied 0ripe-cli cef 76 yeam Hlmremains vre nutumai a the Kiekiteléoeroetury. PIMONA-lir. John McLmuenghl,vhu ms heim engagei et harvesttng- la the mtghborhood 01 Argyle. bas returnta ons1 ....re. StaikerA" £&aiy, Who lave spent the entamer in thq township 4d au. have returned ....Mi«e Aggis Muir cmol Brechin la visiting et Mr. Bruce's. iluee aaniee ef lMr*. Bruce. M1AXILLA. IOorre.pondeuceof The Paatl 'AmoI«.uthe atructotis ait the Lindsay ountral Fà.ir vii b. the Tractiou e4ginoë. Every fermer should see thetn. -4 OBITU~AY.-It la eut sad ducy te record àe death cf the. infant son of Mr. John Beickluboctom. Sincere sympethy le felt !ùt the bereaved family. e- INSPECTOR'1s Visîr. -li. MeBrien, Our >ublie achool inspector, paid our echool a lait ou Wedneeday lest. Hoe gave -the w.hocis the. day as a holiday to the grUe letight cf 5he boys anti girls. PBE8oerAL-BOv. Mr. Martin wap absent les week atteuding the. Methodiat conter- Nam 9:XMHITîO. NOTES.-Seversl of the peo- ple of this neighborhood haTe been attend- mu tii. orcuto exhibition. Ejail aecounta tbey seein te have enjoyed theméelvets li. mensely. Âccwnmt. -ir. Âsaph Edwardis met with a «evers accident, havinx ber ahoul. der dislocated. Sneo was gertinc ove? a lw fonce andi elippeti. She. threw Dp ber art te sure herftif and feil on it. wltb the. neuit mentioned. She là rapidJy recover- AxivI:ussay.-Thb people of Penlel held their anniverbary in eonnection vith tho Methodibt church. Notwitb*tandjng the unfavorable weather thero was a gond tura out. METUNED.Mr. nd lirm. Ockenden and famuly have r. ï .: rn the aid country They had a v try enjo)ýabIe- tinie andi ail looked the Petuer for teti co h COMMEJRCIL îàWS. OFF= oir Tas CàNADiAq cv Li<SÂ.Sept. 23. Lia&f umanme. ad Protince. .A fair business lai grain bas set In, but tho market ha. itot optued in the usueL lively feli style. Buyers are hanging off, and sellers do flot knov twhacte odo. Lst year a greet tisaI of barley had beau sali by this tume, with beneficial eff.Tcté te bus!ns financing; but this ygear owing te the fow sales and slow movement almostt. verybody la "strapped." There lai a very larme bar. veut ready as soen as the market opens la earnest, anti thé "ducati" shoulti roîllabout tieAly. Who will unlock the golden treas- uryt The barley and wheat taLdarde were mdoptod somo tira fo laToronto, but for eme tesson have net been published aid have net been torwarded te local buyers, ~huhexpecteti every day.,'Tht large rureaare quiet, with noUiing specWaite BftW& LivaSteak Ttae. Contrery te what wau hoped for, thers bas beeuno Improvemont in~ the British cstt1e tratie. Values, hevever, hava been well ausaimned,with the genoatouesteady, although dressed breef has decllned during the week. Receipte front Canada andtiteý United States have been lioebt, but ibe .markets have been wel eupplemeeu with other catIe. The Montreai Gazette's aineal cablosà Monda y report a fait trade et sesdy prices, &II t he principal markets boing pracaâeiy unchanaet. At Liverpool Menday prime Cenadian steers were et ll.je, fair to- choice gradmes t uc, poor to medium et 10e and ipforior and bulle at 7jc to 9c. A yoar &go et thîs date the mnarket vwu. severely depreaseti. The sheep market has remainti unchangot. At Liverpool beut ahesp wore cabled et 13c, s.condary qualities et lie te i12c, merne.at l0e te Uje aud inferlor sud rame at ;c ta 9ýc. Manumaei"uesteak Nukat& Thon bau benu a little livedluinluthe mroaket for expert cotule, reporta the Gaz- <090<@RkaMbuy WWaei& thtbout inthe I muk@s. WIoom dla e ltaiL.Davme» fe a 1888 CENTRAL FAIR ,~ - k.

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