T- r b$IwJwrâI~ ~r W~ Sbt q<itimit ZVtvZO-fliÇD I !. A ,&rrr13 86 Ar(rw Aelit4tttflM #:A w ~ W ~ r t t< t t vr.r IonwdI hW.Um UuIgu. n~fSy f' ______________________lit_ Io 4I\ IMrd;1 mMfrt't1111111ww'~'w~w 1 1-v el C it f ifiAtef tif htI f%ýlc.ffI ny n th f% gti' ntv * TC5 fil# nI'4,,,fr% nf t04 * ' d, ~~teli urn ~frft efIti' tf PIWWUWW RsUuiffly mffÀ« O TY,'\ i A pttv ton 111i .1 St. f I.ttbso1<, DMOOIIl rt S ~ ~ ~ ~ llil w1 'tt' S.E. tift liifte - A tiot eok plalit4film17fhUhUt 1 F f r~~',t)rnS tnti i tvt't tl, 1 ~ tlfImi~#ti f4 t t(.iel .,4 l; t i e$Si'ni¶ it i-tiiien - *TTiT~t '1? th' ~I "t. it 5' f tIq1*pfpo'#I. n u o c n * T; ItTI IWîCCTC II VCfttil, TS ' " VC ~I'd Il-rew , t' Ir: à utYi1~i T t rw~hhTu mi *?i i V I' T~ î~t Ier'rrC~ .I~.u ff~nW thfaImhIMeU mth 0 es T T5te~ USr T'iSSI Ci s'y. * I T' t tqt erC T v 'lS'#ti at' lCf# itw " m ' fle- eruimw7à vT .. .T .flttz"tiîrr 11441VIN a j*t, C<'11hwhffti.hWm tffis bê*SfI QV, li litretiIS!45gh'. WIth ,i tqtim .w D Alot M& f tetv' ltitti tloi mst19i' nuit ages qt*egt i 'fe-IMtl 1 ' t ' s fil t I u t h s4tt ' riul. % lW t. îw a i%li I'v r 'l i ftIm n w If S it, tho cigh~t.ç6tîC h mil. v T. ttif Iti tt 4 mfv a etw fef tiC l il nifi l t,'rni i l Su ot»hl'-In Me ly. lePm m ' ICUI T ~ ~ C t. SettrI uitfrre isa tei lnBf'* I eee ueef-f-h I ' ld C* TI* s¶'fiti p If Tsfft '1 ft 14 «fittwifillom of O the w T . f *Jf se Otoi «Atlie hr dyln tri* ~i I ejil .f Nf Iî loin ef f: tvpeSIfillt'wVO 1a"It7 1%tw 19 lei ' .t.sS <tio S eIt' tlt. N t<t-t ILh tI4IAf~ uteO utV 1 T e. CTt i hT*tt.!qblf, et, Ili 01 1 i tc1fitth-61%q 54?Ib 41tIhm ' 4k'r 1'l". -i t tt 1 t er at itltt tfh '~~ r't' dS'sVAe4' ifld 'Mttft< '-tI T T T ' trititt2ttSti4~iC tir yl tq(fidvecht im it ufl3 U I % CITe es .. Nt't t'~ ft>li'vrei'. 'A It u>rfA i i f th«t4w SwIIIFtfh T *u,îTITT<Tt 1'* tIf 'ttst e 'SHI tftt i ist'd n 'f tU7.w i,« e ~ eI AV T V5CT:kiitiut iSsî ttWt 1 i itit* -hf Sltp MAtl- C','5"r4flCÇTtfsI .~eh.fA ICete qtlnutt < hix lel 'l'if, ilti'ui14,I ptta. lu imU t't ~~retx l~~'tt t W t ltsc r 'in- 'M filqtlit llet i'V tiei g~~ff7~~~ t , i < tirstttbtflth 155 740. te t'I'tPt~b d UF Pttvf'*~ fi Isi- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :e rttH s ts tt' 4fw ' îttD Triots n I.oitf"& (IVOiffl'.IAi S~ii'iu~SuI5î T5A véliti' *'TCT , ICTTtI'1 lier 'gmk.i* ,;fittt'M 'T **~T t'ttI' 'sttstt'it' -tet ' Siti t h t'oie tw . Muiw4 I V*WI * * , ~ tT'TT Tt'Tl~f IiltTt"ITT Stthit &4iti'i i i f i mN t~i I)ýtl1 wOVet têtfrhouî. i r sTTTTC TIICIi t'i tt' '" Itif t'lit i ttlefirg a? 55 AIli T ~~ ~ý. *T T ' jet. ittTi'tl IVsIT C 5 e iH4eti ,T thsf esf t<ifit st lrtht l e t w.1TT' T5I11rl. l Doe T jf'il .î. .s .oqbit . d a ýt*yt ff n t t T . .* T T~.f i ITTI1%fétfitlet TT Tftît I~i 5" Tti~ R " rtfir't, n vr <i T' .LT T .TTTT Sf ,-tiC t'ttter' ~,~ tli~ kît f tu *ltlw lf e~ il'e #fue'îfM -a1 * T T TtT TtTr lITI' Ttilitttt'htt'y @utfttu A pfi f t b iguit l* lyp'(t * T CT CIe' T t'i- ITItSItbd*Y, a" T tr t i t't fll j T * ~t et ar; t'ît esî"'S 154 'I'.I *Ar t4tS4.lif~hVIVi stf usNtusWWt< h«Utell t &MWO#hsCtêltif tiiâ' Utê f %hMffil'»W. W W t ~ li.see-mercWiîr filt0t hh05 ftb es-irs Ne loi.fAr«0 Wol@ (jor~WF.O AmyVIl~Woe-ele *tr su~ T's.'e . C.i <Pet' fttlWifIii uuU - V ~ r ? F 1# I tri ?or tre - '1t' iss*suef -4*< Tep L4 AmU. ts c"daabit pl ts. b-la- -0X et WrCtIdvm.... item S «Apei ieeff- twer heiM- - s - - i Weýue. ftA, hesmw iev cf 8t-b%* * lu lu#5~be aih!, v deM t-M Irn -muWU rrp~ OUMTWl#lPa.ommeW5yoeaifesa lh.-vall ni soie W tbll-bisi i te- auj.t t-flit.ema' oed.4eWSrmomuWllf ttw roMesul 14 *ImmserIw s le". aou tIifoi#tdeweft Of gcrte. iwoe hmlTEl- M-t d« ttlaiigt Wb* $*put Ofwl*1 p-0C t-ht rapnem ioflth tb- ire M4e. aU tht Ort iA b1tUW. t hs-etl WI. teng-s ieu* l.flUratloaoofpuenoio faw. tt bsMer en,' yes me. pikwt i4ouî- i-lwnîri iy veamm. oren r W gIff 1afer r,ut-s ot roiue rws prMo éflt fôAbOut 4vsde"- M et, t'Wrmat41MPI#1O5e5 f Tie l'ut. mmltuw fie ~ 0*.tuS. 4m ~ a. t-ht~~~'t sivoeiao apewstyuwyeae01Stl ses.-tseofh-ttrt vi I*e--vos'ao-WIo t hi«, loli M " AHili itifil s » iof it-ua tussetn- vs- t- Mevd u-paiA. Stlue dfftwgllr't hwt popietbsodt t-hamai grshIîsmt 9ffIhUe tbl - hve tif@ imu'b rsec oi -b-deit~ so Idaert- lidtret vIltlm of<uth owy eau.- We-îtof"Il.-bt-If mOOliq piiiOf Wol tiiett. tme e 1).-b P v eîitmn o stw'tif.S. sq fflyai*l ie peros-c h 1 lenqPti , itt rsi's , U bol ss... *IIohak il.t-ui'su alias.tf tleu$*- sMd' Itue *111 mMvî Mtunpm. *it er WStMlia- o - i a-kw sftbqsllit.h t s .gr it**su a. lwitflsipluc seNot. iwr W weàv*rwthfvfi$amolkMi tdesf h dtbsI&PttttTt-u r tmht(i '. .. lbelw1. W i'bl aM Mn: e I>tdaveMdbail n'es-Wie' fbu M. Met O it has betioglIte the 0 tioe' ntiS&t wfwewidwlîy es'. ' lu **r (»1o f dne ha b ir qmçIm* eUt ie c er IR~ wkSu w hl e-et- w tEte orie96 51V -tev vsan suit 1 br quftîtpsie sirt Odu e te-»iom e mi s .Zi ae sepi u is1 siwteai09 pwla s it te-aooh wimw -g-a 0m~w - u T- -mura* utpuum r ose. - aifrEosignai& pn..tM &W -g ab* w w MWdu« ce $mm~- UIPWbU M. eues- 19 s é- Mt5 W~à~. fdo.k. g oslw seb oI 1 . rO-The tawopmscaF bSu la-* S hsNu or b"*sb.U Mo fr h hiew Md taie,.t1IUne alaw m«vmlwêIu n"ndUo th vpii, trilqPm «_Oir l a no - l&s gmtfêp , d be-YOSU* 1.1k. sveh &MW for wtb- . pD5ae f~e -suot esna- Jo.tI » ohemd rain 0"apaeig laMd te eewaMti n'es- sud besvit& sw M -Ron »U WtebI,g-a.bes . Ou, it&v1*8r rffet v«7COflâutIU vta i$s*t trie me of t" nv.Jeh"ot .oo mhv h.e il.-__ lla iiOulF vilae-,sudm&h liàâoo lm WObb Vlw Mieli Lamasb. minefft t .ltes hie it. mc li myupthy I. WnwiMW >uiu% th taboild outothe atilly Om d- 0md dssthel.bosa haoe boss aîsM 041 lte e-lve. b3' nt, sTlef eow i tise-useoooft wnM ws 9aitlsypaile..54#th« he t O h e urett- Tise emS- on;tpauo;1f theOuuye me 10"ma ve- t*Muna tie Mtotngobe.eu Idet*It r o"raSs-l-etion-bula., ram e, î tsp- aMer MI nosena e et ma stg estkotleêIlaS.WIW? a4<lver inw'tn* leiko mhnw ltlW aptiol » ou cor m cf Mte fl Nowtffloutb lthe, odue..when Pm ftbodud ls habit ci îlaseu iatu ta towie. th" i t-Wb*es lu ha. ueuth" of bstugs-ey tove ýrnumtlereplof btoa- roelilf* téSut*iolsmd. »4asti oar on* lu arte ct-b- Onnu, lits e0-eo ipe suithm rnup 11 od 1 ed vePi pmdn- hep. tie dsu Mik.te . lat-e hpatnio pontes frstot ow.httn tr L. lmepti? aw*tayit, atei e bas îsvtly <la-ma. nouiu. 8W tt hopwe t-b au e«ctmleut adt Mes,sttha'e*fortl tise otoffl, arniesofut ahavit heart. Tht love ftom asdiueevmmu m the-be clocft-h p*ub flerveuwwss loaely at tendait. ~<mias.I$avey inlthe bain.Pl"s1 whist1leMil stAges. I1 WvMtti Ilbe taed with ae»iwed vîgo .. I"siagilmonte up saô t-ht SheM lais. hoistslap.....Oi piuu ls etwlg- leat-lted ml<wiy. .%er ae- aosud. scltnt t t-vies lattsy h thor. derôf MrT. W. I<sly ofut Hs'ehn. let uly look*. mScs asi th"'* mv ,## 0&iberot crne"a yst tao ho- flilp.(;<. ;ant at-he woode w~ Md siida"*- lite-work 18 mey. -lar*mnM"iaitor-ot tise-very wsvm sees. t-her f 1*oS euu' ntt.r hlmhortenelitah m,'itofl tm>t-go is- ofai-c àcima-heur. Whenotw s'uh, w» t asimitit- t-b.wisidow frmniesw"e p' ltiefS 140 cioely auun4stht-e m" hiai t hey casinot lie rator e tle thse pOMPer smt ofutvent lalon, %Ver wouid uooeut tht.p pvety or th.e stos t-akng Mu Wbalu'xole4 ca-OwIX#W Wth biMa. Ajacis- t<eti'w- wuuld li e vy nice t-o attent- ta las urio tvseu-ot-thtVrAbev7 vi, weai-e tfid, kIlii uoweffliy u.os&se ai lii-bsrnou- ut-clifor orée Offeto h oaet, ot. :t w5& teniW iueewtli hertauty about lier or. bavileso. vvey. I>.lo, w Lt.V r. ,Jaîpl Wbetv, ptlfloluto lame .l etI, Waat-heocwner of t f pla, hot coiffla mtustaoftt'e hole. wt'ws utp e est-bstheti sumit uMf-ed. heLb I ~ I Wunmeb.-M John Badeit matMmit. Suuss Bom. et Uit!. Bob - nitted 1 ln the noly bonde t ra lunmymt Week iOueon*. cf The POBLJ NAaaow Eaoeu.-Oa Frtday lent while1 thse thn. ittié, dangisters ef Mi. P. Br3ooke 0f 3td con. ot Scott werm playlngthe yung- est, a litde tosdier of t-bue. yeara, went Cc a sprÈm amrby tor & drink and feil ln. Thé wager wuae mone tiares.foot deep and thers vas great dangerctth. cilsidrossa-1 tmg, but Utse uoe la ams grabbed her dremo, BR UNSIiCK. [foerupoudence cf Tise Pontil Tanux DEÂTR.-TIiIBhmbaiben a week1 nt f&alt-es for tht. locallty, nless t-han1 chre deatha cccur'lng withiu t-he laut few1 day.. The tiret waaMrs. Hunter, whodtod, on tise 4th tluit.efe&a-painfu l lunes. of1 %averai weehs duratton. Heu rerna.na were' Imisrsil lai Gralsarna cemotery. .Thnum wua M1r. Thouna. Gratta..,an, ct-siandt reu- pectesi rement, wbo died, euddsasly on the Oth wtàih searcely any uteknomu ...Thon Mr. J. Johnaton, our worthv coundilor,1 departci t-hie lMt.on thbe St i tnt ter an Sar.xnuna. -Mr . &Sylvsterla tek. PnnaowM.&. -Mr. E. ClLffit aaaltat P. X. and telegraoh operator her., la au for hlims He wSIl take ln Chicago au rmtiUt n ols-'durlng tho trip. . e r. nAn«wnhas tbeen t-o Toronto t-o visit the slck bOd ot heir aiter-lu liv, Mne. A. Anderson, widow of t-he lava Alex.Ander- son l2th', Une ... M»- Tina Andermon, To- ronto. ja home here lor hoildsys. IS rrHYTET1L.Ayoung lady ansd a Young geutleman took train receutly for the wetit, under circilutances tùsai migat st-art the tongue of dame rumor. They ehou.id fot keep un lu "expeua. any lon- ger. ClltEcU SNOTES.-ReV. _Mr. Copeland, Cobourg presched lu t-ho Methodist church. hors on Sunday, t-he: »kh tt. Uts oermon 'vas grestly appreciated by a large o ngre- gation ana was creditable to a MaripoLs boy and at one tme pupil of our higli Behool. CoMPL~'IEsÂav.- rofselnalgent'e- man nov cf your town in condng up in the Oak wood buis la&eîy &&id he had vut in thé happiest period of hie lIlle in thiâ village while at the high usehool here duriaic tue time that 'Mr. Gea. Murray, now ot the Montreai high echool, %vas principal ocisthe high achool. BVSIYESSN(>rwL- . A. n. a.eron hu s old hà stock of goods to his fat-ber. Mr. À.. Cameron. who will carry on the businesus iualilthelUnes asusuel. AIl peet duo accounta must he paid ut Once te Mr. A.. E. Cmrn-0-f oSW thde-Ist-uelam Lt 1nW Umm~ lSfttbuft wnuty Milieo.St" UI- way isu tTp.a-ilssbW to olt-h. eM6 W. At. ase-,teu, lueaet 'w * cordng oail wit. fTh m waoy t-te»bie sl er mtout hie obêelaishoser, -ht e nineu te-mvausdu - frhU,-f Tinse LI2UTLA BRI née M5. vert tefit ytbemol tâaevenhsl t-I usin- the-bgSlt sa, baderstbia-be sryp.. a a su t SI"" menasai seprtiesn. l wk-émà«ur ht ev bouseMdail tb UVsfor tme- hi Omsa jmui sbovrtborwsa g.t &ULVK8SI ACT.-ofirâtnmathetenofura- msrýlml ivea. t. mfron fte- l thi vt-la poumsa & ui batu cosnditionpeutlswat and nit ta rive t-a fronsitats bum fo s-mls l ope t dr bein s-e isUsef r- lipbc f b hewme- t-bsfvm f bar emnbb £.IIIJL 1" couxcif. PIUOMu.Ttcouincil cf Emuity mec o on 9A"sgut a. Pro. »Myottbe- neye, depty.reeve Md -Ceaima oS lest mOstsngresd maicomined . Movet- by Mr. kSenty, m»=Badud. 5>7Mr. Mischatl t-bathr lsfolioelue- bit-leubao pstd. arney: JonC. Sent-t, worubonth-.. UL.Co-.,*,b Jolm Dousbe, wonh oun t;-. a rd, con., 415; 'roi i. Mge, work on, .te *2m con., lU;, lobaJ. J>aukor, wonk on. :îdîcmn. ;$:W;M. Lowneywovb- onu ib M qu<jsanft er ï ~I0-Lériei.Moved by Mr. (mAry, sec- ouit by Mu. Swiîzer, t-bak the folluwtmg bta be, paltinaoeey:-.Wm. iauthey, wcrk pertonineiton. Ot-t cou, #13;Win. ~111#lhY, work ou 14 th, coni., #à; JoiuaCor. bot-t, worl on lItwb-co., #,"-5); Dà -0, CaL. laghaS, wcrk on.12&b- cou., #1.25. Mauia Devinr, work on li con.,45 4&e0Don"a Hobdin, work on-1lit-h sou., $Jg; Mantia iicvgaa, Sek on l2it -cok, $4.-CaurMd. Moisit by Mn. SwIUe, sesconda"l-b>'1Mr. Getny, t-bat t-tfo"lwiae- blabule-pti, dý: .lchnOnîhi., envol *L1; Ma. liard, gravel, 81.40; David LPcwt.n, 6PM04 4.9; C. lIi-itep.work ou t-lt-b-cou, Dau& psy- rassitof cosUset, c '>John À- Calder, prit-lu- -et-ors lista, etc, ffl 50.-CénSed. àMoVed htY Mv. MteheLti euadasiby- Mr. Sent-ty, t-ba Thos. Wilao.do est- au cader ou, t-ht t-ressee:for thb*-Somu cf ?10.50, for wovh. os t-ht roa n sd is-vet asper bit-I fuvtued.--éared 2oved 4y Mr'. Seuifly ;«"Utded by Mr.Guailry, t-bac by-la-w No. ~-4,for t"lispw-pc. cf &sAumidue-asudtcol- brectime-the stun c of UUou rat-able proper. t-y la t-he sui-t p"ty cr EauAty, nuly: CoUMY t>' a-aie,tgi;"mCh" lrate, 5iiJ; vas-k w&Y rate, t-.< owiiasp rate, 4W>.U2&- Camluc. Movea b>'Ma. Switzer,; ecoaded hy Mra. Sent-ty, t-"batbpla-s No. :43, for t-he ptiypo<s.e t asaesellaauicolieet tmg t-e-sm. ut :46..<trat-abs rOpertyla-thbe aut. cipattiut Rsuly, lier rond t-htseconci, Mdi t-ltrd cime sud iinatly paue, sMd thait-he usev -vo sud clrk agast al' -b-coupai-. Site- sea t hereto.--Caled. Movof by Mr. troirty, tteconded by Mr. Switzer.. t-" hai-bs cous-setSdo nov idjosrn.antil Moody, thb* l:Icbiday of Sept-embut nest, for th- pur- poierof appluttme h.collecter andi trams- ai-ttma Y ut-ber tba-ame,,concCed, wtt-h I3OICA Y(;EO. lCoevmsponflunofiTihe PooLi F'AT'AL RUNSAWAY A")'. A fatal secid«oS cenfatonumurday' night be. twe'n et-oit s-uýt aneo'clisck. .Oli Ausirat-mmeon, sorwegt-anwho came Imom I)rogtiens, la Ycirway, 10 thl. Village a lit-tle overthtire . Il-m ago, w»a comiug. homp fro.m ai ra SGalway. sehere h. wtsh ltab nsitsaFoud and 1 vetocat-Use- beaver by viseitaema hi. bousewhtcls w». a nasway. lUckr, et-c, van away. 6Mn: AudrtftaauMuet have subit hard t-o *top hM, for bact a- placow»a lylse- a. ofte t-acscident- parts of t-be wafflu ver lyln e-la st-1 direct-loa, S.t ha-vinae tucti- st-unp aplIt-tina t-be- hiad sa ta.t-o. The homseaon wltl thetwo trou: vbeeis aud utocpeit y.lSe Aadenmor~, who csuhs the ooi'su ii -ed 1: t-o a t-resfi vt ta- t-o t-ht bouseandsudvnt t-o b.d vît-hout bothesrine-avuymeabout t lit lwe der ihat the vlllappre vese indignant wse t-isy bieadILSt.Whezthbe- vaom at-moi t-he, atusue M. Âudrast-au oa t-bnwa onit, utriime- alsm soM tobjeet wttses toue-l*tsobes aMd fli Iteut aeep vos-s-s in Ide aIde-, besdesliurtn*e-bu umruay. Ie w s-vasftid th*t m»=tmorainue t-"n Omartbw Yoe the Jcz6m MOI or Mi f nIiow atustsm la v~se tmf trnfflduudw t 0uthtb O bind lesu.th -i.A uAt o, 0< MleuSSa luw ao ~evhu~m me - uwt-le à&les aé lus, lmutoleI fr ur s àsimu t-bs ts.w sq TIMM' i.~a ff &r- r_ mm .k -W*tunhoun M' Ine- t-he hole ma.ln t-bis quarter cf 1Mas- -Que hundresi and t-weut-y recruits for vers. Bis agent-, Mr. Cazey, hmtas oîsi nt-ho Çurt-hwe!!t mounted police hase been le.%% t-ban. seventéen. hindous t-hlmissn engagedti bs summer and t-he force i now vhteh spesis voit for t-be Llzaduy manu- up t-o t-s full' nominal strength, 1,.1(' mens. factunrr. -Sorne boys iu Oakville noîlcing t-ho endi Casoffl.-Sprlnu wheat la comlug Sa fast- cf a "sI of biding tmine bangitig front- a with a-ftUbeacu aud ahrtght-raw. This farmers umagirou, tooli boli, asd »oc=- ti-e vus Ii finit s& numbmr oi fieldsaeut. Bar- or six kaundresi yards were laid upon the ley barveot- la nmaaly over, and i me cern- eheif. plaintes are made that t-ht bariey darkonesi -Mr. Henry 1 Osborne. of Lîmehouse. waa lu t-be- rpeuina-. bnt t-be limonla 1501 Vty dro-vaiii, a- barrel cont-aininit a mprnc weli undeistoosi, for Usere bas bienun tala front which ha waa drinkinr. lie lus msop- t-o darnait Ion the foot.i poseilt to have fainted while t-oupinic oser -Bs-ro Die.-Your corr.spoadent wu the barrot. ehown tvo egg laid by a hon belosgsag -Bovanville ha% placad a lesa of ~'~ t-o Major. McDerrntd, om» measuring j )baigtv e ru.itrý n un Incisasarounit lengt-hvlseandi 7 Sncbes Sinor beariugtie yceatsntea rt asiuno-, avounsitht-ct-ber va-y,.andth-e ct-ber mea.- t, ng for twu 1-,ive orontoait a r b îing surine- 7'1tl, bot-h togocher vet-ghlng oigbt- ze on eab l. a rtoaaubli ouncs. 1i voulsi cai t-bous a&freak o!fs -nnar.asr t-areift-bey vere eonly two dropped,but -Mr. Samuel lIamrilîl. jr, triesi to drivu t-bey were cul>'a sarnuj e of a pri-er laid a st-ranme buIt ouu of hius iria,*ajud was -ât- hy t-be mmrn dock of comunn &s-- tackea bly the lutruder ant-d aî'o by bis owtn [Jounal. bull. He waa knockt:d dowu. .but cscapu:d wit-hout soiouï ianj dry. W00LD VILLE. -Extensive foreét tires are rawaunsr ln [CcrmepodeSoo The Post-.1 various part-s et Michigau and Wiscosasiu. PMznoe.N-.-Mr. J. C. Gitchriut amd vife A ouaisber ni f v d uildisehlas-e ai- loft S t-orday for a- boliday trip. The>' go reasis been liurid, andi ueverai vilagee are te Toroutq andi other places. Tlimy viii tbretàteaed wit-l destruction by lasmes. s-leSt Mm . owauboek andl Mu,. Delanoy at - -sOttaýwa anew telephone eompanyor- St-. Cat-hmvine before t-by rot-u. . .... Xr. a4 S. Hugs-eoe.ftt-he-Wardervwaala towa Wedj ganized by local capità±iust-s,.las gun scm- um"yof entwee .....Mrý U vie lu oppositiSon t-o t-be-Béil company. niaia-yo! iii eek Mi- L. t-oulTrtThoewurconcera bas tilt-y suhaècrib"-rs ai- eldeet son of OrvortbL>aundertaket "adrossi>,. and t-be ànis are beiàoteocidd. cabîntlamker, arrivet lime on Frida.> uilght, bringlng. home a young bride. It- 4-L-oht-ning êtructi t-ho haro if Mr. WM vas &. surprise t-obis triestin as t-bey had 1 iam Wtson, lot 1l. con. '7.It.treuaont, :et- beard nching. cf thbe narriage ttii t-be h- tire t-o<ho building, and kÂldthlnsidde py couple arrtve<t. We wah t-hem mach horse of t-hroe which were in tse -.table 'un- bapplems. ... Mr. John A. siar-on ut Uinsi. derneach. Tbe at-ber t -vu were unin.j lîred. say vas ti town Tue*diaais-id Wednesday. -Theritualist-ictroublesat Christ churrh. Ctuuicn 'ÇoirrQ.-Rev. Mr. McLaren. utf Gananoque, are approachng t-acausax. kiia Cannanaton, occuplos t-be palpit- cf t-hoe Suada>' mornina &il t-be umale usemuers of Pre*byierian church momiuluaandi evemina! Tthbe COngMlgZî ionU eft- the CtlUrcn 112 a'00>dy cf Suaday lat... The Re,. Mr. McTavtb 1wbcttie veepor light-s appeared vu thUe of Lindsay la espect-ad t-o prosch. next- Sua- ait-ar. day. -Marshal P'orter, a mensber of thle towust HÂnvsTs-C~Frrnessrebusbarvst-couacil ot îBowmanvlÂle, having -aobetosi tmg. Tisey report cropa never bette. Som iamel! trous- thebe e.s:iurc tef that- body. are about t-brouteb. iwt-out-leas'e,-for tbreT'Iit-Iti-t. the coun. SELÏ- B M.envware boomine-. Nearly ev'ery cil bas pattes a reaÔlu.à;an ueciariaig his tsi-inca t-hlm section bas a binder now. seat vacant. SiAS Me -e comhlnatloss but-st up t-be prices A - two.year-ocld cid of El ward Craz- baefmenu i t-c $130, luithre ana ay- simU, cf Wingbam township, fl e uoa bix suet- wt-but It-eoo-.There are no le"s cf slacklng âmse thbe ot-hrr day and mt tha n even. agenits bre and t-bey ailapea t-o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~&P& ho1îeago uIes iesi. with a horrible dotth. B rth of itste yes as e lio it t-as odbutsiness.Ties go thowere aumt eut ansi tho skin droppesi frons benedt-. l- c> u be [Rtemaindernext twcek.1--\r. Wm. Greenwood, of Gbencliu. was working hiâ e cts am osinor when t-be <hlrMEE.neckyokoe jippeit oser the boiàback. «The [csrutouneofThre PSt-j machine vasgcoiugdown lxi.i.;4tUU the knite .I1-VmF.-nL&g-Anot-her Ornant boy bsa î early severesi bot-b t-e bcr.&e 'sh4usd ùifects joinoit the rauku cor the noble arm>' et bans'- hestniai wasb illet-I. dicta- On Weduesd&Y lait -Mr. %Vill C. -The Duke of Arg~yi iîl proeeut-ing hits Tully vus married t-o Miss Mînnie Lamb, varfare a4-ausît-bhe c .oterset Tii-oc. Ors second dais-eht-ev of Mr. Samuel Lamnb, aIl Saturday of tht-e croft-ors untier t&rres: cf Ousemee. I'be ceremcny vaa performed wera rcuuoveti fi-cru re te t-ran. ai. by Rev. Mr. EwSsse-of Matant- Pleamnt- at-.handcuffed. The populace dho:a,.zyed tneir t-be rftlience nf t-be baldeu fat-ber. Mr. J. feeling b>' encouagatu.c t-rie pri'se>îers %vitli P. Prit-chaud ocf e"son Faits aud Miss entbu§Iatic cbering and hoot-iug t-he Iake Sarab Lambl, êlâte.u'oftt-ho bride, ssist-eo-% .ryLl the- ceottinepardres. Thse bride viat-ha -The bouse o!f leir. M r. Canson. t-be reciplent cf alargoen-suber of biaatiiat uewîy appoint-o incum bent of Watereoo- andi cesly proeut., vhlch apeaks of t-be r*t.thoistchurcb, S, rattord. vas ent-er hie-h est-osm a w i hh e la heisi b>' ber eti a couple of uigbt-samuo andi a num ber of acquatut-aSe. Thse penne- couple have eaabtems toien, am-ong wbich wa" a layer t-be- hma wstes cft-bhoit mamy frienda for cf wedding cake ssAie gent leaoaes sas late' t-beir fut-ave bappie ansi promperity. jrarstmii pc,&pdigadafe Bàns-.rs.-The harley bhars-est is about magl i, s-so!ui-. udiican w complot-ad dnever wus btter savesi ho.-.lrcatisemof JhnMclosid c I SAn AccIDE;T.-A yemue-a by t-be jttuck, s-ove t-bat- ho v.ayàia-nane. snd bLis »maetfStlisieuia thts.bet,,hast bis and 1T hlm sent t-e j sil preparat-or> t-o geintto t-he hsdlyrsudlbated on Monda-y lait-w1t-bt-hoî amy lua. The jail' phyeacian aind as-ot-ler cliMer,. neeemtti-ng amputation b>' Dus. doctor could i Snd no traces of insattity. at Cos'uv&W.CochaseMs uitFrter, vbicb vas on Vednesday à-e as released by -11 ud - e sictltutly pertormed. ia5t, bavinit be inetl guai t-brec wteks. SmERRxADU-Our ba-nd soreado<jW.*C..ansiho is vei-y indignant-. Tully mt. hXe bride on Tatemday eveim - à- feu,- days ago Mms Caldwrell. ot ant enjoyed, a ver>' pleasmut- evenine- iu Skant-yB1ay, stamvesi on a ruet> nail. a peiipattue la thbe hoaplutaâ providesi part-of vhs-ch i-mn into lier foot £auaàiug it by t-be-bride and groom, ce bled attabti>'y, ans ias t-ho .,ound wa* Pxuas-w.Wsn.Loyd Wood, druoglat, oui>' a slight- one, but lit-tle at-t-ention was Toront-o, le- psuding a- fusholidayq hare.. pas-it-o tt-,The ot-ber day, bowevcr. t -be Mr1w. and Mm a.. arad, Hamitton. are bore. font- beeans aoilen andi ver> pàintuî. aud Gos-seTo Ctufp.-Cint. Evaneand Lieut-. loctjâw superveneit. resslt-ins ia t-be doit-h Thomm mos irsresdy maklne- preparastona cf t-ho suiferer on Monda>' lait. t-o ha.ve &- full sud volt equs-ppe o IOiany -Portlandi, 11athe, ln alaranei by t-be ap- for camp at Klnamtoi, Sept. ~ S . poarance la lt-abartoo f a marina mono- teor, vhich dioported iniat-ho vit-or.and Ai THERLEY. move i lself aright ansi thon slleatl>' st-ie - m.osimetfTise 1>-i-Ias>, Frornt-bs-s it-apvears t-bat t-be.ex- Accxx.I.-Âterrible- accident occurnet anpue of the Portlad athermen ban hast at t-he-Narrovsbaldue about1:1. Wcock oni auingus-mce upon eonaOur annuat f rienti Sagurday nie-ht- vhieh mt -have- veaultot tise @est serpent. An analet esculdbit in thbe- las.o!tlité. Mr. MuisilU sud lMr. em-ployesi ce decisie sabt-ber t-him la a case Tînitin, t-vo youug inesufrosu lUpterffove, of conscience or Newr Englad mm. wmedrtvlg home- rei tUla ai a furtona -Philip K"nleo>, o! Idmmton, urbile rate- sud.did nu n ticotat thbe bridge va s pikIse- Sugh t-he wo'jde vas met- i-a 0p5519Ilha-VI0n e om osene-t-O lt-aiboat "0 misbes satber t-vo cube, Tfhe olsi ome Pms. t-rome-. Thons vu sev I espMpie- ." e<.towards hlm, ansi ho clIntboi a Use- bridge but a&t- vers Uit"be-opposte tre; but Use bear foilovwl hlm sud gMt eo .iue- et t-he- hamWet- m could au tpoWt-Ct-O"tt1s "pavisi t-hosoies of bis boots.. bIy at-p t-be-boise, vbck vs.drtm aitU uilJi heuKenat-ey bat abput gisea up f éiIOYOtth. eisigemit ut- -eomn hopf e e bupansad, apparentt>' anablé CMwuw e b@Oit"- -t-h huBWed!-. t-o dinh an>furtise. -Blieplaceti bis baud- byMmiumu Me%, bS». é buW wtUSkerchiet aroaanthis bat., sote mt-o bot-h, t-o t-h. lotm4 but thes mmsuc-t o; andsasidashit t-beeblazine-maie in Use face Of -w- fS rume» by se»t sba vtuessi t-he t-be asai h"chrotteated,. floveti b>'ber ioeidfl. Thet bs vw» diosuisu I-t-o ub. I&amutvt vnela M. Ia bu 4wtm -AnOttwademSt-h ape: Coualdor&a ~ obs~os ~ iles- .ip bas bout- aniosib>'t-horeceut deoa lmaul~nulsuema muS <*~.t-ls t t-vo =»usfrout t-bi rlIgons Thl-tmghto otadose t- ai i-v.w.k.dmOiiUfint'thie Cit>' 0f vbich the>' basi owbo par a & dtt. evertme bgUt boss wutby membersalfor Iupiraifla i ut h.trtba 5anchu UNI& ~sY!w&Thet t-o. ibo are t-vinasai