Pm t -M- alt 411râMý 41* yur miý rim tome Our ILý au& ot rmaum UNWM-«4t Mmi qj te ..... BEL Obt ................ -."m amam ot T am ogaw am t&-dd~ ot t"w r4d"_ .......... ci, P. to"141 -th" by 9» . ville. ..... ........ fait le, »m.. - II........ effle is go -A C.P.& fratm 0" et 29 cm ru Low alet ......................... ::,14 : ý GARS go il tu" mm Owe la a* 0" holet à wer»bm or dm C. P. P- fer the p4wfbM «k«»ý momm 90" ý là* cm É!tËwttk mUw« IIIIIIIIII TorowÀ>I)eMg moue@, »W land 110râtVM89- Wàmfflt, .%- - __* *me. ger station Md oUfer r;omenieuoM The Tffllar f«tffl tly nw»ts" et tbe pétéri WM qu'w ý." ............ tim hm ebse*mrkt4 w» Abroken, &U4 càuud -m. je& et«M80% belli oâ. INM"I. july Mr. J. P» PJd" divtdïnoiL»'* id Dr. 8011111111111, W e tkb.: lit the Illarket, bulldto*, Tlie'or@MdM., et were in -Tber 991«91*'bffld Otý UWM hb" we 00 m" va vif,,t-prèttident md,"rretwy emdwgM tb*bud- sfCý totir of irmecum ovw Wb«e fww"w Thor pa"d up nettal The ehlieffé handiéti wu m folkv*r. onder oc"idéraum 6. Xidkmd.dv louait orz morem 4>C>C»IDIO suifor, -"Zbýinu" by m AmeffliSg &m, ton mdu"y anuama. car-Ioad à bé ta ftr". talir. DIM «Wabwot liste. Marie louait bom b. ma" te mondes rë;"CW2,MC!qD W» de ;e"th goods.' Ar pý1 now, boing ........ toi théât eut ân 0» Win ............. ........ ............... pouz P R E S E R E %% i welitwood. ...... ï .............................. Il drimme Mur come th" in. ficul »Il favorable point orma Tr"k hily Lake .............. ......................... bo The mm, fS se w eeà , tenmon wou ho Cherry Groye ......... .......... IF ............. . 12 dia. short Oak r&U~ rente mexiste 1 a - tiiwe m l pienicit thvie, y, and or .... ............ . .................. M Mad mi mmmy oomeadm ........................................ m 01111W Igh» bo -befm. loft leber charaliti 4 pot bd un two le lixel witueU mm big TRUPSt develogmente. l'Orb, from, th a' te t osa" am il Wo t*-Oýak* (léo. 1 Douroi ......... cooffl hmt thé, m-mom Md 0~ - it to la ý%vfwq*w ý t:,«Ung. ' and keepij ........... si i». roý*rt., ... ........ te 04 0% le --The ýCa»d" Fdae . raff~ , now that ...................................... bW11118 The 111110080o bu"" 1 theïr train service te the ffl fie OOM te funy Onk-*ffl lomiý A. f . ............................. Mil dlmovm,. od»d i fiatablisbelà, la order te e»ourmp,*&,riü to, Milli Durnaier ........... ................ m =Md buiné«Ilerat t"«"& Britiah, columbla and ý ove thoir maur weU- e ...... .................. lis wt,*hem au opportunity of »Mag the souatIT J E WE S , JO" A. Str*thy,, mammr of the Arrivtifs t;,Aý TIZ.7a"r'oý é ............... 00 have made a bix roduction in llm«ër bramb of the Bïàk of Toron lm la Oserait te Vau. *01 lino, ......... Cime tbat Oy= cm detect " for;W #10 ="ôt couver or Vie= Ermk et on theïr Und The p. d*f T.INIbgàv 141ÇAITIO.N. tb*Càà&&»B»kàt COMMOMe. »W In Ontario a" Queber, fer M-obu rotum O R 4! ffl uit4lon, m The forgerr hils a t= t= t,84 wood ta, stop éver ait any point or .................... .. Il Ir ;* during las $0 the %badina on ther rmiteftr$110. Pammgmhave %Vtet Optc .................................. Nt% Plow S.Il. ?4(ithtMIL ..... ..... ................. Io litem leuffl loi num .149mr th» la the Option of Moinfg by eigm l"e roule Or rait ........... lis route.' fflurn touriste, going by one route and tt, lotifth.. . .... . ...... ... . .1 ....... the 'OrigtOM -the 16rRè te* In Olr«D lOtteriff returnins the, ciller. very favoi ............ .......................... fin te too hiloh, on the paper - the ....... ... ....................... cobt of arlus twtw" of boind inuym" ly UM»t àW0111111111. _111111devit.11 - TABLE USE ........................ NIr. (,rtlbbýiii. one of the tmlt*tnem filtre regs to la belleved t fat perffons won ................._11 00 te 000 a 0 operp«;aýhere beýré- .)tilled and eighty wou7d ta te 0 ri 4114 , 9 Il W" .. .. 0. làk t1ilst. the Ini)-erie Wh là. the rim st 070 te 000 N rs -A D Orde tttt4t"ýd te latottewho filer bought for. *Onteof Amsterd9m and Stiýg"y. Tb@ ................. - 060 go 06S Ï141*AY lis l'à Y, 'lu l'y :W) imM. the at titis boffl Mailler. wollndéd.1«1u" fètty-tWo Içonten and irlw ,= ................ ýF -M théit th" sied ont bffl tremedjustly by @cm@ midipm It la "t thénphf; tz the figures Midy. huiles .... ....... ' 0 00. te 000 of Ille bliverg. At. prègrnit thffl wu no kviowlin,« NkW 8 , A nonf*- ..... ...... - 0 lu te* 0:18 ly . C ouni twinit etilitto. ar olives roprottent, fully the c"Ilaitles a the, P"@ ý ** .. .... 050 te 800 de mitiently no éthe wu remmérible, mie rmtory rlots, an mfI of thioce who welle wotinded Marmwru ............... 000 go 0 80 hâd tèlvaytg liftot »-umd rilptitation tilt thie ygar escaped or wem remve4 hy friends froin ............... 000 tu 0, iàû Il iti&tbtAN, PoNT k for goine Magon. it rejoewd: but the thé Ssais 01 . - toi the 'tronUtà. At noon ymterday reSw thoir POIII.- new prpeu% 8919.. 100 Ibo 215 te 255 COOKIKOB ir ad %"d hilla fi-ve eente a p ad for mobIl bog» taé" é to mixe& Il :8 15 ihop". He"(%tw a f#ctory to m" for fl'ê àt,.tcke On the police. ýA= eaI, Der 100 Ibo ............... . 0-00 te 11,0 renf'q 14 imnd rallier tlbfbft be rêjomed.ý Therp ýT, wW8 $40n*tllinu tif the Ilottoui of t hie end big wu w-At- Wimbledon on Tiieulay the No]&. 1 90 te . 2 (10 ie%ý,t 1 qu'l) as. the itiorket Ibnititit i-owilli ait If, frite had to trane the chofign 0 50 to ýpore.elip W» iron'hy ýthe 1-.'naltgh t»M P4wll, frefth. r dos., ........... 0 10 tc, 0 Il t-4 iltbrv"t wi th sà.prom of tbitl. (&*bd& comtag aeeônd Mit; or ver Ir -, ............... il tu 0 1:1 1 flint If il brille of (Ive dollarit lie vrith tlit, pointa, t;tW!tmy thtrd with ttk'., Hiéver in 011 to, 000 ýw -étlliain t;týatinn*?,) aiv, il bitil twi, %irnijl(l not rtýictV the vltt."P. 'licette (la bulk) ... II .......... 0 W to oit bills mouffli te Ponstind with Alliulllb fburth wtth 1!:!:ýJeTxeY tifth wilh ýw4h thèý'txëqbti1ù-ii fineti Ofi sort ofiýbllvinlr. tkji, Itidla atthie, tiottoin with ii, ré. ThM kef 111(leii. ..... .................. 500 ta 600 WOW jbtlet. . 14. Ife, 1 1 1-il voIorinx limi sométhinx te do lit 1 t hfi tenth. flun r. mi lice te, 13 00 Lindsay. JUIF lath, 18M.. 101. fil If ý xill ppf leiît Illé vq% lo twà est for -the Kola. un to 15 (M rt"t"iekmon et Ilittif rallit. NI pnre Cup, the Iýeea, é4u'P* dumr curais hains., .......... o 12 te 014 C.Mmtlll (m tour 0"8^tMoé, YiiMoly, ID Bacon, 100 Ibp ... .............. -i ou tâ S 00 -New, ib-ty fil M, illit it IIIIIII of vaine mid flint MI% ilnd 1,148 1, ine E nglieh team b&v. MoN8 Ilork, perbbl ............. 12581 te 14 on titi litifi letiersi froin thi* opetion (41111. Wool that I>tiytr@ had MIèmed ehre*p on an. i nif 1*00 e»e4»hù of& ai] othe occasions. dait, Iper bbf. .................... ::: j W te 000 I Ibletinin - titir il Ille Ifligt *@*.It touge. ennui t 1 rtet(4rif,.ý; tittink#- Ilieir enfer. lie, réad In PNI th*c*n"lan team W" queefflful .4traw. perload.. son to 3 î» jim ta wlèiit volutifilent aoré W51 âRaînat an vngli8il Hay. perton ...................... 600 to 901) etille to i--ti 111,1 11rilII#'T',- wt,ý4fMNlf tbw on 1 4 il,- hy a total % - 0; Calfnking. par Ib..-..ý ........... 010 to 009 t)llltlif (If 11114 ilf!11'4 lie ilibiblittil Il, re- tot-al tif fflé. fi-11:111" W n e n the altionting of the tour fàmhektne ........... « ..... . ...... 0 211) te 050 m um 0rý MAIMUCR LICIMISIM. Iý pilr Il>. toi- twat eiwtà- ý1eùt ing 4t) ppmnnai tbettell toi tel* dItiriveil buy.. (i j&ae la the ss" à4t&» of th cri; eiwtlnt4 of otlit.r roto by a tju«We wool .... .... ..................... 'T. .11mittral ebtltf%" made a tow Mmark@ and the cont(et lieil »«I Armatrong. won aie CoMwoodhitMP«covd. 4«w«tb 3 1 rx) ..XI feme!Y f&Vniiri%1'1(1 rotý61mtR A« to the iliiqttilr tilrollix4l williont. étar Iéntion Wnlg taken. md Zli', efth, mdlltiudl md Kin%. Cordwood. hall& W cord, iloI 1 on ta a w Ibifid nie Whg ait wridhifon. for matir took.ZIA wwh end a l"ile, sort ...... 150 te 230 ý; Il (,tbnk, 7 5 lit for the board. iomly. 7, -Ther qehonner," Illarion Il hm. arKved-at Utm»t - 1 It lis ven jtîty loi ý'f«1r 1 ile lantirft: %V 1 1411toit rail Whest. n tir Lirmidsa ç6fttIfvý#" Att, i.-#N. r1rv0YQtI.ý 'Cite kbtw, 1 for t'lit, board: Cook. ew. per buelliel.... 75 to 0 76 brinaing the luelit niewn ,epriAu %Vhtint ý LM OF IARRIAtin UL11 %VlIt,èè- ilit (10 . ..... 75 toi 0 Îri 1 'y two GOM wheat, do. týs te 070 Lmo.may, 01M %%'ère rftlie'd 0«. hof noué of the from the lAbrad« coïlat. For n«r. Barter. do- si tu 050 1 qmeqmi,!Tb -'told. holding Ont for tilletit (*Ibt@. vre*ir*-Btw W$* h1celred la York h~ by (îat,4, do. in te 040 Lindsay, Oct.29.1884-12. to Kývv. laid Od lodj*dý Ille Iiiiyertz kire-eent Ittp@rit. Wrighton. oz ;hebtinaàtlvef&Mill«Whol Pu". to 000 blit, wlit. Rye. dn. .... m te, a on BRITTO.Nt ingnv 41414 êt Wh -%Rit ibàfkv l'il4ik. tie»Ily. ( lu\tmi and fIrtipn.- iltovieiw A*»*«« #êtmq»» Cheffl m h4d rnie-bed that point tram Sand wich Bay. ý I)ropftd heim per fou th& ......... 0 00 to 7 50 j BOOTS and Il Ili ,,ttq4 tell. tif t Il ' N'Vt, 1 illtttil*t effert iii it(Itnilriýed t11Rr1ýei of the flotéqIloro anti ponte* Tôron» uve at«lg imarà" lot the ormet Mitt» Bro&, Jewellers, eren tu Closeà i*okkift.,i my appr"lmb!(t k whieh, they subsiste«. atteffr theïr arrivai. -extéli,, , liéd -t W-rmIller la w1t,14 York harboir TI, crowded with foettvp*, SE offela hall nt I'rtêrtioreb oit 1)UI, thm 1 c"fle . tram. -the southern rt)mlxTo. JUIF »», lm LM ER OF MARRIAE Là inq GOO. iMqtlý.1 wInrk 411 et,*IiII4 Wilh Lliieb trop »Id rllppq* lintqilded wag the mine à* thia Offèred cout and. k»w no hIlna of ther »r. Cat tic- Expôrt. 1.21161.èà. ann up. All goods 14 t 4 :Pmltt» eliq tire, i fint v il rpý tirv seféson, wili wiie warite, heiferq &titi Micelle e ii-hat k. In tilt tifiintintinu to:Jl.llt, boxe«. -The thern etolh1b«à.. On -Tilly 11) a two extra. per lh ............ $n PC te $9 On and se lim. Thebnyerg day%' ftnow alerta étet in, cattic« ott ait cboivc ...................... 000 tlit-4 finet dî-4- Pl-rts"tllt wilré MeRgre. liv. H. W-riffliton, J. W. mixed and bulis tralle. per 91 ........... 0 0.1'. 0 Osi. t'fiét fi0il Ntrvulti Ubti fi trtèli tif 'No. 1 (Irëtn of I.Pary of la grILLI-.,-ER WANTED.ý"%Vell up in York llayý,to relleve the firnt autrerers Butellem, chaire pick-efi and (look of 11elleville. t ' Por ýh ... .......... 0 r4l 'à 004 the- busineve and muet be a good sales- . liao 4rè. Ther'làumt report. ittaten that the 1 ond lltwtw"n tif NIontréiali rhoicv, lier lh ... Il tri'q 0 oW. w0mau. J-81MONS. elhf re, 1-4 it ý-illilll.X thù market liy IItldinft II;Idxôný êtralw am, aïwain frnzfm over, 1. 000.1. per th. _... (i In 0 0f "2 if. M ftr flic litiard. Ntr. lé-arv offérêts -. e.. fer whIch la an iinpror*dented certivrence at Common. per ib.. () O-2ý 0 "Iliti4b Litre F the tiollrd, '.Wr. tiféd««6n 11141 _. fil for P(tlfletin»14l tht* litramoin. The 1*.nigwrttiire hatit not gons ritt«týN. per head... 25 00 SALE. -Two houspa aittiated oit làndqaT. Jiily 13th. lSý ati-1 , Nfr. 1.0wer than Ili dëu-ropt4 Wiove. The cold ré.- Ich per heud 25 00 5500 lrhtie. ý 1 Il io _' FOPK-ent-et- dirertly opt:naite ýsyIve«ter1s tzi traite het'ed M alitt NIr. ('finit hmiiiiit the Suffit, from Immen» ma*t4e,* of Arrtie leu ghetý,o-FIinrt . ...... 0 M 0 Ot fouadry. For further particulaze apply to B. ehrêtie linardeti Iby th" 1 . Iiiiii-hpperq'per tirait .... 250 - 3. 25. T. 8TEPHE.ý;,A. Lindsay. July SI ISI4L-100-tf. Wt,"twc*li si(tnathee.b"tý Uplodate. 020 ouriviv .*,"k ktv, lie-4 Ivtii.11 or li(let. Anet lAtiiW Spring. fier llead. - gond éclore 1 te ýt f:t" have arrived here.. Trw nuinber thait, )lave ..ta chaire ......... *2 75 3 25 1[>IVER VIEW FAR31 FOR SALE.- M U&L I tq r 1, Ir 1 1 à v (q 0 rffl eil lèt site?. ýýII. Flttv,,Ile oiroired ..0. for tilt, lAntlQny tien. %Ir. 10-ary intreàmql lilte bits died tg etitimal-f-4 At infe.-iýir to coin- JL Ib AU ibat part of west balf of lot Xo. 21, in 3LACHI for 041, %vlitbte tbtmrtl. %.Irý lillavelle attked if hlém mon. iw-r heaci .. 2 Où 250 6th wu. of il)ps Iyinx east f the Il- lie)ltëV, lýtiettpt., offer for the lAtiftmnv greffon wotild hot hevIN en Boue- 11ellivy fat ewt weifzh- 0 'CURM river, liptirf,4tf*04, eV,(%? that tif Ir WAX elt Otf ........ 100 450 abnut;>3 acres, land excellent ais cleared. no t4,tl*ltoN m and- wi4 Utilise jjrjtý. -1-llqm W. M. Vair Pold one buUding& Alâo.13 Acres ar Mains lot on the "W filas li&V ý1%rI Ir. lPa 0) bàeored ilial il wolild lit, tinfair toNIr. (if to Nir. Geo, làgbt rat. per ewt., west aide of river. The eaàt and west partt Iltate4lat front CwitÎ44 alid th" board Vc 01I'P't" "Ar. 5 will be sold eeparately if required. Land very lo@hVy andin Ille 401141 ta èt(1(4ipt ý ýs Qtor#,. p Il t-wt,. weigh. iii-1 for thfaonn ýee1Iii% when tir. ofrèred i -,,Irjhg, And wtil, t m 5 m desirable. belli« pléamntly..,Iituated jtlst out IlIv Atqtl>.. for tht, %vlitble Ibtitil-ll. Ntr. tilts ý prinn, te at biit OIT the car ........ 17.1 1 aide the limita of the town Lindsay. Terme flic' littlp.1 Rtablett. *.%Ië. 14tlIwsrý a Srotchman, CalvOs-Iler hé.éd. choicti ......... LID fi ]cou 1 W..%Tcl)ONNF.LL colidit lon (4 t'if- etýlwHàl1y , piiiehaàt-d a latiété, tarai on the shore of 1- tbf,."t.. (or iliti wliffle boRril. wit h the èXcépt ion . Common . ...... em o a number of liandsome town lots for of fiai illook. wag a creepd. ion - il tli». cheap. W. MeDO-XNELIý M auflibliétit të(bili l-W it l40lIf,ý llftvtý roittinued market vlo"d. I.Ilker and evidently latends 1 toi Lindsay, Jbtarch 17th, I&Q& -.>I-tt. le roi, 1, iii iilli qWvý tif- lir.,çtltltn't of flic Imrti. An- havolcood ffiulde, Sale& anet shi wolild lie provided What dors that epell? Why. '«baeKacne.- or - .%etion tif lbiè;tqg for Ilin itext tiitirizet Io hilitinicip the R SALE. bu-tsýt ett tlftti dellifoid 1 ýpflt"e, &il nther iiigilkptm. And the hide tiN*r.11ýlti cottrse."tliotigh yon wo-ald not siiàpéci r Ird vûtir Theré NvIerp I&I'M* Ile plién nnnoniired that the ne\à inar- .\Tl.lgNtl..rrll 14omixliv. ý)n1 ';itiarday 11retglanre. Il tpella what huittireds and filon. rmaw-CL"S TIM TOWX- Have a law assort ai lýi%>ttèétý..-ý il-41,1111dy. Igéryg téle keli wohid IIIIII. »Il Ltiih@4% sande of women art,'eutftring front every day SIUP OF TTTùaàlnr Tindmy. Ar4L 17th. litltt- W4 nticht fêtât &bout hale ý PétAt twolve O'Clork _tf rint litili ith Port, Perry 0 We ut cm. 9.120 acreu.S-) acres clearéd and tul,4elIà1ý Y. j'iiii-1. tttwItc.r"4 wtqe lèob i Vifief, tif t titi 1841011. .$mm% «P Kt if they. knew the virtuesof De Pierce& "Fav-, trio froin âtumpe in aîroodstate of cultivatioiL 111ý ilko mingtoillit »-i-lèltIIt Dominion Organ & Piano Company and ROI Illiteêd to rv(1Iéirî,ý wzgx. 1 ortie 1 IrmýrIption.- AIl thoqe 11draqinéit do*a" j (;Ood well. Ilnt-cla«> fraine barn, 61xiO feet; blf."Mlilbpl@ drove into town, and pft« PaIne and mneationq Of nfttistý& ml wmkné" stable 5ft-- test: dwelling house 22x;,.:) 1 eet. pte*lrs werr fWeilliar in worapn Can lie ell"d hy thi* swale -snil excellent: ruade guets. Foiir miles from, mold it j-ý1r. *t %voré de.,vivii froni choiera In puttlup thoix horèle In the Wited of the Coin- hm. il In womankind. Il hit aitnSt mawcas la ils Beaverton, two froin Gamebrit1we. and one mpre-t&l hôtel. walked arnund to the front front whool bouse. Possession oiven let Octob- C E N T ' 'Ce witt 11he ý&h -ilad«, 1 -M. tlmoiw Of the h6tet 91ad WOrf-bhOillit tO.enter Whell or if reilitired. Terme eaâF. Fer particulars Lm a and and 1-u lia lit , e» t --N% 14ent t, (01fired.' died In ?W n )f apply tu PETER M. Melk)t't ALL proprietor rtIýikfjîj f(br il larw r llaft% of Ili r , thfy welle, attaëkëd an"d knSked dow 1 lýTtèe*6*qr. The rertifle-Mé of hifI - d»Mh Il., whOý#bt. Ilbayir -.&t Calmerait. on Xonday.,#h JUIF. : on the premises, or Gamebridge P. 0. 'July tifliov itw (lethAlul. Vailitifit llfbqvtl plaepd Ilix %pf ait ye*rlh tempied to rosi thein. ý,rh#.y were prévent. I IMI;. liachael Agne.4 Ilewie. d4mbchter of Fautes j -pf>fý polin-1. ýikt 1.4erpocil ý Pd ý In theïr dmin» and 11 qlri4t Wa% mptured -and Ilargaret Ilewie. agM lu jours and 9 IlCORPORAtLo former no" lZImdlna. 1 Ili.ivO&* Inn ER A-ND, LAKE ROUTE. law, 2 --Mou The 80011100 tickeP tor mie sud information « mortvm Mar be re »i iNe 014 : t» botter It wlil be for UW whole CUMMU. interesît ceanicg at Once oui dhe.over g Pm %éon of thme ortm« 18 À 1 . -' 0 » A'y. 1(1111 lady affliy pu" as, P. Porter% Bookawe. tw« iwsd lis v m #4 1*w11ý Md semoue 4ppacadam Mar be me (0 "Mfry inittëf et CUARD LVL Umm am '960114h *t#vmhlb- PMI@* IM2531M. bottM-rm" ln fAët higliff prîm &M à AL. gag fé"d to q1m m awy m* tlhw« 0 meilt U~ . jusse Uth. f*M wd. go. vorpool, %*#Attflof to -mu là, là JFI tri Ameile-86 Thé(èr"k e-oftig.w il U7 "d ladieswho r E= VALLEy. NAVI(;ATIOX Co. hmtM 9 oh m. tei 4 Tiý li t* 11144. t-he q,ýmt4t, Of t" te". ffl lm Io est MI et thm elpomt white conn, T. RU Mraie.. ilim *slow »rum died thomequi. 1 Mi4. lie*n pMdi »d It WM d«J Imm ficillou E. R o«W* wtlrti 1 -1, spidemie wm.f«vo& As lfbqp«44M.100 (4howed that the Oetlme 1"90004 et O"WOO& Thurîlsar am PM". admit, (if a OW brA ekkW POrk -eC«WM«« MM ud 24th Bop v .-Tho, Mi a"@ .4: , pelum 1 à& b" bol. tas é(ébwd- M011 aw, 0~ M46 lwi~ te goum IWOMT. we&. Thle pffler serft vulm à marvel et bo", Md WhOleumeum& Miere dept:* 29 Md M poriv. 1)*.Ioy pffloën from tfià* the ordi» kt&&% and ma- qted witli t», mie M814 DU seid la compoMon with the muM. lew tom sims wewht &lma or Pb@> - 10 IZ" GMw"md, léq. Owighube et Souei%& wut, Wdowui»mna ROYAL ...... mwuwtw M" liait, la** vsami cit me.. on Tbum*w POVDBR c04 VA wau-un. Noir. outre vit 148* M tffffl ô te In ru, mmber of M~ *»"& Tue x.. mm m dit or dite, «" «MW UK» Ili# eimt».,ot the WUW't« cmewé la oucolvm igi the c4w tg ffla OfIM ow Md VM6, au lu golden tbefe.M4 dm &Wdz swawc ivroiL RàLIR OULY ET JE Cânimat *Umm Point mbwar. Tom à vmkm Tbm Jûý»Rw1 gb_« " -bine& owawifcq a itab,4 to miweh glu -00 , -Olilà- - &M1116 Cu àmow4m s" Omm-M f« emes, M or M à lm mm 133M Ulm Oâfflim Plu& S-bale la b" la - ma t* aeemlli&gm 06 «« me kbw MMU tom .......... Loo 8-bab MUMMUM ý ----------- ------------ iw bemoo*to* .................. w«W Imm »Iratillv, a Imm 1 . ......... a ......... go AM 1éww Ille lh m-rmmmma ]bNmu" U*me 4 bu, p- - mou ir MW sus UW WWU.