L 5f peu usai 101101J5 ~soboI Lnmbei.Omiam. .0 VQIiU~~ViA - A L~3SAY, ORfTï 2PEIDT, JLTY 80e18M6 EX,$.0 E EH B P. »l , i O i r s . - BRTON BR ose- SpECL4L VA 7CR LB8. Our PleCIALWATOEES 'gère the Srnet . h muot Simple1 osrcIn Are tbe lenît hable to (eot .6ut Of order. Are the easiestt and quick- est~~a reiîe ~the elàex Ail. -thj mâteral sd - For î'ftnes,3. Bc -auty, Sym- meétry. Durabrlity aud Accur- %te ruusurp>1ssed. The/combine th~e g60d ponts Of cP4 other BRI TTONSBRUSw t t-lu.' a ir' >~:or,. Jîu > ttth. t'~$'~. * î.F 'u ý ua irtriav, be- - * ---- ,- w. irr tî Kent sr 't.. t .-.-' t i.' fl-t. k U. Il. ri ti ,'lt t w"' ~ 1u)N~ tisi (r -f -ai->. Tou'twfl îubt- 4 i'it.Apply t-c t - >îiîîtIlore,t11.0. July I ~ ~, a N. 't--atte and u -4 lit î*r tlt. ort- fi itl huît ui tout I' t \--'ild u tltr u-af -ou -ii-trt: tîu t'ilulbulel ail-- t n ForWu.uk t -arIaw O. l.1. SV h i- tiht~-1ti TiiMt i O.t -itn L~'u Jui ! i ltt' 'lu" ut prnlu theut i --i i t,- tt'îiAru't. h -oi- it l ht-' -- I-I-4I z k > i tti vét:t srt îul.s t.' r 141?X -mi -- .,voti-lh lsa U: * -..-! uI-T t 4tii tu aitlit nuit gi - q '-i . t i t Ailhtu lit r ut' ;ît bhM tbut t ti 'Z ti, î %ti--' t ' i itr . TAlN 1,4 N ut 1\tl ,i. 4 et- i mitIr .2-t.1 in itt lu s j.,..r 11- it w'1i-i'niui 4, d i-Il iard thi il f A'l-! 1! rt.tt îîlt rtit vit41 ..Ip tir. ~tt : ti - rt-s l fuar t v tLri le . l t 'a t b t rr- 'l . i 1, rr -ro"' 'i-' - *p"r - rtti -c pii' , r Ifli Mu',aI ry. \ :dIl t l * -i .~ N-la: - t-SLE . 0 1%, 1 t0 : RR .N 't-t ~'î 1~!--. . 'l- o lotmtuts- ua 2in e i w 1- roit, v- 'iit I1 i t\t i ux- él -i . iv tin laifru t, ~. i-t .~ rt t,, tl11l t ,îutt -tut y tt fti onttt * i *. -- Ite - ,îahvll A<nth' uit un, t t ii ti' e -I V i T'tittttti t ri titi re ua - 11 ; 'ii - tiT iit i tut utitni lm.wl -., IWI tt' k; n t ttabeviW la j i' ~tl -' tliirr. b"rlitt tuf su t o ait i-t~ t"u"r.'-. fr--t itti tub lu lu. uîî: fi Ku lirt hêrt-r- i i t iti in 2Itt tS ntt- it. M L1A NI I'l~ AI4I <aI 10 il . .5' '<itt it 4: I ÀMl 11t f tl. s 1(-tu t. 1l h m :Ie- iii th twiii rut-t-of:Ou&ve? i bt -.-f~ * i n ploititu22t-- t rotîn i. i-, t frt K. tu - t.; IXlrs' an - - a-ivi.t . ov fro t thp t nd tun antdau lawe -~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~Q, -.(I vî>tTI 'ttu"ual t ptbu oSI. A S-r"'"W. "- t1I>VIle.iueet..nu. m Ilît" i îf i i'*lt uuy.It(l m. en t- t Wfbu jtto1îuahlpettpi l Aeet ththewursgola Nb titurv fu'î ti tr ttumliiqdts i st êle p u botîti toitdruf t oflMi pisn 'avelîfo e tga frAutt e n1u"' îu-lttliektuIu~tel t tohé ie #«1 'l. dt-t its L t wp ourt-tul. Ta tra Us alui stulri r au'i«tcSt4 ~Am. u 0 o'-' a W:iî~'uuutpe"Tt' urei oe tai te-r t4 Okurvt"th Y o ur-leu' prtIc10 I SAA RY'S TROUBLES. 5EWIg2urA2'og liarit toîr J)eliien acaniIon. tam Tarieuarm n te Gaiton.4ual gé uo caed emi aWi U rlSUgSsS de.Y lsst i g * mls Ual.*w-EUtéSemi as Loee, ndwhoJeiyee7e-d, the bmore lae hn appued. Lord Ideaielgh, , Lord Jobs M%,ammer* sud Lord Chates Bareoru use uWelcOmed ulithapiaue lai vas apedt al enbusiasle. The Biglai Roa.W. I. SmInî, vWhouW" chiot secnelmry for-lreismd fot the tortatighi-pteeiing îthe close et L.ord bWsalbury'slest govetmme4 utua cbogred -beatily vIes b. arrlv.d, and tl. appaue wie .grs.led the Marquis et ,%.tbuu7 mmomuted. teSU ovation. The n:w premierlut vs-eosmore hbtu r. cevd b. hemeting Imoue.fLoti Salis. bury, -havlap tofrmuaily anno'usced lIaIhle lad accepteS tls oftie of prime.inaistet, saili ho lad, on bottait f ethe e et'Wlve f lrt e otred th,% promulerahip la Lord il-rtnfwn asu mdlI isequren »A&p- proveS <ho proffer. Lord Hartington, hou. uvu, mv lit le décliné.théetank et formng thbe «overt ment, but ho promIsed fer him - self amd.is ia ehisgtte lIat th : wuld loyally support s goverumeulfered by ooasetvatives . Lord llartin on hbai itn auutanmees <tîle Ileri unîestats uoubd support the' conseryattve govetuitemt "ou iery thmilscuembgîe mantenance and lntegrbty of tle empire." Se ft s tle Imial policy o! île povotumuent vau coneerneil 1. rd.Iîlltngteu ad promiseS Iha théle "ibuoral uotraulisould piv. 5iw nioasure proposidby Ihe povennmenl for tle rodmeet o!fmlhairiovancos mml s- e tutl coua.ldertttIon.L" Coucnenlmp dtis aub. jert,ý' sald -ch. premier, "I11eau luýiform the nuesîlugu chat lu ýamy echemueet fretni ronteinplated ln lbe machinery ef &ho lrlti quietIon I ulill do my buoo btals the ceoeprttlo e bM3arquis -otfliai. Ifiiofi.' <Cbeherè). "The. libéral union. ltsi.,", contittueS Lord-ilSalisbury, "have rcenëved <oethemsîves ,Ithetreom ot artion 'ouIcde Ihose Imltjq, bal I mée scarely asy tlIai e oie, teckon, ou thoir ttupport amaiuot vexatious on trmctloust op- position or ýt'bstiofl vithout the pîvlnit et dlsiaieploedpr."Revsmtln .tote h Irlual queonataI tl. conciutslem eof Is speech, the' marquIesmaiS: - 0.1 mipît @*y atse chat the nmluistty -wll totlwltb .;rs'. pare a bbil.e .grappi. uftb tbe next Oil. euhtyinlb.te -direction ofet eed local Atr? lftiA Tolleabamu, tory momuber for Wlnebett er.s aked ubat, pretec. lien would lu lIa meauîtime ho aoiSeS te "l e ieyaiis buAnIreland, ubose blives were Wbocomnhg ta burden tote e." The 1SIRquls cf or 14%11brï. ruplled chat tle gev- stefitn mêmt te rixotously saforce the eýxlbqtlng anr.'md apply for adiîbnai powerts If tnecotiaty." *' But," ho aidel, -I u 1 tinvie. to Siscutta tiiese mutilera ho. fore tle est huiab-es teltiniabed," Parîîatnbenc voliu tie ut oece aummeneul. mL.ordSwltetytiry snnotinc 1cd, anS- ventS ait omllnuously Iuriup Auquel; for the pur- pose et pscimg1hestimate& ' le thon -ask.d citgt preaient te preserve absolute settecye. c-e-rniuig ail the atatemosîset goerulascut. policy he lad maie aud te. 11w ,d te aietlug, le ppreve.oethéle mc r ltàckes by hlimuolt mmd collampuste- j ,pecllng 11 in,@ ofproposait mutusl action bec uses the cebnatiVtm ad libers I tiit"ont. The reqUest va» recetted ubl deateMlnip appius. r The Esiat f Ide*eigb, Henry ,Cecl utlkes, memW oir (atbrldoe,- Sir Johu IL. tdovltay. Sir Houry Tnustan Hohtsnd s»d éehbrés-t- __u- -Lord Salisbury. ai] warmmly pralsinoa and endorbifl hIg efToilU tu efftect *coalition'et uthîe lbberal-uehin. letw, anS speakîngt ultI esihualserofethîe uacw goer âmnle' proposale, Lord Iddes. W.gh us ecorded an ovation vlan lerou 'o 1wadiroas Mie meeting. - Civet IoN> tory - use of caranmus, uor. présent .t <lu A London cablo - te tle Ma&il maya'- Thq ero%ývi tive imeting tat Ils Caillou chat t(u doy vas a greni surprise t6 te torie bt'ltàs i f#eu reate urpeise to e l weu purrty wase 1L. ,rd Salaabury'sdetermlmail - 101aeâ lae 4rla t i ln uAuxnat. Al 11< tor menIes a liaI' t opr-ionsma lIeemn ate unl tMi-Ti fç1îvamm meyý nt uwIs et i bt~h do.saho Il* a laelo p 9lI bepffl-dLard Sallabsnyle aIm fdI. lIai sêueahln liît tra Up abroai 11 'di viifwillit lasChêne te dl ~ tlgutahbmuWtuiiid Rivee s muisI pu au'Wlt pellmalu lO fasaila" u ri forvwIle be riens degamé scor îlibuio m' unloieta tole m in p lecielmp~i "dissimule eftiii lelealeSfer« a îîq ioulé o t idemsellvu boutai I cyforelgu on P41. il T eo awïuisetof SwMllbLord Ra te SolpI Cbubl-55éd1M ie l'le, SB a" lb"ai al 00uumfl Iisd tt ~ ~ %»w dm.11euptIila L"iSlll ~ ish.WUP greiiffliy la l*0 we. o84=.=iSIuiul a 1'I d couis lb. a M amw _1 rm WOe ï»Wý Î- *«M de gosét lesihlb.hsaUtee 8o Mm 179 di sot st rIlls, butsent Pm~ bUr 14" W mu le. gflsabed ot cmm, Wen uet bel1 h. militnm. 0Br usailjos, by bit id. by ea Weabuhu Is sa loy tWau » ubat&ii t Usutulat là émui getbock la l*a*-uSlIileun bu mie taai e 17ltoffice la lbon j, ObicI The u'lt la lb blua wi. by tsu -0 Mml. or sw p M- i iii oer s ou Mas hWt Ob emfl --n-%mtu t uS * 1MMil. aTcilla etl oui i uerwol àtd @nau" l ai111, cua wtBh wh11MsT 5sr ut -mN -- Ma . uamw ' Issu LauuOX, JulyIv hflauaspIl monte bave beau Mais Mdé acelil: cbaaellcwof thes Rcbsqr-Lord eau dolpb churebili Rieue setmu-Logd Çpli m u cilla oestsr ter bIr""aitMihae Rice tBmeb. PoresgnMareu"r-Lwd Sallbmi yï Lord Prelde tflhCouaclL d Id- 2screlawy for WrVuou~abOh of 8011014, s r W h aid A. CrosmMd toe, P. À. anloy viu enter *6ebhome 9f lords. The Standard t11mb. Lord .Smllbury' poionmi Ase e s mangas Ur. Glai- atoneme biil. he sI16.. Sir Eliel a s.Bm.h bshm epa the post ot chiot aeretU*fffor 1ln wi rebuctuanmd only. mader presame frein Lord Salisbury, who heiu that tià Irish of. ile durima lb. ouina asaloswooid ho lb. moet Ipaient a.irlaI t. lbte pre. eier. Lord Rsadolilb Churchlrsesut e- Iîr m o ansd as; a tuiumbh tfor th. youmger militantcoasummailve..Both 11f eral aneonser'atlvo lute.question th. ulodeom ofthe:tii ponmme. TbeParml. Iles are lncomsodeaitbheseleclos et Sir Michael Biche-Boeh for lIe chiot secte- taryshi s loy recallbis romet ospemachbla favor otcoloa. The Duke et Agle de. elines 10 labeoèffice.M'. Chamborbin througb Lord, Rarlngo n, o basu onie L.ord Salisbury a qualibs suppoMt The hîhral mters bave décisi snot le shape 1101' l*tîcs umili ths que=,$ speech bas -besa rosi la paraent. I&bas been resolved to e msis LrdSalisbury in obtalunaI lb. nheusuRppiI* The Exchanne Tel@g*Pb coin y an- nounces <bat -I la la infqrmod on lg au. tbt LIaLord sahhburys lIrlab pellcy wtil Inlude a proposai te Joui te.lmlnd the suin of £3,UOOOOOtoeneable ber teos> tablisI local bomba, on the Scotch systein, te lend monoy at a nominal tâteront: 10 fermer@ sud manutactures, la order le, stImulaIs sud develoip îride It 1%armosi lIat Lrd Randelph C'hurchilli wlli not suit Lord Illrcingtoua s conservatlveleader.lu lb. comimeus. In this couuoctliî cornes, the folowlnug groul frein the'Thunderer: 1"1l;la no disprg ment et Lord lfandolph Churehilllsabîli. ties te sMy lIa inlu lb.preseut, ciis hie pecutlar qualîtles musc ho bept everely under coutrol If the libral.uuWldts an te ho couclllaed." ties- Lalebee. is Aeiset ihs Peu. l.JlO4*uly, l, - Truth tiLbouchere" paper) te day maye: "The marqluieeeeu te have settled eut iaitt t their -allsfac. ieun. M'hile the coaservallve marquig le te ho primoeumier, the liberali marqulu la to sitoppostte hlm, but tla suppoàt hlm Thus the triumph of the.elaeses'1la oscured for tho moment. Let us ho cthamîtul lIa Plrovidenebas vouchaod te us mar qjuses sud suob 1k.sauuabelaga te 1"q cate er us. i 1 ilithéaubehumbly &mi gratefully for thse mmd kînired merciv. Ilou long la lbe regime et Ithe marquuie llkoIy te lant The consorvatîve marquli ha» a nilit1?oethiseue ndirect tellovreri in the houqeof et ommen ad can only hepw te remain lu, office Iflbhelibéral marqul i ied a utlcleut mumber et liberale. rsad, to support a consevtvlo gvemmentu tThoir %oio bond et union la e determimatloi .to dlielifne e 4nt teàthose concesions t : ris'h aspration* lIat tlIe vaul majority 0 the librals of> lhe Ualied Kingdom bavi t dcclarf'd te bhawino sud bgilm.ate. Tbq 1 Marqués of SaIltbiIiY propoweà lIaI lb. ai 1 shiobbouldlu twouty yoars. 1amla iclined te thhitkk hat- wenty weebs le neai er et îl uratfie.-Ille outceme et the elec cltou se farlt la a sovernuiont la telUe in 1atallod In Office.uhoésegeneral ?rtnciplemdi 1 nt comnani tVae majority. In ceumlderu a tieof et eland mol bcbgoeurnmed as ahi «ýwlches, we are neot te b governed as wg bwlsh. Aimoat the enîie Iisrl pents * ion ha. declarod- for home* tels; cherefer 8. Ire Iand le net ta have homrtue. The me r orty et the siectots ertGrat Brlatn a&m v'ireland have declaa'oi to« a iberal goven a ment, se they are te bave s conservadvi govertîment. %Vhy do I thick chie b»e e lcent aragement81 gui o lutailongt Pro bbably I.ord HiitUi0fln does net- deiri ýqcilice, lu a psar Olismnat7 mues ehé la elde l thon lri.,Glad*tou&e.Iii the course ef au ri tur hies translissie. tethe houpesof lordi e eannot le ver? fat dlitiu, but I doqi 0 whetIeTmauIY Unieslatelvo contemnplas* 0 taillngF betwiou tWeoole, ciii menu dams, $50 mué oasis; sud J. ESar~ the mmWoeI cm whlcb h. wi~. But h. m T * 1aioelIeonSwu eSW )votas. The Iruit *listeste tbis: The vmolcmIlüDu» ad 5.om ai aS sUJtll! sum the mail li 4e Vead the*an=e2 Mubote ru ». c.o.i1I vslbu l'2 M== mEBiDa.-Mr. ERasé I r.ers"abav euhscbonou& Hamlta o badu' r ou iobaA. mou%, ils ansu sbw »prtth juadm R ulgond «*bai VO uolbavefLbaa pou slow h at amarmiedaipu maithebm 191. baasP515 àe dpuss t lusa ldsuul t. is Srb.Eemci sgvuu JS sétIg"ierta«MiséM"e lr olevaUN Md ~tomba ' te - a ~~~a not la aisgil -A-sons u en ~ ~ ~ ~ bb mgmi5,iUsq mmii sosmas."Nov lbe ae W~ sisto et aorboue =Wsv awmouàbaman laSg-o1eIr. e ci.IdSaqlaI - 1 LOCAL 1%W8-LETTEESm lcuupomiseMdf TI PuL 888111811MOSbO adeg1. 81ma BasaBu.r.-TeWelo lub vil! pluy mido,.Jnly 3M, ou lIe Oambucdam iruda WEWOtrL» LiEu TO gOW-Wb po ssa vrîs *tty lassa lu io dais Mmd s at It iltvwm*emmm.tbaura a»s roofiâte et l o stmi thle mb boume gcmmsioaumet !The Penil GARDES Pàiffr.-A gar au pari? v ho 417en by bn- Jas. !-- ag ,&ioi' et lt" Melbodistî arlasienThe laus vil! ho besmttfuly ligîtai.Thers iiih e e c«m, fruits, croquet, meule by lIe Cobo.- ceaI mtring bondandmiolu ahirsélioa&e Grouade vill beops5 tran 0 t100Pan. FLZETWOOD. ----hd»Sa eft I. POLl Basa Fe?«Mots ams te the fa osésmors. Tb* etuma match beaues Fraklina maSPleswooi lubs vas plsysé cm Teaday, 20M1 let., aid rosltad lna vepeas viry lfor lIs Imter'by a @meo 1310o3. Thl is1vos Fiasueoitle ehà plonabîga of lIe township. E UnLy.-Mv. J. NXeala cul bis baril on th. 12th inaL Who en besi ilis? APARTIcUrLàaLy SAD Dz&TL-It la ultI untelgnred esonre sebroneuloIi uckth eat 55h oetUmssEmma sBiekie, whlcI msai eveut bob pies eOu Tuesisi &foutue lut. It w-II ho tememuberoi lIaI & boule& memth llscs UmeBlcble losI ber ftiet by meausnan mm sident, Mdmi bs deslI promt 'it ei ho le elan oet as te produce puayasofet b braie, which bua rqsulte inlu eail. -[ World., [ Cerendenceofo!The Post.] svxREEAl..-OiI Monday, ltI et,3r jSadys et Myrtie station cmthe Wbitly > brandI etrithe G.T.R. vas enieS lu thea boly boudaet fveilock .le Mm .Wilson ef % prince Aibent.W. vial Ibheinjoy la à lbiîr veSSeS lite... Ou Ssturday, 2lh1 % tant, Mr'. chartes Dayton of Prince Albert i vas unîteS ln gu tige te Mima Hooper et - Mlariposa. W. vil ilium appina". * STRVCK uy Lioumrrrro.-Durng the a thunderti'ion Sanday,> 15t1r 1maI., the ybouse of Mr. W . Tueckr awu tuck by lihtclainsdMr. and Mmm.Tueon er. atumaed, bu t Ibev am., moverlng. - RQ,;', 1 .lLE. been a mxueo e n rwih ià gooi for prowimg -oopa but, bad, for bay >barvost. , HÂmvsT.-ElaylaIn adons . . Fabi " wreat, tyo and. boly are aIl readyfor " coulaitgnov, 0 Citops.-Th. cStesaue .beller ber. Ihan CI 1at ycar ou accouaIetof te late fréquent Rici.i;t~oue.The Bapilats liSservice r. and baS s baptîsmuon Baisai labo ou July ,e i);îb. The parties were lmumersàed ...On d te saine etenlog B ey. Er. French preach. his tamavobi sermon bere. . egoeece 1. Cookatowzi, cmrYinawvîIthlm Ihe gei rs viales of a groa many. s'UDBLA ND.- e CerreouudeeofetThé Posi.I ,, EROAI~Mt.DavId Morrison sud y viteet01Clmai are virlinz'lis lter, . Sise. A. M. Ileekie ... Ma. W. E. Moiô- am. psund tope chilirsu et Brooklyn, NY.- eare vieltlnq hem- aunt, Mm.. A. MI. iteebe. Mm 3r.Morp» an sa SaughIer of Er. F. re Whatly, temmerty of -LiudsaY. le NEW ARIFLV A HLL-Tbe.raim.- u. lono ethîe agricuturai hall 1luhe ils nXe Il park, Sunderland, uts commencd ou Sa- r- urdiy luat andS balaIed on Mouday. TIe. c. uIiing la -4sx112 viLla a vinz lu tle front . for enrance sud otilcS@16X48. - oc Bt-aL.rNy;-The bricklayerfltare mou >.buayat i M. N. iMePhaden'astmesuamiare oe maklup a credilable job et it. re fverrsal>odmm or The Pot a- Scuant. DIDATII-l regret te have le ,d record-thré sudden dealh et our respected ri po*mmtr, Mr. Thom*a Lorrimea. Ile re vas pmpartng. togo wyul the ailon T-u-eTday morulnp, andl vIlle lenliaeblack. D. 1sinth shop he felu nucol ami nal dowe e and vorAilmi soins bood.' Be nover spake r stcerwardâ, aaSd.duinabout halt-au- si heur. This sudden cl cuits a gloom over la the vIole commeeity. Thre famlby have btlI vhenin msympatlyof the vIolecommn. ià il Ili coala V U I1 ? rets ac Victiqea stading amm Kr. MLSmIl Mmd Vome cm TEE B.Là:w-Th. Vea Tburnlsyi lb. 22 ;Sat.Te7b.IZ- s emulaiby 16 njud 8a w ill aus moine ini at lire pelclc ou . O.IXWOOD. MintoDakosa, fcr et f Iis viclaty, vIa ebippeda-i mS calosfhomoés froi hmr I" urnh.ma recurned for another b0ai, Md iurlâmetass fine lot la the viclallyof et riPerr-olxtea maui pretty bas", wvllb ead ain, soesof aIencon s1bias M 4»& SOL»D OU.-Ur. A. E. CamerSffbas selS his stock of gooda la hiseaher, Ni. A. Can«ot . BVrUi u onc&u. A .Canotas bas solS bis stock .of ioods la bis taller, Ur. A. Caiénaru, vIe iii carryen, 1h. business lu m 9liné Ie. Manai. Ail pont due accouta muai bu psuaas ouce le Ur. A. . Canaro..-IOB-lf TIu Caozs.-AII kinda et pralscn p mae comina la flusiy and thers la agré proslpect tWi Motusud venatables B"EY. [Corrspainceofet .Puni Rrrua~Nm-ThemmsuFrgo ho ran av&smine me mo --esepu elem bas tume u d.iamila anioma uoghtBp dalgiatter murer ZMîl justy ymnrse, for it la reportai h. dled tram -the cruel temnt roceved f torFergusa.The au ticie ould no lulôw bîm toretllro for sueh a inula capabletfdaine suthlg PEESo,.qaL.-Ur. MeRae, bock and bible aet, las been emvswmlng theepa aeltI good uccos...N. George Breut- mcli las retumuci from tciao stsccs higlly pleamm i uth hia trip. WASTZI>, A WIFE-FOI a0yngMau wvIelasand hma boseear = fothelb pant year, but yl very peor succeme. Wil nmOne staesplly on i. Ln, sas Ilmuet ho very discoilrina. 1Y, a are glai te bearuhé >dose met Itai ce leavenussas .Was r.perlod. Tirat la right. Jual 5151 uith us,'for your conpa yla indiapemible on Sundsy evenat, bafleu &ai il imipotant doinga. JoirnNoLî-gayine la nemnly fbuiaed Inl lIeme partsansd boas tutusi eut fairly weILl ONT.iRI' C<>UXTY. A1 Pzr SKUXK.-Mv. David Twoedleofe -West Whlcby bas a pe t skunk etf remurk. able Im'enuuty. The. despimed animal la- about a x weekre old and us plcked nlu 110 vooda about lbree veekaWMoasd bas groun very docile. 1< makesfriende wutI drML e kuevu liea aulaeaimeal turne, lapa. mljlk k a kiten, plsys bld. ands eek urî hohechi eepa, bas nover useS bue mode o ý D a Ç xdetence and lgoaty a di red by m&à straugers. SC-OTT ACT MÂGr»lÂRE&Ts.-TIe Journal asys a depulalbou frein - L xhridgo, accmu. pauied by 1. J. Gouli,- M.P.P., receutly uateS npou lIe goverumout le request the appelulmeni et magistrates for on!orelng the act. sud Ilcy voee utormed oethîe in- tention te diviSee mdismrc n l ecouvent- euot. mections, sas ld been doue lu Seul Ou. .cario, wutt a magistrato Lot esch section. eSeutl Ontario la dlvided bute tue parts- LOhawa sud Eutc Whiby under Mr. Grier. son: Whîcby townansd Woal Wbitby sud Plckering.-undet Major Harper. It usu proposeSl anal îhe proposition will Ilkely be carrled - ul, lIaI Mr. Gordnofe Port Pcrry hé magbscrate fer Scngeg, Port Perry sud IlbeacI; MmI. E. C. Campbell o!fl7xbridaie Loi I.,xbridgq loue sud towuship and Seot: aud et. er Mr. Hotu et Mr. Gendinning for Brock, Tboal, Canulupton adit- verton; vlth Mmarssd* Rama under pro- sent magiscratem. 3Ur. Mouat promrises go brinp the malter lofae.the goeommenl executive Kt its oeil meeting. AL. 8iotu FÂLL.-OIX Saniay nîphi Ï boultuelve o'cbock tbe shrleka of s wo- inulbu speuv ers board lu ths neighbor- hood of Mr. Delaim's, South Oshawa. It- *appoara Mr. 'aud Mme. Millet, uhoarae boaraere at Deaire's, verseu., ratIer late =dSon retlning home Umr. Miller vent oontheb bslconyad st ac u île railliu <o cool off sas Ilusn very varin. SI. lest her balance sud fell tm inetfeeu Leest 1 tue sidldoub 10e, and as tIe la a very hl1eavy voman abo was tesrt! cly Iruisci on tle beai, sheulier and aide. Forluuately ne boues weîe broken.-tGsbawa Viadi- calot. ICorreauosdence ef Tb. POULl ,r CA.XoE MET-Tho cances asociation . a .1 b ld hi regular meeting ou Tuesday, ,. bavîng postpomai it a day te gith Lb A. bA. tale te Arrive., They po bnet hou. bl 90 ha.beau ton midy MmU t et la ie d -Wb" May bave di"am isibukinSaue., PUoxUMAnECommu.-OImFru ldactma tb. band halé aprornende conet hich vu firIy mima.The bond PUmyod a ce, Wi a 0mliaue"904M> 700.me wth tum M leswbIchwu. Alle meoluihy.Mr.Syl"eser la seob coaratuaed on hi&sucus as a icoeuauimcor The POUL. Ourr.-The fanerai et tbo laiâe r. Wm. Anderson îook pvae ou Suuda mteraOofl. Ber repuainswere interrné la the Quater burrgrud A mmorial service was hel"ltgeolat church In the ovon- hI.ASE a Sm*-.ginertbase bail waa plaed r, atudaylambeluesu MarKbm and core standinm 9-é3 tu Lavor of tixbridje. An ezciting Ramne or base baillà lexpectei to e h pa eurs siiSat urday betsu 1 he roliomaanmd mer- chanta of the towa. Stores coSsi frein *230 te Z.30 se Ibatnone nmed, ho preveuted frein "e.ntheb.tua. 1ScoTT AcL-We underasu h5a &Ulth botél-keepers boe, wilh 29 othèe, have bom auhçoSed on chargeme ofvllating the Scott c. Trial on Wednoday. LA KE VIRW-CARTWRI(?HT MMO onodmcolTbe PuLl CEamui&. WoaKzsas.-Ouar minl.tertbe Ber. Mr. Power hma been trying te form a '&Yone Mon'a Baud of Christian. Work- ors,"lu the Zion uhurch lu which us hope ho wMf succesi mmnd thal lb. young men will esdsavor to make it a aucce s.' The cottaeprayer meetings wihich have just been atarted bave beeu weli ataded so ft and wo hope they ull coutinue. V»lPflftrPÂRrixs-Tbe 1ake shore bas beu eiveucé duping the Xot wsiber by meve al artes or cam per fr 001 D arl ngton BitUILxCo.-MeSMar-ILR.Jackson and J. Sammella are erectingle fins duefllng hanses, whlch whou complèted wl adu treacly te the appearance of that uelghbor- hood ...M. A. J. Veale bas ulso ralsed his boume sud la maklng other improve. ments. STaazqiL-Youma -en muet ho careful mol to bho out driving ou dark nig ts and -thon toy would mot be inasm m:i danger or Rettink trlghteued. RÂM>OLPH - TUY Y. [CotresomdenLce o!f Te Pa.t PEEsONÂL!.-.Mýr. L N. To and Mrn. H. J. Lytîs are on a visit to frienda ln th" vldity. Mr. TodII Intenda ftartine for Lexianton, Kentucky, ou Wedinesday, July 21st, uhere he bas boom conmected wkth the rsilroad business for che past two yearm. W'ewish ümina aplesa an md sate jourmey, and promise hilm a heàrty recepllea wheoi-ooslit to maken another vsit ...M. C. Goodband- of Fenelon, and wlfe, are vlating friondi here et prefient. FALL WHEAT.-MtI. J. Archer corn- menced cuttinit bie fal uwheat on July 22ad. TàLL P'EÂL-Mr. Jas. King éhuwed us as peas salk the other day that measured ten'feet. Now, we would like te fboar of amother stalk as long anywhere outaideof Tioyé TÂ&LL Tz3toHr.-Mr. John rw1mmligE bas tlmothyr whicb, when held stralght u;p lu front af James Wilson, juat cornes to hie nose, and any person- thât kmows Mr. Wilson il kmow also chat lthetlrnothyiE six feot hlgh aih rigbt. A THERL.EY. L Miomwuondenoe of Tb@. Po.J HyMLixxA.-At thm Methodist parsn â ge on the 2ihc mat. 3Mr. Ândrew Boss oD Uptergrove wae untd in the. bolybond:Q of matrimony to Miss Matggie Smith 0o rFair Valley. The ceremomy us performeti by Rey. . I aJect, BA. The young cou. ple lefI on the 1 p.rn. train for Toronto, *They have many frienmsisnla is nelghbor, hood who wlsh thein a happy snd prosper ou& voyane ou llfe's raubss THET Gor LEFr.- b.d of Young pec *pie from, Muley P'oint, together wllh soin t of Atherisy'a fait omo., drove over te lbh *Narrows on. Tuemday evening o!f1aI ueel expectlug te go on the excursion to Star. t-bery Isand. As they etood on tha bridgi anxlously waling the boat came along but oh, aias! word. fail to deecribee-the laul t despair deplcted on their couatence 9when she coolly pasesed through the brldgi t witboul stopplng. 0 Wa.&T.TiruT AaE SÂyzXN.-"We11 g. y to.Orillia uext timo...Theboast wus a to much crouici for coinforl" soui y' grapenal..."I nover ge ot se a badly ii My ylite," BEA VERTOŽT. Bàmq.RAIsIr4G.-Mr. Jas Waddell, Pain, Mars, raeeod a large mou bara on Mondaý NEzw BUILDInG.-3fMr. James Wabls'neil ,.residence la fast approachlegt complellon 1. ad uhen fluished uil l o a bandsoomo ad diton te Bay-et. te .0 r. ie 2,ýe ir« Xe A )L- et ire 9.G aE or la ILI [Cerrespondence et The PoscI - PEitson.ÂL--Mms.Murphy et Daylewm, NOS., ani Mu. I. A. Lynch of Orilla lave been vialiug trienda boee r the put- veek. Durnug ibelr slay tbey are lhe guesta o! Mr. Jehnr Fox. Qm'my.-Wlat las bappeneti Schepeler, Centre Mars sud companyl . W'. like te hasthfr ndly nativees 11k.thdaore- ADDREiI5TO 11Ev. PÂMEaR R.-,Sub- 01us IlsaSiese pie'enled le Bey. ater ad esS by Mn. P. J. Gilles- pie :-Retr. anrd tnt-on Sie', - Yout proxl. maie reinuval frein eur midsI afft vsniaa flittng opportumity et glviinug exproaalcro t Il long .cher"" -dfeelinga o! pratound esteoi amir regard, 'ubich Ytn. FOur pialhioD.em es- terlulu for jeu. Durioni the cleven jemt yen lave laborefi ameemt uni Fon lave endeared jourmet! te us hi' jouir marn noble qualitles of heurt. jour tuilhtulms a u d duscharge et jour Sutlas, jour mlzeri tihe hoor asglSr et Qed sud tle spiritlai temporal velfare o! drame otrutted te jou este. Il 14 cherefore vith deeprgetv a th"ainlaobadienos ell te ulbea aour=blvd arcbhop, jeuane about le oeeilhechâli ublol lase long mud bovtugtj ouaniIs tel.d ila pity r masipeople. hub ut oroa1 me inrs m I= mof jour ueritnu*h.baaitnd"i grant.ll Id yenulb-s privilope et paing aaICtolesamsa Franme, tls lame et Four' ahildb-ood &m0mess ~ 'u brubosiplemiatao but abe eAiU te efleyou ta extend lIai Meaiuteof ummoa- tifl taour sdtler vhich jour pr1sam1 'm WU ohlda'bln inâU lr over a quar lma&.Wu bog jour ea ___& t h uawlm& s.aIslm ef Our atiito&u a a main la rUlaS jlmo!flbhe d fju PMrni til 1 Lmai o.ehu.lomh lyens a Iom m-volm m"a nfe tur e he lsiouasa Kldlme-m member me la jour Prbylespailalla' vhm omiilg the hala'macoi» cd île - Ug ou bit of the oarute. Ir. .. GnLLPIR. Que. sttx. iTHOs. MRcDUMOIT. MAXT=S E£LEL A. P. li&DONALI]4 JàmmTà.auuY. Tr. OLumax. "P. McTAoe-Aa. *joua HAaaUM. PàMWuxcuc u * Ils aiber t nsslos".4et& 0. Bey mm ulet hmhI lu m"ilS ma Mm Monm smr JAs.]EL. Iwox, go"Ca iP. ut. Ilaa., n lis à- im l'a Par re de lad ra- de dh, mr raid roi t M.- 'e ho but lo lhe gorugh veeY 1111e; lu tact Mtl aimbu ~>the.lrm ouaa simlaoff uith sahelé. ilai Is ti h the Jaseiville club bh e bue. mM téliee by Frsnklin. whlch la a fali la ooS. 1 à= o OMMen th ie pm 0& .émlbth lime a vicflefor sn 19ib îmfalsto m how ie mmentma OMO. 1 Iowa vTry il Jaeviiertbed10ph r. wmtb cly elgh mm d the abs@"ta wfon tbe mlIpriu m Iohte Ie -m.m la be boniwh ao e trow a ~ amalUblee baiera, md of comme ï he ewiclubbobs ihe stas; u; t our mmcm attbedci-* h a nkila e J -- ~p tLfr 10 ruas uhiela lb lib" ndwere drvb imE dla loft ihebï w smthe8P"nu a eêâoe emisé mthe ý tur Wou &. me pla oui. Bad i eydo»e seI mmmtr t",ý o leaisuu bave au"edla Savuir la1 i t t W owspM il md~ i ils àimuuiai0"D bu"h t var uo.sd ne ls 1m rn et .bs tr* uuécl oiemé bu WIood~I mudmIe i 1w uta hwea l @à t ser -mma"dt e larme scom s l& -a-s ~Izlm1- sd r a&» MWru el îi 0 Mhir Jamuimifeà"alg I sc orenai"laitaie. go t ertu n t Blat .TauMevle bai netthek futu ome ll ce oilée te ry misbt bave ban tMuâ A TUa WrruPzirEweBO .-05 lthe 2"1 ae july the Janetyile club vent doua aMd met tri e eerboro' ine at 1h. lElvualis park, ubore somme âue base bal l5~u vas dame. ALer plaluoe .e-tinig lamOlvile club baite b ushtle .ilbUt tran, leving th. score a lie, à tu"s ec. CAIRTIrIGHT. (Correapoud«ee et The PouL 1 PRBxsNxrAnolffOF MxnAL-Tbe IMPar- Wa modal tor services. la ch. Nortbuest uvre prefelai te mWest Duthain ces tingent Oet'6C" cempamy et the BlIMiLn battalicu by Un. Cuti.u, vitf. tLient.- COL Cubitt, cemnimding the-451h bag"ai ton, lu che drill eaht mc Bemanvilie cM Tnesdsy,1the '--th 1maI. The bataiioe gave a promenade concert inennectlos vlth lIe prosontlu A VetY large number of tb.heoee Bevinvibbe sud surrômni- lng ceuntry atteuded the preseut&tnm u4. concert. Mrs. Cubici vas assistei by la. dieo et . own. The papgram et the concert us an excellent eue, p&rtifrly the ovetture.te "Il Trovatore,- ubicb de. igbted every orne present. Lt..CoL Doacon, Captalus Hughes sud (;race et Llndsy atteudei tbm prementiation. Col. Cubt om the conclusion oaitde presenititou adires- cd the mem, compl m.enting thbm on their endurance, discipline snd pluek. Short addieames oe sgiýven by ocher officers preent, atter whicbi the proceedinge cbosod ulî h tee rousing eheers for the qumon. iollowed lv the ut.ianal auithera. [Cerresvanrdence of TIc Pomc.1 PIcNIC AND BA.,g IIÂLL.-AB anouac In Tais Po--r isat week OUC Sunday acheol Pienulcwva iheid la the grove on Tuesday, 2uch1Ii., sud we are pleaaued lo h be te siy Il uWb&a succeé'. Vatiousamueemenla uste engaged lu by tluaae proeut sncb as mufini, crcijuet, promemadng, etc. Con- sidetable delay wa% occafioeinsilucoLU, mencing tle garne of bhu.s ball b y lb. non. appearance of ihree o! the Franklinlay- ets. Fiualiy, lu order ce amuse the spocca-. tors, thtir plac.m were, ilied i'q outsiders aud -fiye imuinoai were played, which, et course, resulced in .-t *iciory fu>r Fleetwood. 3luch credit le due the ladies vIe pro. vlded sncb an ex2-e!!eut t.Preaa ot calabes. KILKED BY & u:~E.-While Mr. Henry Hatt, sr., usA ;iEaucgs ot-c rom uscer a imu days ago thie auirnai ..-cured tee mncb haiter asud pis> fuliv kicked, sMrikiug 31r. B., 'vhicL. remulté-ii in the fracture of the atm icîlowte i,. PERSONÂ%*L.-M'%.s,4L'lly CharnIe, ubo resldes icbt ber urcie, thir Rev. T. Gramdy, la western Ouzario. is -pendinic a feu uceka smongfrit-n..inle arvens. LMO UNT PLEJ$.J T. LICermPonilenceoetThe Post.1 COr'.WIL.àlEE-r:Nu(. - Our tewnshlp ceu. cil moi ait te blde. in this place ou tbe ±iond ntuai.nd transacted <helr Insinest. Afcet adjournmer.t îhey proceeded le the 13t1 concession and txz&mned that part et it- rannlng east romtn te middle rosi threugh Le awan p. for the purpose of consldetlug wheiiuer -_ geM s fuminor rosi coubd be made or uÛt. 'nhey apeke very favcrably or *the prosptoeà ansd it ile prob. abeaI ià o !-e diub.tfuture s_ àSd Eroad will le rmaie. u 1BRrEs.-Some o! urfiabers, îlink ef irying tiroir luck this week. We w"s Pthem bon voyagce-...eo. McLàesn sud Nlles Enama Smi-h are an a visi1t ce friends lu Hope township-...Fariera in chia sviclulcy are bus.y nwt'h their hay,ý barbey sud fai wheat..«.The Scott sc ls vork- ini miadmirabbi ettnd &H socm content wlcbpuîtue bouwl. Meo Emma EUg lmh o! Omemnee pabd a v bit te courne friend lu tIi-s place on Monday iast. RECUVEINI"*ý-sie NMlrv Jamimon, wha d bas betn il! for sone time pas, 15 able ce b. about agate. t4 * SrTCIDIE 0F ASMITH FARM.3.-O8 Sat- urday lat a pro-uni fariner efthîe town. slip o! Smith named Lewis Davis commit« led suicide by cutting lis throat, During Satnrday atternoon le was mlisnai.,A search was lnétitu<-cd. ia,tieg c iii Sundsy e reucon, uhen the body of the deceaaed ewas found tebid a barn on, a neigîbor- Inîr faim, noc far Item the Iomestead. Thc throut wus cut and murka o! bbood te orre plaijy vi-ibie. T I e cau sofe! the sui - Lcide ta supposeil tice tehe remuit of busi- asness I roubles. The deceased vas the odvn- oet f and Iu large qusutitcinluSmllb, ýe Veruam and otlvr places, much of uhîch, hpurclased ulula bor.-ued :::;y. The Smone, ad.latali eole of tIe lsikd vas slina o! montai aberration-sund his momory fslled him aimoiut sicogetter. Ho wua etten seized vicia fit% o! îueiancholy. and thouizh on Saturdaiy morniug he appeared lto e eIb good stpirit, it is ëuppesed ho vas >y overtaken wîth ucroy cboughca, sud la wthla. trame et mmnd put an end te hlm lIfe. The deèeasod use hîihiy respecced lu the ,o sip. Durinz lite ho performed bis DmsM i,OO feSbulqdtlg* baW aMdulMW ms bi4poeclahicI vastebehovoisé c1 'W~~~u oujls'i5c lIe 22ad lumai. ,oinjutS lcavuebalng dm le bar by Impceing ls rais th" 11Ou Ma "MihW uprnb am properl. Teem b.w » Mopavrolim oVbla -Ilalihte m Vew.a vohav e oIs'puso' upu.milai me- mll opafsty alltioi smi.&nmo. o ny claSséi to oppose nb-law. Soetui PU etlie aýliving cm Canaso n Wou vslapfas we tck w UMasislt h. nmaln lu ilesmnils Omual-ui- ~~~~~~o moaslasl g.m auiéc ll us lI~Th&-- U~5O t gt i te Mie"sWma a-The f ma laton, L. OualP e J'o mu, uasuSs gs ai ig h WmY 'lu r mplmono O IM Nok àý itwLIU5 GOAIL! GOAL! ZOM FLeLiilsirTari