£ fl*-Ma-& M & et o -- uwm e le thsa mi Oumivork aU UJ, o lim057 i-wu ~PU oïr m4IL~ of UUehSS le v h mte* decliosPliIl ie CeNlu la tmum oola llOl, < le polmdMis uepoeltuMd Vufé isi Bl b uet Wh." i "Wu ~Crol" d .E aie u ail Tn 1 meicl er fpb cdSi cos th@ els cmliuv i ehthela nd; moud 111rtno Civite vi& Mol 09 th* tpun i vntgel. Th£m»« ulorD la ièe oeah nM* nquo awu th"VIs fou dieue iibavd e maÉesui M"_ cfat a uic.u Meto it 'a T Lmui Ot-8y Ïhti& é roide fr ffuLýîîr Aule n uinlàI tism e ernt Wb oivmentalaidf'inu Ilra th oge. Xie clame octth7efld faibcoulestnu thé Itodcio entsatucr thet gedt tdxov' ell rel e lamlj, b Pro l euenmlort wooTiedépCier aoulet tadit thé clat t Bb Pea<sst lc, t «rat Ulîtor lswbrc<uneof 78, qu.aetIon wsuaiW lew'e e rlie pat peveumameu ettio1,1onbt boogm sm lfl hl.)n mi le &iaS Vileottinceeosit ofcBal leno Irom tbc peratne l olo at IL é et acu asCh Thésemole aslurta m abour u povto fr Uletmt a hIr Yue e hat erta@èi rlghea soei le re.iÏ dmrvd l pmace tatinthR omn CIsl hu ls.* INoln ofhon thé oman Cabelaau lnteCh Pgove «r@ mchl ute b.nloeeple jettfted b Lritzwment o bvlb vpe abte &Bdc hoeen fslu binct ngltlaticwurblll adotev, Eng1n hé Iish vp ai consrtoie at»Bb ies nidemutu imbpuavnt foila àibe Itoduonths promu MII ih lestntterc the ovr e nt. ,pLardn s wlia ha cdomathe amunettupoft sud tho er monk tivoutelé t a or lamee ldopt Cno pl oandapscst ioiy va v soived Il-stmthefihon. eern avie wat nltlcvmn t Ind, u iemose. Tailt "( t v.nlg rosi seLUeMtan Il bulas SiIretShathpeuot ot ua 140! trean sef iatuen elcy f EtlsDU 1t,,tcnr.g w uicevmtcotue vMece utéots th ascitiho. eau)en Thàufrihdabl iloa. menl' rabo vaton bae a dvantes. latur flor< In ls b afai et bweari 0bfee. talos fom wiehho e ot. Caeteé lih emo inland hon Cieoan Cales. tiet Atm onflaenche labhum tbyoupawn orpa rolt atheoraiui Ctatle souit ntIii doé spealer wok at lepro be erci a *Ver, mi 004 upns on-Bbcubtanllel g0'ossi uot tepRie op the fent sntty o e eue, pire veult les à public lnemveulooe e&W mtsfortune. It moult leoa <muaS mlefte tunc for Oet t BrtalasMd a gromW Mis fortse fer Irel. H oevet " m oeus teuem ht dilemmea vould le sud an amogoua asu vern iveethe Impuni ~ovirmets athmsy te lm ewy muum ssesolse th *les astue ediabip or.ol mevIlh lb oumio vere: flrstly, haettc e m"alpover 0 taiat(on ever and aboie lio pulola tutti es nIdlepam uuqislh' i banda lofa domesîielo lselstSliaIldad oeemdly, liasîb th e Pl @ g! lbào*0 lo sut exci eaouldF é elhibb5 Iendsud f or theob.ee b ml tems of Ir*WdsmIsd lUng oit lalue atler tIbeobligbom voedl &Wuod d dbeul" h 1leleb ftL'b'uu me =sve o. Mm *0 Mall MctwfonlM »,stl mm% büou -ous ou« 9t =h w bt aS Tm Povus L» couvmawor - mmSbave boat tmbsa-me Vus tem &W mIb ol.atinvbody viii gael lsieled p»aue a$~ uVas bte ~ «muma-MeSegou Ue te fa *mr ob po m u6T sbohaie mb"Il bon' oer The ntôlUve p.ou vouilPMe va sot vimodamv umal o Mao g m&eMWl..l.ls,, w* ao 17 1 tlbu ane au l eou mii.. vh looeamé te the dulumos- dm, o l--, -lse làvoit smsmi te Pm km fertho moau no- mm ..(Chamu> A&eté usufbMd lisIlvm I ba lf-ssele leu e. b moutes fu a Nauia; eBi gaulbuso vmitbau Bblsg le devls ceimage ofr l umlucfouaibtuo. bd SeJg cileM SU a vomit b moue oasmt Suhm aet o Jueée ns lattéImus c l psmue myu oUl urn he orne uicy pruach va tser h*0dte eot (i i uvmron i mabeluupe m ma veOuposMmassmouss for à îia ef ueam âmuamU o idsais-s hemouforshoc uas.Thce be ve rnIt seos Ble uw se wuli urs vie momitè ater b eroadultîvu et b Cho rUPme Ie lut Icbmoue ommue. Tho erni r leofu if enasapuise tie Povou cf simgfouritî, lome peeple "hedm S"tlboption vaéneM Ioib oegl'uo, but lb apochon vU mo0c etbas nles. (sr,beau.> sep mo liai vlunl8Spure »V laubhe»Mo lordtiliueabodi utIah73 sueusl aecto b IriI.h poople. Wtk regaul lo tie powers0t9eléos, U»eessttunY vernît e empugof 09s théei c B value cf £95 mmt pvuuts omit b le«A et four suyeaw. ir poen, .eubt le £800 mrusivalse, ours apl0 valueetr£4.000.Mr. Olalatoe lIusit bo propoosi liaiUlbM101bsh memkbeus ln tic bouse a ofmmomesheut b moulue of lbe lebb pailsmmt, mat vhletlb onet ordev eft Bb leMsltlve loti' veuit conga os eue h udtrt atlres mum li e«m seceeur vout soucia9S cfsu bustret Md t six B vPumm Set lre lais lb vlosvo but bu e m ol l"e lb 0spVOsuItlIie U a wlVor quUMoo vlb lbe outgolng gevonmeu.Ticmquces vernit bom verel e bIopse b h srpro dJ~m mheweveoeorou vrnI eieligTlou isl »W' evoxist- Imm vhtch noies Romm aCaliticaIncital. bit to Unofflevol entbreovo. Vigh rouencte bJulges vibal bmou- ctirathe ic dmlnstradlm ofttlb crim- Iomela la uIrelmat bur masy mlght, if future stiedutgo enle hoappislot by the rc ob eusueul, hb paldtthéli ceoldatet finul, suthb romovable onUr mu tie jetaIs ddtruof et iIoorte. Tie conetabalauy vel remtaisalner tlb pre- set terme et servies mat nudur hair Pme omas uouly. The charre for lb cou- tablarvasvunov £Id OC0 peu msnu4 ant tite upuaisu isît contnt hechcarge wooIt b otusat, but for the prust » gup otte rellee 0l I" aglsutle lt'et Ilupeullssve tromUnb onsambu- lary la oouseet 1,00,00peresum. Tic gevenmct ba metoele l ex mlie pea etIrlma luroeresememis oua souIlon rou b sîlmae surneflretl goveusent. ith mp t'O tlb.Civil _* e t a l a f ts erlt shWeltou tu lâen hure No vot cm 50 posiu t h mmci on Gnous uls, ut bus uuch oraIBdr. MM tais bo vent 10e e reluatbi'Ul evoe 0 mrney troMus le9l oSier.à&stue ru- I Btoi emtleaauihoeatemewch tou- 0 bmtssmslDt M m ZWueal dei egu i. btes awa iorp09 euub ielis 1 rad elplePvomitgas ru t Britain a r - le veul «MusIntWbm oa atotal I tIs a *1400.000pc sumne NdthoMon i. trut lote a bbOcme ulsadmos09*B d total Jno sud stexpuodlsue of rslul lbé commeut ilh el bu"sSe"liaei itotal oiflhau liitsusImputai Om- sliIbtIOS vomdIs SU puaur UM ne Seta"tMuMa lamsesne tt liene e I srallaaIlot l ra um b ikadtlm stum ilesl le M el poaiS ula M.- ' lst bvedalaug. - a ubeludIll st Ai» fau"t v Be Bib bomutb à Mc e sussst at am 79I "* pouamma. Aulafi ub * ~~ ord f UM *1MIDI"~ If Mtli rMifBt,' et Nu.uuM .AnkuOius :; Mmi b au e. souff& ýllV - 08 oiou us' etsii li-s_ au lpuposs tuum $hm h RWIB m u pmkbe le a" .eUv t<Uuw bmoe.>k l eMItb uUow amombi" ui -»M UbMib.1 Wu aulbwdmbe v-e" %F vouv Tbvu-- gdMM -M hm le aulmoug*lbn- m "hmOW maw *Rub et. " gom bli âcqubuasen& tbus »m Ib ODO& t ébilbq .I Mk boma bow-ma v menubM Ibeeulav. tue bm> 'ASbumo -ne VOSme bmemma Tbe I e bt dou I arn 'r bd- M4 va-Wou ar, 01M SUM doit balMi-.logVU acos h -- -mie bot e a»bu domte .odd UbMy 7 Beà apUmIoUoS t- - et uma f'. . . Wutom hm l bore am vsb" la Mb - kb umie wIb otWu*f tuIM la oUhobu l..Netai boo udbeý b fetElSbmm&ero Thel auma U.net locakvlb.1uu Nummiuuila »qosSbb ampl Wu ed - ornwe ceMus se s u. lavb b yàob =lube . I -"be fun.oe l.emuoe*ntla osnla,àoiu vcta' la ooebu l deomoM 9aibtuges bocl" ie ~ta.lol t Tie~~h W~U ,I Lou NIu l umbc .Ikylas.adtvofs 1 Mmue.t1flbuu.o4vu oil li,*.18si .MeL a vot l ma uh'meusa là mlt r ,àue e pireeutb siili li uàelt MW Pro& le fvuo 1vamiM a, ut muimilb met . tu1v jet bMam e mIma leus ie rouakvsm- voudemile *b m du te"lms. pue~ u leer v eeslmg lm Win bllepoulu lekIe b rom mlibeo loV -P"l b y m e ulie viii mM evevul BebtimbouSl, s iimuOs Fgin".là*gPOiis b UMai' umm uwibm hIlsuaIl kt@ mu...... The fues b lb uur thuppesl mga lu l me de" swlb*"av abmaneV». i té àau aé ahte b ofChaoium à -a »Mr.tamsb aat bpubhiatI osbisdauogy4 -the tluglb eaSIes d»le 1hlIedebila &" kt@mfurBof theeu t v Bthe MLGam u vLmg b stiua b bdlroliostonlsa H ýV ~gm~ - u~ - kv ou kg. W~oe ut lb ~ ~ - a ~ bom g lb Uut ut ve.Ifri~.ub b e. mWbIbbulB L W W.bulbB haie lb ~pub Nee~ 0 Ils wo~ Nue bave bo utbut b lb bU. lb k - ae~ifiw ebg uu~ ut ~ami ut ~bop~ - - e. lb~l 111h haibue beumer Bas me u.s.a. sa.gui Ib.bmol le - I lb Uv.OhSIutb Dawa &h LaWraoeCO. air P-" nvwaum PAI NmKtLLER à Meoo.pu m Meuag cranhoroe»Bu.io GESO. ORSOPAG-0 PAIENSIN EALL? MIENU WIE MRA NEYES M CAIL M ESFTIO& NDR STOPPÂGE 09 I%,NUUTIN, CEAM P FASCNTE STOACE, S BXPURENS. FROSTPRYBITE &C.. NOUE= Qo m aa Lyes bu oemwui'm;tho e oe, 2&ta. pp&Bottie. Ibueom ueu.mat»set pmomigtbe M b.uS mo masLbai m u. S' 0886 IiLt~i. oubjMuSvbuiI baiemnaus0130se0Mrnaloe._____ guet, and Slb09otnl e W cSOURDt M-la vu»IeM M bMinior lu pM" auforsa éclos-et ou"laduthBe ouI«mag Mb osg lime. Mv. Cbaulabepasc vu mu umolot.Weil, B baie aigiot»l. Soa punsWsiquand eltvou Il. ut sater mas I h le ona gloice . I 1Mr. Glatume. Ne borbi ePlalu baie uaculus a e u s onImmfl lteb bis reoncemmfour .1b, ut Mdill.g BM Meton ea souss vbh I*1misaitde o u bimet. ne J.I.tlb cbineettaS N. @bane or feeL B baie mamdit m "os I a Gbme'b -tosg op ui lb1.11evbM «Moud t» l«eI romutoson h"Item bot vllletoe Ne lamce rut te le recommondet, etma li b a misot mu. bouse.Be Bàas pwaeddte exilaisfor- titoni' but te tlb Publie misé ef lb cen-. Be lb vIn b lurmo tlb eovu.lmmo 50111 porthum , ~~uts ~ s eoa oita,.bu mid, viii deliae-UP0B L~ botame 09um GlatslerneQbMis em t.e" cf tc lmurevI, bu<ba 18maib guv* icslb lgilico tluesbat monlgt Pains and COppression of the Ciehî or L=n&% et . be ma put a lasf. Lom b aie' Aput~moetolvl ouimJicule Dwsehing.adailUl&e Diseases of d oisos.> iers. , s seve SI) e vhll lBvu M Moallfo l seot lola nary £)g=&iv. N a ao wmd Chcms is e csetl asev er or of b t u IulSli erilg tslb Uhotirug. cse fo" le~ ~~~~h rnyon ulbie u ets, spo Mr. CiSmIuia# 'is 0e105tubu hohld t bhd micinnbutdawoeonanths a 09 __metsgluwoabeoue eabusa. ou Mr. Gateus e amlaelo rout uer. and sur@ resudy-IieLU-MI5 lim utBr9etma1BihuM sexwpuomtasleibem ,espeolai 0»ne0e9Ifarci i5. Noiruasbave 7lm deâcare. h.chJn te du»ebesecll uolmom hlcibve Titis us Mr. GhlMdlu om uidé sotielect et.* a wayrACNCCOL!), d tube ma. mRerai Em eoa, uaulia v.Ciabelmu bveu, a5mPtChwhieh did Mot gegnaein a 6ULID. Eahlshuesasa" o aacapable etpeMIosIM bl oagie% &"mal murd "W Ln BLS l ommmm mot. ~ ~ ~ bua oss;liimInsm la ancue e ieOs ime la oqalvoami phricanwq vi le da.crehew patients lussmatr';iai mts. cousent,@4tenuS.Aa u*oi5 cliima a dt. hould :ry îhis nedicine before îhey give the rsie motonadmo, usimel ropsltbave n mie M r U. Ciaalenlalm, pand is île ler p, asevainào many valuabNo ivis bave iota mmsufi fou l; liaualth"Sc e» Un.P. a klnpie uluase, alt la a 10vvoicée, avad bi boing persua*ed teo&ive iusatrii.& dêressut uaMe» &Rebét a pp hot cbmviipfet laai&ý uaesu: "BI b o u D s > or s'Atubecaus aail other remedits suife, perpecoMaldiemesclea. Nos, tir, 1 MYi- mut honorabef m bslb u In le ù*tibisrg udm ac!u iii not maue wgul gte Me.l 11 ouse wihem e tokUIdIavF W emlsln ov" l m 19M lW Pt q a Ente vietler "Ibivev, tlicmosmrse ie-But Mr. Gaisosecméwl» "du bi 11a' t i~ *31lti 1 Im uS <BiBi ciots-is necoruo u.1 he lsletter Il vms neuthl etes sanrtmdu. P"N si,5005.9 au i Ppu arle. Inebme Is cul e I.-tasuihrTi-uare asmoiuseeumi <is l U.beedosare put up forihe acommnodaion mmu-(r»ems ciohens>)-bUt it hi.e lie ela umîmei'uaia M. Oi1bdmU5afleàilY f OUMrO5Pt5fdor lovaithm bas ciekel vhit lale eamueCclnsabue 'iucsBopem" Tl5StldtIOiuFoio n t" lava bhi ilho15la gaverait te sot b ue,'lb yhssutihn sOsMmmoet- I. areDUBOI MueOM m glvee te bi siS"y dote tHshasiv vlb~ldounee 91 'a3libfoes la Rouland oreollaul iti a mative mt6" rtis ia. b aIoî~aol congenle lset. 1 bais se rioît te aypsi eoepasngu eîeov or ties relad sirogiburostttdlouale91 pOpo ei ntbais lait a mntin la=& electet embue vwiii soospite memars 1 lbmesurs. The clmex09fi.s peh, aigut te saUsastg; lmubave 1mai'poer tP SOpoienla 1300."51v,'suMt e, 1161ru& tre enters lSPotlb popl eoo gat ofrChtlievinlaIs rsim pr da.ilg is'vbtIbisb67 nM m*l&e ivovsv, vasa »lvaihlb p irme inîis- BrN . asdth lie01099lY 09 MChIa b uans Iesment ef kasftale, my uEbt hombleruut andt fuît i.om, and, Moue hasa1L, ou omaMWell bdWatsiagraof*etnit a- lb ue aost Md uMot emlmnl t of9" dent lo.i. Glsdt» m 1resote, . tue Brmticit usUels. A fou."I dd t e ceasit l.Mr. ChambelaIR se*0bSoasL R Id, "i, l it "mo"alefricotamye hb E uIX . trivialmtwolleUosltbave Inio» n ste&a.- dîtid uMoaasneM, bbugai» e i egi Im llbthevouk vo baie sndoilaks- ut09île »lat m tm e lbsatomeaS hi aMn'lyet poteut prepana- von uhlci vo bolsee lrsrspill»M Ua- th"S Blaa emesupaal af 18410& itou is especialli' daped fortCie relief mmettee tSeasmumpet ouru-I tr m" .lis1114Caue s îscure oft liaI lcs fdsod brosUmmretler n but of th ublete- my ff<bon.a liiveet b ltu a &d-tii attendant upou a low or reduced state oumot mUAao mum, synem b0I807-tmatt ate sbuke. "of duas'eudm of lte ms tenl, and usuaily accoxnp<uied vci la et vass e1y 1bsvastevili GsdsoUea Saim M.C molau yl b yPalier, Weakness su ad 1Papitationi ontu oueimbvlei butls-Iask thon istom syla Mr. ils ameerlin, s etl Dicfthe Heurt. Prompt rcsultw wili te sov t Umnoe t Ameroslesv, rmomsibn' evihat "v p follow Its ise lu mcses cf Nd S i x cme csfamosee psoblie vla Aeros bclau ala Mot mealina Mlm.m"" r hanittiots arising froin Loss ofIlicoti, Io C faee svoty "murcm »d al vîc I lBwvasairemsnous leue. Tii tem, f Acute or Ciartînia 1iseases, andi iit tie la Bu. aliloeb Euroe baed citmenue, péffl hkmaon. M lbthe veaknesata t ulîvariably accompmnies c oC i5 and baie Bma oumIte d"1 iberal b 5t055 mU»MI Rl OlS09 tic rec'ivery f rou'ii asg FecycrNo viii.B aiCaSWO Mia lpm&Soiceas, ve "mlau,' tlimt aetMr. Chambru. rmeiy %illgîr'omore speedy relief lu haeoimpoco. s hi uAi6s i aIobvoei M 05Iote te de- »lispepsiaor Indigestioni, its action on nu uu.meiurm aeu hala S lu epliv 'e. ILevelllu lsfuge agu&aCeunI the aI' ,wach betng tlisatcf a geistieandi lsglbtannIe obaieve mcthe fb runt bomo, almmslmun" Ilwith Iarzuatnie sî, excziinxtise organe of os Siosliatu oomuaaSw etor Bll umn-, Re&saeuenaie ati lie-îioîî CI>actiosi. tuttisus aftordlng pai be testuugi ast ceaite @Ua&veWho raepoItos tfs . a-u- imuisediteoandi pcrxîatc:titrelief Ts usi' Imo Catvomiai lst C rlpmume o aS esprotatsgt sre caruîsinative propertieis cf the différent bas~ ~ ~~~M omo ita lpaloastmoueilbuatni vla bita eir Ibis arosîsaties wiich the Elîxir contalîts os boe bll mlsuailmevillu cua u aus dlrectly aet BvWilar s. Tender it ueful iu Flatulent Dysptepuia. ler etmato mmIuilaiv euMsdgon thae amss ss- :laavkat ewedly for Atonie shemt aplil hisé l iapy sier.Itou I)spepsi, which in apt to occur lu Immev bi ao ululI)mlSot ersàofa gouty citaracter. lmt, vion a suo tguual Umm ukmnUsuuFor lmpoverlted Blood, Lous of amv isugii us, m ast ou ai The ,lb PPOuim9the fBut* mamas Appette, Ieçpoidey, and n IIc cs bu es. a untom f 1anf P5Uem i! lmnusmb nbleleraMas. erc au effective anîd certain tul the butoSands umst fOMMUM heabdm tetPlné 'é ll an' 'te red" ý.th lb zrwib cmaSu fin tehaonla ltàcmmoudMllfl l i be mudm&eW" se g»sM& baud lva?uable à ý-ii forytohilb g e ovlieu si bleSSSltIIn vo e e . lavers of a 31alarial Type, and anAW Mmes "t7 Bt a t yt, kv oonncarthe viarliusbu expeuel INuitfollowing expo- "Mde 9 â%-Y*6 à on h adu ad bmi m uesuet te coîtior vet wcatbcv, Ik will bS bbmoadb u & liastee aa ealas etMv.restorative, as lte IoiOm 4uOe - ombinatolof etCacicua Callan sd le aMor le alus b i vISai sa I d*nte Biairouus etriauare nnversally recogizet peve au Be,.sA- s- u fm umae Vaauco.as speamcmfor the abovs.nameédior ____ InimulvOMit emire m alliance viii Primel Si pe Bol& Wo & Umam &el, mdUwi B MblsgI.eSIIý1~O AGIMI, £te W *0 abeile Bric g uma tue,____ Mu bBeimpuu pal guilamus.Uieol u M*hffboe gs uarabet________ *M bg * *80@uè teu6 mîmm i ~ »Ou vibtaol lé OMeses e tésmJmm UCNE. 80 PLMTEabi. t. »vu* m..gmUdi , m~le dme el ~blb eOBIUse mi a mmahu u mutetl mi I wjmaI5 aie. A =Ma 1 àfGuU»» bID*Pe. Piebiet .1eR G~oii" Non= opDe. M. NU Znunti m.Mfo o e t u of AZIZ DEM MHELL V f O.Town of Umta«Wl ,b e aComiy Of vktow'r mmtu .d.ar.1 ta v41hDq et nesi au tai D"s ast riIdm lm iet m b sc A DUUIerRTOUINOTIIL.-PUim the mm»lb e gJÂIM AW NG~~~~~~auo laeu b ehpsoal Cs.mtyvichd s reea.. bo m m bal v M t am zmunewbuieee asemt g30"ionu.hai"l mtre ai lbeIle hl blu iay>, situe i om ébovia moCloe bl baved v.th mo"etaue for hlbtt amse or Cor. suo noUasmiaet tbaeb ouresaivl ati b timuemal d1i.tm AUCIONSALE 0'F À VAL UABLR FARM. Valut ai l virtusetitlb paof"t po m- le Praioalallieetdîee etmaie, tlina Smeag Sueuams et m-olock p.M.. Mmr 5 Na s te& lula ie Ve= Omonnlum efthebleva. l ie hCerI i Vitoria. omtumnf30set Of LMé. TII. rM»ei asitua"el&bout mlx muaeshtro violonalI..lStallesI100acre Bre clearul smunuer oultivatlmandmItielai -m le besviiy tlnleel itiibeachmai" Msd p" Timber Tory valuatile. A csai grazimu lUEM-Tm peroet tibeporciaa mom allie e oa f se Lo.tty par cenu aSO dtae liereaf a. amnlblasssla Iva pure, viti latureul at sixper cent. payaln at.ery For further &îiedular stad tiLs 0 d appui to JOHNIF .NSe MDais Striet.To. resto, RICHARD FENSOM. Ciu.lay, Mdut t IIcLÂREN, MACDONALD. MER RITT & SEPLEX. Vaudou SoUctars,28 30 Toronto Btreul. Toronto. DalalApnil Ual, 158-T-. Bricks! Bricks! Bricks!1 AN IMPORTANT FAGTI -TO Au- ITDING f aBuIrLDE lm LeEG. DRAKE a baL % preal li vell.known faim front1r a.Wist on late lb nutactUrng of- BIRICK onsuimnMdlv" miale iMm. Dskc taml A BDPBRIOR QUALITP. 1frDrka avng e.tarmr lalbbue- deailng lement a ssehmaipublia pa&ronag. 1 ho 'Tu lu the one negrem to the auttiom WHITE PINE BALSAMI CoesglaaCoMa, H.fres, A e amu, Broscitta.e Croup, W"Otpng IMI1 m I"i WuIoe ma 01~ miol 1053? aEDfl<G",»Jm. ami~sYOram hoU&i111 UTRNk Bam PIM GwmT 1 Fm a"E o' mi% buluu MIbela per a- wm ma" fSlb0 t b k Mb0f Ny. b bramm neos. Fae.Ueeu vii lbe kept in ~oeloe. M fera" a et ie uaidaz WeuvlleNanl M NL43.&u&-i lbeaI a'> eols e eaf mi nom oldasm le== uide«F aut (mr. get> auh or VALA" FARM PRO0P ERTY Under aMd by virue 0f lae r II maie con- teUet la acor to ortM:%. wbl vii e "au e tlm e fmae a d up n wich de- r1esii e & ti a e u m d ,t o a w ii hoe àuli memsa Huse la the Townaoret lb& Mai', mtie Comme etoSVietam, Trday, the lBth Day of April, A. D. lUSat île hotur of two o'clock in the atoruoon. the followlnc valuable lande sud premisea vi.: Th. eti baif of lot No. aine lu thc four- teenth eoneeeulan of the Tuwuahip of Emily. la& lb ounty Of Victoria, ocutaining oeuehund- rot aces more or lae TU@ le a very valuabie property. Sixty acres are uald tw b. In a gostate of caitivation. Thora 1*'in ald bId a log houst. un the Ten per cent. ta b. pald down at tbhetirnc of mae. uflcent ilia thirty days. with interest a: sevon per cent. per aumum. to niake ut one- thiret of lbe purcbase movey: fur balance torma liborai, snd lviii ho made known atte sale For further partlculars spply to JOHN LEYS. Solicitor, Toronto. Toronto. Ifarch M Sfi-03 .MORTGÂGID SALE VALUABLE FARM A" OTEER 1EOETIE8. Pursuat la powers ofsasie coutalnet lu certain mortiages, wbich wsu ho produced at. tic Urne af male, tiare vil! ha olfered for sale. My pabielAmuilcuat oe.Loers itel. la M iu lflgeet Amgile. Wdnbesday, 2lît day 01 April 1886t aS TIs WOU"olla lte ateoeoo. The followinst vaiuable preyeln l the Town- ship et Elton. in the Couati' 0f Victoria, in tour Pue"ai1 PA BCEL No. 1 Consiste of theie st hall or los No. Nla lb teInt concession of lie Towu- sklp of EMon, sud centaine 100 acres. axccpting theroont one quarter scra mold for echeol pui - poses, TI"tis oil raleu& emd.saaly drained. with fair foeS, 4amd t ltuatet about twu miles frans lie villeot Aigyie, sud about 2j miles trom Elton.Goal roada. PARCEL No. 2 consiste of part of lot No. il. la tic Sed aonceasion et tie mad Tovnghip cf Hidon, adcoussins about one quarter .ct.on vbiob lesa goal usme tweillng tand a b amilt'.ehoo. PARCEL No. 3anstaaof the mouth t &1a!of lot No. M4 atd a part ofthle natihait ox ait lot in theiob"conceseion of the mit Town- shipoet Eldon. ant centaineabeut M Vacre&. Thè n i amdy im witay biottm Tho mmle a '~IL g.oue bxa iestb, sad vaterardsituaeia. tesw ad a hall! miles front Ellesand fur miles tram' ArgjIO. PARCEL Ne. 4 eouelat of lot NOë43, la lbe norti ofthle Portars Rond. oe: a lUcrUeu a etripSM yards dqc a augtbvns vht tl a tn e Lrt Ite" tlb Portage ROSi, *i@ aco mis» autconvuzit te -morsesue ad8ars vyd h = es - o IM oasa maltragne ban. in :a- lissu. mIt adjoins the volaege et KIndeli Qmabanh oai i lmaetfme; mmulagitila tjsrqde l==sate omake encin ithe Wilh btei" s bthba ae ie etmtMd le hou amuaipar mamans tromaday me ie."FonCie Md otmmmacm eauebut .Ir. GEIERSU. Vmibl'i I mll Osiae. olm U-ML ~eImmmIa lleasbiUmm*~ Lai u~sI lbÏk DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER THE COKS BEST FRIENO D NOT FOlRGE THOS. ROBSON9 ai lb ou "Bud, WeilIaa . IaM itgla hta Md aelmm wu faavut*0 B..f Hi4" .dTciUo, *ntiaI uy e COWO Lnimla, Dec. lOti. 8.?t. S PECIALTIES. WIZÂRDOIL 27M JuetCoesg& R.mmdy. B8IfG'S ONGIPOWDURS FOIHRmUI 011 AD TL CHARLES BRITTON, EBUGOZ. romO i'EumT4T. IUndrny. sept. 1011. lUL--L e aked etu bhestIu e me uS mvoimemand bsCible 0m. Umms viu b auloba. »0 Sue Phom Iuu ai mmu dbsemaketmlp bsbat ii ou au m1" pula là , 1 -AM m ý 9 . q