A £ APEL ~ADVIOE - ~ -~ 1w *%Umm mw4m A"B ý e *a - - -*Muet M mam uii g*el MW Mmi - esWU, M& m~~~~hr -- rvm.1Ab to d"w pil matu IOS; tb*hurâLo uunai (hon3mua.~hmut)giv..* k CO., R~~a ot déaoldm mai MM "w hem ____________ Who PaL d MdWho uum "bliu"Ilu-Slai ihumem &&K r., Md M - 3uma aa» ii om.ia..bmof Xk. BO"w e t em~m~ w -~ PDnot. the. i"romtof dw coo.pmi. 4 miLltisoe*. Why izouhita«is" 6flot " DO. i "W _____________ Umbat od.ooîupm>." "6Thq aado ___ muao w M ae u oies [t lab wn8out twyJauBo'se ~ e ~ Esa~ fh.~Kurm on-to th. pualdot dm. ompmg, mi bam 3I, tzea u i Um d 5ommitemionali the . MYow- i mmor tu z-mm ttiozwdto Su-tha h. woualpbl "MM OmOtLdOpr.poivIkay mur "iDrgom ._ m m m-zty o! sud* 0iiT tChLCkteh. ___ 69 ew MOoiUÉtew »w h or g. S Wrl= .a ______ _____ ______ _____ "Ton. uhae.p1ai m two bind." _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 3f W ugn h.bien- mrintud 7VeE u OMor i n x r & i nz m a p in a t M . DJ , o e lsr - a w o t y1 mi m ~r - m, htwemm the. mutabom pet offi of iq mtuvm unwo, tudmati of 1w. mueD ~ mth« r qwUwgoeta govSmla IDoiimction- W,& .LSIET lTI . , ULaum , 1 or l m MmuOUUUW aie. topuw"utmh w JUNi. I m - 9obm% sm àv Jv 11L 11 k 0., mk. PXthtei.openingr of thi. prliminy g ~ revision- proceWip am reported in T'iu or e A 1Sm1 SOU I3~IIILUL os~ ut veL m- a -L-m --- ~mt I. ! . ut n& p*EVIora MM la -~m Mm I-- w~wmUmuIMeu I -a « w - agioom r i-pi b e' 41 U ~; 44 1~I <t', %4 4 'i v T s;,; j' ~ 'e- 'j".> 4V i..; y' I j: Ij OUR INV1 IAION. W. tbe jblt"agt t ni pmig vi i.t bu.<Ish a ci t soy ,vma ichibi Our të. imN*NIEAOIS N.oCK.(ILlkchI.ys old ma v ecma- av àfïdmai the -publie that mw isk iiIsvu wMeuj ,fiai-o .ratthe bu adpd- W intldte e-i- amvuiutmim et prMitto ]MR IN, 0 à Ttandhope to be mN. gl a oalas t m lvm *GRAHAM &LEE, TJIE CENTRL GRocRay, KENrT-ST. J. Smon& J. SIMONS Immi. s.fgl uithe." m amt oemvemieat Sh.u..o li te Tawwu et Lumy mnaiamMW .osre sd M>Ir tMe pre g2%wo . afielsetBe8t mabuit ie.stMekA h.e 01aie STIAISEIS eoaVe> ut a"j.> Me rez eu t memt t. Ass.from bv oms- at Me »te f J. simON4 Zent-st. TAILORINO A SPECIALTI . MLOTKSl Jum TWXKD6O>th.e rfl pest 0" AmseLsema Geesev 3iem. Cau mi seO the& ea"àt.. oeBOys' Saima 5,flglt. S&turfeimà%mte t au. J. SIMDNS. STRICTLY CASH BUSIINESSR and ulter the Firat dayrof ÀDayneit Ipw'pose to seoimygooda for casehnuàmtrictIy cash. UT CTKES, 5 WLL S NSEL', aem EFLLWIIIGlac A SSN S:ri T Mr. eu. 1.1 dbJ"hI t juwvI.f9 aIMM lote N. b .m.am, asael lmb.usea &W6. III. No imi mwisovo m 'r IL.l o<ut III. 1 mm a afoiute. geIve .mois formach LoUai ki Fooegwthl uý -w ilha» e .P"mnm svi sthe. Mrth I edais on limut .vPy Uniwy atock esnU"au ort<5, Jruh *IDPjeLHURLEY, The. C.. P. LECo. hae ampi for the itAAN6 UWCCGWT reimn fthoir twenty-Mmlon raomg jy ir _________the______Dbmiuion.gOneiuieDt. C.PJRea. - r»edc ii LSàAl ~bL bon fomi, ~ztw mmazt bave, een &mon,, Immut mvEl.m .....4~eto!iii ouIn-bà i Bum.i& mp. oaA To~ u. wx - a~mithe. mbacaption Erut 01ou0" P, &W Ara __ _ The prelfininty revision. of tii. e@srler dm- w»as nnoimosi. MW mmmut [ âm Vter lit for Routh Victoria OCnd edimttuigaar obam" the" bd at ridiby. About two htznciecmme-~~euain ~jC IIIIIT ver. put on di. hat. COmswut vd mstpo a m* -oime ing thon put on. et the . fia tg.ti If bii. .benmut apaut for ,.UOluqj am ~ A i O . formrhave &alint.m ore thmn-chat m m, 0& «Wrie e iu te mip pl .m ~ s. BE s V f ub . T .U fSb w k u be. It v ssuppnsed that' mi. Ioo r. HleEK N 31> STthe and the.Warder WoUid be on itaiiwil gondm*u tk me.frtieprpor1"'w. là» - i nidas rdeclartiona for de. lin.'protection. of c»trismecLplmtd&J * IJ j "icl 14Vr" but a gend Mmny ovei r 02 *z. humadeiof th" atmons liab ver, ot u The a b ei ______________________ conOluBiOn co hodrawn frora thiashigtarue gOf i.1mno nraimn.o.*~~~ . e ou m tn o. r. M o . roth v b einci al rig iite. sc ore anotiior fe r 3M r u u v s. Ii ~ I ~ der about ting r, huuafrn& ùlI $ oins Szmi Wwb tde hm gD b ~N ~ ~ I g Je wiht :1a i on the lit. The. re Isui ftera W mon, but Wt . widerstoil b. r.to mmam -ut hs- M tsklv i --eue=M dais prOMature boitabout 4+4 vimlr1'F prefhg fie ii i. 5 o i. mm a - m u .-w«I i.-. mut Id hiuîollfpniOug auttac, he r in oostvIs1. us bawn iffU k kfvuU~.sL l ly hlumiluttinq te nul CM Dry I .c0. J >pm mI i. K P Th m oa~a w . I a~a pkletely irotenm Iot aMk i tn A, Ut* 0f member* of the (Rob.e di tora a See'sapl o. "'i.n cu usde ueud ."O ttava but altho ugh.o tock an u air te umM da m mum e M- in MW u Ma ~LDTOf 5*5ggadvataiiPgSt a* vola ! m a . l il, un e eoealurge portion. of 051 p wieth 1%i~aofmsl mi"sln. ta r. Ilaetoe' speehL in troducinm sweflm a aclaver andivigorous wute.... land, If lu the nhI-engrosin.g tnpic the I0T k O% ea voMorr~Whl.ther.mar mre de- (DrOtn .a tneueh* ti. om. uMdeitaen hie gra tank in broui, lib-to altiie plan of domehg vwu pu- Ord Md ci ympathetic spirit; with a Crit« Me.n re t,, bu. i teW O.itiIuMM tic.te h.Iad t Inpmd a j'uset dwhip, ce"erly mthreti.tehae ti doflwiçfelsp e medy foi long "mncrisiticr, b> le muingthi.e mmuni- Mwd no. ln-ger enduable grwevnes f& ation w»vas r eaimiau ousa b mluwod 9m t ocestrigt f te- ft01 hether docte 'son onêmm bet. , goosclt in kon rragrt h cr te evezlîng fthati ot bem&4en.1 ="Mo tiMon-lt7 i. sienoweg th"athteipeopi. 'iTh ppy reto!t provo rmo!lugz Muet gover.thernae'vesc tiny muet mak , f tu.l A thew <ivri lava; anMd tha t iALoen a .<tm ha mnt fo have god lavae ma&le foi them by othomSlers.tmf sro mi n"»h dotl h " rupture ireporw imbtween the laimà &ay$ to Fa tak of tremendonifflo Md';ast iniaci menbm sof iIthe mDtiaUa 1if hie home umani land aw communre ifiUoi OùDS(Ito sett. à*noetf Sinto legaiom tui.' vl Jil> botudwy ofAfgbateau. W# bu . anik as i gbeateawô*oil f <a co taomdluIlà fTuaisnd b. vmamiiip Eq af" & ne < ~,,the. SUIS0< ofîl%7 "' vbu O me.N C , om cd IubfftpedM»ethe. stnti>' usueti'tiP~m" wantB O O T S A N D S HO ES Pemmg"M" B*m UMM 0<r I& I stingbq faM" un me-i i. leûn loger vdomipÀivoeaeti1w à*ihauti. à*e SL i men#Mun *.Vi>'f eJuto4Î -i ebiepII OI'dy k Ns- lu attendant honr, anm OO.vl m ruh for msou era*&. W<h.t ~ A a pmd.u i n ti.blLMi ~ldtoebus e.mun " te oer Ca*"'m in luowam t. e a etanh& d w omeW'8:BOOTS and thase Mflpueide.z81do0e«m o marnetu* o ien îwise HO ~ *Idmtebbeodbmwwàamflpsbave beaubalir>MrN.__ -u "plop* '*8 h jm luulatdu o! en, tuoi i bSWk Utgv b blmmU. s - S là* -Pueum m 1« .W., à. d noo.oo~~uiUSUuOt~ ambu im.rohmwoy vo* .1uai jj 40 <s fS ' ~ 'b of m om It ssa - uVUm.A5 malmh&u qu n . m ale. - lm w .Wawo 2ý--