Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 9 Apr 1886, p. 7

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-b s e - -- j, - mima lauIm - p ow Uimi1m5 -m-v. Im «MwUm FA M OAm -Fle- S 9.R Apnil. Nh>51 altae thé amis 110 lRouai M round, tuanoi liais amd thons. 1>11lb.8» &gd te grouad d" beha£1MW vIO lii e wf am a 0@ (,,ai la 1big robe of "Meu Wllb ttueitlmisa dow hlm d0%psy bau Amd face 0«oM sIwti vii ««eba eud éle ~04Mas, Or us rou CYuh mii l a l vsai "1. :MW jeunshako your hom y10*18 la wvietmift Rdla910g114 LAeyeun sont the rftalle ida lova CsM eadow. lavaMdams 1 MWFeu> fer Pou mangé col M the houmntof thé esulia As if te votecf aputal né MoM With feeble Wve lce 1Wlaeu Mi, hi lge ore tee tram I dote nos1hbrsSile lte breti 0et apl ( has thlie robin'omena. "1 hurry cm8te ferfatMratnoull, To refgions loue aot drua?, Whese1 may hold terual 1 e1111 ThreugtOutltsa rlllag Isar. "(luesmore mars51 eprAul vii plant lthe bal oin ivoty h tsuaiod. Ami doccl' te eartl ladrtOlrobes ()f venial grensud 1014. Vêt Ittra, ( martel mas, Ta k Il i wIh loY btal- Au Aem or m f oui destloy Wheu ar otureas0 sortit. Yest iipringtim lmaseblemosi mt, When ail tri maltshail use Talotuet hoîr Loti-a gqortl5 ls UM li),oanillns tram the 1skies. Thon augelM ahéasgolden gale 8biêl heat fla vote. practaini: LIItp te evertls fl e0 1i tlugMI raffmomatu-n" A mong the Flowers. ' flimy Eyebright", in a tory interot. enig coinàruanication lW the COUuntry G*eti. auan givesi Rmre suggestions ab:out floyen ihat silIl beof ât ervice ho oui readeri. Tiec1 pricen quoteid are for souds la tht gqtab(t; tto S ae alttll ay cottmon It ie jseid that thetlit-saver wua a hu ahen Ko ninuy îîopie vers lutemestut ii ~aroni : fi v OIoulhave the fui ble.sing of our ieoveiy flowcrm, wu nit wumk fovr thi oersulves. We'read uft h "uiid esmcir," -falth cure;," "grapo cure,' andi evemi Ildry liread cir;" why ahoul rani. vu instituite a gattieni cure, anti tend LhouUalatit1i o 4tuiig votasen thi. urprim ing huitlttafiilnto.,sut fwîrking in théiogardon: A fkte-cunt-pai keh t imignonnette, en f)f Iràts:irmnnd'a pilox, une of avec alysInln, o<at. uof1etiuliniaanti one c dwart (ourmntet>weeka stocks, vi give yoi adelouéuly f ragrant andi bull auS flowur garde>:. To bc sure, there ou many higii-priced ominumls anti planté ti thts aateur gar<lnei loigs for ant i v have, ave i tthleu ceut anwme deuli article ofttrou-to(i wlsat are tibbons ai 'l'cc'licomlpltrOtiwiti floyers -anti a fi nmitien, .ven if tioy are higi-puice arc a charmning acquistion. ,Pana saoespoCialy a. "iioriiat'aouci ad mi t improtementa have leenus in Shir beauty. ifthie sia sare mcvii boxes iu the bouse or hotot, eatly thus lmont, tir even Lu Apriltue Loyf viii blnom by July, andi continuel loveruntil the. no vm tea iinl. la liera lu A neponuua"l tue usmhuid ý 1 __ li là l r Imod- -&- _@ - m %s * ~ I fi. ' avuelaianha enimoad MWsu mm 1 m uuuomBb.dblb a 1m fta th@. PWOde Md miiiItsoolp aMd OIM4ue le.u ulu 0m.. ai a ded.edi Ipme o*vmsn, athuin hain dm ami compWct, m tanson ne .ti. sbuis, w&lgw ei vIlIP .. m osta "W ,ourle..wt, uma l o.,,d.sud. wuil Whitae a, ad mi p uwMs e, VIEw ma#.a boautifuld, it dbloom ui bue as uSsoU Tmi. ovalty fSu ie toile.. tre u . tiheaM&i. Uome amen oin. ho tgsiadegle po hme issi, but th!s ona oftui bbu double Tuate "a suklodubOweoeupon th*. - itm. it VinI mmii a Iov.Iy over fér pot oultane, Slu fright cloemu bois qgde Émusie for wimlowluadsiitt 1 is cu- .4?P. dunumio" ci oceda loi.~pi@ T'h.*n» pompon. innasvilch (Imm. the. pompaouciy»meU5u am * haith tii ie mm ounS ifovor us grat adtions ho tii. over ganienThq co luin authe. frigitsl acisthe dm na; amiwh.tiie nilgIsiwithhOthon Lomers, or pluosin u am .byr thoehols, Winl prove .aierl deooat4V9. They uste intoiuod laitmaisn, M fouai Ummi adminmu. This »aVon a pashat of souda cm b. u o uailfor là OcUitsa" » ud ahdnmddo ib. vithiot he.. If planted as a beige na he .buoftuther flovsrAed, thq nmads a very Attracivo apputamaflos;al> u bock 1r! tIelves. niched by tuue. oielties hiéh arem ad ho b. gmt ad1ditions in colorng to dui Psinti Lady, Milnet asud other varistis Thuy are cinesi byti.he i.-Aoun4in m., utf (!M» apninceseso pm4a binai flover, shaisi o rose; fjuem citho Iloe, a rich mmaret M wite, withi np of nmy pvle nt uim tel, pik md -riimon miwgld mignonnette, the. little laa'ing" a1 ojur id.m, hm. attainsi ho mmii lq pwup>hiun unden the inuco.esul maiu "niosA<fhie hybridizer, that it isus hto have lait ité distinction as a su i ower, but t still retains, 155 dulicahe fragranc. Bird's Mananoth bus the largest and thickeat spikeS ofthteihybirdayet rals, and monitàa apluce in every 1pardmn Clemai canbe)55117 naùnd lbou>tihe meed, a"m a iar cimbing perN"ah thois ae no more Iutifoa lants. AU] the. buesa of uhihe. Mlue, azur, purp!e andi violet S uan erissI trontone 25-conl g kcet ot sods, andthie cultivahoir may A"etiie god f'rhue te aiee a novelty, aM it is frunî sesis that al hie tiner Vauieties ot clenmtis hava boum procurei. Imspatiens Islam la aperennial atroe duced a year or two go, anti its omitanou n)v offert for ' cen er picket. It ns a protuse iler, welI ftted tor ho)u:o culture. It% floucraare fla rusa - ed, and, liii. thu< animal baWist, are pro. ducci frontiihe axila ofthtii.leaves. Chrysantheimitmcan be easily rai"u trous meeda. They are hardy perenniala andtheti. rrestana dichest fonns and colors have been peuduceti by hybridiztion, Tiie seedi ae nov offeti ah 50 cent ter pack- et, ani a huntlred plants cSn b. naise trou atm contente. 1 Petuniasof t tii..later .lay* s lt Ula resemblanco hoso.oui grandmothel9 delighted ho cutivate. Thoir hues, blohch- ssgp, veinigaan andniffl wiil aliiost vue vît) th<.e ofthie tulip, that hfop of flovera.", Andi nov. conias Petunia grandi- ,et April ia a busy manthitrou Prim à Etivid'. Islandt o Puget Sound, ays tl »i Ainerican AgricultfuiBLh Wiien spra ni. cOmas in the iigii nortiieru latitudes, it reupomi us ah once. 1h L6 vinter one d mt and amoit ammser the. nist. The oa, l snos's draw the troct trou tiiesoil, su th Id vien tua diappears the.ground la res md tor.tiie plow. While anow lista goS ci r@w the. manure, tiie vork go.. mucii quiel, e andi saser on runner tisa on we 0mw of the. sarliait jobs la haroil r," y intor grin. Tii. advantage of a tiiorotl me iiarowiiig witii a sincothin<harrov la in grea thât, t paysnt tomcvatPmin il Fin autumu, butâah the tins of hiiaroi em spring. Grain sovei broadasat by itu t' ho SiOi alvaya b. harroeti seral hlmq M&ultitud etf ie sane hhu killsia kil th siuing of the wuiina agreat aivatt Orima MbyitelivWi aImait unifei the. giva utdaaaon.Tiihe eap rimgg a bejamasoyathIe bett« .Fora rpie, fs d«>. MsPffl amdi ot apursio hm ,Tofiiaisorpiýii0Udbaput la lfo 008son" nummn tvo vess. ce"sinm Wm ce voit ».las'. asit od uami *dàpamhdam a. eau ve ar*o0lé Mmequiui lie aimoarn etf due Sal maiedie pissa U la dire. A damauof fui aiuliia Heai taud ondesuas o aedeumie on *muhtenomma lite lai d aS vo*, i'li- inof matmlils.A hc.slpbal iis M"ote ucé gotsmoftmifa. e mfulm uat horflMes roudfts viien valu; rubiova, bbaomhior et t lim ou" si .d.a.ashlm Couset ah atlg mocilitusr.aehie lem th botter if inaoImm bos or the opus Sl E.-Fuaémg over tisaselaay Proroomwle dainfjuny. (1v. e e, but a loomaimg distof tban Md roota for sM»sda", Ma mndmlby lamroma fui mes fova" q smptousa Pm *avY. Kee salves grovmng turlttily; s anluk viti a lit". liusimml amiési amiaitici St itMa asbetoSfo theia osinfajust se goci for tRiss as viiole mliifuid irons tii paiL OShepmust b ke m &dy"< or tipis vil i. danhr te theïr fest Evea vitRa Ims a b ae Umm "aLY' at lImuntil lisp couse ho pesturt slngse hld u uo .f od Eenshf ,Yoeiisiln, Polmior oi pue me. Thoy growflister ami fathsi bi ila is F. oultty.-Rsduoe th stock ot foula as moun aM tus esaïs lalc 1 in wonprotiiuifor, but rod onho ol twkes wdeld t'ý:'gPt usai t More as breeders tis yuug cnes. Duel ,lso are gwootiltI tht.. yeaus oUl.J tunkep la, in lier prim, et five, antij go00" ahtuenty. Elior ari assGaà sNtes. ; ndly obligeti an agent by aiming k k nm" tu b"an iidrMllSiWit of the proposa e ountl hitory," ami a tev days Iater ne 1celveti notice froua a Detroit la cf a not )eltioalst hlmE u - r 4wxti'rY Wuzàr.-Tiie tollovlug ina e steguard against amy amsut Shah May le i moud lgrain:- Dissolve I1lb. aplmae ,copper or bIse ane in boilll auter, an dip your grain in thie pick). the nligit lb ifore iwoing. On. pount ot bue atonei ysufficient for four bsh. et vOf hcat. DRAt IIMT>v.-Ma>y utfunr peîp :wore taken Ln une year ago by aoChicj 1 %harper vii inducotiparties ho igu t)>. 1 nanes te thie fsaily record, for utatiahic t înIrp 'es tiey claimseil. Nov tbey ta caileel upon bh' amotiet agent ho psy for :512 bockthe. hmtory!ofDearboru Ceuut: partly tasken from olti nevapapera.-[Il . uons Former.. @--To MAKc A W.izRnFILTR.-A vol a gnomE vater ilter may be matie as followa Ir (i et a large shoevare crack vitii su ope ! ng at h)e botomi for a fumet; put iin t] bottoms six inciies ut large édean stouses - 1 make a cavihy; cuver tuis vit)> a dlate c 4ho fit, ant inlu hici a .1uanityotfRolemal e ma&c;ois this lay tt.. ci.ch f cow ;. gravel, tiien thrse inciies of clt-an-wiaali a Chanonelsas large as POsU; tien clean-u ni mini tht.. luci, anti a àaoe as lofa :on tuas. Put the. voter lu the top anti p on thie coter. Keeîî it lu a cool îîiace et iput ibe in tie vater. For aufficent mi )f o s» Uice vaher aliould bc ilteret, al i.al voter that la mot curhainly abute au pe picion, andt iere la tery littie such. ht Ti r Bzse Fowu-For &U purpose t] lS bsen maie inho the BoRieii>mstoaS avin, he wiicii liasgrovu lie oaucii proportion mg te lecosiS o mriomnsatase. la v ig counties in Ohio im thopraon>là ay votieti industrioumasmuch as SM, kyy in notes obtaineti by trauduleut repuei ba "ieshia bem turned m laetua bnk Ldy collection iu ouly one county, sudl,1 ,-U with"tnding tue publicity givea la ker frauda turing tinmoronfour yesrap eha. the pisemt "sosinlamore pralifi of aag tu hmhte previolia eue. Fumera agh intiuceiou>$v10a b»W fIor tue nooftc sW gramn an thie promi taketheproueath te sâme pries tenote linÇLv - l ymt tfor tue ssed, lui a bondugwi 'ntU the ats wllloa aIt for uban teaiy. TReimes lgac, bea lik the farmr masahm o làe g but lie boutsman ordhlss Icaus &I= i maeiehho be foui uic1 V&las *Wosv e.te duci Mn m 1 bd uestle MOI& af m1U0i amm l » oas nobZm mm Ut u lui dti.au Dmiai. mia pu lab-m rom .a isassa, wum w te Rama*@u. k'i mit iaim0et mwboisuOum Fm 1111111li te t UmmTEEgo b"AbCmm ff- Ag4 obua" W m-AND> OWEL COXMAs, SOIE TEROAT * &o. gSi. 0 - ai0. U tuaisa uo~unm 1kaas~SPEIs, Nir RESa ft or n miet If, 1mitHatiEEnN r~~e diulsfamVor 9--t _ 'L105U1JKad" Uu5e-omBmi1fmtu~N Md WM 0.ra" iun t me"ej am i s e pi my 0.Tff Vedu& fl mtedm s e uet e emaUNu oi ...a.tnuilu"" n.111« Wzis, faim L"Pua"tea»e-a dwmf- the a.UWhoshmhe.b10te et *0os u ew1h !ufl.afipesm. litote I.pu w1dWd mpiihE hp na D IOMoe..~.idkoaeagis - I-s ' "" "MV h Pha i Ste boems cf ,mIlewdpamIenus ~~yM. f ualtmbOmiSlbe M fl kno Valu" km Chve Lm xi 1,~ Doam P sA Ua it te rmd '- ua "m.a' sus -o hias i. ave . aouy c eswmiyan j: beCAC 1# *-V C a111111 ..1;1r"sw viia te 1 ami mwl'me»Smmmly.a1i'Legls - te em»te i a mUieSt lés pasamm au y.etct.wmawcidu . Mr. W. A.us desWM MffVldW A dpusn* mdub medlcine Uto.îe iMe:wca J~ 1 s>-lil usla smalbmma D O soIV l a us a ni e emede of vdm. IftIfspail*0umetet Lk bdpSl t. barHl b" asOàM te~mc b. Cah oras bemtlut tikd. fal lt&.CAPEL toie è. a eotma azatt a" uaslja a omdm ta %»Ms ta. ~~~~ELX Rmllalm OUbCEBL Jaut I.M ,Y, 1 lu duMu" OWm-Ofs 0.aom Ti.armlyeptnt W leva d qntnt t. hm ae ad ue tibnttoeo ds.d ami I.M I. li oue- lm strO.be prepassiw kb.g t a ller.tiss a ll enpeaku y a nd J'aor rl aiof doua mi pu h lghoeaci s »Wth" 1%s su cue ln ha easaof wdsorEx. Ai S buldngeA a law at.Tol y asi ouli atnaiin p oin L ouworfd Bclostat 'tetoefl d udoeMO»d t, ujctme- fhAcu ten . amate i xaseIsacanluathe .utui b.s e r a err. 1 Pl1, elnesani1 tto ireondMabUam emol ltiboli. ou. Klh-o1i;e t. rmp relita ii rieav as altert belncaseot on u ici that 1hc eigtia f eni ad d teis m ioer, amiF O11301h fOunil Acut (oulo Dxisuam- te o an l f ue r0 ~ rmWeI iii e n r aetreliefTleA . me eflon bem o e m f. tise m ain aive p b. ie ol f th df érems nt lut DwSou BMi Cerns..Taylor, lksaroinatica wiicrthen Elîxîr contains amidiB. W5lters, tOAM t 9»1101dm eoci 02 rewkdr lt use f ailu Flatulent Dyamîepsis. or 5M I ta e it l a a micahiee mU e(ly for Atonie es- TME mon à» MIEN, DT"WB@ Dyspepala, ulicla je apt to occur lu aid looms WàLu m d neiapropaol aund- . nierof a .gouty charaîcter. e5- tas t i. nd v rog2mu = t For Impoveriah e Illoom, Lois of slnstiami ite misU5Ui ~Appetite, l)e.ouidencv. and in ail cases Co. iaLLbroughioruwallotl 'VALIAULE =.«.i ,a . t»FARM PRO P HI 000 vouE M 0 à@u""lebut i844 10 mais bossu ~ v m-e m i by vitue et paver c e"co- n.Sites a a am Sb .U '~ tIo sacrasmortago.: wblohim n bii for b o n di= apet @c a b.W agfA" t fma i. asudupc. vhleh de- Ti.rosolul tio tiedtatbe .DmamI e ub.pamut bas bteen made. liera vii b. Ilt àtet»»0 5ttJOtbbhalse t ua 001WE. ml mubhcAucUea t*i ~ torewvlhtheo marnetaiCOoU. abmllIL oms oa nli oa. PutmIR MyN.tu .l lia 05.17et ViOsuels tIC~A CosBauL, MWPAs Bua .10- an- amOUaD. soàvmli. iali 0.110ba a l ea am5 losiab& st s4. 0.holE rld4 h 0hDyo -wl Os., Mm.bI Met01 to Bapplheye amOfipi *ee 10pt C Osips lMM.s h«tos'sirusa" ..li.a ishurc aeeoaib Mmtcmimarg le la.O a m A .na D.M&mauta, Iho twe floai gvlaocRai A uUbpM silalia nom o aa, memn m i prmth e . wt rvalam.. c M& b al.iilamli aa t.up Imt aa mim&lot a Ielab at -w loiMd aa iaara vui1 atetsti emommsics e i t m tTe ahce tour- pod, ernipo p sti h ~ ia me Jik mm atalorgalm 1riiet a .Muns mleh ha v vimble prasn w.htzy ea -la *0 comme a tm , ààan ao am -a maen *0lvtls ticp0.somlle ~~EP . sus spar. cInh pomnas. o agu"snU TiaoeuiElia~wboueurs 4reS le- unir fer - ~ Ub..mL54 ulE I. maie su i nLm. . OmoaumNG EE*2u CSAMU ~~TU a ~~M Tnb salpsmo.vh nama RU FMB SAMA b au b et lo 1*1lames 1111 Oemo rowaup eIfNI I * ia b a h pao . a m i U L . av dm a cnriciLoILASSIQEXIET.w m. mafum or<a tA.uat.of ALEZAN- DMISMHElL WSorAOuTowns o0 wêk i dd.r v cf o.esf UI14. ho"%a av. au" = 1 alat iamF tshdaà &W e mm 1 h eitea t he Taaiet O taub.the laa7e cftVIaiet tOma.dmmmive luti kidycf~sg £1ia mai cit uis's eak Kiini nubea m IT v out, fIT, ammatshaielIaBouams. Mi1mtuec e~~~h mmullahMb a m> fn h I a~tscf mesm vlorammita il 10hm tusa ms 00éb&Unc mi do Cmssi m et ths ~~~Ummffh asliihmt.Ive MLaialt eet l d tbl stieam.o vc MARY ALAHX 0"0VOMImd,09 wlim o ýOW NOTICE 18 UErEDY GIVEN that1 mieai f ayt the MMlMARY CA UmSmtlar, Am»or &bout l.the7t f8Uô Day «<of 4pri, 18& ai le bffld9poue u&mm e.RhTciaa ma 1. llbgbas.«ïse1 mutlu0. fui arllauara cftut i Wa usa temest oethit manste.Bam sre et thie meauritlseIf WyulbrhUI Aistrhe MU i 1h day ef pu the execuheusf et i m ?a" o wlfpro- i ta iaruth te au"tet uln.maiasate ami pat Iored smg lIe psrtlas ostitici maabavb.g nananla mte iclai»moi much daim nly ai Wb".ith"ymailv a m aoL o i ut or my eartthaeof se, dwm lbutit. my olo t uboee lalu suai ex- tuas li mo noiseaitusthelime et ihribu- osai et or mi mI Mr part tutod. am Dafta at Llndimtub 11Mhday ef match, L . 1) . . na-V. -- - . . IV NOTIOE TO CREDIOS. la t"egecii &LEZANIDEB EIPEIAIDID Mellas Si et ehaptmr 107 Revimmi Stacutes of mlàai. thï;aI miedtrm or Otuerparmans iav. cglairn gmas e ats ci the lm sAiez' m[or mopIIS44OII et lie towmnhip aiBraci. om4y ci Ontar idoumaiWhvIaisi osor bholâ lal dayri tch, l in are brb tale m il motitea Wi5hn EILM WrDEN ofthle villageofe udnsd amreasne ai ilstheeseulors cfets%*M e t the maliecesimi. es orbeore lie wlth a statèment t imibu. M& vrifsi Md the. sture of the mmsurties heu bythem, fn wF. r t e te a u tatS .1Md l a omd oetribute theMM f th e MU. W0054 =theparda esstltlei thereto, bM mi mwS__m. mtios mba b ave bc bssred, ai the »Mm eamtm ewm mat be Hable far theamets or my - Itbseçi te MY Mpa1 met aiwha daim obna bab"mo t the hm re of Datai at suaerlani tue 11h day ot March, à,. a »M ]MIL MOPHADEN. MKALCOLUM oMiPEAD EN. E e u r. A 8EXKANDÎ eRmoPAEN, Bv~cka! Br4cJcaI Br4c~A ~N IMPORTANT FA~ -TO ALL- INTENDING BUILDEKE. ME. GEO. DRAKE bavtmg aurebamai wsll.kuaws farta trou Ni. Jas. WaZIs tsi uta ho masufaetflrlfll ai mas uxtemmive nais. Ni. Dxmks f mmioely BRICK arilmi amibe mmnufa.turb.# et bdmk n homo tua -NEk ce. m rk e hauv s" Mr. e emu 1 b. bes Theà av 9lefta th eu t~ Sbb SU duluAte Max Tu u Tr U U be- me a t ahusdsimoi vin.ibuevS 1 butla tmqg riit M as. WX. CAIMROM. E. CÀwANEO. Wciil.MMnU.ULl6_ 'j -r ahi I I i by cc be ab DUNN'S BAKI a 111EC0210N1 )o NT -'W-GI rHOS. R OBSONS a* m »d? Womuome_ &su% à B ru& m4a wS Id T o tbMam ybu cOemi -na. DM os. ML-7Ot ADEISON & IUW?, IJNDEETAKBDU, Eamt.st., e * e Llmimay. Rueldemcs4Xr. Ni~geut>, South ami Fus Terrace. t~ambrligsat. Ltmy. Sept. L iUS.-ST. Lia0R BALutNY & ciEL DlttOIIcoimmi MDII FOI NOIES AUD £TU lucn a ft inemeo=mu a" brtngtng arem md cattie tata geacri eaicd I&IIAm.1 a by comblaing tires aill mtmtat requlmtes:- lme-gmba " .lbOI ~CSmequently aliril.g th. e Untçet po"mble bmefit froa a.VeOI quaatite od insbe obortest Urne. M Ah MML y ln!. !!Zr 12.. M 12 C 'A XOTICIE TO MEMBERS MERCHANTS'PROTIVE mI COGLMOINOAUMIATU OF DAliD As auficlat lie baavea mi ate al ar hies tiebtsita ouimembc s c thcyv member lu L'dmjWi mned ai t oece te cMr coice. Hamillon i mes t a&U uch aie for Publicationa.asupthle notice whihîb beau seat Co eueh dobto. AUlpermens tliaime our members hais nati that posur names viii *ppar s dllquionts unies an immediate selm J ai. Youme K. B.-Merchmatsanadiothor wih=gte be. cons membera cmado mc by remilhingil.00 a the whe ilQncemmary supplias viii Un . Dcý&Iuo-oe._ Armut poueSa u atimc ucra lime at miler iib.ofrd ae, My pubuio~.làuett aist Co&Me@ m tll la .irb Village 09 Arglie, Wedesdy,21st day et IArp18%e ai waoeooklt i fmmm The oflwlfl atbe propety la the Town- ship a or , ta 1.CosyetVctra in tour para01 PAILCEL No. 1 coasts Of the uet alt Of lot xO.làina the $rd o@icimion ofthe Town- mbijp Of Bidoa" udcenaidas 100acrem. excepttng tuicreot one quarter acre m»X fto heol pur- pou&. This lot la rafltg-laisaly draned, wlth tair faucon. Md sttuated &bout two mauIe rou th.evimage ot AMI% a"about i miles frosi Ridac6Go. rod PARCEL NO. 2casatetsOf part Oftkglo. IL11 la the tri conceulon ai the mi Towsship of Ridas, sud cassains about one quarter acre, on wh la inaàgooi tramne iwefllng Mdai ablack- ammth'b shea. PA RCEL Ne. 3emmstaof the meuth balt ef lot No. UM adaarstof the sorth hait af idt lot 16 l in h tcoscemeion et the Mid Town- mblp et Ridas. amidcntaine about 140 acres. The mil le a masdy laam with Oday battOm- Thon lasa 1god log homme bars and stablem. mai a @Maacae a n tais oItle well ustoredMidmij, shigme C OmYIeadai sXi "ales rou RIde.ai or estandài fmAI&y Goo ea a. PAWCL -No. 4 onstateOf lot NO- 13 tb. ho Mh ueaelek t ofmaiTownshO ip of das. muor t e icPotffli ami. 0 eouthbersu smp ae depaiagthe.whoià uih et amit en ra mii teL Pcrtffe Rami, containuw 10i.acrmsma enOUSamreCOUveyei ta 8111.- i adO'&«« ,ito the , 71 p MM M 1mmzco0mpa ,as aeabout 4 MMoreS ayeOite Assuson i le a bgouse h mmaidtram buma = loum. It adj"la the v- et .t <»4M.mh "caetahdm et ml«a oughlb *tw ihq srmafftnlo mahe me= of=a u iii blass hnof o b. wtb.tna 1 athe rate of mlxadiahbon ot mot p am dam MW etls. Vurbu eue c~mb. badL J.. BIEUUN FSAL.EITOU, RUOIST ýMOIITGýl-cSAL VALUABLE FARM ý-àam 1. 1 il ý ýf 1 1 1 1 0 m 1 Pà ý à -Oy- Umm= Noum 11

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