Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 9 Apr 1886, p. 1

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.f~-axa~ 4- v'- dom- -~ - __c Ooea i. &i4i*iLi r. &Fige. CIVL AIMANI U6m~ _ ~rc: Z 2 _____ ____ ____ ~ bB !IV~ oI 1k t 1k AIL B"mL bmmi mr mm__ajm ugwwhj . &muge -May bu ammuae- *MW* -b n uhta rnia _ Qu- "MSS"7 vif _ : ~m ~ L ÀrBu E~e a~ bê ~ or -,..W 10V6.~~ .s~ - 2&'w IMM. -mm lu,@@i a zuaott t a. eo"*Obagb tAi L polelDth Ârau.op a, isa etoe*Z.eh '-Mou& ~ ___ Ê ~ M. .Adwd ha qilr __sujtw IMMWb ~b~mve ouohrtiefa -hem&~i b . - 1 u u i a ~- ~ 5 w e ~ E t - O ' &u Lb s a u i l n -=homo& S t je -i~ b"mEo a At tc1f g& f. im& i . o OrWgim al f unnom& ct a m.m e wefwmma&hau ws uar-Wbi1kt . otauoul Ma" Om07 in u .M;DN m, m strwnlm ~ eoghP VUT m 1 m"& »WIWW& @$aim" '1ge o et W umouàe t Mr MÊ mwhlhou l onme %SVWMn etlu otO tbadw n olo*I *It OftPhk n t ii Wphr, âe M« Part-of theW ______cg_@net--- aeolbc 0&tU&oeoret& e commhugs tatçn iap tht)t otehpbn nd oi oi te hav e nný ahe a~1y II - ir - obmw-tu cb -wimt et Ae irtei OzIk'DDt5cmthehadcam1 Ony the hors family, stchWt rxthet tlue tee hv hifeà= wýRq_ tod o ___ ma~~~~~~~~t ..s i et 1hIW mr miq uto ~u mfe mLaban" bs ganmj mt udrsan Ai canc r ntmts mid; nf~tli Ia'Jor mus~iro I ayigam beDtE @ otmswu f habt I b. oitthe sWn t bu. wo m elaiusit aetemte lcuu I amei], txgjltly WC%-n t.o thegrn part of ther hid We ht mI 1O~ u1kLT0 U <tthaitiDot1 b"ia" __ taTteffSilto uai WUlimm ud knl a"g Mr. TaIO . Uath1e ~ rau thftr grrt trength fMd fllft-iriity. -h.npe ont-n of aol. OUIII..M Wis, 1 abemuuhldmI taw dépîyjJ DtImmBi faandlai . Winêinofte ccet oraae a u~ c1aftÎp.w I aflu m tou.t h-ene o "WO.oiy tWatab~w1arneht.w uqtLàuadomt 1h.vliao. Itr-tuenbtwxulcl Aeetru ai" linimhesd and ihwkfrnpd on theu' ,.1îll or leteide-, whilerthe reutPart cmedUbl$e wmw m@£iîé hU1ue t~h. ru duthU nl O EIa uu.-M .Gna .S uafamn.oe ferw aedceae.T of te if, ic in inighed tfur nw' <itfrirnt pnirpomeison the grain s d& S1lS cii I.1 Ltl hhswe ta. n EL7UI11 VODt ax ue u na, ilV. p~a W sdttoeonfre Ti. Miuole &r ,heJ iliiei. moa)t durablhit 'iher ini exitwoe, and isn <t jj uk w a __ _W614 u lum ome f orhlWb"thiWk. qus- i usIttvoutew, h oua dr.Mr oe i le _____ tutie uho wI[ed e0 bcomeeuemTrhe Ther muimfta mh.e faradlaftuie jol uwItbmo aat* Chg 01 8owh.hitra veSvilavApml ohmAiloin..upuhW.of ahunded wo bae joasU ft.iatk.. a bu1PwPf "Ui ." Naanf oeOef febw emgh1«ta a mm tImdiMMdthnom twe acley. Ameethe f tie mmbebaon7 a ~4#: sWwurm~Is EUSI< 01% a% sw fl trS .e uUIuuyc'1.Oouiy seneo.oumetumamam .be- -'-- AuJ.. me à»6h, lutb& 1u1t Umahwwlt -toawows oivlb ,do 5l VfIffle gah u Wb am& puarame afbail. A j<ood ý- Uc enteetath uluilI. iL~uem awrSmgeebet MWRMint haur*, uh.mou tIo a wW nesadhm ftemmbr ahvihwhdmaahmbla aLeh aB096. M,- ~ vs r. au% Inet. ie 1gim~i.ptll Aetilsee fti catc < j e t t h N s ~ ~ C O ~ 4 . d i e ~ V U U U D ~ u i u l m n . ~ n b nt h u t a t. c hf r m I 4 a~ t b . e & b i mi&u i ll a l b r n e r d f o o nTm o t u >rr igk abd - a li e s mt siour __ - *1Mil a m S m m- a. t qw g un.» eV~- e.h. aad ie Iessd bu Aeagi a Iag-~be 'h adl The PétLS Ci ITIC LXX fo>t&x ose1% w. dmtc* I& wowmOMth, q , .- rUM&dmlce afdm d n br lo t ohut lot cfst s"b Iu bSuar, woi chilirem r. fefaualtook plaue fotrakit an01etalsdon. .SM YTH & LE, ê*w»tUmemL % hihlt»um 1r-hdnifbrreevw b>ewM à un. t. tievD tep & Dm d J.nNt.Aiwll th. l1ffl.- mit Wu~ mazs u iUatsg out à at a e h.ePrinceorPfPm thecuhw eh bulI6Inmpuded uay a emr Win& iatlou C Mééu teumold hlnbr Whouthe 1 4~~!t~nIgji~fl.. wwthWMiuus&"W le moata ie t. Uozem cbamurc. . hl. th*hlW& isaIa. ýatab hmdly UuhWO, us um immmye i.Krfod .J a oe aCnlga - _ ~ t.ZahI.w~Itu <hV1kUO~1th~ I~-e"bluLaam"'Ibmhtm o r o a i e -v---- engIlon versamib ete atsa.Ti AesAeepcat oalre sne.W .~ 1h.bmmn ou .bymalet matuww m t. tbom. ai p , @~- or keduy ouie cf ns, hume m o f the 1 F au Love, Q. C.,s m-lfruaetgtiitre ral0 heo .4.. DuMSI' mm"* atae. fr tioiruorvlcea, tiet aide aave WUD vomie I&Mt-nw amt l ma dut roc rit I aeagtdtig YugEta ati I cailud hlm ~Aaudw Md sàpbmoebut I eh .Uu allmuton9", ttit alme.. &'- Crr, » ce, ofW014 Mduhucens* t. ollv Ngewth uiei Aspr fiecutv j ite adwm* mal 4belu MomlM a t. r u fflmu ,paPoM -m _ __h wid. ~EaopPt n l xrxsuFO RCT.-tl listiSe miLlb <tusol~evide.m o aueathe proeuum f~ m s&tite .izgly vws»jtheelsde lgmaerapolmitmen lmve, ey1 ao aotti atrpr ftemn WmUIIUWU.4oui It a. hqouIaMaiecomm11bss, ssii I @W&- mui mttes bIMaterv. w Um ueàtotee ti. l ofaFrodcktu iCoA.l n fti letihbtnsa pi ilt W shaw mo. .<t tim br a1»e tXae. barbp êaceti.noe t c a.n:bs tuu.oce la Ihib.Jolaed tieoo-tAe lea.be rcingh pfssn ~~ ~~ls- i ~~~~* ~ m aIEumXI.* t'M camph 10ahe ui.t -the pomamitntSas Aib NjadLti itAejnirdprtet0fti aho. okA DodU. moi'et TalaIe NWov4 WTur e»KKazs G..Iimu.uik m u e e IMuw»&t ite o B uluemal udnyafw aear n a a eua ah.mobembu Cp. aiu. bu m 1kau~uTmmiq-"SrIbuuoUamlL~ ~fldusbsngnMmr t arg ad 1hated. is Ltil MDûual, Ra uaee 06. rbi&. 1 imat am lft t ima m i ri n hcot t btain. th. nmot ata w &UstAiay ataoisjwmjfUlqwnUam owTha papiWcf Cbai svtues h. u ovMrbusLove w»am ~ rc ltA.elrein sdr rn ft le d tow d m mme -- ;; IM terVlâeeunce llus amwybti MthMclb.vcecmui oabl u.ba wtbdt n.ML Wou; maEABLaNi".-Iwo 0» boumcrtremmî lu, ihnmu7 lm B uOdn--- W tu UO.s- a" m u m m la p ithem bsOf nt iamI 'Mib»omale emk MDen @abve urcume tAi ve -kow în, cak, igâtwu ewau tweoaUl onWcillum mt t i 1v pet . t bveuner UMÈ.W& 1OIusbycf. eRY admIO AL Cndiédruh hum&n*Srbln."Ti Chah.bThelu.0.dl Boug , eh arm t wutalm u. mIparJ1 nsmt Ott& ato.pud w.8.OO. , vsAthem uclai lns.uuLIf liasuit 010ui- mw-- -.. if m uuLav .-te rr m&C.ob~- urct abr - paudstueLWmg*aww.. Thelumm. .- gathetdlwb met> bmlàmd m ies-tu<>mi u aci »*uIL-0frte W have tAierbeherung u -~ ,.~ ..~ ~ L__ - bymtm LCAmmbamamsetu Ëhm maIM& o nt UY. kEi-=M lmL19@àmb uatUt Uàe .Iot" isiplugauZty Res u, hsn autlresd'.lus EBNE.TOtaafrcat i mthql rse e outuslolc 1 ti#wiWlnrprteslut3P S ~j~ S t0 Tie osa oe vu ona vusthu D. 1hvuSmi ~ ~ ~ ha L m ~ b um ~ l. hua ul. ~rtl BbaAU nd i o 1 io.mu l..F"le snwMRw blty ad aiiiid tleeorfh U.UIl e e, t« the s a~ B ~ . h ~ . d m h .bi saai.301 4.Sunavr~gU h I. i .< u otvi ou ie s cf ehbg» bw Ibo s-i.w a «auàmMrrruavah d»MOw nnwno u ruefi awo. huluhvptsr mme m mod «go«!a u"aai m ,a Io; ute-sdut If _ _ _ _ _ s-m uw« a" " Tia Tubmlwsdahvuoumes I Tareto lagodaao - - f. -, bg"le u a lmw . w A6 MM- U B Ua g 84h1 C 1m C~ ~ehf.A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - __ _i__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _V "_ _- o b as- h mw à**w6ýlk aa". -lierme us âne* mw--mge& atugkh t.E. .mmwUve mv ww~ ~~ s~. comavs'MLYj AUM wom190>w-mwiwehw iman$"w--un le"mlahomu ft omi ,-E 1-c" fbf"_M mmm Ombi"l .... 0W IICSI CGDFIOMpSWIng&___ mu*ipb us O1k - stsi.~ au ~-- ~ ~ o B ji __ nl$6.. Umm* ta.Ibo èsha eh __uaa !n.u EyL_ ~a oulCbulmai~.i.5S tNt -@WU moit. -e .Ua~-Ch S ~~ -- ~ l~smam s.abo___ il M6__ ..--.-. ut p6m ou MM mohiULUMam IDhM ftte -o.....-.gu-.oie le -~ WWI -- o a~. :U - mS ~ - --ýmI&l C»r Imm&&::idOSmm Film <us eo,îsde boi hn - usft M a- b va& auieh~-~-~*ta1 Ise b__ taS* lus!.

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