Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Apr 1886, p. 7

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.1 -a' &- w- «MU Me -- lu- q mmhm - t - 'amimn. r.wpy i* ah Voir, ho«V de beuw tii..to i.ve* ; mx n. 'beau stswtedmaBothay îudw mue av. oralê auspices. réer*&th tipeu fM!fl- eu sihow thhod" hav t tWPIusek md1 ample Weu tü b. f, UMéby saIe... other sctionq ig w01ll noharm, tham, bug wm outnd to improv. ther b~te maniiet of the, districts. %>me onit ur hMM9blond. au o b. déeply imprsuusd wth- dm notiez thetr he o ied no fond but coui smre ot ith forume. But w. ougt not ro foger tdm tond meuretht e taL for eferythiu1 that cornes ont ini the system, andd"atif any particula' race talc.. op any special bmMoh of. mauam rehqmushave th*. rw naterlal. Alanimais consume more or leu. lime; it is no of à«Principal ewei menta oenrisq u im dmcompiionofthe boues1but dmthauoneoda an extrasupply. The dom.sIted hm " sonéedw more than wild stock of auy uortý d smo. ahie stiinulatod to a gvaturproducttioftew. -In conaoquence we muet gi. hler more thoan in contained, in the Vaulous grains-.. Tht eMnst usofl forumin- whié to gui limeM n hdmii.shape fooeSuely ged boue and oysre saoe; ~,tua dture atisice mnost sibundantiy nt tht tua. when the Ions are layingrmont f rwsy, uua.tWdr if poaxfible, by bogining OM!Iy in the mca- son. lee tyoUr fowlrn cat ashelle gg and acquire bad habits. The importanc of provldung & libem.l supply of gmmi ébon* arid nyseorabheita for towlrn, in loms nde- stand than iL i.hould be by breedus of poultry. %aw boue, coauely guund, qay haif Mr large as grains of corn, is 91,00dily o(at4n by fovwii, usPecially if thoy Arc not Allowecl to muun t large; axd Wel- oouductod eiuprrimnens have proved that it. i nlitbnnily lîuneticiai t..' th. "httof the fobWi, but it. alun o tainly stiilates and jîronintes Iayiiig tA a vM,' great extnt. Nuîw, whitie this e&w.et of producing an i ne-roiarn the number of tggs in certain, andîu nota inewly ecitimed imonrt, wer have arved aM the conceluins- that it aieno in cerst the' iyo of flhe eMrn andi where f liere in Iany trouble with' egad. *) theý shellrn of the eg«rn, wu have folunt it xpeedi - ly rMinediiotiby' a liberal tUse of gronlId 1.1w hnne>andti yrter uhoilk veq person wiioý L.etrlw ven a few fowla should own a. imiifrgrinding unch fond, m k illoo repay ifs cort. floue and asoli shoulti ho foti to ftwi* by plnUing k it a u larmow bx aroi- laitinýq it t4i the aide nt the oop ; we prefer this iniiti, arn it in leua wnrntfl tha.uî tbrnwinq k on tho gM1oni Tilo urne fine IXono bMietlcialiy, iciSfllocosSA tomiix it. with ttueqtift. fondl. andi we have folinc it. Very tîrnef 1il, (..U" osf diani'hoein fowlit. hiavimoc etred idticamen nt thirn disime n glrt4.'î1ftbwîu, in a .4ingle Clay, by 0 iii. îiwof tiliri article: t"proI)nlte tlayinqg. howeovcr, it ii. exmeur to have it gound cor'5 j1 lu to oru fan atidresà on fsrni driinaige, it. a rerent agoiculturi convetu- ltqi' ili fitu'ut", Cî.ff. W._ i1son aidi ,lltiï-tii alt<'tr point in regard to this dra..ilnsge tif tire soit which Nwotbight.tocon. si<er, and i t in i.that k won1cI h- very imeî.etie-ial in the mupintof the >ysmr. N<'l van tell yiii.>the kamwalir f the landt &%for her Put <s "uru-AFeI.-faC. wfu. Th« $eefnCe of La il nee l su maSe Scmeat oon tienfousMd pbsal de -- ldse eDoLMte oful ifle uiffl heIo ms. 4to'f wilim «àg. b th lrks~ tlm#14V 0rW. ilPa ef. ?o. Stoe~ te.' Meus.. ho ber H4 0* au d ktwabwt une'rftnlly wthont au isatatuflor ffuiI- unem. Mention Tirs 1101M. LAndun,(M-I >I?4-f- A111- - IL 1À am A i)f&,ARI ,fO Ile Protuimp or<i*.Pou$&r l~PWimit<' iam i ofala«t c)ialfl tâ tMMttW ,A VMIiioetm'y mieL the wide hMi, to eom Isovwl nut Roftly iotituliaiu coneuthLie prM Om.cf 'rhe% lbeiîtutî cf theo foiSsitRioq>bàffm Mad limuatlî the kemn Riostf the fmptUlORwl llfane ieaMd'intd ther Whlrlwitd-thterapureu , id lrillecl witii new ttvh t theproMiste Thl'.kylar mWkswtlnig s&wetameflr to @i4«. Al nitire% %*lt l tirf foM lher eltîmbef sud bos' roW Kltirh ii, fre- lru' lt fl a? lme p*eôafQpVtfIN& Tuhe tiorfitwind tony ràVimifd tRiostorM celetds Vor ovl'I'r tiv i lplannd <tid dowil thmoiitherv"I 'Iert <onts 11k. a snrythé epromise ef -.t fl e tritiii.t-Riydne C#re tlî- ?!rMite,uttî Mimue rirt t litt' 1ill.i m e' i Hîi - ys1è*'ve irýtlt hemetivei. andt if flm<mî' ;re îi;iy a d. îi'emm ireuemttt . roi qe<'e 111 ul,'rs r. ~i îr st'uiv lti e.t<r letimr rue set i lumkîmmtý timî<'miv 1( irlbii w;Il r.., hli-v' hevi ii eq ii .mm Mi.~~~~~i 'r1îr.av tmadmîirtîlle nlirosu <'m(i rd i wts rr'tiid, s'îeihîriid ~~>rt. ~NIr et-lallt îrî "iîi 4 'mximi figiiii , >%f litimîolr.4 i ltîîs nltqtIllet.I o rmi . - l i i n Ig ii l ti ie h in<mot fl t êoe;'i'IV. li lsui.'vî'tel tîîehtmîo i lhe' way tut 1-0-1 blettiig, vel11if tlie .v dro.Itill tw l' <'f lîrte du'acti treei'5 ix,'<tt ibiil- sii mm. . ud if lim limiid dtitflis, luit mýuîiitdeis rogikes duticit-plmant. thora in >Iut.il!ît fli hue, lt. iii elituiles livmenaW lb-i-e. -iti mt tfloî<î temlin.. .M. NI...'îeviie;tlytltmtgît-troe.plaîit-ilig -.vrs et ouilti-ly is mmtuolwh mcutît .blu e ,rml in tireuto, vtXan .î.u,î,.'lî -me.If %wmtrn fult of prutici 'ici -uit ii l .emlelli! MeV ln.I . 4W iii)îu t afî ie. iii. yeS n ite slI--<'i-i umme eti<ly hé uî n<l liwùprst i-fiif nulait tiuýibrui 'rmefiutstp Wt4' r' i m111m1-v yumu Mm' Ms, iyen l(jMindat 11t-m-u-f î ... 1 lt-frelit thmt- t. -' -A. . th Km- dwl.ug or t um eu; l ath t b hu.v lest tauuycanthor reputatu clover seem FA tvaned in u~lut.niacliBU& di andi to.'cay ou? lsading gr "b JOuI"o Munht aboiae auL codr couuitnieothei, cleats. CGermaisy aMd stocé tit; tbutnov enral") 25 Per cent more; Otur tedc Per eom are; ma-ur ttiti more thon Gernuy or' an ......Why couldnotOUS Ouaauiaaubutter et highj EIsIt manko asclavr butter intere8t us fMfY tim* Country CGetleman beau c a>wiuig emucty vise; 31.: 1 am atirnfied tise; Icar. wiuterat animal more fleà .1une than in any othor foin year; andiat muais lem. coul ezpemt to do titis, howeq overlook the two worda, Nov, " t(sotthadmtote vin well, recjires gond warmial nesd only ther statng, (ti eanily' îmderntooti at fend forat two oltice st once, cm fnocé tssé in naintamig an rnot bruilti up the wiate of inraegowth. lest! a cows for one week cf bin ini aut open lot, eilvumg thei in thesnow orusluah;thon 1 Warin stable With cnfortsé the saine antlotint of foo&!) diffierence in t-le quantity =o11it get nt once a forcib o f tact tliat food cannit heat andl prtAlucu ill,-mu juat rn tri, thinot un (j stratti, stu'tternh ur fat. of I8i-, hR ome ilice that 1 di'îided imtu two lo tsu tine lot in tIie stable, aindth barnyard %wlierc t-boy bad 1 of a q0oqcl tfaW.staCk.Il hay or W, ood. right fndlerte al litle grain iu.ining anti. n beinq feti aliksc. In the in theutable lii ineti l115 the lot wilitered iit the str loat 10 lhs esch." Lismu iiijtuiwithisugar lmi and taken at intervais reliel moit h very acitias wetl au A nometly fior hiccoîugh1 <ld ins grannlattd sugar n pure vineezr For an infai tew grain tsi a teaapoouifUl T1iein, 're (lotîtes a mîano bed-ciathing hl iesies,thie el hi. chambrr, the >clouer ie self Lu bis liu'ise, the> tnhre taku ccid: as lte <fore a th helpeul the loua able domsie himaeit. Ii.> beat r.iîîcdy fur bleed asn iven l'y Dr. (fleuon Water tirswtt through 1quentîy contans tracesof dettrmuineit is prononce, aci fui of the watertwo or tà soltitiotuofni sîphide of sei itho vater becoum dulak en Or tîtrse d rops «if hydroc theî cu'Iuo tues nit tlimnppt sent; buit. in case it <mnes, ciacloraon vas du. t.> i A larpe lassof milk sw l.y wilfurm n hthesatomachi chesy ccitt! which May 0 to a weak stouuach. VU&~ the stoamcl" ht cevs r ner sMd Over 11hl eav theo gastde juice cmaenry m le; digm est vuy owly. Fr k uui taeu sovly, or vit umle uorftý dry porridge t tl t mrb a m »Wt lam a t - mm 1 oe ,ýýa ' uv4* it: -« - tti hm- hm ot tb w 0.-Wi1twi u t eus of Canada'& rà, pace with her la1w ,wnuh,ý amiat~lU ~ t - 2 et tbv Ozu" obmb enpmthe puwvuo om *nu"f cfaLeitut le- ~ihtHam& t iesu Is d es lu muses stam n r ybw i5hùI@imi - lm~thýUm e dhm prducot aont e.Lmvmo - amtb m B in s dh i an& luhoe- ~ u LFrai..latel oiy iWiON m tt Um" A. mts" m k. cloier brisg ENw~ ~ .~s clones', 5 10 10 pmttUMM ahalter' wabt ~emtematesLu nothy 15 te 20 t . 1 y h er e ésM.i nmM& m» a rask in tir. PIneteLt Lb.Nuetk otlagu ,r au&,LiTht bymabiein Bfu ' B &val@Udu& es more imipor- h. bgt R suInter M Gu mm- *où& be tm" ~luauml & wr in ù-tht wblsbuiL be: dembu la'7 flut out itue fol- àlbeU0M D. seuny, 3Er. seIluttethetrou soul etl»a. et Our femrs '1 uLO. ar-a - a"denIt à. ix- Masy and -la thMoumOI.*.ia.aê ir montha of thet thumona . l . MM& ,~tus *Any ont e cutaoaJItmt iuuh ver, mst net@Pt Wel vintere&d. b deou i IZ&tewrsotwoedtor helter oumghtto parpetuata n Bu le; in s- matter et w&aui ..imtelstth.i d eam not per- tremis. 5hi m m umeverm lsra *rutuoethat m wbau. altRtbaleà se t tibe oa- milu hLbC-. western stl Ir*. éseit th aiu uUefllm suaiortm & val e of l fabmunst. ama Itei crma an MUl; md milla you u-alalcfurrtth e ii aiwn <inter sieg rs heftri aol..l.osult em t.>.ieep (?) su etoethw veoé ed, L "b pmdoe- tim ittt rob", lMé witheuttb.haltm. Put the" nhIla hibe bed, (give e*aUl Lb.meo.f tht cossets-aEaauob- iand nocte thte B5~UOWOImett1Ee5u y. ot milk, amnd rI at upla"é. glase se" ýb ilutation uiyohasw h.i nov un owa Uup pro. t mantain vital âUIMtmrequiroeddtw u hsas ui the sautn tàmwmm s. ruickiy demnn- w iu.utmmàmii fn thre winter comeftrue -1uaatpeudeséd@luti yearling sIeers DOMamI absimni and a u s.awtt im i.uant wiiterie d "eMoS eunI tilwIL U»eel". W'lnhIs le <'ter ini the ua m em mbem "d the protectiaibn -----------Ieco.pes'aiu 'hey were. fed îaituiutl asysur ta. al bex Ifomsd avery .lay, and by Mr'. B0s4 the t mnuter u iduosthis, 'ight, 1hotIr lots tht# lMMO0Snom bal be-plante&I.. spring tii lait wvi mpot" Lai proteotthLieuenwly. plsda "84 tuemauIh. aiiusé tIsse;ther I lis per hend -, b ul&be& p.eeeteé frontcadtem& isulcs- aw saMk -hail ad uaiuà th» tsroIs. 58va-reh*p namuso ethet tm mcfuNts ul-ha r.' - t.laet lutise ummr 1cr Is roo a Au *rUWDrIirthgw»osenov a staff et ferty la. tîxcé tîikspoeemteaekois tte' the Imber et thie eto is iretc, sud preveut It& datrue- escolighs. Tt Lieus y f lts.Twumty ot these mm ose 5 muweeî. by the goerummsst ndtrommtbyth. in.wee. mbcrmecundusé,uts. esslt of thlacare as-d fuir y.'ung i-and protectto-mMiIte..ofet ellars' ould b. oaVel fnomdueettlon rnuist,nod crith la uMOT te Dr. Fee M. Pummail Lhe tgive r 'inhaut tmn.for ransWau'- evrnvueenwa thetiBret vee la Jume or the le"t rseisla L Atugmut-ju» ataotesthe inrotiicommis-c- weam. thre more cd d aJu attent hâbd flniahetL à m Md&hhuébo tmnus5dutsiver tliorr lie keîeps rEu. K u é Md mm la tht fma. econinesh1,1wma neoeiy &Udied;buUm remîdUiy will ie TM& la e ln hm ld' am& th 'uffes otb insn=L»imaiuV hbecu met lietp xàsmm ^BD R OW TO 1UN TREE3. m%,. 31.mom of Georgetown. vw nomt ling tît the naine, silpwuségesvrpaccaut - st <'ne of lus dme» M "Croumele," kflt mo3fcom imoiiin <'CIîthe sMid b. ba Vent dunelulty la- attraetins- cwilg. TIn me attention ta tMés Imputant bst gsatiy hotlieb. int-. mnelted eubecot, bs-t b.tou"-ilery litaI tl chew it in!iy. iiffieuty now. H Se » ury' tbust tme. ja-w% fixaI tolls ves nei& eenaomt, ferthc w«esrt Icl mt~ensaft .'IWbut masy did netcon tbran ini hrend b8ecinle hiY tLoU the tc resrnery mes ing, in i-itoiheh.> II&IiLiIflRbOIto tel hethoraLis-tiat tl., Consiation e.y di >fl . w u w tum igeoulbs-t. 'y ter. Et, Noyer dwelt uponthLirjuy usu*Îl n cobn- doue tu Lie bstttcterest by tht atore- anti phosphiates. kegror tIse buys'met havis-g tht cour it i t ii;ait" a to, lI m Imat. botweem sg oal au ibal t* t h<til r.>butter. The steekseper toek aul thebut- tsr boecuuutaoltject va» net»oeawut il lemon.juicer in bs-y u te "o e drosse Laithe ladies &ri&t as uirine. ~ts'socieo u hould houcttup. the bumrlu ilhie ewlth hlm oUa 6amé If wVater, buiied clhma taff SDIspolbItL(L-auabte.> mýx' m $u Mvin ha hummooua ast!, sad put te practiaL- suite il-. the tmerkeepér'u o- Idé is ta o drnnmk pcertem 11k battu makens. Auothar ce t be e eme, e badbatt rouitht unvilluu iof ti h mmepuatepuepeop! ,na i ty, n'ccnu'liinto »& mmuw ThW wSronII mwbluder or cnsttutoxi tr mperuul lui.cg ircg am; bat Tendi pipes ire- WIsImU5UumU.W uQkiméfSrthe -1-atm - ad t-enu bouma. bo& à* b wa m k -ta- b r" Ili M: mnom.pm&tm u ie atht fmt iS& Mfm amst wftdtottb. wah" *ommmn; ubet w iw M mt& Tsoet. taikfc t gr evuy mm * eL - t th 655fr te u~arim.t1s-w I&L a om dudim ýhrs65Ny*ami wlthm memftw or pD"- A. ma6am tation .woethe 1u-it cfPt&, ~PMU" a Oua -which lamwai. uitmL palems aSsigaaUr.et FL. ox~ MO WC.a ah olU iI.by Maiidu Dxaiwk rL wcCbý PAl NmKi IFE Paysicfaîs, Mis-satem,»alsna- -4n- short, emoydyereryîoho . w/tu has cur gives. t a triaL rà=K-Ç INÇTE"ZLY nim iv rrK WIN£ G Là»SOP OFrILK A» iLGn, Z? IrWZLL-Ba rouva SUDDEN COLDS1 CHILLS&,CONf- GEw'rio- OR STOPPAGE op Cilctriaiio" R AMPS PiNx-Ivin. stomÂCHi, sum- .NER AND ]IOW M. COMPLÂnINT, SOIE TIIROAT, &c. ÂPP-L= = EZEENLLT, i.xPF.RiENcrb HÂSiPnovzax ir TuE iOS £kFECTIVE AND) DES? LINMENT tON LÂRTII 1H EXMovZNqG Tas- PAIX SPRAIq~ BRISES.IHUK. TI:S.N, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FAcE,roOTTIACHE, r.ULýRS, FROSr BITES, &c.. &ic. ~25c ta. per Bottie. 99- Bewrar f Imitations. M re 7foctuigcou Colds, Astbma, Csul ieae fte" Urit ronchiti* Pains aad OpPre.rocf the Chirit ur Lui Difficult Breathing.anàa althe Diieae. cfit Putruonary Orgaan. Xû eter rcrnadyfêw Whm.'pine C~~kcamé_fou" Cur. ri- . - In'texperunentw*tnew and u* tried medicines.buttalways keepon hand this safe aid ture rmd.AhlU o.B5 lMorirss, have you delicate, wc.kly c!ikren, Who are alWrrYS TAKING CLDUr.a'LC subett to LuiUp ? Reinemlner, there neyet was a Cait of istuu P whica du-. î 11t orrliat In Z iOLD. Au.Ma 14'uUJIQBAU.M la YOM RusMEM. Phvsjcians. who haive filed toi curetheir patients shoadgrIy ti:à me nt~iie h.dure îheyve tie ~ciie mp, m w. know mai17 vauaLle fi..: have biirn siied by being persuad'ed to0 ive it a tri"I. De nor nasst.'îbe.:ause ail oter rmedies buefailed but try this remedy, and yon w iil n t bedncwved. il willcartoe*usaU t'.riý. The 25c. boules artputupfor the acommodationî daIewhodesirtunpiy aCcighorCýrouprrmedy-. ?moe.desitngatemdyfOtCfsumtitof or any Lm«nDaastsmild sec=retic Large $1Boules, TONIC ELIXIR Thims areenble yet 'jotent mffpaa. lion mn sjîî tldapted for the relief and ti cre u<'that class cf disordera attentdaut upan a lowor retuced state oitbe qn.4#etît. nuit usually acenîipanicd by Pallor, W' cakic,.s and ,lp jitation e01îthe lleart. Promrpt res,ths. will -follow ita 11.-;0lu cza;ssof Suxddemm Ex- baustion arî.iimigc fmmttLos& of- Bîood, Actute or Chi uiC D;seafs an d in the weaknia thit imvriably aî'en'npanics the' reror--r'y frotu WV:iiting Fevers. No remiy Svill giî'o more tsp-eeîly relief la I~'p'saor lîttlige-rtion. itmi action on Lihe stotuaili bu-ig trait ef a gextle and harmiless toti, exciting the crz.ans cf dlig.est ion to action, aîli e satllozding imnio.att' and permaaent relief The carmuinautive properties of the différent .irotmtatutcr;ili the Eliir contains rentier it useful in Flatulent Dysj.epsia. It la a vahitable remncdy for Atonie Dyspepsla, wiich is apt to occur 'n nersons of a goîîty character. For Impovenislied Blooi, Loue of Appelite, Despoindeuicy, auain al cities where an effectiv'e and certain stimti- inuit in requaireti. thuii. Esr will be Ibund invaluable.- - In levers of a M1alarial ýType, and the nniousevil resulte foliowingexpo- aerP te Lhe cold or wet <ether, iL wil pVe a valtable restorative, as die coiination of Cinchana Calisaymi ani serpemtaria ane univerwaiy reog- n&i m îpecifor lttisabovedmeamd.disor- 8elby UDmaniisFamityNurBchm isa BtwfrL r« ý c6.o aun ftumbi ft à 11muV ta thia WUIb. M. f . . TRMW m AU, Gne.oeO N ua L N e. iLiUkso-l#om . - fa te tht bthek ~~flnàthm4,ok therwilbin apo tise ~ tes mut awam inthi ese~ Z -- - *i~ wui~of Wmma osmallmifl am lar Iowa. Thom .ans M m» s tie& the bwalainlahuavytimbor MIsse WflM M Msabarnin. c a SU c Ht é.I AXBaulbSts NOTICOF ?ABG Mt r u h.mofar of the eaiaftof A LEXANY. DEjr mITCHL ort LA.Towns or Lindantinu the Coiunt of Vctoria, nwbiodealer. mae m mspmeut te me, AxohlhslLCamp- bell, cf t taet LIdam'lathe ecoaty of Vlt~la puamnaeottoot the ledl ilemo omtuh 48Vie., Chapter 98. ltit@-2? 'Âa Aoepotlng AMigMMawt a Rsboas. eit cg rltase'm A. cAumPuELL. Aowmialna Du" MaSLbuiartbb 911h d" cg Xauoh, A D3TRUTORNOTICE.-Pur- Ai àmnis-Af co0 ori Ceos havlng t ai inat tht asate e AMES FAN.- ING, lieaititheTownshilp of Op%,la Uic Ceuaw ty Vicorila. yoa.deceaaed. Who lied. cm the 2d a et rMr, 1581are notlftt gondte b. îndeendSeilciter. ut bisoffice la Hglo-W& SHok, 1Lladuay.ion rbetmrc a ubtenmt e.t f irait..m and Lthe nature er themultliield by thcm(if any affior whleh date the adminialralcrseoftheb.poruenal colite ma& mfbofaetmid.decoemàwlIi proo" o du>ds tnibute tetii.sa t amid dsccao ucgathe partie catled theretc. hantasrerouli1to oam t whleh notice shall bave m eiv. cd» 1-ter ad athe .ald adrniastmatan. wil notethHbl her't.aetaor my pat temee me dieUtlbutsi. te a&"peram ietw dm caims suchnoaisa&UMm av.bsonrceived ai Le Unmef sud.distribution. JJsletN& 2%liiday et Match. 1M80 IL IL DEAN. Selictor forthe Terni bimersl TruutCoy.. Adnminlslrslueof the culats of Jameslhmng.& deceuae&.84 IN TUE MAlTER OF THE ESTÂTE laieo e tctwnship et OP&. la Uic County et Victoria, widow, deceaaed. NOTICE IS HEBEBY GIVEN that the creditenu.If samyo et icuid MARY CAL- LAGRLA.whoii<id. aer abeuit the .'tii day of Septembor, A. D. 184. arson or before thc 1&¶A Day of 4prfl, 1886> uuescdby.toesumGLEARY &O'LARY et the Loirs-a ofLindanaforuesald, selicitars fer' the executteru-of th.esasteoftheii. id Mary Callagbaa. deamsed. their christian and surnames. uslrmmeand.descripions, the funîf partlcularso it Uir clainm% a statemient oet hemr acceuatu, and the nature of the ecrltlee, If auy, hcld by Uiem. After'themaid lth day of Aprtl the executers ofet .mid estate Winl Pro. ceed te distribu thle muscLa ef the mid emate or amy part theref amens- Uie parties entitled thereto, havlng regard te much cdaims and such dlaims only of wbich ther m"y have had notice. and the said executers shallflot b. Hiable fer the aiera or' an part thereef me dis- tmbuted te a"y persan et whoee cdaim mscii ex- ecutens bailnet notice aut1he lime of distribu- lion ofet imsesetramy part tierce!, as Uie case mai be. Dated at Llnduay Ibis- t iday et March. A. 1). M LEBARY & O'LEARY, ~~44. Sliciters fer tlîe Executers N OTICE TO CREDITORS. ALE DNERIWOIAtD]DlcEN, deceaed. NOTICE 18 RERÉET GIVEN pures-ut te sectien 34 et chapter 107 Reicvsed States of Ontario, tRia an creditom or other Persan hav. InwcIaimt<Om thLb. saue arthe late Alex- ander McPhaddrofnet ictownship 02 Brock. caunty of Ontariodcead who <ied an or about tic lot dyotf ath.1M0 are hereby reqwired te ifie ascaims wlth NEIL Mc- pRAÎDDEN of the. village et Sunde&4und. tombcant. orne eoftthe executorso et in of e tiie mid deceamed, an or beLote the .nftee,.t% etay of 4Pr12 next, witii a statemeat t fs-ch cdainm.duirverified, mtd the nature of Lie securites held by them, if aur. gvnter fullmarnes and auidresss atter w h l the executars ef mid estate wiii proco edilnbehoassettcsd dsrceaas< amengalthe pafiese entitlcd thereto, regrd ais- cdomiy te such cdaims as tnay havebecmitls a faresaid. snd of whict' notice miail huve been eceived, snd the. nid ciscs-tors Winl net belHable for the. amut* or any part thered of emy persan et whaue claini hman. not have anoticeaut -the- time of Datsd et saauieiand Lins rth day of 3larcm. A. D. 1180M. '%ML McPRADE. ' MALCOLM McPEIADICN. Executors ALEXA,-,DE£R cPHADEN", 81-L Bricks 1 Bricks? Bricks!1 AI IMPORTAIT FMCT -TO A"- n iNe -. -imLnl lm. Gin.DRaXE havnc réamead Lia wsli-knwafmes.frem.in . au.sgeint laLa Lie mamfaurng of ai aiextons-OWa"ssi. M. Daefro currià gamienutet g*brickamti. Enaliabe buaàtbe la the bu.- taon ioncauy il wek sa" dulit te~t & â et aiubâiuarso PÂTE NT1¶ BAKINO POWDER 1)0 NOT FRE 1140S. ROBSONIF et the old stand. Welnatca.st Bridae, la nsadr and wilmn as cee to pay thie highest prIe ina cah for aul the Be«f Hies oenct TGaow that mai be offbed. Tan& KOmirU, Lladsay. Dec. 1th, 185-74Otf Residence (Mr. Nugemut). South en&d Fces Terrace, Cambnidge-àt. LlindsaY, sept 8. 1889-57. T BLIVRPOL ADLONDON T ÂND GLOBE LÇSURAlàNCE C OMýPANY. PIRE AND LIFE. The msa L r t i»e hmunaeCeMPMm tu Capi1tal .................. $10,000,008 Accum ltdFunda ......... 30.50.000 Invested in Canada ...........900t00 Ratesjand pr.'miurnsa88low as anY othurr re- spectable conapauy. The settiemetit of tomi prM tan>dliberal. The rescurces and standing et this, conîpany afford thoSe lneured ini iLpu- foc scurity agtîinst loeus. Assurance effecte-d with or withuut profits at moderate rates4. Four-fifths of profits given te policy holders. For particulars or ratte apply t. F.OC. -uA~ltOE Agent for L-indqay and Co. Victoria. wI1ZARD OIL The Bc-4't Coeigl Re'nedy. BRITTONS CONDITION POWDERS FUR I4ORSES ANDO CAMlE. -AT- 'CHARLZLS BRITTOY& IDRUGGIST. FOT OP' KENTT. Lindsay. Spt. itth, 1SK.-i5S. N OTICE. TM FARMERS AND HORSEMEN! 1 have resnoved - BLAOKSMITH SIIOP front Peci-st- te L. O'Convors aid astamnd. Lind say-st., wher' 1 inlenut csrrying on the sante business IIORSESIIOEIQM D N EELOBld Llnd6ay. Febý. 7 ,_____ NOTICE TO M'%E31BERS -OF' THE- MERCIIANTS' PROTECTVE Au COLECI1NG ASSUCATION OF CANAD As sufli ient timue liab beemu iiven to ail par- tics indehted t botî îî-r thine hy wero notiitm ttatey tmp. and -still sotue have ne ' gect- ed or nfi to d npay. 'va now ni-lUest ttat eaeh meumber in Lindsay' will scotid n at once te oui. o'ffice. Hatuiltuun, tne nmatet fail sucit partis. for pubtî--utin3. as 'er the noqec whick-hhas been ent te c-tei detemr. AU îpeinons tînt ewe our inprnbemtaltne notice that your nanies miii appear as iielinquemtsulsnIme au ininie-diate setleint la nmade. Youm's aamerufor Cama4% N. B.-.%ercbante and nci wrs *1sh inz to bs- conemembers ecm de ge by renrittrm< 87.00la the manamauri', wheît ail n.u'eg-sry siîpp!ios wili ME. L Mawre.D<.:.lt.,i_________ WRITf-E PIRE RAMIAN l TmGEEfiT alU xEn »Ix G2OMS COLOS, HUISHeIL ASIIM B&MI IlhhiS, UUP'WRWUIma l t Itcoured me ot a Id th" 1 omd nalget auj' thiagte tecb. HALL! BOUTE. ut tsar m a zlem at talo te caais and cola. Mm. d iQ, Bn Ibolleve wiidwMdoobti ltbe bu prepan- ackc Mmi eraihad om am ILAfULS Bar aS- ao lthwthe Dm Uàtt t suttrfaeco ail wititerIn* Ig. makem a gondl 1)>;1y-ttlltfor tht chuli. vhs> lm tis 'r ont andi skang. Thoe n sfre- f illenly ?b large hoéy oft in thteiwint.or, folo wo hy a snding Poofniw4t»r ini rte toprng. le; remain on toip of the grnimd, anti thon àno peneolaon*throgh the moii. Tht rnas t usofuling th"t cat hor dine i# to.drain rhat landi, mdt it. cau be êcomplimheti for vOry rnmMI exprtie. Ti.eurctinof hout;by the evapeaeion oîf wter in reuIfy a seolo ombu, Mnt this «tbenlin frm th topof the gf>idla pfsling trom the sBaudoet*0 vAprDu@ form 11Y evaponation*ou P" onof watei wil almrbami Sh heaa m viR bu gie Out hy ilivegallons ofwater ii oneibn rfmmn tht hoiing te tii. humwg temp.m bji buit eO= b.e onmstueclnitbelo unceds1W ithegnueue r ae owdieu on... »Z u hiiu ~_ lin hm - ié P 09= aoo en- aupm m u]ID d ai.lau.b a et auRV gagh ut ww , u oi t.yten Mtutu PI 92iNiwiý lamm LY LanmamumdL-AMLJL

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