Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Apr 1886, p. 5

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~w&~ ~ ~y 4Pi.Qum~ LION. By atithorlty of the Councildc@tu"t, vested laitOm by the. grasc t h pletorate, the LION expects to b.e lev" tds h.throcea e. w &bhe Mesavhile h. may b. iom quietly crouobng ta, the orne wiudov cf Re. SMYTH & SONS f yon cantte. him look tup.st the peated LION above the Store door. Br. SMTTH &SON& __________ m Oivr" MILLINERY. AND MANTLE THE LATESNMMLTES OF THE SAO A& for Quatity, ommu aII r uSw Matffllt* soSftwa 1i.ad~a"eusu4f&rr1i.Ws&ou *tk la *Mmkua dubt in r atomal y u Ulm m tshmIpà jobu mm W.ngo am" da"d cOMPan Prioe «& .à Mny bu.4nea. fresaM« riemolme»Wfora fe.sus.l mg isdg yo Wiz eiwq#a nr1 ae 'eat 1*,MmuFm NIL H. ILVERL TOW14 AND OOUINTI. Uandolion fllooi Bittens stnlhaa terrer toauai kiaise dismse. Oaly 250. àa s k--848. Pour*bntton Blec d Cl Oesfor 15& epr pale eit m. 8.Ri!itce-52 New sIylos. lrnlieh mals, a lagmm asctuen st B. ..ac;î" - 8 Pen',Steele Bros. mMd X ~9 mgardon Meda. Ail are the bet and Muet rolîmble grev- ors et gW ea ss. Put up ln convoninst Pak-, agee etA.CM1IC '.-t-. T~hs ce stood oser f rom lust asises le le %rguci beforp the iaster ln chambers at, Ten- suto, whero t caee p ou Tuesdaî, and mau or der cuis maik t&ylhg ail further promeedMas, .he plaintif îoûpay the coste A. P. Devlafo plibintif1'. O'âaury & O'l.a,*Y fer defendante F-m ceing te SBs" Mas A OF ic D.» 'a the remarIa the man mads chea balai ehîle rti.hing tp treol ta Ilamllton's bock just cEler bcarinig f rom senaI frisais of the bg drives in mil forta of geais oblainei tien 0. A. Wziumn mince hie determinatlen te quît busaines l ni. aml and remove te Teronto.- USi. New 0%ouozlinely buIs Xr. T. W. Johnstan, Who Bmorne ime mgo oeh oit bis Interest in the soda valet manufactur- log ý bueinesvîi open a cefectîeonyani puhtry store la the remIses tto e Ftty'm iewelry store. Mr. Jobneton viii s aIR tues teop a frenh and eholce stock of goode andai dli tako orders for petry. An lescream reom ami pyster parler wiIR bc opp-ed ns coaneotlen vlth ibe shop..4audaot this eelis the ep@Mlg day. __________ An exhibltian ofsMaillions admmblt vîi le bld in the tovit of letorboronsh on lb. agri- .r-ltural show gi.rînds on Saturday, Mar lot, 18M tnder Ili anmplcém ef the'Wel RlJdlm Au.. rit181 l 0iel.t.y of Peîterbeoro , chouprx wiii tac otierrd for I.nporfed, *malan, Ra- miter and (larisje, Sttaililon. "mefor DurItem ani ail other thoromghbred bulle. thuSe baru% Z wo ypars and ysanllngs 'lhe anuel show et Potprhocroligh (entraIl Xxhihbtm wyul ble b ut I'eterhoroiugh on .th, 6tII and th Oclober, f. or, oipotfe sand fulljenutlculara ef betb vxhibItions wriie 10 1). 1). GAICtT.Y, Emq., aec& rotary, Petenbough.-S- rollowtng l Ist of etthe coMatltu teh reloniaI axhihition aIteLndon ef fruit frett pointé. in thoe lflnd distrIct, vltb as.ef James Bavinan. Gratton, lb vos vanltlmof apis. mehfarper. Cobeurg, tira. vérlotls Ofa lies. rp. IlItuOsl. flitimoer u lney efes. 0. Canruthens. t'ohourg. oue varlety appie0& J. A. Shoii <rattoo, mie valty &appiae. Trumain MolVors. <iarbone. Ibrées s'esilai . am.(Inhonrn. Ivo vailetias appls and oesof rai eapsdlumm H. gunadle, Cobourg., one vailtiy olov cap-> siclim. 0. Nixon, CedoPioo. Ou eVANlIt a&POO& M. (1. iUer. CobourgW. eue valety AppfIM Jas. nni,Ja»miIlsvvamtuapi. Themas BeIl. Lindua?,Vtue venttic e«ss blerriee, ene varlsty tred outrante. ive varictlem, apples, oesvarttî cafateneuo imV~tyThon applenani eevanity etreIr «uq!e lino applle& eples dames mmcuaom, Kaulpese, tit viietisof >o.WilRoeluPension. o» V~ st'aon" M. Rebson, Li~dap, oms V~ uiS Wkc beffis "AsIOi, P",0la gises Jan Ina ObtE vMiI» perfee2 îPy ve l.railulemaUR4 mm- les of a eM t lM b. &M n insetlb nuitlbsneetb s ~tbhienos bahe i-om idn &Wl bl q BNI ocièe orauwew m n &; Mit. hieh lu V Ibn Per'e eelmsiWcrm PovieraPut up lu turui yds on ie.At PmwWsB.-4-tt dose bat tIL EL iT .0<1 futS-I MlWinR Sadie, mIlle LWdlna, ehat b. 79-tL ______ rommber eoeambave tise ule triam if BU oagotsto»w y ns viiwlebufUaisi for everypair or ouriou"la àet Wba" Mr. J. Nubmde sÉctg. mi"AU brokeu>;.What Io Wby, laicosi ai ol 1 had. Dont you umolPwrla FlaTa Cordifil di t?- TII-I but talm m»ens bugMWepiflmyenWvat t gtmyertlbs SbovslsHos, Yl. Augarut, 1 Pme.Aisme, Dravlug-Knlvs. r my huai Tlu-were st lb nosntm iction Roem*, wa*f Theo ffe ou= Imoriail -ILR.L he b.Prince eWalees.bemPienk e tappoint RL C. Mr UtXL. DU"mf rc larrie lGaid CheuceMer t lb UeVOrst Grtand Pnloy eCâumaitbroui Cieserth Temple. -1Mr. Tho& Knine.Dmin shmoe bsbeau appoinft tbMOu= et ezminerefor cemmiteloMera ff "I landm"roer fer DnitisitcumffiW... Raine tfe oolyreadintaLinieaj, aMdlhie friandserselileupiessai te heacibisW. peintmest. -Mr~. T. A, midiletor ethletovithepq bei iteri lnom l0ted= ou= t timof lpbumesabu l me dom ÇCre om orn. R me bas juemslmte appomtmmtoleffilcsRcel agù %mas 8ev- munvilloi, PSOr Hope. lusmat o01a Cieaduei e l g» -ILs O iN. a*l -'P dl âuteim ue tl L u ydi&- trict o etlb rts IIeJmD!.5c pany. tamieol ea y NoIut reà.'mval te Bw sille Mr.ei1L. Adent et Omee. Mr. Ainesh bu lvesuolgmul torvlb Bou*sI nfa o mfa'mare sysa,à" hue sarnilbheoinmuence 0f lboenp»YMdya the public mea ultfam'uàwau<Mdami some punin n l eMd u t i »Wv poitin -W. aa leumsteleIsc flbMiavecmueu ef Mr. W. .. HepWed osi vsbi un wa employ of A. h. Allasà& Cea omel »al jdbllr a bhm d Onk v v"0 taolphoemethie ui i a àmeubir lie f n Mi Pi i cmaterl uas mmutu that oitY. Thet 7Xv. ROWOOi viii "m a&s ergetio andmmcocsatiuvelbor Iber t»eno m doubl. md m« W019bl t sf ltDe netoUi hlmé paaiu aptle ltoma I bebomele*ai d«t. -At lIe mNoI odnicl ass~nmttou luit veel eurt L~_me'»W5di -UIU hen- asam na»l. We uu@ m tIosn ual boumrethev have lm s.. woo dua.,n eldueen oe Our tPubsulwier 'ima vtth bomoiemi lsuow fullfeiel 1fr. ImanI i Kueiyam 0f Wr 3mnos.& moi!. Balebai hie asasai i st dl Bt-elan houer. NO tueW m *n I U cla m viii am runetuneff mil f-Wm! p bis stadimsathomle. of neU r.Nchn tonygoimd -Wthe d a obtetKv oi D Ne lo mpiraMmedotov euaine vesmh b -4eeats moni gme mi'-v matu" ads a I lagé te euueek a 3, Dtk ave co --al .a - oroei ii- --a-- - -.ea- i Me m9m ow E athe sePMlbrusellew urn lmauelsMi thee ba e tae wml vmoerT ind& i .ba te a ta mtrderk Mmdlierusai lbvolme oaBu& Mm he botbosi beaunsalale rmpet- able dlnioae. WelinuWu-.vae BMid" forb it h ll effth t woed wIIIIIs rlipu oser lb dftobsajvmgmus.t v= ni ai aI r p snshumboMmam anmmd, tale 1h. cailut heatlvf a amusabaiCensiel »MrlUaWg, niatmepaiWauRumd wbmueona Up vu mieunvs. eUe-.ior pnt sect momwllkndotheem uueF amaNt 9"te1 Bo ai ~met ~uatmim WeIupete an .um~la a O"u"XMP oi mitvc ! 0011111 Incle~~~~M k e av mmme aoi sthe via.- do Miduwce.tlbu ingaifalb otanthoe unvaLet theu m nlbhe rud a m .monm w -Atthemin- yml'-lbthe ai e a= . ormet mokbaim uSuui. nt illhv& e Ummtvi lissa sethmX aiee Audrwwhumhvme& a .M 1P ni bat inoiy~ai n lb mel.'t f~~Lllenv~ ~maibupremekvuuremitlbgowb arailb~Nii~abait Mm ~ b. eluut~elb umvimlkmUt aN. Ns ~"1batiBWtebaeie Ciabinorbe I ~ 80- -»uam ataomm bjmi1 r ijiam~a~Uyib ~tro& THE OITY STORE A P ehst Oma etPalm bbeimimima, frluBt~ l Un te gomwo lb"m sbl. twI ~ -mpfl toa-V rrf7e. wqeoel1mu. ml. It&iRue.. -thie.wuilt* &uehuiet leularuuu aïcob te b blnba club aiGpant tàYeawt eA.C.âdog mnt vk.e rutM immomaivs.ta mpr. aibli bi --he ai=Clute iieet he mun -Tus Pisv tthe amivclte yawf---o -T~ beaunsIGe ONNR »NOmlb- uea zoomlo -Thealoil tawLbflp itbuear lan iumam bsem l ita otdm therly -Rasmler lu unzq* lub meting e laIemis tausbe MWape. ruade ut wu autim wm 0leug lmthfbMm IUAvsubarahrCLglu -but"Ulmoeae uai ToMeîthe lim Moi -TheWit os teLiwnsa lsmuý Skiys -me eameathu§moi t a hamp lun- lugchi" onlticFoe~ta the eldmon ilw lla~. about gobettoe doud UN""arubapar.l a -Ammu be Prp ortles. eboel.lms eM eittga lens. vil Iorklzb it saheehmelotb rve bot bWells t-OIi mdoLes. A s ta aRIseUm eu mi w cet G. e anIy lllyIhtlb Set mi ete rgu omc f h -Aaglb rops-- m Ilnrchundls. couma danee usaest et3-- fo 1Tma teleesdm oti wlu mmaireme etl alo outb mi bR 1u e mui heeU. um in llsetelvlit ampoe or, heS Win a.thet aabumave.o G. T. a eaoimuaslsL b Naun 3. aQlaai .oit y eb at am euon met b al bo ndmTt.u l t<uncaunil ami a depuamttUa mwUl T1e uiolbuldl e mt estl cmi- A ear ulyotew u. egetl u&Mevlngafilam l e'eet rab mbvin etherons. -'You coutoli m it&lnpum» lht e ment vete VU MeS&iWho i u ou Tas-w dm fova VIg foawmg. atera e ntumt ii lb raueotoa ami hmelieavee n li rihiian u epsoll ate zeea%&=outngu oniîelolIitt e&u teoelof -W lu t nn"easue tteulust lbtes ~boom the am me IM M WM4@bcom l-blm lsUbeomL S. ?iu*.r * nt"wéréte dmbgts etmmkv iflW bkv l pouIiomm J. & pumULà Mgo wu*eb4 idaM Cmmay&t8 o C. A.. -t . .. a- Mme - hÊ . ML UIn mm i bwltmhe .*EUMI4 . b oodsn eson& OlIMk tus.mpuspThe autE. Eoe»As amuit. *mue b luTnaiBorln wtII rash. HugIueaui W. G.lé i teatom thesm laresInI~wl liebit o tthe ai am diieum itw» un bai"L ooero E ad vil'.fs..vrtafrm oitsce om mWebot bell club ollue atvA.ferpwal e Mdses. taRI mes». c. e. per baLai lorp=fvbet e mazly ootl m«mhi he Ti. f benelu Ln club -Whmutdmy$Mmeut ith aruah teeb on alu lovM ai ounx, o Ap2uil utbbe Jiu O1Sflu Liai-m CU aM. Kd uie= n ineLmv hbOumit hmda CeI amt a meetin fopr tis. t gr or vu c be-a. Am tlgtof ai 1. E.M MMhlmi l zotga lu attend0f1e.nLaula M" b , elcu tallaieevor. A sU thc iuesuu ln ites.uanmul eaou i viambe t uisavrt ou pom a tstrckà&.ELn Gdai by thtd bmeane avaundonrta tor fthe or a-peoople avorbe t bu put ul ept lu geunTe a boxce n of rne aiu ma iaulcIeM cmd nait r e.aPurt te my thearcto r ae. muie sla"isaMr. tOPW ea-mthWB7zé,isby Jan meameuthâ hob club oi am olli maa bataethcm Thor tila hv ue 1 nesute to brclb. ea s mdou-i tht sheiev1flh ucceufu apmti th e ftaaluttre teaa.utund&Much r- teleormttse bave caomaina mhe tg frdt Vutdaye naptLb. mys tT.MCoanh;e t!m - = c Undwi;atnd.aieut" ae taiaml11astheg May b. exilsotd laU the twolthLmdy 'dn«tstOrO§e m.amf17ar aituially tavitoite alimle Glama~ esla amb «M prant ram-Landa hura, i ne slght e modett r bsteMrpu. et . Gkndy. Tefosr thea reglaticu mor uni~ ~ " ddseicbo a bulaht Br our boss m dame e aiIiseeun . Spr, - hueaitiaM Gad ias tea hoUbave a the bois. leai utoncie the lbO. s do eiiretthe Thush waU n-tr ~~~~te the mott a.Th a h outhva the ee TeppSa" ut. al a;a" UIMie inayvoet alnd5ast.; mie bet uta. viefldve la hi* he i j iyElctm to the scorei.t thshoaikThear bfos.s mtou w bUli..sr Losi..Soeu- To MiTAILOMNL TAILOMNS. \-D% YOUNG MEN Yoump g mmp your 2Vew (mgDW ut is a rneceaaUy to you. 1 Mareop.ae fandlameamtabowrneXivelienoe NEWW ZD& CZOIW& SUITIYGS BOiDCLO.THS PR ES CM COA.TJNG SCOTCH TWEED8& etc..* aU of which am e A est pocurable. A firnt-eiaa.cutter om Me premisea wili eut garnéents that shaR pies..bytk"e te ud lt. AU clothabought avill be eut ree et Charge if Iduo"e& GENTLEMEN, here is your make use of it opportu nity 01 E L1JIEMY EOOM will le0->em ueztwe.k with a fan atmbet muthelmaf.m al.vite imr.ach, Emogi ga& Ai.aa Nats, a Mdia aune fTiiminvg iateraa di StIMONSEx Bmyood uTloetug. MaBrsd17,n k Co. r THE WH EELS OFi la a feu'w ww. w ha»e (s rot of aprs4wn.gsd Summer Goods that miol corne o,# "ogre& They have beaug~.seov* sand nurhed 8ocheap that to me them tefflevhme Pm. WE BE NIIUSTO BIT UP BUSINES K IN DSAY. DOyorle a benefit and us a tavor by coming in, pull, theý goods owS and Io at the pricei% if they aint cheaper than you ever saw ini your Ml don't buy them Th.e goods that are Iaid ont foyr inspection are DRESS GOODSý GINHAMI BINS~BHITIGé SE M TINOS, al kinda -of TRIM- BMNUS, HO« UFolNISHING (30DI% etc., TWEEDS, 8UITINGGe PANTIG% , K& ~CAPSBPEDERSand al Gents Furnishing,& -ne above Goodsamr ail ma&ked at the low prices. If you are economaicat' vixen ddon eve have a better chance to get For a mere nothing. COM n a"via9" mqpuam vs BRADBURN & OOMPANY'S, meS hum ibmS»»0»LU6-d i.ap ]iglouAVN» 3IA]39b OrE Reau oom A Pet msq et bornu wt" aIle3ora TA eefi u ahin o am" BD t.1tn..e 4~aib tien b«ah Wsu ek meRI ik Wae m mm etruoeolMum or y, rukâj» vemmam i ues » l ba li maa m -maMe rit theteeue t har tmam ma lb eitormn wsemdovaivii lbommegote 0 te dul oebualne.s. On a i 11 l bakb aidmevte taseI lm htlusm m-vV l. mai milafnem.We ii lIte jour eit. Oujet la te mirà*l matMr the si by'dulgs vslbe l, mmu e- yeonsalesWe ak OnLte Jelv"w»mi i"dbe josheit, anPe ymn.vl, m, lae theeMd U ffl u e-no let ouritinsate4- estais. Ast prompl timoalsx mim Nolbe 'e ca»md gLuve m aIULf P Ila va, ýdoua, doua, 4qultuIaýIMN ,up p pauýmIvey Md Veut .BLicU à» COLOE»sUa -q steak la larxe, Our assoifu.astemplete, Mr pies. abSu!R beeilOur quesm t i.Im voe b" Orne itten Rumanatu mu wuvitbemuy tue IbM lby viii mat0s08o8eMW cu tu lb evmet tbsir doinx efille Iapeally a mi iit laI b. pur- d"e ma" -u-gabte ma" eseveami va"e hm&s Pdatuleii Md FmtetjCo -m Md m lb 1m @pllea a rnulmerloutty bthlua uantity, qiuly sud pri .Cerpetsad m ut s-fnt-n5him- Zn 9,1oMn"ià*eeCarnets. In our looliam rund dou't = rbstheb.CITY STOR, vhere jeu viiifiai 1h. aImpfud ut emuaaoiatsteak te choame bhum et.l fua of thlb bail mode spelally connu"site ourmeai M1.1é a, llWage, Wlndv Hollande la plat» sud , C7&îurtaias, Day 511Cuitain, Scisas Coi bin, aI. Md mÏ11lbtheveatut dlaleat noveltis. of tbite advaSsue ge. EaoWRoady-mmde ClothblmamftUf mOulEM CLT et aRR is d mut iaete h i 81ove reseveaMr. Cabro'. undlvldod attention,atd vhs. yen cm fld " la thenl Unlb olins ees Md CIe, 6Ma". te ar n a astyle unsurpeesatlu Ca@"ada. tsu>mutCaoinamiGento' FuruleblnasRub- bar Coata, Umbiehlea, etc. Everyhlng nov, evsryhlngl nie% .erythjg chxesp mil oot. Give the Cluty àe oei w1ar y= .requir. anythtug la 1he above lUaes. L886. LIME tlôe 001THERANq OATHRO &MARK, Nustm, ImamL .. imone. eti= Laqe, - mm ý a 'M 1 . mm*ý wi 1-- - "1"»pm4mwom îýUM*WT" -1 la 18860 mmý-- - -.ý

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