Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 2 Apr 1886, p. 4

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£~~~~~~Au --AAWN go 1Y PELR lem. - d~huueimd Thw uw am a" WALL PAPLK9,i t Vlw MW mu Zou h=mm aenlingnmOut atdodOostA tufr ouI mt m *10«aubbie,~ i~ tu*mw TIi. a bmuotudly m l*etzm a Md mmth ve aîoéiilva M&gr n e R m ÂNB mdviibedipUe 0 tr vr - "offU t d ohion&tM tehâtP.M i btin M poé te ltMa.. M l -. os[the War 111wuhhMPl0 TY d Toront mm.w nru ov .the s * TeGOODSFm PrNe EVW . a. a. PSTE». pd pildam M verpIwo dcS BwM mi liîs¶. didem .ùtin a StIeDryGoolagGinru Boos md hOdCeti DOUiOai Ma MaroDuow ma Tié. et uo QP.AZN ANMun OL jothemion o m h-e odpad A a , 0 dimago.wh OWBWiu alto uoMIna r aoswt a7 o uram- - wtia .os y - appInoioBtw odoli ii.pblm amoe QadUOU'S anI*"riubolc.T.lad k.iimmanta coai ii t wo t o na Mar OMM Ma ~S W& as. mmd hccomiiuwi* buse ffJuge wf.s .m uhmud U lUitt 1fr 0u0dg 1hk fr thOleWO daUt mat gPF;o y86d W fo »wouDa o àrgctoft3aifr; pub basis M h"dig 3' w. ,mo - Th-pbic ota nme ad e l& oic.Th ln Dr b uto &M rat& trminu novn;jý&PMBD izeiz ~ ~ aby tiWidrsihnstyy mthueadsaldm. q in kavb.1101%1F.-'J. BR AD sefshor as t( ormor ; thorpblie m ohmmmihS» rd mmmm u éhort W i ka oueco t b miW y e &MODU M for m àhis q 3y he tem m S "IO"KgnaT NaL "" NWk 5.1evWA~uThe. Wrdor ia anotharsu ic.bstMjsd .h f"saifo"dtim $%W. _ .i. 3T glaringdiahoaoSty. Il rophatoly de: hàtu«uuenb athmThe . ulOct f Nr. GiroUUrdtuolib. usa r laesu iid thtit kmwW fo rtaiopho "g.UMc.' W. cunthe i. are at. ew1 diin mrummosd miArta. sois~, .. ~ iteB*a 0 6"" mm"» 'ha m'a OntarWaceptt 0foi.rvu mmo ls ation. to tits ingnuar ovozsgt. books for the. local hou.., 1by a majority 1O U ' * CaPs mou auj 0&MO-àameeting of the efaiacIlm ofr taof over thm hudrod, h am caraid cn- - Vu m. IlON a »au.o io mystrtre9honstituacie uOt-Trialu Myati iel a a aud by ttraM iilnton toy cmpi.a M&_____________Duan d NM. ud.poth Tne.WmldarCa"" IONS ieuekcatoa mahol in utOttawa and aM Quobs e i.vacancy «j . M..Rse mdV .--....a M . WkMtu.... rio, andm IlUN. Bu&"*atnamnesbut wwiudtaiI.Azu Moa .owatt on. aiSount Ofâitii.Re! agitation. .o...............Tw W E N A T A N D A T S t .Ivo, thor for. the . W au w ;rs " P« a m d t a have th e . m atter brou ht e t o T he tory com mn on s m em b er bail a m ajor- r ime . . . . ................... ~ ~ ~b t ' '»~ BX 0 F CM E O L 4 S O 1 e centa wu boutthe m*tbb" Th mnwriptis -nov conaidaroil bopeleus..ABX0 ~ ade ihoaty ok t ono ii iybmil a-WUn.>ulba ev. Ni. Longh, off the.Dominion APiL17,19am20.,G impreuuion th"at hae a B Vi.ng OE-GO EI comsin Ontario. It knova vry voittiiatW. have done the. Montras! Gazette an Noathodiat OJInJdJ, Otlava, vilt t th P M Î~ g jg j ~ p j m g th ora am e n o t au l t iin g j M e tu u s i . mn . m in h t t o l g t m ye a ly p p is ttao u u m t m . a ed abci ý ra m B - -là a u u r ê T o m u y f r m h a m u m m , r s , b lg t a d a o .p a y b o a KawIuw*0 . »W mf lem fer, me cO 0111Vjudge11157 b. r.vug effcarOr .igit thoummldoUais ram the Dommn- refèenuce ta Han. Edvard Blake .a Ba550'DPRE m t =mlmm wv ai pu& Ma qmauintne ugMooghfti.ie. my.ligiter roturfs shiov that th. Ga- aid reprintilhaTÉz Pos?. Ni. Long. W w het. at iahfEolg uebrju afyW Brju - SDu& .Dmma a ci Torontos, Judg e Donistoua (nov .Judg s otte drev about f894,M )or- amy $2000a Iey's gonerai remarke suitmd Ni. Blake'. .Inb.mtl Weilo) for the two PetonborS. Bule moth. That is var gond indeed. No cme very woff.. .The correction ba haid tc Mr. ludapeth stateil that the udges wodersofli.tory pipar ie '6 boomini" brought out the ;;actth"tlHon. Mr. ~ rn ~ ~ i.~~ oti.r." ~Mr. WIMte orthe.tor leadership. With Bovoil wu a memlber of Ibis pazticular ~a ~ ~ ~ ~ WI~l fl *0 ýfl aeihi ttr"oeou"hda $2,00re for he Gazette they church, but I.ft il in dudgeon on account Ibu.Dmths bths h oaiorTmI mdli eivt ucuf Om >IYTO LA-rvaha. Trust Mgreoil ituh. oaction talion by himt coul dairs a big share vîth good grace. of.soinsreferences in one off Mr. Longley'a .o atomuee eanesowîg iaIthoa ers Ti. vteon the iandry motion shows Mr. BowOUu.RSIoachma ti j~ypu Umsm. JOLN1@8&-0& N,.megehain aesfid Timleawdpee luat. -CoursOldid not, "pair" with Mr. Georges or the Tdors were an ta the Laue Bi]5 24, stiUL&W . * 1I n . F am cpentaghe wd oMrs b udqpumilm & Hector Cameron. Il is of no niteial pupit utterancea of their chaplans Maie wnov wjat 0er crentiswod.aNi Hdpah'. conaequence nov, suotferas the majority in The anntnMroray:"fe i Ga oga-aia £iL sa«Mea. bels uP.'ap ,uo <s upoeli misgofiesconcerned; but il provos that Mr. Cater- iMr itye, MyPPl o he - a sm much wist tue Warar onmWhou vie e tated at Coboconk thiat lhodueain h i& effort. ho solve the. vierefor NWOEE __________________abo)ut thiem, now thiat tb. publie have b.d "paired", with -Mr. Coursol, loft hum- u oenetHus xedWr idw- xm~.~ (mmAA nc more "sisel bita uj" snd havo as-' WH = te reorta lw once tofis . has ur at gous xpniuesadin , certained liaI for untrtuful ine s 35a eda ts curt,"You lie my lord- hsleanorertgo.whsad fev shades more reokiess. han "Ananias" undor amuaai." Mr. Cameron coul sympathy. Mr. Mclntyre hulumxde out Pe. CUL. and. thiat hisilui addition "a hebetudin- hiardly have made a mistake lu bi@s tate. a very strongcmm and we ane ýconvinced » emnd 1119 labmaioea MédicailIA D A D S F E AT ous ~41 z r7.adcrani"p in an advanced stage, lhable ta mont. ta<wee isaguen&lndseehbavn&àe made. a M'onlrpuao ouad faon4momema»00"go off ah aîy moment, tothe imin.nt peril The London FieePru. »Iy commened in m n anyofa er lu eimlU raui ie sF r e n os as unheme faua. :a eua mai offriand or ta., though insagreat rmy lia vote of tet-irereommmesworthy character ame, it would resuait i - dtgakebnie li- mulieulm for m Parties usylug rfon emer àiwwmepOy aorgo %e- ftcam e oreally '«doasnot knov il vswu tebue"afvo tteato the s.aving ta the pnivince of a large un- Umstr aw rteaml my od.lmy. loaded." _________ uegoern o e xpenditure. Ni. Melntyr ne àritmi ungu, a tm. DOJFD IIJ..u.X NIL . y. P. wx, &a& ,taelio as pratnthue Pindication of tue bastaken bis case il aind with a degree M grNs w, NEa.Nareh 241. -@s ____20______________lut_ BNN , or wm U R*ILItlinmDN. ccrteidiaio f.teorce iitytoatdtenation a siehf"cld k!a ,NovmEnae. ___£W,______________________ U a GRELT shgm ah. off public opinion la regard tu utabioreity oatdteteonin at o vhic old BMoL ennmn k Ca.e -- --- maler." U, roait. ii. Lndon water" being thrown on il from the :lod WeU, retBrIsNthelLondnRAd-lIl zoo&iskNa M us c...m. ~ cwwaw We intimated lalely thiat the oditor of vrpe,"fo ua atr h mto s ha b, and if hodoesnot us ftnnidmaL e almo t p~ua rotSpw tho Wu« wuvastaking dli ntonioua PoilOtUors'Tistwenty-tiree members mapitaantti bud ne-131 X I @~Pgs&elt&- oe. mLand "M ewr uwylia- P" yObserver ma amodal for her ansd vill vota molid againat Ithe govenieteua ai ninrely u caufosenle hsyltis caB SAI N18. - ~~~controvernial mannera. Vr va u aylmsbaoth te session in over. teJ4,ain utuj ~dtbf Zc and he paeentati. of-Pl 200, tèF r___ftUr edw __d Will 1h. govemnient aisuorgane -- 'S e 61 mc n nne. b uvlLpulcvimto a las U ed fe at ______ * ~....a eoud bae 'Y idon of 'tie . thial asan "accurate indication of the state ______mdeior u nes id inch as thor xpertc diarat ac of oui comparison, for thie Observer off public opinmion?" The Huron Expositor gleana tram the "dmthodotPwactmaiS .. em taour. Bi&sifea. F et'a4C~rrcg ADW ____ ___ ___ ___ _ _ hardly havaaut.de of tue Port, but tii.daiont l tainil teilini 15111 U c a sfora do LIDS Y886.87PRL2,1M h tmai le as tata!te oftof$ma3,1m2f,5em0, tit at& fn teptv aic fa TilT P R C S LJPD8YPRDA, ARJ i. eLvoare asle this voeu taplace nome «-tiesi tsof lie finance nunister pmlgOoa ee aamtOvMn«dcgy for 1886tacta tomehia eotvalargonst1public, the gavenor-general. He receivos an inamseafew icame.. monummet fther skut AT _____ante_____tor____ aar aredyannual ulary Of 548,666. inaddition ta tova. vflàâce and bakt et, the -ttAtatlg, te TEELLDR-LNGYTD& opinion an adeby sid" no hiat sdlaf000tr ris ~ ts i olnece aono othe PadelD. Their opinion ls b ipsic baauty sidaffrmt e osve hshecotnecisbllaoatdt t fl eol frae, and irl tthediaonalb.ut ILE V A & CC vc the. public in genaral mmy judge for liem- m$13,a85;vtnavolliomglires ho seve,939; cb mmnexperlenco Ibsa evero.e jl, tbemo millions off dollais as ai indication u n.Of,8 ,tavlin xpies Iiut, eor amocatimo Do hi onj elaa selves& The Wandsr isto ho cngraulalol h ine, $118; subecription t elianerte O OMMaad etthe ici for"a =Z malmo et s. arh10. 1110.- Now that Iboir t i aîînh i lC pnhvitiiuid zealouslyielaniis financial talent and atrong de-ae.l ile e.Cmiontem rlg amistseud -lu.la and Liaro basboom liane for a littlenofllec - caughit up thie style of tue Observer. Basire tfoenomy. The expenditure ton $M Besides thiua, lie office for lie gav- ate, ame&tZCber= tou t Linconservativo circles at Ottava aareredvoigthsn nrie i mmlsthe curroil yeniris M$35,M; and3tait- onor-gerall s acretary cool 511,360 t la i » .c . feeling lthe hoillownesit off heirn o-callol stabjoined to lie congenhal tasi of be..mg ouI lie Norli-vent van oxpenditure r»iadRda al u oenr.~£VU5 w~ E E ~ u !S E S 06groat vîctory" on thoLAndnyLangevin Iaborin lTn7. &e.off$2,00,000 for Ibis yean, theib6"saving" residonce et Ottawa, conl for repaira, fur-i ucal! on the consuitlng asaffwrite S._______ motion. Tien. iii a ively buit suppressed 9 is a mare and s delusion. Tien. vill in niture, &c., $30,969; crockery, $4,000 -- to 0bFcrol'm tA. iVarder, resuit7 ho an increased expendilune and a carpets, curtaing, &e., $1,045, iW; DetoiMc&,L7.a& oW D. M,. 8DPiri toreboding that the. "rap ilvas mot quite <L>w rpri»aci J deficit offnmremillions, a i!apa snrmcona,5852 i fe i DtA or Wtt m a von a aiil, a &u- Rhmha.mo ffet w ____ Gardonco Pea1,5;undfelanm bumeF«TwW »a"W a uccessa; and a nervous appohiension thiat rmn l, naimble vint aimm[Trsm ven lie subjeet in fully discuased. aiVliIet 5,00. I vl! liu hoson -mI5d ta7 hn fte tr ail beon out-generallel. ffrt ho sapase tIbsa tusimulaess andh . ______,000.__________thug__ Seee audhtn ainsolecin el ain ou m wagon« f vas a 1"bappy thougbt" thhat led Rav. thialthe "support off royalty," nas ît als jevvweUa Thotoyledeslaid te vsotfon ýPMF&ydv 0 caidaoff a duks buck amndBla. Chap bythe pc&age t.oa leders liomolvs o I tile aMida ai m àla it a, fal dis..Dr. Smihett 10 compare Sir John Mac- called, bam cool Lhe peopleo ffCanada for .E'ftnewe efmdveibe.As a Minishorial dent, and nm reiecrol- oel ho te a Ilacuccea a" a.dnadtaJoehi li n.wo asfr i. at or ole. umtao$r ram t Pim 7mUJI'VBv n vaper Who vil! uuual90 lj Ffot" a dnl oJsp,(h n h 'àfrteps ern e umtnS4, ited wili a desire tn "ride for a 5 cen!ý» àthL, gowelabm bode a" Theioffiyeeanspi [ IIIfe Ti. tw ad ovng <amaia asafinaia peai aolhlese.0 W2121"magvvmime m ino uteri m for btitcm38otffmne.W.itumre *UA5Mr%%Aifiern air etS mitWe FllesusteU anada .Atlantic iS for the rebeîîaon andidttsdeplorable con- pcdtol1aU~-~veson Ibis point ei»md by tmavud lh cameashne spli acalnle Tairiscica --q"moxprommel by uld gTalI.-Waiw, E.Aquaratrs for saqtioncea, anid iannurable tachera, in- vanity. Afton safont' sud Tam Pair cbtw oallertoyjua Ttw aubsrmi hog lnta heCP.I Ifhs a htb Cluditîg the mental reapnsibity aofRmoi, fui iowl ovon the ed val lad lte me n tory j ititand. Itasni abso tadnuheli, ia te]km.&" I Iisin rt"atHii-M 1' aid h. fch laI i 'wta«vercf«1tei nlbe O5Y hm"nbevmvai e r0gsl a plan ha carrieil ont no daubt the curves luimno' h o Ladymton vas edWe91> ec la n te « H ersl anious to dhvov il. We tuere- tue Uxbndge-Stouffvifle section vil!b. JIMM tOegMt t. a let'ico of ILandny and hieileaders, thiey =pesoa smafung MWiJourna5l.Mmfore accph ia s eateanent, and franily em- b.m shouil voto gainsh il, s hhiey ~ ne<,~~Uoa0M ouiregret aI having Msugge to ail tragienlai sno satonvii agaiat ue "nevoumuoslon. Anubonbuemasemilte misl au. m putation vbich it mays vas unfound- built atLiiidsay. Lg14 neposria o7W ~aCoh o uis bsuma rs at fluhadllal off rtf 'aers von teaporary dsaai ievmi j::Otwp wotac rm1h ekva ulD5ladlo ie vlh ueadr ha& al.w 'rm bu kli IIC iY--cibyultt iqa the t M augainat thetheLendi7r notes and t f i-te day..hechange voulil no doubt ~y~Is. f mthey v i ge ri git n hi orig asne .o > U? Él ,. nuerawd «"s M d many mo e k own nvlenii ithote ysen-& r, u lie cosiare riit. Tia or clqua ain."lise o stehpurpo'e. A.mectian off te OfctoeiaMmama-hineM. ROBSO b"tn g agapnstthL dy lu esolution. Xcv aiwu Io QJ i±uvnts ny off n i mac oin s h e Ldmys iemfor t" refr ut. _ vowereeeofesty ri 9 invotingss. as oouiluhop mutbusea ii Aul md ortb ion. th . icora lt - b 7U w a vo . & an eh thycnidrdrgh.Tetory mueam&i Wueq o heliffstanding tecumy. Wswwsve aize.fo hea.nOl frhHit IM aa intehm edb o.Toe httil tfl7teooel vt .Tnssu.tndbt otu e o f the Saup&anfr h n eh t iht t U LII E UU71M*vmVaL - ot of lu tovtieoil r.eam ttii odlay "busine.connut- E WvAem OOS oomm5 eomua %« h n thopie.m n cf liehave o__________in the S' dv'5.ENui o ougl.Th ffm of sir . h ite MdW U&mu ù*ios on tii. the bue; m; am e . Bàl. me »la ____. Napas Wm. H rkm e t Ofa ii . MOJacI- #fvulon la 0 SW Umm v o t he oramt. u uo f mstheomtr P NaiposaBossUai.. -Pm'-o' oh , ve .t.e.."voewn. TheO Y ~**U iU.NdvstdIsn n vyo ~~O «Melu l e ssemnt M mst uflmt v y »WM*y sale >WP4 the Nertie ny 0,as - mb mes,»D . â- m am ter; ut.mtM"on et ho ov-nm" Im m ,m boum or ble mys vau a no iu e mm et m a mUfae"<' . *l "Madsi o te fftUit5 mUf k & M" a9blm hby vuW4 Ehk g rà* -ahW ai Ut La maeul 5." s' f 4... * q. s viL - lý - - - . -.M, - A& -- -- - --àm - - - -- Am - ---- -. - IL , --j6l.. IL -.à ma

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