Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 26 Mar 1886, p. 7

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Geo. A.Ml UEO,. R.IMIE, Na. Gouui ut No~ , »emyUIL boumso uSaeaneL=sci t"0 .5. o *, i Ps E 4 ( LW I. a M.»s two ma. £PJeo lis 15k Otu Uk £à li m1<medeeMoi vutmu moue ise Adivem. NéeDbAyE. inlyDModk -i4n LINDAY.RDA , MARCH 2, l ,:FtANDJ'IED.ïaML [CoxqnUc'I«F- nIf A PItACTICAL Aoazoefr. Bld 1March 1 WiId Maoh 1 Ch! you Aauoy feiiev I ICven though ymer vole areugb., Wo knov jour huartismenlow. HUtsh ! oulli vakhe bhiUmie g Ther amrsee ty sleeping. IJntodU m aBtterou stili arc sile eeoplnog. Ming then. lew, oftly blow. Whlmpcr swetly, mftY-soj Ili mten tui the clatter 1 P'ink arbutuai tira in b.d And Wondm gwhat'a the Matter. A Il th loy fleeta met res, I own *hé itrseans @are riîahig; Toward the ovoraming oua «%ViidIy, Rnadly puahlng. low. Vien, blow 1 Lot thein go 1 Winter. relgu lecr. vo kuow. Up hIIl, down dais, Over moor and meuntain:. Shouî. and eaI.g "Avake!'Tis aprlngyl liurst forth, O tauthing feuntalu! Pend, tell elme, your graceful buai .4wlng 1ev, 0 w'eeplng villowB i Streteh. littie blades of gras.; for lgffb, ma corne te air our plllowe. -AroMO, .PIne 1 AwâkonLaroh 1 And WPeSrOs PrlnV. trîupoter - brave Maroh. <w pt avinigma iTeaeher Of IL Is(tlî<'vets over>' man f ii OvO?>'p uruil k , tin ît, lie ba fidi) t the beat of him t si abilit.. For bis <'wn ake, fot oni>' b.- eeuise it payshimbuttejr. and wins for hum 3rapre guf whati eiq esirtihie in- the world, but nlso for tihe ake of the influence end mnri effi'ct. A mnan doea flot live tb binst-1f. lried together by ail bond.ivhich fb InaîiIin.y feel that asan unimportant Integer ini thi grçat mam of figurea he has rio influence, but no man canmally act o'n Iiff i,ý sumfption. Even the faim- er, . ays tlie.fournial of Agriculture, whose life i.-4aiways quiet and generally compsae atively isnhîatocd, bai; influence for gond or evil, if flot in hit§ personal associations, thon in t he uxhibit hoe inakes to the vorld la his wn-k. If one svee à botched job of carpentry, a poor pi ece of hlacksmit.hing or any other opecilne-înof defectivo handicraft, the. lhing inost promfninntly auggeated ini his mmiid im the wnrthlessness il the niechanio who did the work. go it in with farming. A miantriding akng ré country road and 3ookiîîce iat the farina that lie akong on @ach side will involunterily draw conclu- sions u tA i theo characters of their owners, fromn the app earnce that ocli lîremorts. If a farin is welI fencsd Indlooku trim Mnd elea,î, cleered of briarisanad veeda, mdll drainedi And veli tufiledl, il take.ne Ofort to picture a rmm, btling, a&tive, ahrowd anti onergetic, aquaro linie del Inga, nothoical andI aytemtin luhie *or k, witli hlm fartn paid for aind mon.>' Slmnak. Nor ie thet ail; it iunoaa>' th go eu with thte picture. On. vili expect to fid te iinuxhold oS auch a minenw et erdered au Iii.farm; a wif, whi étehrIfty, bwy Ionekeeper, anti cihidren wviteame obodient, intelligent a nduetrin., vho Mleni at the headse t tiieivclame., and lite, whon thuerrvayaefa'mt viii flot ho found loafmin udlipUtable Pluces, but. foloving linlte foo.talup. of- tueur fatlier. The miliet. iniluiSce for good cf a- in van hardly ho eaftimmted. Tii.contsmi. plation of a gond exemple lia an in-~ Iluenco ex tend ing beond the. limita cf ith own lino o liSe. Act well youv prý. fhero tii, hnor lies," Applies au touiibly tefarininga to eny otter caglliugmd ,te mei'o fact of doing well vitaltall"th mre' lot' is a standing rebuke htii. s floven.- ly antI carles.,i &" bramo up the. weak l' renewed eerbu. 1eor it is a qmoaing iII. esîretion of wvitl ¶e b.lone b>' gril and determinahioil, and invincible pro ot bow>mauch bM« eit isoteaie goM lueof but mens thte oabus.ehem. 'rrfarc erw vces Mminnotonly thriveg bt prenenta lte oufle iti dence.oet il, *hicit bea ew 1h.alga-m . nt ohie tlWift am prnipilty, elweys commnde lb.e1- qpet of hie ferlbow rmi. If orme oue le waned fovra ponsible oiinrh s th1e man selected, 9Ifb. .fOudà vau to berm n e ons'.h.e au almW glit M m %v b ithe ne@tý tb. upÈghSýtlb. 00kr. andtbet .Ptrioti. 0'. tiie coutw'Iy, lb. mma- vie. f 90eTta ea hîftleus look iRi mmural>f bu Mmne Md intempereucoram dlie OeOeuê ** o o ivoniiuu.a41mi udiurkq:- ofa ~ # fP iw tu I i i -A a on hie ovu fim, well cultivat.di and kept., vol stocked, viégool modem dvefUingsansd barnsanmd outituildings, muster, tf both lime and acres, lied tu no lioni b>' 1he cilla of belle or wiules, fiee tu ome andI go accordlug te 'tie ne- couies et none but himueif, mostlini hie ovu Iid., performiiag hi. heallfUl labor. vithinsight off tie amoke of hi, ownilinins el>' as rich in the genaine senseof ltat word, san myns ean b., Mu mthe Nov Englm andlmer. He hbu nothiag te tséar, and nobody to e1v>'. 0f one titiug h. la Smral *hlà days, and tâtlin laea mfflient living; and titat isnviiet her' men ame never Mire of vithout a aingle pang of doubt or, ap- prehenmion. There la hi% home; lier. la ail the. animal and inanizmale machinery of hi* establihment; and fte riemut he lok@ lu profound tbinaI ote ibount>' ot lieaven. Instesd onS lii.unvorthy and dumoral.- izing auzw o egel idi, if lieavenge farnaer,, once being solidly omabliche&I o u ld m oolve te enlarge , ad eial t bis enjo>' as mchi anposib.etofvha Ulmem in te bu onJoyed, le adom and Ibestfy hie itome-thàt oui>'pazudime onearth- vithiii and vithoul, ho would lBnd amliei daily teakas eier even th lie extont et being deliglitf ni; bho sld féel. rich, where nov, vith more mon.>', ho fe Uai the tinte poor, and b. vould id hiimeit of a faim. tyrans:l i tenu t icruof n penhon>'ltaI iolda hi. nome teli f a u il in flung luta hie grav& Tfrieaoni>' knev il, 11.>' oul b., te richut mon on oarth. The. bora. nih actnenblus mm i Phyabal maie-up; both a utai men>' like dises... Dyspepse i. to them. W. her m fihequently "ThMathon. je a hu kepmr" Trtu nmne inatnoea, but germrlte eSl caumed b>' indigemlien. Ini cou veterinarianNa, w>.&a miteri- the.If Tribune, w. ftnadmi trouble prevei Mnditard tntwataamliehone», net mm.l "ugel%, il in d»ifkftuto0PMI obodies»icu th e sti. buil Aitor otlii structioma -%jrnPtmm-L Lm ofetappetite, but aélwaysr am villapeople the. aPpet*t- ter My' tfsl" genmul goul Co"I ruugii. a signaoff dImurageaf aller asuiiour's dilve or kiber, dm~ chal rges e valfroua emié, jadi of mouruewliüi. qmpt-ona &M.g fot wu"' mcouapany lth. dism ~& ]k hu ove? stom" iLon botll i 14., it eimng ~ off the. beato à"d.. vImma &PA dimcli>' ftur beug dive. 1Cw.sm: L. Zmguiar feedinegz kat "ud irreu «m» e n in 1iv*rerolu..& %* e&womml Rmodea: . ~o lis. tIf ln uliv iz feinbe, toiacà 3lâcen ,ver molumtsr cIa>; rI Avoidct it«enm .WI&-poople- mont nmeouhoreesuu4eete là me . tigbfediuug. auio, 10u qamid@mte, %groi but lete.&5. lq in- oam *'wot &at ii l Os b là m duolll.e v4 fsmt t oue te myoueaului*MdIisv mi du, imulpmoa-vu& héM nOmw lmm t iocou ., wf b ut »-m a VO gngêoetom m t -~ - -. ~ ~ s I h Im mm 1 -I 1 : 10 4 m buéi Wu miL jt OW. plut le .lo m a me fzs&» Wuhlugo., di M! e,h 8on a var important quetion: 4- M. J. K E3mown of puuoott Who hbu h amb w- if6 the dq'mbnMof aimmitue&bol* th. chinch bug Mid !KuudM fWih oaMedmuch devamlallon M ti.whist fweda or the. Aierican, Norti-vutla uthe put 1ev jeas, bu goncr home rathu'de- proeus! itli l ilook. lu'wnlu flonneul b>'. e etomologlmt oft thede.- pertinent Ont the .only »muoent wax' CE gettimg rid of tii... pente vould probabi>' be to stop growing viiSt for a.1e YeMM in the.sectionsviiher t amb o mble. nmie. it vinprove, prets>' Unmoséboul it bue fouad noceuaryto foflow Ibis A& vioe% for the, giet Nrtb-vuê lu, cf the oùnttq, m màd, ludoed, of lteworld. In Engfladthe. viiet acreage Continues. to deerreanmd nov shows a fdmng ofC rm compared with lut Vesr'w, of meveu snd ow-hall per cent, So improlitable bu viiust g în béesin lumre, pui t the counr>liavem'e it Dot for thi Ar penti m uirneuîof atm,, u in W" a'mZaMfind u dacement to mev wh.sl, the.diminution vocUihubaeewu grstereaveu "in. Ihi. «grand. ow upon ll aide. liat tlis .ceqimn whick Amurica andIlndza novbave a monopi>' ohould b. foreed down te su mesg.ot 15,000,000 in the. United kingdoni, a m- oul wh vrnilproba y be eshu Wa mate"ial7lesm.ed by tli.throstene, 1 w -g,.... DU ~ gj~ n et et - t- - ~~RI 5,5. Na.C kv .~ r. w. n w w. k Sm me -w. r dur_ ------ ----- ----- ww -w M. l M . zý vo"blmul;. lamase eMm 0-M Lu-Vu Im Fe_ vil r____ --~ -- 1~~ - . tw M roda borm Comeoftwimmemmto ~~ 9RhWh Mpt DIebgtmm.elof lb ftetLia& C. NIÂDS,.Âdtom ]BTa&cT STAT.& rE M:ENTiz - ÂND LAB1RrITxE]IS emmbgmmi.. Auuiu w uAim: -ýîthm utl lbgt abi tt fim@4 dunoet.1h utte.cli vlt vhuubtbo' er mtu duiima tbq go eut day dbwdaye.me e.hmo do a ouham mouu tfwork s.W>' vit Ibeir baud.. oa thetail. auem booka dt blutb*, blograpli>'ormuis.; n» papis -Mae a lkmgle e us-, mada* tm"is.t&4 or amii tous orcouuhp-to bIu te i dbudren a mI ii>grov up vithout a ternI for rsdzg; ma mdl ouliulturea aboui& Suppor doue lie bop. bolah ligmuevSata tht ,%OMM mow m tor1 bed, mmd s» pua puai.,hemasin iAdi nom ma l oue, or n iomg Min ui in ses u rmng lu net ma > the amount cf immu a Ish-o mo4 but bytsaMl à Ucmapw eion. or Ivo- mafet quml yuac lieu,. bat.d.tduibi vii amimplikMet, ml lia wâ h.h gràatat 13 fumz a *ver ta lake th ealtaI pca to lk ilk anpor- tauce ou iti41%ou us.must - h.MWm, mal ta prie eqmml.~If ve vui met pro"id moeflrwi froumios1lotm-b. mnmi forli youg vii. may b. grov- ing up aient um vith no knol.dog fanu meliodaeepwt hbab ed douzMIMMothlisgradfahhem Scz immnu i 6 OINmay tus. te mkhkatemm*.e.uapeCahie sfD lEmb"Ôlt dolsg thw (Widis.lu fe. Io dlii), if lhsgr va& me*. hIbn"of ma béat àlb bellwp bt i gu lb.à& loaouâftinWt.k lbvufii1 bu. pto 1.w ma 1~mllgt *m ke tbsm ae hlhm m i. AlS NorPoDMu-ÀB udfutlg 1* acsthm m mom nnuip m wbout urfIodAg *i Iluuar ID utli ü» b* tD t.a, .&svmm aisu ~~atm ai*MWt1 ~tie u* a t» arello ii, waga & e ot vll le a" ate pi chok& .- MD* wllama a &*bUt làae, lta fu iln@Mos'mos >eet Ib>e mtéas mml OMMfEmu Enuwld. la »b b. oln t i,1a ma or Bevimwlm @me N, m ,. sue. inaeli. mM t- 1ie &W oyuj eruslu m turb.ue«- .puia-e te athe W=aI mILbeiSIme. ojt i f"r Moule m liu abumul- mg% wuw fb "pM.k THE TOWN 0F LINDSAY, oe, ~ __........... a .- ~~~4TU 0 .. i1m ... .............. 4 ,08& * t. - ...s...a.. ...... s ..s . .S ~mr f @Ne -lu. momo'%e IM =ýjMm« @_ boh MMMm g "IMM çtttuIU it.w dry km, PMlb ----- -e-e. ~hK mL~ NMax=- wAwvom e auwDcoTW Or L CN5~ m -ep n ... ..... S Sdb ...............a riatUmm mas JU au wn wb m mma ret e u M me s.... GeO. mti eemuet cmme e0#A VE EE NImvaT SIT l U sIEl,- «-IN LIN DSAT Do yursevesa ben.ftt an.d us a t»So by coming in, pull 4-h? gouda Omar and =O~a tha.*e I~ f they aln.t cheaper the.n you ever saw in your Mi don't buy thn.- amtuhu erycm inspection are DRESS G001>8, 131313 F Pl VIS 9 RTRT E8TIMNGLI4.afl ktnds of TRIM. miN8 HOSEG 0001>8, 0D etc, TWEEDS, SUITINoe, PANTINOS HTB1% GâBq 8U8UNeDNlB, and al Gents Furnishbng& 'Mm abov Gooclaa !eiR mnn&d at the low prices. If you, are economicad Whou dyou everS v a bettir chance to get Your Su]mmier Dry Goods For a mer nothing. Cor4oe Ù a"au & l «U M" «M am"ue wtm A.ir4prsion tUa&tyoiu ne. pionSm îsm&»«bu,. r.o1*q.gfor. It is BR-ADBURN &COMPANYY8.2 ditw e tye em-t. Âdc8q; le ka - eâoit mli CumsThe.brunet da"Maramout ausit fMm wa bymUr ikMd1 Mmbw mppued t.é hk e. a ah ebspThu.h. If 1 m» ea Im a oulmd ~~umu~Lby phvi w9u ua .maftulpai ltyh whmteM.hlih.., Wâ» rocatb mL»uu» rameteL bu wetba, uhmos t m bi & Ir tu . amm teu hd .umm theoui Mont abu bM. mbky h» l. emml mhm c 0aveIlartbaLmvlah dpcleff bkthe pae.V.occom . ur ebmu 1k Jléu i ib rua>' t le. thirleu he no~mthM nomu bu t aq vt lht PWJÎul muIbut t.lb.bm -eL mmoel Mlw~O~bu.llmhw.bu.bstbIau ar M6 IL BWPI[Obm fa oi rwo- oufr wo ba- -,M &A.- __ U ......... e uttb.lu -ta UW kzpz 'c thm I ýttofr.hwuuwc w uuh.&htnm1tht « OC lu,- bt l .. THE WHEELS 0F TIM 1E CF.PAL utzE WALLPAPE VoeU Paer andorcoea m wMLAMI. zoomEUL ~u k 1. Ni-IL Zh ~ . ~ k Z. R a-e ýl I EDS'l SEEDS SEEDSI ~ ~bg, rr« BeetTurnip, ago Garii Psaet&. e ep.,a" . WU& b. fott el, rellable. 4l2fle 1 ~.OVEE ma"TIXOTHY xSEE a &Wfroh sppiy of PRE GROUND OIL CAKE ut AWIMM g 'oro* luam. m .... . . .................. T h w m. . . . . . . .. . . . . t Taarmlm ....... ..... . . 01bO LAWLhMe @bo r........... ets ranco.......................... OR o0 k db ........... M... M.. uio 4zýdb .. . ........ma .t ..........e.. Mlace DonaMes a.G.. ...... 2MoB ~M5~SI........ ...... ........&W. 3U ........... .. .dei 1 .............. ...-......... ..~......... ............. a ........ ...... tud fi EECIPS il EPENDITURES Zar ame eIra*3tat»e Wm.bmr, 1885. evSer a Inuhl rdni~, E umS reovemml,................ M O5 TowaHaiream .......................... 1290 TOI Eid Pu ........................... 409 Po~ ud... .................... 8530 ........i~am ................. 2w sS«S ue5.qra.......... .....................36313 .................................. Dmj ai ........... ................... 1736 09 lu.ur................................ 70573 YwCu. ~~a~ui~..........214 a g ~hmd ~ra...............Ot4 TaumHilRqu.... ............... 2à5 Pa............. .................. ....a04à StrlW...m.......................1Seo ............i.................... 1080 ......................... 2 107 Publi Hu......................... J 1 m Pd~ ~ ... .......................13598 .............. .... . .............370M D.0mom j*,......... ......... 6 ..ht~ ....... ................15 8 .. .. .. .. .11 0a lot 9 -F p Mom ý i Ir 1- -9 lýmmq

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