Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 26 Mar 1886, p. 3

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um PublIakefs NoUn. ILLn.......n..........N .. .D.......... lm hi vis . ....... .~* nDUI.U .... ~O 00.....10.* NI aloiD...... e........... P aiUhI P vevU ......i.O ........ . ]e *<UV&..... .. ?. IvAi.U, ce mga V' s ...... luWA GUr .. *....Wy UOOMANTU * T L. VANxcstu. ?NIII UT. .....D. eàzoLA âON VAIcistt N......... ..... .Pat mosons,« ..... . ..... RO azE J ........ .........LL W î s ......... .... .... .... Noal.M <.........h.. iu ........... .. _«..... -or-- -o .....................ARC 2 I A . ................ WI m n -genias fly sud coh bu oslm uyM thrsaten t. he m or o l..001a c corth-west. 1ah .-Two tali cmesof choiss em epmdL Imem Candis, ewo trous Polisa4moosWi frorn Padua. ta -Two otefflbffe be u o ol Austria for mua'dcrun ther tube, Ms0oI as mon of stghty.li -Alexander 5Mrs UM MUd40« a ehat, 175 fret desp os Salmon, rive,. N.8. sMe ed was lnatantly killlsd.a -A %I" 'eor old boy ss.ed Chrile @0 Campbell et= ton scar 9" .rm*Iay traciteta andI wu killied et "mo" river asaTruoM inS.r#t ctoWdh u o W olf i bitex. Ail the men vers tsiribly moutlu- ab ad y the wveus.1 -Bosn Alleu,th chit ofP ilngJ W nil, bon d.cidsd tb nslS is p U~I union <the cown connel relIevese mo! tic duty of entorciugr the SCOot t -George W. B7 theMicdepety postmao tco ter of St. Thomas, Ont., bau bien convioted s» of %tsal ng<reieltorsd lester. and es L.adoo to tivo yesu la the Provincial pesilu. e tiéry. -à wsil.ltornwd RaCwifth owopueton mlm: "The tact muet nos bu Z = tasd ua Mr'. Giaadhtone's acheme and ltb i l&aH ahanes cf home ris for the. Promit e in th no ellttbIdmae." -Woe, Dlgma, a tom labow ier u itk sar St. Thovua., lippeit snd tellon as m mes ho wu .carrynua. The .ibov cmap va. emplotoly evred, and tbe chanciai "althe, amrn vibuiia. suBîefor lité. e -Adolphe Demern of St, Namme, ornu.W: ty of fAoîbinters, uhils la th bush cuttlug ct wood vlth hi@ @*mOus, va ftatly lelled Toemday hu a fallng trss, whlch t-truk té hlm ou the bond, fraturn the bskhah. -Thoodors South@y of Edfav, OuL, vas tnua h&y mow and batSJet thrown MorneW boy Whou ho made&aJUmp for the loor. Pl Re feo n tb.forte watch hob" adlus bit band, an oeof tbttnsslplsroesttehiabutlu kiling hlm tnatantiy, P - -MI% Dsey Carroili one of the buit m knowra ladi lesoff Rh.. couIty, Teusmue, IN bau ýheinarrosted for compllela Metic m.P houlement of about $100 000 frr>wthe lb Chsm pion vorks of Sprtugfleld, Ohio, b l the conldefttl bootekeqpe, Frankl.s -lFity mon rode iluto the tows 0of Cayeul- ton, Mir., ons day lut velsu d repair. lng to the court boun» whoe' thtrtusase m'oles ers a#alittou' ther tritai for atemet* log te asslmnatsJames Lddio, a promi- neut cltison, shot tsn f lb. negroos detS end moralIy wouades ts e br . -A son of dasme* F.Saa'dm of Wsstmtum. ter, rouflty of rdlddlsssz, vm aMoled alter auppor a few days *W wv1111vomttlmg amd Pin n the moméch sud lied lus &&w bms. Two of hi.atsrtm and hi*fter* mv. dsgeronlv II. Theoacctdentalmtu of diseamolporÏte taaegnsd -m pub.. -A. J. Pamekut, a remldsut and merotient 2 MeIt, and esys thst hi bellevées tha"co& ta properlyexPsmdedlalMlia" I a reqir ed to mbitebclomalertou 58 tf li rcst étilver oStres lnAU ÂMta -A Lcndoftc"0 m7 Pavtier Grel vhs..labteoniato f tlb. mriltlgn armen lu the Iuisaboff the W.st of fiImad bave bees ai moe4 1 lucos dns *0 sfai. hm bg.n bswrtteàasuterbI lu vhIek ho l is a mtauih.o mellet 4,bas bien the mUiOsai mtng m"?any sIOcMs 11,., vhicb verstrsnibitcg la the bb sclp amsto 10Mlesfor aus f mi e N.vn.ort, two ebld'es hul di" = amue-fesois Mtic day Moeedug tbisgr- *val of aupies. Th* a obo Mmd ibue Mher elidres W5f S bo Us v te s«ie me sAMt Whms ad ems th"-yvote sMWl us.Tbey m o am zl u ooms yfoS d M toseoaI àbk s1 Jy arsol are 1lcy smurr -rh. Lodon able"gaEs M No sud raIbor diSilfu muy«.. lmha mw beuet E S» « netmie mu et lc res at lde- qm 4luuoctg fousze auffe ls &Trw fuli dulodeém- le vu: r»hiW mUwl lrevwisuthelo5 mmf.uon ul aw Ilaouu, lue, m is aru» ol,*taSMWp erme um en o mtmmpof et lsmou ma lu voebrima tSe pamowpe et a& »a llbeay 1UsdsuM eM@bU@UvaMushi mmUpute dodM IOM$bCOODiilb *0 de aiug tai jumuuPimbbo priai* . K.qu s c he am i cii Camadisbut, i.mi&, JoparT ve o m oum a om oum e bul Se Fumé Camm but om no - lmbe m lmeha1.v . i -nom ~ ~ D..A , A U. lie& ~. WI& mos m ovfuxr. o » balmelouS ia the pu fouequeu uocw l e mandb. homiabul'>-n hbm m 8 wurmma t upmmbe 'hi " le aerhm km*f, vWb~emmepas m a m t nomeal, mi 1baIi5nth gi Si Stii, m.uily ScMWvu ib. go" 0 le nma hbtr i"Wm kt Pte W» mlfii usvm l fi pMmstis S n euiy t i ll wt.mi m m K.Sasilu mvhS i bi bu. cf Bulm5e by i olftS te . la a t ol invi1 j - mmc qu et BauEmm WangolLauier as ~ Wou mlay, z-a -.nle mmlet aubsiem etgM.muier mueelv in 6" me et mbits "" mtuiiaieula mlamenm lae bdaadu4e, vie Pms Ob lOfY Mdl mole plame, liuabpout, M frocm atut e maie - play oisI, bu s a buaeueou a deim mmaIame uds thesegicudasifetiMd ils "aimpi m Md Word"esipOUhM Noby ami moble musim hi 5ddm"ie ha Quebecla tom, aMd vbsIlmbdul S himmer if bbc eaIymua m e ink 'Salas "av eyatuod I e »V Ie. &e0& Tic speocuse wtaIaIummpeuie 6 the momeut, airmautfomdum gr Lsaurie, Mr. Nyi4t% UP. 9W LtImul ai heu% »dail Ut.Boeshm& lâoedl i & abMont ipeecht, ubici bro Me tis hlà. Thenva ams hi scespis0e 1M d *0miSeqester atut tgh.vols hoclt b. taltes. &W »mbely npuibol, ad lis, epeabWr asabeUu proeol itesm gr. Laurier mes.Tits cmauumtlvemUw 4accdl atoatir, ts he onmmusl? nm bauowm ely bus te tom ciller Mr. "Yb, JùLa mier a p s t g ha. Lurà liole fbfl l demsibas lie ok soeof r. BooauM » d m'.Tibern nue lu eiMr. Buibernssud r.Thm tu& baumollied I14 but bo»e X& Muiler ephmr mmsae e mm Ni. la choir, eut&s.Wlth. f¶v- 7sb, 1 r à Sst lvowou19r. aLeryn% i omsory lfted &ai leuamrou uIyby omeenlffMd mI pau-k lenm ,aaryl miste oeuEd hb bil At thesc ouse .litime *vis mont-S 'ho lu sa S u IU7MPsatin d lég gove monequiés, dedwMiEs i1W. alu' psouwmh t issny poma lu " b lt e Freuc C amalspople htof juitlon j atm i d e miOter. ÎiÎwlieam et Lenstel, 4but, mmbe? thc b16u mua IWI 011Sdeeper editto eer-I USI tls hea beo ha evwommn s, reod br du09 OtbOeL. Ho atouwtil limeuo f aMr as»esM te saisI for lt uuolloU et bmU &e Lssulsg Se Quels Naicsabu --d otc lia la emoeisavici, onte GO WW U Mo-- ezuui or th Ineurroolbos; «Mesothe sUmet he MMia sud ezeublos aid eSh is pÛOli. uiW apect o et S guenmuits CRUe.lu «hoho ha citbste ss»W0.N M IMdc» ~Icpletth e imouelon Mm me e »uer mev uuml, euvbere , svimim bag ise Se ba maloin hlam, tu e. eouallbgfty hf ite tlmurusolhoMbae *the Se tathM I 5 l dm R OVUUUM ccep.d sela priSctlee t t110W lula or i , S k«ýte duel clam 0tIUMpue. le ta omallueadon. Tic gsum m- igslusd by s, a s mltu 17MasM Se ai.breed e ue Illliita S b OMeet privihege of vhlls melew, vilchvould inbîs esch. hboet amb!y le laie up M0 m»e of làaluadttoc gthiieclal privtlege Irn 101bilrlas mblool, ublol rude WoaIve essa etiafB"a crlp uor »,0 mom. "Bu vi bucmc c chie met a MW lu 8*04 .elM. Laurier. .soel lmI it amt mu "M esby Si polumasuttic un Il. ova u erut vn imuffl 29, 18m. Bchoes.thliaimsu riAs th e ca bmlmsolgituP jmotug et Priam.Albert lu ISM MeU a puises la e S gevermsulusd Mon Se ber, thlz, bsûtmister or5 th arwor n uormel tg ville iqan h uplmalo Md dite b.e »ighsielby licÏmlli &bout léV lseu guismtEus11.114Wâ soi mou. bi ermais T. Tcmmc0mgt la le t Se m w- Ob ertkauwiISeBmopeumlmia01 aMi@811. Eselu t uw IOuumotvl aepbc ouldmlos, themueso> t mog ummauho, K.eme W» bn Pm" tnttu i ome o lluzaueo b*MR boi. e b. EucQinua. titimg Ob:i«* lesin u lVait uVer thwMdL$q M5IIF MI&WSe lu.c glus vagte mastlalsýmsumtupWs bomm Mr.Laier dvmet a tt a re. em t meu mit Si m ho Ils iiimm n5 - Io IL- ha~e maIe iinK.t- f Limoi mi dotaugj reotvo us «UailmâSu fIe mhâd 10osy.le uLvf. v tdouiie dla. md te, s.luer mail, vasas k rom Mrlg~. Luier celàcu v vile pas eb l vhiey la muluo l. uta mIteLreadyM Zxeuhufor mm eMWMU rlcisfeu=sover Molmangub. moi os-mifea osud elamel ics ilut Om agie, i ela b. wmail th"al il w upi sebalà- vnp lem tu matbt Ticiam adjoumbeau ure dm Molemal b. eaI »Wbe»uusvl Md mei'wuri7 ea"mermuom iwuiysa w»a Uniy IIIbut wl FM Oorsmi t wvii. muara lmfr am wr4mm Fwldq met M.hais, m Smcor umnt lcat cdulm bm ùlIez*Tet Mda epbouod * pha ml Imes maTie eue. pliasomalmunta pu ms lWu e aSu-. mu ba, n a ate uti m lnra ola,ù Bybue mev omus a mm bobosii sim ft qao m bete oalmne mSe oumuta amot ve% ur fai va. vue 09 a» - bu ubiecte ilo et lfure miii Il laipi, ocrth MoUCaua sa- qmtete the Polb.ESeu l pmuSopa& meut a tdeslnmliaiS lale ett fiedl MY iaol e0915Wsema n-Wnsitem aete sMksuuepuS*0e @Fuw _Se__ i cale, s. ais yWo, O ils mabos ucu Rast idu ciecuk y igs hflovu. K. "lquensth eo ple Set ar. luis Ie dmUhbral tuila.Oui uom aveth e paofPartyumi lm i stouul@a the SaBunodt sf5eIls- aily.osc Thât on,.avas mit tckua. ta IIMiad hmire Se ad uv gocMtSe tbaoimt àbubmut f6,vangwSt @puit v@ mer MI&vsya tllaimlbyt f»eimg chate b I vae~.dlam umble jmm lit teaa"suilsu Ma& eue bs pl»ui t u t, sapumuo h ville mi b clase ml dgubyetla -w- st MeSW et Unde bvs m Mi= uuim oussret panlbly hau immalmcit le Im amawtiy vom vi VI elu. tattisocir àË lehu N eu »Wlst m to ome -n O2LL OUEORILLIA, JAS.1 Prglm.Tii Verm pua sou eb hm a agmma bu mates. MWamibm Te oro»s7 ireuaile 10 siia t t 1 omm ft e uetu mai te bita in la OturL Thue a isareWPre bu*10 m t Orlila. Navh* 155-i-Ir. Bi.,YEOUSE, HUWT-S., LIII>. W*ITE.DALT.Prpltr habli, boom Ibarnole"hly vabat m at Mdl- pue.mti. uatou=egdly -et ltheilnbg batela e b ouny. lb. pram a" bubo Ronri 11 are mt iiiuct ta umy amailelIa gua 1telrmveflira.Tii ba la a dalsy, md evuyb tbia bM bu in lu Fm %m e 'h a" e ud aiu Anma s&tbust" LldmayJumel'. IU.U.i BSLUXAN. Prorz. HavlagroulI ede houme tenovu as the Bnci boui ana mocrt a license.1I ep ta lnform ths public 1hat1 arn prepared te 0Db. firat-lau aocoommotile1 il vhe may favoz' me vizi acaSIL The homme ~edtw Mtsof etrairure. Thdin raemilibo fount tebe tte!eta ftrlmme »boum eicbar la euppfl iet theb cholest vine. lquore adaigur%; cytere in »amn4 Stage ta sud trou.&U trainsahNeteMa mtao. Good at&band stattue boutiez'. ENRY ELUNAN. iliadia, Pebrumr 811h, ~UEEÇ'BROTL, AIÇMTONq. th"o laIho bu»oaswaime e iiabve ho"a te wbom apeolmi stealion viibe givealm sut Wei l itel a m M us.Tebr et liquorse igaaaIl lmes.Tiae mime la commeolou firol-ls.mblMd galbizatWU al traIns. *E HT.Pmoeihi.Camaag ton Jas. 11. IL-IL votopinarySu~oa bm dimemeesetthemmust solamutiflo mat appreuvM- eü athots. 2K arb tiiarapipmutrahiiattt. c0emsd li. iïmus, Ei MLAnir0.1 tri ear oen- 0fet 0..me UayMe& imi ---- ---- - OfeM i 0eio. fout-m. ., 0MNi&dab obroQ> vacm kuovu..OMM. UgeS. . . Rephae oas by telecrapi or otbc.vlm Parm*.v Au toute t 1.Poft punry, Nmi 7, 7 = . tahe Vcdbes e i tmatel by aut but aprvet qu= Au uneomi la 1 Ns.ue-. oili& W A «.---TMfLhN. F. ~ arOu~op ta tura lis emmaimilSe c~ Su b. b ~ - n- -W a me oIy o-ela su G -lemm Qobse w écaiv c WR aw e lcl~et boe ta.UhiecMlotagi. la. 1te b"tteilsowa Wb" mon"a ltw numm Ohmaset cie amu etmtoec u vblâ e00hrMM w» eyse.ahulon.tiMme*c ori*0 mum m l"eues ~ioeso'Ma et quIt.mai. a t eimmuiy afflufla sI.ie VW- i. ha auficlmt latellin a le mai. mwi;thg -Mais reommeme sif, be vas etiu mmi, z&Mmd Mi dictum ta iuftmat m1 ba, ldatie .o.o rad ab lm hbom«*et b l urons -uuaimi lte ble-vwbmu *0 jur Tic um. mhbas dmiSagt Ema Ùlt îmgouds e atll a mmue. a u- 00a@10 l l bbl sems& edg cei moiavsjnab. te e011 usd i b . poée te mt sb. tala mi wm butv« du mt 11lmh1 ms« u'a Meoun ul*ne w»lb& u oudalUg be maid t nom &Mt.h b. usa ille ho o la- tbey b Oulu&wmads Md try. bu daam atm " Mme*aD Umé =sbb tsosiulmllatraSlOS o! jus ticMB kaewlisetic ot M va.oul haegleu. it'th alcal airu pulied M doubt W mayr shoa mve 9muas b. m.. Miheuimw. rear tMa PO U vm= ad h amW usthoelm W» aurhmIu ew baaue boiasalvd o tais sueaesihbu " W BObalaW» oM tt th mi remmyv bemUm m bus. ias omumid he et uid RWuI applsuo su Hz.te butemmimooate dubflm ai d 'cuh labbeh.mosislm LivosCopla adyteGamma.noted HamiciMa. Li..mp laetfCaume TMMac.foul aplaue man M r t by Dr. iba'Ler Cuvire. oIt ble.umais LDr.mChues U E p. Evrr.a ak*OOIuco-4ê& prarim »irrsalor tea et. Tc ag amm uer are aun bmcs u iacpia 1 1-a ocip IVbai lucryilmd at" bodw& Camaiout amuis Coumu boise t toxk Puqlio. ami.9. ~~z.~ w tioua. iiansaN.Pietn BÂY AMHoe& N, Oambraj.- olam The hol0f Suare admmtocotu te One st aouMs lmu.wmm.ab msub nmm %» td re OU ufi BneMl " k1,suieam vliaaia bImm alvja .uPplleterviThe b. hm bmad fiuars ThÉY en uueibluvltma inrie b le à- Mdqual 1BM bti a"lc=s dcumemu mS tl ampsrom.hu S Irci lma tavl sime kim ahi Ia.cauIvr. Mdlu FriA rY HJOUSEiC-TisotL him bau, MbruneMUeauommodugtior - -10- l aMd utr omslam Md Wii ou tllamLod Bout o= a"qt ubgoh .NORLEIgmGaeA -"TEP^, Udielagoie"OzuiceWWam. iDAYIDbPWWH Q..ALE.JACKSON. LIB, DEAN, BABRISTER, SOLICI- L.TOR.Ete. OMm eBigeova bleut. lent- n.. ev Pu. emythWs Dry Bootsde oplMM t. aS 4 MWe 5mm-8-ly. M cINTYEE & STEWART,,BARRIS. A. P. IEVLIS, BARRISTR SOLI- C.TRm on.M., CeualyCreva %tney CÊ=r e b.Pornos l"may . O i over O 'LEARY a O'LIÂRY, BARRIS- TEESAtlamevaLau Sulicitore in cbaner. etc. Ofek, Doam élooteet. AImR OLEAaNT. IHUBE OEAET. G RACE h XÂCMURCIIY, Baràitero, %X ii= " tc.Offic: lamt. ,enhimace. aem Dom mis ls, Limdssy.Ont. Private sut Compaay% anuadlat tlovea trata.. J. C. Basca. ý N. A. NÂcMuacax. Lindmr. Nov. 4L 1um-fflyz money to Loan. M ONEY TO LUAN"ÂT A LOW RATE OF INTERET on God Fmm Prpet or othcz' goat secirity. Char& ranonale.No ocmmiedms Apply ta m. CANERON, Wcadvllle P. a, Ont. Nov. 111h MoluyLENT O14N FIRST MORT- Ua.ft utma.asP ms cem& HLUDSPETE à: JACKSN, Oém e.Willim-s.. IiW&Y. &PER CENT MONEY.-450O pri- Uvute fiante ho loam a ahô p cent. Intarest roarly. Frivilego 0bor.ovez' ew aine cff a,~ tyLime vticutal ol. IL B. 0m2lte«.Ofice a igolovz bloci. MW Dow"I un OuI Oie onTip Charg e e. OLEANT kaOLAAT. Lldm.Y. b. 1M, UL-38tf. MONYTQ WÂ.. Put. mbe 10Loma t riaomblsrates et latum atm lurm 10 mit boriar. JOHN NcBWETN, bhanta, Udaur. Liadea, De . 18K04-L 6 6 Privais ftm.taft .t. c GBrris. mLludvm la tla" at tm reat vct" MaiOa. leC O u, P .,motl QlJMGAL~ iavrn STABLU, Ilmhay, Omiortaimie mu MimaS ,~B I - - - BISAI a cMm, IL . » W.eB. GROBE, X la. j *.0.. -U .fuL M£LeIIMi-iait smutd Poe4ý,l übbao.Ofic. Pmia lom lud a.din rsau DSWUAON &WBNPYI CIAN% BUBUUN8,ACCOUCHEUR& QOM& ymautmtule Sr 1»1 A4 5L I c. P. a a.05Ut ILILWL$M. CM ,ILC.P. t&ILOont 1'1& O. L CO1uLTER., Phymiciansd .1Pummw.0-Ou.O.m dimiem on cmRIO. . Io iaTre OMMicehuer: 9.3016 f~~.ornP. . Inaee . Lcblkh muls ItaCo.mO-iolandORau.EOAD .- VLYIÇCH KL1D., C IK, Grad- matfUnivaewti ofTrlskty Coilw = larlo. Ofice t 1..,cor8ersou- il am Llamayei..Udm y-fSiy. DMBUREOWIS àG"RÂRAN, P- y nom 09 UREO .Onle Md ~p IODi. . L, G& La II).C.]L., PT.]XL& M.L Las imuâ j:IL-I Baroi atem.*N, OOWD, Mhe dmo mm dummb m n vaIthe mtiet fC th d dube ed m rae otle rof R ti muh p meet aaaI lrladm ms & omichs. Whoer imd eudpople are dl ed with it. Er omla almo n thMe mav cohuive mur faefrafor b ge efture7 la Plaoe, tbe boa Msd mct Mco rutalaet jet la- foor au alide or menthe. Arifolm luthtaeg o u pue glaBacRub the C uWad lIaisg "rLUbououl.e iri aCstoc ofdbaummd e 26 d. m &;ueb. mm et ea.h&cm b e teu select. 1Mâtea@bave, Va. tc,1 aut th ri oung, the middleat matthieul.An upfflerunder eet forfrla e ,e the maeo adhtelanto vet ithoul pea alvia romy for un Mr. Grom? dental rooma. 'Tmias, Cecmi" .a arat trel t su oitteb vr test properlée lue. 1fr.» Grom î u cl omei i opormîgu Ihe ILEOTRIC LIGHTS, for lbu snd osaIa teath on dock tp std vmngm i tbis vorktS ierhuri for thime vho camot MaI tendte 1 ildurlng bumineme houri Romebr namns ad place W. H. BROU. ovr Kennedy@i sore. Kent-mt.Lladaap. Llndup. Peb. 9th. 1U-71L Je NEELANOS, u.. S TMM 094M ulbd "Demla l Ga~VflHid Air Cao une&)I. Mr. Neolamd b at aimpet uapsraffles -em lu the un cr bis anuhbetlc la Csada. Adinilaerut bi' hm consatly for about U vit me dus. sud Ibm paient leasing quib Mr. NeelsudaMmatie àp@De"i tudy et Ibli sumsthbtio und r D..Colton of Nev TorkIb.te £ri peraauwbo gave It fer exumrsoteelth sut wbo bu admlulterat il ta 14.000percu vithout au accident. TURiM d'amICeulhe usot for thome uho do nots la 0taite g. W3oM ZàLgàt for oporatlonsatater tarie. ARTIFICIiL 2'EETH laetton Enklisi Blacke. Imperi. Ret sud Fini Rubbav slacoon Boit Aller, Gold. Stiver and Celluloid. Fric.. iaing tram $10 teSM for su upper or umder net. Mr. Nolamda car ries a stock cf about 10.000testh teseect froma. Boit of materili mmd. Teeth liled te lit a ite time. Many have boom Immrtet for over U chtidze'aTekoewho an-rm Parions trom a distance Wu iP,""a mim 1 eoecontinu. Ofc etdoc la nar ent. Llnàea. Nov. Sthimuus-fit E'LTA BOWES, ÂUCTIONIER FOR NeR.MPBEE, Clork of the Muni. 7.y0oipmltr of Ma.aAthcrler postofflo Mener ta boan onu aimnd bovu property sa i per cen.-79-iy. J OSEPH FOX, UPTERGROV74 BW1af lie Sevenhi. Divison Cort, Auctiumeer for thi Tovus eof Mars ma4 amna. Uptergrove. March 17.i8.0-. F. *GILLESPIE, Clerk of th b. Cauvepamoor. Valuator. Money to loa ou ucet favorable terme, and lu smy suma tesumt borrevers. Clive us a caIL. Reidenoe, Upios. grave. Co. Ontario.-M1ly. D. RAOLESONJR., CCOUNTAT AGENT. Lsmd Valusar A 'palmr, Ete. Office et tie &UCTIF14i KART,Mlent-st. Lintasy. A feu deable TOWN PUSE- DENCES for ma". Lladaay, Pb. U,.1804- 75-tf. Àiacldation of Canada. Noney ta Losa s loveel ratei. Office et reidence. corner iM Ruaueli and Georglan-m AtsLndaa-.Due8 W M. GORDON, LICENSED AUO. TIONIER. VALUATOR. Etc.. for lie taviaipeo! Brook Uxbridge, Scott Tharai. Rama. Noa.NaipeusamI don. Farbii um trustlng tbelr sales to me may rlyoti utmosattention big ivon to thoiz' ltercite. WM. GORDJON,.unerland. Brook Nov. M. IM-4-1y. JÀME H. LENNON. REAL ESTÂTE AGENT. AUCTMO ValustorautAi. ezeAgent for firut-clams in1v Isurma peaue. MON193 LAINDet a:lovait rate or linerest speolol attention Igiven ho collas. lion of dubto. Farme for maue mmd ta roui Onfce lu Keensa's block soutb aide O oul-e «s, opposite tic Besson Houa. A feu V«7y de"lbe building lots for saleta a harain Llmtamy, Dée. I SUL-Oi.yr. WT A. SJLVERWOOD, LîCENSED v. ÂUCTIGNEEEtfor the ConntyetfVie toria. Faim sud otier Sala 1% M d u chiupl ttcded ho. Amn;mmb f NET TO LAN n Bout Ruai Kebate socuritr LAND SALES or Valuations mate la snr of the County 0f Victoria. Scveraml FOR 8SAL.-Remltemoesmat addrSmoOAL- WOOD, Ont. Nov. iti, 1Ld-y ALELMITCHELL, &ALEMla i mptions cf MAIlLE ARl CRANTIE 1011 mm»et a"lu ic Aberd e O t d mle A Eciduce matate PENl oN  Ùmbarl. Mr4 % - A-m2depts ad eoe. llt BEAMERTON, ONAlcoeaoRaIe st r ]1e.mm etc&Ook a14,Iada.u FAM"mmi adrm EsEM PA IbeIpDai ursmitN. I v ORGE A.oroSMlwITHe,mm-t ui MleUiRaI rON.AU omrcha. fierais.L ILDu& T TO LOA. ii prci oufam et..ls.kpU i. ~ ~~~ 'A~. CATALÇA, P.L.SDmla or "W %-amIMM 0. El 1mgi0. hi r- 9aM! Se 1 ~-v t~ z-~ J OHN IXcWIYI<, BRAIHSTER, 80- LICTOReet. Ofi. laHamltwa'Blook, Fi D. 1(0011 BABMOTZER, AT- X.~~~ ~~ TRE altmtNotart Publie - nw xaH.Olim Kut. md. bAai. u 17, -B71-iy.m imw A. BrUMN onfce. Koubo,. Liamru. Vaby. iS, RYES,-3047.ER OMM c N'rfl%1Nm B. E. HOPEWN. HATI aIJBETHh CISNBARRIS- vuLOAN E eWe w 7wHAOLOFUh!Ljt 0FOPIt lu te oumet vcuoý MS acres momor lhm% et vbloh about 0 mmre la c a. emiw. The Prcom limt abeut riby rima et a"si-MW rami o e iiiTénermer. oAPWY le OGLAN une amiNomm, Ltnia.Lit Im ouez. 80--Udf. 8pLKçDlDCUANOI.-That fins & faiml TroueeVs mettlemaml.Ting. foui ummle oa the toua eot Fstag mhuc seras.85 asras mdci cumtvatsw aI.iie b.ummsumctebulidsu .teb baivam.W216ia' utaithe toua- @UVp et Ti". oeuat cf mesla hi mis t the Vary' 1e ptilce cf S1l7i, et ubliP.750 mer reatu ou - =PlIf imeiai. lbai. Pmor my inhimi nrefarouela permM@tt 1 ulhei.Naoh17, 1ion-&"- Foa AL-L-Noz'llihall Of mIlmeot LIntuai;85 5 mecerut snuded aMllV&%uu4 TieTe mar5arôBOSia lMf11whist, lda thu medpLoa itoa hne hi eand prasu l g b aTueimivi omi 518 ba an.lu torm mpplyata btae as tb. promisse. or toi.y. UR setoz', lmumi. Nsipoa, Plana2.1805-114. LnUT-U&B ARE ~ ln tic iitb con., ail mlîust in a a &edi aËCUl- hat urm distric.e mile tram Wa.d.vlle and flve miles from Csal .au100 mom m» o l a m tt iuesUmtandut a a goot itetf cu- tLvmw , tii baisaiebmrot bushTe fM1 flef.l »Ubasmiheu tonm btote armies lu coeorfoi hest i sutnd16ameui mcvU mietat ili tlm L clutoe. Tiere areau MMt faim a --eà trame houeas. s u otm. trBi f01. vth itne foaiato4 illai shdùn tblgmdeiuea<h.Pcuemelm vii bo Ilvsl ime hir m o h if preguro aias. e T ifl ntmbe o stcl b o l. rois. o mivar ROBERT J% %NWSTON. os to JOHN XcSWE*N. barris tS. lAutem. Ltutmay. Nanre&I.0-Ot-If. For Sale or to Liet. L)ESIR BLEC BUIL13G LOTB IN mfý m art FOR ALez -Eo ignekL homme. à noms ma ummehlth MILt Four Omt f.fLot& o toulle Word. e tae laa-i. .racme aob, in ma. lie.Ononeo flit la afDame boumls, dtra, s boum te.kL wb Aa aiaraet "luin wtauabliet Oum hie, ithinmue ma.aof eterbums.Anl wlaa, i onot amiu&ouldtsoi.WIIba uitmiaihimal, or on DYrN For uiaoye, lur. Te i labrl* eveacs. ma abom emmilis bairon sutnutua du ami iiha ugi tisMM ardom la supfietvI ada ht ttraosm w» a lrgegoe oia rav-»t bornic mat riubmb~.msa Tabo nomiorsC aa. numilpanm reqtri toa. r yl l exb m tlhe teEACo le be 4 ticie ý à 1 9. r» 1

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