'Up Geo. Oolhef f 11htlniron the esUem .Tii l baoaSupiaa~,pnà aau ilibIWviSt i le w u ,wwToal, io ls al lueMwa u a Cmua l sajrinduntil Priday. IvSi tfaolpmtrhu'ovaom.ai l oevugvs leha~ emnertoàig.Ploaasmmmai oaS"~?,n ~e e vu rw "Um u S e lme S eii- ~essS vand okat the prime, if they aint chae hnyuee a nyu Mu"oglM t e malmg oand *d M7 asas.. p sas aio v E5iouaq8abla Sbe dI*. CIlamai do=uoielifMd 't buy them= &W 1&Sebumeleu»su Met. "M& JsuiDahIutioquAltr et musyorf ur ezobapa _5332ouaeaus17 e f.l Mil Mi lbU a plg 5f wem o WhIle Pace pueennu rs«â cofogl m.~ S.laiOhausi vuIdemnsoi. -le. o-uvur.Thandta readou orn tonreDESUJJ in 0t bnOIa"tttemal If lpeuoM-uan Ss -iW. Niiora m uaeulens lulIalum MeshWhis.......e....* 0 toutaTTfor TyorU1 aturo vo h aie neta mlil vormcOf alrmdp' bolUodlua crieolimiesutu a t»S bimýMisMp8Wb.V. . .-............. ..0 00~~LLJ J.i&..L 7,B .~ ...G ,alkn a o R migui olos Vl9lsl Me... ... Us u T NG , ceinndt onchl»Wleau.og Oqr ghgmm em . uÊgm vos È- ..*. .-a. G i ING UN E 811 and wiWW» it....................n.. ia.w..........u.....M .m....UV.....................,-5 teconen ud.hU or 4oten lie wtmese0. ai9ull afat """ * *.--s....cote@BHATS, CAPS, SUSPENDIE RBadal(ot un~i as olty19Jledoubtul If tien le punieS pqj mapoooi. ¶a o n mno ie t m e pote...-0...a laUtros Devaw hlohol 1 - a --oeI $f.ile en 08 tion oocartl as umlaie iffe. IlMnà m a aie te- ho flmrkdatto7o p110 f o aeecnmia vo do fthe 0Pac«in ta lilas!ila ,fl ga a............................ sl l 75we Myou lever have a btte hnet e i c î a r fr u h O Ic i l a o ct à M a l a l 8 4 M W m p m m i m i m m o e m o i l s v m o l a v l t l S e - c U . . . . . . . . . .l a l e I l liphisr ofLhe con1s' er-a..i Y orvSumer iaysiod CG' ont ar Ua ceItDS rlt- vnd a, Smg gi u Wso, l ommo vi v6 ihe - ......u .. ias S the ptfohiaa dm ie I et u sa ns s ii obn5Sal bg. abu aaoibplananmoa"... m... Sle sas me 1 gyb:bava ontofel sreisoSe u Se m l a l unu ai, maàa man u -..Vu.8 imal------------------- ---------n *te 01 m ,ou ~i ~ ~ 9 . tsi bu.i& amoum.--- .... ........ £ . a__ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ t auattvoaiteaLW ass mouasm p 10 I e.irasd M OIe b gla 11 ai ablu" Moion 0 the , i se le sees-MrWn . m et bu t uao2ee i n 'wiiUhÔ%I elamtmiempissioe tlaoe yot6 elîd 4 hlm tu It mo oUmae s IuS. es les eP mprtad Éo Selom me *a,,no. y u teouim............. ...... dtls umpg mi 10vp lag lb ie u- l'h The eoheuyjMWro.g vn -h pcamarbea wMd u lM i solgu SteINIS4 tOau *4ae Te law»je le Seou W1 >esl."M sttu ________________________ I~. ~w.Catha oown ___FUJLLY, EQUPE LION~ m otmto___aen Foiomm£ ' SPMWIn"W 1886. L A or% P NLI E R. SMYTH & SON. ____to m M MI____ l 00" bfà6 ----- Megz wmmmea me com __vlI m e k Sm rue mb cfmuosfly mdmetm th omm hsIs* gll . a aws~, md'~laA sw owp1wIbs u.n.u~ Inses" m mfUL u wV ule-vl k Bo du mm f miie iii bwmter M a aompe,îCtle mau, am& MpWI* la e nom 8 00 119cfo tauoe etm Taya s. I r FIDu Uw~WIma ueuu b a sies toefavor us ,vith sa l s« ct os for n i au a . X . 7 . W ,* e A PI . m ul s m n e s owIbï . Ob o» v O .r i , m e n . v t IS a ène om . S um i D a mc m q iM uls f W g C R s b Y 71t5t p S n CO ss c'" Xm Pvurim Sm haUu à .um mm& M& .. ViDee..unboesmmabawuk» 1 me mm subrge ofthe Dreu sand, n usumiCrput. sd Nouuàmbh h- i IMU I..,p olua i MIh Bk. bu.torb l-wCII.-1oo~OIt *.,v ~~py@r a'm T O edwy wu muhg-5lao IbingaMUN.W"Wa-S po Utçe IrlRoigo la owler te familiarise our nev nam* uloki ud reMet! vlmm_- p qviufmt ufering foi te bndof the. publie aàS kiçr1NG o r8CO'uNi&,We Pr"m Uoao u. I OhUEbh. ~. ob CEIMt*,uoq DOban Gowi meO.1 o te &U car stock during th. sprn ontieub. e po lth - hevdMI<SsIPa' oti e 't MMan ua npu mt& la. graI-OwIpt~o ~Wt 9 aefrt saiaprao" el sporienos, comlpeteat toU tpar oe olg iMI n Auluvaty=iaSevCOsmn~o $ S UMM socps, myfrou --Sa fll ka Baew TW'1 £dWd t *0Keghej'alluMr &OM& Siet tSw et the var bwest pomme me5 0. A. . Gela. S15 -Meu% bypMsaI mMgeimolooSBMVI 1 aeaa "e teuMeeke oe e .n 15JOUF m& aLbo&. Ul'U Jaru mmeh vL-»sSe1.a.m Mieusela mmlu COU..M u sged .Wj.,b u em. w 000déus' t. bal. gsi cal.du wi Wabz»ow mm et pdaimi thehmio ne W"asbuo .hu moly, s.a bow s n 0 -,i5 V emoi 1g~ , Mile a.s. arflMyStokbmbriM rubi_7>_eu @g fRwiushbbm vidtbg hie "Mie.ft1m _ Toum&YQUNG E ~ g ______-IWO am plou" t n s, un tl iooum.- la S mo oa um asg L mAm m.aSeleatu v ul es vl S e M. ___119_>9_MW________aUnd".«au lmui mme -lh"&M5etaviomvheuutm T£ a U R" AL V U JAm Se mit lisbo oe Il *-Woa0"i8g"tie mviou" vuas e 'ZISI Ifs aw vuUeda m OM leteagbéâ alM l b erabl t hmpl Wt 5 1le OSisau Nilisus m a us nW siv oloi1, po" u U rcnu-I. aIa . mupe e set peutlou vu m ae kv- ft hm. ouet-& ivu e.P er - tc...mbuau pd mo teImmISâe u t 100*0berW goe mixt&M tunaaàpunI G l v , i l W a O i l M e U s s ub "Vi o t v el . o a s .arl ei U f t a rv v a f W P < > E 0 P a e < 1 O f c t e s e o 0." W on"bg et Pi Wa ie e a p a. ~ m i in.- ~ ~ l ~ - e m a a u 'fs S U oe - 0f r U dt S A C . b u c o a v w9w videmsWM wsl m aw m*0 eo, th 1 vSaato- Ive «Is My, o 06Alem tI Cul t Mium... s laSI qeabf«a Tehoan se~~ i a oll-miiss amga . tiw 51wktta~l m il u oe (a lvr mmm O dd à î" 6" Kfl aI e ul-so. . N 00 . ~ l ir m etla l * uev i' imm i i s muuuavup > a g Ll d s .- 1 t .m u s d e a A l m r s q u w ninus P n N es . C l a a lÉ& a . m sS e o e a m Cl ma . - ' . - ' If tlibp 1s2s uibl M e-n M 0b- u s1k nl=m sW ums, 8" *mm la àe, w. <881 aS>Ma">'du' a" humerulu If Fu wnt foil. él» M 9asMO M ofcf n v=., a.vomi-LNEWTWEED& Unlor, If s-. guo W f& ilndegooot »le MunhJEn-vmli . bo oud le a.eti.AsOh , ur 1 Us la. - LIi, S te vit f w eab , If ik e M per yard upwsrds. AU goode markl u" e M.omà"W ut cash pis sde d iphatcalimy oie73 U sclw.,uq Wa. lau m eouosetf& 841 DWOA n"ut WM la ____GENTLEMEN, here 1 ou pprunt <bu uI u nmamois, ge mm wu 11% CM- (0 Esime - make use of et à dhacouni, ti uav olthfea Smmri Rluw am vb vu ,1mai05. OIN Und 9030Der eu n.loverthan usus, at MUr.Dors'. -anm aale ob~ 111 e v a. mb57If- ie aa gI oiland. oppoite Cupal' flesm ouiday a g u n ilovol, bu& m'se aolleIpsIfuma.Svisu - EAT.iwO I la.y S e ln. viito sme,.roney cal the- ti. .. phuMdi h S &etulI »& al ,SsSgl llSe 5. oMuaia tue»mI- -. ms *0- tolu SlI I .Wlut&".bolmem*Nst, i .M.mof dqs ________ iamisp oSes, -Os mn a~~~t.vUNk7vgBS u Ub-Al aIh. l¶ bondod M maiowag 2~ vo Nlés 4. oe mwvos nk eI2gmLas.ouu.biesS Uhmv.Murumt s. al Ow~ ebraui Otios amomly f Si ES#IIS ~ astlado IfSe ttou ia-mou~ ' Iifaan ns as ss.mai e u. br tae latlm.If14a ~__lha1