t t .~ m .AWAmW * 1~ «r or. Dy un --L.~q EfA. muxm2.IS I ~ -- 5 The Bad -Bors Chisflrn' STOO KINGO lin! IATE VER YOD AN mi.. vai'mtC ToR flZLLat i c TKE CITY STORE. OUR GRAND MAMIMOTH SAýLE, WiesaiLmmm.ietliaiume up U t" 1"I F.beuazyq 188. 'W.aw d.tmm% Min" vhkW wr.hau»uagui.t mal 'bm.du.sbohaou nMWstoek 1uy t"ta tln T.r- mFaib~a.v smal c«etMiaIrn »Mam l wa 1.ew. S.. lI"ty"m domt foe. t . tDmeaz"Saule lssm m 11.Wll tlu lelSer WY %hofm& Ius les. agmul bu, çasopies.. e111ia buaiii op" 15si.e'an,-I vum a drain to @â imamieh. nad drive my marn amo. qy, 1Im a demie 1 am dk oeoe wi1i am~ lasy. I vanS a o mmn 10 shot rIgIS aS Mr aBtrAniei and a 5 tumpet 1I cslt ju awfiil loud staraM!57 Vaut a IOSrebig Nu tl fffl tewm la u u baby, 1Iwm5SaPMSI C musismosud She paser, mebbe. 1 vanS & 1511 grand piamo »Wvviw mamma pa. ~pu ber biail tesmash aIl loto atulerishe gsSbig mirrou Ia the hall ibs, lote au, lots op minders. Au' eaudr t t i vi mae me e* *0 ma &Il slghtmifl lt qulolamt e tryaoeMma. An' 111 de ày gtove e It is not likely that Ibis partioniar boy got what ho vaut- ed. Who tanaî(trua have just what h. vauts? And, yet, you'1l find it at the CITY STORE jtwt what yon need in Cloth!ng,-we don't know whether it's a 1Fest Suit, a Ruai- miess Suit or, an Overcoat; but whatever il je youU mEd it hore and for sale at a pruce you'U b. perlectly wMfing to pay. The greater your knowledge of Clothing values the pester the willingness, for our prices are too low'to be thouglil Cthemwise, CATH Ro, THIERSMAK LYS AR ___________ I ____________________ I ____________________ I ____________________ TOWN AND 0GOUNT!. Christmas Premects of ail kinde B as fiNe, Siun of the Bmg,90aKenta-ot.9.-2 Buor& tabe zUegUaa. at thé opera houes, Monday and Ioulai, Du-' 101 aud 3th.-1. Miade to order, from the latese deslgeeb? C. linglan. et Mrs. KeeVWB »nW tore uam rdIte Ontario book.-dOt. Aunew court oet Iis eider wilU b. luatluedla lAndesy about the lot Jsnnary h Deput Su- prême Chiot Ranger C. W. Joues et 4Loulou vbo"hsebecuIt«ewlg ouri onittie during the pani e esk snd Jalngbefwe them the objecte sud aime of the eider. Blashmli- duced s nimber of oui cltlmos eto bbooms met.- besn 0f tbc new court sud it sheuld le a v»e à e«boîle" Mo quetionol bies pus o»nulab #'A eslekin emoqu.à asoetry Ma44 O r olau es80ebrwbht' Ibe pedato and knovlug vifs rspled,, -The primest rd ?51ui Mor Jea nov ookinu tove. set up couplele. phom H owe Kent-et «e.etomi"- 72-1. A meeting ot the farmers' Institute Wu huar at Mec oseil ohamber on Saturday afteruo Of Jin vssk. Meur& . JCeuuofly, I. W. Red, W. Csami, Jle& hopkine, J. Campbell. Jr., 9aIm.JâadP. Jackso vel~?reesent, milh the preeldolit, Mr. 1. W-. Bell, oairuh enly boinemes trauOted vas & reslUMlo- an cd appointinif a cOmittus te P=em' a pro- grain, arrange placeof meeting, ana eider the uecehssry pril1 fou a meting e le ell ou janum ôth ndh.6The emÉglese Comprise- ed Mere. Reid, CoM0oil. Bea1,4Hktne sud lgoitiT h. emi e uiMet ouWcdneeday aeoit and az ssithe prarm mse iviii b. fouu" ln ouriatitllWe Ohuue Eoqsou bops toetate tlIaIeh$ aidd *P@111111 the practis ofDOtlai anale, olo, dom iutre and clioi'055. > .O1' "Ilfl eoumeas il lI t» s tudeefletlifm ro uArhur Bmlii- sau's operaof. «Th iseNbsIe" vshjcheh*lhe luin lunomtOna"iNem York V#îtI the Ls- ios .wai~fcite atensinoem Termeg, Si par' mcmli.TIc Sodes*91,ll e requirel to baie nu k oiase muis iVos to*u lb. classeThé isu limesos Trelaîsvalng liorner iTcrqr'e rs- Uhu may ae e leM ae Oo r oroate, msuufaetmli machiniste, vW" In ail Mdeus over sthie r mlipromises #l r a M àlamOi"IIase ~Ide the îleme idowOn hon laidm aIlWU md reurflgaod&Mf o tU e 1mv Otar" Mn le me abot l mayaspurpotr loc bu Mwis aslie foi un sssoutfaie ials.hi@0i&JaO Uc. »dai Smof < îe ~II.a ubes j»eSalem out aMd lbaill suI ffIid lsle bo tnJzqffe emi amo Mvaivu sMA. . LTaris.-7140 Mmose nsAmurmions ngavine aitW. AL. BOODnz%,-74t, -Thse Lndeuy AMMslssiIMM eCepms tair houses ouTues"F e vcmbug...'lu an Ia.U a »Bmm Pb#. Fim'uml ITseliamwluulaeula cnesumlle vithe mechaulca' lubhîle ileSvéeaase mivib soMe ehS mNp mors poilpusulon »met the neuinces .o-6lthe Oliday sesosThe 1Mb meeting ot the lam lihbecs TluSiiy oves. Ing, january 71, M uuves o'lel .Amve l.'tend joisl Mmyar s Ie u MMus=theli lihrasEs _________ Ilà 399WPiemu"es Mr. "o. A. MumiRa smt eMpllelmering intotSe promises nemly litel upisSe »olsny blecd iUml ccupr' ths mmse tore Vilh I. 1. Melile. Mr. Mine le»a suremc et taraMd Iheu laula îurymielom'le tweeds sud lothasulmi$"amid laemable. E. mll pay speclal acteuto eoude omrk aMi propesste asI eio mes'. fine tcrn -Ou TbusmIar, engau.llrgbIai ranning througb troi M d ti e Trnt. va tleus. TIc avltel roI Mt IbM place brokeS tSe traineyl masaseng. Six cam liMthSe ile lu urlitscaunge Ira$ doms. -On Wedneeday the mizaI train iciing le. Iveen Paeosbo'o sud Toronto vas rusamba freiRâttran Ber SouffIU&Thmiswuma heaZyfgtMid m h ehol vs Sechef can 1temlahap. nels as eache le Se rosi end of lMc aizel tris mwu ompleley de. mllehel and tSe baggage car masais bil amhTemauSd. w uvsbkodlul le&aou" a lour Tise dmaged cmsm ees sboei èeS trsol snd li le taken toPora tq opeeb&pau -municipal znomnations tale pliasBoa MonduytieugheSt lIe prolacem IcliUso lIcbuiomlgmgMudv. -Ws omittel te mistion liM w»ml StM., A. RobetsnMofOp eeisite stu b Su commue IbM ho didI fl t euI te stelferre- electles t. lm lovusblp coumolL Mr. 11.1.5- sos buas eidmothe bond for eveam sud lam mada asIMusc mivlusi m etr Mss cuncil. Uts rueimmusmli e oaebu d bulbehbeauwtS lia Saroe Mml UM bIs.u stitunle amie aoamue M l ilbg doua -Fer cu niudmsiil avsmae and te» SirevatMmirm bu>. t m tui l thir servies bave becs valable. ML KallI vWulrntm ls ate m oreSmai Mi mlii, me trie l eele b' toi mJ .Heb mlimooulboMetoSe mm"ela abe eu' -Mdfo . Ics. ale m w usE bSeM & oi oiamilessives re ..... tlound mema- lie. B &l u ee irlly. - m fle anedls eMlpud-oibe o We na umm elance hwrdi edts. N Ie0motMli Maa cadlte for' 11e plaWe ecudoms 6"caa »dainuumeoIun drms eI obs «W lvabu es emu listaieC nt. afiunluSUlm iss ist' boue U ~jLMolébât I- mUai li - oeumamm at A. a Tmay%,s-Tl2Z a s mnuo'rwâ Bdm mslu-11 NM on lu anmmoc pou p" m W, A. Soewu r. C.audos hioieiteM enmets uimm aS aUbSw IcuLavUJeur le &i* UUlumi"-704 feres Ts lerig aulemalussd l __Cam JasuwM-.dLeumm tA -'à wl laew beles Im a E.bWmrs7 ieplagisi IIkU4g st Mom de 'v-l-ie replvl g eabglIu lt . . uM abmmies waeMWkea u eevu', Md baKve ms ie un lor% t nbu5kod l Cames [oeauab" ou Moet Ma. av- -A reuet ul1e aI la" . Pedon cbboauuiatu mo. mieun. ai lave ua -Ne k Sb* e mt. E. as Muerel --n ie irhnm"BuSa" tmmIlnou%, -révltc -am *- blâeus me -Tbuor elaw. VUS B-u q oolulem.T Culdes a iuel rlpsi i oSe luwouwn ~aeM Nuauieum ou sel -Eulue Nbin l. lisamailaga JoMle 11.9 sligLbut les quo uguae a el auIleSHm maeorfra.ey vMwa. ige LWemo elle ~Mmb =eeu r eumlt il Iua -TioedlM UIla mrml iaMW u~ngoes1ups*mii saSai Eu lU oet 77e..f Tua Pour wmiie eut tl em s amr Sh et m I one..Dollar. Mt as m e mals Ila powtte olemam u Dulo,,Seelirtiiloulinlt.HeumIer, -DMsfume bSe pmumtlee leSe eaily eonMmeest S e mileScofM N. ralluraon Weduusiay evesng, UtS DMs -à »sVal Mdielrlllg tuu* ausbPrib mmdswm lumtalm m ss.Wedmeaiay ngt vws oetth Mil1mtgimaipls ess08, aieûa dusaubbisali Pi uls's COF"* icebàameles -ALlai allires dlyaIam, mmSw theiI~Il slllnbalu'machins lhe ouillu n *0 ISe ltegully ortPmnuensiet lattie bauds M -lllee uaher las ammS«l aékclle. bus vesie arela uas -Lm à*Lb.ocberauet MTeronteoa e et bcieidas lIer um a meEmmut houwesou loi r u'bene. 'TIe foctpula enla cocc- ed = 2evo U ib Mi. A"da al C= t. nive uphe li &Misisdpoletboul. mi 17 com eu- N miel the f.iw lmsa au"Met Seici lu lleam r. Islvse 1 S moui tiWiei -W. FpesmalebyR r E Ida&T eouudimiesi e aimoaiu ii S e Jul miNo -umi luB. Esp erShe idscila.- ..Flbiwxoabi dîsMatssd musioca bhili ib" emmmolmas amy toms Mt ubiai bSe iniou. W. hm". Se dram- Is thumy e boue boil coseii omuny at raueifor la thi aSe m. iin aya -VelIams lIai Ev ILE. o chaud étm et MimuLas laid 1 C. oMai laa Isudmoe.low AhIUMmml amuerll.st h19 e 1à e ucus M-mlsa-~ lmibmevDbasMSerslais dose 17 lIl, mi fr etIIa musmbe uerm -Mem, i de eh. 1E!m Md de'iemeniwlsa vie varat. on ban&, t Se npfou.motSte sasliMveail qlmmtobmda misea V Sb"rlo au 1iIil vasbopletos acMd aSe v-5 paeu bum uai O u m, A wMl bai Çv sl aid Ce %= Zons. usmvmm i mums. miaipimedun bo 17 BIm i mi Mmde ~ 'lie »iae Mt.a ieshu Es~~~ ~~ lute us nS Pmiumm »Mu ab. toe, M&S.tSa Hrcmwe.-.n . For immankably giami Mclip OUi Pakmunlu etl W. A Beomzi BoIse boc, :cur e uaakut.-724ti LUt Jobs liti leva vle I ton hlm ishout BI-k Lrd, ie lsocullonalit th e Oeroa boue, »oar doand sudoyauevantage anet Dee. Mil&Mm -EV. P. J. aima eMhe emiin res Prom. M una d the ieurdy liclé Jeu'io diter are in lev for tle loUilmys. 'lorcitvu a MRu'Il lomef reu manu' Mml. -Mr. James Haou, auprilalmdentci.eîru lie u.mSe . P,Lh»iasreluruese .TarasSe mth is e mlyq Mr. lem am eobeezpmct- aileviei Ilster. Cspt. Roubet Llaleay.... Mi. Jobha Mt n l ut.wn asa iTM teIs Vu earni bo Im 1155 Mi. J. E. Dumime, M.P. ls ni luUp mith a patInn"sss e bam mamrevel dmrlLts pae doed aite pulie wmli oa mlle n fer is a rly sud couplets esbrlc -Mr. IL P. BiDogi las meelhe S LaiuS *1te Brac tLid ir-lons .-sa" binder ft o eemlug smes, Mdvwiicle mdb cd hW iaIth" su imilalla ane gau.mVid.a Vmikm. Tloaegeuiemea l ibc Riad le lave Eslanhmg prolasrs m thboll iSdeum tS mupie m liemacilss, viSaI mi *batae uew di,.t thseoompBmy's bomw- -Mr.aimu.aasreoeti a remideu d Tlmi-ais, and Mi. IL I. ButIsa, a terme ident MOpie, vaeela townutSe oall ier lýa ha elurmi frmSoulier. Maitoba oas @arlt vM. Thor ~evry eneeuraging Mud baou repot p osrct thSe oansi'. M.BuIsw yemg :mes, l ut leolasboislastSe Narllvee or uuxt jearu ami speake highlu'of tSe cit- -à&. A. IL Jemmll PaM" miuShomsr osa om t. e h salllit> aisennouasOtMwa>oe- ald oclol emlnalloa Er. jemouLe la mec- emurui teader sud doasaereloi othe Se oa *audlma bc lau lalun ...At She mmîe »MI- Iasicas Miss CaieIAmg ceM2ImuliMd' amiMn BaulIs Lynel, aiaea9i Loseoamup Ma mleret D.Ii«M14obla»alm"i iS bhome.Tbam eaoulails nt eus -A Paterbore ppor me:thous Mr. B. I& VEs- kerset Llauey asmIn os the speosr a publIiirve s -eiu vua 1ai mcl. NM.W§-kmS of ldaamiii pigne -A mable desalolmodM a sTrama amées th"aIutahI e owvel-iuoma imos»@alb I Scu V& ommu CmSe'O et assi bordinumm- V]Mnm hismmt 1«halotdatiavmg uobanr immi 17 à limai%.t 0à cd Ud« l et to1agusoe a SI ma fomlu a S ee eot dSveA A -iu *ma rml m eMea ueulal i. ~ ~ ~ ~~o nI oimn~ em . Eoa eray --mW viairau on MvuàWut. H lses ami - Va. KThecou odanih. Ncrmmau'b.ei@wOMM wSe leuk OLThUo mi e m e ilalu Inyumu os V 116 Mr.eu. auar' a Aai v5 -ud inidis ami t . la cear teouu IL Sedza amiltr .lanid mmu sK Cl allies Meuu bàfl o.c ha 7ecmi m sism moliua. -A m ma nd Re am"ne ' ima mwlate %» of h m i lsm ai o vuet.m hMdsý CLI FUR-ý .._KSI. SBAWLS D CIROULARS. i's a hard lma to say which wiil make the nicest Cbristmas proelset for lady-a Cloak or a Shawl. We've enough orts of either suit sxiybody's fancy or anybody's pooket. Our Clok co on is made up of the most desir- able garments frorn Frai' Gerrnany and our own country. Our SHAWLS corne fro ilmost every col-ner of the world. Pces of COATS begin at 00; Winter SHAWLS at $1.00. The CLOAKS are in ail se, able mnaterials, such as Cloths, Seal Pluili, Seal. Cloth, ]Be Seal, &o., &c. The latter are royal garments and mû.e r Christmas Presents. Fits are perfect aud makes the vel best. Sha.wla are of every kind-warma Blankets, Long ,othe Shawls, Himalayan, Zephyrs, Cashmeres, &o., &c. ~n there's GO>SS&MERS* Nobody ouglit to forget about thém; ana surely everybody vil feel grateful for such a present # they haven't one, or if the one they have isn't new. Let ut throw a mantie arouni our friends at Christmas time and keep the fogs and miste and peuetrating frosts firom ohilling tl»m at this festive sea- son. Pricts begin at $1..25~ and run up to $12.00 for the su- perflue. And the Children. These ougkt to be the happiest days of the year for them. Their Cloaks and Suits are al ready; innumerable styles. Bargains in nice Cloîli Coats at $3.00._____ __ Ladies Cloth Manties reducedl 30 per cent. Miflinery reducedl 50 per cent. Carpets reduced 25 per cent Beady-Made Orercoats at cost. Ready-Made Suite at cost. AU Wool Grey Flannels for 19, 20 and 25c. a yard. Scarlet ail Wool Flannel 12.1, 15, 20 and 23c. a yard. Canton Flannels 7, 8, 10 and 12c. a yard. Black Dress Silks, 20 inches wide for 40c. a yard. BIaok Dress Silks, 22 inches wide for 50c. a yard. Colored Dress Siiks, from 30c. to' 75c. Mi goods throughout the store marked right down to gravelly bottom, Sesae V iel"la Wahr. eu 5etle aI HGetovHx's-7lL Iq HO1oTa4&ueS drlzg stome-?.' ft»";Zùm . 1 se le 5t" B"ies l u t a. lualleus fer trustafe gr the sepate ilTHE POST viiib. sent to new subecebers W eUolM ii lbe «oS WWLD..I Der 3» 1 1 »dtnduexl ycar for one dollr emuh. Semà &. fu thelsmoityard.the lova11bail' Southtaru»Ms Wmii, I.oeumW@s euls ba. eust wmi, 1Noir fer tue Douai. .11 111154- .. . ure aaoimisI s apofl le nu- The demmal for Our ail-WoolIsAmnele ai 12,c. euai 1 vl bell d m oduednedsy, M Janu- par yard sud upwarde, and noitaxicy tocr mryt Seplacs ai metts. iannol at 211c., merCI SO., mill ontinue toi b. UMIr. SeUseslasl5. pulduto Mlers. CIpTi.lakea.dine. ML Ge. Eifor, lb reamaulEngial ce- mentes. uuhllnery sd l Ofamee 111111&i Mr. a ltrbe is * canhek gtorrespondingir reduoed priton. eudch h bo enNd--dwth auPies 72-i. Dt7s<nÂe & PLavr.LL& Bitos. of She ULluaourllm club-to give twoe catir."0 - hol suenu a Ouday Md TuoedY evenings cet Serl Oe O. un we L Dmmer 2.11 and1 * lM sin Subjoined le a liai of candidatesmha Pasoit tIre thleu'ovloll spualverT hIuhly he 1.lat.model uchool examination at »rac*- Xr."elrtdudlis etortadi-mb5, and Our brldg:-Mark KZar Mlle* Macaulay. Fraak mltlesalouii Maka Ih a point toi attend. Tiel- Nueon. Qilbcut Scat. Alice Birmingham, Al- au os le baà kmou m e club aan t tbensa Barber. Kate Calder. .Edith Collineon. Poetis boostase EnmUy Domier. Rosa Lovatt Victoria NeFs.- N.EssV lad. ane, Isabella Mitchell, Sarah PhUÂPe. Maggie Subf&mi sala f thoattunaltise modelSufiAaemal. shOil barsWvo piese Se lrd aimesprofeeslo- j Nyai Arcasu. ai aio:tAt h. lust meetine af Lindsay councu ROyal J= ocrma, Aunl. Arcmnum on Tueday evenîng tle followinqr PalCann, MartIs, Offloeirli ere elected: S. A. McMurtry, Reueul. j E nnheils Sharm .Nouti.reiaected; P. S. Martin. Vice-Regent. re-eleet- HmaU~ Carllte,~I~srta. ran, Paat Re cnt, re-elected: T. F. Brsdbura, Lc~~iama. Tri=M srt trsurr reected; à. Y. D. XMacUsuhen. ss LeMri. itMai uls ZnaA. rotary; L. Mauire, tcoU.; T. W Wiersha*- Mome.MàlIa, Ksx V a, ,len- Johhn Mîillan. guide; 1P. G. Pikie. wa,.- Mor & d, aes a mdeln: D. esntry. The couneid shows a Nleek'WOeL 161006. Xo' VL grahfring Incie .lu new mem bership. Cookeoom. ________________ Mr. Le m dlte iUvllsame te bueomturaî.GereCvraRpr. e upomSteiemalet thor laoie. As I have bsen aiatind throuïlh Opà a" oeyes ~remily for the vaut month 1 never saw Che fali cmmrmmou&imwhat 1.0k l.4ter for maay 705i8 snd there .mDlu ervice wmii l 111to-doy (Christ- someu o be more than douible sowed thie sais s» aiS NtbedEih*Mt curcittrOu 00te 11.10il»sou. I Chlnk Chu faruiers wii have to go back»t am . W. Mr. PMMaruos mli oducise thCe aid wa ef farming, Chat le sumanerfalemw anA <hely hiand risCevery turyearp. and hilel wmliie o a charactur lis keepln withl~ ii have mors Chon a double crop. 1 Se lau. dm% huai many complaints about crope. only -'lIhe uuzsl Casusrvioewth sarmnsapring whest. if cor iland owners lniend se Mil hmlila n gt-P&ale bora 'k. 1Hay cou - t uehtir ow iand sud CMllh1AVt wufl corn uoscuy le &ana&smoatiff l h" se uMmis-.J. i.j jel of the ULius club i'55 Ub. t.1B17 P01D05 l ui apS! 58u th" &5 ppolatul umpirs et ths match sliOid unIs musrd ai io<laly mumg lle v& ,- o4 for Chu CaliLDI& amudaLMr. Ketil. kms.11 ogam s'l. m ii name Chu date sud DISeS of thematch. Hmfw pilUlm!Z~i~fg f S tretu am mU lLindu' suis tuse oouteutSSW Oruj mibuetem. clveS as ands. oulfam haieve 50o5mfetsi f aey menS le. Tusagemshls lsas S prposdast. Pmtuboro m themle ns meuter rnul neffr U~ ~OU~ milericus ssal Seteo nlis l lInas ldil le aPbterbo «cl. ami vila viset II ami r. aile lm ~Seai~ Ilb ropsaile-Ih -,& mgeetIngmas ld at thes nul ms ru as~SM tSmai' te mas nm lu' Se0naIt otluat meek Io cousidc er mFýdvIehlltT Blair d-bSeulus- plp.. em " a aef Mbrflgf»1J17BDUW thl- aule W& atM Se Doitmai arahm t"e u th e auspi:e it" Mclb. liralm i le la sreNà. WBuli gvfl 8%,@uu ta lau& Use mouluM mls Whu pomad fomlI mtevousMd=hmb bau diu u ue &Wcudo Iarelai ou Clii DRAPERS & CLII ava dm ÀMO. ý ý- . - 1 1 . - -- - ---- 1 1 1 1