Kair REn.eie 8dOum "den si plle romd Mebd £"&,o Maaluuswa. TcM» MMlinwhl< 2s & aeSplabda'cmplo. "»rliUM 0 cok'r to f ao heir, and visorous hoatb Io à seip, aro iiameral.. Obi poople lio ilt ôr Iha vondorful poM b rmtte n tbtir wlîtfýing look$ thoir ci[" rebr anit bauty. Ml4dlo.ap wpi. MIs ieciamtt, it pr(,vpnto tbom front gttàibeld .keppq tl<iriîUf way, and inaho lm ha gre)w tlîik andi strou&, YOUng la" as lAbo *58a dreswilng i4eaào Igives the harea bou tifii l".s-Y lumttil. And etablea hem to du BUCKINOHAM's qDVI roi TmS wagem 3lan . ne 09ocf b. m m potntp ô»n pp far 1t.siel :rticles for entlemen'. use.- wbo the 18aj l gray or situw.liy of an m&idi Solt yilîI lîgggts. __Anderson McNgn. UYVOUR <FURNITUR~ ~ - AT- IIN& ~L'GENT't, KC'KTdT., IIRHe;SAY. [i *t y i"îî,~Y, NOV.LOs 1,lit'. M'o N ASN i) i I EI . 'Ci ' i t i I 'ItAt 'tOrt t. .Atttitrtii.. S;u,:' *.'t/wi'tautoés with L-'e t! i. ~"iiri 1 . i Iit a43'd, If he f"*t iS i l t orr th îr 'r I tit'la flWttl i ' 'h f six gtu r. jtarnes rot,- io P luti (g 'tx i'0 r t ' . r, t i - ' ' i i ' i11;1' . On qliu- '~~~ ho.îîz, ~ . . . j ru tîn i(. n if '1c( i ~n the IS. i. Xu 0I t- - t't ' i 'i ii - .it ttt e in '-ii 'a "i.t ttt. luti'. t ti cuI - ' . tu-t f Wtt ttter s tt an Vemn I a o iut ' the ujoit off ofrtit b'at ir o t i " a ' t açu of , ht &»m mghtap .' o "utmrtheud "Il id o 't. *q :=.ltt' Md t -f s i j tttril la SbJjOWNu __bave b" ezpum i.1 i vu n qMy me alhe mi vu pi aua muid* 661N te - YWi tbo.eW ma a.juy, bovl pu" urMeya atoni, SMd tii. blbsêgmu et., hi.. Va uun CoazIaj ut o!ffig Tir#& , potmitOe np a m ida M&oo la tmOudneoudIUm t- uhtài.bma lam (t.phyiIn»4 y~ ui «dm ., i s.am .thema W guS 01out 4b Mr alo, doctor, 5Mr lime, 1 vui7wythe'4 n* r.The.anjm 1 sithat g.Ir bu stp .da. syvi. w8h. mys mwbuau Moai ine olr-quartea I»à pour dni ru or luoin violt Py ?oam,, à ~ansusdouand thu4 31 vagsurely bh.l T1h u1r . mur-I dua=nC. WOi. collII0uI l te dnqing v Tii. mogag, b" hstmukod eh.tu dome not iu m>sa a drngv Lov, u'fo ti. tok u'gaI breakfastte, ad if y Mdgan happes tu de (or the baan n v au, w ti.duuaam'b hli llemu =WIlWO15h bitafiri udnautih.dmo theapdi" . hbauhdtsecoin le m e ud wiltia'W. ii ,18 the. Jane an, dore af&W ocym ut th, wMindedgo.& !va wauh.n propu a- houa., &U complsinod o' f.sln' kinder out mau led w iaJk-.titan or gEm u tfredk 1 shouldnt lb. surprud It ber Fe siafTM=e 1m n b od as ut of eider. Iguis. .3w qualisy ol hay, Mdd mve the. bustfort ty ooda oascf i.loine.,lut. Tieoin ocollny in foeding c Crutebay and amtoi 1 houées, "ociIy C l" tyV. Xbld[JZ*55 Etci thou ryul on i oer. W. transtertuOuouColuràaie esub- 0 joined Paragaph from tb. Ontario Liv. - lty à .e, aStock Journal, and commueA i t t the z .W m proper wiesxi attention of fermera gnsraîîy. Ther goesu area more nearly seif-ulea * are soinsefermersand i bfaslMon Wo hss sny othor kiîîd of poultry, smd à beat thefr stock witi poilve cruelty, lo e pvPOrt!ona.telY more profitable. bo "y roughneuas, who kick, avoar et FOR TRI H1AWK.-Â1pionas cf brii and beat tih. poer dumb brutes, sud ,J.titn hung in the open air near th. pot ougrit ta be put "lu he stocks" for Chir tiy yard, ill reflect the suim'a raya, ai ~ hd cndut. uimay aa rm lteie ir mistrutal bai hoAdprrîineeî Ourcotemporary my:- Shaping thti iliii.eatube incrasai "A rritin nt tnckmaiî of Ontario onco effeot. tol n tht durinir hisoexperience in caI- tle raising ho was fevorod viti what * aoCiriccaN reoLuRA.-Por chichen dm rarq to, find and mo difficizit 10 obtan-a ers Ihr ia notbing botter thas carbol a feeder who vag uniforrnly k ind and acid, eite dracb.m vfth tvo gallons l sinirilorly patient with the atob plaoed wat.,. Lot the. fowlLu have free accens under hi& charge. This cite w8a aucceed- it an a drillk, and mmix il with theit fou nid by a feeder equa.lip faithîil ïin th. P."- once a day. formano. cf hua uork, but barah, and rouujh iluhi. tretvmeîrîof lhe c W, e »14BT FATT1rNîNA FOOI.-(Oe al nec 'ilacarceiY add that while ini charge of quiculy fattexîed wben put i coupe b the formor the whole hord came alolu fteodin!z them four limes a day upon nicely, whiinitider the cars of the latter mixtureofn boiled potatoeu, vheet middl th. restitilivers tint îîoezly goaa&tiafaotery, i~,adcrma, osoe ii3 thoui,,,I the quanîty cf food cotîaumod nggadcmuamitndwt i 11i quitoe qu;î1 tiithat lea ini the tir@ nt mIa ft peste. Thre. veeks' 1Iàédin instance~. k fiflows, therefore, theit a&IwI make themn as fat as they cen b ovt nlttnipered man ie mi ro profitable t I. heaitlîfully. Tirkeya antd fowis amy b, Ii empipoer s herdarnuil than on. euî1 fatteiitd in the saine wap. Wateri .y gond lit othor ri>sptlcts* but lackiîîg lut giveul tic@ a dey, and it in bust tu qii - i reuat eseittial, anàd liaIat àqtick- Aightly warmed. tt'npen.'d ian i. unfit tu ates&a'bhrd in FOUI) FOR Etu>oS.--The fUlloving footi hauîd ountil hahas iraI leained tu Roveri ctîn'aiî al the eloments liat extaI ii tuîmnmtlf. The feedorn who in unàfutrttlv kirid huta alarn a iiever f-aîlin:uc source of 11998- Oetp, wheat, barnap, corn, bru li*t(fCltotini hi. wurk which the olh.ît:u.t-ed, hempsend, rapeeed, orusbed fiea pwut> cattiit have. The. day je already hounes, mustard seed, green cabbage and lîtutOw Mhetu there in a greel demrand fi" lover, and a reoisoneble mixture cf al Ali ah! iernàe'uin, and it ahtitld ho re î'tbrdtl:rt ho who in ?îiumh il , i, 0te varied, more or leas, viîh the aid ways it th tho' stock wili nover it!l th.- îf crnahed limeatone and gyppum, vould 1>111."ilf'-d t-Ti y elemnt called for lu product Itc nî.I tutyield of egge. A large quan. BeaonaieHI,2ts for.-'W&M Work. riî,y of brukat» fîeh bonea in one of the II'!,et important aide, awl vwith wheal, t-r l>tYI<.l'IFITI3E.....helit îarey, broketu inaeed oil cake and mus- n "~r.a~uîîdàofn apples thii pear. tard aeed, anîd pientp of green vegetablee D>ry thrtuîî, 'athe.r thstn soul thera fur a a~nd water, will provide everpthi..g Ibm '.A rlîuîd uvaporatti willsoon ht.-le reoquir4-d. plu -fnfr fr.ni the preIcellda. Ma~ke VAi.r ore FowL RAi.4ix.-Fowla can "lu'uuî-nlade" ctrian d gel the whgle h kept cheper on the farim theanyn titi Iîtouos!, , :iiv~ the dryiuig tir wluerc e iya a writer, for the reaaoî hî;ar-Dt pil-s a business (1"1C(4, that they can and do constiue a great II *Si.t'ii thure la flot a pr.t in ut t. d:1 fou la otd tir3egoi 1 rielWim1-til -aherd wth uchlabrwuato or be conaumed tuloin advantayll mutlu a '-iru auhredwih mucilabrhy the pigs, iAnt T ho!d that when fowl, tuf ' t t ut':'antrv ilclusuitlta b î imtu thuit which molith tzrvié he t' iticlu i sug frorn '"heating," Pr hrnt, uthe value (1) tiof such'fuod shouit 'r-a ratst or nice. Elave ufntd vtenll-i.. nîî h reck(,îîed inithe cost of keeping tii ll.tvu .pr-etecitinbroionda-ni..eo .r.ftht' puultrytrai.st'r.4 dithet I iiu. bw lt i4-t hut hon mit h titor ,tu'îaferuiIertf .gnu>d iudm li' t a e los' il, iÏ ' l ttel ni uaico can--t,'ho r'xclutl,,d i Ctl c4a-,ui " aay.4 that th e u 1.41 03rut Poj.i tu or y<ct, nîi4rket potir muIr the fo- coristinied by his lî.ck (if aevtn,%ý Il.utIw, 5lifituuee a littie lent; ptr bushoi turve bina han tint for lte st ftur jeanr luitý 'rry it ovor wulureu*, Suîhi.-ctiic di... o:-cpeIed abSearly average cf fiftp centu ruhy rata, luilc, «r1othe, tampnt. e r oad. i.. s ~80-W GoODS'Iî tfTlUM.-WatCh peut I' rî~~ ~'~ lo 1. -Fludi 1heraly pîutand lhe.tiret time onouels a hen lu -ral fc-l î'au'.'- îîu~aroui or rufuaing tu eaî, or ont P .lr'utuertvc thea uretite. A ti. it.h fal ht-s rumpled uip or cotnb1)(k * . til t. .teîuî frt r îu )A r e an' îg ditik bUne et the end, pick her up antd j I rt o u rbtiolfii; btt'riTlu. :.kfor buiga. Von i mlilird hem. . ~ ~~ ~ '~'~';., ht-r we!I (a 1h.tn oinrtertt m--di IA :ît,,~ ii and siçîher) uler the, win.r-. .1,1 ltESLO~u f t i--r the vbn,.arId on re head. Peu r' r rîî i'. t;) i n if ur y ta Xalrtutl'J tue 1'oîafIt f n t tu' ll.I tri t o t î uhià. huîc<, hy ~k-4thoe an ud 1îiik .'iItII f j-. fu dt m;il, 1h ' II.rî '1w îtd,-r aide wht'rever the nia et, a: u h.'t', itil ' a îniig ou mi e~ aîîk t f("aui t,.t a"d tr~ Inillti4tieresolirc.s. it ktilite tt. . fw freS ko hat. is heet, "fr for the- enKiutîu. Ye;r aîtmetinsna u. qîaluct t, T() fInl'strate. A nc.ughor pînted, ai fin 'Y . ri! i", i . ~r u . Iîiu. ui h t- ile('t, a 31nutall lt f griiuiitut o "* * *r) ijt(Wjrrt ti iiui,an"!i,! "th£-n ýy :.rq'j ir,,tr" iT tuU0fI om -t rapidty riîtrng sunr " .~ t ;~û it'. ~ ~ ~ u î t -~î ":î*"- o ir ectiorna tif the coiunutry; riii- t111 'lni, %0 * .* . :, l i r-t tpers by higit author!iîs ia I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , 1" ..ttap ~ t. v, I'.tc ay B',îîh plis wero nttred alikte for it e v ry' ou.v wIed-ilusaruiîworthy pclîtla u.l r:tc-' p, cr'-r'n nr.r itep ailfor tlle an lerterttntind h ( i-,trtrîvefamlyjonrnal, euitn- cr 'P.e "rt"" " w;' fatrrti.ia îî ii,: 1',vh' g. wthofrtraw, but theo yieid of " l . i.tt, .th fuin the' C'nImm".t ýial" .îae f C-I4t.e 4.PEiPRO IA S f', t. tc'?eanditheiow varit.ty at the pe les r r. -c oif 1();. (ood ueted, of the i.t- AIPWUWEK v r"'-î e, 1'- What tevery farmer thdu<rlc MRI'ER ............................ e etiv fr ndobai. dàtiERBMAGAZINE-..........0E a~tiC fo su obtin.IIARPRR'5 BAZAR,..... ... .......ou CAIZor MACIEI y.-NOW la tihe HARPzw' YOUNGPI9L..200.... tjrtîr', if no,. airea y dune, ho storu away l li'EfP P,%NjiLlýN 8.tUAtr; LELiRAr, One Yr (52 àinnbern)............... 10 the fanni olo for the viriter. The vocd- POstfaG1e FPec ta ail aub&-Pi b@M ithe MOÏMte work oftfh,,imnoî1t ern r, hou!d have a st t iegor cad.. Ttie voiuimes of the WàcsurLy begla witit the U6M coaI o-f prvnt, a ici the iron -work tahould Numsher fur January of eu.h year. Whon »olime le aimo e b.cr uyC!eanecl and ouled. wsm erutuond. h ari at nuoi nitieout a«bo» Moyens ana reapers noed suc, cars eape- rocept of ordar. -iumo s Saas Ikudvolumes UofiIa?.iRn's Wunrvfer lire claLiy. W.1 kne a farnasi Who nover yeanm bock, lan aM lollu bading, *Ilil le matt could ksu.p ae m eov r ,c lvor tiras >p mail le or Linr r « À4 ou etmpaMo y.oab@lo» il vea &Uto pWeusand unitIProVld te dama Mo«sMssiouermsu to nu. lie ob no srsM 5dr@fug I & ehtmll§ a& the vintr; and mfis Rot fion on thsviewboot jimilP. i, n sm ips-a A n.ghboi bMd ame ia th" MM Ou, r t. sMMIimaa b. mctmletoy oefw obfatlm yens; but rm m Ib O# SM. .M a vws bvought ttO e bain evuwaibi 4ma nde) lie m the j * &MWVHamma 60i hSylg o..vis 1vu tawm qidm w, ruar, oe Purnar, WOVEM»xu m~ lau. THE PEERLESS. BELL OROAN, umew Ot i POGUE'S, LITTLE BRITAIN, At the Lowest City Prices. GIRZY AN» -WHECMB3LÂNKET lanEndeclothing iD Great Variety. o"W" To Min l the Stock, Rope and Chain laiton, cheap. CARRIAGE AND WAGGON WORKS -FIRS2' PRIZR AT LINDSAY CENTRAL FIR. The wnmrk put on exhibitlon by me was flot gaI upespeciafly for hat pua ose ut was ta ken from the.-gh'îW;room. anti the clatsà of work kept on han tat ean d efat cf h taking liaIprseawy rot,;woricgel p a, grat epenefo oiihition prpoe hw nobe Ier arirtà,Of buvwork ove r loh rmnienfactuorur r cf ,Mlxvh1rlea shown t the Exhlbtlon r have mord four and recelved erders for fIve more to ha boult on the lame principle. 1 arndetermlned ta keepmîn reputar iorà unanftiwith tiiis .,u»d linvlewlIarnusing the bast mats. rial titinoneY cen buy.- The timber in nyvarnished work was admired by ail wlio visited lte Eixhibition. 1 une theo Stadrt & Wbei.aad growth Hickcory Gear; and for my lnd-'Apring r Bggies 1 arinualng the cibae Wrougit-Iron Drop Circlo, the grev.test iniprovement of the a«e. 1 i ani nnuking, a gpeciaity of the DIlcLaughilà Gearu. There la no patent gear matie as goud as thi s uu tur nettnegi. andi durahility, andt as 31r. MceLaughlin has made nmre Improveremnta at my suiggeation. ali parties wvanting a buggy flnfshed on ihnia beau. riful ~au cao get one friru me iiisthed to perfection. 1 aun using MoLanghuna lubbers mbld israe Waaberv. which are gîîaranteud to run 5,010 iniluë withaut making the least noise, maling a perfectiy noieudvss Buggy. 1 have now In caumwo cf construction a varlety of the most hezi±umful and serviceable CU?. TUZ5 MdI BLESOWuever boult nthis country, MIl parii-.q linneed of oeeshould oeil anti examine the timber 1 aun uslng. The best la lte chcapest. Givoî me a call before you purchase 1 ina y.ho ept27 Llndsav. Sent tlth 1AR&-~t R. KYLIE, - P 10 to the Oum t1 8 . o d o mar and m on y t -voRSALE CBEIAP..-.Lot No. 6.9, A: Front Range. townablP Of Sornervife, 96 fmA good twte. Apoli te am WHAT. MOUGH, U17 Church*s., Taoato. Oct. 9_7, 1M8. USIC-Leonsgivea in vocai receu Ifrm oton, IMa. . rivae.lessons gim~n temarred adleu,' and evenlng classes for tose whl ana attend during tho day. For further lufora tione utly et horesidence cf Mi. JAESLE-.IKANl, corner Kent,'& AIbot.aa., inda -,OUOcýt21. 18&-63. Thorugubre<i antd Grade Jerseys. G. LAIM LA . The Fort., Victoria Road. June 16, MS~. BERKH~EBOAR FOR SERVICE. The ubeciberhas or srvic, on nonrti halt lot23l, con. 13. Brock, hie imported Rerkajuine Boar. 8lit~ FRANCIS, hred froni the celebruted stock ut J. G. Sniell & Bnci.. Terme, St.GO. ta lie Vaid at tinte of 80:-vice. S. &U118, Brock. Oct. 1 85-14 NOTICE. TO FARMERS AND. HURSEMEN! I ba-ve opencti A BLAOK%ÇVhTH SHOP en the corner of M !: t* '-,!P. t 17-tî, Iu~a- OpPoastetlieqatlvtaîo,, :r'uiy !t rt-a(ck-, wrr' amn pr':,,rrne odo EURiSESHGEit-O .Aâû~E~L*~B witi neatness and despateit. In Horscshoeing satisfaction guaranteed cvery lime., Lindsay, ov. 5, S.-i-3 T II LVERPOrL AND LO-ND(ÛjN '"bc Largeat Tira irrunrance Cemnpany la the Worid. Capital ........ Aceculuatf'il Fnrd......... . Ot flau niptriuîî iwa ny otet're- Ppetabe ouipar -'Vie att- - "'Y 0flosses p romptudttea.T icraco urcs ' 0~ p- 'i t I. o tpy a i t 'rI.tz tti«.rd r 11lec 9ncuit ngix 6d8i~ 16IT nrr!UItTEENT. Asgîurtnc'e <f-r 1wjni' 'ora%%thmv.r'-pr-o miuraerate-. of Vtîr tpr lIts iv. n i nolicy holderd. For partictulars or natt-a alipI te F. C. l'à k LOIR, Mgent for Undslituy and Ce. Victoria. - ~ Laam -ahm "ln.ig-u IN THRSIIRSAND NIILLMEN Fer Tour Maoiaery tu lhe Cold Wealler. Us*e lMcCOloLL'8 Clebratei WIN T ER L ARD IX Gurated ottoetffn p ucm wahe o um r omTe e U a.h Gur anedutato mea n lola usather Ior . C. ono, andfoesle 01 u ved.Eauf.taa simaa y COLL DE. C., Troan. oTaies. TH08. N&.FC~o..Lnday. TLEXTN T& Co., Li day Sept. 26. oLENNÂN & Co., 6 Saut. ~A HiginbEDW aDm C. )LI) EÈ'GLISHCONDITION POWDER. Recounmended bi Joseph tItôple@. Man. vr-; Oea. Wherry Manvers; Tir. Flaher, t.indiray; IIeppy Jackc, u>indaay. ?ESTID Itecommeadeti by WmBraden, intise>; Win. flandeocir. Mar- A~u!D ~,.ca..u - .FTER. .it T ilrAIN«F. biSâ IT WON'T iz;RT A=y Zf( Ge:ine. EItLabie. 01 Enlb Conditlon Pevder. No farmor cnafford la le Wl:bont iS. Prico Lie. à for 61.oo A. IIIOINflOTH.A jr, Dr:tg.iàst., Linds8ay. h f t-ut iti JOHN XJIS Iran Fo--uixder *id i$ïaohinist, MANÇUFACTURE£,%0O Ntev.ern E-as gbwa 'nd .8teanPirnpat. Have a large assorluu.nit of General Patie-Do for the ashove lescription cf varks. ijndîusv.IN An . 7r. Rt2...g C?>T C2129M.0COLD RZ"i¶clDYO For Couq.i ofll, Hoaiî8etne#s, 4sthema, Drontcitis., Influenzt4îa Wlhoopfu.q Coîfqh, Difflucieli BreatinfEU. andi ait fIhî'o(t andi Luny, est y'rr D=9qgîaî f3ui t, 8.14 by au ra tut Mai medicine deatie.1 & PEIJ21z4 1 OLR a>ROPRîE'rnpi cLenan&CGo. FR.ESH, MINED OAL STOVE9 NUT AN» EGG, DyELIVERzD AT* LOE*ST P RICESI 0&&ENA& &OPN WNITE PINE BALSAMI C a TIl t (R E i'- - CYM ED 1FOR c u i ,C ro a r. . ro î± a : C n ' , £ . iluszez A. EX 51 J £,1RHTS, p,;ýIETilVE AU COLLETIRC A.SAOClIUILNecF AD fis an associzlrion otr nît.rcittnts anti bujn. - fmeii, orýaniuoatl for the bu.'tt'r rot,,-ticn uCi 1 mm~bcrs in gir-ing <redit. AUl partics ili-t h.iu b.ten 11otiled b>- iza mcenibers 1t a> puy pnndhav-e flot donc so, arc notitied that unlei.4tiier' do soaI once. their naiues ill bu .eibn,ts.i.s lOur illt'aniLbhIe mile. Thisla fildunertaprutect orur uncathers ,z' i -11 ailprtf- !'l.tIo ntot pa>- rhc'r dcoti.. a pu pif yen wt. htoketxp yot:r narie out 'if pirili't and scare1-e 'r:'rtlT5tc h5'j tCi' Iîrti4 h!it omi r,' -.'aI ' <t IN Uv . ZI*IGIILItY. whu wilt piese pa>- ut Mr. NViI- liuguson'. Huinebs tuaup., J13!DWMtLL MILLU & Co., Oct. 14, ~- 2 PIANOS, guertiuîeerd superlor to any conhers mado lin C'ana"a and taquai t ta n-ie inithe world. Hare rt.i't.t PL Li', r-t ' wî t.ô uî'irhiî Ie Lbo t-n yPaýrs. Fins'-pr h -' rht nf'î -tra! Fei-! tion. l indsay, 1ti.1r'ti 'ofut lcitr, 1ie!giulm. Thre ' TTF!. rmid 'n t1tIt'~<~i~i its perfect Atîtonîneiati oîtîtîn Wu itî.-,"e 'inirg 0fai. Seinc %Ltelire." LLa±attia %V111 @0i auy maire of _O:'ar .xnl Pf.tco:ai Siawiog aC-liDeg ft jrites îLft 1 t.. 'it pttton. 8pe1.1 Reductittas tu cliuca". nain- literfàt-nd aac 'tisg. pW. W. LGN Generai Agent, LIidzay. Liadiaa, Sept. 29, iSS3. -W.O A VALUIFJE FA"if M -HEjN TuE-i 1 have recelr.-d tns;rucîlcrs *,0 cf7f't' for a '-111. I b>- P>UBLIC AUCTIONha AT TIZBE!SoN ItTt !'qE X SATVSDAY, the Twelfthi de~y of i-'- 'r December,18 , :. et îwo o'ciock in thet sdtennoon, tire fto.ig1.. valuable properiy, v'lz: .v Thé South.IEaqt Qiartuti cd!1,01 c3in 11e steone Colpresmion t , re e1. -i. LICion la the Coa.-uv t Vcouît i0"1îIr~ whàut hIas been ierenaforeo.d îhetx.;uî 1;eitara,. t18 ai. wey urpoes. 1i. Thi property -1isail cI,'ared ' ti % utry coit- ' venlenîly aituateti, beiag i!hin ùc iruastir of a i Mile Of Lornevmle Junculour on tio Meirilad i a (railway, where thtreut àéàgiroti îttoil, aita uà. t iin Iwo miles of mie Ylllai;e cf %Woud-rill ic, ii a: bath of wblotu places Cthers le a ~ edmanitet mont. for aàil kiada ci farim produce. The ar i à % et -oft'1. tsacod and lhe soi a a goosi Clay 104M. Cra.' Tm pr emi thlie purchase moeer downaet In l.tt île ~ ~ " tIa fai udthe balane In due mouth NYjUtb> 'f, terfh e f ut intereai. Thare wull ho a Fuuh' 2%rthurpsrilcul s » CI ondIition -cf m "locan r o ?os . i i 15 ai . m plieto. a E YDS ET & JACK- 'U t G t ;LIVI 80*~~ GEORE McUGRM Miscellane s 111ENLTION Tt.' OT--aî LVrrd nu adVert fsementsîn Ibis paprr and anzwering tht'm. or ml, iluit purphase, li -on- fer a favor by mentioninte Tum Po&Tr., -OR SALE.-HOUSE AND LOT Nov. 11, 1&à5.- t66-4.d7 Fo ORsALE0ONL-Y F171HeIRSEnAND CAMlE. Tis po'vttr jr hiilhît recommended for pro- ducng u izu ue:!t shi.cnd ritiginrg hanse, anti cttu :o ht ::r:j 'alr.oo'1O itioii. Il cte by coni îlttti r -e ai., important requisites:- Pur!fv-.Zg the Blood. . xgthe Appetite. pc'-Vatilijg i16 Digestion, Cons-q"t"v.Ijr!!': te greatest possible benei t fr. - L o.z *t."* r ffood ii lte short. -10r,. -GCAGr. 7i.l t :r rS.f.rw lage )LIc"ry " 'trro ci-i. ' ' ~ ci. !a îr a I 'A. fith-.t ' i' rzo;" te l lecl Ili ' .' j ' . î t ' L(i iJîtu l . 'tir,' , a' « r-ý . ' --i-'; f or il u:Iîi.2 i t IIp*'t.dr îi A..: 1 ti'!0î r. ,.-r x;'i îyrtî1.;. u cf Vfpet . :m ' Rr p - . J.) ' V X c(j,[LLIVRÂY, liiiii.I h;a'No'-ni D BL.vs. DOBLE. .rt" '-,!,,,n t in -.: cm , ' i îw l. Cuitit. :,L -ON - î 'c' berg te f'r.nd h f.*:r : r!i % W st -' mil o, on do-. -o - .... . t.i t.o L, hi. ,h 5- ! o.'zon't i iOn' of' iIr u . I.- Th-r rtirn ,tz.i%'ot"i -.' t jral u 1 fuîtrt i. t'"r 71.- îlof ~"e Lar r i-' r t e 't'au ' i . .'. w : -- Ti'r,' t' o '.o!'hrrît for 4at ' :,tu tot AT 72 IDC 1-U-, 3E'3T'.L T=Z VXLL.%ZE in .,e f r i ýte olz.. ifl thL' ta.4 t..--. t-,i cf M..'- -- t". tbe cor',rt'.' id On' '~i VAl 'h 'J T N..-' ' r 7 t. t - i:~r v ' - . ' vu-'--'- :~' -. . -' . i'ut~., .- i-uer. "'.' ' ' e. i t' t". - 'i... - 'i "i','-- -i n - ' i " ""' iii 't <'t au. o. If t,' 'rit rlut. t --'.tilt. 1 hn hinry .--is and conditions :z t 4-i'. c'tECLMANt, Te- V~Y . l.io. Uxb-tdne. - i - i t' mai IR. X'Yl-jI-E il JJIL --Wl% tum la