Imm ý WM ALI no Mwm iW a% -ewl 4YOPIS ERmedieff. a « " Tt. manuelWb 11111118t thle busa. Thii me bu &hum" libemm. qutis m lm r tu WucS the SUavewbo etept.dta eç ltt kt ils je _d- Me oM mft b thàivr wumJoam ve DRtAMTIc.-Thprs te talk of b dramatie "Uiibboard, aud lMr. Lnton tonnd hlm. A iT E R S enfvertainment at Chleta., sMd the dra. agit the owneof a bnnm evw mn. lga Inetic 6am00ocitOn will 1protably beracegao, fow.juaS vber Mm.ailgb. commeIls cm Sarsap*arilla sdfehwu mo__ highy enSnrated xtrce ftPEOOPeR.-Th. OrilllaPsck.1187111- tommu tTePs lu a hlily e*nent hr bled extfnr is ~addition te the prgres of the oé f ACMOgÉT.-Â Uitte boy, the Bon fl a l, IM00 1 a nq oh.r lodpal4yig &gad Kt Cobocnk, mlice the Rev. W. G. Klunter, while playlug t chool *ho rfoteinblneit withl IdId etf otass. I l -.French sLook charge ct Ir, we lean oter day tell and broke bsarin. H.evas Blui ud ro, ad ~ t ~af~trnttrei.. thit b.peple subscrlbed 016 ta purchai,.te ten. ta Bobcaygson sMd ilitset. g. te ahi', and ninst e"»rip ~ ~ liIe for tbefr pastar, and 5hat the dotng yuiL coflregatlons there and lu Rosedale am*e PGEON LAKE BEitDOL-At thâ uma it- enn ie houp'd. it invrrialy (xj>rX4 aI blood ver lagoso lar,nde0fg5hocgurh Uaof the cougy conecîîàapetition wblch p'4iWnq fr.rn ll '1 Vl ý i .li .c)WO cannot holti th" ai;et li. W*. rejolce te lreM ilrely sit! w ll appear regard- t,lie IIAA!, lnd .'îratnrr'. s Vr; zIrg AW r hear of thesuccoeaotîheyoune mtslonary Ingthe uz eceisities at the Pigeon lake It n il l-!t n(,,, r,,ti(I fir 1cr)fdg Who 114 a son of the Boy. W. H. French of bridge. We trust It wiIl reeave the. ssir- an it S1h'- lo ki:nw I . r rofia Codwatr. zuM attention of the council, As the bridge and il Srofilc,,,. omîIa;,~, ryal.. ---e---le1.nov in a St dangei'ou atlate. *ela#, E4<zeîna, RlIngworits,,. Iotrheg,<LNNNGOZ owL BuYrYG.-Mr. J. C. Leai'y, wlth ftor.ém, iiIli,'i:ar r rnjîions A ICorrimnondonce of The PLI * hie nuai energy, le out buying fowvIlH. ÀP0811MUS INDURTRY. - 1eynolde mode a large s lpment from this place on. oft Uu.' kin, nft. : 4' 7r ait "-rs -ra nima Bros. plaininu miliiln !n ful biset this ses- the l2th tact. ot sevea-loade, !ey F4 tlîini ,111IEpo.rlh.Io'r cý,rrujWd, son. Titey mte %bout. maklag extension Wh" o en taken te Pèteaboro. As ho bas ci nd i tili (- n e 1obm!1, s -,i~l- 1 wthea,.-sztl.. - itii;irôveruentzi ln the mil. They have been Paid tha highest prie for towl ever given N~urîpi~ fl~e',w&îc <' :,.<::,oai plalnlnq et 1the rate of 00,000 test of lumber la thi.s ection, va wish hlm. Iuck la hïm nea vler day durlngrthe summer. enterpri'se. Debllity, and $Cerofi1ous Catarroi . EnTPzSP-MF. S. Samis bau purchae. SeHoO0L INUPuCTo..-Inspector Euight oeil a thorouxhbr.d Berkàqhire basle, fromu Pald aur Recool bis officiai viksit and temp Infini1atc Rhum~!~î C~cJ. Mr. R, P. Giloingy of eaborc. This animal ored hi. examination vith a few racUcai la br.d trom, dh. celebrated stock of Ma'.J. remaake. 'Av~'~' ~~î;ai~ I.r-' m Tif f G. Sr toit of Edmouton, andi414'. Sanis iiell O iI ON ttblmhiaisiniiif<,ry Ih nîta'.,iLlu flnd hie purchase s profitable one. OTROCUT WLcI i1.~ai lo4 r iî.m ixas.- .... 'WIR P. ML AT WrnITBT.-Mr. John D. W.I.WIK. Howd.nt- of Columbus bas beau appolnted fnla i ., Marrli 2, Is' 2. PIIR.qIYTERIÂN INDUCTION.-Ofl Tus. poetmaster At Whitby. It lm anti hg vili i'aI1'IW> wday week st .30 p.m.ý the interentîng ser- old the office un tiI ho gets hi& ln'.t money Di'J. Aer& o.LoeIIMas. vIces connected wlth the Induction of the bal3k, ha being onaet the suréties forth S I..ioyi ' r'î,imilts Cl. lx ?ttl. ZwgSS. Lrian churc'heit at Wick and Greebank hoPeTt y thTEVIN.-aPOlualerseat wera o onninced in Shlis place. Rhobmeoyti. M .vaubl unba Cockhurn acted as moderator of te ses- been etoien from B. Ro'oinmon'e bSr er tithp. J. 1ùgs. -siou and prenlded over the. prellmînaleâ A. percel ot underclouhing from J. W. very acc'eptably. Bov.. McLaren of Iaso.doorvay. A quantîy of bottled aie Cannlngton preached the Induction mer. Irom the.81;. Charles. Three pair etf iret- maoi; Rev. Mr'. McLaughlln of Leaskdsale clase ordea'ed boots from Faots ehop. AIl addî'eaaed the mlnister snd the Bey Dr I ft at. laammaftîon, a.bahrm, a bush.!of I MrTavlah of Lindsay tho co,,nregatlon. bread sud an overcoat clapped on b th let T r:ierc. was a good attendance, aind Itl i a tOmal hlm reaay tor' a shootlog expedi. La ( S 1)cp~riu CiI oped the union soausplcloualy bogunmay tioU-{[Standar.d. contnue.LTNx AT LAitGI.-On Monday morning # tS onine.ot lust veek Mr'. Gilliles of Utîca heard a - - -PRTRR~Ro.rather pecullar ecrdecblng, and on foilIow. A BÔUNC1140BAIlYx GlÎL.-On Tuesday Ing te sound tound a large lynx on a fance Jr ii mi' :~ ~* .- . for eveaî-,ing 'he wife of. a gentleman residing near te voodai. Re vent. home after hie paltrýilrre. w.1. ( tu.e'MY.taa 0 11. Stewart-et. pre8enîed ber lUrge lord gun, but could flot again mlt h. lynx. aIssort-ft t cil' with a daughter welgbing the unusual FinuD Pop. HALwOWu'N PRANJcs.-The WeIght cf 18.1l i. Poterboro lit thuit en boy'» who anuoyed and abuged Mr. Smith, H.&L~z~GOODtitldtato hcreit of producing the ni-ar Utica, on Ilailowc-'en, were arraluned H 16.G -fl hmpo ev egh natbfre M. G.Bobtion, J.P., lalit Saturday Inlu pt la .ec7 fic A_,60 GALAT DxED.Two lJa.esi oi Peter. Wek. They plimded guilty sud we're each Cnr ! To ,~. *. i. thro s8vî'd a. man'it lire the cother day by deil *1 and coaqtà. It belng cua'omairy te aal i(omtrou, I'aaicy ,.uct orna. dragg.g lm front off the railway tracit .reely fôrglve boys for a îittla aai.sclef on rw-t.-. n'r'-t ~where ho had t ain down lu a drunkaeu hailowe'eû, the magtmtraî e yiew,-d tbth mat. frontsud ac~.stuol. A train vas juit approaching taer lenientiy, but thoughit it ibeqt to deter fron and"o.& the fil:en herethe man was; lying, and bQym tframgolng Stu far, sud ianpoaeda&flne. ho wouid have been out lu plecen If it had It wilI b. a gnoël. bemu',a h La coty,. bacon <>~> *, . ,, not beeu for the galiant act of th. two foi'hes boys. -[dtanirit. L.1{ '" wornan. They dese,'ve a modal. PALmE RÈpopv.-A aitory hmi been,,qolng9 of lhn ,wu i. n.Iiiiiid itslcla aud lEN1TIRICLY. VREE I ROM SNIALL'1OX.-ThI. aoundtovuforeome tlme petit;tatothe etet I otb" ari""'-', es--,':ta :~ 'i. chlld thit waa iII wit.h an attackc of vario- that D. Batenian, V.S. of Grand Ibork&,Da. N. lu.'-i i - t r i :, : î lzîotbitlimhn.uc.w re.overed and Peterboro kota, hail bein accutked or belnw su Secam- pns-r; 1îii. 't f-!, l a :nd vi.'inity id et irly frte frein amal plice ln te murder of Mr. Wm. lMeKý-nzie prix. Dr. Joh, wha hart charge of the cf Buat Whitby, who wus reporteci killed l. aI(,GG.S', dG c,&i, fin to-day enrage&cd ln funigatlng by hie homee, "iceoiAl," bhili was Lini'n'.*~~, s--* bth uaniture ubied in the hotipital and knowvuto ba vicous. 15 wus everi stated ~~ ln preparing to vacata the building. On dtht Drtermn va undr een-rM-nca ---Monday the ifimates of te honita l wî et oterra I rteM.m b renioverl frout it, snd the beddlng and BtmaScuoirhesring the btory, lui- nianyother articles u4ed thera wi-lllho =dstlycornmunicated vîltîthebnpo«t. :ý7 ~~ ~ ~ ~~-- evidence ofhavlng h tedisemue, itlTh oownr;pyasbereee: LlNflS,£', FrRI[AY, NluV 2;. it~ carrnes aynrktThpomtcin GRANýD FoarKs, Dak., Nov. 3. 1885 =7of te heaith offitlalmansd the estlsfý%etnry T'nr Rat emjan. Eiiq., Port Permi. LOC L Ni S- TTEC8rtl>ultî orf theneali'uresi adopted te contine Replyng tuyours of Oct. 29, woulîi s'y that 1 e the discasa e te Initiai camse are mAtters have neyer heard of aI'ythlng in regard ta Dr. Vl<I'uti <'>I~'f'/",~for congratuaton.- [Revîaw. llateman heing conuected inany way with the fior-a'-,uîi,,.-o~'î~-î' -'HONfifl'Y.--A fow dayaeuae morne ceith. da fW 1 remember hearing to ~ ~ ~ ~ fn thei. êî ,; ~ ~ b country. rin earching te peck- stallon, but never heard it intinîatud I)r. Bate- ta 14, iii t mn oranycasIe wasuelu an way împlicated. .lai 041 o r id. . et(',heforît piacinq the garmexit intn theof)P.M ..... lolts bti.vat Of dye, Mr. Parker vas soinewhat sur. Too Mui Crirnx. An. Rapt Whiiby prison La llnd ho a hdpuiled Out four flve farmner gave bls hoge somtu baril cider slow I0~t K!-rfidol lar. billa. Tho owner of thes dry goode day* amgo snd they got as drunk sasmen II'lîs;lNla..s~' ;h w:téMat once corresponded with, adthe could. ,He lattubut upthe bli; Loge to i" -" ii d t'am iti hpy ya.a. eann - hi tanetnapte smafler oqeu. At r ui Vl4'-îhsu.i ii- bis;- -.. Risr. [îtevituw ... . It le veil- that te Scott set carried Polli, rsIMîuîflsaîu'O agl tw.i'-- IU-- e -inÔOntario eounty. IL would ncvor do to Tc atî ajsisti.î îtihi~r,.î ~FEN.ELON FAf1T.5S. hare the hoge maktiiug"beaBt" ts t f hium. Waaat- .uî, uautul .* .u. î. t.. *.- -d, Dhlîrîî-RÎA-- n ridny of taFit week aeivo.-s. wiîlî ii' a.j~ctièîpr~-îiîiî.~~ . -i. .. .1 Pîwri"ui 'on Joh ,ayadabut ç Montu BuRGLARwXE.-On Tuesdrty ulght thom!l ooe w o pvl1ti al'11.11v * yetM. iorigestl i , af ]acre&bot 1 week the offict cf Mr. J. H. Long was en- thrOuglî îIýlîiwb . . , . .ý. , y(iî M'iuiygew'îsaadou Mron. tertd by cOmeuTknown partioibut,,,'curef hu WCi' i'eiînyoî. iarct- l ino. day he van taken. te Dr. E. S.Wison, Whanothlug, th-y obtaned admaion by pryiug M( buildingz wis tht' i-ioprty o îf ce..ta:ft- j prouounced It a catie of diphtherln.' The the front des-t open .... Mr. Geo. Ccrrinark'?s fie W0lilluill i.u;. , e~ra'-;,non pread and cauged soute littie Offc was Waimenetered and On(' dot 18e8 rel Wf),vemro epr1ýitntni:r(n. fn ilp -ieml onthrtihot, hevila especial. woh tstmps ae.Tetoliwr 1 tOWi4:Ii, ha. i*u-.-!-.în ir: y itua r. Lower's pestlenuce, which, wuat atolen from.t5he blark-4mitit sthop of James trE t-.( ,-- , L ,~ once pise,.tr4led, ig ounte next. lot ta that Thompeon. Thîla liLkeIllfarmer bur,<Isries, wt 1-S -, 'a 'u1 -it art whirh thé) "1iionl oeim sitandsi, and plenty ntt ado hu4t it.le el'uced. rib-;;V.d'-lhi r . . -ay -i'xt duny ni:.Yly of the puplis werts kept at SKcippE.-We, ari hormed thtan oise home lby th, jr parente .... The Lioy ;» now Br.anno, wirof Etiom, a man well krnown Iu:~îyu~'.v e.t'.1, out of .antar. in theM T.. l l.vicinity of Munhauhait letfor ORAN0 SIRlP AT) ETRRA IMEIT.-partis unown. Ae-zording ta, reporti ho Btî,îy,.,. u' t'rat i-Aitîloôugh the eveuiniz of IThtnrcay, Nov. bas bean preparinav La cheat hia creditor.- Nog'~'~ 'r'oki î,;îiî.~ t>ti.u1iu.iWiy.Ziawas alarir, wet sud chilly, there waii a toi mt lPaItpit. Ils liabiliîtitm are csid-T Mi'. John r,- - h utrit" suht» very large attendaucea t the 3oure snd ta ru Into the thoumandia. If noma of the #and Wsrk. T* :e'. hless* tu-t lies 1ar.s svIll muical eni ertalnment undiar Lhe auspices littorles are true, then it muet b. a, tîlguisa' Mtot hs'flocts of ;o . hh!, l- t.. I , 'ut(ito of 10.N). 1995, iu ingram'fithall, which thilnathow men are rlcked tolarge anounts li' as t-r 4'i' I i S *i t %vwa ma rowdc-îtstat.orie of thoç;e prescuit snd no mwecrlt-y faaked. alyt .uz ait .nl -gt,.aun Tswère lnuahle to obItuirîseateecetbyba- SRITENCII)TO FouR YzAmI.-A boy drea l'i I.w.rowing Lhem for a few mintites tromn gooa uarned Jamais Arîuold was b.fore Police (vta'tr~T Nn:'~: Et"st'tre- &lnv eîîlnaes h eAs It vas Magl,«-raie TTarpaîr 1huit wpek ch-;rgi(-.t with C.~ I' (>5.] i--a~. P, . o- > atc aleal, though IL hetter deaerve Ltena e asing aslver watch aud goid *hain froui gria..Mr.IlIl i't<'s,4-.,- ,aa*ud.ut of a anqiiet-latud front Oveunutil elght Mr. D. Williami% of Myrtia. ou the t - nlUtmt of te Trent- worR'ý, i îu ' dthue c'Da i iu n'eloék, sud ftu-r It w'as vpr Dr. E. S., It Pmeomiqthat- the boy vas brought to tâtis Tuoîeay. 'Vhle stoip.da, h~ as taien.placed Wjîeon vas Sppmointed chaîrmitanilud hecouutry by acharit.&hli ianpotlididu Bt, thi' h.-ad af il-, .. il--, .u...u'a-t,--a tranm t înu'ci.Te ocl ih.byeuanrhnsdiudn brOf liiVéi- 'i ' 414--dî rtit islti s ian al ren. The of CLirL-mout, claimi. 50have the iartelst. tO.[Irci-i~urt-at Iand it iL lahoîght that while ufferl-gfrora countr. Th ylé:d le as ood 1,6W0 buRhel. I/I ~* t ho oIT(e,ýâta faraécent: apraeha regettei ta ta tho.aci'. Whn Pan hpnt fi ?-{C(hrouicie. < he b.sove go end his exièrence. The coroner ____ Mn.5~swî (ls-as oastaVia'r--lTe on !earairgthe tacts. deemoc Lt anueces. gr" ale la5mal E u v 1k . s ttVide 'iii' rsIl T-. 1 ' a s- é -.of teiit ta tohold an lu"tet. Tifs Pom viiibeaetto nw ubehcilbettg t C-hur;e-u-a, t-esyatî as.'-" àfus u' iîi A (;001) 1lsî. r . J. WCkiBY, eut the end ofunext yeartfor one doUla 'cash. $endi COuit.-3. t* s. iti'.'. i. - î ofu-etihito tuuwf, .hr,ahed 71)bumiiela of bsriey in jour nameli. Sages litre t-huitl iisiî ':rsrniuusiave of ourtntn acrep. TIuisi imte beatwve-ave - - ---- '-- --- go0 n-'îîaq f ca~-'aî aswhi'r- 1 le!] heard of thîi emaSo,sud shows that safah Z.Grfl y to-n~~.,; uaIi-es' toti:."K-' i1LinoN .show ta tarinmi A~n--i oiu.ta.',..1 _-" a liai- A .1 , Do '-*"3 '-nb agtwear aJE1TABLISSED 2 E I, S Jou asti ehuot.ciî-' -mid p.n- î. t iaixtat sianger calîu.d on Mr. 8. Sowden, living Jj Ifin- tn'ue1ide "Ic 'i titi -.n!,- p-. ':t-u.u, yon norî-h-'ast cf Port Pape, in the townfthipof Pou.Iii us.nîoF. iioitimt- ny fi", rit, i,, Ws.llwiàriltu, and requieet-ed tht e = 0cf $10, - déer vaçq sl.s., t ~i 's!11 '-t- raitiqdCornrrsrcisl bous, Cobourg, vitere b. bad E i ' FI alroutriti Ni' .ssiýi. il, à,.À- .. CI a moliIwatch an-d about >_40 staien trara~ . mat" i", "u -"-' -- !Jt lelu-;than him, but &warrant haut been s lsmed snd-W Ibree hasiîîî'r, V.l'--ifrom iitlu ou-andi plaireci n the bandemoChlteklannfer the qfa l5J M RUG1 bl ;e e im on cia tuirutnuticawaik frnt vAye ofthe gulît) Party, Mr. Sewftu II~ o>n rffrf,.T' t- S cot.-V.-t. lVa',-plhied consfidence lunte tory cf the uek.- In . ' À Figlo "fi i a ' .e- , ,. su an thia eycii an an4qve him th. amonut, ma orrunct, and -.rik 1'f tî. la-i'o..rWaq.'oh- tes n me o tartU oleam tithlas of 1>Ve Du.Jau kil*4.Pcl @ervs'u't on otea' oi uhc pl1iýti' tiotgh Lie tthe case. Sisti> wm melug,a.t.ho t.d lIrotîn 1, <and Cte ,,i-ýfl- î g.î., .-trv. Shat noth Dg othe kind bad hopnd a agDye* t91W beat. 1Aet #d ô?îon"u'rf iî 'rifýtus r.tixh te NeWn. a-thbebaditen Ucked mgne OU$3,Mr. f r*maVe, a to à& jroan4ÀI. -iiMe.W 'I:1 g Ss-ok a rifle sowden doua sot eue* knoW the .Sransgaa~~ 1114 t Ics1rgthe.,t irk c.samný i In %wlthl-ite ame-j$ut.Lrs lee l & wmo'nn'. iridt-tkili. GO? InA»TILTM,-5Sam iftreamakeAtate id'1, andri tern-s 'xov, c Laule, "sme don'r, je gh* foloi.g-' nome if.o 150lmo . <f V'-rÀnn. Ku',Aus @h o w.-Ontue darecnt gr.SOutbe Wàs in. eo'u;psuy isls t'àdou ,,iLe'Jnà.rjvsad tawunip of limbilgom ch u p a eed e ff w1AW "diU.e. go aeaod. Wbarlansd lofts i taingm u n i vsD BTfAWflrtfis..Te mut-,hs bée~n ready &a stars vo Macles vihk thenas enmautu for is- ml1d end te telli bas heenfavôrable ta te meulngDuwla ur haigust . bu l am J.N (mr, As & prelof of the mls-invoqtq f té best'd an munsa vansM w» ont ta u. le 1 amk note SIalte viId trawbar. votigat& e. H £od SheteUmbody ws» Kfa bage blottmoued J&a mut tcime., Md Inlu aUinte 1» livery a m uM iS b"t lui 09 D V~ # aus Ua p a ueun# ltSured spocs the Epuind vas Qu"lawitttebukly m sobemhouu PM v.wm& tbW&ÎWm frmwftwz S boie- tbea- 'a. E I I I I I I i I g i I I - Iz LIÂ AUD voeu YAEL Wholeuuie a Rota&L ne atm Omva-oagima' tu na 1 hava nov la stocIa and mwonval!orted. Dry ILUmuer et un Kin" .min fïmuWe agimin lmadLemgd.., Timber, ID r emid »Eatede Lamumer fer aU l lUm s9 Euiul., Mble. et mau KluLmtb Lme a"~ lmebr.Iamn lte=oneethat koea RERCL*ÂN COAL. dlrorm the mines. lu ov. Ikap ou aiL aAs ea is a d 'VnoJg u1h hmeieela mrketé, I ould si vis . p arties anting coal te g iv Sh ir e r nov. Thte abovo stuif vili ail be uolidat prices te suit te tîmes. A Dlscunt off for Cash ln ail o««&s AIl orderR left viit WMIIAN VOTM for Coul or Wood w vU ho promptiy attended te. Tetaphon. Conuactim on. efce. R BRYANS, TO170LADIES1' iNTEEEI. lkma Soods at Osto-Kaif Priai. NantIesLomatha n Oe-Haed rice.- br lottua d mrimming ummtGivan Aw&y. Vooflha iawla, "o, ut priais nver hourd of. Ckwalui ts, ags, a te 81 at UWC. SZuU&W ytMhrough as two Stores w«fl beor the scame comparison. 3o um4l your mom rse i~e~t w"I do ,outheA.ri.ctgood. BRADBURN'& 003, TO MEN'S INTEREST. ine Cloth OUaS, only - Good Pea Tackets, jlut - Tweed Suits, to order, only- Hard and Soft FPeit hats, just Ulators -and Overcoats, Below Coat. 2.50 10.00 The arW.t ry odaHua » naaKetSte< -.THE COAL STOVE EMPORIUMî 4 'J M 0F LINDSAY, THE SULTANA, THE UNIVERSAL, RADIANT HOME, -And thes ew Sq'uareSte HION ART AND 10W FEED, .A large range of Cook, Box and Parlor Get your Goal Stoves from w. amdaay. Oct. 151h. 1885.-42. Stoves. HOW.E, ~. w NOW 1H v.Wallace. ORDER, NEWWOOLLEN FÂOOR Sow in. operation, and I now intend to keep it running the yeair round. I have put in sonie new niatchinerv among which is a Burring Machine of the Iatest pattern, which wil enable us to do better work- than baâ ever been doue in indeay. MANUF-ACTURINO doue - Mmamm pricesm-fàrmerly, and freiglit on all lotis of wool of 40 ibs or over sent to Le rnaaufaicturd. Tidom npply wheu to becarded only. CriC0IDB8 ON 8SAILE. O 1 nov ep for m"i a geut many morefines of goodea than ever before, sucl ais (-otons, Cottonades, Piints, Tovweis, Table linei, Linons, Tickigm, Dress Goode, Trimininge for Sitt snis, etc., etc., which wil ib mUm1ow an o mgod quditys any. I think I cmael Iower than others, -w expenses are le.Qs. i slow two cents per lb more than. market cash prioe for vool when taken ont ini trade. OASH FOR WOO La I wiU pay th~e Idhem - S neeh for uMy quntity of woo, Pm "bSmromg, smi a itiantinuuue-Yo» truy, delivered at the miii. Thankizig the publie for' je W. WALLACEY 1 bave a Prat" h1@&om psww oer Md zNila. vu «rsar suai-bon«imo olota- sa m Bdam 0nIer. AlmaUmoko U"ta buhole@& .wuimus Md ai rythlng com- ~~~~,~j t.w u w ALL&OCE@ Rob& Zza Llndsay. Oet. 6, 188&-8l. ~W:z7L Foley. ý-WUÛ IFOLEI> FARMER8 PAI#TINif, CARPEITER ILMjN Bled Faintâ Ieaiy for IJie. lMU. KNSCOA& MM ~WOODD EmLw- EJMI PROUVNfPT ALOWEIT mmmaN. Fou CamE WXdy.Sp. M. GLZY. Accideint rsrmmce. 0F THANKS. GALT, JuIy Ioth, 1U& ro F. C. Agent Accident Insurance Ce. et cana Lindsay. DRARSI.-Y0 ur choque No. 9_3M2 for- iundred and flfty dollars (810lnldernfty p ne for lo39 of Urne resulting from Inu, eceived on the I3th 0f Màrch last la to, ha Please acept my heartfeit thanke for theq rexnely prompt and satLfactory mannor * which Fou have deait with rny o"m. 'Tours reepectfufly, WK SADLFJ AU1 ftem et £ccmum T OUCIM rICTS tuemion me »WOSirAT PC.TAYMOI i. Axes, CoW Ties Lm.teras, Co Ct sawg, AT SPECIAL 1.0W PRUE go EDWAr#R<Sff lava et the AavI oee ri« 0&- ex- IlRE! FIRE, D.~t M. e ForY~ boylis- puli u lift lane m ' )me.mi eonune b 'i -~'*-- * WORKINC m Mr -VI 1 - ý.l » - f * , ý 9 -le _ý S-0- _ý-1 IPW ý la 1 a[ Salock aprtqneré of -due Tico Naimoth Stores hm4 been, gone throu1g4 and< t1. gooa morke4 ta Costat nd in manIOy 0088GwC$y beiow. 2The quan titg W yfcos o ouand VUAe in ber of peoplo so, weil pleoesp,&, s ou lit uethit th. goo4 are oway vund-o~r tL. roalvalus. TI&e Stock s Fý A "d CS" and< tiU aery weU asso'rtecl, ndcvivZciwe ask is tha~t yqu! wiU give usa o»~ porti"wy of BAo'wing yoiu througl& th. stock aendcL ul at onceB cowmAle yoq& that va are selling very cheap.' LOGK AT THE FOLLOWINC LISTS: ândsay, Oct. 15th, LuagemmEu ýýot. Elun. UNTIL FURTH-ER NOTI-CE,ý b8e IicwIlljM BUT LOW PRICES STILL PREVAIL. WB 1