*rsL I ~. rvw w~Ww w ~ - y v~èss~ -V .~v ~ --~ .~M. J~ IMPOTANT. BUSINESS CHAGE' a uM- e Ivewd.I"me CI.arkmg » .s.that MWt.u .y la - b. aftoethe litetlauys ooosIvgaGm i.u.ite th. hUeMt p..1. eli1"lidatab SATU RDAYY THE 23110- INSTO, THE SALE COMI ENCES, Wha r oei.s t.k f l . .L M tepmIsai EAL EUE ECS vr g.od. Xi i&.. a thewd seke CENERALDNY OLSIMIMO, IIINERI, TLES AMD CARPETS. Thusaodhgti.pli etut 1 sci m.edeLMa ti. u.If vw qtetf u! ChmpGodaaa urne uhea WLt.er Sple r It in a wfl kBws fa.t tlut wu Isir.m.oe kbqpt lw 1oaia tu - nmat tim mzbk etm io b t.h .av masp.lsesI ONE PRICE A» ONlT OI vii 1. .pbms3émmur - w j a m,'1w »ttb.y c«Omet b uim ate c.iMeiice bte. vhue a .o*atlbd t.a bMt Id 1-t i ubfrm-a uk et tuai. il xg hunhe w skmi .o to &MO ms .oehi. si MW ys.. ars FIicre DLUNDÂm&FLÂVIELLURS ~.A heo petIeatthelt ieful elammstflth ~:a msulie lit »ubighi. c. D.mesudl g m Ob tow stepeorthaee aU'oldh. .q'roon CU Tg% DItO!, MARES 0. MRO, FOITOI M MIS F~tR wlth hie lice tuissi uothwant PMe Ands sMd FtherMcWliuýum Mss ta pmy, sMd Riltsailis fEDUglI.hIdemk1 tbor fovlvenfess or ail mes sma toalvs OU lnrhTenh. Thtercmtoier nov babils1 p fae, the White ca" *en dr&-vs Our Rlee 1 h*,bot h prlesteal caudea" sud ca mutit e rrea pr fer toi' bp t a .3thedrcinfell pvla @= to'il presnt. Tht e shoo vloemi a -.~ fer a mmient. mWs-lng bck sMd forth, thequverd.Thirlengabot thedrop wn i sipha fuel. At th. fl is mom"et of thet tol, I Bl'ê body rem'tined-otili, htmknesdrs-wn 1 up vlolentIY. Thrmeor fotltmtbrbody1 mw dô Md f ro q*lvvtsu. asMd i wa.1 abs 0w-stiresmoment Ot tilt drop1 te the taare ubentih Wp' ocamerquies. cent, Vas tiader tua mimnut. *Iflnu, NW.T., Nor. 16. lieR. com- el digophbums were cPedlt he eleeOmf paiY. fe t4 pirtua ditsovi wlurt aoeu "' " Pd 'nase durtagtph. euuiy-pmotof cthe pla.ht fo Blhm lsdibn aàbmdu 04 dmp ion.s ainfthe pmMlMe @*espo Met or 1) A la 1 Ni %., tometlto the bum'aberot uoauaboala* A1LDrS ON1y'TItpSCAF'rFOLo- 841l frislb hnraes M4 ouued i s - - ~ - jte show wtitffl npfe.sêOî-r itiote 1h~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~md we't tLk IaeMan Ui~urea tationeti ai pointu-n"ff tie Li k, e tat .e piVae VianversOb.- <vtMm lts Of ie .MOUS Leader. qugo cois g19- 2po'tocW r~ .*îm'~ * ~ îr Se Jhn ,îoorîid.thoni *as-thm ioff RWI!litbi coil, Witt Per Ands ud asermocWilliaw ms v iii t Indigna iof n Lower Cava. oebfStl f#m ti.. Blet ws- ut 1nttn'~~C acm'am, e s.,wSifo s- loess~eIu miataur, os r" D sers sud wooleu 51f lm Oasbms l fSa wei*lmmocaslne, the OsIesi wreOrbls SIr .joltnî mOrlnnal<l. Langovit> an>d res.tb ath"P 'ebOf etthê*lU îieihXwu ona hlm. Re etved nsellesta pucesé tu <-1llv.lsss1 i;sngecd in 191118Y. 1 thle seoltla-the w» eCM.psoemam 1 ellu~wa on the prcce<ln* n!pbaw euevnffl ato'w&Miu fhie fate..BW Mz t fcolor. and bho appenred W o s oempef mai runt ed bhrit and sdmuri ialtuljMu' ertws b.d flu.At ellt oetiochthoentigTIM~CTW ýp« part i p the rtckety ladder tip"la Thu ps«Wsd@ctdedOUealysa tu h1 anal prnr,,#rtw-t alonr the 1wfl tn the fareld, hêiIi1Th5~Oift~ whcvs vasfsiind tLotitiie-l, kateelwsg ms'~i bsmoigemwr. thtr doer lw-drg o th« ara.Kold viali Persm dsuag etf bo ebrpai%eue Anrtitr juif lent-bf el, CIaIMtte eltitsg op.tledkmapdm hietfi *m t prvÉyecrs fer the dy!ne tir. uc. tqeom I lt. i5omeu5WWto iDbasum, but Pars eloqs ht',. sîso shei'1tf Chapteail. The al it@41 1SlSmhd iii et bis-pomesimai fOlftt lffw-;îhe- hrilT Gibotoitfililiasth', w-tiresa mseraU4 wlkeituwtligs- <boy Ti.. u<wc' au isile asplwgê- ttloeri"patlfta&F W8vUFtue blm rond. A',dmmdeueltpie-Ax ann h eu bu,t a 80,Perm A!<' r.tm liifttOUrld I smgu..e mmbeTeor opllwMWtu .TiT r.AStàMcn*um I ioiat,'peau vrspvsmit tO ful.i.l m.I avte i. summh&M1y,.itrn eeaIe#e wr W Atthottoh Pèle,lsvs £ievItum . - nulo1hof151. wloV#UUf C sesff. At 8.14 Relrrsss-fb lits femr M& wt lon.ni1 t>,'th« 9401,06& pIUSUv F .tf*MI ".tpollm *mkpP1ftwed 4!tlt pe.1 m Tm' g. H rt'hmu " a i .tu tht lttty of Ilite,Mtus., h. boit wtt pnwngma Li. NMdaWv uele 1 Uel magu . k~A&e tco"Mmed ~ectT. AUbthtbov us a s- ,eu.luy 94bm-qu blietteck th. cg aiexposom.. PRMdbY s.bumshw ~a eve. m lpussv.. A thbobet At 1euuosumy declarem .douerveathiW tale, fouIa pauga oarmww vlm uet maays aria s u ah.duaib ef &braverma»,-emai. ter' hou mietakeu, boy uloeat i. r zlrsty a84 10os tht er MOIS. day, Sov. 18, 1415, Louis Bletpl Penl . aty for beais a.&roellleasni tthe mte lcoeuy ef hW. mutvlir ma athe ularesiai m wly. at un * a amid mlons spotael.oas Sth"vii bu rmeombemd-foràutdm&ms MI«ednrq ,::f'Calau a "reai thtvaw- ant for lsozc a ebitsa ét nagt. Potaremseýmos thtdsmd mass cmil md aunte the hurof 6ai vwow neyer ab settrous i. sdea. Tber tbypuad tb Imaigstuh IUMb*Dg mutvM. b.r al autIrbshos sMx elcoek Bled affke d hm betti.ue, u etgbt lecweký vhs. tht mfatl ibomst u, imafibli, swingS ingtaneI ba i 8.1eo1 wne asaunmi eau, .remly. Ble w» dm nom eIube bc" seaiema ventd asParenm met, omlilWMIr Irdattntltidausim thet ..W.t d getoend«wef tht puee At &18 lie K beluathlmmd Pmuneoemiueted, Ule& duremty tt w hoeh.v béemsa etoers ilsubahW ctmminuta.m ,mlsfrpryu; bmawamrvaabbIe or 1hlvdraquet lb une &Md& madWite fÈnrt tw, ,u~dm.ý 'aum .t tt boit undwwev u* tàs tvent vblck tlsveny Wneauouple& rLi.dou"lur( Blt ns. a aushot dis* mbue.-' .wtuqlnud m b a m'gtu& MIilsrit lssupImiba. On& as lu p~ pumu& ilf iN. vasat des. Tt mnur des- tbm d lat IW X aýOu.d- ba. ba masetNiIM Sm n ~~atM netSmd~~8kg«bt.ft N E Fm ~Smwww -~on~ M MW buvlng basailet thet oit.cuof etLouié Ble by order et tht Damtios o»Veun meu, m ueuls lemibis, enecuim hba toa ohmas. or mIitcaIpu1possstba"tht. Ocuel IO de suurs a prote" malsea odimi. violt#ts aithe lause2jstce and bmwde.'The connei thes.m.« ..sà nm speehes wodeive ram thscity bai lsepoerbyBon. BMr. UWer.lsmmasof the City automes, Bevia, Fioe. . LetaBue- blen, Aitamé Pery, J. U.l.Ber-geresnud otlma. Mat aithe speakerscounselied m duattou.. Alfred Perry wae particular- iy violemt, daeiawlugthat Wbletbas mwmd db b. * vewmemat e b li- et s aiOtauto Oaleea H.!.se vsaiyctlttb a hbatllsh luff te the Northvemt, a"Nd léthatt mmdle for- lb.. ocU hte bear the otsmp ef the glbbet. The prmemier, heaadaod bu huaptes' trag thtpllmstbu ltu*s nai morel. To-mipU hi sUntour huudred studeate etmUdsIfrom Vitua unveritybutwuhm rame" roslthe Champde Biaisthey bad boss amemd iby froc me tttasthou- sad Mes Tbev carred French fiagi, îraa~mu.esa" lemgte.oI 8Mr JetuaA. Wmedual, 5r HEktor- Langevin, Ho.. A. Chapiis SrA. 0. C4am COL Onmnt amiot '0&ri.Ontht Chai.;deàuJmha lea moi 1angevW»,AefIWewere, burusd. WW cmlt bsChapde Nase revol ver abats vweto scbaup wt lthe polie, but nut ouew huelr.t Mr tbsswommelmdte Vietoa quaas, uher. Mr1JohWèeflhuy une bauea l m ot e..queea, s atu osgbt squir.Quitta iawa bMoitpellcs "em I~~b« dii mal mmnte camsta paty ou Ir isuwt hthebsremauk."Ce i..,it mmýf' (Theesw. thte nsimé M.akme.iAtbles' mm tarauglthe vemen"mLothe Cliptt e Ov& iamn QuansaNov. lS-Tetnuls. t&OU= t tht IN 8-0 Cenim 1 0 0' aom tt Ble, la ldihm lt Hamdt imi a sm»& haUma la a lpamut that I. Tht St. la uP - - pme"a"i oeioelmg ~Cmn% upo tht p fuima'.he*amco immNt moulavge imi'eli 1 bom at.r Am lem Mm5Upeople uem ~uand m Belus . Ewisee'aube z ubola mmii111 la_ wa leg ch. wmm.t..-The ru- dm , lnote Fm vdidu etve Mtthlsemd.Ul.M mm ulem" ongow- tm etIR.- ém ' AmÈzý- dbumwmm bui lb bevoaylea" sdCOnlUSU ml ime n o us- paver; thug the coadluca of 81obs umaooa- tayieiding t.Ora)ulma. lai raier Ihan.ter the p esuct o0justic, vbtch obtataa mo= l lMvi ntins bas rendersé Muit dunaothp' taersé overtbgavoweae»U et ahi.co wnthe&ba tibI meeting condamn& wtb a@Iltht tares1 vilatc hh i. lapossible the comuaifetSir A. P. Came., vho laa asttmat th. Wla. nipeg 'bansquet proveé a traitar ta th& esiltoual houea"ami tateméthe cmimA ence et hits>Bco*nmslmts. mnglevaidlnbe About ttoydtfferoat spekers, &H roi- minent men et bath pati», toile tin denwiatte et thegoverameat, dsolmulug as the part ofthe cansorvativesthat the tomb o il.tbad created a hm"oaeb eest Ibsu a" the poople et Ontario wbtch coulé neyer be tidmé over. Th& u±maat unanliîy prevaile d d lnaIly about tes oclocla the meting bRoke up, vth strog roammenatoeumtiebdiereeta- oen teakesp calm.a m otcommit l.- Ssaves toa snydiatuhS e itt oes Thinadvice vuw»ltea E R&D, No. 17.-GenemaiTanaM. vitehvtth the Moasyta divialanhhaa demperate battit vith abs Bulq tusa lir. The latter vers tobRIy dsimei. The &Stammtougu ht i~i- gallsyma Tht. btialonot ulpau aorslunt e& batalosetBuipoab veluatas easabusiet a peint as thb T 'msk rivar capts"stoi col Djubenltoh vitheutfi. la mmua Tht Hddanemw maa evacuateé thots- tort*eà lls b Dragouupohuttseial matMasuoday. Detatls.ot itecapturaet thteDispensa pasL~~lmsabamw Ibat the. Drin = ditelaiihumisa Coienle mlobkovithhanlBaepuasoam adi attalc h .gtnIf~cm Im aid doua taraaha ae et rIcmes. emai g ssopu m mm sNov. 17. -TtBeaul,.. ta Ctma rmowrtha"Asti.là a f~lth er r trSvo, . LonDoi, Nov. .-Pivpsc r dum jescie. trouaBel eiMd Sa"8bluht "Bt5svaS mmandrsm tot h ti" a onts et ----saura s antlqrprt l.. sumber e Or Ios i e owmi ousiMi ne m 1wdlt Ou aba" the rmai ectontettsab s1 v er Iknevu, "i ccmpaiunual a laNa' bforbermm" et the comom ofai u k 8W hnw mww& M ~b~ mi ~ m m 89 ý M.IMM_ L~.. LOCALNKWS-LETT7RS r&l ioted'speakers w ii b. proeet. ----- qw-Mu-Ic by the church choir and the band. Thecei. ot a rumoryet a.tn who the pas. [Corosond» f The S f sible candidates xnay b.. Button-holelng COIKCMa Tovathtr Daris- wil gave a by amoefetthe Dow member. has, how. coacet hitreom Friday, th ]Dit. An ex- &ver, cmmne. collet progm wilil b. aranged. Parti. cuisis- wUI be anmunced shoetly *by pos- C.ARTWRI(J T. ter. ----- Correeaodeef..tThe Post.1 Tzit vI(;SumvIcEs:-Un thauks. B.ILS.4M LAKE. giving day service was retiducied la Sr. leôrre*uode. of The Pot) ohn'* churh by 11ev. J. Crei&Lhton: ln the SAIrDÂTn BmuR.&IG. -Some Young MOU flrst Presbytertan church by Bey. Gee.. Mc- Ca the uorthsehom of the lake corne te the Kay; and ln the Pre*bytérian chureh lu bar on Sabbaaha. te shoot Thia klad et this village by 11ev. Mr. McLareni. wS kha» bes au rled on te long. It la a COIIPLIMENTART. - OU Monday nlght, gremt ansyace te the quiet communlty Xor. 16;.h. Mr,. Swain ofet he Royal hotol ef Lon; Point to hearthe romof guns 8.lnovided fànpper for the meniber oaiL.O. Sabtama Iong. It would look better if thOe r No. =~3, in hanoraf Dr. Camnpbell, wh@ yomig usa would speu.d the Sabbat h 1iu a jtendas sau ta remove frein our vaidst. ditfleent way than I& sbp guingta churcb. MISIONARty SrwoN.-Rev. D)r. WiI. W.V wain thein te b. more carottât ln the linmtê will preach a misaionary m..mru on futur for if ws hearauy more af tal kind Sunday, Nov. ý2nd, lu the Methodîst of wa, thoy vili surely b. broughî 10 an. church af ibis place et 6.30 pa.. aseun for their bad dojuge. Se, boy%, re- mumer.W. >u--W- BR UNSWICK. JANRTY7ILLR. COftSSPode of a The Post] [Coespad of n pm SOLD BIS FÂuPu.-Mr. Jam. Mulr bas TPâU»CB-Our temperance iadge t e,'ld hi" fta n oete Mr. John Cairnsetc nalliflain edit«Mdle "ligan the l4th cou. Mavers, and has itou. te lau haUug tour Dow membera .ioin lits- iMllbrook to live, having purcbased a res. ra m ai »tMouday euning. The mugical idsence there. part of the entertalumeat troua b o th ('ON£ TO [EELANI.-ii-. G. A. Haddert vil!b. mch mre apreeat '*'M.I'ee and wite. 'wha ha»e been living bers for oram viiai vasput un lut s- __la an bout two year, have gan, ta Ireland eiéminty Qu, ibume 1vheae îhey Int.ud znaking a home. Tbsy Pemnsoctu..-.Oo d socal wbtch' vere very popular througbout thtis vicia. It t tmaP" aoe eveuux taity and will ho greaty mi»d. aPM te ail, aMd th*e mmbors-edo&li ,OtVT OI% DSPUTY. MVa - W.ee« Mr. la hoi lwSt ma i boh poftabo, _ r. randy, our. popular schoi teacher, a thir pusta aei a rftbeont cmnvagslnat as ho purpo... runuiug for, PESONÂ.-Xr. xrsmm wnwu have degîtyreve [or the comia year. Gooé wsiturud hm .aIao0as»If the" had enu'orBob.th Maes joye tbit umyom zipte te fitFx. 0? WBDÂIx-We hearth me j07DL tI UOLW t h f11~ b07ofthte l4th cou. vould lîke te have Pmmur.-um.. vans% Our millets' vite ianothbr vhack at foot bail wlth the Cavaa bre. pasted buuo1ug boyga te h us. jclipPer ere winter sets ln. They appear &;j a d IS &m :Dt eb. sati*fled vlîh terebuits af the rabr mtd wrth ueo ie at K el t rfa.for vhich reaean they aés. and ttht tat t pnothoapo ely ed h&f XK.Laffery bas- tsatngpurbas.sto el aMd examineho. OBIUARiii.-IL becores our paiutul duty fore, w% uglm Ihae reaftLamyr, vho te chroniele the dmah et Maggie, daughtet ls-a at i exparlemi baud ith Umot f etM. Wmk. Magufre, who ruemuved f ront aud abu, 1vtbu.bys te adventage and h ers la the esriy part of the aumme r tn OUIa&nue to aun te uit "lb. a, .Toronto, ehere ictw» hoped the climate would have a benoficlil ff ct onmhber bshU Deoasé habeenabsveroe ufer. 1bci TéPut] rtfrainpuimoumry dimse. nr a number of Fummi. - xha im% m o Be uai.Sd though everythlng 'bat biné PnawhL--.Tna Vieaa~ usi Bey.J. frand udphyslclames could icugamst for VM04 ilktt avawwiug lu bis-finalber benefli; vu.doite, il vas-plain te b. o11oe haftrP. L.&. .. . ,btBs»jamln amen thasI the terrible diss. m waMd- White bum*woei tete te «daid ltauds ually getting the bstter of ber. She pas. la&IM hi bts lwote4-aw ta the bsking mi a-&y from thiaIlit, ou the. momoinor a bmbShe,-.. M ew~ hs ts-ateading th& l2th iet., éet 1h. tamlly reelionce "h cOeur e L ami, b«besat homme Toronto, and on thtellowlagday ber re. taux Wrs h W. las te Imm smains, acempaid bv Ul amily mné t~stlsuhtaé~uua~t. ber m 1uUe, Woumm At Sthe Botany au> ties by a&lWM. nmbeof etsorravl*E M~I G fDAX m simly ob. friands-mMd relatives, aid anyed te 4&bali~mbe Sersusu h i beflatreaUimpièe luGrabanaoe ek »d@ t a u m K tha 1 tb. l D " beau for a number et - m Flaiz m - - I p 0a18.Mdumemborot là» M"eth et~iIU~vsa. t m~otm aehw ,Mmd amalhted almoot ta 11" Tbet»bmà o " v l at spirit et absuetunesa ra"rmme.ata ~smemilatmuIMAIL wmmdulmgs.mh suIrtur, 81» amok IA mmb> I* mê mâ ah & y oma et UOithm Sdeils ke u.tht. t. Tb»hsse &murl1 mi*mni hm "smpaur cdailb. com oumama, lie j . Uh hk m. -â4 L~~tm~.~i51Nci& ~ -, 4bS~ 0'.mg..W: bl ZlVýý ý 0 Mr IMM TILAIL 2»p 199& 1 : 31%T