- AAAAW AAW~ U - I~A~ , -- *- *n eomr oe- - ~wa, ~--~t ~ . .L~ ~FI .~. XU~ s AnOld odas EXPIERIMPCL, "Calier, 1b, Âyers 8hemiPectoYh mun. I~ v;-I'gtiti on aou roh me ii.t...'uîtry $tort,, whereou uolug "I d t *, o . w I~ fli ued.à tlncs -ly ti' t roatoA ia i. Iil bronchisisMd long ppV f f. i th ign (~> 'f 4ti;fil :laWa * : .ilvifix tory pîîut&bio, the yuwk. 6 them Thedeaen wl nt totheWUOD VILLE. I ' -.nd* - Correspondence et The PPot] IDr. J.CO.Ayer& ColisLow.IItWau Tiiio' YSS lthecosI ù.1. 1'rggps.IotftSSinflfl of ev'D. Pmi.complatod Msd WUltb.e ceptica cf pot&- V*At.IM.?TYYE>l flàvA. Tha followlmg con. oebatnidutwL ~~ " ' ~ ~ vcreiif ~lois tonk place bcetweenls ,ltie boy csbstrdetvei a< nd hie moChe.' là, âteis tm.Ih boMd Ibo 130- h»Boude ......Pannais SU O'J~e uî~4~a~ ~O .>therd«.: . Lie bo-«ms, tletht. V"la. b p~tttug hinas luashapefor wluter. tines day ? Why, Johanle dear ?sstd hie..t.Local iwestber prophets numellmuar. -.motber. 'C7atu wheu Ivawnu.t at the poest. prom what we cia lonrn wo wiIi probably rNi" .i!) Y. . "' .3:îl«., ca'îîî-(t c.vi.>ly there qwan uan nwful nice look. bave a elpeil of vister .. lowe'ea Inir' mutiles oe, and Oh, 'na h. b"dlot*Of tpamead off utetlY. L L( )( ýA I NEW S-IÀBTTE RS prranad. noney ana thinge, and 1 bohard -GOxNT1.TO ÂAîa(YL«-D& J. W. Radgerai, tha. otmagiel a»y tei blischat b"smuet tonmerly a maseb"Saoftt. place, baL la 1) t*~ ~ , ie Valentino'& day. Why child, said the Compnay wth W. L R@* ,purchae eh hat Dire man in Ma'. Vafrntine, the.-È eut Sk or R. Audraws et Alrgyle and pur- ,~ lai. ef the Sylvester wonka, Oh thean ait no.cs7lnon bualusl inte nid tand. :iî.~T Ii 'll(.ldfy the mam whoed ail he mc. rMd pioge onb iing a wgffli ctlouet mCOn nUT d gliblisi R '-, Vi. Wuàrdtn, letIt On Of Mi.r- Oulflt htre th#%eummier'. Yusdear, sud t" e smbeing fire.aiu baues men lai~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h 18 .Rolitr.wah iitii nIR the mans thatit our e, pathe gelf. they ns doubt yl do & larg~e tisie. lia! v1w~t li l~ Mobl w~*~ i"c4 iii idqr. Welil mohiiploughts undtbindars WWswl.bthom suerclehing nlways glnd ilie ja, té I, y iit. afflîui nd IsivorcRy mulqt bgod or he wold no;Ileil Smay to berorouroltbol* dobwhlL o>. o. * o vhem YemJohnnte, yourp)a myethsy Dxsu.a.amAxone Honw-Raîher n ti. %%l.. Xet gî AlIî'rî llq or ofitîNlp.nen4M hthave been placed lus principle t.ymptm e as nvon xhaugtive -II lir if Jiloelio &à*-in n'.whieh .opealt%. wellfor'the active agent, uubjctvcry qulckly. M.A us .S, '.1.1 ~4>îr atyiiii at r . ce aîie.-ib hua .been laveet*gait.g the ditiéessej lit a 01.1ti e par'IT# V - trace il todi-eerlcinfitiîcncs.T!çvr t~ê'o iia~ii <if .bain:maol.cfc arben, gand, lii jr ~ *16l'i~i8 up Ccrr~uid'necfThe Post1 undée.rstand it la net výr.> a'oiga 16.6 i~'R <'>~d >~> l4tîuîî~ at vu.-Mr. NMiiam Mmoainq.1 yieldis reidlly ta proper troalmant. '.leIi. .* .'.oiao8.,1 if twflta4Point, LerI keSinicoe, 1SIL~oICK NOTiC.4 lifuCÂIM'Sm .it V... t &¶. * î* ri~i.1d.ad tI h,'i bItion Wedriesrlay 1Line aga fJ underajok te furnish your * ~ ~ >8 a i ir. i ccf 1at iv -o'e< Hfi re.ired a P Ith<' reniers w 1 h a te %v brile 91t int 0?' Lf1 1 la -à * lii * o"V '.>.8'8 . so>,~ l 'oai i î, ,vtrw i~iouothut fiioiand stock lia oui. aigi~.tlu).îoand 'ýethée 1 * I la' HI' h ' 6 0 ,>t. < o .w~'Ille i;îa 8îfor brqJýi-kf st. Thie. 6vttfiflç0are guotin'l nii4 a.aifl and as iIl 1, te .i. v a iOl j'I- , '*t. c'& wtl .liri ndr fetl, ind altt.l i'< i tiàea l iiiîay fcom tilîzie. tu o fR' .î d 1, :tit o'll l 'îrtng t:..,îtdîand:tof.iîty tia'ne furitifih yau w ýh h îf Inticvs of1 thi f ii*t.ttiîo s hu'l ni In ' i he h,'d 'omnttluiu soineorcf ur more prosritroua formerrs and * . 1" I H <U :: t Il;'îr *1t1tineo <f br'eak fitr4titg. stochnîe~n in 1hi?# inorth country ta .%law * , ,"'1',".: -NY -\o.hi'irý1!gf,' m t î' lies'<a re. thw, we an.' kêeping ftoati -e tint i r . . ...'~ .u.L4 tv.Ils wediinuo. Ir lha- heeaoir pI-vi; ahî'act ofif thefrn~It irl tiiithis re- Or le tttntlnie(-44 týri -liree<' "p Ii ttec!. Tihé. f:tani ti -til'k 1have clioîe'a .. . * - i ~~~ < 1 t uyiint Il. 1IVIi tifl V~ he ne :o! -o foîr dite fol: vai vî a vr 'e * t.'* ~ oi: ~'vk.,~'ut~in ivof friendm anal l ra. 'i-an I'1u'liby 'Ir. b. fit Ltéortit 2'!r.TIooaaf-vnîetfhi.iir f c ie hl 1' Inioqttproitpfi,.u,ýs "e' ?hrFt irl fliu s.ction,. * . * *'...'. ' LM' 6' î.ti 'lt t o the îîptli.li4 of hiR dnîî>hto'r, and with intu-Iry cOi tuol i t~timcarait *... 4, HI .la tl'a.1. 'i.nîu' rwliîn lwes marr!i.dhi s u «cIv l ,~tqirîjir8g a rcputatioua a 1ir.T.W.litiv te if Narîh Gwilliîmî,. 1 a breeder oï 'lt hîrutailbr, dorit ot only * * O 'i lt.,rmonst e:I ta our zoIii': o; e.ahh, armny of * .*.6.. ' "' V.îi l.aiîii<ui tihy Rv.itJ. qiv. Ste%:trc cf hiçt huit tSales are 16) tîrea'dts r».s r: taihe * ".t V I .i816~ 6 h ,ý c::îo' on Si*<i ,;eaiay lat. in the 6,etho- icaita-4 will hi.-mettn firn :1 limeof tLit. s;.lem r , ..1.. ~ <~d~alo.~dGOi. (aaa d 'ît.hlnacn, whieu. w:illiRe fiar:flz-hed er~ lttrNyolanchurcli. "nà3) ýrn roperconr i ffru * , *.:. NVry- lti'i' * o» f Titrvientit Arè to be heidlai h nr 'eht ,ni ~ li.4 a &tlrst-eIas.%a * . ' ~tieuti. 'sof tihetU. C. B. S. li the. dUTl .,',. i.oam, the iîjarity of vwhich 1 lt rede ,, '~~V0> '11tt.o'e'î i hl (if luîetcountry ta zn n ahigh 'stu.teut tiialrvaticr. M.. 611 io- uoi~i'ntRouintriatoIlit ti<grandi worlc ut Grant l nio wns another kau,red acres *' " ~ -. * 'iur -1.p %'ord c<f GUd t Pitnitionts. At a. TI 'r nrô'.sthe c;lnce,,kicn lirée froain hit. c'î't. iering of the sortvr.y the follow- ho'!ne!stead, but at. present ir is o',îîtd.1 b%"(I "', St 11IlIg '1110e<ro t "e rt .I'cîa: 1Preiden, flev. T.4kinit the iv a hiîndrt'd acre>, asIi, whnle 1I L' ,,6I .A S'tILtnr.(eieerq A. Houepmanmi: seorwtmw, A. D) by nne man ln tRie Domnion. %V'th iL. I.' fl6o' ~.T.f'i .>i1.868 f M ii-'oiîmittet cf mnagaement, Metirs: naturl ndvintageoand artificinal Iaipoe 'i .il I ..Ii~'ei O l R'Bisseett, X. Rnttey, AncRi. Ridital, Ra moaf s sitR alitai. mors art.ention toe w9 ~ 'f hoa'C » î.i U&5 D'tii r..- r ni oseie wydetWi1it couRt ake a firttlaite anioogi id 1IvitiqAT'. - D. Niablewalt ra11e awa 1 ny o ur ol .f...........In theDoion * t*tsé, l Mtonti- riaetternd lhit t.rin Câaalie, who jM. .Grant, who lhat houa ave.ryative main lot1:. "vholi oveofnalgnn ttvehe ln ail branches of piâiibc Utafor a great S. \ i oto f 1t 1ness.... Rev. NW. H. Matdea ' rither of yeareanti lm prffihly one of the 1.1'i Iho1loir.or <i -pledt he pfftptuot Vrnomanton circuit beât kncwn uMA ilaghy rosnaec*rted farnieri * 0sil *I \' i luit âtélit; bond, le, ve are very îiocary in Say, flot to j. '~ v. : , PFIIJIU<>.enjnytalg at pretentn&A go eti lpah èqwe * ..~Ob>.' ~ oIII >. liti I ioni !Arrt,4- à.T&nLiwoasdd atke c ta ehlm po.,*eaw, Itst. vith a il!, AN a VlST ruItîir.tlilp TsmL iaS cesston fbon-h. more active luttes für'ta1 .11. .. t,; ' fîHtio fatrlil frIlre I îo t Lite eoute at h awrd Iie i!y.' as .18. or . . a . , l". N I-riiîtiti '. ork!ind wfll ernbark waitetheealtteanpinceî1t.ity. ' [Ian ai. ar V ~ . ' ' -l..tiiviy "-"W%14 u>teo a l Lc' n adi>s r a m caur ours we , n v re- j 4M C,,..o i..; ' i s oàtheqeamer.*titranis of tht turu, andltu the ldritit ptace :lotirc ih'îcat- 8 i .. .... ' rd liais for E.î'opic. i4rriewt i.lau> I.hil tu $bey ua.vesaa.lttudot 66 '.. ' '~. la ine>a &l t ofttrlna<frurn the ft.&ihfitl rit hlt% Lhoouiétibred eshorthaorceilail îut wbi-ctar é i0 6Ikii ng tttc dincresto hi. holineiit h. pope of m$I,000. liwh-peaigneed animale havlng w.atî devel- * ' ni'... r.n ; he 0 fi oln ta vIsttRuthe sternah cîty I pudpoirre, vbich laseo cl:aract !r'stie cf * t f.i-'~." .0 oe i ~ifti't ii hi 6ti'<hil Jamoc Propoptell pasl.ng hrouwn t hlmnbebreed. The ewck liela due cou- a.iiî" r v 't~o8 ih L.tAt. ~ IrAittiî, Eincand and F~ranc@, aradhie vL.it ditiî,n for'.ncerngdthe wlnter,aMd M l. rutne.r 66, .666 rtr-tt no'i.r'dIl t vxrtcîd ovea' îhréI or four nmnh*. Grantaisuuapnow sdttrtakbimpthe geîî- * .ni.. -. . ',iv 1::" i.si: fneo li-t aur his utu'uîaie Lthe Very ies-. Father eaatsatneatmanagement vwutprit- 6ih< t066"i t~o ' o'>-fj. lit. Lani-ent(l!o.! iadt%y will ho t'ho ad- rît a i-andtufuturetorthe developniunc t i6rt'l . Il6.01 v, Loit6 I. - O 1'#iio. ,atlir-art dimienlls:uuisatlandit her of. Cheizr bard. Âlthouah tirneos have been h 8 '.~ ~'<îî ii the >. 'llrie folwingatunt,.connectaditih hadtbay reprgodsae,ýwlitch we fi ni z~ u'o I. aih, wIlho> heir'1i lie work ofthe t oecirîc, f, raken ftronman ait- lmalway thecafte whanontilburt.t-a i * . * e'ëthi ilt'it m nny ! et! ,î',.' t t v-i ,Infl hvi. i 'ot,.)h-s people hiot.iîeithy hi. iloratahlp tocgk lePt. OWneftmw-I -o i:~ tI .8 '<t lv1-ilg. W Itoo'fre akiniq hin et ire i'lîî1rov cftl.lira. te four hulad toteMr. Geo. a.. C-axeof w-tjal> '>~......I"t Ru' ~i,î ~1 latvivel,At thi» t.iuî>uor Bitahop = o'sPatebahoO, ox-pnmstaat etfteMidletnd1 w(od. alie -6 I i'it vii nL OuiI lIlofçîîîut Kg nXiar Annstriltc of Norm. -rntlway, who, va undenetauu, bd& coin-q a (if I (,f1I00 O 0 rni(:«nadna Rome enevent yeare agitLt.emenred faradiifnalsulm. oiaag into ie l.aitoi d--t i.t.teîtb ,cî a pirItual necemist a orthe few CatholilcebvedlngofDurbam. Wemrtmsy mu.tj cIIS ]'-<" 1; 1. \1rr. on Wrd-setttrud avoirthar téémnritay wore adraln W acnaratuiste bis on makinm ach a grand ~-vo.in~',21tt go i by, Ooly rive Jeott fatbuis, -Toa . eleeon te acte I ish, s&" p eI à" 1 tIvIniu-, 2114Mdday lathe ameotrrlrory here are *itrtesa u OiM nuuawsment ta lafotvyunra Ihibird pooXt 1011, herepriestê, chirieun Jettuit. it dthrees.cfcolsr'tvlgtv e*eouotuneves.A W&ê06000* ifi "i t' lite profrait.X 1 Itui kt o a l.. 1,e nhmtl-Prielants. Wbt-hisktishlpw»appotmgd t'cent sali bas boonmde ste LaMr. T.R.1 j io r .. î'it-trieliy and yvrx mgo' t.h4 rit' aeretleve-n primeala whieli wvua e a th ond ofer i of calves ltetI-', .-to..îîntICm.eh, F46 eoflS. pert îuU vake aItam, theie thu Im;tosk mua.g ris %orsoehWb- John (R Càmç e0-ot. of Kil5a uti. At pre*emt niaIes IUnis. Tht. gllm t e a t ebwe S &vset liiil.-.0 l t ý-lthhîe>tt. faine"~, îrfrtallbor i tihe ane arus,mabou a i pntmsbotila'utteeethg" ibutprizeta1 haw& WI i6 il. b.i6o' ~lu ibis Vilage., if-lt.wpooeêntenieI-Toreus>i. r ia~ VIIIIII, cogsly fsm .lotra, . * î t>ai itan d t.he buminsttect ,ogto hn emvatonqtness uasla secuin tgthlm aanaihoth fori Ir.' oa > 'Ilivt a'd t 'eai rOtlril;g he là - fiéot finhop J . mor. Teit eetahietlaiîid"du merit endlaise bisefabJon- înili. 1II6'r-tie i'r'>eo"(IutlTIart crme* laipreoscut lftyalI-e chiii-hes La the dioee. able hi-i'aea. Thedamwvaaheitorrtat 1 ~~une Il a.. . vale 011 orake ll.a eibaele. j îwty-ue ot f hieh av- ir eus entl Nies. Gat & Csmpbou»bc r Sd Li rturlog the> dmistélation of hie Iard*thp, Polworth'. siale tu ToronS oune yen . s * îITt ï1XN.twetty-tavotu vit W as foWiely b ufbe e mhm turmlou »hoea vary HeMsW T 1 :S 1, ~a.toIt , 1)a. A 1etti na Ort" c'e of NocherrnCawiII d Rittaïsm mdaeoalbnedegi. r.Gwntbasslok the elale sme, flue brick sa t ch.reat. meomwau t esLThos m eabethu.otbm g lo'u'-oa .1Niu-ZAt »e'itt wte.rre-enUo""de itfnmt.Plgs. msin g n- olauv.*, miet nbleh6 leam&a mornu& -am t-itt-_. .-Kennedy tender'eitbu deanot pruloseahave beoes tsbitgbe& cnla toi' lie slow vin& At t 1os-ayown rk'shva- . ' Rt a ..i d ttylogat Ot- h sousom pwwuur q tvau ta cie uokk ok wo rR mmmi 1ShIW ebratoib" tovb iaui P, %o. tt.cMdusai ntiop fors a distritsot bois lAllmosusa, maklsgtela "'Maed 1 J w ,- d thm ba 1 Igle-I'r 1eaLvuyt'. m,.Ilt4tiabsgaclaoto.doecidet»t.cousIssa 'a. Mf"-thelq vie - il, x yra. rMdtm aretitTher amte te hum l.tk for ass*smUmes. I2b » 'Vai (*>. l.<',nlva cceifr_ it,.- aioleO-OIsS-tSE.h S __ bcu- -.9 - _ uJ111-ks hou eIf T W. .o-I t<-a-oi.t-i R__;&.sa nie 0ie1ilos;m ob-we £omm ---.aa. m m Gi» 199 MNmmim" fil, TONPOE ObM bu ~ ob w Du os 1m . *185.Tht SLa. gOe Commldra" d h pesl thecaMue bustus.. Tiv vntokauto sud ahpw dfvom Loe,1D BILs 1F J'LLE AN» HAM7T1ÇG g*. Roiî,,muza m tv Taâ.pi-Tw@ trams entevad the houa.e ofMr. ilumdla ica 2né! cou. et Thuo o uTueday wký sMd tffii $14 tu euh. On Tunasds9RUlga wagon boong to Walter a. Koewlaoa, apsadlkrr, was broken. opa. luth. 11h cou. ofThurlow, whm sh. ws rstop lu teb rnht. uund a largequaîêty o b stm cnnmtsttng of und4t.elothiug sMd a uUnw wstCh tan. BOvFCOTTrNroTUS K.rr.-Th local bras*é of th.i katohtîn of lahor have ,ified tbe newstdesberfs that unies. they coes.niIa tho Toront fil thé aih.. 411 h u1 haudm i wbthfor> ?UoeUb ani@Ma" -' un. f smum l .- ofe tlume la VhWouulybolugpeooeedelwitb. ---- .0fTbh a oti Coaacoew-Au tula.Ta& PeUTon> ndoe 3wuk MmdicsMg hmu- et 1 w mur. é. rueOMM aMd mm WdLwodasot sonnt uNo mmdqpa~ ha& U*M t lm@4-OOur co-opoda WMM *" » ffl fIO& Ivo p artesottomesit thelb.rnrdu abd h pacuda4baeev" It ta b. correct. W. doa .ttlk aur oorepodent would wllflyamud ait lnsomreport; but l muet be ve n nuoylngto te.pardiesmms ad sud we regret emmcul te. publics. tiloaof theitem. Irultba-ose patie bave mase.te bolteve tw a tem ias vi wnlttaa for' a practical f>ke, elther foofla or' mallfoue, we s"hlhave no liemliation, la Riving the Mmrae tt he wZttCsuMd pnlmlmwftsla Tis Poni. W. think 1the co'.1pudutactes luaoLflb-D R.' KYLIE >s DARRIAGE AND WAQGON WORKSI F1282' FRIZAT L1ND&4Y CENTRAL FMR. ft.heerkpt uexhbtion by me wau not got Ue&wWy for thal urou u atalus fro th ~ow.oo, md to laofe work beon baltlimes. mmd the ct 0fit taklng fetprise away trem woft gaI UP as 3»ot expemas, for exhibition purpeseashow undoubtediy th upriority ofrn work one ail othur manufacturera.Out of six vehicles ahawnasa the Exhlb m lhvesd four and reooive4 eors for Lv. more. te b. bulit oa the imrin auopie. 1 em determineda te keep my reputation au. mmd with thia end in vtew I amn uaing thé bout mate- rial Chat moner eau boy. The timber in amy vannished wow - admiel b cSail-Who vwated the Exhibition.1 useo h.saadatd A. Wbeei, seoeamd grevilshlolary Goar; andlfor my JladUprng.Bgel Iamn nuls. the celebraisal Wwagtrn rpCre. h.get Impro em t ~he agi. Im ar iking a epcat ic.Eiaubl o'.TUMe la no patent gfear mnasa.good me titis gear for neinesa an d iumabIt.y, ad.seM. MoLazno hm a made 8mre imProvornents dit mY SuRgestIon, mli partieS wanting a b urfiih ahu o tiabeau- titul giar can get one tram me finiahied ta perfection. 1 arn uaing ,*Laugl ub.zal and igrai Waslzers. which are guarmnteéd te ris 5,000 miles withnut making the liait noie, making a perfectiy moivule sBugg. I have uew lu course cf construction a variety of the mont beautiWu andl aeriesable CD?. IMIEk s act BLW£SEIuevor buflt itht. aounstry. AUL parties ln noueeorone mhotl cal ad examine thc imber 1 amn islsg. The beut la the cheapeat. Givo me a cafl befere yôn purchaàe clsowheme T4ndMY. R1. 2. Ih. IM-5-ftO 'i - a R. TCY'LTE o~ :2.io Givea ~ JJ1I~DSAY. Ecauvax Workot! Into Court Fouz4ati@m PERRINS P.T.O., For Co,#tlt. COIu(Me UaseLs Wlioi)pinr; Coti!liL, Diffituudt Bi'eatMiïl n d, ail J7hroat and Luitg DLiseases. II Amk 4i~5 anal S. COR-VTEIL, J Lt2dua. P. O 1 Lindsay. Avril 20th. IRR1. 7. IAccident his uzance. CARD 0F 7'LXK ITa !'. C. u~. Agcnt Icé-dt:nt o~r"'(',<f(*i I Dr.':ý-Sm .-Ycoir c-1.N.o. 2 1, :r ec your Druggist for l. 5014 by an Dru& Iiîooiîdrcd and fqfly !olla'-4 t '[o> indo'mnit, po:l 1 Medicino deeOrs. nie' for lot ttii'q r:sit!,1W;î n., S. PERRIY, lurijvioed on tiI ;;tlt CL, ,kaeeýit lazt L te ., nd Er1r4R Pl'!OPRTT-TOR. P; ac ccpt czîy:iartMt t iau>kâ fur 1uîefit! 1 trem-îelv :prmaiitd ,azi:f.ý.eu., iaant:r w:. i -7ta hyept"o C a a'ptt" Mariai-e Licensee. sGbd 0111, lavi e 0o:!' i f£ew Cc-'C .n,-______ 1;I!ig anti î.trzu laaiili. boft, arnd ro doubt bu. i fR.i'!1f1ŽAL fore the fs'.5.ici' ,s at tey wili ail bu .~ &:oneu. 0On.' lin-'niiw fîeng up wcnmuet :qtcp. At. .Cti6o fin t:re f<té we wiil sb-nd ISUEROP ]KARIÂGE LZCSS, vanu a ài-'t clthie slI nifte and eheep. MAN17J.&..ONT. <'<-regrnndtonne.nR ThePPRTER, et'. woe'r -ot o.r ho lîo't nieo'alng o? thie IS 0A F IARRIA.GXLiGtimisE ltAxe 'for tVie cneffiii ilqfile r: -.W.C. i»5à T. ro .utN:WXT..Si-t-'r McCreea;" Ir M W..S.,ri3rn. rieni'.ttV'.... o'.H. LiidSaY. Oct. 5q. 1584.-IL McCi'ta; WF. St-1-'1 11JLaa; W". Chnp, BT(I B3rui. J1. Cav.'rt; W.M.. Hr'. . .1. ihoon; W. IIT N tlitan; LD.. ire. ri.Zda!e. Drr nthe pa4t 1t of the fi-moi Britten Bru&., jewelr qmtar the meectings have beeu interesting Lia u Y.) anuafle andstructive. OF fMARRIA'&bE tLICENSES1 ot thitt village have tsîa.o-t-d »I.(M) busheli1 TNTEONTW1T1.A ilfbointey whicIi they l,,.îicht tii"- ewnc. ________Ti"________________________ St-verzsI thousand btsl:eiu are atillinl the, ete-ehue. Bob t.Br n. tUorrevouduncef The Poutl1T~D A 1. 0. G.-T. - The Gisâd To'aapfara hors pur-1 pose hhl,(iir an tipa'n night inla heir hal R on Tbu-,yev..nitug, the> 100-h Inot., con- fi niecltg e p.MUERwhih CUIoce ni .:iO pant Rih adii ,rcaL1 tiens, dialogues-, sangs and munie vili ho i gîveto. Ir . ante bi a freemcutrt-tnmeat AN , Y KE anlailare .'ordially înva'eoi ta attendt. AND 19000 Y A J PERiIOtt.- M r.anmd Nlr». EL Fowler of ~ua* Lindao bav-e hema vl'itlngC thpir friende - here for the past week. Sor. Fowler ha&o his donble-borriied, hrsecfî.-oaoder along with hlmnnd spent&u oM Cornu>huatiîmg, ding gi-eut execuîoa. am-ong ch. part-. elolgesud- btuek "quirl, andl va have mno - ioulIb ai sa fox corne withtn, range hao ~ voaLld have beau id loy tua. 1~Tr l uai [Corrupmulonce ai The o Pl.1 Ihave nov nsokalre nlvnssro SAvZ» .âRMY B&amo-u-c.-Tbe aveoitJi tc alreadwi sotc arrny have leai th ie lot here ownei by 1 tocmk ut Mr&. Tinney, near' the town hait, &Bd ame B"-wLumber of miiM I&Ig.Mini gettlng materiaL for tLeb btRdigofsspac blfte. Istem&Lmgtg ou, bisracki. on the raund. 1 ES l lzsmLmes Puorzry nvCatànm>z&s.r. Pomeroy bas TibeV. , DuWouO. mmd purchasui tIhe D£eL&ngh"i lot aajolnlng the bighehool, mandtbas a nst eavl ar. USS5brd Luisit, fer mas kinda raneAdnewtllla houge for himself nesuri- et Rui&tnwmg amies e« mu completeit on t ..... Mr. Si-mupi Walgers iia at,1iem bnaol scAis hovoe and lW-.on Klng-e.t te Udib.L .Lm Ur. Geo. Brown anditbas pnrchasei the> adt. cesietfam iKima. boining ons from M.rw.Forguuou. Mr.Geo. Brown bas rernoved tun the villaxe . Remlember. 1 amn the euiy oie that xien 0*JLWOoD Açn» vus .U-~rPomer r RESIUL VoAoLdWfltfrO.thejeý ha. arue la e fret 1ov buseevoue*M&ls &emlije BI boawaitth iff ne bumunerth S.WMbi i te.wholeWne munket. It vould a&- P. regite', a"à ch.e nly tves al i mneje lu. rtius a ntts.CUec.gve titeir «"Mer ku tbe vÜIlag hav e ueasy houa sam s. lovai.I The. ahane staff milI AUl be nid ut pnico.te soit Tua S&vmn AatwrQuunmw.- rotheai- 1.155.A ~OWtoffrCs aalcs tarof The. Petit)- -A Itenitiha% nat sie y eug.&LD oreC"laucs. S cC&attns eoomspeutm uluthe Saved Tru ale ndr lte hmdln -Oak. , a bih i 6 ute t" he£WC l ofe Wt n e DuuaN VOET iletiidi. wtaoufte l o îomeiaithea ~IrWo iib.hmpt meia e &evolamy eheubiB meettingla qe rThopkSsGsmmmlt eauo. ai lir dm Ai m Mm whole « ms. smet gué@& MA. liste tb. laIe C. M. okuro R. BRYANS, ns raile.a a. Pmbv>rIana me eh." iniesetou NasI Okwoosi auni e»j. u. ,oet. & iu-m. lle fw ame »et a.cb* sé-eer__ ___ ___ ___ __ mmules. la t lis iMot Mstopa bue emonum e mou- the eburet for_______________ = à 1 1 ipl d iraivem oytal laeaqle. 11h. catmes$1.'W<IMON W USÉES s~lulSouuaynl~ mtias iam e MmS OI m m MMD et d~rdua .mineF0 aux CEEAP.-La* No. 62, -ff baâi doauit.a s-sy ail x Mam w btlp et Somvmlle 98 sehr, tl stto asy hlladosamare cies.A. - tiie. Amw t.e MWU.. . 9miw d th tvte»couhu vastwm 1OGMtMUChurok-et., Tro 04L M&s vas M _ -Mdta domy e bu 29Waomar.-bl.N. o .w Iabm, Aam& heMlean h ~mo @m" mass augberew W»M udaes tle kmbu1 e. DOKW aD BhmuàL ut u.imvr. isd etm uta.L la 3ýÎLem,4nalefatmi la buI.. STRÂYERD.7,05 ovaleà O..upe is.a.ubh qnmIhUis~'a 4 et i îfOUoUh Um u svii l %ussssu im0y Nr -< m~ ...Kw.. ILA11up-MM FumerIC ___ _ et rom cm EM - mil a Ibo a a m ~àms, osb ont Batlieoum whohu-,i ivc deait withiy cl..i:n. W.SA]Lit 'AL TED Z Z .TLZit N.3WN roit AT'? ~ CFPLAN.TS, BUL3S. I!cn -~ 'n'i-, '-;~ -î!.i.and g1v-es a. lieill: r.> . 1'- u i"-.jo.oanif t'y shor' o '-c : : r a 'lrm m D A-M là 711ytf* AU*1 forma et ACCIDI;lNT POLIOIJXS and Ti î- .eLh~rrccC~yl TtCKETS issueit on teMOST IFAVORt- u.. F1. C. TAY '~LOR. : t . 1.h' -*.-a .. o A.nderson &ïiugrt.-:A-: ta j BUY YOUR 4IiBRNIXIRE( -A T- Bu-laN & JE' u Gt, t' V36 " '.:' ~~H-ý"dS' PROTECTIVE ANDC -ILLEaMU ASSOCIATiON 0F OANAVA LîdayOc.'th. 1i85-al. 1is c ':;t:a o0':.-î-f 't't : vî tmîen. f~nL e3r tihe i t-rPro;c,:ira -ut 1-. R All parties Ihat hbave 'e,'an -:t ihi- it- ESTÂBLLSHEI 24 YEÂRS. m tenîbers ; i,,y p'y.'and ha'..11,)otâm uI..'o.art* E notîffetI tlict Ut. e.s th'.'y do o u. t hvir~.t nana.. "fit 'if;"ih-.toi-.o" Jv.Iî riîle 'liaiï t 'e>f-me ta proetttitour mntivreb' dffl fld~pf7ff3gagain..r al partie, tthar (tu nGrptt v 1! rte h-- 'ta îa jro-.1) i lý--h ta kee.p omlI* n 1 ar ut <'f a e - p riait and ad v1e c ost.ii. ti- ioideist . 190W nit'. :hite.v't' h-rtu-ate w! lIE\NUY .1* .Dve Btaeffsait Lii s. Pack'-!; .~E80. <ge. lies the best. ' ; --X s___ corps for Preserve JarsDa1N2p1 0trN pIlANOS, Fe gait op fr DebUiityr. 6I txar<d superior tet any others mèode in fCanaaa andi etual to any made lut the worl. EhenusatSnefor RAe~î a v aie roiken.s:'cty-o.ix tlrsai tri.a, wittîtn the it,'o.t 1tu-o n e.îrio. airsi prrizu ait the o h-atrai '.it>, ttMJS 1ton. ri.indsay, l$SIS3. aaUnd Ijiploaiutcf luunw'. aeliiur' Km V Frwt Sat, aPlesantSE WNG >ICIJNE, Thé XVHTh. maide, lu(t'iveland. -01d», wiahi Its perfect Aitauanatio itohbin Wilider. uoit"Kiln%: ~um'usaiamiofm .rout, im Nach:înt.4.* ' fa'iiau i zuwiàé gah,,est u iJî. accordinac tu style. 5~~~~y. tVU~~MllcI li aay niea )gr adiiuo dt Ais. 1 1L~. etition. Special Red'ieti'>ns ta eburubes. miu- - -- lateroiand soooit.ties. maceanes'W. Iw. ]LOGAN. fi5 l{,~j Ls ua"va%-aVoal T.indq'ay, Sept.31U. 14.-fW. mflul frm otn, ou. ris-aielemmn avene. mula Rades.maioung clausesfor ramevhs musuatted d hé h.day. For à&JàZESJ VOPlà6.X. , orner Kent!&A (Yott 1 am n Istmeltod by Dr. FIDLER, to mi u PUBLIC AUCTION, on Siitnr<Iart th Ilti Psy of Norîuîber. 1.at -2 oclock. P. mn- at rnv .ucti- n ILoom-I. Ket.-tt-t.. Lindt!ay. tb.f filowlng valinable PW-- perty, vI'Iy- I>ÂRCE'l LLo South eRuscl-st. P.L!UCEL 2-Lot 3, North Oleuels-st- Lirs MYl. ]Rach parcel contalus 1 au acre. On paree I thtre la a larde fraai d weliit o~M ad oflice withtl iubud1ngs. This ProPare? fa li eh. heart et the toun otLIndur. TER3lS.-1O 'erocunt down at Mine ofaiae: balance ist oee rnnth %vithotnt intere»C Foremsditions end! a"y nth.r informnation ap. r 0 4IMenrH U $KitJ.CSN en- Tme wm b.reerdbâld. lA3M ~IL LEEOX. Eumi~t by z ot b K Mi. vSl, Sos.Wbour. - umDr. Mlbr zbdmr. uE s&i1 radurl. ipm Joa Oi lruvwem a ~ULLEFOLEY,?- BAIPEITERSBUILD sx uied iLady F« ulse* &X&i 330 CO" Mm ~WOOD mDLIv. WK. FOILET. S. Correil. ITÂLIiI BEES FOR SALE, None but Strong Stocks in Firat- Clan Condition Stocka Tranaerred to any style of Rive to Suit Puchasers. MENTON THM POS.Panme efer avorbymtinmelang paper Tbcuhbreti and Grade Jerseys. G. LA!». LAW.e TiFort. Victoria PRad.June 1I&1815 MIOSSOMý BOYD & Co. LUXEER ýîiYÂIMI. GoUNEa or Bomî» »Lua. LflEDST. Pwckets of aU Griades. Ajao EO!3CÂyc,-ZN IXE zla Borrel. and ta sautk. aun4 CURDWO» fer Baie. SAMUEL WALE-zEAgent Linduav De'>M. 198t. kS P EC I ALTI1J.S. -WIZ-A]RD OICL TI, Best Cou qih Reiiedty. BRITTù".'8 CINDIT!ON POWOERS KIR HE-SIAS AUCAITLE. CH.c'RLS BRITTON, ]DRU isGI3'%FOOT OF EMKT4T. L~~rd . l 1 P;.. ISSI. -5.. - _____ PLANiT FODU! Buon& A1T.. - - ,m-mar- - orme tuoawir- am * venT.et ligneLv 1