t. 4. - ~ GAANEX ~W, 1SLT ~ _PRIAT.OCTOMBE90 tom5 gbootr aothîo ak attqJ Dave,w sd oow t e KarLTJJDB Eoekm 0.11 wthte Marid-Pa Prises ffl THE d'TY SýTOR E 0F LINDSAY, .ASTRACHAN MANTLES SA CES 4" ENBWMLRZITI irni the best, mont durable sud comfortable Germent a- lady eau prnivida hersaîf vith. Thrày ara appraprl sfor a-anti aIl& occasionsa, baides beinq the mont oounomical, sud in-the.onlyP in Coat thaît Mnai i inot suioual-in- Jure ; sud are entirely frctroet eUa ttacu: of maths. Notvithdtandng the grest number alneadp solti la tues locality tue prosent indications are tuat tua demanti vil!, bc langer thaît aver this saen, and as a niodératelp- gondi Astrachan Mai ah. vii lua slady from wagiit ta tva!,. p-mrodinary vear, every imanding purohasmn shonlt wa-k. 1h a point ta bny P-arly, as 1his thon, annOUIth"~ p-ou osa got tinet choi-andtireut chois. msestiL ba sud handmonet gonds. Tic, CITY STORE, in VIev ai thse large dcmand for linst-class, rllable nooda, bas tchen great preoSutioma ta pi avide onîy. th, bush--ail bëamd- made, ceep- eaut vel t aped, andi interlined. vith scouon 1linntiroughoat, andi non@ but the best blue-baoked, sainaof genuine Loundon Dp-e amati in the manufactura of the4o garmeuits. 117 constant cana adnti horough hnowledige ve have gaïnaed a raputation for Astracin Mamle. that ve acsno afford te jeopardue ; aud tiioma vho vaut a gondi, reliablo Par (Jarmnt-the larguât stock in the Midianti District ta choese trom, vithont 1h. posiility of punchîsing a bati ane-aiiouîd orne ta th. Ciy Store vithouit aup- more ado. W. ha-ms a-most *omplote range of Pnocms BRE88_MATERIALS. Iaveetls aOur nav lime oa i A MAL Ie IAàBEICS vhan youbup-. W,do mot urgayoa not ta look aé otitrstocka, but ma* yack asm aàvorU eusMmd, a- duty pou ovaea niato, u Inet ta puroisse na& lm-o ha-,e mu ur bargas. Sase viie tbtar offer, lewans pries. on emci aticlesas pounone&-bat unde, mnoair- onuaemas. lavma sdallai ntil poun havae Maur Ssea- mul MAtuom. W.do mot fiai orticium or ompaul- son. on thte oontrary, va invite it. Wa ounabter malte p-an undeabil the. lducemeute va oser situe a inpectionaior "agoode and Primasofaotiiur houas.in Our liné. Tde la plain MtM ; but tii. plain trotit i% va hua. vu osa oSer pon the. but induoameute ian fan sd Sty- iti (ooda ancIL tuselest induosmensa in prisas. Attis- tiaus too animerons ta matiau; prisastSoow .ta b. beste; gooda stp-li sud qualitp- nusussi, m AU goaL andl sufficut raons viip pou siionli se.Our stock. et amaS. Whilsv a vagtisa ta induoes. o ta eavs do Our sdvartiming onhida theus tev castomnrS o viaitore vwi l ot b. talked lite bnyis. Witii yards vs tnp- ta Induca en»ta cama; viti puansd quality va abail indos p-ou ta bey. Tan vlfling cuatamers viii hi tue cand b. mors profitables t shan tvcty argnd iataa making purchass We vat p-au ta b. sattîfiet. W. vant p-ou te comeapian id te this Mdt va look ta Our patro ntersus. THE PUZZLE 0F 1009 .M z Eo » O m zjb' e .Do. 2>y It. Bry*t semle rruié ofamdition au t* tan caractars 1, -0,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0. touvther, mimo .ka 100. Yo n atransosathe âpigras ».w wsy yen liii., but the. tam oharaotsr must appear, sMd nat more titan onc-- thet i, the. ligure 1, 2, 3, etc., oa be uéod oauy once i the. .un.lFor azample: i1 s8 7 999 Tim i utWestipuzleocm be doue. It in mot au ira- Poasibla catch. tpon the. foflowinu eoncitiansa m83 prize wMi b. ivan te the firat pesa wha saude the. corract solution of the. pu"s!.tiiwugh the. pat-ofI5ca bafora the lot af JnUq, 1886. iiur.Dafreattemptinif te mlv.tehlyen*0 0 m ust raMd the wbole et this adverd"eaafie " tntae mitie miy. macaN.-Aaswen scst be smat te esabkmai4 Msd met other- wlas ànwers muet .ow oalY onea dtial-= thie, as abave. whloh are sive fer examplus, m nn.If the wiaasrl a lady sIte le te bave &!1 bat or boa. ho or d.eat e 0 bat;haor au allowma of 83conm'y FURIFUBSI FUBSI TMi comaIrg vint., promiss. ta ln à peimoaWte ose. Intense co ul predictati, sud it bai"ves tus people of tiisdistrictotalb.praperad To titis preparation a goati upplp- of FLRS i.nias.- as"r. Whothe iig Leod muaonvent outvwith aur fiaet parents th"y took te the skias of vild bats (tht i., ta Furn>, sud wv ailme s.the .tuiadescendants have improvei on tue Costumae. W. voulil titrefors re@omein.iintamding purohasers ta mecure thai, FPas .arly i thei nanan. 1Fine Furs araamm, andipaies. vi» rtaialp. not decrease as thaemaman advm. Làadis., sud gentlemaen, viateve, p-on do ia the mat- ter ai Fuira, do qickly, asprimse ara sure ta admance. Thie CIT Y STRI in tuhespot ta viiici p-auare di- a ttama-Leau u &oass F<&U a" W Wtotr MiUmiy. Tha thtuaCity- Stor ar.I thile lersus admiteal fact. That vs keep tue largeit stock la anetitir fact. That ve keep tha flns.t clama of inin a u aa undoubteti futi Tht aur prie.amstua lovesinlsa ll undaratooti faut. Clotlà ,Maetie" INe~Mee And Fnr-linad CIRCULÂRS and a&H clamses ai MANTLE MATERIÂLS and Ulster Cloti. MEICHANTTAILORINCU Our nav stock af Foreign sud Domestio Tweed, guitizga, Travauringa, Vestimgs andl Overoatiaiga, ama mev te band, and for beaaty of designan sd .1. anas bave nover beau equalled. The. pries are f uily --0 par cent. lover, vile titirange ve am showinsr ia double that af lest year. We arar offoring tva cass of al Tweeds, the bout value ln Ameria, at 5W., 60c.,7an sd $1.00, vorth et lasat '25 par cent. more ii thea ordiuany WsY. Witit suca acomplet. ssortnient of huodmomes new Goodiandu lbosuty af style combinad itit sutistio. cnt sud akll !manufacturea i îgentlemen,& garmeuts, va ara suralp- autitlcd to your coîisidamatiou viten ia vaut ai a nev Suit or au Overcoat. EEMADY-XADE CLTHINGB ET' p-ady anovlodges that y, carry the largest stock, sud ifythat is no o em-uet necee.arily have the largoat sasrtutent ta select frn. W. ape in a position te gpve 700 tomo noble bargaiuis in Ready-.made OVER- COATS aud SUITS this a lan d vinter. The styla anti finish la equal tao utaide ordéed vork, snd thse loy prices araeastonishing emrybody. HÂTS ANVD CAPS. la Ras and Caps we are npted for the fins ansd befat gooda, and aur Dinies viii epeak in thair ovu bebaif. GEINTS' FUR&ISHINGS-a vcny complote raî,_qe. SýOOTHEBÂANC THBIO aM ________aIxTM "RAPMRs & OLOTIIIERS 71rSA. lua solstyle wlabed tfe, at A. &. Tzmt*s'.-Ole1 Mn M. DavLu bas lawly returael fmaaiTor, rueleldaIly at A. I ETm'.- 61-L cmto «d brout with ber semaet tdm ahoa LYNDSA! PRIDA, OCT. -- ~ paes la . TrntVn. *yla indreuansd mnde tamWd Etrmalap Mr.YOFM Y C.ý9,! lm-the fns ga athe mua ettA. t Zma hrugiMi Jms rna'ssir-1 ,,Warta Md durable ulatersagrs ______________varlety. fhemn ISte meO. Pa"n hm" yUlster TOWN AND vams. ITV elthe. 3M.,40e. and " .par yard. Relsà our DABEB BR R ND 2'ZR On aur asth page wil b. fournilreports and i'rljpurchasea ad auly lectioua givsus <iDVAS &tà'.uA DnoaBm. p rise liate of semeral lD showeï Ameter lot lu fur mmansd coMtthe veryoholeastgeodsb The EsturloinTima.abio. Win appeaer nezt wee.. %e warrant emey matwe WLaDPrie., frein NuipBve 51Fm 5bU. T'ho Fliturion jîltil close or navigation willlru ,-On aurecosd pesawlb.fournilthe lattr IOO ta4l00. A lot afabout tonftu mci,. The bumatowueblp'a fai sbow Tuesdar and en the following time-table: leave B lsgon of "Weesy Sabbataloa," oommetlug on the clais we aremellUg f ramin.*»ta $loi& .Wedalesday wva agruenscens. The veather Escli worth ueurly double tbe eprieis. Rend wuas lasandthé attamla waah" or aIlast At 8i a.m.. arrive l.indway lu -» &r.., bave LUnd- Buadayi npDhitlgqtNSIL.Our largeadmerlement hwenlit raiaed> thouzh the price of adl. ,ay3 pm.~ariveJioasyeo 1.5 pm. Nnsnt & Andersen have the job of ttlug 611.DVN.Dàa à & LAVULLa uos. l bai.beon doubled. Oui nôtes cf tbe su teaup the Odilfellova' bal af Lifdsay. The. dr1u1showsmdl thei Prise Dan are crawai out. WI Téomu ià»SIlu. are " e upplling the iftttl.gsfor& dru «msto3111111211,11V aasr nex alwsh. Wo rominti fariners. staekr-ain n teeblsersubrb r..qft- arane nteXdln ri %el of e the I o<oinbnaton stock sale Tues. apsiatPsrbr b i J aen, -Apssaao teNîiul ri "pcMdaea daî nt t hartîrrlohbtingons. -The store lu the Dabeay block. foruierly 50w.' DNe w111ita adi. thé pisSa "llant" ta À uftthslwçollaanrqài» dynsaitearcluaexiiinfrudoceapled by Mr. John Pyma, sud wblob was the nime alraady borne by UaAcwa the ae ceonlv miretltlu ,I.ttwri. FIMaa loweàa tnd 9 .corge McHagh, two dauaged by tbe ate lire on the preom la b.- "H&udbme MaIS Léthbrldgst g ealontbt cwhflb. furulad free ta ascb sctool carpora- w6.liknonatauctioneere. willl on<iact the mg& Oe d.M.J ellsa a Relo a hln aggasa"ac"asai orn , anam"beabtaiaed ou permonid applica- lhe hit<h reptitatlon af thosgentlemen la afUa r .MWUwh h o 8 lady as11 ge101119110n vR $Ornion et the abl caple O heosmy btinpecter. gnarantes that the smle will b. properly con- lu aud " rlb iersm esDbsats ec ther .!mal Luarthoen dueted in ever ect. A larho atteadanos of I-Thé Part Hope Tîmes bas rmmed Ile iaily reeukltetther remsattrio tuthale r «market Mch... ucamennt at Mrtycents buyermiî . looked for. Th. lst for suiemal b. adition. it le a brlghit.aewsy Ut iees, one a>t. tavs. _______ found in car aulvertlslng elumne. but no doubt î printei. but. lte pollUas am bail, vey bai. oeurekRua ,iher will IxeA number 0f entrios oa tbe day of >artunately thereiauGide ta givadally poli- OMS OMSt-a.M .Pieu. il hsmeann sat-«Clantidote.Nov lateseta eiders " mafrein Rv I eml bbecoe ioen stoek Notez. -Lookaet the local blof-tare fS mie week: lumberaMd oucmlyard. The f«Mau W bs o d. Mandaj eveiag Suiect, Re"epticu. lMr. K MeGrath refusai3.0 for bis promisw siet oni. colbad aucu-lingcecsi are now saperiarta aaY otherS L Piespete f bintod ns he erya ldrvr he okfl cil agan. curler's sunual meetins. baidéesa lot oburch. ha-vina slraadv preaciteilaermonsta iBf thec oarjea ol drver whcb ookae~of meetings Andl aommitté ae bernpNo Liadas sud criera cam b. Allsdtwlth the. ut- jona m, wi onuanevenaugnext preh cond place In the clam for that agaeat the Cen- vonder fathoe ofa familles areneut atughta. muet despatoh. 1 am navlng a large number of a. emonapeeialy fO au anen. Asn Rom.l irai fair. The citer was made by g Port.Halpe f.Tos Lmiaa hte Norme contater wth coul direct frain the mines and 1.ea mdm ofta blrhl er gentleman. Plaine, tenzain W .uwu garai go daathSut. tse quality la .lvlnjat ulf cou-n.aabi lwuu1ratcl othe semon vii - W. loarn the following partlculars è'urd a y ack b s thl r bbre ulle esvlcnut r w uaat -am b ultrslgaa ing the exhibition o(Vanadlan draught M.jont de ofMi. Lun>sevas broth adwyir Pwetr m. Il pur acal erlcsln onrct. bOauiat at the industrial fuir la Toronto. eai. hMr. Han ID.fLulateub.nndarmr aineofsuaillr.Ie juri, ne-Thélveser'.foudr. Dy jurEssi ve m Col Genrge Curtis watm the succesfaulcOtutor . d noirmadon.iaomr osidheut. a woall. olfon r11su1o-1.bs.R aàx. -h erhnaPatciesd ololg witlvaahoo. There were no les thanSmvea-n sdnvclfaiero t J .riwy -11 _______ Asociation raquait Pçsi et a al ata leen antriesa frantaIl parte of the province. The -At the soce board utestlnu an Tuasday eM 1~gud due te mmbars of the auaotln The nam«e competitlan was very keen. but waae tlnally ulght mr. Wr.r uuugoetd that lu view or the o kUO. f the deHl~aata v ha fi to rempoud t oses broisght dowu te ibree fine animais'. whlch vere possile dangter et amallpax proading athia -Our aptet friands bave gone tO vork vlth viiib. pubid. Ses 'tdvt. cm Y page. rpesid eéxita.maaau-d alie emthais thrteo turneactonof Ontario aIl cfhldra tead=ng ltée 1.meut earmendable praantaussta brighten -Tbie emenlng <FridajI thora vOl b. a peciai bj the judges httre itivinagt hear final décliin, ItlCsool hould b. aceluated. Mr. te zw ur ithlrtInacendta trcioASt ol« TeRL» m whlch wus sltlîuliteIY nmade in favor ofIvan- niaht nili e bait vrlttan ta theinister of U hlavcuetlah rtiaac ai.Att eratna hveerau.. TR anLu Bas bon. Mdr. Curtis isa tabe congratulatedpnh d lucen rdng the natter sud expacted t occupj lt it e caui. Mmnhave beas, buv ieanehbiisuapoon"M sucoelusof bit&staîllion and we have noadoubt tet sO& i e ae Ig the aeghi hrha l ilti e rWKlnueguarsteus the lac lmet f 'farmners in tie s district wili nlt fail te romnembar -Thé Peterbaro Datil Times racetlj msa8: soa time jet ta complotheioprqjected li-. uhtin, ever »emuinuLldas. &hie ll'b. fattire. ..The.usa cernpuaj are rapldly exteadiug - ---- Uter pipesasd a- cmesher0leumbe tnvpeetut.AbnsregibeBatbseu Tuchng"ié Mr 00 &101111001% George Caiverta Report. aPa bave renentil Pllas psa upstion la uttbmolu¶bthe weillunr»eataepulpît sud su Rt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1ý laessLm .neiwoeyua i e~ places vlios.ei * Most air d-alcov i vil ha batt inteper. lside of vIticIt A umberoToroto'atleudlnacitlzen bave thé Ontslirts. wardWla Ri a firthe baptstrjy wl b. puesi. Ttss àaet in bondteclIeOtIon.f a-fuma vidaa- viev ci gondi neya about the sprlnw %v heat. Nowever., share.,ImAr balon iovsuit aiteai lelas go"ione sud aong Ont Il& aecry binai of grain la gond, oxoeptlng sprlag the. Iamp llgN. Severalsmore -enudi edncaar l.exasve arduobt pa-praetimg atdeulsl te Mr. GeorgeLtalaw I at1have been li Poterboro the luti two - On fYniwayof lmit veauMr. . . bi l . enlrg su ranaiseviAtheasa-ral»ogatea a b e rvie t e nomdvnct vheat. highar sudinehieampetaa lari. andalahaia A acte.iv it su 0f titent noreaut >ýtarajuat the market. 1 eau giveyjas lotpaoll asst or _ag sdvr tron ati ew flarehmsbellea put dovu lu the entry sud Itiu s oon ialt satpciltnansa samje tinoe ga Mr. BoaU gave su orier forach théa mate ha-me bioutora cft Portion at buavy tRauma: lien" W. Dorling. prasideut board ofI of the articles:lay$1. 5barlty, . . fall he@4atsife a" ne uW auppllsby the mRer m's - ..t te,-rtàlg heMb l»sd& j ras.ouirinan; G. W. Yarker mann-: wo. -butter,. :e sm 14c.; potaloas. 40e. J tooe P Miitemlo mhl-oa a tlagtoa and gaola thlem for 10c. cach or $1tpe irsaea aat.I rmi .st a;sdmui h al alcUag aeba O~là. J.uDmpfl IL m.w aie, . M dbei edvsîI, &c iiu io.yu a rr the fibm esions = M sd a second freseneal ap sud tintai, sud oui reporter wa~ ertr;C .. LMriN hai ra v e hasinona1lumot'slacatOnrsalaias hault ta replace lt.Thtis vWs placeil Sauessurailthst the ocmk-tbt@Mitof Interittent Kigill,..Leys, W.G.JsLaoabrldge .E :htioper hvehleadn ta vabars oneuethe store on Priday sud yUl no doutb.iea airs, lock-ls tu bave amto" af peinto a emoaf the Lee. A. J. Csttsnach. H.P.I)l>wltJohn Duras,ý ?rhey 'ut UP thoir hd dbasfroeveulaeno la koepngsafoly the valuable stock. trfaeansd likewise sometitng ta brighten IL E.(OsIer- C W. Buatln& Rot- EDIOUïRobt.i mta,î..I thinIc they musit have hai a-gnd -Thoquestionof the ULlup-et. drain camte up the bauds.GOswilllb.Snltrailaced imb the K P., J. L. Marrbsau. Z. LasI, A. i Bas- sln asiacrr aidlknl.aP es opsetthe coneaîtmeeting on Manda-y nlt aisud ad il v -(Warhod.ml* lngt ulnco t. ~,t e i >t.r hy50rectiveai saine discussion. White the workvas iUse. l u atharr oM ura Ufriands vl sut n = m smi sp~ folas% i suit, hait it taites Linda'sy te go In for thauglat ta b. verj important sud maecl atedd exemple of lberallty lu eburait matters as. vsmgme MM UR W ne a, *tin. 'inias look moud Amennt the mm mu~tthenrpi c <avineras f. w. They seem n lb. bayng new t vas didai. ln vlew of titelateums af teI ame nforu'ad, thsta svuite"demember bas of- Ovtuu riiba ett neplac haàaraies a. dlhairnesas. 1 hav seli 2h10 h ouaiof seasan, we leave it amer uatillasit sprlng. The i feai gve thematerial tacshioull the sans athe Lindsm ue club for the oppertualty ef eaùa'aages r 1'î PLi froje<ft contemplates loweril1utho "a ~sevîr and a shecond *grand. ctabrueiTelmau Cncrt e. tira tlàindstay. FénelonFalsa ana Peer-. Dt.1----usbacua frW" - tvm-ta .ng'ara- bus e, o nmirotinî a ait m enougb te drain the millet dm bave-at Ummo- taetrustais -if that bodyj ltheOf. hob U e mn onvr ei ted SpefgIllNe . cw th $lves« vok oprt.It in arly îîkîj h sobà lmlo cm d sd vasofaverjItlh eburacten. Ta main-1 -Several baya who vere*caught mmli taie by etber or ba thh în asa men 'br.cfU. a~ u Cievriuenaa ,,Iu pos of indsiay-Pcawr and Warder fruit front the sardes 0of Mr. A. Hudp=Ut n erefus. The charcb, vu .......ii. Ot UtaCOncetaimpeiang giron vItRi grest -challenged leu test abc plcked Iran b.leprouecuteai by that gentlemnu, vo ilienelotemplti l iprovemntae clelekl sili ami ouian sd the nrformerawereonl- vievi and-l xaminer officesfP _______mitaeemleof____olcebo______o he iiauarredno Bai av'm"ago la Wo a etPeeror lgistIate 'Ltari yl doubtienives 0 -vesvuiWsaLie as rymi oudlgaveo"Veid e, 1 a match at Lndsay iuring thes asrll er - .ng, -an eoge4listaithasthUt.frait grov- -iIvut a itim silemvands. ave ave part f %hie month. lai reply the Peterbom re aae tsetowu ha-va bonput tea ril smuj.-Ma. e i bDoumu o f Part Artm wr va uMiseneGsffr ym"ailflelmprewasluaejemer1 étu endi thoîr con'pimntsans d if il* ail mueby depredatilo a viiadmintater - W tl.Wvhoe"Suand u. versatile roa r cirer aildcautrbut.. 1 n ni to Linadsay thej wiliihalai the gaine mone lesson. goal gardons ha-va bees rob- a.f ao@yt mitrUo h vif Uý.«r tuLi the gi4nnini< Of the uext sesm-a- sortlb.d sud injured il lIti tle hlgh Urne msexemple -79r. E. A. Ponso a thia we k fil. mrbausai ateneau iUammnn ut te.,u-1wal aeL euqg us lit war..Welcome. Pet- vas maie, sud Mr. Hudapefla course la ta b. cuit joursvuait.at Vler.rlacclUss uaa sa-i.ro. oaîaj. ama itt baits ln aur bandscommne&c-M. Kis. Dom o aIoa.,N.Y.. la la Iowa n àos asvant et ancre &him crdl nlturest, ai..,. rai bhor uhos on your tout0t i b. -Weduaiay aigRta aprty or frIeude a- shot .um taber diii, Mms. Buard]fi> vhlu esujgd e * or sss pe 0for uireporti, Win W b aively none. iaînn arsa-metet t seua s.ans, Unur-et, te li sTuisacau fli i -l"stWednesdal a base biaamemig00 « a-e«M i. ail Mms. anasa- suriitew. ttpm aeummn tl o i tise "ornets ut taaecetiet yard toak a trip ta part cmaepreprai ta egaj thernuies s ai. -Mis Min n ai. vhobubaue t.We retr tta te murriag, et MÉ. MiobalCon- il, bmiymlloaaî anpiayud a matcha with te club oarieai bsskets heapedvlth gaedlnu. Atr 18tof Miss Iillaoar1,hms raturai. te dom et lAiaaj, voiudgfavcrably kacyn ut bo Dailce. Ti Maaint hadut the close of suppar Mr. PL J. Menui"son=baaor cfthé vial. hotus in Torouto th m ugh hieaaneuotaam itRitRie Ir im Ip9at ur et lh ias iaawrs. T11ieadvaataage vas wlta- voryhandsomeétilver sugur b.vî sud spo M os- omt.b ram eam f lc i siki-Lm vard boyâ froua the egnifla.tisaj hoder sua- mark c espcm esn.~ Wih olns., a auni .MBi i p eer mony t* lc u t at ix. ag superior te tîseir opponents bath SM the Nanfas reptiedan sd ae"knadai. the. ompli- jaVonuicti ebu froi et731m . i a pre pRm a»..sd ou the sitaila. At biplaier a eig~ sdUaki.bt osmr htlyfr - Mr. John contala cr the onitaus la u j balitr NasI AMmj sdtRegro 4 MZMdSoa" hedhos er «ny F front Gueipla hale sud heamt. Ne sspeta. . ain. Md 0oe.AtrtR oau b. sali tu. die credil of the Bobo almeonthir hdaeise511. danietinta :vý as "àa mary Cordial velosas.inmoa ds ewl.uual cupe aeiltba rhah, but îhe wlll be. avurabiy remembaral bj vlthniusie au- sa*6 apsrty i&n<rev I es» tenc lttui" cupl rived, ate aIte "(aémet* for, their geutlemauly treatasîale iuaugMs.Dma ilrrcpv. -r. D. J. Seully lom taira Wailnesiag aven.o aI mn fe" ena DE i ho lwàvin uthei village. 0 rD kms walehuea isS Ie li eek taoput Sa lhiethiri. Feu Nsun ep neylIasrepairai.taeteraidumSac wa «Mr. mm» wretl once remove bis amdicul Wh"e, MDfpumý a& i-bsi t 'lssmotltar, soutd ared, bero a-nmp. 'Db..*ssna Naaamg. jsshli mit t hat lasbre bueluam OF@j& .bis holiwd yamlnaise gm tsaù mousuvediing cf. afie W51DOS t _Mr. A. Gaca, VS., Woiivtfle. bbai n aswpirOit--$bont vii. The aanal meeting of the curling club vs wuetia iail-a. A&-- - , edr.Tko rid w .1 *I"b ai tondace. The eleetien afofifeansouz: isv Igrseio éa ftl mm a W5pisa YoEt m h akS e rit uurr t e ara"tlile wa.t igken up »diresultea seasfollowr. Prisideat,grainj Wh"oua- lm mOzu ea. i i va b ftaistie enlsui aht -aaml A.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 à-~nel va.iado .A MfcMrtjtWNSM idoetlcn vIUt4 by niai. t e ilav.~e W*Immorp * p qnî, gua i or ' earpriuiatome*anunxcr id e@& Patron, C. I.L L Porteotis; aCh&>~. Rom. &Wetoa- W.aqwIJ. Tue lic la. vmllem 7. mterQu ~ lte néa- Pha-vmbBot-a or mai is"ibmP Joussc.b.H. »obbin: trous.. Jas. DoitR. jeWil biy. but cee 11151 POOO l vihsu mo vnt aourrd, isah"tiMay.theAlthengbmlg Ti.cmîteu etf usaatgeinot vers nan":- musm I ASiebo a h" of bia!inçz r.Lynola basbisa- busa- las l-0 antwulta fo Us urpes aIha-vl Mensara. 1)1. iîveiàe, "llt aud Moliuray uosWeuaaiseW FAe Commnittee uaamodule. M«ss«& 1lavelle, MollO- i -e mi& Tbmss itiaw »m bsniw amoi We û,i.nas vàs y.elasmaahSiOt mi.tec lu anad Bradburn. Peremaotilvamemtbeas. ou«Lea«V« a e Ut ,b mhwn r«wk8 okel h Ilon. 8. o. Wood and J. D. ïIa-vele. o. larary filerp-a ese W eieW A iiva sdNW .~ua,.~u.<& bs ui lmitmmisn. S. Wol. Tenantu; Col. ..k In y](mm W. laIt r WlA.a Wuiesa-c.a-Md. viq . - Nesolsea- HaiuS a- mla lmtril; G. 1S. Hertrai Md 1D. C. i __ ___n WLput"1 Ud afsam lee t o- lut.'a'ar hag aara clubefo bm ider et b attan t sews -ou t'vSitMiller *agent IISU5Surer ds etetpe te.W.RlDm >ltous ealectel iaip& Tiis80»»auYOUagar « sd asee. Jùolai pe MW m tse o ---ai aRni ua a.Dixon. Theu m e eoe- BIftailà a- *e breoih&atfurwa' Atttrsat.Npp i biUsmU Ut.--MNr. Jobsu. .I- Obde*_ jeulss lentappeluesl arr anements ha-ms boire utîs. ài m viuaîi Wdwwadii. Wallace, nI Perg mWusuie vuil sutherepames b: ~ ~ ~ ~ wt thnaW Masaau, * e r oelii; ai à wnm r- vmtin uVt cea ies uSsb aiB uamspotamtha t aaa W.~~ar iS h la u us odoyt. I «1 am S au« 0 c Imincis~ ~ ionlmS" rngfO I nster, oeill. M .R utam1olmlenT lèttwicali at hlustrinsw ebaaelgst 30» 1cwmanluatintarm u roà uai ys affie vbanbstb tbe wdlon ne uaasaging clark 9)bgmr Slnd. fa er'tv Okp.. * areapoiiai~frain ,, ul p ueve1su C.vaerinlauta a-v enkms . B.V. M'tast. via.doma idollrabisbMamn dý ensuisthe as tlititýuiloi ýid jiuMuiryawe con-ia-tes biore.g N r tampullnolthebisiami., tg latpoa lem au* ma1àiluaiampruias. zt vlfl ilet , i masr. iuaeaaes, uucem. littie. hMo- j aiOU UZ u- is ipat M u-cm - ai isanmm& ss .anu, ceilugWin um ani" cf .dýi*,ý. b'jav.,e, wi i.0,Q. Moull e, (;Ar-, mhansup-cnitd 5te Rs bfWtl5iktUWbs5fl iI u uebssuné vlta &ou" is e wiaum io (YiaeOLaàughiu, kY., Kasuwl.n and J. M.--.,. M AI rai.tO teuarletsaaeaui" Sa-hi jvumnggaltOOM la hise Mv t55ucW au& isrit Mm &tutse *-.vIl J<aiowl.un. lusetCea.WinSis yul. Ronanaber te ieettagcf ta peapl«auasa tien late MtddIit ahuicit Ut(iaFrdajIovin- Im. plendid pragrar la praanlaad-O.L et &rymoe ansd clothlug at Braalbuim a Coi'n vii b. cantinued every Saturdal sterouansd eveamlg at 2.30 O'Clocig. sud eealun a -,JO doMoll until theia atire stock la dispaseaioa Te llb. thc best chance amer cemebnudl Lnday ta bup-golodbeap asc k isets largest amer put n) asauctios aMi. Uey are bouni.to elL-t1-i. COUNCIL PROCoenres.- Tue coUncil of MaPumett tis 2» hday et Septeaber. tML lumiaulpusent. mlautssaorlatmeemting reaa uarovai. Momai bp- Mr. Ejuassec- aufldaibY Mr.Wahls, that the rppr~- giva bis crier ontbe treasurern avai or ýin Rogers tour0 fer bulliuaapproach ta .. m on cn. lot l&Mavei by Il,. ,'alis ec-e rýîwMn. 0, BYne. that te ret-.e give bis crier ountaetresaurer la lavai ot Wa.\Waflls for *10 for repaiinu rosi. on -e. 6. babvesa lots M0sd 11, lu carsofIT. Wils-carrlod. Mevai, by Mn. W&Uliusacoudei by Mir. Boes, tat tRie neeve give bis aidai on tue tresauren in lavai of Samue1 Mark for $10 for bulidin& cul- vert on con. 6, opposite lot18, in rare of T. Wal- RI--Carnied. Novai by Mn. Walls, secondai bp- Mr. Lavuabrougb, tâtte oeve gima hdg eider au tIhe treasurar lu lamer aI Tho& .Davidl. Mm for 0.&baur rpairnKegulvert on Sa. 6. opba site lot 2.-Cannlie. Keveil bv Mr. W=ula wasesudi by Mn. Baves. tht tse reava give bisE orier on thea tresuren lu faver or Mr. scuit far Ue sua of 84. for breakian atone opposite lot 15. cou. O.oluTcaneaMla --Carnlud. May. p- n.Eyrai. seconcidiby Mr. Baves tital ta rev fie lis eider an the tregsr baligeancan. 14opate lot là, incmmscf Bau.-Cnild.3 Mei by Mr. Bavai. second- ut~ ~~ u1r WMr that by.law Na.O. =b.ing a by.a-vaprvllforunaiingtbaeuaaiy7fui hi~~~ pulc inosl tue towuship et Maiipoma 1M ti ja Ubeb.nov rocelmei andi raid a kittha.tJ, ii. By*Iaw Ne. U&allai pu&a in oommittee, was rosi a- thini Urne sudlnaljaaad.Moved b saccadi b y n subrough.that tia rame ff~biardeon thse tnussrer in faveur of the Dp-,<la penon. bclng indigents :-Blev tren- oaaIA. Cîmerom>, Il; Mme.sveu-. lami SS RiL Alsburj, (inscars af W. Syejua. am islac. du causfra-I .Bevei. 43.- Moeu by Mr. Lovnsbrougb. secouai. M.Baves. that the raeve give Ris aider ~ raauefor the enamof$10.the aine to b.expaio rami b.at No. 40V. te ame baigbera pad la tram alibeou;Lyman oaUa n ceniselonar tu expeni. tae mme.- Carriud. Novai by Mr. Bavai.,uecaudad by MIdmLvabrough. that tieiscounoil appoint Wilia Phlip Ôoliector of taxes for the north haln Co tRiAstovnship for t.e earIM185etaae. mrp agt*tineludeUa ilobrgs-CarriecL Mov- id by Mr. WallIis. mecoulc by Mr. Levas- broubth t tiis couacui appoint Benjamin For ab ef taxes for te aouth hait et thia tovnship tor the suari 18e5ta% saiary cf *70. ta Sacludalebs eschu nntd. Movai bp- Mn. Dawes, seColtei y iownsbrough. that by- lav No. 3%1 belng a by-law tu provîde tain ip. ffigoiiclecturs cf taxes iunte townshiup af Mon luirebA.D. lUS, b. neceivei said rendl a- frettime.-CarnnLe.Bp-la-v No 32t atter thraugh .ommittevas roni a tiirai I»Ualypassed. 3ove b M.Bowea, waomiui. bu i. Lavubrough. tauthe rnove cive Ide oier on Letheaurrllayo f W. ILYaraOIiesq., P.L.S.. for th. am $tai $i unier drage by-lav Na. 200-CarneiaiMv- ai by Mr. Walle, secondai b yMr.Lavai- brongh. <bat qbis onacil grau t e pair the red bstvo lots 20 and 21 lunte ou. nantIs hall et ma".concession sud Wm. tewart b. commicelaaer te expiai. tse @mem.-Cazrlid Moeà bLI. Levuabrough. secondai. by Mn. W&Ui t ODUeilgrut tse met 2IL te b. *spsniedon aUlie balvues lots là an'c U in cou. 2; te raeve to b. commlmalener t. e«. pand te ame.-Carrli. Moved Rap-Mr. Eyes socoml by Mr. Lovubroagb. taItReielrk bea"u la herehy lustractui. ta aotty tse follov- %Llarsans balug ownars ai occupantsa otRis o1asimnalots.,t chai ail obstructions out or erkruaina c sa li maccondiag tae rep- umeeanoutaaby-law No. 281 oa ià ia unici. vRM, ark to b. ionsby tse 71Ri Octoben men: à. C&naire. lot 1&, coq. 1i, Peter sud Nait Me. Cormia, lot I&,cmu.13; JahnbU ilot 17. cou. 1m Edvia Ramai, lat 14 cen. l& Normn uGMI1, lot I&, cen. I&.-arrled. Moeai by Mr. Baves. s00dedi.byMr. Eras tistIshe foilovlug ac- canulab. pal.d- lt"eeve Civa hlm aidai on Iraasane for tae unu-L Patteracm. con- pbbva scoucI t MGrjp Prnntug Compsuy. 1xuSintjia k teAri opa secui. 58 .Cr moid Meve1lbw upar a yce om dudb-j--,-m> riavet Mv est lr. ]i gymnatlot cu. fr tweri ma'11b and la lî»nbpabtai-Canried. Novai hy Mr. Baves, mwsedi by Mr. W&üàI5. that Ibis conseil do uow album <o eut--a m te tlsri Xonds' la Octaben.Crld Jarax Vr Cvxxumoscw leck. BSR'nàu.--la lte 2th September the viCi of Mn. IL P. Spritt. Liaduy, ô am augkter. ZKMwna-Tt-aio.-On W.eTt but.. by W.e Ram. John Paver. *ambhei.bv Roe. Mr. eaya t taealsdenca aiftebride'à fathue. Alanam-rn ennedy, lu Miass BilaamAnsTIsas- ton oey daiter, iau ofDuumind. Suaxm-At Tarante. c. Thure-dar Octaber à%, Ssphia.naIict aithe ltMn. lIsM 1P. 9.11h. PMMp.ami.mottai of Mi. Je" DJ. Smlit if Ibusosa, flela- W.lMd y p-etcbw age. io mir, Coxe.A La aonWiiaw- ot 171,Jms tumodOsue4 ahama f James Graham. J AMES 0CRAHAM,ý Of the GoWAn Jineece, Kent-st., Lindsay. The Ynprecedented Sales TAILORINO DEPARTMENT,. Y otwi(tlata".dlw gthôe cimOf hard timies iis PoxE- tStre prof £ftmle were neearled that ve (Io the Tailor- ing trwie botter Uuiss any other fwatse in town, aiud mu meusaat t. Gentlemen, we viii again remind yoin that it is rnoz l.y blowi!ig <at trumpeta that this large trade is kept soliffly together, but 1. y guarding carefilly the intereas to every mani who jeaves bis oidr(l with us. 1 tbink I armafe in saving that no brarAi of -the Dry Goo.4 trade in nsreverely drummed as the Tailoring. We bav-e men heire frora Toronto looking for orders, and very often - Le town merchantâ are not sorry when sme of the orers go there, La.t there are othe-â vitSe tanste and judgmentis quite as good,. aud pei'hapas their credit bei - ter, who always order from us; and certainly to make a cýompârison fro:at a Tailo9a stand point, our Toronto dressed (higeien iffer in ý:t. tinish, and 1 was going te nay in prices, but pricee are net too i,~ if neyer paid. Imported muitinge in Scotch Tweeds and French worsted. I n.- ported Trousering inW~est of England and, French Worstedl. ilvei- .oatings Imported and Canadian Manufacture. It in neediesa ta eu- uimerate. We have the goods, we (Io the trade, becauise we ha-ve the goods. Our prices are guaranteed front 5 ta l1) per cent 1owzr thau aay other house in Lindsay. Voa niay aît how t-Pn that be 11 l tell.~ you, we buy aIl our goods for cash and get. from, ) to' per cent casla discount, anddlue get the first choice frora every firra or manufacturez who have extra value to offer, for thse resson. we are cash àuyern so yen ose we cSn afford to sell -')ta 10 per cent Icas thaa other-t who cati flot get the advantage we have. Mr,. 3cKay and Mr. Mua-e, two firut-l.ss cutters -mhose tela, talion ai such la aialready made, attend to' the ciitting and makin g. of every giLrmeat, and in that way we ca with safety -ti.ran tee the mal., fit and finish of every article turneil out. Gentlemen, cali an ue wheu you. want a s»i %;r t.aver-coat arnd you'll be suiteti or over-coated to your satisfaction. JAMES GRAHAM,--t, Monu of the Golde» FPleece, Kest.n.< I Lilme. Oct »*., iL--OL .1 Berzzarclrcm Wff Cma on the lSth Instant. for tce purpom cf dispoeing or my entire stoc.'. of mY MU,8 EUY-EADECLGTIOMANTIES, MILLINERY, UATS& WL RBT8 AND SHOES5 ETC. zwMmm MtwyJe tj te loRtARanS -. j &T I~iUC~5 vii be offeroti, aa Stock mint b. sdol ot- c t. aL6, l5-1 t.inepay. na. 71 oit iiiX5