Rem. 01MECT7 Il ~Os SLY' MD ML UISFOR C-OARPET TapstyBmonss miVdvet. iLecessUry . pa £Mrm ?7u te*3$L w oe ma t à&.mirtim mmun oev. siGR i' 00B m B tLB prco. owe wa.seft 1.b f 35Me yiupuad 0 wMk se h'M .sg ma oE IM. Ties.oode a»e wel adapmil>foubs yw - W._A._Goodwzn. W. L .GOOpWIN9 au 5@W la 55003I TEOu*àm o f BOU xUW ROOX PAPEIZO pnmhUzaed bgOompueeiq judgom the BIMM tnnd theWe IOpOS. __^Il kinoa of PiotUPes Pramed te Ordez. jOClkeapesi Place l11W owa. DemSS. Nov atternsid mer 99orIseeAu For x4tlc Joscph iGI 'TheoI.ocil-A Camipbell. 'Jii,'di'o-MCt 'l içn. k Co. r.iiittit.g 1I*tacwLry- *ThIom. Têylor. Neow (iocre$pratt & illen. 93tock leurin for 4aIo-*Johîî Wurid. Parii i tie Martiîî&iklopkiinb. CoIetor's Notro-J. i.~ht~Co. Voi t'r's i it-Mliii. of "n'o. Iirevii mitt't-Ttni> -1~içi, I LIAST 0F i' ALL S.11(j >V. 1 f î itn ,rri :' ri vl' i l 'it s Undha Grand ('t ni ritI Ii iltn pr si l O i rwiinec. w ià el i fI.1 i I l ei lluro, on i-lt 't. 'lIanud 301 tPit t>*. t. >IikrIrnOa: t U il w litt ndo:T' ~t itctoî1.1. .Il CI 1' i l * N-". ildE O 'lili t q + . é f - lofi l 1!1!l -L . i) l 1 (,t'"<r cal I Pir i'uy tî. f t10rew irk. N's'îy :ifle ~oo d'nv:ifor inent produec" oll2 hineit At fair Prs -.... . e Se b'-dc.ropl da&ys UCI .n fi *of auxicty tibsix;been the ,tilt'rt of î's'îch da' Q .Wille it Ilireeweek-iagtof fi '~ -ot.' ne o! grAin vifllu'r1)(1, tj;!.jt .beR\&rotiin qrl' wvp"a wir: etàr:.tvof bA y eo .r~n~e tl l~h., not over andl ".'Lrr'""' 'r:t ;:"ea il: (); C ,.i t , . . t c ; r~ îo fB W '> stl't c't"l ac . ':u'~ '- t!- c. -,¶, 31~ ~~(ý WtCe'si' i t'-".- 'lutii. r ves.t. The lié- t'ytr.rrn b n .;déYv.':4-k hqn 1 l ie olly,'D. er, tat 01n('f'r i;o- srv le3- nvith1 turl'P uit.T. l * ,l- f f if, JPRý . r "'. i" t 'rIîrwiv"lha'-. fslr. sTile follow- I1in my lie Miid to h* a e'ikt t'îtav of th.-'t'iole 'ofif ît'rPil'rt.': Fat' l vea wil'l ive a Drnleh l'îriner >'d pocr ctItan vi v.Yîl hns b<t.'it :ore 'xLi. .'.e fiown. Tile avernqe <îf Prilille-hat is net. AS* IF ~ a s sir îr'h.tthere Is %will yilt sr vlt$ee. .P 'aa v-111be ai-ove eiI.î' i' . ftfiri.,v w 1isle a lfi" avt-rltoee iù. wi refd'ne nneh »)er.v,'that; foi <fP'r't vera 4P0.0t.PAY $b &Il geetionawil, lp a shîiwVý. and ifo ninr aebicMq an eni fr»inlut s('110). iZot, t rops ie>l Ome 5001 io- .h9me ef '~frnm drotight, nttloiÇih<î riiol, wll b'. n gond fUVefos ev~- Têst~îsiqy' ! hê' reportts tthig tir sthat i6n bal repnrt e, ers'- recelved- omfs*, f i h#codnnt ry, ithe' air i DUNDl the botter qualities wem.fatirly yul takeik. The supplies from other sources bave bêie fai. At Liverpool thora von llb. orloffrige, but as denmd ruW e tedy, withmr dipoutloto by.a-morsoi. week ap, snd the- ma ét losedst4 Prm anadiastm e rer t i 18. E to cholees wsdes vernne 13a, por tea mo- Inim at 12.; and luftlr ud ulloetaigoe sa l0!c. A (air traiebau beau donéizabomp, the sulies of hteh tbouab. us, Mta oxooum&sawmek &ao, aramp1& At Llvw o &iW'vaina» vererquotd un- channed. ent @beeu at 18e,«aa.onuw qualitise&;tlle sud 12e; mei'tnoet a1%Oc and 11Jc* aw tnteuioraud runs aASe sud Me. £dfth. egotug nquotailous aretcal- olasi ai 4M80 itither & Dreassipont ta Liverpool la atIIl very' loy ati 4&d. The total exporta of cattle to dm avevt 36A546 hesdai, zleuo f 7850 heaicoin. pared vlth 1884.- The total exports of îheep to date weom25,n78 hoat, auincress of ,267 compared wlth 18il. The niasht for cuIll. £uoijghta bascotiInued lua moralined condition. Contrafts b&vebesa made dovu to 1Xs,-wbleln bBoston. the rate boa declinci bo 20a. Expert cattie bave beau lau:mors- actv raquet aud steady.- At Point St. CJharles M nda morning thora vas a good supply offoèred, for whlch thora vas or botter dehiui, ar porters buyin#- more freoly. Salosnvoe madePA frm i4je tb 5+e par lb. live wlaht. Laat yemr ai this date emort esttle vert atS i'.eand île, sud In M. Sat (lc sudG 6te Shep for expertwvrer ln, faidemand'at «.'c and 4c. Butchers' cattle were lit-m with a Ilght auppiy at -le and Me cper lb. LI ve hops vert atoeady at i&c end 5Me par lb. Caives sold at 1sud *$ euoh. oui%" avoi Stck nawut Aug. 1.-Caille-Thon vai but 11111e Ainquiry for stock, and the »Al« made were ln a, retail way, prie.. ranging at about values et yesterday; two.or thrbe tail ends of boaie remina luthe yards unsold. Sheep sud Lamb%-Offertnge s asa mie were of common ta farorder, and thuetdé. mand va% llgbt; but 11111e vas done for the Mew York trade, as le uqual followlne %e liad B mar-ket .a% vau reported yestoi. day; of nalen madie price..rangeti at about the saine valueq as yfeterd&y: geod 90f to 11r) lbR. Ohio sheep solds$4. lO se $titfair '7O Ibn. stock at $3-, mod St to 871 Ibo. Nfichigan sbeup ai 83.25 toe«81,40; lanîbli $5.25 to .~ti;Canada lambs oiti fairly ai t 3iOtne 5i5 for -J0 ta 80 lIs. stock. Hom@s--Thorae vas a vory liglut de- mand for grassrerg andi stubbler hopansd only mode"at.e dfmand fer the btter clans; visaitov gepod logs vert on gale vere disq4'oued of; acod te choies Yorkers nold ait from $i1.75 ta 84.00, snd iatter for cioaty slected, a.nd $1.7 tot4.80 tormod- umsn. . Umaersutm. There in no 1f e ln the Montreal butter matket. 1Exporter. romain- lndifterent, andi producers hotd on. ta ther mali. rather than aecept market rates, from, wvh corit.g they wvil net turn. PFollown* are quotatiotie: (Créaiery ........................ 18 teoln ............................14 ta i16 Mositî~............... 13 to là l'tktl.................. 13 to Ji, Vetemi ...................... 12 to il The. cheene sItuation a4 bMontreaileladuil aMd fliat. On aturjay, retirtsvth.Gageue. Tisere was nmre buying ln the country at 'r wx! ir~, thi'se ftz,.ret.nhavIng been pald in brockvlie sMd Belleville, but buf4iness wa» Lar fr hemUSêer4On every hand the main features ofl the situation1 are dis. coura«ing. ILiver.pool ativicesA re tamne, zinii there la a very large auanttty of chee hr thse contry, fMr viicihLb.demanti la tnigriificant. F'om Prenent indications, theP glPnents tlla week viii be oaIt, tîi there 1% cheepe effeugh te bout ]&et' ye 'srecord, verê It ailowedt tecoine for. wvard. There ae @orne order onthee mat-. kp? whicb adinuIt oai-.Jebcbg paid, but 1.1ey are not rît an urgent character. We (lu -te finetote fnetat iVre andi jle. Livoe. por 1 wumcakled ut.' )N. 'Lut yeur, as this <'itîl ee. vaf4at JO! rsMd l0ýe, vîttith(' esite at 26, aind in P 1 et gea Dcand 0+0, vfth tut'"shi atrtl.Imt Yoarat ibIsdatetise cÔlî:*raeting boom, %vhirh 'ende no se»sa. trongly, watt fairty started, thse baste for enntract.s einq lic for Augugt, 11jc for 'Sevrter ancdOctober, wlth gem. i laitt-rat 121c. 1 -*î ýA, N tAupuiat 1.-'r've humdwed h<îxî'tt <'nesp sraid hereaMt();c, 5.075 at (3., i.l; i },7àiOi>Le,,.6c) am 7e, 1,300as .; t 7 *cl; :45,7tc wereemigcw& ,The. niank-et vas active sMd stron& -&rLittle rl'ailiq sale% vereffl' bo.\i a at(le, 12r-) iOc 2. 160 at (P, 1,600 atuià t-<',185ai, " urîv.%tê' termA, sami{0 cntieted; oagse-j50 h"Xî'1 farrnudalry tat le andi dc, MesInt 1 ii ; -15 pkg4 creamrery butter sold at 17ei ai1i 7'e, andi 20 fait-- dairy at l%' Mand 'ie regl"ar Poterbaro torWttblype«07g fair wus held on Thursday aftentio c AS&NAVLLETM-BROS. I _________________________________________ M DURE"I COUlTT. Poryow .....................1la OIOlImi oe. .........................90 6 Mr. W. CIUSOIIUIIBSLtht Prduote or Waav PFl»e rêve m Norma.hums tctes foir eents, ad 200boxes trom the Sorwooti faotor for, 816. The mamn buye otefmnT ceU for hWebo.ole0f M0, lJO or 1,M0 boxe.. [OFAoaTuM W Ly.1 Baobab Whist...............O00O te O08U nsu lhu. ..- . .......0 78 t O 0 W'hsai................. 078 tao e Irb .......... 0 W t10 0do M anPOt- .... ... .:080 10 1est pew Ila ... ... 05 ta0ou MaurevfrPaM............070 le $70 etr . .. 000 t4e811 Ciovor 1ele" ... ... ........0 W te610 Clover 66AMiee............ 450 to T0Bs Tlmothyaome ................. 2W ta 2 W Mur np lia 8tôso2 W 64" 0. Il35 10 2 W O&tM@É,pro10lbs .......... e00 te &le Comrueosi é .....n «.... 185 1 2 W Bran portoai............ ....00e Wgo1Id'5 shorts Il..................14Id W101la4d Petatoeu, nov............ 0W to un .ds........ 010 ta l 018 te 014 Chase Oln bnft .........007 10 006 ..-*............. 010 le 050 lb ....orl..............005Dos 1000 Oums. parth .l............. W to 1a Turkeys, perIl,%......... ....W 00 M 5 Chiekènel «Per- pai........... W to 78 SUgar oureil uams......011 10 12 Baéon 1001h........ ....800 9 5M Mens1Not-k orbbl ............ 170W ta 00W sit, per l a......0 W o10 W a-.putu........ ....70010100 Caifaklns, par Il ........... 0 W t1010 Lanibakla.........00 Wte030 iveol.............017 ta 019 Cordvood,hard percera. (awod) à0W 10 350 Cowood ha: per......... 5 t 3 Bi ia..te..... 7 o2 ubm iLw ueoR Uataeo fL'orrected veokly.J Tearon, August 13, 1885 C tl-lxort. 1,200 lise.nd up. warM, hetters andiatours por-lb................ 8005 to 0 0% Buttehers' choice. 1,080 te 1.200 lb.., lielfers and eteeri, per- lb......."004 0 u Good. par b ...... ... Oý0 Oà Infertorand common,;er 11 b.............. 03 aW stockera, llght, pet-lb.... 1003O 1)00c do hcavy per lb.. 000 003 IMieh eews.rper hoad.. 300W 15 W Sheo-Beuit, pet- ha........... O0031 0O Wl S!econdai> qualitîs, par W 38 he ...............3W 35 Lamb@-Cisoieeper heM ....... 2 75 3410 Good par head........ 00W0 00 Cammon. per heurt .....00 0 wi Bage-Fat, off the car, per l .... 0 Oli 000 Store, perith........... 004" 005 Calves-Dre'ed choie........5 W 7T W lbeont* It-Mort UPr»t. PsU Whoat, nov, per buahet. . - O83 te O 84 SprIng Whest, do ... 83 tao 084 GaoWbeal do 0 71tote072 Bat«>, do 050to 0 Oata, do 03.5 te 036 peus, do 0 rA t0000 Rye, do ..056 to S Drusead hffl I im ito 0 W -The Parnellites h ave signed a. requtal. tien Mkina the. gverninent te graut lima under thse Irish laborera' bilt ta mnabler laboerts te buy' altotinoutv, theadvaneeeto b. repayuble la 10 yeresut tour pert-,l -Mfr. P. D. Conger, tht vell.lcnown cea met-chant ot Toron ta, was suddenly att-tek-. on down ln thse city hall] Tuesda>' afternoou by apeplexy, r.fter addremsing a meetingof tise board et wvon, anti expired lni a tew minutes. -Furtier ativîcea f rom Tonquin. atato thai the £lIshop of (Junhneureports thai ever 10,000 chrîstiann have beau, masisacreti la the province of Bendihb andi Phyeue. mut-dons and Inicendiary ire are or dalî occurrence. The vicariste; lmasbien. nl hila.ted. -Han. Aler. Morris met vtth a patnftzl accidentZionday whieh may re*uit sert. e'ubty. Ha was ascend i n the stèpe at 86, Toronto, wnen hoe slpped aI thse top amp sand tll ta the bottorn. Ie' ,was drivea home and niedîcal -aesaetageer -A Lendoit cable mayai: Theseolety for' suppression o! vicohe ripl m oyed detectlves. te shadow ovry memnher or thse house cf commons andu reporst the places visiteti b, them. The members are tut-loua, but they are afrali te complaln for fear ofet mms. lEuR thse totonfety and mgkug it appeau * that they hads ornet hlng ta be att-aId ef. -IeLondon Thnee publishes a latter frmMshed, rermata, atrting tht the. &e gitans are acting ln such a way ma to gve. tht Russiar: na possible excuse Lu maker aiY attaoh. The^ amar'a troopa do net pan the trontier which Ru%8ia admits le Af- gisati They rsfratui tram moving their- broopetowrdýs Ruesean Positions, sud evmn from etrengthlng their ave. autpoata-... The excIiteteiarnng tbe Tuicamsu., -uhch vas attrlbutedL ta tiseai. tegetibrelfty of the Ru,%sislu Roitiieryt W. vards n.ativê vaimn, la null]>tte.w 1kb reartonW ZhiU aIÎWî &le m&kt&g. tthruhu Tnoiutentoryý' 1 -Tht L>nden. ru.t Ihaaarticle cmii ln* attention te thIemranl urmber eot tla cases ci dlarbtpa as a, pncunrot cholers. Traklnoe London and. tweuiy. JUST ARRIVED.-A fresli supply of BOATING HATS and SHAWLS, very,' and miv in desiga. Beautiful WHITE UNDERWEAR of every description for ladies and children. L.acc and Muslil Collar, Linen Collars and Cuifs and Fancy Handicerchiefs in great variety. Pairnies and Hoops, Corsets, etc.. of the latest styles. There stili remains a few' Suznrer Hats, Ladies' and Childrens' parasols, to be sol(' at a very low price. A splendid JOB LOT 0F PLUMES., Corne and sce them. là Fm DOOBa ZUT OF BENSorn ous& son-une ..ul. a, 10o. -m rTo2LZtPetty NMW GOODSr cer NDàxn naair NEW GOON 11IEl S B GlSfOUi 9fT LAW, I - - nuait m tIr MM Au»ND uwNAB WRIL -Dud.E- therutobi fT a~iThnl, r uk Mn; J.IUeAàiku.lui 4, se*O@c.ut un 16,a bhma. u dawa t tefmîl,'ba"Wl,'asagi tth t511 fl. Th" ,lest MW vulagb«t US bai.W& bWrteth"rifthmeuervsurmy msuoe. Â IGeoJom,~urli~Johisuapeu-. patustad by a peu« maBrasa i aplace of amusmuut U u eaiathe Me n*kaIý, Ti D U., hiIf BeW la net tbeI¶caa tia Tho. sua'adeparting biamus ore .Caieell Bus iim Siandi palet hlbo midtet lbseri-. Me tn ybse'emprud i i. h esm b. A. haleve tsamdepubt S vfhesârt-Ie&i Miii, ieathr be&u. "wbst boa, tby tutydoue, BermwMet£tariCana"aiof avorbea arn laid lov the fat-m. vhioahoes.briht la Tho hosrwhich fêtred notb«UW&i dira lra. The mlnti veeower acotraè', mind un- Aza*mwbm a utmi ..lh.tise rma wveaue. am hue-d, Swffl bont tbe-ssrM etaonemiofutwsm lowMe- The MMisia spt-id-tht dartattrobolt e. HitherOl Msumwfr co yaus uty wlu Thr brbogieetin t h>' ehaleespencils brtng, Pot-t-hm hi battte drei4oaw. la issues et bloai, et laugbter antidiam>. Impardtl it-e to mach desponding hast-S Faetng unduntetidoativ promlaouuadaL Tram i hlm la hopoes griot Lookoti on each aeide antmvne kint roee Monhiarobai boswuvpt ont- essera. a"d Andi rala hosantidot- ou osais loyal bons'. Whoua. poor "flagoohe," vrssched anti tare, 5mw tbnstoning oloudu chcun lier aliast mm, lleossusaaaivergbtsteio am aornaiht. No friesai>'Mtr toamet hmsaohin-slght iviotile. aiog wltka'.tmmbilntrovd, The liorocosmeandtieatced the gubemn loud, Pau e hairnau, hW on trainot ranis h 1 ld. Ne net-t-s aciihaurt anti -mai maceh draoIng Tbsogh thicenou danners hovad i ts aupi A"t leie hlM moilesta a.bur4cUday. Anti 0! pot-tzy hlm vhen la dire distraie, Fev ram. h" wtour .hivoringiimbm te bleue, Opprffle& with bngan; eei,. atlgui'ad. voo, ivo tomMymarchai tomaut tise hidies tee. His namo rovived" tise at ezsnau bui fiaie, Andi urgd anew our counry' lawtua lainu4 ry litse mplse, b>' liiicourage tagit, Detrem ni sand tid 'hmaritack" vfo tae FIreti b>' hWs nul, vhe dangar thu duapimea, Woe so4uttha" victor>'»mehlghlyprt-lu Promu trench to trouai b>' Mm abaiouloti Ourarma vtetortous eutbe R'gtou road, TVU cnquoredtoeoultihoI"theirpttsna mr, 'And vie abannwaved ou Batoahola bleuis And O, îue'thlnks hi.fat-m I ai1Meuw, Wlierethe Gatling'a cruel ant i hlaangbufleta fi>'. YFormIng hlm rank- to mMie istrucierous tou, Whulgat aci vr on lie uas ur bossua low WIvti ardent hus; t-ito the charge fiyn For viole>', leesaqueror te dit AinsI the dreia 1Cmen, th& viga ne&iui And a&U hIelauvla crowfl4liMhlssada, Ne'àsogne, neUmcm the omnueing av o vfiti Ne moe lamuat-in twgactke verlkeLmid. What muse hatlî.pover ta pei=t Mr hent-olt Ovier? hlt oulgsdosfntsIt O. patiut miais, aecop&ayumg% afsto kCsM thuhIxwel,, utlg& rairi, Whloeo.uesrmlsîtrnb1, an&Wda-stbp'mem, Tissa; MmmsèfàwDurb«aeei.uasim Téas eerftwedi-I.mmnyya Whw 'aammvut. W'.W. Logan. superortoa aay therSl hmade ln Have taken .tTYËsx frran s.Mwithl the laat SEWI1YG KACHINE& fl OOD STOCK FARMIFi l'. Tii. RITE.matielu Clvetaa. Ohi. -t'fth ..ABeiug S. 1 orf141il ei t'n. 1 :r The WITZ mde l Clevl»d.Obiowithtainlng 100acres.r '.àas-t- . ( - ito perfect Automatic Rabbin Winaer, ina "King barn and stable--; i l I'v af « - et ail Sewlng Machias" Canadian Sowmg ngjsd voulti Rskc a',~ln~t' -tr Machines rom 8-90 toa 0,cordinx te sty'le. price.e#50. Termsns iy. For -'t-r, ; %VM seilan'make ef Orgsun sud Piano; also t JOHN WÂRjI>. Vstsrin Lt i' Soving Maoâin at Prie« tht det>' OMfli or an thse promises. A uwic. 0t poSitin. W W LOGAN I 'T'YLOR'S KNTl;~ "'t- ~ LT ES. TA'5L'1 ft.. a airo entescurlng kitngtche' tttscet nO 1'.r country, prerenting themseives with aanctt. . vi setar, av -getonfi--r mouioua @iltes anti ptoteualng ta b. vakinoe le aropawre in .tour~ : sit t. "po-en-pbico" ho are endeavoxl t aociga walu i ansi r' ta.. THEIR o=-gansd @swing machines y 'mi. i pt-ees hoVIei m andure an .t representatlnandi tala.statements rgad. rclc. izige ait1~nt ifttie pai. ti: lug otisers. Coucernlng mucis It la unneceEsur' I stociF t1, rnsle ai te caution an intelligent public. 'log their awn yarn. :Suppor-'ho-s s> Lindea>', .îni>- ~ ~b,%tingme roui oriesa. Satisfactins' ___________________________M& __--a __i_____ - aiso agent for ttce lZi stirn \' . vil instruct parsit'iW 50tu- rewA&dveirtisemen2ts. TA1YLo0R. Ln -)s. u. nk I~ -OR SÂLE.-Âa ecmd.hamx'l set cf ? " s F apenter's Tools in goad cor1.t1ni p-h--Ith C,.c l t âEHLISLE. Lindsaay. Aux<. lu, v hitrl $100 000.00 TO LOAN f IN-tonec., bu arso on Faim I1reprty at Loweat Rate@ of Interetit, i on. TIffa tarni h trthahiy oui' of ' tapa yof mortgagea at isil atr. or fr build- desirahie for aicris-"!trîirai purpoge.. i-,, ,- J, rn.tann or ta uahm land-. MortiC3ge, aiipo±e.nily, and wlllibe sodby prit a-- admunicipa debentures bought. Appl,7 ta E. c asy teri. For fer.rpris : R. REY.NOLe$. 20 Adelalde-at. E-.Ti1routa. t MARTIýN & H l>11;IN'S. it-lrri't'. or ta rny Agent HENILY HUG~HES. -Mau or taurs. IL.HNfsjO Ut-."- facturer s Agent. Laday-st, Lindza>'.-49-12.- 10. s RYD-rmloi 1%~ conceasicn 7, OOD M ILL .P R OP1E R IV 1- STrÂYEDa. 1 Farot ON ATE: G AE-huwl-nw 1 tm euoh;oe hte; YONG TTe: A.E-andclknw vwhite apeits, 4 ateere 2 yeaiu old; tva vitisi h ~ visite hacks and t-eti ideâs, jet Blil-e, thse other teain Grist ill , -i ut ljroi ld, tv ed an d visite; ô5 liier,2 years 0 .one.ihuierno useai r-i n1L resu, fout- ted. An>' one givt s ucis informa- 'tts15t-e ln Caf aul r . lion as vil leadti ttheir reoovery wvii i. - rti. loa a Ite tait 7 vardeti for thelr trouble. JORN l j~, PINSAND CEDAR SEING L.S. Oakwooti. Aug. 12, 1885t' .N'*i1 anti 64uch clear ttutts. '11, - ~)OLLECTO'Sr NOTIE.close ta thse station. Midianti- CO RCOISNOIE.GvOroaLon for t!., fc...-' viila l e soid. -ir ufirtht":-; AUlPartiesuindabted ta tise lte d f r H. .PI>' tg T11O1mAS T!"i ".. New Ad vertisem ents. sdsin, F bgyfor &nie c~n estj S ARY. OR STO L<. -Frss> No. 1. conceadion 2. tp. of Lu.îor, irou-grey mare. samaisizsrria à .t p frot teeS. any tnformiaticln "sdts -wbereabouta wili be silitably r,,xa,,,-ý JOHNPROSSERt, Keswick tl. U rlctr GREAVE8, laxton Tp.. Caii r .o . >J:' th"a tise accauta have been placeti into tisa1 lbanda !ofMr. J. B. MILLS. Manager a! thse Motchant'. Protection an«sCollecting tsameia- tics ai CaLnada. lu cSnsotlon vils tise above al parties interated ill pleaso taise notice that lu order .~ w...a- ta save conta theiraccounta vitis tho above lit-ni aM g i UUU5tLIAL U muet lie settled ti uonce. Au>' anc wisliîîng to Stouko!' M . .Lt2IZI~ s moule befare tise>'are called ss»on.i ua (Iodoa ut W M UO& f 1Mthatore utf3Mr. Wilianaou..nt-a.. nu >. If an>'donfot eaU mmd settle thia wcek at tise stare, thse colleetor viii caill upon cacis anc on. la cary Ca huuideu 1D ttiM&& 1atcr vhicis tie>'vi:ilibc procoecded auiainst Auxr. 12.18M.-53-1. MLS utilwM aat LuW pË ý &IVlclot-ia. ~~~ Notice la iserebygiven tisat I have transmittett Lindsay. JumelS.IL-&f G anad- ptactzoe. mut w-..r limun chezIbsit m FlAIseu Mt third and fourh sectosu "The Vuters ,List A&ct'* the copies required by the sâtid section te berne tranmiîtted or deliveresi of the lut tuaude, puruant ta said act, of ail perqonu sipp - ring by thse larnt reviet Asesmenîs Rail pet hevasîu rnunicipaiby ta be entitld te vote in the said rnunicipatity at Electionit for -Membcrs of thse Legiolative A.arembly and eit Municipal EIec. tions: and tisai aaid Lit va f1ret poated up uet my uttilce et Cambra>', ou thse ltà of aiuguat, 1885. and romains there for inspection. Electors are called upon te examine the said lit. and if any omuason or othaerrars arm found t ber In. ta take immediate proceedlngs ta hiave thse said, errer» corTeoted, accorcing to Iaw. UaLed tbla.i3th day of AU6at18t la&R.LJ. LYTLE. Cek of the said Mnoplt.54 ~ELkuLEP1Pies~ EC, owsoethea ~wUk la cet>- ml l~ IK POU? e te 8R M te K~ -ta-n RUPTURES!'.-2 iti PROF. C. W. CI1 thse bliowirg ;~ -- taot Oct. 21.Istis. Ists: rationai andi eco'st.i':.'-s. jr. îndsrŽrelief s:ît.d t " ' . an sicientiflc ptissu e; su .e e ta tL is.O sprc.s l stLtI -v<.t5 5 son. Lket ntrus.s uiP'-- eut, soeice, havintt:' ý 1- 1 91 '.l ' jaqca i ,- ; ,tI1'; and xvi l tand K. i -* s jsesi for ciltdret , v havlu,.4 lad ti t 'ty p laste'r et hLï 1 Hernia he canto, 'I,),u p'i'lit t tieir 1, noper pls'h'.'tt ".:-t'l,; Q I seves. Prof. Hotebkkln's Qpfic l m! OrlearteCa..N. :.21i-9. - 1IOTELmKiEPER8 T0W~ OF TJIro De hereby ayge ta chaM te' i.rt , on &il lHor-.ei ad tI Tetîeni:r. tUve yard, anti stauiU'. vith ile 1.- , lia.> andtiOate. andi îýo hcr&s t': .î'h, net te give an>' favaii t()~s~5'5t5 undra enat .y of 920 (i! tihti fa- sasSutjêcquený ifllt-" b'j ~h Penalty by 6w1) Pot singuIa Mas salaris they&Wdi lis" eaeh T aubutin e I15 or' MbwL.......................U ~Imole1as-Mla 5tmbe . ]MNII 1 la itabl& ........... Tca m ertuga yard on Sunday '1 Do b. ohurget. XDIWAInD VBIT. THO'S. IL RENSON, JOHN zL a MCCARTY. A. BR<tîOî'Z:' IL A6 DOUGL&M & . 'h . &DALY,. GEoRGE tX4.R- là& lm»Wl» e190log ~rI1 i t t' J. PETTY, r "nim. Mr.Ir m- Ruamfrwsieeim~m