Britton Ban#. BRITTON ZBOS. One doe mot need ta b. a milhomalu te su a good wateh in thetmreoan md If you routre ce oFou mlght jugit ai wefl net 11MW Mn at critil jeu Iay np another $%»tl. Wambou vin never lower in prias, and NOW le the time te Therebla rlgPt and àawroflg vay 1 b"y S watch. Thore arc matir vbo have isd iea wromg way fIrst. bccause lit semedl thebspg and moat iillîrni. lit la ta buy ram Ieb u . eibie partiex.. r 'ig~fkrsidfador fram persoilim nt a distiance of Wham on kne tothing. oIt I~VO no recourue if ryen are de. oelived by themn. The right waj le te buy troanuu~a>ie fIrm. one that vaines lta good manm mdta Witt on liait account deal wlth yenfIry If Fou takit Vie proper ithod, oe urmametau wl11 BUIlice and! yo!it ill bc aatlsfied and happy. If you tako tl'c allier it wifl oetgally en"i tons of money, t!iniW and temper. Perhapis ydu want a watch nov. i mo andl(qee 6wli" t wo hnVe to offor. As we Coli sic goadis cf standard menit, we do mot prta to Wrri o n <'ri,< iion. .%o far au pices are concerned, with 'catalogue- meo n md itinmat petire, lllI t!>Yeu Lip<ct "a 4125-00"cid w"lo for Qi)fO(5h it's abolit the Way they advertiues P tu wllbu it&apintect.buit if jau invest U560 l, -u cal (ln rely on getting S12&09G vaille for it, aIdf iI iVa tue for jour moneyiia ait any anc should expert. BRITTON -BROS. Lindsay. Jnne Ir. TOWŽT AND (JOUNTYO FI.VS HRE AND Tusas. Tryt Dr.]Powior's -:,tra<'-to! f VlIIStrawberry, meuh at taz CBL t'wi hd' tim-rri ti hParties itemding te I :e-1e 'ua orîler il fron IL. liryans, as ho la get. .'119u a ,r..' quaitity direct Prom the mine. il(-'lî . l ad !eitcpto Par-tiL-ordoer and Zr 'ing il flow. 50v..mnit.egg. ternace aid Jus% te Eaud. .oneiiing ofo~<d<u open cream spote, iniik pans. V tomî'toiand fruit jar%,i ehîirns. *ic,.. <t. t at ârceatly rodluced pnie&.rd Au ra abls. r.Jlostiet' (iOConnwr holdu the flaufOliego. l .............. .. onder. sept. 14. Il'îeon ....................... Uonday, Sept. si. ...îh ..... .......... Thirsday, Sf-pt. 24:.bc . ... oru ...... 1.......uedy, . te ,iiuii..................lhurday, oct.5 ~ 'îOi<'.............îureday, (JoL0U seond Dsputy-Rsu&e flanen. n rîn~Ven"îla îiornîng Jieturning Offlogr j. be 't.tro;~.Uint us:.U.t'a* thocounlchamber at ta 'eivc' nominations forthopositiot ouoomd .:<';îay-r.'ev<' for JLndmay. P1rocceldingpsopened th .: an'ex*1 Lt r 1 . inortilsh oteaudl. go p î< ~ tî'irîîiy indî'ritocd that Col. Le1ion wwriul lau (tîîp'jsCd sghould ho desirs fol ioa-rt'Pt t(v n<îminetlî. A little fu..her an l <'l Ie ils n'- rmt'îîIy nnnlted by Mn. A. b. qy s<qrîi.î lu . lr. Il. ohb rn, and ha talt't.Jin 1.1' rnominatons Col. J)ean ti wi.s eleettî'd hF iacc!;n;aiom. )epnty.reeve L"IOl lt Poi-ig tîrî -<nt ther. were Me .Moumentms Md IKeadsl.mmu enfn, I-~.*a fow doors eouth of,Un (.r-4 1111 haie isstonle ecttlnor and marbîs ci fli.lV i i 5.;lîîjuit ~nov, lllng a large fT î~ rù'..iformonînoîsand head. tov C It,'r l' Pl ~of Ietterlnig 1; pli.*îr,î.nt for the late Alex. Briy. n< .~O1 îu t < u Lu.-.y.The monument leeut ri )i' Ofut <utz atitk*-n rom quarrios iDne,ç* a. : i-n I w' 1 wli 'ilui. when sot un,.nearly .'<'f iiu.:lI i iilie'r of tiné ihuadtonwou ot tutu ,'î'îîoilitoitlîittbiPlea nurbina are fn h ai .-il '<Y b" rt i. Eti<md Saveral af hcm spq lJs iiîy "rt. with ornxanental wori tr lii ;~ili . it;..'*~ ;i.A , tî'rllncheadatome : .-"sî i;t'l tl-n ini'iie"1ordeori hy friendu. ta o e i 10: 9'ilVO i Gielîto (.eorge Oliver, ln tlîn% * .qoneto la iohcayg.on.e t t h t iii. ~. n rd0rcd fretin r<ait IIapî"-tfî' S'pu;îvrwill Oonts.t a paper off t;cn. ~.îi P (~,t.I trta Prter, Who WaBUnti IlVis t it' duii,1- hr.îut of the war. A fine W ;îo! 'at I l L. a .p l'. t ricle. a t -N ichiol:is fur Aujimt ihe Century Ca., l'rirpogses eni'oîl'e( wlh the hamdilng of bu>t Tuf ter. rn asfr smé,en he epr O ,)!l at Bettuîr.-, ()nt. i' 2dt.csî'n Gatumt& 0m1 d :Il. hut !-4i"" i, îruh'd y GIrnett,& gGarof 10t,. the prewunt propriî'îoris. A Via ola 10 Sel laefacliiry ai. ilt'iany shows that the-6365W < Ipneo of ttue npi nfrat ire lis laî'geiy due t*9M Me i-cry systk'lliail 0Pî'aOCC.-Is tOf nta eMad lu Ch 'lil-,ipeciitl touUi WiiliîC arc aiied lu fomamge" M ttîishilig the t1illi. 'rim~remrnsulnlnd bMU lare cntri hlldng he hmachiaeny le Ificated. a large3 drying kivn. extensive mIn. rots foi',tîuterial i u4 in course e of CouCXIe S"tiiOf, "onopir shop. plaînîg Mii, emo. Pver ilt i% fiirnishehp an excelent bhith aler enîginc biit y Poison Of T01 011o.= ofS 1'tIii ndui n.<md toIs wctc " 'ulit cpeialîy to o der and show a very hugli degree of meollNue" P lk iin .ýii t.inlng tieîi for ptxIrpominlavev The stock- any unfr wond or e m- laeot t ou Icrtth< nid sawed into saves by a hollow mev, Xiving the ren t' ord aunve te the SlaVe.This .tatieis i' ointed, the tib tiien formed pmEd 1ntidu'ai , there bre'<ttnnîi ngertedâla7w Us- 1 li1,ed hy inachinery. Thé hoopo SVAU sedlu V5 - itb; .r- însde hp an Ingénions machime dii The wln .procesIn interesllng Mmd laqulekly lai donp. '1ii eason th<rt rmh ao man forI a ar inîv tiseir "tlineud" butter tub d ie's. Tbey bave IMPored m mgý a nca asliUt tfti nsed lunmaingShil- tnTii5 tub lua &gememi 6veissmd*Mo Ielin lhe. merlzt't. mnIkng ep lu OMsaUfl lCa.Noarly 25.0w00r thege tube bave bossop. madOuncenfroca tah «hs5 IYen iîîend~s belng em io« 1utk dh WO ausfor thiq essn alole e e - 08u 1 ~ ha o letptar lardwwd tS m lys mU bt thege are net tln*tlned nus031M » théAi Garnea biutt~ t Asuaae~. tedthpir business ureo r A 0tii hobhuPM. I..Gsm r te fim. Who Xiudy ')fitf"ur n w@ s1.n W extt m-A train fffil ot joily Kgliam îpéS Peh =4 nýw roUssiup tgoLiuduay VOn ts auylins ounad edgmomntlg and emptieU lb.e Ow nts la vat. vtere lteshe rles toek Usam E and for- Slturgom Paint. TIse maimmbr' about thte hundredt!;ouor n f Engedga tesebero. If tIse ltzmgbhadt bos n Md iee to Ice ant the atuouteat mmd5tunum àW m Md hm ew«sglnlIo bfond in ms touem a ibp tam alomif t e U ea r unpie oft e ominumlty lau nerai siseu thse ha- satan di tem rIe vk ehi. If tie pars>w daeld tlsmiselvsat randoin Ses thoamess ine M 1vo baSa a vez>' Am la te selmct tm. Thte Pal coursiulis pent lie day shetdmePoit:asd s-e.moii mcd abouttsir o'clack te LÏM&Msa WOU malis-proq oIhW weei tthtIe day's smuemm&, A muar ma Ir took advanstageof g site mAeimW held Owel0 shw mon a im i&. -Famsevobetsie c1sSUs evOk nulm aamm~ioeUshimdtoe -à OWa «Clam am nt tu andO wa le l oeeiave a dssu&M lbo te Use s lsivun. - lpli 1 -à- 1 «" - . - duff vi n eek. Biaevs mta sm ,Pl' d hail«ed four Young mesviaWho as mA-rtoanes. IMe vessa ouber ms ,7 sa. .mon 14-amiva s w n mutbr oTÉ g4rbisdimgim u.Titisginsvihis I.dibbiq F ~ oTnawu the la- CWll.gla . s voms as romdi m c eVerniv ci, hm lmk 0o&.m Wd lui MUMm ami ~1-! .2 -< a ~ ----.- - - -p - r wa~ ai 1 -eve Elo he clh ' ssiceu h M n If Pounas U ih In thum r M-rcoeabsi coemnhsM. ier ulu unolta -Loavtag amp la t Ee lamm laln =ouet, itesce o e teaay hah , fulgm srt ol Om eaie tthe o at oer m'b s e tku pro "Wli ad h rskofd -Mrn. .Malles iii bu su th est outa cmt hemeting Cmpeaicon bavie pe otant bndou oa aed ohmand p ossbepu pltscom-i unmd aitvaa -Ou rne f hem Binorpmehiesel haiirutee ain bW t a Mn. unilhirve tqgit: nu- fssmledb Casis ga pulai andMtheW.circuler Theotnsmrepalu a1h. atand maltonnes ro viho u dry comdthLoumdUs tlr ou-i Av.Cmeasei paremofme ltte s and es byVt have eols udoafn~ an star Dmgel n cauvasu. teîtîng in" u R aue' mii ndis tbum. fn re asl oam u srtc vt1tse eru Thse t hemb vasno dntle odasud leait sOne-t c ht ou aoMg wlesuta e" e.cigtec -Aelayr tepoLsae M ae naedlt -Early TuoaY monalzg a hbeng fo envol. oped the lova and country for iles araund, a and mniay grave opinions vèe advanced that il1 vould b. deteimestel te the harveos. About 0 elg t o'clock te cloudo iifted and the mua mcaa dre pnothe moliiÏr.. -mypersons vho attended tse Ennîmnore t PieIîl b. lmterested l nknovinu lte mumber whicit von the scuenir, prieseulsd byMrl. Rhch. sylvesteroflte Syvetervow a. M.dsa, or lte bensft cf the p =colo. The l,,ky um.bon vas n3,and le as'lhel by MÉ.W. Criagb,neeve ic Enhsmors. i -For ls aaothin and graIsSaI laflusue ou tl lte scalp, and fan ttaeremlival and preveshles IL et dandruf?,Ayen'a ainVigor hao equal. l neelanas taded on r M bain 111o teimatldank caler, stimulâI tes mrthothh ie hitar, and givue le abeautiful, sofa~g Mad stikosan- puanm-5&5. --On Wsdneuday morniur lMn. Chas. BartlethaP long amd favorably kuovu In couaseilaon wvh buhoherfinteesa uInnuaresnmed huai- h: nae In thaïe.lime, huvlnj ouhîont Mr.Edward ae Wlckbam. Mn. Bartleiimmaay frienaint owvae and oouctrny vili ha glad tloinmhim lu businesla axain at the old etad. jT -À meeting of lte central ebariîy commithes tu will b. held on Vrlday aftormoon. 21s1t uaI. In el te Church of Engianud reoma.^ Kent-et, aven Si Wiieon's store, Itle 5underslood tha lthe Pl fumis ah the command oetIhe committee are ei about exbausted and otepe viii have en bc lakea P te neplenisit the hreasry. A statumeut viiibe id rend oovornmg epoadiursa mad" by thse coi- 'w -An item ihOaur comua ntelle boy a i hdviile bathlmg et Barrie ane day luit veek s hall bis foot out se badly by, a brokengls bot. 1 de lyi an lte botte. Shah18tleefarcd ho ,wiii e sacrpla for lit.Bors bathing lInlte Son-W wo ifl do voiX te ho cautions how lhey "ltucitam ml' mais amy quantiîv ot aid lin eau., barrei l andthe"lbriky.braok" le know n teru . yng alnunderr the vater Dear h &edgu. th -On -Monday nIqgh thene vas an Ilnusulai dise, hi ulay oS celestil lfivorkm. Bel veen lte heure.02 ine sud! eleven o'olock a large number af mot- gr sors, vere seen ta shoot ncomslte ski'. oui- au bers of hem left a very distincttIsuali o lighh à1 aftcr thom vhich vasdishinctly visible tonsome so escanda. Au thea suai alI displayoaImeteorlo Ca *nilianc.Y. lemaet4ue until about September l3th de thocombination mua: have crousidils datas Ri omevitore. .vw -Employeesci lte gsCompany amelisting 1h, nn lek sIuuadr pelote alon lte street. .A Ti of c vod ana~ a crovban niake up their lb, Rahlngtackîc. Em lae produ lu the bar and hammeru l saine. Titan vnlggias ltse ban ton a me and nives additional thumits. Whou the piel locatsd ho saillit tse dellbous aroma par'. sg lacgte aleaend gmalybwfe e aoffi --Thse ccntracters are maletni excellent pro- ev Mesma lte buildin etthe nev Se. Paia inurel. Thse vailaiofte front and aides are am lnshod and the principal, part efthlie roaf up. A1 rha vhole vork luaetflcemîi-y advanced so as ani o Ulve a very good Idea of vsaItte och w illvae ohk lixe viten tlnlished. le viii make a fine ap- and tarance. Work on the lover le golnq forward ani brikly and a few <laye vii oep.lte brick varI eze Ibtis part complisted aneady for ltae spire, b. -Mn. JameR Gallon, lately gencrai. agent fer 18< ho ltiish Empire I4fe, has acceptait ain . Plu ipcctahIsp for the Standard Lite. Thtis lsa at trng sud weallhy Englloh oornay The pal enai manager la Montreal la MukWm. M Cal cais>. -A n rvictemce of the respect and esîsam gi' n hich Mr. P.aunsay lu heid by the officers ofS 'f te Company vas furnlohed receitiy bj lte prie. uni entallan te hlm oftan lieuminaaul addremi and fiac ail portrait of himieif. 'fle company 5 [es a business of aver six mllions Iu Canada. ta -A brililant Idoe bas occurredta au ea3t vendPo ovi faucher. He miemod a ehtoken or Ivo naI â torvale Prmhiaupoeltry houue. Taak th;ldoor IE~~, .UI*J5T149 83 MONDAY 8 STORMI1 Mm muon .A. Ehau W«4lubbs tdyson au PrO. »*0"M'o* Iegoa a. - te ane en aeroomu las au this Miue. Goemm Umauitt ReHadmdu t* bkm"t b. aMaibell.WRie ah Use Bua Hoouta1le NMadIL-E.l Esamembar tbm malthosmTbenul thUe EUtom Mat(Ie aille itolia»ontse agnlcultural gromebetveauen UCippéo s am& a n thse Ladsy, elub. Thte Ciop am renovte champIons vIshlstbhe Liaï..arme teeham- pin thUe district4: Tismmi if o ose ani smmle lsoue.asay b. azpeead.Tbhe cltiamusthot 'ihurc out trom' a enmcourage ts lu.The mmu vlhbc liout ahtttras e'l.Thse bond vill b. lu attsasms -Hon. Eivard aBue sfor Englàama m veeL -MÉ. J. B& 1.11h leeveou oda> osma boli. dayU_' tu UMK MM an sd possii>'te QeebMe Speudinga, voek at Cacauma. -BHon. . C. Weo& menager rthtIe FroShul Laaand SaviuLCmpamyLToranto., ai ra N4ew Yegk Mnext 6N'nd or tanEgiand m onompany bulsie.mnX. Wood vii te avay for mitons tvs montâtMmd w vinat Ediaburgi. ami GWImmu betane ho raturas. -11ev. Father Gans»aoe et .BWsul's ollege Torssho, vise basbiesacamplag vlb usm Luablnde onU ndTunsie laie. above Co- b laok a 1 saiiw a w lr m aded se a uver 20lb., Fateor Guisae eJyithe @mort Lmmeuuey. lUas bethrea ha , ont Victoria mahurally eavy his reniaricable uoos. -On Tuosia39rM. Anthun Chte, tise baud- mom anddoylen cil>' reporter for t.e ily -e viev of Peer a ns e acmii . .oet sae up laidemhatlo oket Lnduymd vas aeebyplaai dta lina he mn dt carry meat-mz et athein vahet-olasad the front s§trl ast m ot seumkiad b>'a lad iti a gardea vaenmgpot Hie ssionvas te ne. portth lte murlngLparticnlars oetht.e epoed auquizary ame Lndu> ,' .Uzitnidgabut se hoi trrifie Isappeso& . .Choute vas coavlncod tIsas e DAILY POSWOIUl pay la lunduanmd bc amic a ihe journailsttc ventue.1 Vo are afrmid if Mu. C. cames areumi beem put. luguenchet ocleg Idea lotoa Usmam"et lthe U.0daçmea sd meanobamrail to ua emtb nt np tether sida lot Ornons.te Imbo ie cg Spossble.____ _____ TIse retu lait vet SRo. Dr. oTanilh Pai Orf Et. AndroveburOwo eitmopmiolby1 hie bride, vas au latoeetMig anmai thlfugi avent ta thse cogregaduio na4 lth> mo eidel ai q the lIt srliait opueiyt0egomettr ms-9 atar ami exteni abà= yvioeme la Mm..X&e eaof hlie rueldoe m "a nde, malUt.ésath Brion teckplace ltera lestTaMma'omlmg.i neth a repreeuatiou et Ute congregaios va prbab>' maver broughîtogathar on a sosialos- cian betore. The faheroa"mmd se the s oiuns men a"I ouag vommamai lb bsMdai kIal verspromet iia m nibon ls d a tit each ottes- ha ging expressmiona theo puth ploasure tIser regtin vwooiultae mli- tabla lady vito bas came tram han hom bthe se lii roule lanLndeaaa itrsvtb lsebe, t bved pausaithéteu t thlie mause. Thej 3venin guva adeligtnl ope, ltse grenade vers i'alut ly illumninatod and admmirmale Meuge 'as Iunielhed b> lte Lindua>'orchestra.After 1 us hans- had basa opeut by tae m:a>la m bsling treuthitdravlug-roem unida-a_%a 1 <inde and cauvsnshng viththlie pastor sud bI vite, refresbmentm vers senvesi on the lave by me ladies. Dr. McTavicb addresselttea mo.- led compazy fora fev smlntes Moslt happai>.e ipreomed tii gratitude fanrlte kludiy. W 1rt 'eetinge wvicititiboom eexlended ta hie vi e id kîmoif lsat ovaning, amidiampneod saffi I pressaI lie duty of continned. umte, oims-I et ansi Iavimg frt for tsebuidag.up ofthUe muse of Christ las ndenstoci Ibat tUs e oi. lnce et ltse baud et Bond-s. mev accpisi b3 ai'. S. Wee»cuJna1, vll bc Ute manse. but à li not hovever. be titken possession of uuttil I ebeginingf Setomber. Dr. and'Ifè 7visi viii peni lie tev ntervmsinweeat1 ea résidence of Mr. D.J. ilaliýU .P A i4wuuuur»4ga&88& Thte Lindas>cama. club vîlI itou tei irut p id.ssmmor egatt*etISturgeeu Pointesn Tuesm yr of next vese. Auguaist t. Tusia>'beimg e clvic holiday a day le offbrsd on wvblc q 'arycua cas lad li.* te put la -a fiv boum ae musemealat lte point mnd wltmess e ngat 0 Vany fine Pro1tunlof racen basbeau arrnagaiq n illb haawifnMly carrlidcunt ineludlng fa r iling race for ymchta smlln races tan open eg ri deckeie mmees. -,'Rob.Royo eane% singleeci id double paddlng races, up-st mnd Isrry- jR cury races, eswlmming contest A priehaasb, eau donatei by lte bachelars af lte club for a pl lies race, and as ltera are a aumben aot sillfui a, addheas amour Lindmay young ladies. wihut pl eking hlo accuaI Robàmygqeos and.- Féeon ails, an imheneahlag race me>' be lookai tor. a noemea are laokimg forvard te ttsa regattle ta te an appontuniîy of shievhng visatCacalofO Sèont modela cun de aralm et hotite-f mdes-sai. Mn. E. IL Duncas cf tIhe bêlibu 0o rouna spécilise; , Md Memte.J. ft Flaveujete ywards, Brait mn Portane mmd Maddock flc mo alsoadded ta ltae Ist of prizes lasaddition cý î cait aiounts. Arrangements la rasaistae th oin ami ratura areanasfollao: -Tbeesteamerse Btunion yul leave lte lover wharf aet9 a'clock ar m>. sud eahU 1* a'cc. eturulng leave the w li et 4 oaclock ad et 8e'cdoek p.m. Ticket& th tii fluae boat. 35 cents. Tite I4va. vîts et au ala tCan fat Md bm -A OaUMM, e" Toa 'v. Who wusson Xluhstelmb Mana fs m w tellfmmisll r m i &OOUU-yth ,âtZsam matoIse, -A hé oua hutemmii Tt, carge Mvb. vas om Mnda>' telac mmu ag bisI mp sabs tehmm.u on. oIA& th Use r a Ue tram Malur fth ar"vsaettb'lt vbej, ié ebins -ýbotn ami bail>'ere& bmma ita moelonshpponai asipatmile vCM 04 ft eo. buTtSon Uuuh yoagmmva the im euoie b a st ieift Itemr vmeceue cf ltheyadsomebinium tte teUlU aPeM auulig *it'etu the -stomr. 2The 06t You,' g'roe- Pau ygi,%OU FO~~V. oiwenm a m(for a weulc, ayWay). Town ,m cofori~s, mv.waoper editors, k>myers, doctors aend UwmwpmtaU amrsg.n.ra&kÉ, would 4do well toa msrr . short Prayer. (t mg yb. 't& tUh h~of need. l~ is ,Un omm* tiwwb6 p'qx&'r.4to taJce you eycrtiure re- aspctably dresaed. To b. weii lre sa olaitter of introdction. Fiimitfy, comae to th. C4ty Taioring House of LinrisUaJoand order gour mw iwt fort hwit; Gnd select aU the littUe clieken M"&igai# sT& as Bhirts; Colkra, Ties, Bocks, etc., necessar~y for a coiUi!tatecI joturwy, and yo u>t havae tle satisfa~ction of o ia pb ig i readie a. SOOTHERAN, Og ATHRO &MARKS CIIF RE R NDCO IE , Xô. 2 D>obisoi'n U mo, 2 Doors Vout of the Post Office. Spratt k .Ktl. 90_DABOVE. Despite the hot weather Spriatt & Killen are as ready to serve you as ever. The stock of Staple Groceries comprises everything that a irst4cass Grocery should keep. We have some. special limes of TEÂS that are ot beaten in value and price by any ini the province. We can heartily recommend our Teas to givesaifcon We ane sellig SUGARS at the lowest retafi prices going, and cm offer capital value lailU grades. SPRATT & KILLEN, Fcsmil?, Grocers, Lindscsy. Ra&y & Co. a -Meure.R admmi Mm.of Boboargecu bave bea m pingou tIsa bsmamui Onii -lin. C. Brsebmansager et Usae Bak or liestoi, Toreo n.A. Y. 1.acOmobsu cfr thebm Ure i k u L oyandsorne fring mui r osmpinsgcm Sturgoos su" Pigoon lakres. Jaetmm a a Md W.. white,.mm»d lwens' Arlteur Olamiri. DimaisCadoll ad LA. Y -TIse finsIhep oet hIe seaseas u o u. urda>'night mmi l ms ennmi mosuThora von abu fhore fry coplproomul TIse harus dmncing bh asubeaetlthhyiaeo ted for Ibm ocesioby *thladY -goethe biaiiti Chines lantenmai eavemugasud promettait 8 1'ILoo ukPt UV nmtA lI ite. = oe and sUd l rarks tIsat be' a là lya ts a& s.Mr. De. Mm Ie ssltnite tata b pae smo,>'Sautieaening treugout thse smma. -TIse total bas besu vwonpatrmnisidsng tse aaandaià=sanov lasusus&UelfL>tui'le hoc Augm esthtr baivoum M mpelus ta nommer ramnt revoimmdthe IPoilullaiefavori. Bertredom, T. ]IL Yoo.amaJ. IF.Esykia.J. M elleak ira.Wlzutulir lnomm nkrW. I. Demn, lIH.G. u udsAaRuige lir E. A. Wosd. Ib M Wocd amsS Wyli mMdivifs nmd ns.C. IL Gruett. I'ned. J. Steak, C. J. EL Wimstamloy sud A. G. Morniac amli ct Toronto J. IL Lgn, D.W. Nornis sudW. H. vanuoaIMontreal:H.Clarke' R. C. Douglasof etlava;,lins. John Heini.Mru J. H. Relus andi tva ciildren, Mim M. Wren- W1o14 M3u" A. BaAIL.BIn J. IL RIs P. A. meiiitellmm. UnsA.. .C a lltiy.lia @met. MissRebprten of Port He.'.LW.Cax. W.X peou,ILF. T I&T.JL&alJG.Mak 3fise Brova, MaesK.ottigsmm, Mlii Norton. Nu. C. Norton et Peeero Jno. S. Rendues.n Kingston; 31s» P. CaldvoILl Perth. D. A. Buck- ieL jr.. lagerseil J IL Smith and . J. Lam Ïou, Rochtere, 31it 1158 VeUsUtlafloia«its A ver>' fuitmeeting cf tone ltenested in ltae nojoot tu put up a publie fanalaha ocm Kent-et. s so tfsotimonial ta lite patialunof the rouugl mss tram Lindsay' vhoservailuntise forthyrnI cempalga vas ield n Wadneodar tvsuiug lin he operatous. Mr-. John Dobmen iccnpled ttc chair, aid amig _the membena oS he cammite. presant vere Meusia.Thoau.39o. lade, reeve of Emili. sud Charles Fairtait., -eve of vSrulam. The aacretarj' vas lmstruitt- id ho sue:lte ovrnument teorafumi lise expanses ) brlnging "C" e==yu'ta Liadsay' front Part Flpe. Il vwu dacisiitit a ebalanceha tse sanas of tIse necepticu comimillteehudbexihaa- )ended on a tountain, ani l vas eeggested and tpproved cf tIsaI vien tefouatah vas cu- ileti thenly-elght or tlnty voltantemanovs rers la "C' comrn y cule b. celci togetiter md qiven a public diurnes- et vhicb lte public Mear ch ould b. Ï;A*rdedmmn opportunity' en a prasst. Il vasdecildat honce plac ail undu liUt tame baihovu e on as lite d « t.e atm n d secreaaryta anur camn.ib- es appolnladilathUt ulurs ta cern>'eut lte uînaln projecî. A reaslullon proposai b>' Mn. 'ai. Fairbairu aud secondai b>' Mn. MaQuae bat the memberu of "C" canipaay ahouid b lira euteul vîtit a modal or cala auitably lnscrigod nd titat ail lundi be devolasi l a tpurpas, vas loua on a vote belng hakten. lTe meeting hma mjourned. an e m Nee -Potes-bore Euamineri "A larg number er àmas>'people caie day Monda>'e taance e bas bail match. Il seemi uerenta gel the Isole soya dova bore sas aisebambalilsts .. Thte Eammuosr- m iii go ont on ons sAmb ho prude Use Liadm>' ine so ruokiess>. -Tisa Clippens et Haiellonchampionsoet lie anad a Lagellgive ourboy»àes svpoiah- M abs in ell an Tu..ajr mail, cen civie holl- ay. Ladisemaremiaitria teisgme mmi era uhonid b. a harK athendance ef bath laies nd gentlemen, as thisl te ami>'visit of ltae saMplons e i tte s 0 hie distnicî ti it.s mi. -Tiser. Issubeau smre cerrePOndMes ril lthe loterbosmmndTorntoha aieuaotls Me bell match. Lnsa =vCPtroret l et comae et lait Thtndm.MnaepRes cd a Mr. Saiabun>' et *5le banotclub bave entd thpinlindignation andi vere repai hte for ie Lieds.>'club. Mr. ZD. J. soully of thse Li- %y lutb aa vol rill e ap>'la tseIcahls orting columna Ieocknc tIse eterbumoraeu i las style, A panagrepinl Tan Pain oxplamu-' ilstatnlumt wvek, mmib y Ibis time Uta ittenhas i-s w vacsrgmuly avsxs5 ae matc ait balaamourrai thegIm toulti ual bave cornesocf. TtheLi"£-"'club' uIs ualreplace tltir mea viteere ilsabs siralberls ,aajîeimpanmp gine vtth *ob m I eauccinai te go. 1. wilt hala rdefor boitclebs In bunz thse itatobet M& maaiiesilaL5 UuSman et oIer club1 ruaS ito t et togasiier andi pla>' as us~mas My Oec ldia" 1 te l ma0@ M. wubelee, bweraai-oa ut a fav -The baie baIl moathvwif h cmeoiofflam kIi fer bvoo'oeCIan& ma sitrs> nie the abs teek tbersAinspettve b mmioa.jxIidý igvomdUse hsets b L emaaz br. J. WLA» *" h ise. si ile thepistafor t e.bsb. rV t , ui Use bolma an s ri-y_ teesls 1885 During this Month we wil offer Tempting Bargains in ail Departme.nts,. fAt&tvaveLune# in DREKSODS ut lo'. e. c. 0.* 2 and eupwar7A. Ths. pecw lLin« ..reaemvw"y d"eraM p.btS e. and colora. GIN XLMSg RINÇZS a" iM UMN ai prwes to clear. EMBROIDERiE n 411-orawai, TFlmsns , EdIgings andi Insertion&~ DirIVE lx IiS CEesOM ot P* isf.2n rm.4 ma"Vmta'us*MIJZEY DuWrlmg té. we. wu have epemei a eneef KO&ERY. . lA ge. dn Black. ZNW wavepmwee gmutoa ai GeeflBetluceti 1>1*.., to effet a thwgh .vm; m a 'uth" iM r of.1otsr fnead.awe am~ XNG& We hai"@.MM Valuesavem 01-21ed CA EPEZg. CU47AZINM ad Ko NPCNIEIGGOODS 5are <ncluct du-n RAY &coY, CWs Z ae WfoesE INn jme .4. 's t' 'f "i. t. 1.' GE.N TLEMEN BEWAREI ÀUGUST, A c~.of tA. mmoo0MOT0wr4 dtur6n ugales mgy mo» at ang momet. PMW irns andmaki fast. N 1 i