Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 7 Aug 1885, p. 7

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Me~f*eaL 1 Wbige vith Churchill'# UVDI, J= bm the battle of Vcksburg, 1 ootnfle & a ver.e, old, wblcli ternghated lia &dams pougu. 1 founit no relief tiRl on c« mua we ca»,. to a counftry stioe, vhe m &M for uorile reliedy, 1 was wgod to W74yM 111 ddI aoand wAa rrpludm& uve au then 1 havkept tht, PECroaÂLlusuus«yl mel, for faliffIy Use, and 1 have fou" i1slbo xii itivaliiéd>k rcieady.for tSkwo MS IM *Iaeaea'.0. W. wmngz..' ohn~ad f togtlmonlaig emftt110 t prompt euro of ail bienebt« ~0elong, by thoe use.of Aima'. CRICI et .chiidzcatalte t.readill. Solci by ail flrtggluS ILIXIDSAY, 1'RIDAY, AUGUST 7, VWL (('oeHnuu~ ,'<»n s<'eond page.) if l'Tvgh :K'?i'i'kPvliond, andl he le our "Ills nrav iîî' r'J1ey drew a longhr eath f îianaay. "eign ii xjiains evepy- vh t ivi~ îî l e 'is lawhy they do iiit ikî~ii'..Ii,'giial bim nanthorare the Pr. lî'iII> Io'lat bl:î.o bol everything' î lii :M v k . j ,- l-lt atoi 4.9 "¶iýtVîili F,,n'a i"'var hy oîîjht, mratI leIîîî- il. aa .1* t, ,î t '. lIî'y olaghit. nf.- liT,.".R ~ %ýîaa t':s 5Mr. Xnikaronly siiten -Sil-' iaaa',iîilvery îuueh ae. inst my'nîia-î~s tla'aa rlh yolang, xMon- -anîl fuii' j lît aivl]fbrrîiosmse T)IV'1<' 'illai<'ii iii.No morpe conld 1, 1theail lu îay tI'f-"its w'<rlolit expecitid Ilia Show Ihîa.11.1".~ A be l io rovght <i Pxlwni5j" If. l veriî.re mlaho marrled, ii whî-n qlioo w-l , lier new home ste fiiiinfi leit i d 1t'v j îaavgoinq n the'e,, mil i kl l it) ,îu îîaal lie )a iuaytli(f ote le eu jf ; Pon 1t' ta 'a t ynr onîfwo ,the natilra.)morti uîaas.'î, " -tlin ci ektheiî legs agnin, bit, lu. ii i j iltlvn toahe prudenter Ibtiai ilwîy litl b-u ut. thcy iked his liil l " tIlw igmi ,land ,hard"Ii wfilq --lsr jlit wî'i 11cim. Mhe'8aaos y4iii gv' t lizin nuister wnqi. Mhe oright 4o wwu,'nîva- jfiw.i it vIf 'f boy bad thât she oxa-' ltla:,'i nIl 'h'fia'i<.whether she %W4 i -' v"y ans i. ;'"lt wnn ln ail but Iiat,. At:. :4 tlîîy î':ua eleontlifflit, dihio, nnîl aiaaaafça.slaibe vent bel vay anal a'la i, anrdIfoi' the lard twenty jean llu'-y nî'x -î rw c'.ach ôer; indleout le tiai'y wr,'.l't ei'u likilland1 Ce-rer Sikv..-ii :skoo' inwh 'thb£'er lail partirlarrs ligbw tlaîoi- i '~îing on ln the, Wan- fillie.,,III1ai at rfW;iS MIL. They nÛver once yil. 1 unim rvî n'y :atstr ftr'n sent hep a g'el s ;litte,.111) ii ii'after sheJi er e ilviI,i:uîa -d. alw:aa-vllù',ly lk.t;,t ud tIen -la" 1maidvt 'îl l'a, bry z1rto? masterm, Tfaw et Koivaiî'k lliîvia,,iîd.i.mii-vue was alwaya 'aaa~rif vvia,î' if iîi 4-ie wrnte t. s"y Wol ;î 'aiai atrva-nd il dtifai he wais. iangl how well i' v as Cirning'ei r., s is~ , lin, ay ni.atfpr he never laari', I. ta vl a,-v abviiai dvi4sand la aoaie, fi-: iv la(-, l ln fateut hep P'A ilirr 'Sa aib i 1a,auiifisherunted eva goîtilL f î : 111 il ail i n lie-l; and you Sii' Miss C(laviaijy ln',aYocan ubard. fy W'ivi i-i'if su' liii. et: clir'e ouhl atot ke jiq weailu aaw:îy witililoina. aiivi ue vas flia.' nlV o i l ua l t,,fi îîîîk l "O1h.* ' ir! (Iliiilr'nr! niiat haarrâ bave t doriêt' fi-araiglat lvavv.. "nisec. Misx 'IUvnigsa Pli, Tidanaun iv a-4'taîkltive enougut nov filat g hr ie; 'a'vst. -i-goring'. "oliteneyer maioef- lcvil-t \itrlaia î-.If bowaanotd fru'iî'alx wit hli ig i' aa-vr antibersoNe tirr"a iIfîa lratptoIli> Conetelacavh-om b. p, ~acd lto stivî'n eau' vm tlaéni, m n11 vIdIt fue- wîîvlinii eair hearts akerit -Ai]il' lat! hJaudflot mot nie si flunt le i elto.1 n forme.". 1 Jt iavîaaî'îikem age han:omyChing - f l fit f v<"u nl frateu-inpare lbt k e 11,î'i vi-. î--70Mr%.ihm "Suri ea f!aY:ýit ir I,-a.i 1not S. nie meivoli have lefI ilI Itra ,l Il ii'larnoras 1" 1101). îiiainichI aie ot.I 1 am sue be W:ilîjpnt ba.vi e i. t1o theb.1l u utali I fiilial tii-s'w4euitiru.Ive g gok.it is Mr h'iief tllat lit- %'ovt aliISollave sagleDsaY wifat aIl if lie bi lnot nom yub"t Wo-llll juil I lave lat bis mone laie cmels a it-leiel fiv 8il,. 1-kîw dire<tw wbL ti 1*.illet in flait 'goe... "'fle~'woullaivo rit ail'M * "Ife- 'r'lvîy gîaîlt.y anidtllwronf'tauu t$aîiutibi," AI4uîl ;1ioTîîy. 061taut go Atl falkit Ira i aiii." "If.,4o ico aise a.cio Ceali oanenMins ('lv<~.11,..Van ae I'TIOOn af ailw lu. ' Iilin lv le)Wn away vthmir monev fri hhm i 'aeuey-nu1 <ia etLaw ne là boil any moneyutl 7(111 eard ik vus Unf d'sti nrieai - But t masasgoebard.' N) l.sII doe s n a ay ,hbut 1 4u '1 71, P s I os Il us se, us 1h me v. M. by le me b. ag 'T 'g. 'e SWAN~ Y~-UmmA~V bu muai l"wlsboncau etlb hIMte mmawims néAvku&dus <pM deif gomme w mmicf c b lgo te ilb vmmbM u thCev e w u mtlw I ibesY04, Nmm laulug& m4, h Mlffd ii'uslm ue iaup ethe idur of bb déath.ait e,., lad boom.go am eCl hae called hlm anythlurg' but fu, butamsbttrusas uubitter us any thnr! have ave, heuni nacinsibitter." "But loy dos# ber son hapffl to plut Caldervateroomwà' Ddthq p tIae ôftan l "They eyaiwcat vismaster vu tIaeneev Zhavw emud et Usa he rugftheve vheuam h. oum" va. abut U> uni hfrlng- Iciginfa lthe. voulge Luoy efgbed hoavlly. -AU "bsmutS me VS17 uhupy. 1Z yul Nuf. Knrlck had oly Ieft nme a pat of vhat h bu-& 1 t4hould have bIss uaas ugratsM fou A littie cf 15.' 1I don't thluk Ct N.. m PeICUIOn would, tbhul»ea la oMerth*ul.g nothing'klnd." "»Ami bar om r al have harffly mmsahim. Re IlVplas aut-opoken u«4 god-ooing enoueli ut- ide; inside, Y dansy a7 haI.mact te sane sau. hie mother. TIiey say tbat me apple ever falla very fertfronu te . th"t bore 15," Emntgther," ied Lucy, broahng1 abruptly ou Ch. quiet old lady' repoe Luscy huai ven er a aitting-roocpe: Ing' out of ber hedroon, with ail hep ow pet'char, snd tables lu15. *AutZOh« dear, do ho quiet ud put ta jour bonum and shswl,msudcone out vth e. I bai ordere t hecaaiansd it viiib.rhau ln a minute-,do comei, IcWut lie kM, Unlese Fou do!, «Deat chili, hait9aM muet 'petionat. vehenience' Wll! takc me unyhore je làke, anly tell me wvIa..' mu I Luc, anMd rmn09F Mdntnot Mtifl. were ou their way did she. unfolti b iAunt Ethér Chat tsuee onld flot know mhnentlg pence antil ah. huad, been .to sel Mrs. Richmoud dhavi efferedte taabarl Mv. £ern'lkÉt weaith vitI ber." "éAnti yndo not tell me of an inpnrtam thes carriage amd on oui vay Cc do1C asid, Ch. agWpleved lady. "leéver min&, dear-1 am Re certain ana. doinW r ighC. This la one of thmeuu fiings wvhich mreqire rio con81(eratinal 0,11."9 -And vhat do 7y1nit m%i C give uptc~ ber,Lucyr Tour town loua. ' al, 1 ikeif, 1could notole hpbave Chat.!" -"ar £Cumaberlandl houe. andi bud 7 5Certainly flot if 15iéi only laitn beau- fifà 1 s lier non nmakea 15in la epicturos, 1 ffaa't Part viiitht! «Thon what in #he Cc bave l "lOnly nome monuy,ha'Ys sUT Oli hUl haver four or iv. thouaanda jear. Thai -will do juai s ell for hersa» eitler o the, bouses. Tlwy ame nothingto lou nover livedl, in eithavr o!f iena-vwhm. a sala hep brother were you4ansd Iived te4hfr, 15 wan li thefr -iethere 11heaume hi l3ryanagtnn Sure Ir.Lielmm ld me go.!' Foui e àt g'vn'am dy Chonsand ha - nMI". LiNhM ManvUklMy," criei 1.11 cy, vhoske spirits vere quit. rea'toued mirad MbontCth!* utit lber dea,'; 1 ba gi-eat lPlig'ht in IV. Ken*f4i!spreseunt te nie 'antil tn.day whes 1I brvioftthes. JPrOpie, fow,if 1 aam te haver any eonoy. ment ont ofet I l, ist res4g At leet hant big monoy le thoserWho bavel, la ely, %nèl a strong'clairn. "plee puvscif, ilfil cilu OwQIe oway,tlie momey and? bep theh. ouses? otnrtme osyn hingil u aeau ber hept op wiimaumoury$" Thor ver4r mon lu Eewer strepsb-hi wag5wh thiOe iRichnSas vert edgiu. "We muet try tl, P e b.mollier atone," firtdLucy; «the son voU bee saly tu @,ho vay. W. liai botter "mSOt eOur ôf aI'lý ma., s tSc elèamNtScit Ilin up ittairn, pened a door su uMdt -Nele' Ivo laift vantetee Plek le o0u alie nfieti woman, of ufrY or mm, vi C se- verely reguler fmauue* gaIlewp'wile bal? sMd paie eompleuleb, lad brer tr down. rose andi boeeai graly te lier un- espeet (vklAt ore.l u e& ai'ii @ho. and vaflaiteleur Cheï rvmu- N'benand notthon b., id iLuyfeL-viat a Imli. damaiuItuit bs lah m puem ,%PmS hiea.sefbmast a pl e b" ia madet Viti u 11e albjuamdhopua. f ion uMiight le, Abe iwiety 1.ld Mr& Riehmnnt Chat bswu Làiy Ilero% Who lad in, obedeieSte M%,. Kemusk's w111 tirwi . emamnset (ilvnrmg-ba Anly Ci dawy hmd bis l"Mt Ct a f. Ken- rici hll aa&ite, Iivlmg-4WaC ver *mi the lid ea btld. Cula ahe bad Issu mis. emu17nneomforhabeabout tabg alCha ho lad Mlef in, uMdCiea bsbai e«Mnete etaous.m ichum o e ri>voey un » te Mma esr MWdurqbytakigg bu oire tv bouaou OUMUisa yut buel. b WM14 Ns. Elbnoud friM gSd iauto oirerlo thbd "lCNebSm'brotherb"adil lhia unsantalzle MMuar Idbs vealth to S cmporatVe stuger, vbcltymuais :oe yulbelbb M.IeM&oduit uysqslo n asv bsam,- I1v6r--aegudd efl .:"- * vi NIEL lOTNDGVIWY to aok ib oa sbiutOw Ma.TeMN or htmbt my » m - mb Tbent ms é& uuS =ie tm m 1 ou helw. W. Bis "14 but"ama skNLR ie. Obeunlm» iduSitah God h" Lvm M -9 ~-, ut MW M-- Ne- -lE .lauo.oêirem tu dwns le mIe a f om va W Iam&&» mret, uI& »W r.- em a h Mueta%, * h nid h yn, auo Gcdim ma em aunov Imlun te, uni C lbeiteunermm la Bhi -0-c-- um tfe muasLe fr 1. éueule mues nle .le Ci nncb.C.- shiuveo .sp unith" b. pemmtopi e " bcku etMetMI but eauf mebosiJaSai bertut go, u5Cm. mi iit Jry ml fl Si. a h u fSe UDbgUS OaoM . e« M» ammasu, bomte 5 1.vol. mmuay put au.Ma Min Si. 1w aul baivet diacou. u euume litu orseogi"iiJury noumd him m.ne samas liawgU t e aisoe. Bu vu - le jur hi desidai! ftth M q di!111 ,uestten,4but ho. ii!net want a ehudmo.e a deizbt u. tibm pobst Mdi thsu<am u .pwm Il. antey, b. taisihowl m Md uniCiaO*m ho.l ld ba vievM un, b henuil laS Ihea woluýý th" »Y' - hst b.ersluaW» u itchoutnt aJletia 1Z th"n-h 1hi »ljabody. 1Ueelamitobtb. e phe of she bo* WOUI& dii aprp ia s. lad alêel» UirtSh0" 9b.court souli charge againe hin, Wltb.the Mrataut r«eet t&the eoast, he astedi Il M PSbeerw»lat1 ulgit he- chuta" W" .uyar,'orbonourm, J deutvut peuplé sehint ak 1au eliamifflfumio La be &m e uI sttbautlauw Stheriè ofasbunaci ni uMd etm biut man. roui Lmomt., lia I& a ait I lae .a., XrL Cliatoçirlabiumesmou&ei wtl1 vois mm slamu vI SUmur. Tom Jet coue M&ma-gtus et uplus Mdt!blm&i bai, a hmuglob m iwsltacmamyi kmufewl*, Iftgala nm, ire la.ceu brt Mdia fait vay e a oum.For viatc Fm iii Y" hav» boss ivmea&tMsd la- kWu yCu«l. Tceomukud are th"au C" jour acte .cosmi vSi ata tht b. 1ev teab e « n s but u t cel~ mumpoum Oe JOUI, a Oi et aeon, sot e mkeyn, m I e Ga&mu Omen[Ooe my i m a bb! eue ta mia emuin. fa te pua aka. mm ,Jm ZIF pour JsM.epusmineas mous gma mmê m i hum Mr. off, bu 1cm ioWou »me lit, Th~e momisas. . liamoUrt ip YOD, Joule 0 1., le Chat YOD b. tatas t* lie OMM il. d cmu et als mum! Oums.9e«C' id plomer 1Ij40.S, ua fan te ce in MME kW MW Mmna xeulu, CMers"Ybtg 351neermoea mni, abowbg la ne .m i1> sali; J &Met com rog Bd a few miaula s~te vua uves och, minv smunM acunt"legaghe 0001 Au *1111. ~~ mw Mou a Mot a g*l m l tom" vané amm> ji ~uhy~te ruf.whthm m al .. kuatu bdm à MM --Za b whlch bom b umiui.w w a h um Th hm ob ISS tv.Ja.. Itr 1»%&9Imabsuu ta mami b, ust-apa bSi. uu tomra oe ai Wa.hnr*0 Mo u i kw swu.1Itheb r very~a uyngoey bâtaloamIuta Si. domhw. Mdhuutu Lu bru *eS. M» NaIumftêyu~ .luetlei uo» dam Wb& lut.u mi J. PETTY,' M igmwus«M b«@» m. Have Bou.hduebel De 7Mu evuternDAi eDoi q i athe Moralng wat a B"d rani'&" -3n De rSt Do r btbet mbu Vrgus m n Um APPotbt eu have noua TEL L OTTLM QIVEx &WÂT av A. HaIeSINEOTHAX,9 LMMM MUS&T., J. Gw 54w d 10WHu AYU Nm.l Shémi. saut MOmit Yi4i, CNADA LI FE »UuOe4ma nysdw,. ~i~ARLL BICYCLES I I "bahmfauon"LUge&fr ENIUSI BS YBLESm aacm madw a il qa"UARTUR ACRE LOT FOR SALE. -uDurham.st.,Llndsay, eur railway ahi Aply t O'ERY â:'epaRY, ()ANINUGTON LUMBER TARD.- XJ U30FLA.TH Mud SHINGLES of ail klaus kapt la stockt tthe Can amLumber UCKMER& SONS, HASinF b juan et eZpeiience, the ruboibers ane pre- père& todo u malde of Plaanmd stane. worlk at reumouahie rate&. AUl or ruutee&. C. BVCIM & SONISi Kiril JUIF 14A lmUL-494r. - -- T.mmwAilbe reeivd by the undidgned Uuwiay, tuo lm An£"umuat am met uaUam eibue& brime Plmand i! poWofe±idea b. smeut the towaad.e'ofli man atater 3Mmndu neut. The kanat ce a"yte ndea tnecoeuurily ac- T13OXAS WALT En% Chairman Streets und:rhegm [FOR A=,uI 35. IIL-514 This pou !r lgîI j rueemmsaiei for pro ducng fleaeasakaad brlnaiag bori. amicull ie.gaeagad onditIon. 15mets blef mai a quat yfola the Llaa j. ay ~IU-Gew snayaeulmahe ummet a. ls'cv pot4 iwU* b& thm pom» M gt. m both worki m lherU MU a faC douay couera tv peml ier laMaslu dotIm voraid & mg iputmub Il daowetg tim mmsum t a aumord man, te muomiaiea t al md sud the ezaptbw MW fa ublcI e. c oplat, Stu the gimumeut âae baa.nsg ti. N&39h oft he. biu.. ho atachai ta tât unauteaie cejur If tIflowas Ilou.t ti.ue hry. mus ai le bai 16 a-g mi lu ilaouagaaaathel haffmg up, il mm and the rsIe et deh. Ini.un_-9n seut If C"trebsa upwrochel la" *mu ogI .eiunrhMt ft eset the plu&. Thay emat 1w»va. sa tendau!thea- t te rasllusmi Cdhu tsio.vu a «op. uMY @egtramty ma i fit meetng Wr. uegreor, aa inevu joluar, e51. am MetaMd kaewiatmeC be meet theluhtm sm»teluYga buas comuaiar ulelmai $bu pa"n t h , I was ciaite lave a Eseeomemohmv tmim e. amatie... Te bmg niv* la avsei ifuesi ammgmsa Ilve mi a warmadeinr e t TelA.MOuald. qC à*batmCe. govome MM lmdm s Myt"gel irannum à"orS. al s e » ot b~nm ua " vern t m ou-iyc ait 30r. aiC.Mdtecllm ui roca"s vmu ismi.u u *e iCi. agseor ail ak meeting a ublelpublIe ephdis muid leeeome muent wma..un engIns li. Woupt et theaurIn aloec >vs ha Ciemhabit i uMdg WbPo I l a i b t h t vo " ,b.Ci -ma 1" . veni bautSa Novbus men we w ld I f. a My lace M"ais- m5=mvtm viii 3et mous. lubotim =39" mag la eo asubyfor *eu m auderfer bb W. A me aws t.lm A uugbaI u ils whaie. eCpgà Thuta à* bM.f. I . Cm.gevun mon, mmhm . &mhy yul it. aS, ami admouvr, bu byUtay or iu VU lS Freli gie tenmliI -o Mdi me. 1duuao Vs lave amehItif. glaf mas 1515kwm son«Mit!bai onuigte n lu s&e ain ~Wmi vl avethéuiiho hu mmmmus aSUS unmm& nekis bCiu ms aml vI.s6lsmou ni isums ru msa husve *0. Psîae , , u h ¶UOROUGRDriDBBKHI R.W. THOMPSON, N4m. I Market Bo crer PETER B WVCORRESPONqDEZCÉ SOLICIT]KD.% 510880M BOYD & Co Tb Xf E YA13 ». mommor UONIm DLîDA.Z Pkckets 0'f cal Gradles. Li NUOAYGEX LIKI ir tu lurelu mala aulic. anun OEWo<i fer iuie. SA390M IWALKEE,&sent. Lindsay, Dec. 28. isgi G;UEL P US-NSscoLLEGEP, 0fN" Young D'en andwonen the bpst facijI. tle& fo a1iriffl a CU.aM'îl'gric IY joit Birse.m"ePtltul1?. Book.keepirtg. Com- anertdai Arithmeic. Bankinic, Acrual Bu.tinem Practice. Busines.',corresponflence, i>ennien- dbip, C.ommercjai Law. Tel, hy horthamd, CaligraPbY or Type Writinac, Frencli. Phyna- 0108î. and Hygiene are tatight by the met PructlCai and lnterestjag m*okaode. The sts.f COMPrises six exjperienceil tel(iaers and ltcrur- ers. The varous depitl*tuÂ,ut& are elewantly litted up wlth the latest and inost approveu abppartas for business col:cge work. 2Studentz May enter at any dine. ±Fo.r a coy of the Au- Duel COfl eCfreulai, addrt-48, PETERBORO. Omt'a SuitI Beauitifully Cleautd, Dyed and 2epaired, LADIE' DRSSESDYED Il AU. THE NEWESi SHIAGES. &ilkDreas pecaity. Ocencfhpîm. Cisaaed. Carle&au yi i mUts. G. il. KIEIciV , 1&&8 Agent Kentest., Lindsay. rT'HE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON ANÂD QLOB]d INSURAÀNCB COMpAKý FM* Mxm KDLI T.Largest 7!re 1vsfrmutcu Ce.umpsan la the WoriL Caita... ................. TnvduI(! ia e vnl......... proitiptind hc,)raL. The ri~rca ýf thi om aliford thsi.e iâ Ll ni t ,.t rf Asm;ranceu1cftud with er wn!.ult pro,,lts ai nodera..e raess. Four-ii*th.4 of prunits j' c"te .'oUty-Aoliiur& Fur la':~scv- r. e- .vijLy te I. SJIER. 181llul- PIC II NR. Re LANDS In ?&lmeuot&. Nom Dakota. rMas- ilutu, ligue, Wushlqb ndta oOregen. Ww.e ULu nmp aw te pFuge Sound, e t r - « M o u y te m a t e $ 8 p e r m n-e . IW Con s efl Homes nmen. e s oaettieme',t. 'te aer.. f Gov.vrnmnt ai Ire vaider the Hn- wpre an the iorth.eru PSa3lc coiurLv. Ilool.. lUmp . t-ent Pm g ! descrbng v:it Z< rî pr tht-FMMG.erzmevît Lanade* ~ I LAXBUILY. Laud Vam'r.S1. P.AL IL, bt. l'aaul. W AUl ON HIGH PRIC ES. LUEERTA"D AT LINDUY. We, the undersige c. a w ood au- piy IUT LUBIBMEAND NU.L STUn' t our LINDSAY Y-KRD and at aur MIlLL at MFLNELN FALLS. and can cut sn.ytling r-> quired u te 30 test long. have deci led to r.. duce pries fronSiL tea;42 per MX teeton a&U doTs of Lamber, Lath, Picketq. SbIg!e@. lFÎÏPub,. Stair Stringers, etc. F!r-t-.&ass Lumber. p"aed or in the rougI: Jvooring. Base Ecards, rame Stutt Cailngs.and ever.,rti ing emplete froni cuiaron tu lirbt-c"a Lum:uvr. Co uam on ianuhr. ,S to ýS perl1(00feet. }'oor.vnt. etc-, according ta quality. Wé bave the boa aMMeM»ab eme la Ltnima. Parties buil- ing are requested to caland ses ursock before puchaing elsew er. Tisi sno humbug. sm a ma& proprleler BAXUEL PARDONS, Agt. at Lindsay. in~placo A. W. ParklAn. EECUT0ReSM£ALEOF LANDS. la the Township of Brock there wlll be of- terni fer ae by Public Auction at u oies8 B" et a the village cf Sunderland. on & "trdy. the 2th Dai of limgDt, at twe o'lock la the aftemoo. W r . William G o io . u c lo e er. t e ff la g v a h u le part of th. estace, et the- ~OUC~~GH r.and compeeed of part of lot twentylve in the third concession a the township of Brock. contaning 150 acres of ladmure or 1eanmud which said land mar le~ ~ M b-tr ecrbQms.ngalthat portion of mid loit 22 lint vest et the Nouquoa River ranmntg sroas id lot. eia rper wi le soluT subject to à mort- TEM 01P 'SALE-The purcharec shall psy down, a deposit eft tn per et. at the tinta etuame, am mgh wiîziaou. monthl thereafter tmalte » one-third of the paroles. moner a"i th e llfunaaccrdlnç te the coadition, of et sal. articulare of which ami for other in- foe atam .pp y ot e xeutoru.TH OM PqC\' B. R ÂN,&K ls d . Ea . Ind r nd a TISAA CJ CUSSINGUÂMZ ZEq.. on the promiss. Doai ut Sunderland. MUh Jane 1185-4T-tf. S HE3reF' SALE 0F LANDS. cou%.= or' VICTORIA. ea vzlt of fleri Pua&as huefl cm CourSof the County of VI am ome dlrncthe.lande &Mitu. cf DoNALD and DUMcâN be dmisaiatu t the esuit of CAEA*. n. AyV !naai« I bave aclusi&unimà lu eaaiuauh t he rlubttille, lmeru am" eq lt e t rede am p m c b a i d i U a t oz i neltIela te or out c et he ow-hag bua" mitemens. Vis:AilU4"ni ga]., th àeuS Cnomien 9the Tm p et umeim. lthe Oonmt Vuictrala 5k' Br -PUBLIC A UCTZOV# At aMrM mi n Sf. CM an l S v htu,àjt 1dk h. m pht abme uley et viotuk& Je ANDERSON, -- - - NEW 000DB Tf. uram M mm n Metl Cem emmw. umi oe. mi, --habûf putua bmus auj i batwvu'MWse%»u muani h l afid . bu *n I apkm dkn. u RSbu w lyua t m auu a la bc h* rumf. Bs nust uanom mubrsSfm OU 0" eam - uvm milua Am@"S @Md$&,M. Mme% 5k w hd&foI uMd F. . AnOx, Siverware, ~vbgh~ê.ultheRai. Uwm UIs* et R. SJLES V EEVp Iw um w y lu t 2 m -amm U- 84 le. 7 1 : Prte C. ucut!lasser et ills 19m mie listhe lofl *Elleuimcsicus Tf. atmy et l the Obapk los;-f M umusng hoUent aun f.ilgalluiig e& a Mme-lsm a Mev te f. lad fr lis Ireth Thes lispi- M PrinceAlbert, poiIeg nt su, grpiuaalM4i Iwrf.ba "à[i geat wvouli put u thefd vthe isanas-vu. a epu 'oru lieumouvuli ae lnoamé M Esosm f e itlevpk aCam Ibs dS vus .-à i_ euAet snet aiPNa Uneeet emua Mdmaugma Ma, a i àieMaux s p imemB*00e fflawet=, v 1 v- lPMI - ul ti.py.b a -- a - g a q a 's s' v Sa fa v 's h q v f. dl u au s me mu te I i emo a iy iL.a te gr.wtAe mue $n0u a. YomSA jor anisa Ai or vUSl destmy thm m er- J-v m Wh..vwitthfflamp du jurey hmAmkus Pe idyux.sLam vIE f. mu t.uMr aidrum .m Il-et A 'Or wmAEROMOY THE VUGTORY AID UNIVERSAL OIL STOYESU, W. HOWE 1, ita0w me atavq pst_"mm hvuoea oV m.4 ve, lMr

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