Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 5 Jun 1885, p. 7

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AL 1 . & ilbebatle f caoes 1 ea Immerni, vhleh tevmluatei la a= 1 uh.I aud Do relif1MuswM* wc eamB a0£ O a DIrs! I bOf, 15% m O Bq Ir some romedy, 1 wsru d 10o07ATM& CURRaY PMCoItAL. "oi did so, sud vv affldlM& iOhm tien i bave kept thieCT3AUUSW31 ne, for familIy me, Mda m ae ori ig ait invaluablO remcdy fth F la dibsuseS. -.idW. Wmw Thourmnnd Of tustlm" 4la l I D st le prornipt cure oftail b»*osehluMd Xi »auofe, by th e tAi rna sC Tm -est chIldtfl u e is redily. Sold by afl Drmnl, Manille. Almg. , ImL-rt-Ir. Rt 'S.PORTER, IMPER o0FinimaRRAlimaE Linirn e Ot. 2k18.-l JBIR1TTO:N9 <cf tie fui r il en d uos., ls*Well» ,MRF MANRIAECE SIE ihiI~a4ias 'sgt LIN DSAY.?MDAT, JUNE & _1U1. THE IIEROES.0F BATOCHE. Bravery of the. Ylghting Colonel&. Galant Conduot of the Grenadiers and the 90th. A Graphie DeecriptIon of the Laut Day~s Ylghtlng. RÂonWedneida,,Map 13911 II- W. haie taken Butochei and th.ebeebboa ofthle rehullion le brokren, if, la face4 te àot rifle @hot, vhlch many la tihre om .' aider b i th e es, ham mt bisea fred lb. memnbere of the Northweet 1.11 ilforces un s mceCeIp a &pT50olia emornenlu- mus reu Ils vhlich are sûre te follov chair sDlndid achleverneit. of yéemleway, aul Maaoc"arybelieve choir ucus. Thé, terminton o!fOr tour deys,' fghi wua surprise tb .reryoes. Irom ltse puers xpouuud determisation a bL ln« avay," Il s. eé elssd cat w terminud 10 retoala passve lubife îrcuuit- ai position tnotilthéfa arival iMrelafre ment&.The. "pcg gaay uap have nu- tributed ln coute Méasors te lb. final eCI& osa ofcOur opevao4uSetqAp afOedimthe MM excel lent opoqrtlyfor acqualadeà lhuerse vîc h the ph sical fssl'rs i lare folioved by ihe rebée, but Sbireleo denyinst Chat tl b uolinof tlbehtumiabe advsrnclng elery 1orlnround euas ce be Rhot t si] day by lte rebue aand rstirimg under thse Inismî of choir opposnt*lee«Zr night boit a very bel cmisi e~con it men and bel abalu hentoiromgdem tom s alrmt Irrepsible Btent --la ms thrvieevaelrkAq 111v v rymlle es«ereus go advauce uisrbiu plte. The gmneai basoit cl<l a effectu of th#s on bismmt, anlddciai! le &as e uaggroivs la mred@ecil torm. At A cousel f he lludiàg elurs Idonday, lgthe ural lddW uep<s ont aid e ts ut mmrq& »dmal îe mots. ment Whi tlégrelaphié dispauitem 15 descrlbed as a raeM manom rems TneMdy m«olng vas lmsteded sas liver. slon on lhe enemnyo Position,wvil@ CoIl Straubengs viii the vIois Mofte ifa and lia remainder of the. aihlrm as lihein aataek In the direction«oeforri movemnenî o! Ssturdiip. The ss.. wuat'btIsathe main attaci vas <c e c d Ma» e sthe enerallé colema vhluhb inovud acrou thlofIt faak et<he robai position, vas board elgaga1.-%iTe@vind wu blovInog fronsthlb. srelboveterss aIl lIaItchose lefitioaebhard of lIefuil. Me vers t he reports te Isaimtm Mues, which led chou ii ln tézaréba le biles chat lhe expeditlon bal filed lo drswite, eneny afnd wers ahIling somsdi«Mut poitwlccouldau bcossléderoi -m a divero, an cnosmsl i ý the rema dlero, vie ou "a rc loutade oft<ho lareba <elbc readisoas-f or te &duise vers haleI Imimallpla fruOfMlt trenches and lana bollovla cotr trus te rebelsailiaThe<vo cempealasoft lieMi. land bsutaliona veres eteafl ons ltse rid i tel£ of ths se bs.About &an heur atter the xenerai'. coluatebal r4teruel<t re Cftrenchmsenta, Col. Straubsasis altanoo 16 the Grenadlieu sand Mdimd roionts bud xave Instrueio» cthair respctive Colons Itw rasut and îilliamo, <o dma 88 farsas Possible vtîheet ezPosnp<hu selves tte are fronsthlia lino M itltr Dise, from whlch our sîktt'mbstsb al ulel POt, beta Methîe broda and rodbiats datly m'Ince Saturdar. WWs bn hait an heur- the lys battalions bail reachod te lime 'whlch or trooe ldoceuplel "eh Mors. loand sdvacal0«mah ulghl, snd lia duel- tory drIng baeen the îvo limeos eiru. itbero to which evuybody h« a"evgreva1 TONNtD.AJ/sVEUE AND GRANGE. ?mm t<hera ompudeluler attentIo va. pl < tal va bM OIM ce Maout dis tigbIng 12IMI19 lth@evo Ios h" benu vies, for lt firettlims sines the opml abli vws droit Psta Ch rié, a bUM~ toldiere oclar vashuard rou titi Mky landers on thtiextromelait. This vas qits inongi t leastrac theatatentionadet tO9slroe, adile roacits f"unglte btrt lare &cons illaI viltla aMilusosokr 'Who veuî sarriel aSy.vWIih inbusa #A#w dia ccenl dci, mie Mdudr 'wOai m sein .fà avolley lovnea e ln i uw.1,front ad lumpleva titi incline 21ob on to theia rbirig@pPif&Th" thé Memnî vars mmSàa lcaovs e in iW mmte ZM toment, ce the Grenadier% huas<o madnca hiyruselis Pm e iimcialim of Our ciiIoubs0t obi o.. <vatiîioo ot ea dv«* M !igI a»* vltteîa n sumai bd«» t he hBm* a 5 its diiie0" Of thé slifs tovards aoche O m " Wbkk rai obiloey sn&mm te su <be slimei,_18oo,,Sit i-~-v~L Bmormon e issie vua lhéyudslob UMU4a" a" et. 8$ruome nks vs- à b LANDsbi rava.lie lmosi sf»uvà fsai mb. Be~~ AL--pis-h--ii sdusb" ameÇofl Omt wti m lybsmB.i rktS as a*Beor Obaisews Umm Pm wBe ilepebu ghout Be lce lisu m l l d m Bth @dm of ie Pot t lme 0"et vilE& nu 1mwy &Wdm, Oasa" vbsfa m lop m te hmaIbaa aise <b. solaifmsta9aut ama a -i aol thousob»for icpls rB duia ce u~sng eaIop, ltX&er2 oseLCm 0oi u mnsvsm Muis "ovu e lopta. asuu eisb~o i i I i I i. i blaf. m e s -h ies the luuW»IOU 1We bi urur ldbm a aw. «ma vtI ie m tai h e lshoeani us ras.ifms =-«Xlfe, e ie as iy 9011 itudw ies hu m lai sam a boMe MUboe e 9 iaitle rdm meu 1S" mess u evil.lyqlaila tbiulthebusimitl m noubaiet me taB Auhto!BeGemall ore Ale rluu beus lrressrIrevus hmte smuon"li W"eg ubue Bsmenai eppm et. Il - v19ueb l"à jo Is botdm-mmvi a murlspmuon. a te u>. Mem& omaltashume mmmeS. l vg o d Su a nor Me Mesd tmd Bathunbiti spal TM la "cite siSu, adleqiilbe. iS bief bifés lb. le hwua tihme ruhol 11 etvlasir Md suk to isI. eltle ville basa i "u Maeollts irla e Md sMMESia 5oor 6tu mmberotue on" lAue arvee vurs.elspb, el a fe mu dli uow. ausEu. it u Aite f wu" us"wep -et iesNi mSbe hliem osr s im se ii uitaitsDuea os dsoefe sud~~t tevu ol os u iaS ifbse asbisfour uti.ui MboiWMré&u owas sbe se mmsu melp i tupli w m*a i hiui lvsw Bes sa, ase VWis ba zi buses pv.niisiitb bueullugr Sds laelie rIteds eta es pieu!humoiyrm troBe plis b avid op ouig rm m o ie, ameit bal urai tiausus uée og udompl -7, 1=c2Balocitsto he mi aJoâmrd cmaaemicii s t----tsesrusi m te <olhots fana slh a ia Otrou f cuhelao a U» a ails e Mvusd es rouWb roiTdon te slaugajnmurils lu opIalbluffarm shd illil Be mue MM-Mdy s ei ceuris e i rmgsSie ryd Zest as Bmemil laslry Iroug eu Wisbstrsla. la ebaile preecal iluesom 011110*8f mk.gB hunel o bitenmm« ectnth" ieloSslosle relistro!W-'16o elle, - - lea l ei essm to h 0 ias.esll vIolules athm TOsela ru a Ii u iv litaoo -1 isai iu erma b fr n. Ils ais Wl.. ~1~ GOL mus - uq T acaEm o MM Mr mbuumwm ta silAmi a blé Mt ga o -UUL mm '5k, ~ iloe se àmeNtitgei tpta.ve ~>lU' itawu s de et, me 1 bu rA& meta usanlemirI au esthe ondci lsdupur. - us revoigerte iié bon àm h bauW"" Mdy b s lmia«&1i ciMee ars miie em uy lbfmiesUn c eb@n5a11 aemrlam viiIbs15t if11g mieune zim et dure alrem. Hei vaMda le lami bmu.y vt* lb~~du me <smia L ]Y&aBouegbai- 0& M nM a ad lsplad aboeu fttb bn tntla L liub The sono eaule aLvin le mli aies s=Wetsde et Le -0! LsuBe-pClosi -d Boy ~au -brpe iBi Prival Ls. wsIIbiuuetiAsm.y Mlaui etal a m us e W aa .eim wiow.o , dmlg uMd NidisiBe 11hof BelvIN.mi B11m NubMli chre l»ot fe memrde -t j=vukadmMi yebdeu.ouduM ld thesilvp mill e mulder mai te brele, oi slvoi, lu huao i fu, Beï 1m1111sud"SauM ML kmBq - 0 0 W 1-- .S-E M. Wzuuus, a IL-ah au omn.d vas wuvo S as ii etin om big, ziag toai fis0oa ssmu- a__a wm *wwhMi. B sIrasmulear am% "a"E., upisgp"mm vus~~M la McL mas tt sr ifs~~ aleners m"ba "a dlasakady aiezruh faS.t phiogeohliSelie ulee vus.ra le aiai muieb m lb à muam&m her slgtE vwuà M.Utsl1me 7muaifnaw Be "Si am.Iisl sArdn 101f4M lun fsgosilsunlr iei rM=l B mmuke.As wll8"s le ~ouuus vIem« igbirngtIua asul.IlpillNe"mlii faaiy s.uoay«Mi lebutW mpm ad mblbmic W usisrss. wimap IL-AMabonse, Be lis use u. noq msd lddn a 11l: emm es le m usdM. lel, à"-mer UilMmehlie vMltlagt li vlsshotBebaiMd &aisotesaas obuevuseam leao ou Unils I bol o d eiMbtttfs W. 11 oasvus à"sIovelus v11 lilvjn taonl pusMW Ulmr s* vllm~ lans pan0ourPr "t vu ismaltor. isp am S r b~JuS w ue ia Tehauem AUtbodItss robuhi mrma mis ummImm et cf ab. lui Deu" la umm Bs pi - if 11sMeaBu& tau N Wm Ualbumaemfwotifog Hait S irydoh@bo., du maplU, eMamu sI a 1. bÎlMpa6 Mutr 00*U1hvh Immr E.Usu Cal. ~ ~ M. smlsm Lss au B Salis ai shot rms a t Dg us l euidml"eda a. asloc a ueamme. e lk MW E u AmerIns.p".ufat I'0 a v u .. l e u s m r a o u lm *l i s IbouudMb ms$mse tSi isuaimitvo v a dvWso I e *0u.le I ,3est"tfiteasmuhsbole MM&ee mi um u.ý ttwsu hm uniwva e oum fami" -r.Sehm 4mBemain op 15am am_ re mies mm& f e utt. hnirim biAm" ~viii uvaomul Md w» *0 aalà IS;ru oueaoe bmltehl a Fut li0ib ofmioe d or nUM.,*1MWnul.LM dam ames Bs dIlIa uo" if B I matol h.ruua ad JIMmaieup«suas Gem.à etQwmwmat md amumuet Lmb M4 Mdok mmusili bi the m ettoisaism euM»ON>e b» J seI li wiiie pmMdca or mi..Ca" mmimd et bat lmo. to ties bus eswtiv u Mwuliàb@lualers mupmb eum -,a T"te - du, n , w n ncEd by MeePpum tramtonlegkp- fflhmB 0 Woi fes u W 0 migS os.TeuyRoIvonea el fies adt imlb*0bs abu umB aptur Nm eutmu ois BlWD, ai.o apaMl tu» vumis w» bRugI.nhin amiBoa tolilmêtmlmestl if<sonu Pla r»d -~ Bt Bt minille imm eMun. e. e i.wmevmmmmbs dos iSa diidem lulqurlur fo la @Srut«es. DuoaileosppoithelsflelB polu vusrlla over Be bvo ifs ii a him Iervm a voly kthue ebh m ou ! hm ulos ma sud ho lm t b reisove. ~ u dmaabat hAs e= p» *5 ls. A, brav havas!,mm lb os mvftlCevua Iuet 7Be *0In munis. C"pi.Tonugmi Be usb@of 1BleI@% det @bave hm ustouirea a oL pie sdmibsuugliate Prisle Albbaiuliga fu dy&e s gM* o ont v w»I U5 poles e £Rr «Omla  1:- TIOTTING ID Dm i. NU &u, isUrbesa udmemiassu I Cromed&my l uemlag me ouplt usalléclia. bave mula w v. mtso qual im fr osmut la peSa, vDaImo mamtfAag li primtes char 0- micim ei mu rsmiythe NATOHEýwbutTl. mdtbv b A.1NIEU -. MUs gum, Iaia Mac~~ Je ANDERSONi noet i&mur. CHAS. BRITON, RUOGI8TU Tm E -in- 011 Chu . Bittom'sC@NNTIO NIDE FOI ROUES MO CATTL Tii. pavier lalrblrdecemmued forhipro- duclng aa ne sm=o=isud mi r -ane oua rdi call mbgnesiaicndition. It acte lmr B mft i.apt rhsfl Mg sDlgésa0%. Oauuquetlpaffordlmg tie gmets~ehI ani. en Alm . la the A'rwT WETER COPO]RT. THE.VICTGRY AND UNIVERSAL QIL STOVESU, We UOWE la la:cueseko I.aoil au Im 11151 vm ii.wrama ev rts.t& Md mtueope d. ab F Cimea o, B4 e reullm EedrugIs &U U 'au la8t Inclm oaoaam ils, li EELXONqT STAE.] B.daituefanons stock hum of A. . sau. lste of Ksnlry. and imeorsbe 8Oh nic TOMoulo rm Powell Bros, 09 Pornusylvla UsimaultarW no. 1l0 m.rd bp Euiccat No. 6 WcFdgswod bsa..........reord Me1 Dsk *Oor a a........ m12L NllflespcndïmZ..'4 mé cra&UiMWi........ ' .4 Trornt b a.s........: 1.0 Fm elb i........... 11 Easiont no 54 si;c batlz.s'aAiissre ci Goldegtth Xld, record 2i.14 Rlosule.................rsad 2M41 Tbosudal b às...... 3M M " 16 sllb..... 2 atsEGr=o .b..........'4 L lunanies Abdallahb .1.4 by tie gO.=e .UIO et trocrs aid B¶MdksBamblconhaaÔa10. the "r of mors vlann tott s mamy lioh reu Ail belr sgltounidstanudnlteobing brai ires s mw U ons tRvNo. 190te bc one af lic ubebu calta la the Unitedl Stasor tVan. a the proenI lime. Beamat Star No 10Ibd dam by Enobauter No. 4%0 a mso f Admlulatraiar go. 15eàdUuaarar b ohd Ryad agabltn"No 1. mi= Bclanl rsecond dam by Bille, Danon, mon ai eld Py4ka abletonlan No. 10. Belmoul ta' bird dam by SeklysAmirlsm Ota No. 14. tie sire of §0 maiy hm Iornes. Binaont Star la a beautifal Nabogany Bay, with Nuit poInlas esndlng &baout lic kuesand bock. m- spt anc whittct abehind bila, the fetloek joint- fanl,swecplng black ta4 Mida arWe funtil mjcau intellIgenci«ontenance, klnd dispasition. open square guit, Spledid actian, suverfar borne and musoshoriat étrong baok, wcli coupale orna, bmw quarters, books wel, lot down, sauni Usansd lep; ln fac, a modelaif atrengl udbauty ighs 1,100 lbé..sandas là baus, inlche" La hcgh Bunt Star -là the ocly registersi trettlng brai stallion tu tiI part ofCad. lu ltcekil of 1888 ho eck aok É M sprise awardmi to two-vear-old rasdstersat lhe Toronto Ezibitiou, lu 1886 ho tok teliet sIprise at theOCntral Pair lu Lindsay. und theetOnt prise et INunchester Ibis sprtnw. Belmoul Star wil stand for service lia s lion ta Port Ferry, 5.1111 Britalu, Nanilla and Lindsay, heavlug Port Ferry Nouday, Nay éli. for Littlle Brllan,byw o f Seagruve, sud rimala aIl utghl; Lludav, ;Toai fernoon aud Weduday; Thura. day will prcceed t0 Mania, by way of Oskwood, and romain ail nlght; Frlday ucon wll procesi Wo Tuer'. ,oai Sunderland. for ucon. thence to, Newton'é teel, Salulflld. for the ulgbt Saturday mornlng Itl pr o hl& isown stable. Port Ferry. Taus.-816 tb Ineurs, pavable Ut Februsry, 1M8; Limlled to 30 welbred maris li. iaU. Siveral trottinr brsd colt. for maiagsorne. Ivo and thrae yesrs reomegvely. For pafliculmar pply to mm si ïiêè»tm Om& Pnrt FerrY, Mu, ISth. iS&5-41.2. TRIAmLmfor25..forMx en trce& inu yeur for 01.00. Bnd unm mes. 1)00MS TO REN.-Thruerooma tu J.Iirent cheap ia thc Dohcny Block. Em- U» Knlenlet, beslde Mr. CampkUl's aroca mMmoH YUns h 28MrKs2t . DHNLasy a TheomaiofUW rnA»MMOeW bereb'y anmounoetheir intention ofmakla by law cloeine tic publie rond acroi lot fifleca la tic seveuioamoeelm ce tht ownsip of A2DEEW BLEMMONT, Tovusblp Clerk. Gx U ELP H BUSINES COLLEGE, Offen ruw men mand womcm thse boot fauil. tien fté auquiluz a CoXPLuzT T ma urom Busan » Punum Bookkeliu, awe.f aitlbmetas, Baaklug, tual Praclic. EainomOmpadns.Pum eue, Comcrow lLaw. Telegra by.Sortiand. COM21or TpWrtln&i tae - 1ami =Mirctngmc Tcam compraiesx perlommoci mche. andi Iccurt cru. Thc vaim.departucuta -meegtl appaus for buam se ollego weeSiniste ente cooaiamy U For a uspy et the An- =ua cocu ru leraddrems, amL NcONG umim lUth Day of Jan., A. D. 1885e ACpvncmut e Dse uçHoje:,h M " ailansi Il ut atrsrne r mery se a li M Epasut à;Termufo d'ee tas Miyt e pre usr s"nt loi Ir .DXEo aW. WAie. ,.Y.Es.OewoP.. Aimaaga d isubstantIe brme baxlXinat dawodf,f"arzr yu a atle Cana.ia Metlso- ualt Chuds. Tndrstestete wiether lie puys lu lie bulldiug are te remaiu. or zmt tascisi by lie purebaser. Thc buildln wtll hsave ta b. removed brase tie pres.-nt site bp the purchamer. A few usonths limaecau béu rt!-for paymemt, arovlding sacuirity lu gIren Nrocy Ter ooarllyaccepted for cither erprp ne ppravei off by the trustes. Tenders for lie Framu Church ta bu sent to W. A. BILVERWOOD. Enq. or J. F. ClUX- KING&, Esq.. Oekwà)od P. 0. Oakwood. Mar 27. 18-23 GÂRNET" PATENT TlN*LINED BUTTER TUI mamIN TEE WOZ&DO Ito, m chnceaf ispte&boult, Fmïeuma EmireIp fus bainruaImorte i mp lIai. mais"maà.flam - f - - I - bii~ NEW GODs: OM AN m M NEW 00DB OM ENULI 11 J. PETTY, J. PETTY, Theamdf.glewde'm. 0319u l. M L18.I FIREI FIRE! FIRE! ami-D re.emauici N. C . apie . J. Neet "a"- T. F. DAdItm, ena Jol Ma'umir .W.Daut T.WAima.CLESeprt IsL I bave lin appoitil enomfui a MA w deSOlf'5 ENCLISH 8BICYCLES. a"MiGadatme. J. RIO G0, Rebt B.u .LUMBEB YARDV NOTICE 0OF REMO VAL ROBER! BRUAIS' Imu bs'ia 0 m iPaluesIe ;.th. &d o i a ove Il lmberr dinb Jmo msaI seebisaI. mea rmt Esti. e lhe lot ho b"s punobasi mmilalmmpcmath ar I rein veueve sho viii lvesa mmc mmr OaIosMaicevedmi parimicS lth" vi lm=c Meow rhfimma Uyrmsa.fur tu lala thla Aselismu"mpri1Ihmaus mm* ubl* velailtrains ami scmglaeumuk lI umusgmi isbrou1ms.gati tn S l., hi her umure tous.la mp asur pari1. IIM &tOhI alistrubumle, Mthoappassm« tèmeuvmev hum- ~gsveieuS i 0" ~ 1~ia au -~ ~~mile de=. ilàla ' B l M-«Y- -- ÇArIçIIN LU MT ARD.... LtlfrR LTE aMidEMLES .al himut7 î i te Camlost.ILmmo Teat Ma@rates. EIL XEPiq> BOY» Aa m&<> 4ai b[ OBS OYD SNCe. BA4? zasm.boe, LahS nIeS and P4ek.eaOf au Grades. LAi»NUSayumg tuSm Errcia 8"i ta u R« ic0.DioD feorla* LmaDeo. 2L nu LMBltUXE PCERSA Vu 1am1am DelBn Has ILSTy &a dirnmalus, ras e c la lirty fout 1ofl for eush andDom.. 1'LOOWG dressai amg undreesi,&t a Lladuy yrutoraM Our mill ORNER a ELLIL Pro<>etoes. Aat. atUn1"a in saefA .Parkin. NO 4mu'usÂG. = t and miClcrk. AuA.MITGHELL, Mai ideuriptions af MAIlLE AID RANITE VOI9S à urmmos e ias Um moaileCelmus Abordmes.Be rnite and Arnorcun Marie Eradatums Alordue atteuicid torpI aud theiougbnug arndcorrecta e aamzteo T HELIERPOL A» LWND<U AND GE ANSNC IE.MA The Ltrgoat re Ix riue Comnimy sa .the Weoed. Aecmuate nd. .......30,0W0t Invcsted inn amla......0. Rates and Premiurn a& 10w us ln any orher m ipectable Compa~ny. The settiemnent of loesa pronipt and liburol. The resurces and standixe f ta cmpuy tfford thosu insured in it perfed lINE D1E%&XTMENT. - Assuance cffected wlth or wlthont profits et atoderate rate&. Four-flfths of proUlta given te hoâuer.. For particulars or tlleqaply< P. 8pIK~ Avent for lMidunv and Cm. Viuwla O"1I[Ii Pi FCIFIp Ru, R. LANDS i ,tu ahs~ iGogs.. wE "~IU~of Goverame:t udrteNometea ves n b.norThmeru JCBltm-,-Laws.I#tlOl1d the Forhern Nuftl cou Pikfort Sa8ll, anb the "7th .1Uoeueu aaa Adreaan S. LAMDOE. La"ndcom'r,. P. M,1 ii in 81au fIORPORÂTION 0F THE COUINTY N-J 0F VICTORIA. 'Notice la hcreby glvec tiat the Municipul Coundil of the Corpor- ation of lb. Gouzty of Victoria Win meet lu the COU7CIL CEHAMBER, la 1Me Court B«»ouasUn sTown et &b~ua, cM Tuletday, the kth by of Jwie, 8M, at 12 @olook moon. for the transaon fem oral m buier ursuant ta standing rinisea T. MÂTCHETT, Coanty Clerk. Covrerr CLEItK's OFFICE,1 LànI&y. Mt fMa&188. 4-2 (NHUERCH PROPERTIES FOR SALE fr TEe lToWNSHIP 0F MA >rIonQ à - 'su;. I fit. 5.5 i ~ it~ 'J1 t- *51~ kil :~~ J j, .5 t *1 .4. 5 'a .4 =à IFO SALZ ONLY BY

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