fUat b ort, liqz uid, m* VIL Iauhhmfibe -' MMui e ueam . laa u uuoIeï mue, - OWtIl WORKIN ORDER haieUm asa t h auvyumo « UIB f t,8pe1 mâ- M, l &at h sýà-- L- -I- ias li n e d.abseace wou1 ancm me at-oure me ___ uuythbmg clms.o. 8h. muai t mmhe. G in tbey vdu gait. o mm but i-t suyiluetiàya "t MWrab. y=u hmv m» od t a" otNewmnb*asvnulnzg..yenê ubu z:ii.tshe vus ph el aduim neuS ail& TwM Mm& st luk t. uL E FU ' R ue!et tb. yoaug mou bo -t t 11us take euydd'tho imul i.boums bai 2TL ma»te rui u nmrenvmc immw g uv ~$ New York. Eveu if *uhed ad hera fio ,i aetî Min»m * ot., miuot whidkia B Burg xMwn. aiet the at tpaoewic iienb i t obttvr ta brg uui u" 9à*w&bCM g fis way et .xinmag gemul ,ind fe. oilrW'adr W"y il a ! Ami oulditdemmattot 6a.Lià uuIiIhl. oui, uYow làg suïppaset. p@bu 07O3 .d umutedlY -* emyâke. ButrI&a't mmB li Ouv ~ I~Wsmrions .nough Wsommnute t ep.u upm u i aluty 0f ry.Ibaio .Euoe-ov marry you. Fer thes l'st, aa, regards &s -l--- U--- u.UueiUIduà aue. u W sh hoa V&UUC"ilceamm3eWahaghiséthtmtb. oh. l' m oy6 The aalyw I iuI» *rme lmnof --ua*t:i1 aboali au. M ANUFACTU IN Oum" Um ' Jw M&semrved lu Gergana &rese, my atory but 50$aU9xuilUA fouv ~p iu..t i àauful MdtW Ibm will probably throw uffiientfiliat by aw uaa#hiin- eolhor o ; "AitésmWe.d abZ alisem o e ut pIfmafm Iry,B andeight p&U on mli lotsevolc41.orvmotab anftu eambuit. Slie rerniarlied to Benyon once tl I&lbt t iho " oe aIbis -Shtti MO. .Georgiaa mid othing to= ammoet. Tis dm nmot aWpy vhuL to be mm"iionly. ~bu Ias SPidOF uis irit wumnoue of bis businoms vhy a. bbia . vlmon hhti m. WODIItt or nsace houk1id ... s A i I ~~ n.. ~~oe ulked hM, butthaut, ta Pleusehosel , me mobr tao~ . A. mOga&@Av hoV1.SM*r maOutaise. ditd't mid telling bhnmelhe tboupt ~tSrsiba oImvhai qma its .oe meberuni shu ( 0 0 1: sf IR1 ýl19 the. grcftt Napôleon, hefore ho wus sae> m essageB~, hie vialitvoathe çome of hie z. ,,DWamr nsa i,5 irr tod. hofore ho bail comand -of l.puemen u ned;h oin~ ..~O u1MWSp fer Macesémamy mr m goods than blmmah CtosCtgues rn. IuMmomrwalem c~a. Ush.hlm-; aiM skdtbutinla ei' i, o b aoPportuity to 0MýmaIl mûtake talngdk ah!il UovS mo mloysd fgo qulTy-ay.Itbe Ioa o ovrthnotesa xpnesae eaTW the inCiplotBonapar.ite thave bisa.- l b. h UPlO UaOr5 & 5CUEIOUS Ad u av oe dome ofetthe allow tv om" piS lb mors bsumarket cah prias for vool hmtkaoti ne short, leva, pae,pocci £ntonsectual, âïadmutuddiàdmtmhjeft.d onu-but hWa, boy vili th"utholp Su iNUjj~ ffi~ ith a& tuemoncons fture under hiahat. , t anorithe tvumeT heylid ope e1he amosslag et. a __._._._._._._._._._POL Benyonu amkod hümmoif wbhorho haÎa& aa . m 1"udsmam l* ie-tat rleet- a beuvydmê'vslabrn Googaa xpah. t lm l l. uvuuait wm. Uipai . Pl -ty y wa. hmu rnCASH FO R OL tenedons futurs, mal hat laUt" ? be-aylshwu.'tputcotiaee, ure .ber ovor un A SINGULÂK MALRIÂQL yearsi IUwas, flttised s t s prestoci ber sys. oforne momeun ' ghopisacshoruyqaty0foodeeoltthnl.Takngh plifr vus mbiionser W"i DseumNo iom abho p opt putranage Mdi ow,,Qi±ing a oenlnuame--Yomv truly, 41LBamui OYAWLWIOCUZthat as epeinivol a certain he«I & raMW ssv Si Oer U"li m how sauwed, while ber mranaaa. LUE tsweon heuelfand th. Empr«iseJme> h. ar-P&iothe. millier st homne. bow cal, inoseenmot oplaYeduiboutia lue. h. enou MWesa very g'Prâ.h. onuai itpodbalWw ta t. ep tt uutlm toi u th tath.dlaYknvPressé Thut vus trues Georaius v ImeW %(UV "actcu out ot 6r"Idoaalt nuiermtad bo y ya e j h. ti ainguler girl, uma rM .nurksbly mper&La.This ma-y notat tlmese)W okyMuade, ivhat thlag rtongu youvsasegoig o sas tb»mittl eun * ru i. tui.wfinit eremto aak it more batvk d ach hazu3uttatiaiea- standin iMary MOBi],uulitzy prldmg théu# ho abould b'. e Uit t1 t ta nt Who, on, ths tue t eat t was, W-- "hDev yo!"Ai b ouhnltw¶Batrb.etilta*te beffnuing net original, aivs ond osm asi»&pfem a hO" i.tat uir~~m .4)h, 7%vey a arrh soot. T"a a wahIh.IO&edu.Nu d Ng~ ihcrua uwblo oi tl whât o dU et mo et * ezid dmthi ila New lW»d espor; buti# afeb. bE;Îie IbW1'àl *0 bonn.ïï vey abs baiheuwmuadtwmhm aunm" . ilm avasM SU& y idugularlty laok lis form et a- charrm rhavepli.w»t . v nbs et l h aýTOnchrctrits thotuhn omav ht 1ch4Uom Is mo tak65fu oniwJthmay d voyhlncen wich-once circuilutncos hait aduIter.ief happincs-it vas very briet--to tuh a* Tn 'I e.-mwoe tisaimo ltimul-it wvuempssble taelier tuter'sopposion; ber tbetisdior'. tea ilt et bitd u ai m eUita. aUhy -mat ithevishol tasyv k ui. Usu.zmanobg, là" %or conjure & àw HOhéd à,her naoher s, andt ven ber aincloWsund b - 1. -_hi tnyveemt 9us somases- ardy 1mev vihereJ ý"T. Mu4p oimpression iamount-ed aut limes her asmala'. ru home days i NewYork R diie eeth5a " la nos, 05hle proper nle voli be-mo gitah te a positive distremo, aud shos, through the ditierent members et a, family o wlI~ et .t àongit aie vW» te i~~ ii rm-hers tseneo? pleaaure-morafly mpalaguninterestin ith alliance sund *a.bouse mora t ais ndt h. *OnduààeL vat iÛ om tshhoyspamted lih" day h.o wl~b ULI -vlhth tha cuteneme etof adien tutmgcitGres-do hooked uakanc. t u e tuueW egats r. heat ve eyma@ v o b orpOO! "Umm,____________ ______________________ et usuralgle~ haut il vouil b. botter t~t ment between the moSt beauhfijl eoroetlb____________ eeh oft1 m li. Ih lb.7sould brmk ~off id uhtaresunia, young mmn vo vsw luoo ~»' iber boy grostat e h- gshs enuTB bLI TLE O A M short undt nover me eueh otheor i. not inaepaying busines. eorgiu t. PLAINaho.siuibe irsmiit ho nvro iI hnduta1*_______ là haler yemr ho culloci tais toeIimg a-claroi tl thtaywor meMlmoîsom ni h ad. beinGeorgiusv apabe mind, undt presently mi. mid thatit Ii lare. occasions wlien ieh ai been on lîwoplo in Ihar vay vîthouta mmuî- smply tlaid th. h il aé, a e oaclr S rie&ntihe bellP ,Thoni the point of exproissiug 14 te Goorgina. and Benyou,'s ou haprousi "i teha ntr hm siply ackd otlima he aw her mli. vusqu" t e of, ourse, in fact h. usver.xprsmd it;- the momentIt rsmeIUa. aEurope. Bonyon!e ignorance et ber ont i u. ... att ik li tteett h uosaa ommna h onr.Idn e tIohre vere plenty of gool eusns for viseit. Mr. Grem - eed a i.tu pretext* is a- proot iztho ti r 150.Piao. ble ** h""WW5Uifloi iRCm1ev. that blowiligedne* evezL& lti gc shant. HaýpY love ila Dot dispoe eit la leenliu into vwbikam. (.oeu. oddly.mutreclcouple nover annuiel 0.4 b enet I.a vontaio.bume. . 1 aa tesday the n1dest. the ba.atmu xecnslmeal atatw iLnsyl b tutine dusmaoblo duiuies, unitRayi, vis inapenlul i- thia-tmw hivnlutpermeOt lntimiC"1 pt fa i.oamu bui ae1omealy SAUN . arcsdwyo uies ywokf aet otobuaa aehdmn eu moud Benon'g love vas happy, lin a wtpvll noro.Wlola hloh reins la b. relatetIL H ocomm; utlionvulwata ln.a and but»AL PRSGBoegea godvZ pre ut up wich mOrolee. a enuinthe et course; G O e SEAT Ba GGY. Tueetbott wlthoy.tIexlepaion. of grave presontimentwî, hiaspite ottai los nTofb taot ab honght oet Ibiesitfenvari, uni Uog t th- muioaSmen.suw* . C. lh n hny tt a en wato-etdb- iaobxBgis.ada t otaguIll ty oîle mîcîrosu and tkimi.- tlkei *bout tkaut .hehaitbealese omnt hvsnng ",shath at e ot W" on.in il; do .» thm r," Bai- oomp Libama mBinPoilluei"im.j 1111 teabe udnes t onpasn.~Sh or E jurope vitlt mom ae4gble mre t lheny t kb va m.Wh" i i.ni c-m<n . yoad& ut" We woedstmmt aeU hwbu ugisa wrielatetir.CUUI torueOnA fd .r àas s l, fair girl, wilb s kbeautiffil eye %rm, portio, for instance, *vii#. a i'frm, and laov m idiIl4 aud iov Goorgins colore&L "Welit yeni noWttum Pmteduiassomme,. * lokeWcbr boston. Mdmai mli.e ofwhich lis. perfect sweet. ways plannfing l» go, an4 vbo anteit much ah. sauesdfo hm hs O* &kn,1 Icat tellyon." MuflAt coudltone baem lvlngt hmh I noms, prSfedaag froin tlb. laps, wae fuit asuacompanion nmrneYoung mind& troslýoab. net bave admit±e& thatas Thon 14 aeoste hlm haut hb. id avvuWmdb Canagm, fie m ck.Boj' Vloopods aal ilme Smpesado;mie hdauburn huw ,et & a- mnel u& «exlacis, te mrve sa su 5 ml sa, "uele haà no Wlah la 1mev. Yet au t hosane ldm, he couhdld U m 11» -@m@ z a spolearor É9.afum bue hast conAit b. quallfiel aeuothing &stonun ti igty maageoaphr pseto ma yz Bon~youn. mmbesi net oe. vhy, onceis eknot vas lied, se. UflOB Uita 5but rmlhrLA. SmMm~Mi. SO lueslbaia-gorgeons, sud she aeenîod to when thialechaine for g.ng tia Iùs, selmuy, iluth. aftor yea% vheui onsbouliberaqnirocL Wio ho askel âactmcmMCanUdISE sb. Poirzn.i mousharogia itewxlhe- saloy gnitcootof.vaybgas la b. airait, e tuilxpiai» ta hîmmiet certain vhU sp.yîevoenitiaey vere la wait for, coollbe tOIUIU* i i 5w ___________________________ us sue wonldi have wallced thirengh-an Aanmdlaly mid tl aaymond Boa-yon: haugeWbh!&imple pusalel hui; * mati at abouli WB t lin lis ignalMi Maffl I "' DoisInbwut C a Tt- oic.tahond innt.Ueîtoaen con.-660h, Yee, lilrai " 8h. e cmebiklMhm ila atsin;anay la appoar amum and if iho .1eanaver- . ý oethas.poe dost h aM& neotoit with the. navy lare tte auantaga lain sc noff-b vEr haut, ieply m fadi, ef shibby croire streete, strusghlng e«ot at hbu parents wenhd probubly fr tor t0 b -m ' - - & htem aidnuw a" cf oeing naouny tylaca eOt %Vôomn.; lI.hey-hodeired t herbu vw.»alesîtomp3"toi.twe rivons, viLad osunsots, smon give hezý it tim.>' erat. eau t r Im heSMAumi l . vii peala- are ahle te compare the. ladtier;or a ef h. Voer.oi-Bal;, MYdur" awoa- shaz ot dw* t utthe. sul; a dm iantyals-aLmouls, a hlu,$aoui? 71 isaSE aid TRe tJLof1 9y of Itrlifax with Ihese oft haeCape cf Ti 11emasveto-l e oa mama a-girl slow1y recedtipomai.iuC.ieliaTcaÈYLOZ ur 6004 1(fop.. Raymond Henyonha4huai ork inutle, meintflot isa. Twettlb und it Ippeunoc-stolIus aide b>'yi. ieiita> ogv e-oe;btb Ihem. advanUtaga4, and, being ver> foui street hai butlately'cou"o ta b.cmai.- ibut-lire lax"yue t elay ait alaaty perminuei lian women amc___________ ~it p-Ukns.Xnod -Of vomnen, lie liadi larno bislumonz; be. uhusi~. v-n.zi.but mn alse!> as iso& sai e imnWem R Libélieved inuslua-position la appreciato Goor-nlu, wlai& . omn ot often: paiutud te àthtdistance, linked. b>' il t s$ _et___"_ber__cap"__ofMaitertIangGOl4er Toutaret $DGrossie'a fine pointri. 8h. lac wh thodire vers opain.import;ian ppoarnn mts tt len-n iaseTeut4 aw i cabutatoe!mu r "a lm ue____________ "fs* uhetP oin.a iti h Yug a b enbt lie rp e ar o!o SY I ains kel op anpige miotlie r teaale lad y C ar- Alli indpot euy- on i m m l" i t n-t ruhtu su ag n ia ae ai. ie a rl:a- Thut le y Oif~ ~ i tl a b e ti l e k p h la torig prl Bucn aitusncutl ila-waye; wboa iathe est e ea»mi~aes lai ur - T ey m n LwaY. av- emm mNow, toe, il appearei thl" Mranly. Tuat vas flattoring tor sle sbattesel saluset can"ienwa utoa coulia mnt er mtosga âhe aovu die n ahee mannatu rIRAala.almVege]ab yenug niata, îho was ouly a- iestenant ceclleti viti. expensive vocn ut mataie W" ýe:tas>'oa detauled for dntv iu th. Brookl nNavy- lo. l.pak eu rume acbi ReK.had nothinglun the Ue 'tard, vihiimt a- Penny iung:worki plots of tb. cityduall a thelb.BlS %ingvon buthEpa>', an&i h.atlt Ibis as* " sVe ato e..euv PERRI N'.S. buthi pu, ill a anet of plain, mimer- date rondt vas an e ogbîsdriva;ez ian raTie m b&canet pt Mim Ontea limero-a ,e m.Yeip11'riaIII~ ~. on% seaf.tring. Go.teayiug roetoio nl ookern t a- auna-er- afternoen. vua- Tesuehailt u 4 @iyabuneigua"Grisw_________________________ Neu wnpstlie, a- coniidrabi. sat.- pgenteel rmoet, undit lbelandsomea4thonft ae b - .sai bmaiknov much betterthéaa-ou NZh~tnLo uno et talent, a- fevenwa' l*ma-tvhevs u-te oreret momentibtr séying: -Weil, iou III iù'____________________ biin w 4ripaneti.hie uveunM4 mui iteongla- stneetThis iiiiU te trapb-et 5-ma » egunith stla ot U41becaus. ____ ______ speech. 1Me wua a a pure, tengia-yona- Msjrks luemaoen. me«r tfeg tourisoie bmmbmu.rneITsm wet a ib., but Benyca airi iqdurk hair w»astraigt=a irath.r a, primitivespoch ; but lau. nec theeemil.Mou siialgu$ t Uucai .vs a m TifiEXrTON & C ' SP CI LTE âne, undit bi fce, 9,triffe, pais, vesw»ths aohuoiuu re i e bn t those moments, a '~uI~ ausfos oe li14W I smoot undt .va"ly itwewn. R. a t in. u sprpo"tio thé,Iaselouaiep te d.ah oasta ofi..1 i ame y ms hm fr a out li va memitue. b.it usil" We. ushosib" nsai. uule alch. sha v iamw amivu s llatuth opotd.i-gn.-"hosost m abJ hth hie panw» m -offlur, e. e due * hm ba mcàG- à.bu. , - 1 L m7 'a -6'& Nmmat vhsyiiImm&iM.lin - divo Oes ftust.mp Iu aoderGu~l alhoa lmt i r, .aptmwam -s. 2 Wikm W fPlm*8-bd r mu 9 @lhýj ré, __________________ "t d.w h . l* ey ryk& &o. ar __________"___ ,* ce disbm. n-d vi - 11 fr p - srh i & o v l M a *W . m f t . . ý qý . .m - - - _ ù.â . wL N ~To4bt é M mm sIm.uto ait hmi . a u.ru i e mi .~- - -y ho b"w - H A * omd AOIWL ~t .-Th.spIm.- , iMi p0&g bIMM"tqr . ta ab" a" la '~T Y ..-i ~S sus.eu.i. Mr oie *ffKw W»- eu.u~,lIy~t-p uris at * m P WE.oM, lSu us uo mh d, kul Ure ua 1 vu u t b " .h q~ v y~1v p. W m6 ~ d , I L in ~ eusaomsv*io lu uar l.. te muMr, Mtm =BlmGI a au. m» . evab" ftvinemb.1 ere «W ahm m ém OMMbubus ba lusd% Wb@ haMÏIsh niCa m uijPoo- a 0#U * Vi IU D " af h n vi t M W* V E S «WU T U AUM mU A R L* ailS W bd6e vmg. es i , k ho swulImbu b. aNL " athe e, b bemii 1v blet bi ~ K wsw-J ~M c L E N Â N Go 6 awaap sa v g ( iivs aio ulh.m tn l .. u m1v .e e ei ir h t e -- lmw u, rb"M&t ut r1%Wlaiuil MM 1 *S*M lES. w t. hmU ~ lulaé ueé ma-~ '* yllsm avgW u M" I*r g grog-km- imW5AI ~ UUA t.jffIh - - -u! nmA*wmu té~it - hm àluz =mg-âi- u __ ~i**PM b E s u .fr ~ ~ ~~o nt ~ . s e~ - ~tMa mi* m Eu I ai lotmi