Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Mar 1885, p. 4

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ioei Y I~. W~U1~Aw w a -.~ ~ o - - -. ~W ~W ~ ~ U~Yp £~W* 'f 4 boiaspoeulatô(s offi5. Ta. <liSii ioru. t mi an f iamas usu.uLW~au »Wtz.famy-1 ut .+l.1 F 71" 15UAI IÏWP W er & Populatim fmm she»t........m......or............... ....... .... ............. 0 5 o d flw ,u -- --ZT 1 D Y . Trustit %suhv.pouuaoe&",USeorenme ssi l ensulpT4 . OUI Wl :::u:.....e..... lec1 -W OUa of 20,913 for souih VietOI1dla, ni 1S1for govemmnturc tabe blami ts e Wa............. te i 0 aUS803M1 SPIAL DIMtGNS 1'A tetaiu u..e rael rOti victoria, Ta.ier vasbacuby *or inmanfl, buama. submoau oawas.hee P'bob.......... asto0uain! bacoEMÉ OF. Mcflitîyre mOu! Poasteu otby hlm ro Iftemcannot u.lomal enav fo Iair Os.......... osw.039 GOMbsokI Ee? 7(.cardUWker &V t *mr ley . m#e miiilitv l obrpof tIse büt, 1«d5mmiaft ai. u vtLU ,.: zs es Su srle lRpom goftunom hom» ayl Dmoffce1 v ss, Eoebjbra W.teA., da"Priams It ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~0 lla au vcntuttin s- ~ ____ .......e5 Paille.who bave net- yee etira .rs asm Md w'eat vwt& .iTw. Vang à& W M. oeWs 3obeiyabu .on R iss erj -. 9WTu WWiCOUntaill plamas do 50eIlude or the »Metw yull bu 0cOMp o lod numy, OP*, tarI. tOe . esmueand runeo Se.is..........W'1A. WmeA .,eeba. mamt>r' that lime the accouzxte will ba i&y P6811 191on M cmem"d. Dslw4 W" @m fe-84 o tm , oudufflro màw . »pla4 - aatufsr collforccditin. e ppsêtof iuu% s aaorlng tu tasMrtyr of '"te. Jtp',"um ü« r oahiaalOflml N la le'SUtu S2.5 ur'ss is.,W cHWE tfai cf 881 Th« . vlg01aiWmollt iehm OU ine aota, for tBs mm o $ai at u ou LndiiY. FOis. lth. ML_ .- MM wit h gidon andsg___________________Th_________OMM_____su_ 9wls whelsWM m &POOJOU ofgo, VUintàpw ét;M& m bSUofn»S e " #.. .... ..... .. un.. 5 & 1r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __& sm Sad, vfoaiMvil aM« poplas of<the, u wotk Iag oacmm va" bom e 15Lsu'w ...... ru *m. 5S 1 * I ........................................M.5W - Z *IT IR E. d iS Nodobtlenhabseashuas omunt a ie Jm*s lrrmMur zw"M SO CS 3Uw5. im' blêesrdMnMlarbs .bhe ut eu .*$plugs lw ttaSm. 'wSb*..e... uSenglusilaeoagubu~.sSi sbo o m a mBuff lu meé Oak ...............----b -he - mua B Eu~,eoIesi&bsemovuvmw MWUS Kv am ofaaiS«BahaSfW KW SE w. a oner AM <ilmu - mi rawn gm lw u1 UU M I . w ~ I _______ ____ 51 ~a.,puIu ur uuh'oilff~sseaifueumt ns. aJOHN F£u'ax xuoy Bslamton TIpuISef~~bden .- cmn ~ ~Dm76 OG Mon& *Is~p iwPirsbalasSrhbsBs oal ~-~B1k " 5 nIasm ý"hwfl-mm& ne emm ugbtlw1 mun" aff ima&u4rMomeuvosag M& .....BUCCIESI f vu am" maman of au .& Om&*a _____Mmepur_1b._on_0 Th apuL udg 1 s m BM..YPMSsoeu ucOS .. à* ma or iz et#am aSFimw N m ..-... ...s SuluImebsujubb*mSm Dbbwasb a, dmhM mwk1 se .v- ta. g vwhmiyuldn..... 1»08 w Za~cbi.., j4ooebi.t....5 eau en ~~Vdu.k~ p. la"Wau refuges, mie ha.,...05 as WW gfl, L ~ ~ ~ Mb rvwbo 0Me&wm$ a SW STI, SOI U i ubu oajuotoâC. v.i... 0S l ~ J ~ wlUbui.k SmcueIVnw4Um% ..........19qI 8AVINGB BANK bobuo h eat M.eâe t ue teONput ntseo. m DOMINION BAR1K q"mo tW ptO180 Ii a il oa mu wtM t» "Boe p-Mu Mr&.as: mal maisCF.. e - tli.dmm &W Bor mlww aufflmum bat mm B, *uibor g be Jeu à".h uswbod6 a@go Mr.bnlsy, -I.te eh; o0 ais fIM otbsammed tiber. Our B. Wmmlameeume lkdbootu0"hme bisoe«« b. Mdmo uswrowkS O 1rn dq UMiss M, seI L~Wbe~Ias es u g hpouittaku of $1.00 admi *r g' "*ofmo& luw@ e; e eIo 4 l t .ta4e 0 ma ebftdlma aig upwarda1 kncoofwith. Lafosuue Nsvw. vms p t pguksBIr UTý' WOV*O' ~EU<7 WdU10 àFORT PMNT, MW& l1,4E.pk5by &. ua, me"Mlszdm p'u.ug s 'i' 0-" SU"W 55wmJoMg J" L-la wua% Mn.%wiu s wOw buss,0f»CUS "@1 eltn.. - ' s.t fle. à...s sm *WMrqdd. mm dio- "m"'W " "Ou 0 1 $hr li;waiakwbos,, nés te 01q ne Usg l a the. "XAGIC JUMP SEAT, wbeh naban 4ra alrs mieé I ti ui a ls. bl , aima" 1 M 4 uuetai St, Bq would doble aus w or a otag ida m r h M f m d*o*wkm . LMg bOsu~1.W Ni. Obk 0fr'o W POoU$s, %bM W viokva mmliii by* thmiat Ibm am amidwbw tatmmt f Q~o usfa as. Vin ne BVbm hwblmatria, dupost to à* of "et"w t aa, n~...m.,r m ms,,.. Ti.M - u8u«.,Z"jusWhu.e cokamprvef mm Md oba m of le asi i..Is.a - UM. vS me«. wTm «3& 1~1 IL" lml a AeW E; Obs am fo OUMtSO." The C. P. ILE. - oD 1inut. dvoeek i UiSTor N heI> IXPtemoVED sISsI s us mot ut boss~uIIOurwsh. NEINET Tbay hag.eb! sbn Ç0X k&Coq, et butt l. deur the: veuu.ut viii -JM. hdrhmbrwm hmt 0Uiél C o t. a loePmMOW.-Roouas.-Om thtb Mlut., e lb. vokt.oompeb.vwfth lmpeviimeâlswoek lima qs hf.ts rIfss SlSmI Rdnmnof lM. bOe'.mmdivby Ra«. a. lkquelby Md am Ms.N rimer calmers sîu~urns, iurr, -wosek MW bel aboutâZIILUrLsurj IanL poarýin ii.. Eiluhetb ow t*e superiorlty et the olt bindeoOthe fIIl~ I. ml hs tny.*Sy t tmALxu OUsiva 01. dae for outticg grain; àas.the dl81anc M; Md would Ulm ma Mof re brie'e faUa, en* tim&, ~~'befves. the usa ilfl andbond sown Sori. Iou n T nt ku lz bq , -*wDDL CTJ N O ME. D Smaa . Lst S . IL U> ILKrK.W. lk gitot v ftJh eyutd l atfDgun., am w.,TOSm ~ .~ogs~W1 In.11uliie b SSmuoL Uia.Rouzaa Duwyjteém. t. mUb& -WeluvlklinuoulmofourboosiaR Eoetumbrlm mm LoS. Sudsupomis UalSuSmma lby W m.,Fase m ai.vu tmfl" w . , 0fteowbetelow. OMrvaJo.hnua aierth M& 15ta. -ItuISCeDIIOCS04<MS founl Ur.lu uasst'wk........Po. S E. umulof Prt Prrn7 Wat orgmb«dm - OM-aef -MauUsmmade by ham&idhmbasbeau protes by ft sil o ooommu4 mforcash. or os à,bot ofP99 made, hy M te mFlot VU& .....u......................W1,W&% y-..- thelisrwslimos ot btheOIthaïs hoW*l mu5 thon..Ouri mise be»lb1 uiI»ý iWhe.o A. g, <.ve owm&à M 4om, a t.u e ga dmbuii lmt .~~ rammnela vus Tomsae1 Uduiae W.Jb oflS&...................pm ro IS OBrnaa0 fMM W «& ftze "bummb aMM*Peet is r baibt en h nb M.m àatatv os - pes mt w M evot ei i ngi. m.5iiW a. Che, m ails , ttb a ~ S s . w * ~ ~Z G ~ O 7 * ImWo U Bb bsllsvluhe vedu vIs omp o MtB, MW WcUdg4in Se f aibeTo oarips DUS ek et TEK CPo8u ritgSPEIN!G SE )@ waf ede oVteb O& uMwdo M mOt M h*aupawty &pocaibut en ro . mgg ai«Vpsgg C« &W«IlrIUfl ON TARIOSBAN .sm i.cier steublic1ky a sv an mat. tas pubiS. Isen. a. tbraseusél .vful VIl uia.mvulh o is kmtas bleuk vm]W W D c. C. Lesai w&ITorc 1obe 101 have q«Ulmth"n oPdeincon latahe BsbWtThes Woonk htask Se.ttmsl.E.vtsw ni. seUUYPahWmÊaUt nd; re. um SASAM l T VOSlUg*TO 1110v uaMIa sor Choir Phwbomugb l h, . IZg auputamo s u-._____ un<-4Tre~ WhétPKWOd ie glk wol btetorsof&iy lvivaIlUoempty Bsu Ail4100W PYBO 065D51.vilat as pIrtul Chter 1 sauetA.,mo.a eultl dynamnite nom&Tubmu>AK. Motflb.-Dy D. Leury. @muOton. (J<-f>eUa ,XCKAN~, v." Thtissmumslousvvauuor 1w meubrhv, tahe nuésor ak on. dBS fora Ucet SMam thilae f. Ur. y et ie s .the .8w;:214oumdrfts oel ped Pmp. »hw justice IL C. Cm~&s . udaumt. dormeos te eSthruo» of ghie bhm. luIb(ob l Cuitvlb.Sl sh LusPOEEai haa 'Cl.X~al lm aits~ iî w ans oI u olfBCrssaS 150 Z04 Omo Omion, Usa.,ea u iadfi TV'umAV. numl 3ut-aDy Ges. Nem&U" dispeCmion ~ta unom Wiita. bopînnta atsus if.n oull ruung aMd Iles uam gur & oi n ~' aisai aun t m'as0u en rwjulpuhr visonuibus b i &regeuiavm di leat S.To m oo aBerw 'Aaanm ol . udRo TcerwMcoummas -' h. uutesutt.è îtblt .. vas S5petga utam.oo s Sdmlae sWm-LUM unwe u de @& The onqmpdm aftu n boaiieuuua aw celibohuos cmBs OMa.zd pr.oïnc. MMEIMLFIIU ME ewmmmorsi l nt01onail1Paru of ots arb m otmu motdelsby Potf nw»vus moj0f b. mod &nu.. a wum dM meto vres.sawolubto i o su otu.guuMp tas o«p-a oV. cla ura ibeslb. min ,£MT Zgaqn pPTIa rms&r I. i EcEUITET. lias that voulà 11 t b lbW y iMoosV& 1liri ma. by ulw Coeture nd ni lge. " Lua.Nrh lhU- 4iin.11mbI NL-LSuais vaps VUS mothicirbut colarublslaifduhb lb ltthe lis Intent u*t- o t brlbevy' Ta. appusi vwsuneew» it, lmb. Miel. Wim rta. eai-s mmi ~ W.t 7. The Loe apwe -vmiemdvtbesws»spprur a.ndI mo t ~W.i _ lb. tkeoppastlon-eoghgrelief Mad ibolter loUvmet the .ou Draglas strabasa., mat* eeMyý, APCR20bM . opnions bU t vas Mvoloas a4mudi u b hugg min. iooelmwd &SUCk ofDuaim & Co'e. sioroue, PA« Van, Ab merIT - salO«oeo1 «- BSme unes g Moeisshl Ia aL. x .IR WOK TE **WVLT p ev. Os JaIs. m@" If it ies Possibislea ep but .5111CMOmaglu taAlaiIouW"0LIR 1001 AU couv a.. vwolu Ove. duble«M a""no B la»ETCAH IlNPa» W. lutal usvaan urSvsîyappusi. klàt. es m r. Esimaesu, b j, rima a i - wsonatedt»Usat hieaiiofsna" wemGasrtvaualllura auteur. -Fou-sasba ieoris b la Sbufilial by ai. appelaIori by asmappui t. gaUme tnsMsii"mtsa. tA .Tm.Ue.WHZAT A.ND OAITS Ment Of lWrJobsl, cLeuns, INfthoUt, ousion, or tIvoIlste b oua-vhs. Ms--& of tile IoVD. The . miest anstum a mssabmw£'offl Mai"enhyhuu m-UtUnmtw.Eu'____ Weil m»di6vorubly hnown tisaevs nulnoedmarkuias PrtIes or'Wolm a hdeart Ichaist a 0la every nnr. m s ditmm ttbbmila lamr Weilt fite ai t isi mportant office. A A zu<eun.4 Mmat of long samudng mad htit Tchmsecondranltag ai thse mlnns. _______ MIE] bs ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vdm bI.vels ute faspla uuaillbbom 4eu il laaamIboreuO1Powe m.vWVmmuat Lu-e.of eOnoIw 0odbenmdt1.lmw e« sua8ar i PERRIN'S P.TaiCS, BUT CMU MiCOLI REMEOY, 7wCern g, Celas, oarefeaN iethms.,Br<ewhUist ýèiEae*a Wb..pimsg Cowgh, Dtf5cuae Throat aud Lutag ** yen DwuguSuS S Il. Md1by au Ms S PRORiv4m .4._£'ampbell. i Richard Sletr leratand thore la a iprevatilng disposition &nieng sme agents fu>r other Binders te lie and mairs ail the -fais. reprernentations rhey eau arainst dm e tt h. farmers. 1 now varn the farmers te Day no attention to those ne vlan they aay one word aginst my machine, for tbey are oniy trvinir y=u la en bing. If they coanot oeil tir own machine on its merits it p'mt weaknesé lu lb shen they attempt te misrepree.'nt and run down mine. MnY machine la the. field on triai Iast season against the Patterson. Brantford. and Uic àmaeey Bloders, and chora sas tiot a Aingle caae-where il proved in inleror-and tue geuerai verdict vas given n Ita Ifavor. re oslng 1h. utmoset cars hroughout lua ai departmeuîs of ils manufacture eonx saiasn, ulna tise ver- t ottuber and other material, and ' wrrat eerymachine, os 1 wiIIl heromxghly test every machine belore it a ahop. w11 nia ne pis& lu placing yeur order far one of niy machines-as, if .9f ter mt triylu entd ft lua ny way defective, I -twill tale la back; and 1 wisli * firniy on your minds the areatavantags lnpurchaainga amachine home, as tisers never sas Ihac machine made yel vhich va» fot. hable te adrequir. repaire stake Pive Htrndred Dollars yen eau et ne botter machine in lhe market ieu of draft, qntxllty of flalorial us.d ln manufacture, workinanship. and r ork dons la tise field. Salder can be »en ln operation any lime yOe ault tise shop, as we have pn, and la cau be started te sork any moment mg the farmers ln.ths ivclnlty viii consuit their own intereLqts and pur- oehlzi. maie at bomne, and >a,'no attention te Ihos. being,. who are tbrouististe country ling about and runlng dowuna machine which ft m tiseu te sy a word amainst. Narai Uth. 1M~L-5L Yronr rspectfiiily. 1RICHARD SYLVESTER, id, &tXlCheaper Thon Ever. NEWFmESHZ SPRING GOODIS. k A M PM OF &PLE ÂND rA.3rey DRy GOOD& HAT&, CL&OZE1YG, BOOTS & SHOES, HLRD ViRE, alezCRiXE, ETC. nymi go saIiemeàa ry suet aivma 0&on.COOL 1 bave a lamgostock, bg won A"bEU f'S mala, amixamue u sL. MainAROAM.MUe Br&i#L ~LeO 1E - rnnrn ~ - - ---- - .-'-. One tells Another of ouraclte for handling trade, of zte=tet f ur business, w/tic/t penet rates juta t/he farttest corner, of tMe cotntp ; and of thte advan- tages w/sichi a large trade ,gives tmz mer/tant in buying, /tandling and seffing Gcods. T/w miiddle o/Marc/t finds us alivje and up and doing. More alive, mare busy, more suiccess- fud more bcnt on pleasing t/te public and mocre certain of doing so thafl rver before. Our activ-e e forts, aur d.earingsale of Crockery, lave run off a lot of Goi.s, and t/te s/wlves will presewtly be crowdcd with, new patterns and new devices. It takes a lot of merchandise to supply onr custemers, and it's our bustness to see t/tas' t/w> arc wcll supplied. 1IVe print t/ie sews o new goods as fast as t/w>' arrive, and as t/e>' arrive ver>' fast uwèecocastant>' announc- i ng new gaads. Jf7-ilmake tisesefea' ex»lanations, for it's et part of aur business ta euîplain. tVe have ,good Groceres.go~d Suppliés, good Crack- er aizdg'ood Delf. We sei ahl t/zesc lincs side b>' side.- We deiver ail purchaies in town carefuilly and prompt/y, and we urge you ta ,givc as a s/tare of your czsstom. Note t/sas many :zew Sitplies are ta hand t/tis week. A. Campbell. Lindsay. March 101h, 1884. t r Il' wre un Ulm 9 .... 1 Campben. mamb 12th. M&-si. Jo2m Si-o&£L -Li ttle Britam

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