i . exaw ~r, ~ i~,, alumpl 1h lm et u.uhhbu logea@et 756 wau mate Me.1w l- -r BushetU a wu elh 4MteW. M-e BODIAS&FLAYELLE RIS. PuICES O hp. as b-_ 1t. ~ F oa @tbtaIand-90 ~ uy psbs i Gita Golth iwac onudoiid Jy-od ulil , p ab.rtap linfiagir F'éh. 1P.11. tIMM. I29--- Fr .,klit Irlabyù. aLur &BIt <ra~ u~pozatum W ocs I N~AYLUM BR RkZD WOOD swIuw M nom m w m ,r b t imazi a ern4a su ' i oeuwil.mi GA who1.pa1o emd itotail Deailers Il, all kl&ftf ml"borte ta 'llutu 1 rn, df,4-imlathe ilehodlw oit la .renuaw cm D. "" Vo. ..V.OUL -fr a"bj UI moutM" 8 I wiWU tioctio. r. tf dovenimto hue kwm ait kindo I uoc. lov kà EVWi à1.kI femuila>a. of hie imomeama ~ ~~ady o drt mkmi rv iy p m e ot *V oia sP a av o i .-4 ae . M it " w o eAm " . of tho very bent elualtv , vofE n Alptmofi AUte lomithoewiair fem u&U mae thir - _ t» t10W?. Od in <iWfitlt 0o sut pnrchI00Il- voCUfo mFmBogeub@p.u. itna. teSuh E.. _________________________________________________________ il ptly ai tendpd lu. 14 ppsigice ona . i'u..HlwwaS% à» -4. Omtthe~udisI.u. buta. enoDe- fiMM, en. l9tb. 111111.- 1.3 glpi bnerm@Umt 1111,11011ierthemotmbomdU&bb on sindr mowi» AU hertheaumof aieuorul lathatcaprniath* mef t t wlmt a a. S.boen. Suo àwtlmtrl«tlu matWH11113NDoO fTe.1 L O& K.i' ANIE) Hoi'e!! W. H. Z. D. l'h. nadoeimuejme i&r er m 1waln- R. lo.Huttebn. o fTh aeJC usa.mtfor h. AtftmmuIUn<'-& " t.hale local taget for Coi>lvus amrme Lnry ____________orTe iS ym... . a. baosMeo eue@"& d~ I a * me WW d isi tug iti> thna B arrtgebmw peur lla the i Atecch67mt ha axauma. Spfflu mr....................1 lavuOu Sam lutraiulon"Mie"ti"o nwbfo taom fthemanie ilà«m w i W» 0«9 lM* Adjurnd Mie-'1' Maohed.receveiod & a001welcomafvwutees. tnuunwme off' Toui~m o mas eUàmn abt taure the leuri mom fe th 4 a w"a Fic LcloA. flhitnhritni. hie na'frienlew.. - . Mr. Grimm '.meauowealUum IofIW-OLTIatlih1a. h I i euaoth rmo Reowl Moîîc6 to PIdy-p . Anian. TOuSeeloir 111ePISe nu"aê comeii. M p r VtorW. J. Wuau., rýWoode. lt a. IdO uId»m& Lmrtjwloo«bm ëheappi thn Ponry W. M 1mlt. M m.- r IVYe « "t a ft beadjournhd alt rwhch la te coma digt .bt-tt"MUR. . -,.BE-wTHE W« pertha1;vr oh SýfVin s. a tesan l mfom71 Mr ê~ofWduia.Mwh11. oemdvt. Wiln'nmn aMonderthe MdDULUNASC * r L flà .L ('i<.-. .Olrln.Iî'~Nfîr d le-maïisher troumk lr a. Pm CL ~gthetaf Mr.c. Cj.L WldIdd. Un-Laua Otlu.185 iia Jas.ut .lmS-1.2 ¶"f ,oAaMTn>e t CtR(O. aSti 10pi'pseBof a fore w'ea. .rAfn for 4flo- Mairtin MR lonkli«. et mwlogalette municipaldtribunal huîtreanu Wanted- J. (1., Boxc 17. R>h<aygeon. qtêoftVff it te goêtaeêd o roMd h»balue ibiuk diulowhe wee. The 1a MoRâz-Stlr.woon.on.a b. 11, bytlmuRe. -Ca e e sett Aet - Htl Art (Cominili~e. g&AcK DiA MÔN)I) MowsrRMz. - rLolh fo Damer. referred ta la naether paragraph. wm3Mr Watm*mo, RAVtcw.Mr .jamasesNRt- LAkdTglie-Iusm(il) îîàiàeé. them. Wafctu for theu. Thor Blaek1)1a. u >teogaifor amonth teokeep hlm outnt Bmunt l .wotlIATOÂHSL Mii'.uirned Tx 'aiît 1o--J. Il. Knohi)I4. iomnd i Mnstreis *111 Mtve ont mt*rWan >1110f fl d subdUt hie pifrotifor trmp.. --CPJR,-a'WdemrS UreaM en onhus a ath;.IRngarcund the cotintry... A row tarted in one I Bo.EP.3-OItiL4 eO tnuireidm tlt iMoa il~ aie- Crarar, 'l , & _uw &mrearSred, ineuayu aill te local hotel j% ards wau the memia of Intor-ibt.jLtRV .ilaa tredmeV JKn)(ýedOti S(oilieai. Vl hol Mak- WodvîllÉr hall. A 110w »d spuvkclng magin e i,g laid againaî on. or two or the the b - ber . WilUMocownitmoEq., Mr. Xn'ke Oi oo N'a. ethî Rak. COMblnetlos. à hou ofem i pcld op aombalantu, bu theiimaster Wet uettled. Arthur Tromiserto mma.4n-, e Coah, ail cfc M"in Sa .1leMazodonatl. Ihvi2son &' Pater. from tlit seecntisa" Mseluedolnal. MaftlonTwwnahblm. tos tti. uaiookmi etpotrsmai ~ oms ~Rnma- TITcKE- At the . comMune, et the- o sgin. to~l caum ilaanhea bride'. fathoelos tht 25th Imat., 67the Rer. S.-o PMOIF111f111111114111il *TI our «e btIr, The. iCuanad West Victoria tochr'IY5e. W.j..,-Jllý-onaldi D. Rom ~hardware mS.- tion opins la tho enho ln, lnduy. 110:1 chant ot Wod,-ikte Bellatl roua"susdaugh. BRTHNY. ~~~Mondat andi Toesda. An excellent prograi. ter of Mr. 8. Tuckcr, bonder, Liday..Ook e y adG awr e hhbemprepareti. No doubt thon e wib.r ano lCorftpoudeueof ThPbLem lniattenitance.an Dr. MoLWIl e MITW.nyv.-JIdu ~.on the 2âd. Pib. LI~ls2,ô,lI> lem ..71N5. BAà4K]vrSocrÂ.- The IIW ls'huevolet nedt ma tocherâ Intitute... on Monday MarY Anaifeetlhy.wlfeof iVu.Mulcaby la &vfrtv v-a. btelt nmccltai tMr. J. LW'. evendng. la the opera,.lione. D.MLlatbc1L er I4)CA[NE VI~I~'Ii'KR~ os Pmiday12îh lue., ~i~i. ~-a ~ WlIIdeIvera.Iectireon"Mvucatlon inOntarto." orîuM-OSud.(hlt uUB gumcmu. i%;hêboy* appearedti teber weil (Jhalreil be taken ait 8 oelock by Vr G13 D(iagumn.Wnn Sua. Qthe lolt. maauIatled wlth te1 p iae nt urichairmatil f the board of edlocation. The u-1CB1reft..I otile, i IN 1) ýhàr ptwcbmb Md Rh"" i~~~~le narIvlted. Adnis@sion (tee.. 9titn agertCtt..ICotgh, ,S~\IJ;iII.\) helr oard elvh their partuers. Thete.an- - mgdTenthe and 23days, Iretilleeeeaeyt,.ngtwwoulde leWut '-u.f at.lslauuîmt RSISu. LiimOnT-At Overton-Wtrvtfle MnH n BtrlN..s.()l 1- iqviiae kýv;sil aand tihe lltevarypeNtertatimeunt waggpood. A regularmecîlngoithliuoctiationweu be-d do Jhn imb ntand mozti cfRe.Wlha l hi>ipeelk ~ e'il& >pi'f A hoo erlu Peelalmention «11 a i . i'.r' 1> (-v-ry, prori'tvAren. Lllle Whtseh preldtioe n Thanday evening. the iorn (lut. Atter de. on Lmber rmto and ay lthe-ithyE";mnhe doa)ali P heI 4, dMi.'xu iy fs eth f bu g ther)' mof theewhnig =.diM . t .wm a devoteti Cbhlallnfer 58 y'ua, ofthe liok s0tt-, . .iýe; sidAl Mlit.(- P. va, udMv macally t çmchofueîaeuhe r.Tomtamos(. vein i mpuhingl n jpeg. Doble, iv wiî'k p~-41*1 .Mot*!Cday. .JanetvIIhf, Who pgave anexceillent rem[& W a aen thM.To a Waitn lthe ________ j&fi àtr. Il'. el - >iitIi. (l- tio n m .nimber of comte saong,& Th. char. AMIen Maratlaya "Charles 1IV' and a iW rto.. r. . u.I41ee vrnceedo incmdte. h.o. tnuamuy con. mlectlen frnt "1>ricIei%'funeral oîration."had 2t itnt colora, ftn M'WKnh'L'~~(»' ..<1(bd7 iderthly. hein wel cead by Mr..J. C'ampbell and Mr. ILtiQNnvssdngaoe-4 D lAN tilCozt<'nwra.- The conmepnt ivon- by b. Dunn. B.A., rempe'tively, an intercitinr Pa. At ________________ noe.-&4 M, IN 11, ~therband on Wednesuda,v Mh In@it, we Per ou--The hahiahièiy of otiier wonlgiî ag*&lam"wm um et Fmi. coi L zer on en.loyed oy ail priment. ii. tocs. hall W». Mi en by Mr. Lees. Theiw a'saylst howed that i'PNI)~; im I.' t<.-,, -M. iarked. Ther Ompmeetes camne dees. thb theory. whlle only of comparatively rece-nt Wt tpupiu aaUe Intyre, Stt &(' iI .'i r 'Ti-IIaI hroîa ehIDR.dUe.Amou apale omathemalcal proot. The similaritîy D.LnuyJhuo atcvle e. brtnt I i iti dî1. , riale tf Lt-iia rr ntbvtw OIOieithe between he pimary plsnetaof themsolar system qy 1t am"eapleasure lu a»Tng yeur da 1iii)h ý.. l'iut ma è, e Omt'me Ilenald we-ibe 'th bh i rw of whlohtheearth litoneargus frnes oh"bI. Easobucvdietuiadam e..<ue'y ,f-. <' ad" t<j.V e"mi(kiled oler elth the paleceut ef tation ofa1l. 'file analowydan"net hold no Weil offlon hemVit tiil aion ban e a n- oi1e.aA cx oli thonght' ant i wth hie platonte ntmMie d lacaee of(he seoendary pIanots. The worM. 'tesLa'nitrmuiha. nunmn."_____________ - nhu-in~c, tlk.î~ç <<t-oau>id"s, tweeds, geetl n9gfor evetiy c». Mr; J. ). Thorg. entaMde the -olar system for vainloug ressns_______________ uqr«n q1 tpn£4 tue l,,tit iaùe eveton taontion the pWetorai. 1 if*thosae n ippameore i l mand sitafe.A ainoii. neomarv te iialte Éapeeta mention of the ir net ta stietain lire Of wlat- ls, are 1hoe-e <~ ~ .N. >> ~ ;~-. l idie'i Who cellt on the program from woellu. Tîe heory of u iher wnrlils than n'ira ne.mv ac 5h-yGeg cuh. r"Gt I (t yOE .te..<1UlLh a ,an sd hlraryp tars. Jlowever emuamt oeue"thouiffht and mrîearch iland wau listened te of Mr. Mauice Needed ii EveigaHausonf" -li -ii;i pgWo gepgjl Metj Mr. W euih attention . ... The d<lbate was on the roeliu. pneuilues. lot-,. We.. ,opa e ait twelvr brivi rli ut. ;t îa -r'cd .I iit yê'. a OiftteaelaI' ZfonMS ;W tien"That ther areother clas.ssof rosi outute O'clOck ad wthotrueiveamaM. 'Com. 8hp, l.,d it'en i-.îaie nm'tail. Dalet', eho ktndly offered. to render af th(»apublic property that ishouàld b. exempt. busgi-von utfanmins bit! tibum-- .* u---w-e,. re euitepri.dn. pleCeitdac t ta eMa»te teirail-o, mîaxatlon.' Memrs.A.Skitner and&l.Coh. __________a, éiànti; w -hiii -uo or trevda:y of lier meut&a. succOM. She- helti- the muonS a sdiin euppornitg the affirmnative W heid ba <feil. "..'I'rday.-1 etiil lVL" ii' c. aîelloti, whll trapplauead eorne alnc caly capitallInveited for revenue ahoulti ---Ae ar.apaûlalasthe boit mediclnofor <'ie >ymnu.iy<if~i- silvca;m.uait. a.trwayds toi-r e a16 Weh. War brtaiod, cturch pro .edti.edcational artaade,voY:::athouprin5.Emiumte:aatrvel. «,Aresyil)ttiyof 1c liéi.y hverý hepletatii o hwi Wother f nthtou for%.habenetit of &ail îld b. n. an ld lin an effectuai curefocrh has th lenn.e e a a i exem pt Moreloverlti launw se o discou gr m skeuiO t o n@t.t a ima-tho eiot et c., o dir l Ff i ., i)menai anai iducaional growih. The nftMmkoto h 3i,.tee« fdedri -.Y.B.-Tht Orange -Yougg sBottons- eau anaintaloed hy Meurs. A. W. Brama0,i4,the bleod Caued bt' bea.dletan" litsOUos ard t-t. 'f miw 'oe<.Icli 191véra.so<ldmlamtIs.htows bJon oa and &J. MoiLaughlini, Who aild Uutrhat mlle.I A Gon tîaN.- b v. Il. V. luir.'uoïday uat.w5ofm an y Institution ehould bear tht mi last ~hhil] St.r 'sN'LQ. cooes sioul bu a l deetondo.et ia Ww rutwmw iiurhOne of th inwAL tempefflct U0V e e wfo*tl belit t te queton so.ho dlwI CÂKP BELLt n-, :f rnim ih.' Wh, Ioth fand lIth -L cii mit r gv endct lu faro e th e &Hsdtomnd t a nerduehsstc fC OC E Ya b»W Win moft c Th~ Se ordo»Wsegiv WhoforeNerdGctoin haveobethe filled Thrie Mm . '6";l -<-'tir Icl 'i i. r ftitiê th vî1th-nslg D mssiA...Sanlr , u bmd rîuest. d i ltumta.4'i andffg n lasulutlo .....That atngile enow »oi:et.Zoemtoa n d hlilr,mie tued a tist (site f~~fC twn- t eht u15 wam-oamel a--rr m n v ntetineendofMarh srihtoutfoaCahâal at. «ctu a-nvi M.l eei,)rltui iiaid w 11h WààIiIusimoof 1e ASthtros thea MmIIetb.innaprgrMeV. argamn of Md rareetkinde illmbforven.e botb rm-uess at the mante ime. Wér . anoaur t1oirpa.~lhviestm= erfaM VMn. wRa bJOTG&~s"u e pin of"Rsn to )flI tl a ticl ah rc 'fs> u.:t.~.par'dl admtegt~~ te o O tpsfly' buldtgg*cho sbuub. TLItuw spw&eaomppcrmagyfora, gcoi -0-o-m e ru O * ~ ~ trn foun iii hto herald tt luSg ag~OM ortVvalaog4h elk ~Igo iatlUîstil ue.alj~~ tii!s- ai.K -;Pd'rh'ohibton.u sa 1 f-Sem0 h aoto bs.ci eushteThoseIne m d a aiI sa u :enu lrpieoiogbeir -Narirbaeu*mW tb mTupféneu'aos o»ot ao aprititlnnr t'bcld's %in 1;t. Marrem cotlgiS.el otkurkm,~'r,,b. ta mo deugileelUmmema bOinà( relient fer il- irst tiîeet ell. y re àl-MT 4i. ltl.thcaminobw rz yv»o apwt@Wm tmimeethehaiy iiite.We favetrttt pog cgràal, cerUt ineii efO( EY AT EN CARC wha-t-r t-ho ldeç%t Inlieilt'iant crai rit'ill a 55t5 5 conlici on vii M t, uwîag- Tepulchene haig aseuPutC I % OrW beMrfrbu.m ]MTr beeîu <m rioî,sy l inpnge-ti o In the m atiT ebu » eto slset theu- g-am#m. -1-s of an-mil aeco tcs atlv, no Maiul q~ business dolow kAPOsggtOWM& alu ThebelislIstcevlme. aT RMq'M g4.a ..-M *"Ilr"d fronmlt Wbnuty for. thiea <ayg lmat b otjve p a.c'W.usaldp uhcmafui,. re Ù9w Li r The w-c ntcf It- uantdn eiam i or welyT1 pr.fio lVp SUIElS1*1 tai ItV fhJ1 w* Uu i as ne ts~ t bo bnne bu tt tnt fotr mnteGi och autu a »eSeim i pria'eablag. l'h.ouka rendotued wn, lia.=buaI t= yithe bemtinnd strongiaet ion ).rii lbon.bt tWe Vg- ~ M>9056ci h usmi.mtA» U ghurIeekuf. f77 - --~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ' th~eseuh wh.Jb. eskud a. oltcla 1~ mailee, agi. Toubowlt uy n ýmtitW ge- peia !!MgrB y~ PRISE I %IDm IARDR