5~~~x a AN *Kc TiUW WT FUW Am Llemi ;~ J' t. t 1~ 5.-at.,. ÂYER' lb a Mbly isommmi , «»M auommoiuri " aher Used4puwMs4 mois, usublaed vlt& "due . et oandmmiIron and ilaVCt. safest, motail. M)%eMd MmeonOMlomibWod-ln sr ChM am be u.ed. I nvariably oxpeis a&l bloo PSSfasthe iptea, enilhosdaieassi Se Wood, and restorus l4e vtta1ng poer. %le lathe but known romody for ftroBala WMdI S eroilas Complate, Ervp soies, p3011., TUOMerMdni ruptile e ak Iis, m a at>f or ai ll orders canus 61 a hbiandi tmpovoraheti, or corrupsi, emdltion <or theblond, Isuch aàs bamatbms- Nss«vsigIm, hummtl o Sot, Bemre bshlileY, and Usvolos Catarrhe 'AYru'u A IAPASILLA bus Oured me of tbe InhtsWiintori7 ahousatisn, vIgb Vele1iIhanve sufferod fur nany y70v.. W. IM ou PRUCPARED 1« D». J. C.- Ayor & Co., LoweiI, Mes. Bnod byalil rigglto; S1, six IKoules ferP 1INJl>MAY. F'l'IDAY, FER. rg. 188n 'The tollowlng ré pi> te Burns' popular puei 1fféiken front a M.'oitîtrne paper: %A rnén'a a man" Rave HiiherC fBurns, f.t louwh lité'sont hé' deanand strong IL l.'ekts é t fo r a'tiitt. ~lé létI wu'. sîék Mlés sliy work, v.ti. lillut hi.. Wtouet andi a' the5 Or hwin emq raittn e a,,sérnhie bread.1 le lnot afaitnééîfor, i1 ibl. Ifail wlién dîrienthomI ly fére NYeo 1 u l'U élit! tt',i'é anîd a' I lai:, AntI none whi-sft' jrbie "htéd.lotin4ne' Wall< là otil tir knttv., ant a' tual: Tlté' viNt,( ti fl, itt3 lame our Urne, SWotill (tédetati (ail. andti a iti And plnigimng-n it- tés gooétina.,kinga, .And chut i' s is'nés. (tir a'Wtat. Tngré ySi bé.wniy. lé! éîstté'inn Rot Wholin Zar. .w'ésI1. tndtilè' itai:. Andt tinks. N h'îé ii'. ttra, g rigýtarrn Migéltll il 0- o andi a 1h..?. Vit lééu 'ts u é. îéétn for ic, Aàfltàkt-tir Ilordl. fté d a it ]3tl"stbuét, abrille., b.e>undél <idpte, A mon rntuy o% étil.larits' oulale. Jliveioil é. t)a,î nd il»d théit; And flont fir tjr: l, floi t oîjat worth. liPe thrko iltriaié (tir a* tt, Antt ti étéiel ét ili ton flée Muir. Who hlti, h. AléSa1r. épéél ' th&t, lit fti.téi but a a tél buor. Nor hîdi éa filait for è' liiétt. Thée trýiGhi isil!i té. i -,'h.t. "Ine rit'éýi.. a it iléè 4s Anotli léoîé,h îté îtilti és' éf-inited imarkc fit cot.tper h eééiéstti sa,' iâét. Tués liies lisj t w . [lie lt sPlain, And wii ééu-t piký,A, fur a' Ihét. Poila' that aen" 40 the. TW' sul ti t'IléIt il. né lité'Im. 1riti mk, fle .skiiig a llnleman. A nvt. I#- "v. 1-i- i a' that. Andi rim, ~witth #,,ait. ad .ilé or poon,j Àtî- ; eé-é :....rt's li it î'- 1o And &I a't thiti lflf' 'l, Il,?t 'Sralng,z DC I)ItAll. -'l'te ife of rtpv. mr. delu "rn -' Tbu muF -MUR& eh am t a rw le ki la. Nom huml m lwIMp w Wb"e vslp- nm bhIe u.lunt i OMM. MI.LG U.B i b . a l u muu bolyf: Bs Krkemo. the daof Me W. Thomma. Thn.a uhi tk pace onWenma eug ek eldost udwbliammd.mh i1b aau. olable etnoestvosmd inde Fxan-Suaday munagabmsitva &dooeka Bre brok out la tht leu. hui bllitlg evuaby 3fr. à. L saimtes" os Kde.sL opposte the Ceva8.1L.The AMBu amv osupi be Mr. IMaMh n a dn~o" o" 0 b., &.ci s s thle Chlrd aMd uppon'MBatwu oueby Ur.Ham. baveeuluaelMdimusa ha" awmrn omUsle" ehuiyh" efonthesa amem vu Rlvn.Lb Thedubrigadeuomrosc strame plaribir upIO gCh.butl4UMg""ra about tue eurboom sa theanilval i Che Bn en.the fism . ers C"17lyetnuldp ho u a"amdtbhe bockparc et = @am oh reMm.14 s l "« l beilu a saut pllght euernblmgo estsau" vitit atar.. u nueremai Xva LrAob aMid r. HS&MIIIl vinbothA veil lnaurel, Csth. l08%, espeoaly et chas tormer, muet icongdalderal. sec . d vasno et nsuqeu Md estnateshie las, et BOBXA YGBO2<. 'VER1LAN AORICULTURAL SOCxmy.- meinge h ieton eOf h. vmer" agnttral uocet7 vas hel* fa te.roi bail Bobcmameoson aurdarei A. iLbertéon la Cih. chair.T bori dirsatora verspressat: John, Brais, 1 Ventes., J. T. àgeb amen, Jobn LevlJ Gailauhes Thomas ItobsniaonWm. Thii ton, Jame LiLtbow, PRichard Lavai The sud iqueMm ea a.LUy dlimd a B latg8 let u eede moaisot for Qu wse o der. The important question va. Cor » hn tabonuUp mamdldrnums la aIl Ih. bearntamé. Finally h. follovli reroluton va» carried: Moved by Mr. Ji Litbaov, seconded. by Mr. Thoim» Rab.i son, Chat hias ociety bauid a building su able for exhbtion purpoes, h.ernad:bafl le o br Is.1 ft cegvudelmaei fa r.. Bod eat ,e metan m oe BonetM" 1byrMr ' haBrades,a cendeti by Mr.'James Ltbgov, hat building commrit erbsapoisase 1g =nopeed of te MMUilarf.,~n s Mtemmn.W.. Titumion, W. D.Vsmtret T. obimnJamsGalmer m i&" t Pela-Carnlo. iféirnilby-J. T. Ro lmien, secondsut by W. D. Venuemn, ma comilttes b. sppolnted te ramise Ierij IMi for te fail show, mamely: MK.e.Wt Thorason, James Ltrl'govand ch. psu dent vlvh pover to adddIieosi ch. committee.-Carrled. Moveut b 1 John Brades, mocosi dby Mr. W. ?T5iO ton, Cm ha t .Caulkset fs1rectr ""yle u ab. ahm ooy tentienrlo iE B,'î for nfnndizor h. m ooy due hism i prifes matf or apoclal prigte ongae t soclety, ami siése for te llb.raloffer cunde for ezhlbluion buildings,, ami Ch bertrueed forivard ia or me 0 . .Ti....n pendent adeChat h.nmeing vas me embhaletieanam cordial. la cosueques ef action tabou by te dlrectory Itla posu bis hat oine membwrb et the staff' of a elpstrners&farisuet Geel ah wvivlsit et district te bol a anner.' institut. u» tmg. -A am ast Ini W. r.- au. ad r et 'a- lit. Ud. ce 11Duav'"y i>h. etrav-houa. B kh lgo Mr.C. M. lissusen g r.alue dretroy r-effc.ptins 700 die bavai. 'he- 1 f«' London MMut le PAINNUL À la iery seriom Stapeambaml the Clstabt for ho Dazueui de li'eéu hoUr fi /'la h viciait, kaaa nav n«osfrais dones ba am. The toovluerthu.oot *t d a*. mm. vilsBasImm hesm mWemby momtho. Li e a.ekarnh gmsnlt.Tb flolnbut Chodeumm =lt.faur&obsble Mme&*m, 3V CRUq ont erdvoode Tk'mont"ar.TeocownuRoa BBILl Lvup hmsome s toumsl ashm uote.gr. bou oCh. aIlvs ouda osrby thepnnepellahlme.o ulibu toc. Tb* reumotappabela hit te. et Kr. sSols'.peilitrmne Md lvihît! Mdm ulnatebr mPl,.p "The publieo osi Mo baime a MoMsattentiveomopr', th Campauy emI soMt bave a mOes Sle mat.' Ib irUmual amurma IY Mmd ummas rspotIlY .lMrd, ma includ id ch.e oumtr varies, ch. ous. las agen,,t, COlerRmeath Me municildia tares am-&aulth. lsading amuateaM awovmaum - Wu e a léa eobemrthu am ThoMas oynrn., vho vu e gbail I4nd siby a&rom îast vu.k, la recovo,1u ChéuM ihbr bruitesamis vl of courueb unemsfora long vile A Cuir.»Bùuu-Lmt Wednea evmlmgwhile NMsJohn. Pogu.etfVerd lam vw» out als bing be cs, .ber josu eSt cli, Blitde simiabout 19 month.eà puusia buntimg sticktrois h. steve, l I osen meet the rimât sirneve et ho drerneot Bnr. Merbrother lmetactly vM eut mmdWUcel& i.mother, vite mw»ttnu Mosly neC br iagant, ami te.ruset lu» ch. beau amd extlnulshed ch. Biam but nar befor the poor lils îhisg vag badly burnaI on *h.a m and uide et bu &ace. S&MT TO TRIU AYLUIC. -For acMO tIMI put Robert Bdawé, blat'kumlth et Greomi àEIIa's mufi, hma. b ia .or Lemporar lnésamly, brotîglt aoi b, drinr, mianml ven ummiaoably Jtmloua of hie vIte- thoot mPparéncly vltiioutcanas-lau tscsrn4y e &. oune one lu h. houa. Ctg proteci lier wbcn ber buéthami va» onies te Intuence of Ilquor,san t waé féarui Chat ho inlobt taesber Iliii, as ho bIm reprnatedlv hresîeneui te #go. LaWel u bas hén go violent Chat Dr. Wtlaun. de clered t vas not mais fer hlm tceha 0 large', mmd on Wedn.'adéiy C"ntstable Novi- o, arisa i lh propesuiatmhorlty, arreab .1 hlms ami took birai Lu L.sd#4ay andilobg ai hlmta jaili, amd franu there hé vii lis-- arperbaps already hat# beauent Ce Ch jR4lia ritiinA[ r , i gats cior&zman, -a--- Iiîî>,,tiîd vvry .té,nly on TtpidayPimg?5kBRo. T ye a leMt. NMm. Né-whi tt lmi mii ver i)et of th N&AMow aàPu.-Last Tu.mdav fliabe ="Iîon fte 11101- af.-w Hi1téént, nthé- tr, l'vl about midnlqstt Ur. Alexander pîtimrld, r h aelhi hi t4 % .t- in gnot iaitàé~l, wlécn on hie rée'liinabm bo ve iles tro i[ aelida.mReuu-1 tot ielotingél h,.r lyietg dead upon th wekeup ce sud is boumls I.lne.. H. "laouJff *n.ir.andmmd M.itsgerlî'ai a aly Cime te lied hie ietCW *amsetechtioes, vitewulthCiemuleves vict a bareot1 ettacapeti ln hir nigbo ciotheu, beingume- broubhen Tue FCoretIfité(',v,'s"The Poat.) abl ted aie e'ythlog Ur. i'ltugsral's av oundupon RîtîN*é AsAI'é-.u'r.Witi. Speldonula la abî,utgg% MJ0 sd babasmealY O.0 var in InM . eié'itiMIt, i 4r) i n fl fhnr -es and lUstUtmw kaCM ,Osbauw 19-q11114t.> F blllî ét,ilté-'is S, tié-i. re..t of te A FATAL Do.m.-Kr. T. Riperait, abusé$mon etOhiq leintt..We Itiiéna éood léck. Msemakesé, of LI*Ont-d, toogem ole ciCh.dm FauLA flY>xsFA. - NMm. ..Halé'l-. eandesli fMigeulseDonald Chapi Giu-Utri L'«scai wrmta mie(t in the holy om v" . tla a v"rydurnpaaesMcmL.Un E.motridda A u teeltlé ihthlteMdtca eageuc.Wvs mi"ut la bea Aileeh. mau oet adj bar &li.t'sélovas it ' n ffect. î<iplbn"és in te condition vas dluoovered, but vithootthe.nvvlmi Go>ttwu.î1 priPI. We wish h i>,hand"Mrémavail, the..g ir ng doual@ ha voïlatee muslatud dala. Oiptipoa ipy aimal,îd fi lubig iet Lotit. surelMelet w ('lb aie>' ailtden delth la Doum .On Sun- metou* vhmet day,Psbusry th Ur..John O'Enea ef vaansit A Gjoz> Coîm.m<rios -As announosithCat. âiwmmtridbytn *fl~'. JC irnern, M.A.. Miibkrook, p"edî ea- I&Mvsmlp t dai Coy vm mannle by to. dlds very interteéséîîéndandoti uésiru've o Bfs'an 0for,aMd pfevicus Ce her atasKd e tu M*)1l (lié t.hIàtti<'fr tiisLon work in tao rouwnlrng te GWA va àueaUr. O'Bm'len JcsephS. The .Pf. , rei.ran rliiitrh bai arge anîd appre' seasgom atera et :ir93-0M8%echevrs rewm cf~ ~~ gé<ç<'î'tn.The plate coliectioa veugta othalr seas. etofWr. Doeua &is .11branU -t0 adm îti o aléoti l . l vwîmtfeforObMWdey e uTburstlaar hortlaorma pi à t roim Wîîîîî.-- l'ire Port flop. Times ggj <Yrtes va.tokes 111, a9 Suuder h.u$400 er se liotà0 a!wtq 'étail ilj: "*Nt..8p«" odteOb.uutimg wveRs daal Dr.»Jeot Mr.Jiu B',trft, (Vréumiy 11-814 hs;d Lidspop-.tion of O'5jen van selladinl, butWvla. untabla t. er laut vm.k 1plté iètéitrTtAiOriienvé'tléir t.he pt...tt on7 t gvsae st mM e, . ibu lied CM We& Gnusovuati gettrs, miuêti acté-ia'. e!.-. k Of the towaslp auayr OvuF MM lasmio e1 t h. chronlei. 'Ft:v f-or 1hea 'm'ienglhIlof t1ie, We i l . n ra a lmhmte. ymp"ty Oz#£ 11o1113 or@ (.0. fiient If rthé gooi w*. he il vit o l Melfbé abDr t Imow jiliCoiIdcpoilptg,.:l , Mr.GPnndv ad lowese he lalhW gïd bau& . W m. a.arunma Wpoilcéin ili fhittt'e for the- îiext O'Brien waw iemans'led thmae.aséé., Md roM Le-îp foisf', yeai A é.. é 'AI geîî1. 4 911,111siîbaisl*ieS an enly dau~btw Mm. Thoma. vlii plea 1n 4,d it«ty~p, tnd ç%ce ar :'ýî h..maY bhoamîted. O'N.eii ot Gel way, tonum theioeait a s lseisdba Io. nanyytýao lviomhw.. 11111y art vu - N 1R- «>P- àiçaigpolysUtilemouli.vb ,K) I? r 1-1 YR R Y.boy aMd girl oet W M eUo Gfada M d% Cwrbc fOaq.,ft'îr~5<ANS) OiPnNr.- bie. vent lenvthe bava te playMe h.ocher iIeMm mand 0-i 'rus.'-diy, Mtré h *Ir(l, tt lfne oh.1rcli dm. The boy oosmoaoace goMarutheillui hauteboni 1«,.:y Iîtnchsmrlhy î'dhé!'r Allain from the uUMWc1ILCSvt d It 19 aupposd e tlairf11A phrmleunM It.téléss f or l.rywlil tasconéi-.orat. comese.d toteod in themsav.Hea .Zouezainattî e6'11 '> i betAfcitbl.éhc'lp f Tarouto, a,ésitted pgefi o& osught la the knivermaau3Chioes g abRI4" appa hi e4,évtoralesrité. TIc cs'rerio ny vît *eaeVvmeiupped.ear Ie second iJoint. Tao suthenitie flOmm. n.q lait10 A.m Il'Fgh mags voi hoTh. Second andrilng Blgsruuuebmdy lu. ueraMd& coril aié, <..~l'briFtlier Atiéàliýandauu a uesr. Jured m0" the sAilli»W nov m ltely' IaWO.bateas mn!- îtr:aetie.d b.9 thés archtbi'.bop. whc) wlll IMM t» Chwvonds. tu11w b.huppoo aMo noslti,,i.er the, asoramesnt ofconfirmn. Ton LATS RL D. RoGitn&-lr Chba th a¶h nr. fit rhô oVf rliî a t 8o . ven érand yeto- et Ut. B.D. B1s09a o, AsbbMIUsam 811ers annota ie fré oi iiov,.d hy a heec'-ibre hy Rev. Pat h.'s'varu moisi ontlot the Iaieadmh.et BMW breadonutem N'(nP.P*, of llrorkton, afin' which tovnsou 111tî O y- HOe bmb@» agkuîrai uauttty ef lem Mi taiaguutd(.Mon sud éubftmwtn. aMdi 0001>53 liallh. Put. hait 601111111. 2e4 o i9r JE IL' Lý' Mlchml' cathodrai choir of Toron- W»111,1111114 700t M aal 1Mdt«"IshlpCe. fMasa'muain W Il iilîis ttptitiarief. mt hoîli erviemea NrtauibasLmalbasM uT. . L èjWlmi. tor ct as oetioas.Admition, Nk, Che fue mle omm boursin viuîcif«W&wto Kr. PAMMîlamet o maiWfOth lCortsapondence or The Post.] bum'baiu. Jiu iltteeuultlonuauuhlm. Dswati »w mlir, m anumt e bu lfa 0-- soseeNolina Vftrlniso 7T111gPARitSoNqAom.- (>rc(. Lm. i n 14àfagf&W '. se bleuis baie Jet amoher job lii connecticu. marl bNs aoeara fa is O s du» tu e à D IMuis-rar bu te topo ual s4 " e Catu't» tu e ',av~ et Cas ti um, of _t.pla - tiew cuéti osie voodvork Inetdei.,le. aum utsuiesê. H oI <v:t j ae -a. 4leCw4d W os oeptà M- bde arBOfebouio i 1 tantIB .meu Créoktiofthl pac Rs tndr miw-w qivebm à tg lm b. t'e Tt lu l leto- ho letod by ChL J.rMC ut o u va O vi CoMag>kr.g-M. . Pivs t eisisOumeuIr fw-et uloe llla u eomsemeou.le lu th# ri". Mma w vs la ~m04Wu" .. mya me:oab mtrz ice sucka & Job aM ho eau O IM Us5.lhlmIhiuue mmJhî. tw au f p e lenty etfcapital t fohuit hm. VSW» U5WU leaUbu meo ise fgrg Ouai.- Out C. 19 *b h"bel a- wUsUsert BeCM et - ----- oup Swi,7 u*rtie'i7 eicet aiDL4uIPY a up 1mb. Ws oI !q - - eW -l ne M«endellvereti by Ch.a beph«ent 8tisMe ii Sé*The tixrf aer» %qve Cnde-- 5mb pl»aS me ut h. lu * WSaÉMua-4eu. et uMW s aigu uvablai. geisi Wr.Jachbu azu We--g-U BelS Wl'L~ r TARI O C UÀNTY. MW£ Fms.-The barn, stable e and ail ozbulldinsts bolon .V. Iditaheti, rieur Claremn Dyod by tire Mundsy evenin Pen ant i"sh oclocit. Aboi id but-helé. of êusn, cen tCus lrge quaitratîsofet .trvwue id. ite *ibekéankd Implemeni or plat a aIsnd.roiler weu cau*e et thý file le unkuovu 11,»0 te 81 M0. I.ured lath ual -for @»J. Bccinznr. --AI mer, eldot aw me Laieet Zoptîpr, met wlihi eevlmenr *flle At uchool. h Clt' boy uma vhcîllng mnu ua pusisi sîalflmrt ilspois cutsid tm h. siglit et une athi y th"atltllés teared he wihll o. rlte. [Jeurnat. M--Mr. Autlrew Yakely. vh uur'mil-s aisrtit of Sîouffllle ty ot Il,atid lake, lavlng be Feil il, miméi.se akes 0 1by Conatabla ReynoldmsIlu r. Y4hit e m been lu Chui r the. paésr wu mnaothm,bu ésheehown é.ny igna tfbelng [Usbrldge Géartitan. rT Ta EaaÎenT.'-Tho.Mornll nfu bruken by a blow «Ivei lirua la tho bkandmetfP. floas cenday laid. U lm aiereetii )a chet l'adt. "ht-y were o lio, theeimplny of Coulthard,Scot wg, vIa umeti aff vende mn iovs LxcCrnET. --Or, the Mme liq )Man, a nit1er lna Che employa u efSouth Ositeva, unile tg juating abelt us* dran loti icinle"y ssi o tearfhdl te goecetif te te anipatatice m aseart tb-boulier. Thougi dly bruits. iho weét quit. ou. caken ce the rhYelmm biol ao account fur bie aad mistor LSar.u.-A thoumi raid. sale oisWed n Peedés ofthe lati lonm)le, 40eg. lgh Pimo ed. Tho, Clyduadal. mme coltfW of5e ibu pedimuds 'r'ce vanBwng hm 510tm afiaur.. re-mchtqt .....At the uMWl larns stoik Thuvsiay 1 oni pniem çseaurala iii M blgrn ast $100. - [Whutby 'UNFOR9TUNATP.-TWO vuoku îa*, de nés, of tbléi. cows, huai a gioet ésxtien Who Cm a. Larme and notoverhaody, tfewtifret, he vas Dot aua wacUaintance wlch ch. cu. 'e but primoi'y. Thunday au calisut ehe dld c« t gu ,vho la not Wesil ventt o tM is tIers iearned chat a bah laathe sigC. It vau u& w»s usmoned, vite reportai Ion thott s healtîy feuils anencîy he-en douie tCeis. lme vers istornieti etthe mat- Xme o nqueést inmsesin &# q wo 9to jpres ta Inveot4ga )fued infanticidie. -Jnhn Magnino. Who vas s sd ernilg ,n rolan,a atherai otht-ir goodet frein a %,» trieiat W htby o nSat wg. rBusuitamand mseuensel te impvtéen ment. At tha sir. enton ce bhuatvuucy.thm f te fie-e trom Canais, amditI Mmd ta Lt vallhob. aigusl sebcargelq, for vhlcb a-mu. st Chas en vein ln a -9fa &0 Flynefthte G.T.R. vis rmicovcing the orgmMdl suad aise a vallite belenglug Id MoGmnais andi a-sPilU. be lOtteS'gonds belug thuaI a Uis's's siter. Pu»mzmNaa. -The eassalg t MI hie purchalle t tlve pain te Bus et pnisoner ýlaélIs w. preu mu. Chat the miu ni b. ebmbs dap WMa&-The Otuo~ Shmasoal em te puMaset' is Osie etb . misil village, ut Boay »M t au, moub.rd B. et msamsvsmisbu ow rom. tSm si a a ~ .. 16- mm etm ie bebo m 10 bib. mbw bu * ubm - et~ s. oiUw w e M "-Tai thN (T OOD FARR BORSES FOR SALI. .Ebafflefhrofthsbvfor !iOrvii ludLAjpu!iy & W98 MCGRATH, "FP SJO HORN1 BULL FOR SALE.- Ki14 Umouhe OtX yQt&Cmbr 1190Uft OM delm.Ped4cgrée t flami rugbldtus lC. IL IL Cao ie mean nt lot 5.0ma. D n",rMW alvlll,. ora7aly by maili j0ýM loàAy. WSviii . , im8. Mdi under, r Ist-prine 1sir m sand oé. ed t 9. . CbeekOurbSn! ov nembets K~~~~~~~ P P.e.Uilr .Jhugn D. oaR CailotL aiCambei.KwIsier. Soim.S BARCL&Y kgo. Undsap P. 0. OP lo ,l mm au. nrsy14. 5.-.f 5TOCE ]OR s &LE. Yuaug »É , n~. i RNH oo A RSo LdDAW. i.Tt P. 06 mL. .T"h~ Irf RL O.RIOHT, A. C. Camp béiL ~$1 F. BRO~ XONUXF~NTS U1%~ 'LAL C AMPBEL, k-Il ~~ r'. wf ft* ~~---. - :1 1 hags e baud a auber etfexcelist Bnggi maid Wmggona hich 1 vill olfer at I lmaim m a W asthesa «t- let. eastChe cdan et te samnor wviiesivehios,.th&& =c FOR WINTER WORK m a 0 1iukt. Tbais a fice 1m O f si tPTANO BOX andI PORTLAyjT Cj7'rfl&l $«&T» PL.AUaaBLIGES am"LIGET PLEASUKE SLEIBIHS. âm UOBIUoIdIISh. - 1 ammctrtmg ars sur VARXECRS' GRAI.q ST.KIGHS sud SAW SLMUiSSM il mais ltramCh.busC vhlce Oak. ageeti oudwork Zuni wefl fduhei- t rmdvei aiCde laC.Ceairal Show et Ltnmay 2 int ami! SecosiPrise in wmtk eallOi, O. M WI Mt gVtu p ftu exhIbLtiont. againat vck Chat van magie os purpoSe. Tb.~ laea agmta Cat l"uDaha iras-cIe mada, IL. O',COI,*NNZOB James Keith. NiER WANTE 'bD 1*0> USEKAor AIdIKA» -~ weh Ae IpAeaePria' oe W f..' 8 JÂMES KITH ~ -a. IL7iK4 IExUv»Ir éji t, I. "i ' 'a 4 1 bu I mm . eme flb wu eam j ta m boa m Uia îaLï-NT liuo9w Brho in k prviuns heMly m .Um.h = M gleL u ldm e ýVrà14xcoia ofolb bug"bua AD A et 06-8-"W h hl lm ~~~~~ue Tmm z- .-v' ei w ~U. il1 I BWhou lay.er S Mgr etou saem B IIIUMSU5 in I.~ ~ ~ rw "4 &M&M*M& v bsaBerea ima W.h. EÊ»14.sum Ou llttalW. _f 1. iUe tma"" h sa. u»"e ntrp Mev Wbote nt , mute a. atil m Htnus bl rJ. BIGG'Bmuddm be idvn"a theCumagoeThe omnelie a u wi MW buAi Ch.mm m u R a. tu @âe Um » L Gau am e y Ld hit . a eh. Apri. amea noma@fesunoet lUOisehtthyrma pea 1eI5m fw Shme tuina. "ptmb.s ar apoint a it &la eu attmL t --- ug h by lev te M W*t k B S w S P W ai *uer nob»Alait it RaiMd be si Tans De blk htol»ea Rossa f.noe, d kTtI .w ky lmon motion out Mr. Glendesnlng the mrepori u rnmivn, n p '7 . by-Iu n ttrdCime mmlpabri. a~A.L ua appeinced, AND AUL TEE Mr . boet "n.th. Ie0ýVGndmoing BaJL neM. EltibIe patent Ne~e »& *Ce. au-ditod report. 1@ =d 8S%.3% Pol. e740 mlo.I B NfxIi = aa. . 0 du teconaumert ha48 rs. tw for ddanap vonk e ,62petit CORNER X'! A» WILUW iL,4 * nt*82&.4.balance lua handae t Cmr. LLDDB. Y toavo i, 91,1L99; Wi d 477.34, B balancedue tesnU44. hoa audt. On Md U90lmetle. is md.tearer ___________________ Sferthe amnaMd coffet mase la vhicà * e.bosho mi reord, ves h.ciou- _____________ r atlated the Scelleotra '2:1.1cvnahm '1T EB W» ilfltructed co puti6he. I amioWa abaitrat boave prtnugi tvo *hunirsd copiees t the.»&U» epo r~rt l s eondai bp4y. -St John, moisi Chat eh. winfild, eoarnt of t h.drainaage CI te en si on, t t- arunA.ple. huMERMr Purvi. mmd aChommiah i. t .GBMTLUUUt-TAmiSIu Fmefur thea >daahel troznus "J" ec mtie No. 4 vwu a&M~Ma Md Mas t a omtauslio m 110« takesup. k vw» opposai bp Mas«&.i J. H Curtla aMi DOM. , tUm be om th. çmppot la h. fotum, m.vuh teh unElm notion, Mdi after Smre discuston Ur. atiatiim at lasitok moveddthaftet rnanng h. petltionere IYEIUM I UfT amd "agina co eldgcem.the peu"le *urfineK ~B1 U et br. Ptirvl.andeeben, chat tht. ceus- W dm .IIa OUl have comt eh coniuamon, th«aco. Ul DciDt efflmo.ham nes bera miduce osit bs sbi o nhmhR tteb jusuthe lb.couzeiti i rt f mUgCh.proyer 4 __ t "b efth Ptti rn.Cnevbe24 e. use& W. viiiyFm ta unai Rendd by Mr. St. John, m dla amend. IMPact urmsea mipliesmido viWinshow ment Chat h. e otil of Mir. Parvis and _ ethers h. Laid ou th. Wtabefr ftr ou- M-th 213 iaUferi0B&wu* PM tsldvatlm MMThe ammest heog put it a .market. The &s boCht wt u m»w "Mr" di mrisvirni.Mr. Wslitroe. mohtaor y vomoea ba W E ouediel WUr. QlondemnnfsLmoeritha" Pm 11b. resitul te Wr. au.gt wlama a mbemade b1Wbondmwv oVO5et a > un m 07 o v.rcbfr taxe% md Chat centnraii notoborlat hmavsae £ the noeve avant hie crder on the tncaurer à WN .à forth.aeà-Caarnd. The fuiloiawlgob- a m m mwc a counte v erspaen: ait & Lullurnon, 4 am um vTW u@& itatimaaY,51 MT. HL Gil nndlg ami w.e hen bai the. muai UhVaom the IL ilePadn, <C16eackfor servies ne auitoiw John Gover, work m ond 91 o.. POCani Wbls be~sauibeactoast& 0& IXA116lttoui mtter ontae*amont7.) , am u..muum .acure&. v an be"Ce An ci phydolan.mumtiroustmpractâce, bay- botPacm la Mhache&i by mnà -at India jflamqj.'1miv. =Pen,,the Ihasula cf aa ImupieVe gtab."WW~ AIWUAU r.medy fMr the upeedy mnd Permanuetcure et Consomption, BioDOhitis, Catarib, A"hm&and A. vicitWta ur show roo» M iicicwe'la. aui thiou Md iLUSg Affectiona, minaapositive ~ bt ami rad"oam ur orNevoug DebtUCty ami aIl Prh ft"&t NervOnaCompiite. alto, bavtng ioula i 1W Ètimvantint wonderful curathve peerintathousamie or MMIs, u lm ot It hi. ydotyeMake t hkuovate or saffortun flowe. Actuatetib) &hie motive- and adouba te roliove humas aufferieL vini m v mcil oinBralecho Pnith. vfth fut Ircton frpreparlgi tng.Sont by, bâave m.hie Soirla aSr boavy ua r. Wb . mA. Tm lti sa i Cl hiT!e mn UmetinmbIretevoemdam lmbi tj y. -Li.~ wouly brus. iWe Invite au tW lauo. uïr @W& Md OS RUD9 .K Me th ereli, Lit ti e Bri an. THE GLO ARK STILL MOVINO AMID FIRE AND WATER Selling off at Great fleductions. Mr. &. IL METHERELL aing etill on hand a considerable amount of WOOLLEN G00DS andA READY-.VIDE CLQTHING la o uOste eroon for bsSrn tock tan elinir everything in the aboveelino LA r ieAT AC8IMIL WB AM 50W PRUOIVINt. A LARGE CONOIGNM<T OF COTI'0N8 AND' TEAý1WLQOMS, vhhé voar misslllng st pneuS that wili aatômah sUl. Goci coftto; a yard vide, at lis ents, pergt amai. tent value la eteeamloom at î,n coente per à tard. dU?~mPnm~.tahmatla Ezsbaage fer Go -de. Utile tàL LtaI . lm IS-061 McAonRKERS!-Co »0e jftOU 4in the Wovld fer Reaperà, Mo wers, 2'kreMerg mgsd afant-runinq Mâchinery. For sale by ait Dealers a BUSINES -OFFEGAINS 1 --_ i li ý 1 i ý i 7;7 3 ÀL C. ÇaýpbèZL Lbwtmr. oet orth. M-12. 1 à P