Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 16 May 1884, p. 8

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s - ANAUAN 7 m~T, G,., UEDI, NI 16 31 A,- ~ FIay~ - w - 1~iI I1~iI C0ýROSSLEY'8 TIPESTRYFt DUELAIVLVET ith op wt oW ofp te mnatch. Iw.o av z",». mhl . Jmda.tf 64 ..let. lwu6d, m i-wio h feth mIsBS Czib £SaEulu,1h b.Boue ...' ...* ad.un 'DÂS & TELLE 3R08. FL.6B ___ UiISTWl IEPAlNII JEE a-aauEW &aro m m m uc u ir . ho7 th by bailbsa sue ef u , la ca i ot 2 W O " T G clm- M~. àMonflw. Iwolhi cOrPorMIon 1lime the GmauT ruulC m tmm-he -m È he o Locl-w:H. tpnymad uaWý s u ony eait l __im 110111leehla-m rné. h &Meenvlopee lui recelved et Tim pur '4fer ohiHern admoetMi« nanoe cf thepeMsn M.. 1I 12, feltit tlfatloa ptitng office. Ailurnobm u eacerspoud- Locl- n. ~oreîî ue. JThO~?Aii ealr. UIUSVIWVOIBUp asutfua hs«4USO Liava fiMMth. officr.. go «Ce audhIvitationoveloas.Chap fUS or r... - a ea itu.r ad thrti pe. ho scctt ml o .rea>osto muasthe rm4Pva'la îîaila ee.lpe7sU oru i ct nt lýomt« '14 lMI oafideOitanso l hn ceps1 ffcet 1U C.lai-t ________ A E Route Oalor. j cf MUbPOTL laby th awoanrse u ot reU d frontf C . Pl e . h a 5<1fr a pe A rV13. ~ T. lInman. thflu e n uW» .incident teboi ' ve . m M " go m th" h"I couelda th" ~ litr-t'm- Te outn ratr.abhi, ral mlway sy.tum e Ite oahust themaatm woeowr.zcus.eVm ic Twé <i&s4.A. Mol oiild. f11111 WMeh*BoCom leS bât iaor împaortat, Mr C« mailhat Ir W» hi* UP«%MtPt pems& inthe chair. Borne provo"eLcharlu Piel"oifA iâmoht.bu@Wameeeasin athe. ouusuy. éut t wm -Clien tChat 1frKeiMno an lthe ntiitution ww. <iumaeu, but ie ma-, *ourt ur uvîalou-:iço. otTrara o-. hlywhlch heisaussuttwnva . .7.. alielli orCe rn Klvefocle-. ilabthan. etwd b gls Iveal« pubjflt-afuogbout et1 dmegora.Ir w» a mattr ~ter vaslaid ors I Ciithe. netretnM.. Iteady fovn~aii~or . thoedr '4f haros c f the OOUmldatUed ramteumaytht*m lc te&«t ahees g.U.ms.ail"as decil- Duais cMeimotalod i¶< sti1O On Tii. Il in Nst"leA. MH.1pUlvllo , Market go rire th prW5111 bnde, oframith e cr bai ethd mtelet i adldii, A nca chh. p.referlra - utes bouiet thenatre t te &ertan ho.r I'&rn forSatle 1< Nui ]Wlq k Mdlam4 divilon. snd ce dohaars ldmfmond ai Itmwr, .Wblteand 1J. G. Xackua wm ex teuCve as mpare di h.Canadia. Ti. Wbat 'rllcy arc IiYin~qi.aIi.f- liabuittimet d Chompasny. apot.r.l a-wuCIrner sd ballots vauesegsral ldlumiao f the evenlng- won onthe tcei-îlidnR& ~c onld jThero have limon od du th. eaa 2M - fhvC. lcto c-ircot.Th ol uhù= f"lupetoacPuperuan.'l r. T M.MuIIa 0etoollâeatl mot n*so t wh" hwere umaimouffgi IL ,eaad umu an Ameuican pertodical an fiaa"rt-J.ftu'lffiAlid. Pnt> au'churcii. Wem t. oml e Iplaexhaustive Gefl. Cox. J'oesph au 4* OXhaUtthe Ont aWnmn'. leat~ 4otoi Her. ~~OjS ii 'UoC f prferme A nc e da.mu?. . C -flUnted Statemors particularly. supplemetlng Sptil nnuce %I-cGl"an 8t;ae bli. 51d 0 M j-..azerai pu. JALa J' . PI, J.P. thF. e article lu retenue.. te the. grawth 0t paup. ponçaTii. total lsumo t r. m~uoeco. é l sP oietuinluouicountry. Sereral of the mombeis ituyî~ 1 C' o et&r lakwelI à Llglttoot. $soIIddCompany la now 4L9gM. e ro¶ eswKP.Dlbts Co -lon î.T proeut tok part lathe diacussion. r.ILL -à- Rprnclig u-4obsaCathro kA;smit oft hia eéhuebMestoi(n sue mcompany . lUaauaê.actad msCritlc. f ion loenudebi'. arried tu emre oeeathîi terC sclo<fdicosC.mu* -Mielef Inters,; and tbuetbllshedaumares -fer h lctoo dmÀ»th ut itse LISÉ aaijurnneatcf VR STrD us o a ufulc rU The ilreogors have muel itactla S Uut ITL O z or3U i, ultf ret Uh 434 rtinx that dnrhe h.puanty.ar the otpcCv hemeetîins reeWr»met s&" siecteil ptctuires that doilght and chsrmlnt sCories that hotl fdpan.ments, efflers fagents sud .g 1 Ci. olwlgofle.Prettildeur, J'oaph satertain- the. sumeroius olatie indicatedin u is - - - l)~loyéem have dlacharis<Lthe uitt mredaicleblsu.vloe.pwauIdeutsý Geo- A- Cas sud tie t . glasacapital publcto tiskn u LJNSAT PRnAY, MY 1, U1. icn sd-)$h'? ataaeoyW,. <uiu. la Weil edlted. The Lusueil Pub. Co., BlostOn. On_____o_ heber&For"ma t Portera l EAL MATE .Ga:o. A. Cox. P 8T.ut (QMMrE3ALNE L. S for W CMM e u aus ila apretty Mr. Cox MU tthuoerupatba b us browu cover wlth the deuigu prluted iu purpis ~w a i i» ~beau resd wlth h.es.»»»d at.uinew -Orcaor Tms Câà*nuw Pour. 1 and 75ev aluehdea The contentea aintain the M sd cert1lÏcaa«, tas ully epeulC.o.La NDsAY. May 15h, IlUt htheaauarof titissecellent Magazine. AMMU no~ tit e3g.g tsatl"" <of the 'euIS" ht MF1-2--PKveryone vil turute MmssAlcott'a charmiag m miaksou Cf he off Chs LAMel piuduabueas oslau rrquietI "SpinnngWheet tory." of wbieh faie fft in REPOT 0FTRI iflCcTelm mU Rn re"porSvtil ecetmarfll7ber b0t s& l'Spe d. fme no uchauggo ote l jutai hr io: u rwrls'"crltTngr Clou. of viiet h rep=rt iSsI otl..Auda au aelmsetho ssedpromteetta ureatdeal et inecruction about bind. T N N K A U E M I T . V T E C T A K T e e a s n s u c s j iu v ,o. ]~ a n d a ns d c p a il h a v e a a n o d ; ta r t I f l e m a i u n g c o n te n te a r e t a . u m e ro u s tu e n - i*ITsN'. t brlflyret CcsolCha vaCh.fts vaahrpavahaution" sud éail are eiWWntlu.ad Instructive. The. iPeofny the Perteboro i>aly R@wlew.î mu etvl o* £uu~ . Century Pub. Ce., àNov york.; for, ae ut Pur- Tii. anlilai meig off th.e ahi v1 ilh.eGrand Trsak il UBS heMamufor siipng eaulo may now hofe a hsaNUpg V theIdIaI Rafvay ff Caada astbir a» notofttIueht.a 5Wasii.t vaou.mdsdentte baves f5117opoued. m81(eMAeer kalHat of contente embralng th. varlety and ex. ~ Tboiida~ afteaooa ff -lummared ousmltuaka>ly luth. latagKEmMe ru ade, Point SM. CharleeKadîW celouce ot Chia everpopuler nmagazine. The mýr 'aeefmmOlm«ilateOf ail th. OVfftflPauti.es.Escons- mornngagooel snesswmdone. T receipta Iugejn ealaî p~epcel bonpan<. oon l Mv, C:'.blokPets- Vgagalaed thse Grand Truînk Compsaqy on of re,.stoc iesSat.urdaV MOrnîn.'ere 81 Chamsin Lu .P. Rates "*Nature'a LSeral Storyr sud bas. '1hf v ve. premeit: gp. i.. A. ch , t o e t pora ud vain e ON& !asI ateo et wiicii b o export ace. The "Anong the D.lfndillic.' the Im etci li et . Chaifrshtt on re adexote* frentÎlaem "F15111011the Frotter te the Ciluai- Cox, pmeuid<unt: W r. W. CGeoderhau, lie- sylemeulcongrawlsget vdeied orChs vs rlkudexoreabi." **Dr. ehllen an sd hie Work." "Kaîr- pt'Ssdpnt.; sud Meuau'. il. P. Dw ld ôf- th. MlUdlsuCompaay enMe gnyradedi lufrels, despite h unfavormble.teor; van an sd 'TII »o .oad. hera Pddàiw, oyorifIOTSKl, ]whtclilrChtppuituitynwbil r4 etcable. report%. vhlch cailed thes BrltLh Mer,. elpal illuitratod artclêa. rheioi r0 4 IV ]- rs T o.Kl o,&lv fa, l hco y o ll naisofcoure the. rt red atrlo kn t fra d as M . P., s u d If O' eer , L u da y; s. U o m u thC h a « â bea u, a d ad R e con .' c a 5 W f if de O nd ! 5 0 .te 0 c p r I a p aa u d by uT v te 0f C i d y. H p r FMI&M 9" thsValmtoulipper.abs. h. b ievelgmtan!misvSdwvilse. ie. Delut ra. vYokfrsleBPrtr P. ". Hnuhee ontreal; P. S. Vlndeulis atChe more aIataffis&" " oro01 1b.g11» , 640 and t wlipedald o mthaw - - __ PM ope-,W. sx, em; - ea Cla hicl b elCsehlaTi. oes wusboano sI 6 c erim ns o e C Xit O U, hh eI n d .m rb b el« g la , d ire m met o n mne'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & l , j. C., no i lô wonu. theT rangescs s l ip r au a n ! st au v r ta e u, s.ra g. b ln f oo1m Mi goO aiS E ,O IB R telei le . bu.~nsOge cth. Mld- svsgeus as th. arai mTual vfvsmi e«ed.maconrcta ugaluatMortallY sP o.]RO çws P&Ri lisitdlthàitiî; .Ra"i ecvtevyKidiaajla etlgoringtmto isreduysnaoaeraî i =«beena Smade et rausnive cn.4riat"". llpal for I 7Vta M ~ cf h. la, be as vuy auh, caiasrcalvod.Mondag afttsr noea tusletno LLeIO ausas eo Xe u ..v. ff&Vl wmrnect, .h"oaisup vtligiswPSCO eb4 m>oeun nlsDakt.t ch. à GL=T& OR THEPOST. RalviyCo;J' G Iacrin cI up. e J*~55Market about IM bond w er e ferpdl iiîaii 5CI19Welfor tCe . 1êt M m w outl bbrutksfront 5e.te 51c. per 1l v. Wîig asme to .gteder.file! uyM. ffkauCh gucalflsas Iq oney.Cusor Cv. cxccptloalîy eholceonst. ôesMybWdMad»orpm TIgtI t witLR, wpôOS? oet h. Grad Trwak vaUvay, as ea juul roçqht &.e. The. rocolpi. ot calvesr nujbpittosdsucttla Thei. fmnlait ,ltt ner Cm t- la viios.ha&d. Ch.tutegase. i Cô u..'iodit-about M 0 ead; puces rangM ifm lofts uvh the follwing genlemeni, vho have f<lov ln% annuel' report of tise diretComw:pt vouAs . as lnem oaob 1» pVO t.eae Ws W _ui1. About iOuheep ktndy coune te aut as aonte for Tis CeSa. a onlmlo h b~5d go soite evers cillerea. it, hi hboa a mlait ouCPr:- .1bla Ch e o fr tusMr and lt e %058 lacis l' (ieI'opfreu,' o' idiand hîud RsiIwof. tfh. adébotnff tle r;7r fe lte. Lvi S o ontvel CWreO.................... LTALO. êftr'î.Meu~Vo~r dreeoru u ~ W. OOTERWA seondi 5h UO, tleoupp , i dnuat 140te eTe pcr lb. MtNILLA..............C....DoT LAp&. Ç * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11 tlereo' o'tulscd*guis ~ SO(5 ditt55OLZ aadci U.s a .woot>vîi.g........*...J. C. GtrlCIIrIeT. mi f"Mlb.nmuu$d vâîh erladevery ussou Doh.Favo k ai e euan f ucreei am ssîn............ ...L OVNq lm h uu m.w coutnansid oitf OM.th*' ial sl cutiy h 0 w waPuvtedanatfo ANIe h tmpiTr................... L Xaf - IOR1e? f iheltp oigt aniu eusu hia lidng riinlof h.peM"sThe. traIfor the Put hiae menthe bu & aDw.............. ; î wu thR.C. Gri8 hemp emàount woud havs e on verylavgly loved % el Mrenmo bab Ujmssand mloferluga haro battu muc rl - E"URW ..... ....... L C -GànRAT. if h Cio Ampaits bc uapstinc hni.baS BSi7 V5Cl a oMforhlm t eCduca& untl nowv ery fev uiablo 5anmag le neCAwwNOTON.......... ....BA,NN B. . Pd ltietlath, e. eWa ~bt Clu, oi«'eptnally m»Voe _iC-i-K . o »Mla eam-mesOfth. te b. bat!. Thi euade lefW wgod b fr ves- IRLON4FALLe...............W. ILELLIS. 3b W5tiuePexelcuoddîu'lugr tibnmontais et Jan. iOd,»4 l - I& hsfni'hW wees.ia cia.au uui. o es.Cssay cf &tW0OD........... . p-CP. UxcLM'Wh may.Pphritary aud Marci. arni and pg&If.ouorsiwweeMsg ouba ..iS u....................................R.P.Bsrîza Stltte ccu ler1 gtht Cai, uddrccilludefmu*e 'e hlc. h. bas eilclesesKrp.Wrhmanelm".ow la.... ...i> LXXHM f i e t Ct As i ui su. b u s it e , a n e i M lya d Wg. h e o e f u' C e n l l t l " h m b u a w ef ' " u . . t& n »J G ~ p 'fue<rm necostfatlonenutu asuriîg the 7,s#'ibUzi asu.u .. .......Gn ao . C DOW Lt. ladimedoption.the Cherr-au tu fl eam...................TRLE l'ho bosens m-emiiw ront ther on"Intion t *M «e o. ihk oru, pyotar. MoTf ............... LRUSTM Y&OuutIýÇL -o M ew lme MR tng te hef teet * m. OW ans eheatu erae&O* on bowa AM Z.... .. . . H.V s Ln I*.iuen ttil muc-h lote inluthe gear th&* was TWrAWzcrTa T OITCEpwzs. nb llhss.5anhreý % Yeud Mu. ATAL... ..1> GLoWIY. .0 tu aetrcora orm.tefluôtelv or vtîu M'.J ELLbC. a0», eora i flL tiR......... ..........Wtat. MeàVaur. 1 bS l#ma' apreiit ïpon i C . let . ru e t U5 055 doA 5& ... . ........u.cGLnay ebflr, n teompuanre roî;îng sttir meting bu edara.! iheê fMmi.pagsi ie mr si S on.pairme Càmmàv.......... IML'xuCMTpënm>.- il»Miistthela he bùlmIW d ooygom an on bore a etPettot 1c. g thie w5o.nd 1the ciis or a.oegon the.h reteeie 1 ý mese W u l &srigsu emlela hOcfewtr flu efCh ,upurf Mmiuoa.a t issstals ae............... .R. 1M£Ml. . ILr I'pt'lR ivsinChtvounhrlvtmhave the. ekfli deffeï uas' u iil cnW§&&___ u ...... ..... ....... ICHNJ . »Y. Ma ehifein u Pe Mioveott o-trane, CtLhsestay sa~b mima sasw --f am NI.............. MIAOL ' ~n z V tfll r' ' a s f i C t ' a v b o o e t l ug y t h .e . - . * * *. .No x L E .. . . . . . . . . t t i s M c L ià . .... .... t e o Ycmà.I . - e... ýAAA BMca 075 ATiaa.....-y.... NvAR» LNIOAS. f* B cf t.haia» M a tCe a t v u . r u . u , O-. -S' . b. le a S de V L5 ? ......... ..... .....W . 5verr. r . s e s o î a i2 1:m v h e k a .e m p eU b u . « m s U OS & t C h . l u t o e f s s i C s v o e& M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S t e a T A E A T T J R 'fer 'IPP41lY tltel. .. . ..........e tlotsse12151111> ? ! L I 1 . . . . ..r. , u s s e a ' . . . . . . . . . . O R 0 1S U t a i i@i "ef cWlS.U .8l l w cees 4 lt ew a m ,,g , t ' b a ... ....... S S t f ll a sfs0e e 8 mf D v .711 st fl Wr. pmm»M r m EV. amWiu'aen __.Ap fllfteém vaM us tma .4 a. g d dle *5 a~..... ........ B39 as siw0011111~ vil _ -.0apinemltti. Mmeon lmt mei pefewt espsviMÈU O ' ~ C * UWinn is: ta.lYugfthte ightr, ~us. ra~b t b. ait b filog vepug WUS*U.ib .... ..........t CSnte ew"SC -F.'-.....................................~~.........5 lue aivsvflfrtesglt audr IWM»WrMbr mCEemhte qt »Mm Iadosu. for seon. imbue iOOSIr, u o"'i b flu mlà,...:lpS e »aui tai eemahwl et ...................................§otl Theu. hat udvah uds~ vaiinWCietiss u UslU< Utasrgmu W"4 W&w.en. W0bm bd«abv auevliam UlaS~~~~~~~~~~~~~É nol ln 8 5 mi. . e Me - uI U.1wl. . . . . .e i * 1 H ss K q~drn br' - - - - e-, p &uni,& uj, aOmus. Id _____ hia Having bought the aboie a"ntio thm netrey nadr My ova matiagement, I amn determined to mik l- To seil or trade your yooL Our goods il! vor better and are a great demi cheaper than tp' market gooda, ab vs une ail good vool and not one ounce of aloddyv at adi, vhle market goods ~tn. alway. stuffed with uhoddy. KANoufÂCfwxalfituEiNG. W"e eaFullw Mcsi.frjct85C.i Grey Fuli Ol40c. - - 50-. Twee4dyL wd - ottn wm8 hit or U Ç1aneIyi.wd Ct25fo 0c 6C. Check Flanne!. - - - '- 2c AIl Wo0l4 Check Faneplain - -27C. UfliO ,, e - -20c. Our oelebrated 10 lho, ail wool Whiite Blankets, $3.0c unionBant, white, alweighta, $2 to %U&6 Gzy Blankets, - - from $1650 to $2.5( Stock-ng Tarn,, twO Or three ply twisted, 2 A.nd allier goode equally loy. lIn order to induic custamers ta leave their trool and orders in " V Viil ailow a discount off the show. list of 5. per cont. on ail orders that are booked before thp ' lt àagst. I do this ini order te find what is wanted, go as ta be able to have ail orders tikd pr'ItolLj. Our~ Termes are CASH when. gooda are taken avay; but, as' usual, customers can take part any tiuî-. à seulie for alisone balance is taken. Custant Cardiai, Fuiling, Dyeizi, Customn Weaving and Clatis Dressing done as usua!.' 1 vii pay freight on aIl iota of wool 40 Ibe. or o'-er when to l<e nanufactu red. This does 'niot a". vhea to lus Ùarded only. Thankng my many friends fo! their very liberal support in the past, and soliciting a continuný.- amn, y'ours truli per yard. per pair. 5c .5 ~~'ÂN E E PLOY MENT. bu' man Fen Ur nthe Faim. 3MIIr Puhîlo ILPPR %My À, Mas-rs WHYTE. Fukil.y4 "?LE&[NG 11> RXAIRIN LJ CLOTMNG.-[m. gC. BALDwLN .Eat. ua aj«-LE o auj m nirP" M mii, l ean andi re . mo&SYLEor "IrTESPATrrEEIIor0F aire mntIemme clthüte Paicels Mar ho *i<AT lAI.TONs VAIRIHYT Hlmà. SELECTi=ouli aft a c I iia »jt h j Me o re a ud vi l b . re m u um -I I T U P I N J T T E U N E U z V I o e> ownem .WIU aisereve as nurse. dm BWW Md.ivl b. thuukful te suy person ho vin lulphler la feabes vI. Llndsay au' 7 1.R.E&TON Srwatt k XiUen. PRATT & KILLENS SPRINO STATEMEN? Weé have a Fuilt Stock of. Field and Garden Seeds. Aisike, ]Red and White Clover , ai l ean good seed. Mixed Alsike and Tmty excellent for Meadow seed. -Ail Seeds sold cheap. JUSTGOT IN .- A nother Oarload of TEA, bought before the recent advance in prices. 24,0(0 Ibs of Good çiapan and Young H yson, t0 be sold at the -id Moderate Prices- No better value in Lindsay. PRATT &KILLENaS SPR.Iio SATME t 0 -D - 1 eý ! FAý 'M'.OLj.S 'OARPETS LlýNDSAY- WOOLEN M-ILLse- .PLACE THE je Wu WALLACE@ BEEDS! SEEDS!

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