Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 28 Sep 1883, p. 6

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V~~~~~~ GA LA OJ 5 A.OT.N y. WFM E28 avvV ~ ~ ~ sq4of WW rouftd S to l . 1111111r______________ 11g.jsouuwu£.i4owI gI.eNfllyy e0wicl I¶l ram mofi. Uuku'whg o s bus 1Wl., oevy b .w d et wateî9 %i met 1Ms wbaittA. itg<a>fflNfIOm5p h'. mt.' .rdMl wfN'U îh.' .în.frh O Mfi.'dI '.d.t iw'tits t t'holn lrt,*ter. of il n s1us Ie* pUM luisu.s un-i. j'4'.tINEW. I~n&T R E hT Vare mle of tho e rp W. . IMMÎi~: smtaw a mlii.. Who «a uselasosi;- wliMffeI INot sii.h .'rit .. î M lm Nh vt il ie Ufulet tlivingrI E U T oin«r~ , laveOND.S un#%" 'Oie,. M511F7iIÉns et ibiUibt,. dIn, neR D CIO .o TfP J ~an io defrM ldhit n#u*p.'Un immlguuu athe 55~ lfftet'Bt ..uqlWrtv»#« S P£ SIA BAIPINS Soiiowt-hr bi a i atyon p .M I I 't f aehe.c bw'odueor ulï Olh.u' meo*e hg e saifons #iof thom. .A4va Qua# ama2%« hret"w sei m e Ant < but e tal.i h tvequa frin to hand ra. 68 wt»- s e>rft g5..e a is do wi£li1e 1 part W41% ltfora0? WO#&lMaui meialmte -.,. e es M 1%9. ibie s coI isuu-the esh psiaiddom M th boli.emr Moit s 11 mmfeu suot 0N o it te ~>,, j~~ - a snuuu aeocv. Mt * £w#A f td*m oeuay, 0681100,adoption of casb.i..u>nie ay esAN<. 'h MJl'etI1 a PAIY UW IflI £0 Mose .aw lsI Spinliet mnctc tre of tile echeelafe i w~~waa SWIsi alMet O0» <ifthe.". fI.D*mni11.iI, VM have qd.cided te 0 o f RIO(1 leta' n'e .RY. thfree - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lae the pYE .wh otsdhvnnl. .. bn i ovONI OIL ~ rit, A 1àee.nt. Ine re èe i ~àt.w urnW&.A 416 WouItI .sult h i, and wonld seUl ~~~ ~A.n0<un£whmqaa fu*neit hi. Who iet.. te ofâc h'o i s l a l~id for ini advance. W UoK EW~L~~ sboodihuanadtsbimati<uîepaya dol. ugiii~k.lai' fedt the assmed rClit£ buIo a ...go Thie Witt lie a ecsit-iwruS.,MWApplieti to Be0stne O fffr ag sM" eh u nive s~ i.î~ ~on tlandsuti andi mako elsnob mm»t s" . cuth; ltaSlbaovunmn£ ouk ~Ai encrilbers it iaoi a single excep. tcS<<q.4reàaigaagas I>?elt hMa &a bon. lid. o oir: lbat .lt ion. 'l'liam mb viii ego mb force '. j î,<t ».aret o u atnglîllai law and 1II'VIw î lendeto etlinit tiw am the Ilîleme'nt littt f aiucin i cm dielandt. Mu1 ;'j .'wt on* tbe advfr nee i.Iu h is. t.aîa',~~W. wiltl lave saiples of onr wagons 140 OUptlICtîîIWIv tivell, uait it ité tato h l M~iI5~&1 IdfiTIA, 4I~'T,~ ~t.4* 5111 i~iiiiui.£ ~ 'rh yn. îîiiîîghe fretW,.u t ekoftht t he C entral fair lit 1 indu.ay, sot for -o of t. iquatlsu4ê ulathtéowhen lbeaten n j5 ollilettt.iuflbut. un exhibition oniy, tO *00E-A ?'0WlOI IfE A!.»n lbt. CI. i iilws tyoir O1IMIand ti fot o ilt nainetit ol psitt orwiI bo asu îek pite. Aitail ottr Wagons 8am waaITUtOt ~ have s iook ai bis (an il un or u"' ivefflail 'eti.o'î. Cw> a- areffil in thi'e oîautructiouianti harea lii' .Iswla aie lotitm ows est lWoivtV'ly1oni(10i W r £uitnm. .Iîly 4.tîaui tin, town inery ho di 'ilk uof<ir auaoiar i > .uead any part fMiinside of TW&> hti teýri tt ie ty. tuRft, <loe <to i le stethr réoh eeee he <îlffpi'scîPî<ns wrîîîîuîi,îo leplace free' ut ~" , &,toit IISKA'It t~ ound a armie? tbsy hrtaklê,ron whaî lho for tlme yair 188,11 . mpaiy '.14150 tuit haîrge,. Ve ave ai ery large stock ýo tuinoe0uiQy pîinhaso< aba elheaîosteatl. y nlad l isemt 1'4ý. ii:it t!t 14l)tlIlNi..tir rats ruiîS tot SasanupW ie n,Iury snel, ntan. vO lbave béu ed tu iîake othis <'lange tf1IlJGE nhwai is.,a l'<iii Ais i.~i1~' Ot i'. UA. êe. a t py set. *e'prcae haraetev* mof]i At~At ~m.vnî.i i'a. is.t-c . lot tie lo rehet tdao a y l.y in rtlor te o 0îdth 1 meyaî',m' oIntendisg pîîrchîaem o uges and NANt SViA*~mi i î'~<~<ilONi îuuîîu. Il.de me t<'lt-?.* <Voi n aand do iauii.tftl.u w î Vl'oimit aystein, vieh l agoswIld u!t a idia Pot ibtiehss ile i lt'seI beartt'd, 1lreneher. îwtotrNic.W ilb illyt t'IiK!< i ~ wb15 i' t.l&ltIl'It4 N t oui't . vilantaaé.& ill tif i, uqect oîr .toe. 1,4 w l .' lly int M~îîî~muilr. ep Iît.la<I. amjiaet ae fvei<ew.ysfor thlome ean. -W" ztiits. aie-d froetlanany large machine athoia. -1 » b r* ff IPltAte t leo ankterouis eaon nîttiontier civilina.jutarîra ituait. not. onlywil old atiuîuseriIm a.ammm lia th uuitev vo u't!it (0 <lYs~tion. Itutils<iéandi daiagiWX ae tie»sA t the: beut%îîds betitttult pMrtlt'. with the itkdtni viliaint4 ari tleoui' (rentier set. esaeî' u hi îeevi i i'ev IlVU IR 0h4îans t wld t lwor.ê uemtlha i temtInentêt yet lb.,' are bers 'tithlt aovre om alroadtio eourtiraSripion list. Indpay. be1>t .1803. iOt tiiwhll.li r ho ssy th îinm fégva a tarit. eoneuri'enreeRn tueur is . a tintP ai<uI~~Toe.re hou d h". ltitetet.. Thtay aà" evillnougia for anythîaîit"lia'e rîcalation of 'l'tir -Potrr. 0aIreadw r*s.umeo seqlte%1d-by tiffroatoti sehemes.ti dsciui v Tre ia~' riboilaa, tm, au willa ase lx.-.-. M@s4atwsligseaallait ef cemanoe Prcua liai'te oet thein hae.'been qualeti only on the 'plain itstif. 1ho bas»Itrot en on irelveti byt4 I' iutimtion Shah thet motniti »r'olrwoaiti adva eelto ove,' ive 1Tlaeiîaeais dutr- ('AIDS of &a iazeq, styles and USdesi atses rw ieutyon thte prairref %Wllo attend iien dttl<Um ant *'ér.<u'*i theut' cYeOr. 'l inuIolY ly u"- frein ai Vlcuu iig aret ianitî RamiU.iumiO sontt'o'rcsuaueM iSe.iwitnaewit Mu VAN moNIti'ttNitat&t- ut'.T~,.i$lSiî ng i lrgo 'iauilai.r tht a uîpr <> caet tTRf Pturl'PIUTIN3 ttYWTu£_ dfiewitot 'lto meitfl to as t.' ai aiurwscatne T . r.tîe'svr.î.eltn opauoae u r'iiî. 'ibnlimait oa.' ilullaît- ui .a.lvant'a jIa the'1 -W y4ef n hviiktonthe trin nIi-e'ti-.Ve.ler 'ît a vo el i krieta t enll ai. sî1 T o t l oo vîit qt t "'ai iirii'uut. *rg.dica'ful1 Vl.t eeprtt'i tnaîge i-1.11în ~ il I. n tf- hat tî"t'aÂtaltv eelfen h-" r liii.', ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ttuli-lit'atif tl1alt' 0I.WIdomilzk.au-tiil' .aw fr 1in L, l'.. >bIueaIl ciaot.'a'aîr et ia.'in s. I tet t.tlittîc alt ri..ii:h.-.sio lgul-tip-e, m of. %VestonituaFi; is Jt.-. . tiîi~îan 1>mauê 'aE losr sil -RI veterta tti la.' ester»boit isWh a tonèvath,Ms iial l w deh t eul ut uit6yve.llo foi' si S' eenaiblute ati or.' v'ge alu _________________________ onRa a aatea r'tiltmt ccaimuluai t'n'lan. Mi. eIutgal uta ea t . l. astI t an l u. Sat i t! ai"i s: l'us-rn ter a-au1 nd-. Ta. cus e lti tu "tr'tt a . soil te unt .. 11.m aiaissl.'nac c flb ths e fta a, M i irs aqtotnetibis cdo II rsss tc loI<' h' iuli sfwycr tS trii, a. xt'l imy a eu ive'kl ill u Ste. tu18 a'I naawcealeapeStpi%, Mmt'o'i.Thieu ySaIe ht e l1lestu.ttpoit.' n ilte 1--u'~t ait - , iaenl wtaswhiriwy touicisît anti uralllersifi' plea..o.oWbits1on or aIyOii 1 itRtt ber of eneicou», ai it'wKtu1 cai~~~~~~o t a'îisue êî 'w..edepn bad ia e Vin ine ofh veqtîiued f oriekY aile tle; aîn l wl lu ii. it le incI hua ontaie. eau <ourbt .xpeh'neesrin lmtttit l otn h br. meibtimi a'nbeot'ste amliîuuut tt'edta'aurî îro.rt'e riieTh" ' i'ive o ther . ir aîauaot ot-d ce ame ti e ne tiol fthlefSet»rlint.'e tat tffnbéi, Ia o huai haNie ssereeurpsti pch*ye l'î (>fiiekt loti t tonhe Plahine a lening e ha erralcset uk'iln e\ x i' 0 et k aîg y.-kr a.ioa-e 8%t laff htareAtiffuni tcfa a.' tfta t4tleto. a T xjeireee Far frein @ teivtiiuau hevuullo inséin ailo plit îr, ale t liait bRît',t't8ho4antîntar out sgg o t If WIntiîeftui' îuiotab he sw n hit, t~0 aa aeaaii uieaaii luit he nhaistuinak. aboiaui'ieutletiti a tenîtr anda'1itiu ..lithl R-m mae4lir tehtOP"a td»it' h-O ?i»RIn ec yt iteIPIPcare euieletou "ioe and hip.1' tlt will -t'coun aiîen iîslortu htatit t1 wr»tom îî5'taint i the lolbu. tttt taetfr in hec e fot se . lb. îir it" uuofutieît4le is rai lt'irstl'll.~,t ne<aSl ."ei f riveît ovi i te amu lîtafiblien inin homaentan he ciîltty (od. Iraipestu atbuîeaandspca, nuîraev ouas eevuopraiu' iiti ilrtht'.'. euey cf lwest n br at ik or.av ostîri ine.ra t hcyIlt e gpe i. f a te mît Rn.iîîit.îtIs earl Ie painshaeroowh v alon.aioadltveI1blLr iin.t ratet'whct einçii-fh e -Ie oaf ri.ati<e fil atîtt"..Y ffw witene sesaytls-tili -tiiitiy arge iaitiatii. ' lanlcte es.bîg.'ht' lb . % . - tout ber lirc4lan .IWho en inle have ase aulpe êt'u tt wt'I-.do u cNO otpo.sthfinreaaorneraiac as she <otatti se, elteti ont el it Wt'iw- ebitcai ahuii,M #M%.hAe.0 The reases f th peare -lnteat. Kuii lietiit ils enbi e '1,1,1F, t Y,4 îneebî 4tbl ate If» tti jb oiicn ii.' tg.l eiclt etmad lierlt îhlies. u'iuureu(felitea (of kte ne ok.!Iwrbc< efi iat' - ca c 'ife tht' paioS etiwl eati este h tîs r. he, -rllofoueergitei nnln dmblirai the s<;. ji>r oiv'ic bau g, e f i sle fa .-. î-îtlnauy hit: b aeerdiiiî itu,.aitlit w e rpl eaeialitheM(1ellos? uta-eildibefldi. - ,,iieif ,kbfft»ei t't'aok.~~~~~~~~~ Wtu. avae - utaa ucaedalStonguehe iIt% bit&tîe aâiaforheavfilt etiaa u. n t'xct"iat lea'm. IntbI .hoiaî uuo u"i.tsî ~iti ay titail îthee liy t'l. i etotel niit.maS fetiael aulit uik#t aivn lia. riuteuAlstfla t eserî ena lre su eteet ahia vfh e wiitro ititht wo. - Sage, tiy co f i one W ,,'oP S W " autai w Ituiesa. are it ite oinfulouahdeta i h na et-. She aseuirevr lta lte î&y.'rIcsillt ' >b-4 b> -nt. s xifearl, e:ttflwm ewutti a p lî ' Veesun .' i lt uueran it.u'nî vt. ifo. be 4le lt. asatnoi or nûal!ég bu t h '1114011bar.N< etpist êéo th VIPàg pot towte%: unre tereniains la betriei. pW e. lii.1 itu.M wilh theu w-asata, TelclcersetenecfTt'. & t #0aiGetiw jr wea <-auvapeafin' aUhavesuîpeti. NaSut. w-ci ovef teSkisjpëeglp«.ia,. plI#; Ilais Yoîen ~bai a op1e nof tthese aMd ~anetuaar,' roboits ie ferra alvaubeatitkn ~.» »., 141tsfied ua ssa Md tb«oj.tihwiek. uMay'appmsi, se@Mid. dttasgbr hrteus prIsient.--viii h. maintsineil .vit in i- s4eteltsow-e wwe-tkunévt Ivh, oai rZ eaiu* tSitbse neveu saw stdotit 1"d titi "" elilciey.coeatetrpi. .utatt, wbseiot awatios ut* sS. Iastt witer. 86 11511e soW reunin th u lb.etepA driftk aMti bs Ws Vw a novéu tolils.. tbgeanitiwbfttae g etouai vaeh »w h Otlocal.cresaeeu hve contu'! thir itus heero isse thoti speli-beatai sVleeahs. lTh. w-aChtioaý ir nds u lnetivery largoly te thi- entiuringl-- Jq5rev»iGi4gg. Iluliter. Ttmy t tq M4es .To &0«ftmocuintu owi la te sts googes lr't Puap riîy cf rPtu'i, asnd WC aahthen adtitiîhoual a sd, lunfoulthe Pipes suWattaore 1heure unawb. la a fowbom"atyf lit. ,r'«de ay daees Istrto IrelîRabt. 'rihértMid -~asittW edilmalo uya mi ther are - te continue tIlacirmpt, anditimer e Sy 4$eSio fYe litAIs00 a4,jie o o *0 s.f c elyh xatiasuw-bibare amthng bt tily &jggtm.*CLW tw Bwee>4A r boita&IN& 'ewl1.laieelosaMW geiou N es. tsutie.ue. luith' eunw- ssi. C Sgh. s afb te, antoim. Nfse e b towdals om their NVe invite. tht' attetion eoit' ur es. Pibsemd flh'l NtUl Gem 34g. t4tiflouac«hltt lithe lmt5U *%7W-i ant«"owse, asti acisei.s nI*attemupfo as ent subucribers b th.e aumt aetti on. w <13 WY Ng "wuss s84àRunight. it;i tlaelsbtdlt wil vO t' @' theiratidren*slabele.--thotlue It>. me&"a o.0, T«I p*AlRnl. s ls 0tenenials lM.pritad W»7< 1 ff Le-- libs tetsutni se tat'eT'D01n,#tw-as%*motitur lael in* ugt. slip eai euch pper. That amount shonid tqus m iw «th e" s et. Mouqsyvllle. w-boe lubai w» lla thua orauiled at Oum rovaidd ~VA AEII't'~ t vast < tevel Th weuiess tîhflslslicekies tayRnoFout tlb. lie. cf tj C. P. etiata, ian* snumber' of old aeomoun, Tiis lu lb.fougçh uiff,esite ssii, We.s tjWupilt d &, wieo ýlwbanti was boildieg et1 heeeu«.Té* )lave been placeti in oulr lavycru. )><qe olo*mnes lb.s~>ici antiait l bieraMM* oytepuu heb, au.vfflm Of seber for clleetion, anti*of Conuve if net Eftpivsi8Dtjj.»W chance ti o duefa le - h e" lat ithet -1aies eut mioebloicii Jpo>19paidticonte. viii h. incianeri. t5emij&* : faltkevihuo ttcîwrvecos0" nur d' iltter la au "*-of VeurneRidvge*mt.d w« psSiie ls un raarcearaui rte in ail wcas requit- <1AI*#n.(.heEk - inn r nmtcy luittlMs of aniit lmetiuie sud fair tuBteca naib Veltt.,ed.Anhrliuobam-Ioswo tutatrneti tuse, t cieç h eut b a ivel nti. Th" ff, ly Miton w bewcaft r 'W- »» m :tactie hut silf,. lite t b V, i etflas tCet. Th..trâto eeuyaSluuîhtrJ~- v a"net paitt toÉur t year,vihî b. situ- pitieity etofatinei lu la01ii eus dtmirWfuebso ethfidiba w-eters bo". jiîarly tapl it ilaif anet. uid hy r.- w-hiu eshpNce Witt-h 5h« %wc u fw- efi c.1Ja1tes a sand wIf.'%Sn eo eempdI.haei ii7r it tance willtitinh' it io vetakRo lief ttaelhri iimI endal*ps tis.Rat..oase'c h 'taic;ai. uehdrial-o ats sefaiaai'itlutko-un irue ho inforrnuci A. . -hWas gminq lmth« t~~ai the fortlacorrnsg fiait shows, a i tae im.. lwheds bbe# nth ttu!, vhiuuce. "uS t A 'jmoiatuis@~ Ul dicmtesexàilmeseuuOfe- J e h hpMer-'euh-a ipuangv- ~ w fg u <awai bmau cUl th W¶Sh l tlîrlstc1ririmusbypmeia'me, tin.t > rh .. te cam î- ie'4eéabîusof oPrmw< -t hir ad oitwti* aui mnnmî.rexplom»s.-O? rtec rsu-.,pei.v5t* g, .0m laociu<tIautuefes to- .taffeof a. Suerep~ 1 Ihave lea~tt wWmiar îi* mm"e due. Thersmutatber this we<undwae .w un sOw fra u hiftyithes -bei ui"aeI eoeT eWwn Md as m on th«. partof àlt u M, ietand~etj~s for as 10ag i t. espem'nsi lM Wfe-tepstsa*mis- odiers, ini- rdot teumel.- w n1e 2wii~ tiqw u*s M huons finle 19sI 5 15. 'l~ lseriw 4ItVU Ulsuphuitt~or «-W oew loimt(el -àe- flE4f<t ( OU S -_dll 1t VugNWi ltert IARCH's OAMPB:ELL legop stat te a ou atnu's »J tli puwal pubithst bis Stock is noir COUPETS701 EEPAUL TEADE iii e*MY DW1euS5zSuditmdiug pulibhm vii fla" thebalruet ud boUt aiSStmonet o ay 1.,..iiiTown to chaos. fr051. DU ING TilEFAIR WIEEK W. viii uartlolgoagafin &ummtvry une of OHOICE FAMILY -GýROCERIES,. 16 L1&. FPL"E TAENTL Ai SINS fr-ONE DOLLARi Tca, *Si&gcws <»d4 <sUotiér <Iods eq'wsUy ilm. Fui.CrOker, Cina andWare la IMa Departm. w v m ant .ezelb tuhtcki. avas lartest Of Muy Boute in t on7o itra m svrecèeivooui' 00dm diect frointhe Old Gouury o elapoeodUm t.garnu BTh 00 and LOWEE PEIGNE tian Ouri' mportbag ordar tbbJu.r vas for' more titan double the usual quabity, ant vum placeaiprier te te BEIADVAKElar<PEIGNE. Those meie a thii hU lne ahould not. therefore, fait to make an early in- spect*on andfJEEdt" SE.BIRAInM-We SMilspecialattention to our Fasmcy Taset DLnner SOe, oibsn. .Ch~ia Ta sSets. Fasiy cs"t4Plisê To il t Sets.. Plasin Tec& & Di%%er Sets, GowbUt4L. <R <ea &stta. Cresw& and -WoteT Jugs, Etc. Visitors to the Central. Exhibition are oday invited teo give Us a cail. Lindueaiy. s-'.~uu. 2'uth. 18811.- a5. ARCH, CAMPBELL, D@5T ULOCE. ZEN? STDErr. Braibun &Co. LARGýE ARRIVAIS N.EW 0 0008S AT TE MA MM.OTH - HOSEOF LINDSAY* BRADURN&COMPANY Our FALSTOCK NeryRpeeIn IEvoey Departiieiit. * EAIFIGET DI8PLY OF NEW FALL ORESS 00008. Wè oara sMôwinga<sm«A&c& sger var et y of-ffew D»'es Msei~stc Wu lsàwvUnot a1Uowcornpetitiom. We have s,î evey instance Ourw owk Of ev wik and Coiored Cae AmereaAmrssb«% gr&ty ad- wêir64 ,b.M"gftw sr Myeraorto oeny ever sho'u.mini Lindsay, a~f4y25 »Or'cu c cam&ce aaor à"kist sao VELVErEE LuzNSe re hi~i.sa<sfar kwger ?cng. of Eow Btackt4 ooe ev Ghm i*simPiemg hw Lier antd KMngU CloUk& a «to ducoeiM .u VspdgliiL oms Cou. MO mi h ft'r owastf. W. iMsU OIZENG, 1awPS mU E oem IWtrt t Oim Bt&U dIioetfèfl Us. eorr 19 Wwaar[-gviuù&botk Oti-edSnIga~WRedy-Mfade. BRADBýURN&00 kit b. b Joe.ft ~ -' ~k~w~-oe~ Ent sbtit b C-.. eulb-ý INS fl:-: - Si tes,: her britj, the. boak.; by the r - am C m

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