Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 6 Jul 1883, p. 2

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to flù s seg "FOIITAI1: hesIi m mmaoMme -hIe esv ~ h. a ~ W mw qffei if, W4 ari e Oit pe# Cftnr m NEALTIII"~n roMUsi ~ll*f Md if blealît ort ot'cô.11J tg- fges fmy l Ik#f Oi'V'VE~~~t #fvrfth 4, fm ille a oeo oe u S~ooaP,,6*. s,,E CoutfrI'Th wm ttl«mr 0 *Or» p.ome1ae, borft otihevm wehli, atters whlw, a capital rua4 ~ ~»'>~ ~'E~'* -.Wic1ly t'y t.hm iKybev lIrft iine to PiJir spvefl rtc nbyn'G paftr't ri lla e* Imem' mmte Mds esFt:-ise mmw ladt, ieU nS; ailitli teS4 ilote,ft terediib I" evevy bof.lebewm t« e na f 4. i làmy pute werbàd.neo tift ase uîtnt##<f th ff'tOof, r teawo<'ali~ i lmifWas tMV'ilm olIfrtinr. m out- T'Im'nev ~~i. lvy e ape melay êciertry W GUê ten~.~id bru#s elwlvf.j g' o tmbr secuitd peeh, «ho«' WOi'0 yo if~T'rtii~f' C0rtv tfittftg. Pflisfi. JMtftlim f (red gih ai fioa<.L-4ga f ,fi Ylit-mrtinult*ei'aflWMi, fodowrfgLpf and 1U i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ni 1efil î,rinf*.nrr bh<ub' jstoIul. ds<lerp<'lif~4<(iArrhfltit if4 lrma 'WY, yon bâti yooîr rmio d o nior 'ApoiflhatO nia sday fr .n7B 14 uildv ui ifrft4Ill(Y < ini'I'U itR Iw"< uri, o,, »,rrtaIi wve buffIn. lthei ~ oj*na ut as <ùt4ive, I>7npy hln tp îLe, attlt eh tu bat <off, and Il rlez, m Imniti« fration w bal, ofr balle. '~î~t",rAe '> 11i~,;;:. 'pîîIi#a t*~¶hen W(.h&ii Our prîrf&ltant aup wuç fubr. Iil.#,. r,,1htInt Il u l tfl «xînnther '-. !lel Ilg, a d isE!a. iew -lb k15pot 'rat lni, -ro, oU'f«.; ait! 09tie. pot «AN &I. mI,,ftfori n ë u14t eit*,iIts"W¶lratpÔn Lhdsrifthrnilktn. ~~roftj. pt.on x iityr, dili cit goe dortbe, bat mmt fflmim'.suf.. powolfîl MfI iVMd !profit. ' i n reMitbiat iL wu lmtmailfies>, A- ~i qrfflIfwV 'rqwq 1111 h dVtY louetllng frieh iwattadtted, ...... __..........___il_________ri5<tli&%l ,eW M a bt t ittif"e ------ morthanidNere clegrrud ont., that. wu* W li t ia'iwtty orf lb' 4 1>611, l' ('f104 el'otecoutd ,y(>ul how immf ettipft (for jwl~ettld o i'W«io ,1ctlt51yuti 'IL *115 îhm a o.sNo flonf aPll' yoîî; nî )F 4 tlf r dirtl tpt ie. Au r d. Iwoj$. .'- h l n' ý~ÎV ffr flO I'tw l lef>i, f l im l'M ng tosa In.. j gIA ,;e fnM('gf tltothe dlo*gtted ma.é 'II'l'l Siy tlit' no "r w oset Our steW hkil. If Ms)m' hn.d J(Ili eeji oftwp'.et< h# tht' t teinus mung us.'erë 'l'ho .)1t' t l't l',,i'onk 1.t Ile lo"up Wfini am i, DiitUny m r. ,fltil î'.ar"wiflb' ea: 'm'mil.. Ilaof 0une, Wb@" «wP wev.' nit. T110 litihiS leaww , i he triena ltyIv'lttsa tt tm. iiIaliltj it ;fla neef,&' niei.ami lit-îlc r, 110 kif: Ir lvwatt t ght îonce golf1Q fil di li, i nii@ itif f e Ili A,,aI faavi% 1.141t" , iiit,tti 111y wgtl<'il if îe( ii.ow Inîe~w.dtriikllatr .'ip tendi pi't iw Mtiihuifrwand forg. roi ~ ~ ~ ~ 'n litt w did tIonit likm'rwfr kl*riuit iyMm, C th l e *Mur tir tress#.i ilfil iemiIf wurel' 4ne¶~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o lion ie refl .,> CUW,'e cfakwh oflot nîîîeh 'roture'- yroff,.~ u i t ldit enoîîg or ti or pOor M FAT P~$i.IAti'tin< > olt.wlMi an rn t~irA ut L0 tiemli 1vnildj»t 517 110W ,nany &%et-.d 8101Ô M AY0f IVAN WA. dIverarIrrn..s*titi i <'v ltIe-ifouti r(?e.n/ao,,rt (<'»» Ire! «'<'.> IitTitir of uaéaLfg Ml iii. - Wu i'it 11 1-iliq rf fe. GIlupmv ~ lymr ne'h *,re wver. A kinti 0f A S't<VltiiiUf'm 'i'AdL'<.btnka'î t it îa4to lnt t.hp ii llion, AMlE 'quiT wîtblah.uonans," auealinwd flit'n ynit t»w toit mon In <lotItea m.oyU Iei t.plnita'uitli Iitios and leitir .1.11 <3efViae. tufl.amptloutv '10 ya-il krmow 1,itlMlIltI ainonj, <ru.' hît5<e vrinkle, The". miMtdy I~ie.fiiti1 lttek, L:th*M. tAti d let yniu (vol i.he <uilyotwmeIlff' usl< AN thrtly alVitt. ',thm yonfîî lev Otîhe ~ntiîr;bot a ahfiy foi ow. aBtt MSuk ibootlno of W wIiter'r drwy et honte t6 esteh uw t.himf.'f Mid. Th ho,thmhtod îttrit,'trui pfst.l.u teetI, yon, knoîw.' yot hqi lok ipnlou tk me ttsqîjpY hbfledi 'Atnd Wiitty%'llrr IPM.tfq e q1swly w My ,e11r nSic l4ad , fuu5i~iggolly *hmftkn lier .sk«d (;ooifref.hrslo 'ifteiitI t -lntSfl t tlt'?M iiti dcopx' Wit% tai rai iit tWff l ex t% ild. th 'Mue criItMoi,' '*pIe4 ~'tit. tvotir en14 alwtayÉe bny,' nid 0001. lIfi#ua vvy lcoft Of ho>',slitif-.gmvmes'ent 'tolitIT waur otid1norhti t litoiiewuwid mwtl Mdhig. ttIm intheitil'd wm't.hifi*, ,othwhrt o w 54Iny o tteti nomm*., teir"ver ewauetlr ngovieti Muy GIatoI sui! d ~~ustf <aittnmmî.rlan ntîîtp' Whol woee 0"1 y %vol.ff fnr hay. l4ti.tof "10lïm ' ffyouç noble nt 1Pj but. the'Oll'mfç iee wtethmpiiosu, 1011%bmi eld <iflotMA~C*f,6 tlS o *W. >iro,' 4y' lie ieouifll mai'loahrl nie ti~ , woolti.hIMpROslIie-yer 1'thalonnoos lào Kt, tew f14nt;4ô me ro tiqrait 4 uE! AfiraMdMnKeytiew, éfml.a4 oiE w*te lftsiW ô* 6" «*dm, w»l«,w * Md giiIGaaotwm 11* 1#.eV W h m 'Iset m @ 6"i1t u 111KtMnh*0ppfor, eierwM. ual.agutp pellotcow *n.< nemeud ep te am ~*w Id hors ed i.rapot-,"-t as hWe!fouti iE înm ad4ivUor r Ir..mwm iVgumhe wwy' *m <tem-lieratimoR aPpot îln awbitetht amem hm..lu agiid#ows tJiorwtf Ir il vas M (#,W« hie ~.., .i AU> - * vis# Affif.m so~ie4ph i#dare lii. Jionkru. hl Il ot d6eelwtusle iti su f=1117 dé aiir anti guvotitme wer te Mn oulwtm »W ~aM 1tV am~Ify ftSipl re W sa~ hveM esot t'ltosme' i uihuIo~.liaI wessptirenalthm o0»ny.me pu uwg %~M A If Ç14 v ttse a!phe<.hwt cuW, mou 811lm * lP M"11it i ,'st4sseMdi lu ~,a.aniItti oIe efflul - flwe 1eaue~soadkaag- elC ýO4-tunaiw %Mtt f» ghe tvmeu19 ow ?Jdi o yen nte y"~ r~u..te 6ig2~~tioe W~'0 saUl.libu n& bore ~ '1 L LoamPii - -- - - - a - - w,, ~z~ K.06 p.-w er eo mIne,' moit comoot- wui uui have .ma8te-R 4 '%eev I, oguil ~oEtv aubeomemiq e& uneé mowb Aaimmbb ew. *ukwlmmh.bqaàlng 09*&law ebit et astm lim Aie.vs.o z-, hMit1 ast sm lldsly owarmusg .difluu W»maeiod e h«eý vot op se eamesiMo.»,> m ubse'tbe bal.uai Btto Pfiub, an t hse msnlug s aeMrplia ow " .atovesfm ConandmoIuoe fi as t t Im o hbilb 2-a- ohmo bal a. rie.. kw I du., 0< m, hoaemd, au w ralse, .~~~ hum, ". Ussoi ui l 1h am wfm mbu w 1 b" W 9 etbabt p ai mvosmgn ut. rum a~u~,fW#Iomm.udodm.IudJa -.on m om l amwbmophém %m oiat tmo'ie lw- vimtelosi a t»e s mUoni Mb t k o. " te use ash.üWR 4léyo s bmS 1 w foaf Né R sW -Wb@ bop do Eewnwagno il-etpaotnt '0,7 issas h. <o --h.. <1piI, In dm- Imm » aigu-. de mla-no- wIesLti i Au IDAX«T [A LM lau £.eépy -beau~ tiolle OIN14001t t-e, fa m& Tb floe cl.t~e ha âio fetun. T. a=.I Uà~T ut drmw flereeeem wmsyllilt rym» la" 0001010, awm. n~.a1u" Who wmett ewnevesy sAses"à iwom '01,4o Z'veuos .,l.dmme tha uhpaso lmâmns, c te use, *,0lnu we h mfin h. mwd W o ak oVy oizzary Mr,, MW thom wMv aetAIWceOM S801u1t terni toohenai but yorle'be.lBMbalm« onM tr sil o fs fie v S s etb u u 'N evo.e me y ý et, st b v e ar " ai. otUMlU~W pase Weil, lmi" 706 s.ve w ot e' tue Ovez, in a valse Ronialilvely partwerl Who Lm mo.Msudos aa s t her esd09 teh. tern fsuey dfaeung r»filedA.tOOfteifl. "om tIt fh. baud etutiap' eds tir 1ty e. statin. of 'Brime. des, . #Do look ait t Moffla 5 vbIijut cro NauWW oe herd,, ne=IUg vaudweiM elfe Tbom~,stas4fgozt fi,. p1911M #>W damas. sitemue taW bey m 1t thislvs '.kLady Fa~rfzibe's a Pgood. Tboy um rdeo4nmm twbyau en catille a loekien yom a bsr couSa oveir uoe. 1 illvtasf.on, Md l osm sffteniiy taider: for kuow »ne0a001139to aibou to daimce, o as ogg MdoeslbçWho mu gbey ' be1. m.mbovyour pome.' hav*ewvmester o e wheélorher ~îe ishetifefsmtlr.,l Sesriehe' pseiarmale mleatiiet: Tht. in fher Mtdcsof t". gov, lHe bas *AhFol' ye e hn'stOppitite Uq»"b eth" etlt!.auillal7ma 'I~ ~ W do,'beclmi ceh oulThe bt viWho wUth*h. admti ouutaeb..Don't yockme wnflel he mmslydeniugua"r if he-heard hlimi - usoe o.rnudohn asihint on, ts 5in-SUM'lIcot teh. i~'fth fali.r.fMaW aklixm jp#=rosla hi.sy soi Li 70s adywlstb la le mwa no, bayos 'woac.aol ltiliyosl hlxmo oui, at Myvwl é isH . couu., 1'Iour wifon y.. des<radel oname 'But, b.utla my humbauél' ezclmed Mise,ý JoinIle ta imfl AOVI,5C15.trtuabuhat. 'You n h. dtdlfnos hogm l~s~pre 6.qfwbudsv Iotiwandti I odth fe dame miter &Il' eauttyimaIneths t heierlri tti. 'TatFairfazt Why, 1 thoiftbth. va& 'eerhtiffl *ho hm' becs mu,"ue4for cflatte e ~Y, 0éh.does fDot look more myor Litan three yoan'than aix or seven anMd tweney. 1teu hla 'Sh. laticommonlly prètty,' returnedtlt. a..C., mnil I bave bien wondertnawho ber ynnnfg ladyenAzlng eAt her wlth a&N ber eyeu. Wvaà althe eveni.g.WI1I yoi intraduce 'ur Piple bhsae i iime Whiomhe Wae, mer Irnl ddnobnov. h. equtt.u.btle 'Ibelleve ta i1#4Ouzr dar e Aicermald of thseevsalag. OM't yotsthina , Sir.5h fegnalel, stlfy. Il atwayoagree wifl a lady, eogeuflly 'Y4_ thioli »o,' éhe replied, rlixgWit. wheo Itlei.aquÏestion off tasSe, w*um èe«a. aiud-ladferee'. mi granver. 'Shail we taiséanother tism aving prefented iber bats r e h or tie 1 t- 10h1r ber. bsud.,4 ea &"g eh.; 'o eont hulaii s eabhui* awtfe,' ;elac le.;u. top- two stel;e-and, tbey wattlo hi..prtneeVa mental observation au. itostetiloff. ýth7 ncé )rflie d e tUVs. 'low Wel that. couple waltz, vasre. Llihr l tberlVegirl la whitef r sa manreti b>moretais one. Théy am thre iîusln that haiftbolerom wt-re aillg ben daife.erg la the rouan,' Ôbserved .a mm '.ehother. Alle.' l-forailest oItaifng ,a, ho conrtdered hirasei aàooti Judge andi soci uneAme os emnx off pertn«m vaioty ass$ditbeftoo'peiforrner. 1 l)oggng for daucea 51e litcuti rite .Theïr @top maited eractly, andi they 011CWt heaila of ail iii. Young men and il lIinig tier ln ant i t ansong the biump1rnf revalVlnÀ4 brmqof ier h sownm uawthbevoirtlng cr'owd, Wtit a Ccornbtnstion Of eaM aMd Of m e f gracethetiutildhsrmn.ILtudgwsf Suppr we.o'veatmndtbloaccm.Lond on aff s tand Mhlta %MId teeti; mdtnq a orwie.ScRetet and i!wbua Alas bit is ami rrnly enctct hiorpanrer lié tetIo tWr pIetao ne ing hec waust, andti heY pin ged intu the at uhich h e stranasr to ail the %lady vorté,x, she wae perfectly confident gtlt*oat. . A fat, vd-farmedmaist Who watthat, se gooci wm lu *oteng, so qutck hbts voraeiîtly goibi»down iobaforaail, 5ye, awl 50 perfect Ile s tep, that nisâ atter rweira oi iIghbor. Wh"at trase'or peondc ot couples weis IC&Pltwlboleaptal up, s toms hêwotid ment wltbno coltiiona. Vven,' rled a i ore'ooln»ugyoltth,wlth Sh. counfot reptratuap«wdonable feeliln% 1 trnlufng cdr&wt'gaod ftocir, lots uftiieof« pride â. uhe 'uaw glanceafiSi %launce r x'r0 levelleti st herseif ant iheur htrabad with &AtI. aâded àa thirit, hetpighimu.fetftn afisalehe prv t wassometline lion, '1lit htiter-no onethat cornetwlth- tbfoue Steepahire awttety re-atlxeti the fact in)11: Iher ifioff otreot off Litat girl la white, thar 'Wairfax wes dancing 'sitl» hin wife.' IAdî Priterx.' Itvax: Who Ilefthe procty girl dancing 'QnitLe uwr".' viti. von ,'mvtuu'wed Liebor- vth rPpârfa.l'oI'W'ho 1t4 Lite litmmr Lady on lanc1i tone (if e.rp pprovut. Fairfax hm »gnîholdl' But wlrttn chey had 'Could flot Xvet a d4s"c, thotîgh,' nid. tali the !dès lato their mini Lhey were amOtlbe r"<Arsm mec. csbtoutaned. 'Whege was the devorcae? 'Tnt'pleàdeet tshiartor Yomn or*Whocs *a* the 'enragc'd htushandt Above ont, witýli'sa flr' a m mumbllnû 8, ail, 'sigeeva. te Idiot Who lâatipromoted ri nk.md.e.wlipt lto, aL iih hutuch a- scdaIThe FairfAxes wereon the t. quilte 1ton inîveiy, aher hm. ut nranchniy very best- off terni& 1 They were the hand. exprossion, whim, lier face la lu rppoqe. 1 sonmn couple ln the mnoni;;t bey were de- amunm a, mors clat t')yl. WI thin k Miss voetot i ad other.' Such were the wis. Gordon le morerking, nbutflot mo strictly O*m5 Ltat tloated airondi ;and Al ice wào ce- Ocsfty.-- habilttied a. quliekly as lierfrtendt culc Il :ît .k su ou ,' mild a*«lier lady, '111%n<dextre, artelplaced by public opinion on thre Gna'don Nylu y hsty.' LI.th e erytop tonnid otthe social laelder. ,yoîî am re er oherladlee,'rud* -Alicer kusew perectly thas ber huab)anti ed ele mt.fot aovql m1 o neioft tue mn, lie daneed vitb. lier, with an objerf In tLemen wll diputâe h wlth isu-ve arevie. aeSfite t: f tae if sa8,amon d ecidoci aM mvorn aeimirpm of Lady Fairfaar. 5h.' dty clacW.Not for as Instant d<t it*i like&' prinefl-,&a try price% Lest noiria-MIger round lher'95sst-nos fora dink i er humih,' @Mattnn a magum of se-ond 4 it harrdnpr"s4s e . ahefiE champamne euEi the L . l ro thee ti.bee the moereat streuigr h côirld fot have wird, havInq s'3wt upped 'nos ýwl#ely, -truatd her wlth more dtstaot oeremnoni'. l'lit rm<>watt;' 81e pausedt tebbreatlifora, few fmoconets ReigInaltimeh l iiguued, van tffi ro ant hey camerLu tÔ s-tandstlll ju*t opposite thlb Il . 0 byaeail h ie o UW@nr Wanta a large mirror, whlcti facuti thons, it -tii.' eteman of as toeus'inheputlir. aecouethe i'Dm. She loeiover, andé 'Ntuversmiceusetene or ohw gy r, o »W Wlltlghoiil lat white faninglier. lie ehlnglit, mashi. ,'Lmnaoeh-r ate fmaltha&latge teather fan; mid te also âIme a&fier rime. reted a very god otioking hitisar, clad ' whait, Mn it I o bair thens: ths.nlg iin a&H thre pomp a" ipancoly of lii .prote. loti wtffe.'Ah« iwhtupemst 'lyouuMouId ausi sof. , lai t ark it ble old, laced. tiî:airm itpandrprtiis .hm , ÏjýG*Mabakbeceme hlm ell. dewasîeaing aigalnet. thj nirtr tharidlke. '.aie ~~ tihe wallwatcLnl he rowd Wit4 itu.Mir '?àort 1shIeii istusrb thetroqlanl oo spieme imdl ià aa.deciutedly mtIsoeerluily,' h. emue& .'BAutfyou .baffldezpruaios utofcountenauce. 'Who have, JUIt.ilauihoilwe 'Witt atijotun. lThe VronId tilaistirai v e werehuabaut ntiMd liet 41Mhes oommeneeed, a"tiyosr Part- vifef' thtight Aliesmassbe glan"gE!once' der lt Msrs te fe esi.Mb - aalug e' moiaesait MM couple acrou e . orn-4 ho Aut mmmy os a t at ie bme oie hudêAmTel will ma"reone more effort;to- nalE!: 'Iti If r ha.ge an opportîtty. Te wiil b. i'Who lot the yortiunmaefèlow with the MYuIytstattemot at, mWlrngfrienésIf XUfati V. . elthese.ôwl: ni 1 ait ufow'sver.' 'Walkltinio dit M 'switlrthé ligrl Whou the dooconcîud îSic PAnalti In Irr ir ansveva, utquluêM4s, Wh.o het d itt rr 1hrug e mo t len ehvaealrpacemtiwm crit1eally oo artheweluoffmttlît.nduleouthse Tom, ftiesanie' eotbo-wo tllrtetioa, but th. maie or ..(h, ehàrala trr'senftmtoat tir ancer. kept on moving down. the greet pev table.>comridec their goeal apearmé ta be the Ilaliwvsevortihieltbrty ;nlem, o Mdn any couple. weOe ueo0=mWb> wh n h e wan t se o o s. t lth o ni ff b. luion'Io n let s . tt un4v S TRERRIES i ,STRAVBgÀERRIES! I hve . mugeatswitk local growers- and p.~ wiesfrt"i apya 5s000n te b. tuRnb b eun aissn yoeW ede» .aly MdL onMay irely ipon getti.ug frst-dss fruit at the. LOWZLST ]KARRa PRICESO HENRY je KEIC0HLEY, zmmT, L=iNDBÂY. yoiir partemf are lttew'alIy tearnd esc i iiÉ-charcf Sy1rester. other ta pieces in the bail room, and i tmem' _________________________ youwi~h orbloodehed yoti b.d better be atT- il". reatoly ierioue!' offertng bis arm. "'louihavve inen ivaiting~for thesme S LE T Ch, GeOffeyl Geoffrey! If you had MIl coure fleetainutes later! P.egl"ad drnppe Alite'@ baud Iike the traditlonal live coal, maa Alie hrank ba.ck i rito her corner of the sola. at the drst sounc1 of er' cousan'.l u e c l a a h n o t, rtsini.cad lolcnwat hl* proirram. 'Yon I Du,, N . wIll taii u Alice back to the bail roonu, r sua.p-D AY O T pose, tiient' he obierved., with extmaordtn- ary comnand of is eanotntenance; and turninz away, he mauntered off, obtenslhly The bal! waft aven, people were leavfflg R Y V S E ,P O R 1E in crowd-the Fairfaxers antong the flrnt Gtit eoffrey îrom hîi corner ofri AU&ACTOE R(MF the carrta.ge, 'T amn praud of yan; you toek the ahine.ont ot thein a.1 tn.night. Now r tani belleve ln the oaid duke* infatuation., 'Wht nke akedneaFera,.irsÀDo wers,$ulkyffayiRarkas ot St. Renn, oid enocah ta b. ber gruot. granri4thr,.feil madly in love wlth my-lft-SigePlo.",GiyPo>, eHàeeC trtè'. tè tie conggin when ,.he wâa& a Nice, and pie- poggedinl due formi' Cettteri., Root Catterey, Gr.'lu C#r&4ter.. Stem,,tFuià 'G;entfr) ey, utet; 71ar £am aly very Pr o its scal , ouh you would Dlot I111 be a (ltihel.. D ot hiii propoamikept 1I111 i'l'îh tt'iit mmgtefasnily archivee to rhis dy!' >1, iiilU(1( 6(;eoiTrey! orgly rit en seepy i qwould box1 your n,*lre m ewhie permit me to re. Lom-,deece=dng fr-om a.(laute t a bar- rit am deeply itojurredi man. Ouiy r for your nonsense 1 miglit have been.quot. M I CMM E A O R O ln'Xy coui, the duchesi.' Toa.woulcl bave madeauckà a weetl1ittle nurse. 1Idam- e. A »<t&ek I .fao > ae.î'ysiî iepip =y yowould have been epaoz.te-----the daotfellow by tht. time, weeawihfee41l ocomoivesand Stationat(ry Bollè'i. Iipiint *lr jour- heertlei%* colduct, hhart benhurr 'oiw looltali ot you fot to bave amcepueiT ECH.JPO him, :Ulei' pt tin Mary, with I1«y inter-1 (-TO Big CONTTNUED.I____ INUIE DRILL AND BROADAT SEEDE To Cq'oastu iSWs.t. IREW SPUIMO CM11 "~w wamu m& 1 bu# a"iUEi ai" or Famill.es ae lvteI go lupso Mr mous Aym aCoteOur atore wiflro *Yeu. mmS 1 MU IENL qo taiNsto"hO Ois. oppoutpCaai#bCrî pom Ume. nom. Pwrt.geaiiIe.A drecmot hm- 'mn oelh.a~ elsa rut~ 19 miG OWKCLCl"mta.Me la n b* aa*-m .Yarimem »wantittj tie>'Seetters repa iren i looeuf d, 'i to brhtg ythem E fît tonce. We eau relu y thile ed ,eitli ueop »teel aliyow, eau get thei# home twitk yo #1 heflie #0 er ivn aal jonr oW i m. Rie SqYLVESTE-FR mO.lore. - 11E "81uCER"SEWINC -MACHINE§ B UYth&e (GE6NUINE SINGER T.hist~ ld lipii pi.r mrchine 1Ia ail uther -Zewinè; M.uviîi1eý lui o%èr It iz Simple. Stronz and Durable, .&ny child can rmn it.:ntd ruii&lt. late imiproi-eiientâ and iis otféred u eas tr aiofpapinent. .stthw . en or JE ~\moathy pu'mm et $m 3U ar«Montt nii PrAdMfer. cS a Ubermi4taoeun:for C0h, lut .igPwm»aaWM and it t toi Kmq. &Iusr, ma eulne Our su" 3088 me Our Pnom bmO mwg = *1se.WIf Sb.r.INangorforLbul»aYQ90=4Y of Victoria and N19 Ot 1- Jnhii A »dasnnE - hUilER TI K/NoI lailIfsdetaila caretufir icarried out h . aii.Caiketsanad Bù 'aw à .sreaidI ù notice. a1W-Gan a.mi. ut~oUm A'~' »EsvmpTIo1~3 UT ri~~ OIUamotalJobPr~i TEE aN~ÂDLN~'m»MRUCUT AT ÀR mTXLPPJNTING NiOoSSR ,Tr- th r Cl t r. Mor ed' 11 un tint thr. kifl Sun Val ca but gabe ý Imm" K mi CMI: S1ra~berrIes, STAWBERRIES aumom -1ýz 1 !

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