.4.t V(Yt~U~~ XXIVWU(YLK2i(>t 219f LIDGAY, NT., JIDÂT, A3UÀEY19,18830,EM,$.0 NÂVKE Rrn*e»i Spos. ----- - ~=~- ~ I I ELWGIN WA1'ONE8' WALTNAM AIES W4A'ttV /;/V W7(W N.' i 1,1 tore /4t 'iJ/t. w/f C /f' /h/ ~ l.Ifî t'o k *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~oé "Xyt .yt UA'(/ ,mu $t~i 1/ /rv~'tIP /rP~ i 1tas p$ k ~ ~Q «#*t4/Ia#i/ rué 1 hU5iWahmfS 114 04PUmg se as 01 WA-edRIfM. PtcA. 'dBIOYO f *Oaf w & ftaWl ou iemfhB1 " pft*tl:t flousmu'wma suAs l mUs i hassikeUS ls*Ow m sbu dli loai uI4efl~ o uul.-"w osacp r.ts.m*k w».Seki' asba lseua AIu..w.Sh.'(5i. g<fis'.iisnml depaiumeul..........~A1i S 5 s' <isl i~,4îtRe umytos P5.Mli ~3 u#>N15, nuua 45 As~I~ Mol, liS S 4<0 114hOOIOt pvaptkI4 *Ipus< 1555 fl-<~ 75.801% PICclrêesc ...... ..... I MOI. G, N'a KEEVE~ eMeti f fl i 4$1'f'1 f mot 4 e c . M Msl, 6 Su 000IeIMrt ee*, f Iefi HARDWARE MI~.l A oit41< N.U 4 wr.',' E m 4u lNS1 hm MOUR iimttwbaa more "06lsas19 amo ",PStOSi a giei n14w euga*$ilaw, OWI ale lssewtht b go* unl»0u » faites seWbMI.r 1 antMW# 1" Ahlduuslfe oaut4 ue lvnueewssns oua -lss 31upuM Lmmtias sscx cetd, wte leIh sl etDseusbr.1011 so bs'aU uas .s..ily....... asca auîilpstd. as tsai e ti setis W. bmw bdi, M Dspoa$bat5# 10% O06%. .t.p$71l&rS.« .r.laI**Iut l co ntierof1t&eea T14 lb vov e u l»btssa theau euly at tmtw*4tiilWo bave al» e x' » ta r é leléiti t w ltnp*iecab toitJrAs hec M"b. Vfwirnbs, pa-fe yen* and lise UMM flA ~t go ay and do Mpur a )MW ooýbut wbu on Yeu w l etutil. reasv* lt. Iued.l ami" et a#s b ttsau. mbsMabs eha l. i adlitMw. shiRt b. hat Ms4aywhucuA"f the c. t. M bol fsu heku*beayttuget Imb.ame,% ltuuuu uwub.v et reporta ldiéeb dd ws be sm. et I tgmIîo. Our trot'gu.w.us ebitlihl* ebIs ht&b.tb ITuîless. 0al Iul i sic . baulw, ad*" u vb lwuas la ,%pub .IaItou-a isphM. Iotl.dislis ibte bor04 tucbal itb.weu$seUha wM ori m luelu au* OM>.vt8 à=,M...M~ dlo & MW tr5W t W I5 d" TL (9M ML& <vua Ca 00W4Os. Ee,-A aiset e d u obwes sh - hiUUMOMmeis cie a TEE MW Koe VUBAOR, am.is t le JOUIW AU. Wbmmm Ihi Oso t ilM to ob*4 la My meob grieon-. f ~ tb I hIencth ytmm 'te ana wd er MW.s 1 pasi mm mieleause.fl ~.n ais4s Mt Ibfmtuh pl m setr MNi i.choe a in aive t guin mosu aia ueguhile isj tam b. r 1 bavénesms9d0have bmenm vmsh tmit *&#wie on t Oe1*kée oui mua Ibaec ssii, a *hm lia ir'. oelisg et tseube mcis il br Opa Jaunarjebunil.-*l. DI.?uuw.- &a* "m PTW ToS'OVi Tise «W ocouune miaSse eoshaill o uomy kmtsicoue Ws ecok, te mai. the *@@» w .idarauiltOmo ululala tais. ~ O hiessi e offie, veiu :Maya ma04 sud Ceuse. CsbhCoiamelp, li., (laismsu incair., Cahm Msd CuadoiL SMajor WA'u.wu caus&Wtiec-Meeting te at« m aa usua u d biSet peech x. OMMssia bflep tisailb.umua tthe oel - couli hob eeulastil by au sruuttdeir. fahtut«e the despua h et bustuse.MaUti"Sa * aise et leu colai privait iumonW4 tihesmoersv. On mtione e ueDao misconli cet nt tu Ocmumittho tise viseDmp.- rf»e u etÀmasula tise chul t etsrike lho mubdiug emmuiSefMr tbo. carrent peur. At raut inservai the commuiltes usas sud &h bcatumun uspeulsichaitishe folocbn draft fe smumittees huaiissea =ee tteeilo 0166 a Amuslisfinira (ostu et le omwcl iclai tla Che nesusMOLmmusa sud Cui.Wsme,C>tr sud Wint4rs . 4rerI. uai"dgue-..resbg chaluman; sud Ceo"%.C $IdL .Weee, COsUon>1. CaltIil I4 rahua sd Winters. 1Tw» I'rnvity wtp u.5arkel. - Cou. Wla.m. ebitumanisMd Couse.SWuIsir, W--- babruujse Caisi«. and lDep. rire sdwo U.-.c.muNeeln eharmas; suaiCann. WltinSnlar Graisa "sd Cenuslp. là" Conne.siclir, CdmoeaIy.CamiI n LJsp..reees MoLonsuis. Imry u e uWh 1" ùsvaorors o itosi, uni pist. ont *0s g~sidonger la coussutthe abouiNtudbba s a i à t ebleis ee earvld, iiaea la e mhie mtairexndshl iemIl ticl cobe d eh » upib as th" th ffl le l. boa vieuna *et -.mii wbUs asot botec69Otio li *- mm» Io p us.kwk Th* avueil o ~Ii -PTl wMMu7 AXaCtuOOL ?Uqmm*-Pa Om 1.5 FI&V o-m53 10wm VIe MMm WS t Tii. eaumilt tomesisla liae Veubn et Ileaco, Dsp,.rs.weeMeLuamma mai gi, sud Ceuse.Woee,,Sincai, CelI, tQo. mevmu tlcons---. Us ecma"wis oneuuaet se #;=rai etthechi ondla sa »lac,# Mr.ntSlemuksmabyb» ceu~uax~ait ~ Iai.s.umqw mmwcas - Tic àrs rouiRai meeting ert taumipesa turmeruu'club vasbei lu lathe leaaban Lt Oakrseai us% Frldaj laut atter th. actur titral scety badi"faabueoiasse. Tic arangeuen toemes aller th.egrhias' socliy esmeai a delsy et a couple et heurs, su eoieneai tisproeedluas.Tbae w ca, hocever, a fair attendane. and keen Int*r eAl cas manlfesteaila themsubJimeudeor db«Isc male ani l. iss epuSomLSn excellent Md Ipmaticutremaria van maie, &bd I lt clear tiat cien the Ice la suce bot. enmmn Tary lnt.estlng Interciaffgos ef 00inion oiseplac e, creiila due go Mu. John Campbell, jr., for the cretul' Mdi able raaiks b. maie on ta aubjet- sas tu chlci h.olbsa givemach attention a" la ceacuan cii cWhié ho base- quirea airdj suexcellent reputati. Jar. &S.v Muuwuuu. orULi italu, Im lb. chair as preshin sd la a tee b«M remarks Istrodueil tae subject. For Niuisi hhuai ant mach eporceuaim In bail nes kcptsu accoaIet tae et et Mffls.hdlag. Il cus acesai, la Mari- Pm esaa Mlan-food cattle ebeber lu palai or met W. ha!ugoraies sd luttes -catis fo fis Dominion, muaiIf tic lawmas iinet: oIt ch. oald t Wemsp n«t asgreet demai fproiuitoffitiemnt Iusd1; but a turnerhbas ougi fooi sud a surplus et stock esVerTypeau sad tic best vaY us dis- pose et eur stock va»tetuUt lieu., W. met gise reste, tien ce gtithe samure, sud tics. cous lu as profit as celi as hj ais uscatIf y«eu eu erectos e*My intedaMd theaesi of labeur Il coss u euertblng vsmieont etic ,5.s.W. bave tu ferddur surplus estsuai by Min- hsdlng oui sockwce euli ge he bsstàm us. li.belleusi la mras ngtaripa. me. iai bontold ho.vmtbeflura mum la the wscushp lgovaMW inalpe la quamntltle., Mdh. bail touait -turalps dosa tic tund sud eia Il t lilmieu, tee. batt haaemmeu-hlloacl ag. U ugt diu queslsu heben em cas a Verjgosi o»e ani ot m aitosm d Importaunce, tu fumer e u Il.cium e seusilarm- cms presilegive thoir .«portance. NiM. S. Wàsusuomu id tae qaesmthr dboler J# Imad ordiset par 10 beid sille cas agiuestion dia ai odmey; b«l Ome ia a fam w vid iast fod uap eilla, ii seamies aujrootk% dii net Railbulalugdplnaweyto tSeil su a len «auisd m oelifu Adai rety Peor. coua ommsu& imli arouiluaMuai s mmemui i oua'.Et es a s loc sud miS ~ ~ ~ tn pUei rue el aie sd lied 0" Q ufa' l a nr but IS coulai b. d o.ttemia emn. Be belrel te odmi bbmmdr, md chou »m an lied- mam tis iilet ieCm& be ta nvemdu ~~ la t adml IuI&s au-m m a mui ta ffl 8"E ai.u~o10 9 psy hn bec cmu Iiipsy erdlaiy fam. ouao te rae itue em ,p fTic question 'y upsuthb mai am"apsvarylng clua. sta. abhmls d lfo»u mdn tinaipa griss i> Mtae blnila dean tg I i fmf fi udboter %bansumrncr- -ha ouldzi&& unevery hmbol 0f*laaipa se, Ifho ould net a mmmt ter tbom. Bu t if&il vace tg oei ymcoru asBt su a marimi for tlimla IDiOMa aIle a-boeicI, sud he tiongit [t cas nm fuir ce pu them dovLa a:Be for they ver as thk thaas teci la tic bus la prcpomq te otier pains. Tiey wu, coue%, aemry. sud fit cad- vaetsi tou" thomn. nothat lhs caille imod not reqairs ou mach caler, Hc veaki mat de citism alpo. ffvuraimbmaepce la teuma eot puise ofà& M u a~ita mmmaand [c cas egr sas tb. lime bad been tes short te exiaust tue salieci. chici cas ore et peuat Importance. Iitfi sheuld b. taies up aitahese=wmting ta b. heM m tic sans pje. on th. second Tuescday la Yjoraar this ltba ico la lhe ateruesa, he thopedibhue wclibo a fl atten- doue. Pumera n am encodUiy1 Welgt ht vestalici........... . I membeus. Musarousreports tien ta Welit vIsma mo.............. s 1h. Ssii ai.......................... . a Itownship metlonsvoue ise sabaitteai. .......................o U Psu Memot Ieme rports vers adaped. ..................................ourSATOS Tve~~~~~~~~ 21ymodsrIssu 5gle. ecomrnunielo c arlon the iTed 8 4uua1% 2laa,25 haibue uipsai s.UiU lade o<,of a5il fakuaugthc Seuti as is.usisu ban.............i t VIcoi I mmaate a gentlema Ha sudi cmt terni....... ..........0 n reprus"t"1"rsfor Ctkidistrict la tae :Ornmo let lie sochiy et agriculture said Sm1 for ........................ psmie Causuale, Pelertsouoc% vas vrni, msking cou ............................. 80à ta U5- Citte suportils re-eectimas 14 ............. ............. ose oneu ty i utm&eLA laoioni Mr. W. PàZiaNsoUaib.bai obuaeropammeai emimagCOL Dueuas r"Pa»- tise prspMuty of th mng comwumaiy A -e ca rei heM. sud bai"eem toeuertainuolns hem IL Caill,mssretu7 f et icCcatrmiExili. eWrtveasons, uid cm m liat tae ms014on, aff ln tisoeim vte appeIILla .. vie stall-fesi sed tu%" dout mmd ctis galte metngte e h bala iMlbot esch pua rslite mma hs prspereai la m tle Tth Phlumy »'ma, uhieSmu tic mmcusuwuhr; sd tis cua waYltouullc i Mb.e cmmiiered. the sdvlsadalty igo ftuleras agnruiet-i Oât et cca"uizg us Ctai Faim, or cietuet wodMtison a<aegUm hm a mum isfatcry hast. bh ltro b. puoduéeibocan. lieue voe se umamydec t laa u rusidt m uuum caile thel M.mTUff 01P oummm e2urno e t h teaidor ita its e. T" i. ai.m .et OeUa#te Nue ma ceuni esul. Ton OeM aimfIgur hoet ha orn ae p ui eiaati. wal se t" ouclim aiMe aochbg or peidi'CàL feD e tie humer, andl la aetbu ay thi os e6a '~' u.I.Sculiy, fluilies. coulaimmenroy Serge. Frment b.d t i teb' àiammsatboa. ft caila t teepli am, suMd hi cm 'er ie cJ bp aoshutis and suiguulyl oeudirect profiwe» ic so OWsusmn as eRn u ialret pofl.Mr. Parbis- ___z . iiei Uk4Qie. Mulpma itt pisaieullru~wsnilcisli . S U n". , mr-WR&, Bobos, Vu. h. taèi lutaent lla teudlag m m -,W ;.~n Ve;£"J. .LMdW lngtt caleU bai boucha 3-ire. ni raVumep .Xdsemm Memn J. at m bdi trm 110 teiMi &Y~sisali ai KuoeimWlsu d ]em%=.cn ppil an, gvna rof O If 16di mt audbo.., ami Mr.a. KdFA"cas rsp. te t «A oam haia a'm M e" POaMm uaay~ W* oiseutae cSulai d iipar thmm hem cho blnt tmte aài bei b 5 theE&SU&5t unlau ive mi * agIor fosp er te gs acow aNuietteasaiu US? B sili li set u ~c uni ett Insuen ett lb. sscis. E pU. ieouse.>ciWb a asmis et r" -idurlteImutet - - 0 t acs bp eeriMatci haito le t 5jrmset, ua a th e xmuometn .midMtien la Laui. aiet 40a., amuàcime aag perbumi b lb e. j qmem ulmmib. àlm qey. Til ana ve coemw-hsadttnn sM u.,i bMdi1bl "als et lnur, sa ei b" se ray stbu Immsibcsp mumvey M . te amuuet *e-- en- wu& ,cMoScemqgtUabu tUs S bur,1lh t frudc= ertu the Itac». lubie for ms' ui 1hlpmm cfa' a lb. Mdpe asaimer geail B Sa a acoohfp leai nmahble oa. r ue Prefflt ue te ps lasu agin se flpc o casr.Theosm ail, as jet, as de. Diit.eosuenmt ramaNser kdi M a te chat ssttuuc. tbev colaiexpeet, but a propestlon.colai h.made aiment ai sas.. fi caM 'w nccuay te sel m- modlasly aat t b t ip Masoulai ulve desrt.Tepmeuuet pipa. casnMr hein g misa. wtuta vIe of lYon aevlw ng au mertrom Neidier a Suit.. actisu eabouli b. gakes ut suce, as lwcolai 1mb.mmntlineto el;sla the .Mtuhlng *roug wcliii lb. or ltou ime the pompe comhm, sa. tinsUmethere eau pve. Ruere Daacow ealno b ttnn made by Ceci. Brady u anedithat alhUm aua eletcatr la imriver cas *0e grne canMe et a hiareof ld. oteun. Tht siee *& te heela whtch sapplled jsr to te ny.We asi av aum. iery" 'r' chut vas te b. donc shoutai bodone tose. H we -could Or. ?'Ir* At M»nereasonabi. ausmement Wit =s contratom, ce coulai have st"mpocer as euservice chta ave ceci. hi -w» aOU a question of doUersansd cents. The. capital luveateainlu omamrcianter- esi.muet bcproteet@ad. Emre D esenon tsuded tuatus' cateuceuku bai svea tros eatrclona laru amount et pro. pVety and bsi leumeseaithe ratseoftlueur. &e. poc propcriy a grusadm]. Aller sm ut a er dlamaslou h vasde. cidmi ta hav, su anaver htheb.conate. tou sas sou s -pfltbI sud *ponualhe propomelîlea tecal hecounulito$eibcrasd APPOI1TrUMT OF NMNCIPAL ovvcumn. NOof tmotion cas gives th" ut lb. nez:g meeting ahy-taw coulai b. lntroduced appelting tie mniucipatl eflicera for tic 7S58. Tua DMS TA%. OUCo» owaoLv gavenetcesor etons à"s At ibm seil meeting e ort"bmcoscil he cmld latroduce a bp-tac te lawait doge chablathe 10cm bouadarlos. aRn.us or ounia lieu. sdecîdeai by tie couili tbat lbe clerk abol bave priaai for tbm nue ot the eunel M5copies t e , vles et eder. DUarMYO CEÀM*UTY. Cou». Cfn.IL made application, ou be- hit nt an ndigent per"on living lu thc sasticari, for morne aa.altmSnce bgrant. ai by es con nel. Ths request breugbt uP Use vister of eieslty dt.bumeats la geneval, sud aller sous coooderatlos i cas ds*tded te placeaut U ibmslpSoal et tic mayor tse m et $M 0for charitablepar. pomme, e b.oassi oly ta e«treme or per. emploi, acass cher. asolaîSuceas b"dl needed ai ose. Tic cîerk cas Intrueea toopienansuaccouai la bis books sud keep a record eOf Mi diebwrmeta 'made lion tht. fond. Tihe conseil tics edjourmeai. M.A a OSGA PARNEzRS'CLUB Yim .70TO oCATGEON. BIS lonbdhp leN iGalway ou Satuvdaz &ua vasmmu aBobesygeon- by ies ole chs m uiuess le Englisi van ruai by I&. I.CLis sudose lu French by Mu. the ceuni mai eoaflie»d ceire poussa lu Ibis para. Th. musical services wers conduceai bp Uts. Svait aid M. C. IL SOtecaritlI leme . LThe vieil. cas la evety reqpffl mcmi grafyin sud un ce mufa.__ -A Mad accidont ocerre ai Tietsmml Orlla& etia quarter te ix o'eioot Wedmee "aY euenim& A mmM"d Aiuc md Wie bod béeu ckng le lis mm p7r &ing the day, baignpe lat-e is nsd ecvlmp arisai te stop ora s M utti e couru tem u@"_ abanai Mdlasa moment Un Ib.t can al e he senglue SeU bu nbidI. cs etimet. liecas bMt jeaneteo sud verjmachreepoM& .Bu î»malua eiie Se uinm boHUW% hIbm et lmpoe*atme ch &ummr have to consider ut lsB. OM ti»., humus. upS Ik very Iawusy de surîi» fu ursceuM. h tmay rast be mvto auscer the question, "Dos seaii-eel auàL Ibux fIlaaed, comit bu Made th M,9 oulib onkt ace, memi cm ithout sa hat tt l.ze fla 11,1, gumehow Poit a .beomtngg.u- eral, may bc mua U uth urem i aumber et caW ieuee&. Ten, yra uo Il would be utetgmp osebe1r & deier to buy a cuboai et ua*ed ati. Mr o ime téla th. township. Làm yerone damler ehlp- Wbaerry & Liudarlca ytheWMftI* aumer ailuel Su ae thereamidoubta mto.chetherthere la auj profit in th. bu*l ame ftmr allsudthst wit thbe mustus wcosWefa.ed. Therea«%ro egt te Mo soures et profit l is " 1Unset hum- in& th"t la te eay, beet uni manre. The directa ,.ft (If agy> fum the .lacree value eta»animal l oa efla e.eiy afftr- e' at by m-a u ssa c kou he value wbma tfle = kea aaccomusorail the food consur.d , snd then subtracta th. cosfrorn the prie. chici the fattenei animal bel.ea. Tho. valus et manre la ast as eaily qmo t se moore ma t"k.hm formeanarbelon exhauftda Wh" ,wealigto do to reto.dUmm léait by bsnatlu n tessi etaIl, or auavY au, Our = car atter peau, aad ustat t i nthe mraw and lmeesais by cattie lad nothing but stractî Would we ex tOntusrate standbadcrh on mrav miosaeandi how thmu. ea os- peu ourarmto ive crops luhmu Crs nnI belleve caueut t»e- store fcrtlifty lat. tetu asmach sasce pmMsbly cofoetsuprodmei, Sch ae, reo oasgis, etc., te coiule lual ta hotin ce oma hae itw anda gosa MIIUeS te fttaur farms ciii. mhela no doubi but many wh. lato cate do s wiha direct boa, suad chy 1 la the. fret place smre wcli taL aid com. mon-brsd cocu thuz beeousmilked aeariytedat or a po cý lama of misera, liait mYtar &fo acouple et wdatera, madI therebv sateted, nobdm ai ires years eoh aet icelve moaths. Others cl put ap a good clam et catile, and lied. sav chaté sd ros, cii aso meai untloser the Uis they caat ta oeIL A"a criersAfaglae bavlg a isla liidepsi ltogeihor on OMealsud haylaiton hem. Nov I1 think the proper cay for us tie look apon lb!. busiuess la to consider' our byres as lac-, -torles.,sur tatt.lug ctn".asmachines, the feed as tie tac maisimil ob. couvert- cd laio bect sud manure. Nov cll, sur manufacturrho vats tecomhlets la the marketos uccnaftniy,Mugzupold vou eut machines, or tusas oldâhioued eues sut of date wnuny ean M o place la hie fatstj; or aftter nation fit-elmmua-s ce, vil b. neglecite opronds bat sme !clnd of raw materili den iwo or tire. <iffersat kMode are required to prodace a Alret-daamarticle, o w at te make tht. buaiaum ot stallfeedlng puy dir.etly sud indirscily ce muat beîti ith put- tisnaou ase talleamsdai rade stocki, sud teda alvautiotfood, suci as ciiiet. thé lest epese give the greateat possible.la- creaset-celght. Ev feeding la lhi&cav carefully a»di rgaay a direct cah profit may b. coa.fdeatly lookeai for. sud uhu ta- direct profit fron tic maure la sure te fsllow. Durianthc paés: eght yeara I have faitoacaieach wdater ecitous ielve est- île, sud by keeping a strict accouat of the food eossumed I fSud liaI anua "as 8ofto 410 cmLeau b. godgrades.1 hbave ted acruba ai a 1s6% though bogt et chat semeca ovpriee. They could nt Iap sonlthi accordixig to the a ofetfood consumxe&.But anain I have tutteaued grade stemrs hich ceus alwvays WOUi caat toruLmai. ovr * cash profit. XNovaprofltot*gor$O oua sluet vorth $M wchen stellei, ud ted six monhemeas oer50 r II) etce" .petr su n the moaeyr Invsisai t hehair year. As te th. profit fron the menai, 1 calculaucai inlatis ap. Wius 1 began turming ounrny owa accouai elgit ymnr ago eur feai vas graty exiasted, m il had beauaalwe heay nncrppd.Large samunerfalioca van emadieaci yeurr i&-iA baravard nanan applie&d, d eili vrerb rsrl7Yet cropa ben efuit, asmre Ury th"p ce be very short sud I%~t,os l Ii becams necessary te have tmre change. Tien readinei agricuktarsi par1 h leacai "aiucees suera bai ia .improving the condition orthtiirtu, by fetteulng caiule, aud btter teedingo btsck gsuiy, so 1determlasd to give kt a tist suKlb resa ait iai h. fim la aecii(1 bsllce>e a touuth mare than elgtit pran ases.Tiat la thc mm amount of labour cliiproduce & fourth more crop. amualy m&Ula duc tte h Ipoeaiquai Ity ormenrar ent anaoc hoougilysai- Mcfid liat Msialifflapqssnd maa eU sud 1 tiiuk ibai forum te atempt toemvr ou huuria cibout feedtag a coàsalicble qansip 0of grain club roesa,. maid etb fe&aioulai h. sue te resait la a là»a. It migit nov h. Possible ta moie as mch oui of the farim for a fev 7emrs cllbs feedana, but îh vould h. aituthexpz=or ibm ssii, sud It t. mach emefer te ksep ibm ssii lu gosa od itIo taste veston ht cien exiaed. I ii ivle atmv figure. DOMT Ior ARCLU BAL DOc LIAZi~LB5Lum opaus' AmoTasuzsEPE The annueil garniri meeting of the South VWctora AwMWcaurl Society cas helai on Woancsiay ae asa, a inte lova hail, LUiaay. ,Tiers cas a fuir atteudance-et M*bem, huclailn Col. Deacon andl Men&s. UQuade, CSmally, McBurne., KigihtCeirut Beaii, Scully, Dix, Berry mad Kefih. Mr. A. UcéQuade was piaced i ln lie cimir, and tic walaules o e le [stc autorai meeting vers ruai sud approveai. c 'lie Pueslaigns report cas rosi sud ad.c opted. The Troames report cas aise msa sudi commmetaioundihregard la lie amotunts expaeuda für Central and la- mi exhibition purposes. Ties reports arec prtntea bec : Your diroctosbues- me mirespeudduliy to report tual ths aumbur et mebers ofyour moclmy laidU. Tour direciors heldtwvaexhbtions during = hetrU .Tiec-s8- 1 cxhllltm ce. a de- *e mbe etadmlimmet he gagei visia&s Tic exhitea et herme mé aib. as in thc * Mn£ iretoMvormUefactory.r bu.n.=cas mit la th. opinion ut yen drocc. quit. equel te lie alauderd of a sooar em. yeam, thle atlcudsucevine-1 0anù"ed buvronement~ . Un persans hnring beau a u4 ai iet aies. IIThi. ta unie ex- mfl~ems.ra&ls our diructorst.epssu opb"tmt MepuapietM lie eouaiy bave s =bkt l inte suem of Our annuel cx- The flasacialsi inetf our sccetr cil ~ ~ Fo 15bbfu y > tI ee.-lreasurerand yen rs~ane muct pkeu ce report lIat us~~m in uel a ssfttacoy sdti Tonurikirs romaulurel I- t o u sc-1 cessmra cliurne crery -ielSa edupe.et the9 et p tb'cfre oety situalcdin lathe soulî cai= uItaca wet Landau. on lhe 1a ps soir iioni enrdieeinga zp»m e li hMariytamata li oatganri! hleir ailleDemW.tour diui cracaat meiltrtheir co ntlilael granmt tu j our ya çpeut chc as ledoljur diruetors te nmt lHabit- Meis aC=ha trm laierest ou mortqqmzs:and ftrle. telnMt. tumprises te Ihe pe eofthe cas i ladmomem nmo guaz. i nosaurercuc the ic u i ch jurpsin lien la 1882.yerdfrucma%*il liUMulvus t ibis epportunity etohr kgaiu Classes et tic communtly for limir colc- operutic lu ie gseer.L dusire te md toilhe pïeaprfty et the South Vbcerla an*rutral j -A m MS mJOuRN CONSrou.. Sem.C it as.&Premident. Te.Balane onband ...... l XMcp mers' suh cmos..us o .Admsasio t t mhbl 251 Leglsialve grau .........-d c j3lnnipml gami ..........m es Br ad su pmer boium.... S0 ic ...................... Fruoits.... ..............2000 igicblg l mmmls.... 200 cum mushuture...... 40s .....Wer ..........17 Porui 4 pVe t le te- shp musEuce....Ml0 Mbdnguspigroandmc .... -s Pai sa Énuis ...........3m-, Bands...... ------ à Peae. - .. . Delegaies te do-----. ou Diaucs------...-..... .5 .l1cU~................ti Woelg cxeonsband.......l Tic reports ccre on mionadotegL. Reporta tram tiche w»lp soceela ver. > reai, said iocedai ulareaaîe efmenis.- rshphla erermil ot thesocheties. verulmu basm 70; <Ups.101:; Marin.eo 211; Fallve tic intereai ahocu by lie lovasul tg ii franum aticir local exhibition&, VOTnCOr TBAàXs. COl Nxcox moveai a vote or thanks to M. John Couuoliy for bi* esmice"as Prosideat dtuig the. pai year.-CoraIpl- meuatary remaria vere aiesMado bv Kt A. eucQadesud M.Kighî. Tii.moilea was carried u'nanlmously. PEIZYD AT THE PR0VE SCIÀL. M. Tuos. & i t. brougit-beforo tie Meeting chut h. tbought cas a bailure os tie Pam of thi» couaty ta be properly rep- resmeni iat lie provincial shows in the matterof bruit. Inthe parilularot appler be was satisfieai hhat this section coulai take the prime tram auy part ot the pro. vine. But the soclcîy uniat make the eutcy as a socaeuy. . e' had looked aIt tc mattet, and vas fuIy satisfted that a botter varle=yand flomr asauples could b. guoca boe tiaelnewhere. goe roved that Ibis soclely have a cooestiau St the mcxl provincial fi, at Guelph. for the prise for 40 varloties ai appt.,, the ca.mpetition for wich t. nov open for sucii societies as bhis.-Tho motion céàs carried. CU3TSAL DBLEGÂTIQ. M.J. COaaollY and Col. Deacon cere samoluteai te represeut the society ai the meeting 10 b. heldla the interecits of tb. cenirai l"bi tien, at Mllbrook, an 7th February acît The mesting tien sdjourned. T104Y TOUR. 5'TSIT TO FEMMROer FALLS-VICTOiu4 ROAfl -SWÂMp LAK, GALWAY AND >BoaE. cÂYurkoz-PRUE<PÂTION 0F AD)Daxs,%. Durlng the past two ceks is hop Jamot et Peterboro haé pald hit first osE-. uial nisit ta the coagregat ions in the norti. ira pari t fthis cftnty. Ris iardship vw» accorded a Most cordial and gratifyinx rn. ception, sud- lis several cougregationa were tound te b. la a higbly aatisfactory condition edlDg le the fldelity ui the peo- ple snd the eaergy and gaod wrcàof th le ulerg in charge. ADDRESS AT P?5I5L0Oi ALL.S4 Blshop Jamot reacicd '.4enelom Fala Saturdayeenlng ceek, snd cas maet at lie station audcecorted te the churci by a large co mitee frora tic conicregation. On enterlng th. sacred, eaiice, wfiÛch was appropriately docoustef, the choir, under Mr.lallberîie's leadcrsîhip, rendered very effectiveir s sulta ile nmusical service. Wben hîk lordship camne-in front of the ilar Mr. A. A.MPuad barrister, on bebaif of the Â...aio read, tbe follow. M,&r IT PLEASE Yera Loitu.tr. -l'he lie ma- Catholiecocngregsuion oC îthe village et Yeeclan Tallsa grees yau this day aî; their telov. ed bisbap. snd cordially wecome yusrtaing them as the tirnt b"ohp af the scee of Veterbur. and embrace ths *the fret oLpsrt uitity of cou- gratulating rour. lordship upon Tour elevation ta the hieh dignity af the holy epâtcopate and misa fondly venture ta exprete the uope th"t God may long spare Tau to rule overthis diaces. nov entrusted to rour care by the Iioly iatheg the Vicar of Christ W, e a y bat. chite acting in abedience ta aur dear paistar Pathet 3leEvoy. we shall aiways, with the a.-SiaaaS af A lntighty God.eudeavourto tvbey rour.lawful commtandsa, nd render unta your lurdship thai honQi due'ta the exalted diinity ci the cpi- copatc and. although living in this remote part ot your large diotese. we humbly deciare liai aur hearts are truly sud lIuigly aueched te Uic suee afPéter. chose noble representative vau are. sud cho at con.«iderablc iscriice bhm deigned ta risit aur pabtar and us. Believe as whs e eenvtînt ce shall erer remnember tii ths fri r iait of jour lordship. sud feel <lasply g ateful to you fargour great kinduess ini cou- i amungst us et wis nclement taâsor ai be jeer. ta c eer and bleasus a n this *'valse o teams" And. iu cunclucian, cu une and ail sel of your lordship your beavenly bleeu'ng tapou us sud oui lemilies. that we me! be tus soldiers lu Christ, abedieut tu you sud oui pasor. ever attached ta the holy tuother tic cburch and her sacred leeiingan d finatly. that we may min, gocai and happ y deathà, tbe eternel rewerd aof the just.-Signef. un beltalf ct the congregation. this <311 day of Jaznuary. IM3 J. Twox£r. P. SXITH. C. J.l>u.. P. W. SI-LLIV.-tN. Mfr. A. Laliberte then tread, hu tolawing il iresin French; Xv ILo=w-For sme lime pontcor coethp piest gave us te uaderstand lIaI ce might eu- ~cta itfrm aur iordship. 6everal combe e pât inc t n.wbich lime bas ueeniedie va cry long. On Sunay est. hocever. our certhy priesl again announceai to us the gacil nMat tahUicday wcat aiest set ou chich jeu cere ta er. ront Ihac rmoment loy besima oery ka tnece.ecI antiaaYing ta the eer. -Thc long laoked for day will soon arrive u hich ce enu »sv wuhave seen our blsop." Te. We have seen the vecerable ald man corne emougst us to eccsniplish thât good and noble umius hic1 Go h«a canterred utpua hm. a"d ceeau aisé sy thal ce have reteiveil bis baediccion. Toise benedietions vii u cszier iessinre sud slvation aoonthe fiocks ovec whiiel <kilbas givra bhlm charge. Tu jas il le voocisdafe ssecond Providence. Ihat the rocs ce embe on Ibis greai day through jour inter- ceelon may b. heard favorably. We pray "e 0"eiy eylong preserr jou amsng as. sud liai chen the cark you are duuag in uur hearts is teuminared yau may receare the due revend. Bislop Jainot thankeai the people for their dutif o! and affectionale velcoe nud thit saddrese. He al»e itpartedai*isephi- copal benediculon..Onuaday bis lord-