Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 11 Nov 1881, p. 1

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limte ie? ïhp W(btllbv 1 RAIN ANI) WOOL ivion EST Coih Pl the VRRY Atm my ffltry, c'bim aw âmmwve Mil bé ksp% well lémOfffl Md *ski M th* cimut Prim. , nt0i't tbe wè-t', 9iinftni. go. 191*, olip lA iticits volt, ý8ýA'ta, A Pptv the ..fpfo -4 "f149 pfflt. on compa" Vol. XXIL Whole lainber. 1 -Id -III -1A Wlbt-Vl-- 1 )Nil N st )IN M( yrIK:O.., -eudwity Ili siotrir ki King -Geaieral Great hm lmured biel Me fer fif«IlS --moste Ose" la Dow on the qtaft et the TSoatu Woriti.. trede in apples wigh Germ»y is. bel= opened in Montretil. D[pbamit or a fatal chstracter cm- "cm te ho prevaâret in Ouàwe, and vicinity. -Ilme ban hem a @m&&Wup on the Truak bet-vient É" ' et lp(*Tà" PMAW BIr THE Pt SHER. Brorkville. âM-%eËýý , -The corPmtioe of Yorkville h» in âm e peàmd moluûou»tavonau auftXatiou «Yq ONT, FMD4t» NOVffln",MPR IL 1881. e withTormte.ý -The consiervative gain in the Eng. A 'eh Municipal la du and the illeralzain 13. 2WE Lyrffu riew. ity et fflakbu ib N» aime.. ne À rivs-MINUTE MRMO£y To ioogl.vs r-irr- -A boy aâmed xam"on h.d hi& lur hem vas hm -«w mg op » *0 boule, km thora agit out offiumitiniît on a train al Chat- -rhe Nain la q*ema!. $beau be VWMM or MM ý !Ltylmc By B&V marriati-il H.rum.] In lest Week. J à saorm ST. A-,qDj lie tétait in the lie" way. -my Une »» bath timides thevà- l'W" -w tated that the caze- thèvec, lm woodd casher --16 %m m REWs coma am Mr- PUEVIMMU la *e excum zmfmAy Made JobkW*thmw bu..It.w&y. M%'trD'utat w« detrauded ut mbmtàwm- - «b- UM bY 'lie' Star route job. Um« au is remr »W. Z= tldowitô, with Ztm=b Subjoifti la a empab 01 the me. Me. bebe *U" - A womau in Halitax and hl rchIld mm doliyma in ohikbm Sandar "lm On Il=. h UU M-bpmeradr L-wmo ý ed fier oît. me b-la burued ta -1trath thruogh Ille w«k: of the t.)màer t:atchiabc rift. Ik Umm" mase: -ýM& Seinic $lie was fair sait l ourul. xm installait y,*&" hm Me uwd te apmk but lut hm iunêçÎè. - Typhoid tevek is esminu, in the i- Bu »W thwe'i lambt thy sold cettu seller egos followeilati TIMT-IGod in WM71 -L iobm. iv.. 3. cin'ty ut "&duçLah lit., ta &àt "ritLitig lie kept ait a con@Wemble &a- Mm thau two handred Years fflo a A tinte latter. il a exteur. Great taimý& m- W.Ulw ««w léternation ipr%4il, Inum au» own î ath«d ter th.. . laffl amalber et Tffl Immed and Roffly A ri- Pallie occurred Lit tue theru c~ - toute Md thon diait am. Res saie mm»d te ho very b»Y et e y eh et Belleville laàt àt this tù». lama Md @Mist ho atmm MIE4 mont of thim. mùdçwm met in And. mràtten with ber _.ck. Nu 01,ý wL,, «B têtue mm marriarce cheér..- ed.10 1111ulsk te hier as she came out ci England M. preparle a, cambbm fer I:ntotbe4miioggave, hurt, but stioreàs were terril) y %cite.t. 1 -Wàu- L*OYni front Porti Ilupe limi Titres hm ourse bue. titillai or tétait. or wben lie selle, hm mirry- childres. They V q, Ma grent mmy 1 But am 1 tilt Off al G uelpb,)n F Thm an au $due& thon mm au rus bis Il, -nitcilt, TIR fay héest. ' log m artatui of toys into muta beek question», on dMrmt peinte ima tbS lie*4 aw". laat white attt-ilkutit4c ta bo4r-i.-t traits. soucu lm thm perfecit love a thing se aUmL BU ho tras abucL Th= waa -The duke 01 Çorfoik'. . 80 Match te Win; no mueh ta loue. Be utrepared anstreva. Oine question vrais, Of course lie let bis treaâure win- LU hild litittl: W«k le Theu carelessiy wiped air bis chi' CU-61Y biind, hilà fatitur hZ uli-n Cm MW- m tbee 1 seek.- guemed thaît, mener or lâter, the va* " Wlut la siar auctuer, *'Wbat i 0. ta Lourdtlà ta try ,uprLaLurLý mat blond in -Xau uned drive ber ao faithr &»tbeir4 "What la revrentancer- Andon hil; handkefflhieto YU CmmbUM aM 1, malle excuse.*- »ek the »htaruum of tas hh eM -là. Postal c&r4l reeent'y te 'ý-1 -1 uan produce ewth«ý Wh&t je pMy«rý Md on Md He tdew bu nulle thela rigi the Pust- illice. wa, Îo Plieurmill drir«. M? %%*Ioue. nouht It investi ont difforentiy, bovrever. cru they. went until they hall art* bon- 'fflS looked. and Then lie. turninc rm. dear -%uut deed. tbougtm au,«bl« Î; 1 Betmm,,,oatumi sud. lait hi-* heud; a "aed worthlm through my Oce squally and stormy mortilLit ho dred and serven, devrai. Among them I beani il rwir1lL-ýrý -J \..,v ma? mw lier home, the uliétier bat- Yori. pnxiutc éxvbalà,4e i,- New w* thon kt me int toutea u er W» thequestion, ..Wb" la Goë- This And «ttunblina when «he smiled ffl. --weet. _p. ber weli devra over ber Frost ander ban -'14PPed tKAh hl» filet- tu tirect a ne%,.biillting ât Ut eyes. ne let ber palus the hotel, and thOY bit te ho the bwidest question of 1 grou" etipped ont afterwartL Br-and-by else, &Il nad thel knew met what te My. He aMed. but lier ansiver icrand sound Otta%%& citv iý afritid 14 Iirý 1,.! 1, il turned uP loto the tOwD. &DICL PrumttY i The anawer mua bc short and simple, lleft him ne leg on which toeanàl. out in the coili, 1), ý!Il maille $bit" Thee out. entered a statiocieres sirop., where, chere, itr, NN, il twe" i barter-aut with shoot ,ceurse. yet saind bath learned waaspubliclibm". Xodouiit*hehad buttheyfélitGodweesochagrelacbe.ý Now us& rite time for lier In jurr. ý'J'Att, 1.r The Um CënqmMd. its mndalW Tumave a hommç lilial; il ba'h nos man- MeMY à20me ta order'some books, liq ;. lut iý" bad doue sa many wonderfui -1"d- I"ý site stille away lus lie&". workýhui-. affinity te the Digestive AnaratULIP 0& e«ribe' -itrrightel in tht dzirk.,orne hall. 1'!Ic !ir't uùd te Idu«lt, a" wowd «@ right 1 Ugum thaý they could net di earrý -919 -% tiuliir,-,l ami# ý the Liver, intreairing. the diable Ris von- fittib began tu un& ý L throubcit the.,st. Guti ..oh, book amin. him fully in two or three words, and sa affigost intitangly how Mail 1 confère gauleiter, . où continu out lie notleed the drmitflâj iýtutt# of Dy8p * eir, Pr lemr bdore writing mything chey agireed te il nd then Ili- terror titude il 1,nown effla; - " 1'lit, But thell he amwered.'*SnitL b« glante ùp iu the dri.vels *ky, where lit. al"-! liai ri,, backImi,. in ,.itailling litdiguet", nad the TOSPID £IV. 1 ;..n mntroI the cm" were breaktait hew alme pray for God,.à belp. Bit% who vrââ ta 1 . ý ýtUTIr,, l-urý-,- lit Mabrelopriela an overy day Th" whwb bath amtered thee. Buw aght them Thon sille went dOWD F&OtSumt lesd m limyert They -deeided ta asli: Ail Thar li- left of lçav. e ch for t, là % tar, UL the CN.tlLii:aý un. nm»> alonst towud the Seo. Then site P»Fed the lk%-»Uu ta quitLly mett away. in aity il& 0" home. 1(ow bugi without a actuel Aqoutom by the lainer tes& This ho the YOUBMU minister pressait te do lit. i uetu Vit, c"ld net undemand et aL4 m du zew He was very yonng. Eue Lamaie vlae Ukd lie %eho might have liNeil f-lryt-ai, 19 aris gria-iloi and tpmlily in Bit- -rhy pamienimd"ttwdr play - ilitu r. a liomneair, Colitiveilleus, Weadàrào, 3" Ald = ýýyer WaLly kept ta the CIUE& George Gillespie and ho eu» froal y lie h4ý affer Rating, Ofasvinir . rat He mm ditieuvered lier Intention. Re-àtlacke, "Ditgrege ý .1 ý SStland, and this la -the 'Wa-Y lie begart LIGET A.VL) SILIDE. lux - illi là. pitel, lif There was a heavy ma roldag lm =d lVit&4 on the Siomath, Heortbaru, N'tilereetilly-= o-nlr have bought. Thy .&ho bâti alerays a areat deilicht in bis praver. "God la a spirit, induite, Paiju i a the Sidé and Bath, n'and of deht watdùnirtheblg*av«comeswin 9 eteraMgiad uneh-z«ble in lits be- ilow Ibo maumd Ulm. ilà petit - ihy tue la met! Ue *al downon the )lait of a scat. Ille 4,ppwiio, West of', Exeroy, Low la by the head of Chala Pier. wisdom, polluer, holinens,_jus ý%nIo!1rItiIl ýP#rits, Poési sioenaeh. It i»vwor- indred, turned out te ho lier destin&- tce' other hait of which was a ceupied by a izev. 'Ilook not ta pensum. praver elle leur. sites th*- Liver, Cowes eff au surplus Howeer &tut-"P-, 'tien. goodneu and truth.» The ministers Plea«nt-fac" vounz lailv. His tirst 0;'P-cl tu 'I;,- illptiu 1ý:. were no àitruck with the 0 = words: bile, th« SOMIS, 1111114 94vos They cannet âhrive tisse. Loué: ta Me! Nrheu ho hait mm ber eligbt gi.-lieh . frutti taxatiqu Lr!.i looking figure weil away on the ri" thu they -aid. wneu hé findabred, : qupstion vues. Paraon me. but h, a tout ta tho whole teulean. TI., .,Z-Olnbtbe trce Wyuj hiin. II, j'a t thatwmthe an»wérto theirquestion,! yournamejamebi I have a cou,,in of or thee MY bloud wu& turned and foilowed. -au greut1% re_-Tll :e., Vut thié out and le4kè id ta y~ shed It in needlem ta qay that liners waA and 80 they wrote il devra and Il the% name. whom il ;ý7 Ta Pft lit b" thy head. 1 -Z a,-,u -,ýt v troril 1 rtil, 1- DP'U!Iqw and go# il, 10 cent Sampk. er not; a humain beine ma tbere at the attends ta titis aaY the ansurer ta the 'No. sir,'-xa,* the replý--. -Nly'natle iý!-.ot 110 a large bottite fýw 75 rente, and ItU Dernee en& Tans and rage et aying eloud» tOUrth qn"tion in the shorter cate- Jame%. Bltt partiont Ille, i.- vour4 Z inc me d chism, "NVinst is Godl» or C70oper!" 'Zinc or Capper, . Nu. yrUr neighéor about id. liehmtta My herd. wers een . owers a rain spi mg ' ' did malam.* -.tid the man, ý,vh;Lt Thou haut lit) puiu ièu lonely tient. aie ; bettreent therra - & bunts of Now, la il: net strangethat thev état 1 tgéà sunlight Il ed tue am; d the et net think of our text and taire th-ut as !end yeu ta *upper e 1 hidmch lf.ve féir. tu h.ir.o"ý,*ît and coadsvt ther. a es of water s e as they the rmswer, and write, '4;od la Wef*' Exeme me,' was the' litaiet r'v'vi 'but 11elleve, n'ut tbonshalt ste.7 lurette on the woodéa piles dthunGer- Well,'they did thick of If. no doubt, 1 thutight certain von Inu.-L be fir'-i cou- -(Golden Heure. buttheyfeltibuthis short text cou-,, 2§inteabra".fouutirv.' The iilzLnfe:l é tamed »D mach that ta imderstamni it il . plier two seai aud kicked a bi "JAMES, D1c1KSON-ý P. L.,4karvoyor, When lie reaebed the bead of the 'hait way down theear, iii his lai :age -lit Mall ci.Mmi-i."ier Il. the Q, THE BEAUTIlf ULWRETCH Pl- lie tound rital: Xan, who fancied* mmit lie broken uP into %maller ideas haste ta Reillidence and addrý. te fi ais 1 havÏ , get inti; the smokèr. illi hile th liellIrv -'l lit. herself entirely alerte, was restinit hep do ta Rav, and they wro gentle %fuite oi. e vounic just tolit yen. Ili'ti ber elbows on the barl and no holding Dit ladvi smDed a IL 'lot k [,U,: i:.ý y rv dkerc ITH, Ju., C.£,, A lJ'iYl(,'IlrOY STORY. lier bat, as elle looked down on the lm. YOU have seen a rainbÔw tu t e hea- ban bief. Il m-as a proot or the (;BORG£ su -411l- Orwaterthat br«e&nd Yens and have admired the bealitilul; old adaze that a suft ausner turueth freridi il, i*qnIý. mense volumes PMOMUM ZA" survu«. Bi WILLIAM BLACE, ruàrhed roariniq beloir. colora ta, lit lring aide bv aille. Count &%vaY hures. ýe, en veit r IL i ci 1,i ly ri 11 r: brýhilIV M4040* ')MUnffl Airr§iDft OP -' MACLEDD OP DAR » Hg touched ber on the %hotilder-, she them. and vou find seven-red and yel- ili.- 1, .ý ... the'roym liait Pni,.qcimop Taini, 5 jamped op. with a stapt and tur»d Iow and green. etc. But wheu tbo', à lwy Who Squirmed ta WIzý-le. u;UI Ili, I.t tti - 1on- 'r- 'A I)Aet.UTXR OF Hrm ZTC _g a little paie as elle e0niý;j seveil colora an &R blended vrillât do 'Ity.son,'saida-%Itiibtrrv-s.t. mutiler, thev makef They maki one single ray icil in few jur- him. ý lie, alAo, nad au apprehemtve go down ta the g look in hi* ey perhâps it vi-as that ut ;Vhitelighe. Separwely the terni rocery and get tue IL 1> -aid lu laz!, rt;owiA&wdfrom titât awk) that frighteuedner. serendiânýent P»iors- touethllery. t condeused miik.* fansi let lait. ! *I shouid squirm ta wiggle,'answered tilt: in bas happened ta bradge?»,i whitP- Se whea th;;ý -.2.1els Pzae eau a c"Peur Imm he 1I:ý &lie said. quickly. la their caterblant titrât God w» wise GI.-y .RIRXT. gj, 'f lUlli' .9 F). UtX]Ityg Butât this moment bis lordahip, by 1 tell yoù., Ft)R SALE OR TO Xo. But calais over there ta the and holy and just and ;Md and true t I should Iiiiip ta jump.* il -a - 0 1 t là ". thit slightest of gritaturps, sernoed ta in. shelter. I wish show yolt a letter ý they mid really the Mme thing thait the , 1-il tell IXIAND in 11alium Ake 1 50) Acr- one or the 'If von don't go this instant b.ýtt.iry fràaLý in the ýmýfn« P(«mmýlu et tintais that Ur. Rupert wm able bas written.'ýQ i text says; for wheu Godàà viriedont and aller. Applv t., Ur-. W. klooxy, Rowed 1 aie. ouly wast- A lew steps brought thora ta a sud. power and holinesa and justi-e end vour father wbeu he conie,, bain%:.' 'l should bloliv ta tattle.' à"r.a.- Ing dose; and the end of it was thist den silence; il wu Ilke etepping train 900dama sud trLttt me ail blended ta- 'Néver mind. sir.' Mr. Jack Hanbury, after having heard the enter air into a diviiig-beil. gether they make ail, love, sa St. John FA R lm -FOR. SAUL 'l îhould whoop ta FIM vc,!,ý." IL con. Ekkin. le) &«". 75 ilà littli more leCturinx on the beinous. lent I want von te rend this letter writes "God la love." Wheu the father catu ra, c,,,tr lý,L là' and tell me if lt la true.- Ravloic told yack bute, a nimber of cliomethemoth. 0 ýj th undr Ileg&ve it ber* or naid: - f hi, igiLL)t:ri lem tc. LiLlt ne*@ of bis conduct, tound hivà»lf elle read if. theu von, wise mini-4ters explained the ttàxt, 1 wish that vou il whif) Tons. l le pas. ciuditi-, t Ing clable, h4r hi-um. let me nOw tell Yeu Waal; a little boy ahiLat a mile. fmm Lrn-Mlle. M nom Weeliv'lle under the charge of. the tipetaff et the 810-1 , very alowly, the one bilan bailli. , ively refustii ta élu dQwn ta the km: t1-IlI thv alid 14 rnm -n leisiii lm ;L letter dropped, and %he, étSd thoUght Of IL court, with HoJIoway prison au bis des. cezy. and laid me rital, 1 %%as a taulier, be eitivertt--t int-> Il wam on a Suaday eveainit thât a sel there silent, ber sym dowlicast. i tirait bc wouid jump ou lut if 1 did- tioii.ý f-)r tilt iltiti!; a3l tin#AiOn. It W&A Dot ta ho considered .-Nan, 1 have lo.ved you ever silice the net - tir ind.* il, -a humîtrous encavade, after ail. , 1 little bey of four yklarlà, ealled Sidney, iliait vtho %,z,, very firet night 1 ever gaw yen. I triea w" elttion on his titothefs knee. terni- -Tout.- POR SALK-A nnmoe? of 131- tomakebelleve that Madge was on; ingover »Omis carde un which, verse8 of AL7 PROVED 11 21L RUS tobrate very çhe&P in the 1 "ýu"gtý will have &fit,- said Mr.Tom y scripttire were print . ed. Yes, sir.' lits,, he T.,woship nYTMY, in the Counkýv 01 dium-e; wben tbey ivoire outaide amun. --Saine Mâtins herself bas saved lis. front what out' wa:s '.%Vhat waë thât yeusaid tu vuur mu. I. itil s, qui, rAltu,4 fil mai la 1 T.Wmhilm t.,, might have haM»imed through tiret; des- handea tu ruant lit& and aile kept for ther, *iff cati ri -1Ilýt r, I,ý;it j F.Vqr one muta go and tell ber. I aillent himbelf, white as each one vvaý laid .RULAji perae rnisMke. And yen, Nan-you ot Rldw),.q.?4%itipos L«M '*l knew De iminit ho comnaitted," said Never qaid nothin'.' lit, %od liaaVry; ilote9ffl sort tttriLD ffl. are free nnw-there la no aile la the 1 tiuwn hift callither read il aloud sud au- 'W sTURE ý ded a few wordia of expitination. -Prt- ben 1 am a elory teiller suit von i .t 1, il:-: for ilille in sti 0 3 aud Mr- Rupert te the YOUDR maille fiather. 1 T am v U, 'và 1 ;X, way-it lit true tribal: Editlk,.4ayme" ton, Kv.. marri, -i Il il, "It 1.ffl't tivilte truelle -aid N'au, In a a pretty lx.)v, ýaitl the taittber. " j'i'. , .. TWo 1)WULINO 11017RES t-, RUT, FOr Par- -'There wa,% no huip for thât, bis ton. sently one vaine ta Sidney, lvilich, ta lits Look hýre young tuait. if voit lion't in ilivir tientan apply t J. IL DIXON, Daildmer, tell temPt of court wm tact heinous. New ver -voire. and beý fin«en were amat delight ho foiiùd -lie couitit read. Lrlqù,-rý t.in.omv. lier. 17. lg».- 105Mf. - y Io behave yourself l'Il thrabit yuu. Du yuu the Proper thng te de la te let bile makiez sad work with Madges letter. P.. Giration with bis limier he exclaimed, R tï7zR VIEW FOR SALLE* have a little dose of prison-the author. 'il meaut -ifebe M«Btq--what Ma YOZL 0 mamma, *Cvod is love "' lad bis bear» said the father. iiegru litali, thrit - tr-l,% t ity ebt the court muet be vindieu-ed net- say, -silice the very drét night that vis face beamina with deli;;ht Ëe Belli, 'l lièclui i titter ta snort.' prvz.- lier %,hu perfl-,ýv;L lit, urally; otiid then we muet have ilà dallai. met. But I think et leallt-it la let nie go and tell nure that." j 'Conte ta me, the father. and Abutu foi(v tli.,i11.Ltili 1 .'i IPA]RM lits aéÉeme for the entabiliahment of the sineeýùi he true- Away lie tirent, but won the lime feet ,,".ep9ut.1z man stluirnitil ri, %%i-,;zle 01-:JIL, zit yonniwnianin business bâton are te Xan looked op et him jump, ille% ta taille. whuopeti Ma-- thi, ititated on the trutkg of the bâtir with lier faitht 1 eye-, and In filent eame trotting back and ho sailli. v fil .tde the butin-larv of the tillwIl Of the court ta recousider the mailler. ý 1 there was ëotnettl --queel and tittervd ta snort.- tell à,% mait% f.,ritt, i, il, il me&* yen muet haute hing tirait was neither ma, what was the middle worde-I catit, i te tUI>ý i.ý Ili a mlm and lit laughing noir not remember.» urli Pr"ýit.L"le Lh.ili lit, 'rhe land iâ.-f excellent li"it).,abont.u "le " shesaid - -GM is &«Zt b;7joiî Millugm M.Lwtlvvllý-red, 1.1ng part- lit Y- Pt. of W. milfabermay. And t ming. but was strangelv The ut >ira%% il--, ri-, ben the" Muet rieur ta bath "»Jeee-since lave." Still the samÏ puzzled'looz te- hwf ejo. .,4. mh coi%. .,tope Tanit- cuy. ho au undeStauding th&t Mise Baron- we parted mained,ýmdpresentiyheabked,"Should.. Ibaveneverkne A 'Ullui Mr. ýhlvv Apply ta Wu. 34cix)»JNRLL. jr., »mi-ur. et Carnet" wzLa«ko dvLifebut tOffl -Imean Mm Hanburv'tt-euàau n*t It be dots-God docit lover His what waz lfflàà of the itilati u it...)ttt Il, %c Lrý, "i.., fortune t4hali ho settied on ber»lf.» ýS»tw =E[V. Other explaimed that lq;od hs love" OU. tu lit,, leil M* AN DS POU SALE. t ..M * advice'- remarked Mr. Tom, Lis meaus that God le loving in ail that He Alter à Ulan gits ta be:,4 vear% éld bc Whý"Il %VZtl IleillZ Il-k-i 10 1'tirtl, bat iý&due herRolf should no and me "lefttx(. nolz Tm 131tinuso is and ail that He dom. Ever after kan't forrui any new habitý much: the oil i-'l ida% lztt,:-Iiil , lieik foq'I 1 l"t, No 24 la the fflth týlice.1m -1 the tiwi> the Vieu-Chancellor. She miabit do the "Pour Jack.P' That was au Xadge's tb&t littIO bOV look as bis mette "God best bc eau ýdo is ta -ýteer his old out% riittl L v llititvt Ilcit Ili, ri r 1 caad id* pathetic buàiue$a-- a wifé and net a m. She aller net cm what AnnY Mau %ho can elvait hor-ýelà, or duulnft acre.. on the arrange. la love." Four vears atterwards. when ,tell. fiait, sud not lie aWut il. il: ziz - Il t hat -- ilii: Il' riyéýr.t.d 3a ae.m on the wisaitille. widow, or whatever the paelvy et the ment waa being got up by the Pm. nts, ý bis eighth birthniay came, lie wasallow- piuz ait men ever &et ta lie. la this fa! 1 Lit the le,, - ,f orli, 1,1'i I fln@tv ýIIàsLu-d altil in view il( the tow». A1.0 thlogi& I-thlnkit'%deueedharditnes and anardian% iciterested. She did net ed ta chaorte bis aura birthdav treat, b.1 AIhrTt 4rert, à Acte- opt-ite tri look op a tellow for merely humbilot. vient ber fortune ».Wed on herself. Ta and lie asked thst he mi worid. .11 6r Ille il. we, ght ho id edi Tliesa"%-entmaulevernietiýsaheu- .c... low ' huri.- ild 0lat ut 1 ilàu. 1. ýýrxIdhnJ.,n ging an old parlion up in KentiihTov.n. lier ; t did net matter whether the lire. ta speak te saine pour mortiers who k d huàband villen he is avvay front -tmt. - illit Il in nOrth ni 8«11 Why ahouldn't people gel merriets jtmt ;;;iýà brewery was in Southampton or ý met every week ta work- biht hi. U.*mý' i, Onc cait-of titi, li,---rVý-U i- Part M tilt 10 Mtath 94 POCI .%me% Ta tut front. when they want tot Fancy having ta in Jer" em. Ail ber pigeons &ppml j niatonnu, resd ta them. Being uked An*enthuelast ta au individual who stilticieiitl% l leur. ffl, il.' 31%rket,4rnt. . . . flve three weeks, In Xentish Town! I was that ber dear Jack abould lie gel ' -bat he ratant ta say, lie anewered - believes tour times a»4 inucil ab anybudy - The ýchvi)ttLiu 1 lell-ii wa,, ýot ý lui, nz The callit hait Lit Ili% 9 and the west hillit -f tilt 8, woWdn*t live thme weeks in Kentish out of prison. and the opinion that elle i "1,6bMl tell the mothers 'Gad la love' believes. the revent .tut lit in Ný,tie Daitl, 1;. »rth lit rbrI.tmet. Town, ta mam a duchem." bâti formed et the grossi, 1 yranny and i and 'the little childrent 'Cod loves TYR348 CASY. Ae '*l an' afraid," *&id Mr. Rupert. dryly. cruelty and obstinary i Tbedoutbatwilliollowanvi)ody:tiu*t Ail il 01 Engliab law yon., loin. t,%%U l"0111til atiii ri%, W. âolictor. "th&% the Vice.-Chancellor lis too tamil. trait of a ebaracter that date nos lie sist Xo-, thât la the meaninc 1 want yen ý 9.imlmy. APT11214, 1,481.. 26-tif. i0f w1th the à4ficht a Prpftv damitels in forth here. tri taxe out of the text-IGod le love, 1 1 Thune people who aie Irving ta get .1 % t-CI fias bel-fi ,% d 1 ta heaven ou their kreed lit And out fi Catie St. -lutin :lit, - 1 mi -hawi, lu,,,. fo r 1 'JUIC #r dixtre». 1 think, Mr. Ilanbury, idyoit -What lq the use of itr mine wonid 1,God doles love." The ilTat; mean-« God ut fast thât they -tlda't wliave a thru ýSt-vcr.LI other ve>,eii.ýýtre iwý -ri' firoduce a deed of ptrrnerthip witb My. "What Lzood cm it do excupt ta lis the great foutitain of love, full of ticket. yoiir frienas In Southampton, that keep people nfiserabler' love; just as vive my or the occan: il Ils Tue tenu courtahips are net AlwaYB 1 on St tiritay i là, -ir, t,.l w1illd bP inore likely Co inttùepee the "NMty dear chiid," the sighing and water, full of water. The other means judicieu.% The party often tire out attacl,,.,i a Wl-;tti.i a litti, l-iiil-1. (.1.ý A W'%f TO R Ttle wflt h&lf court. ()ri Our Mile tes, agree. Aud of sorely troubied, mother would answer, Gad does loving things contlnuatlyi skn;.riam'fore the trot I)ejciusi. of tire lettitr,-,,ciit to titi- , cite i-I F ý a wtz) in tilt c...ncemi-n of Vçnilam, course there muxt lie a humble avolouit, "the Vice.Cl"cëllor haà admittéd that -just as vire say of the oceau, il lis senti- One quartpf cheep whisky à the cheep. the tliiillztl t urrivii on hint itl,.i Nînl, well, noir train the Young Ilban himaelf. We hait it cauldonozood. But the authority 1 ing ont !ta water continually ta every- or the betteiý appHed judiciously, wili 110 us dug ri, . Ili), : itie, ;,of ý-tor-. hetter vrait for a week or a fortaight, et the enurt moist lie vindicated.» thing that needs IL Ta tell yoit ail the r re( e IL [Il.. 111,1, ocý and then renew the application. 1 will "It la notbing but a mean and cou.. waylit in which God &havre Ille love *Il». do more business fer the devil thàà the Il was, eventitallv --ak-tiire-1 awi là, ti .à. amarteat deacon he has got. IoKure niade mure aci myllel Il and tell t lie venait lady what tomptible revenge!» exclaimed pour vrould Icepe me talkthg ail lier. On I don't rek-olect doing enny thing that tiotsgro 1.£T.--As tant moving han happened." Madge. other SabbatL@ und front attirer ielts 1 was just a little ashamed èv but what -A Neuburt, briri wa,, 1. il, ilil- Firrm, my Prelent, Madize ded net go into a fit ut ail; but gdwever, %Ir. Tom look &mueh more, fil have opportunities ta do thie. niLcht I&ýt -.%eek zLii;t týti rettrtiit,,ý hriek ttwL!iiiýir i. go let. il enitaiti. 10 1 ý 8omebody remembered it..and was sure vas founIl 10 I)c hall-. with = and %nd 9 'lire trient whatalbeâid do -m ta dectine preil- cool and busium-ilke viser of the mal- tvill. OnIY RaY to-day that God's love fi§ 9mee in a while ta put me in ntind of il. oul. Il- 1 ý - folit treem. &ait on wown Md i- the helt, rémain In Tiruton Street. Xo». ter. Inflaite. that la you never eau cet ta the Young men, learri ta vvait;, if vou cort wzt-; net ilaulit d. IlItvii1ný,- i m eiýhui home lit Uwn. TH44. Fru. = th's wSild no - ta the- rooma that --When ho la let Our,,, lie remarked- end of il. This là --rhat one hiau said undertake ta set a lien hefore sht; iz tire rotiÉ;tjl-i ýiiLiiii ýu, IL titi. vi riah. 48-t' ber dear Jaci. bâti taken for ber. They - 111, hope the ViceýChimeellor wili make : of Il when tryine ta messure it: reAdv von wiIII lose vour time, opcutid thc ýu.- Il-*- hl tolure herthere iÉtheyliku' thentlhersidepaythecoats ofail thèse, t --('onidwewith initheocegnfLII. fie tfie ben bobine a soot-er Il,- ittitt hzài v. nt, ed1ý,M t Sai %vas barbante. It -viras lier applications and procSdinge. 1 dott't i -%,nd were.theàlky otpan-hment inadie. t Nature seidoin liLii;tke.q a'phool. site -The Grand 'rr-ttik thivkl%-timhcrrýtwiths-lualstltf, 119 lit PlaSa*&,*ifetorentain in the home seewhwe -ry.-tail, on earth a quili. limr% . 1 il abould payýsiTgy bécanes ; And evt - 1 %fin furnitalhes the raw tultteriaisand lincil fn-ilrilt ýheýI,;Lt l'ai ....... ; .... lia 1 that ber huaband hall citation for ber. 1 iseir 1 anhurr want . ses, . - - f i And everr -mana -crible by malle. L--?11ý. --1 - - - -- - - ----- - ý.l 1 hat i ")1.. .11:11, 1 - l RIOM Yeu might tak"tthlot Illisterrec Van't Illeileve the ethem fur they are ý ger. if Yeu am- k do Lor' ' ', il, GrUd TrUI& gnd Conneeting Nicant and salait lier if evsary word ir It tg 1 comtort me, But if voit j . -ie n-t. "WU notirtie--tinieRs yous thirair yollvtt liait Zý,Výitd-hlnto.1111t, Tom, then theru's rýaI- imtil you have tried thisrsciiieilye sain- 'Yoti've clone well.'maitl tde leader, atid ......... % Um ly a chanS." nie holties, 10 etî. Regular nixe, -o.i etr. pammed on, white Illriidder -lune-.4'ttirris ...... cntsough. of eue fanilly air-W.- D-T Id by »ur clrugglý4t. Isperta: and the - 9M M , W«t= Frank, l'In go glati you forgive Bees off. Yeu Aboutit have anapplod 4:3.tL ro 'Brudder Brown' and whi au. i, la, N, I (a,% itlý met and 'Luck). lie saaid ellickellai; if bu'( it,;ýrvitl .-- al. t11yz1 -.1 ;ta >. Md italien I glisse oit& Of ruy Pressent sloop dis. at Ir, vadires. Savoir mind-,YiDu'Il'ha%-e Iriser a%- lt.»gbtln- Wa*ý '». dtacks he'd liait me suah!' Yot.ir dear Jaek; thatIl de I»teadwont hOl)e Yen will Cornac and am us Seene la Toronto market: "If Yez are -Last week a %tr;tppingnegrO wOmau fý,r;t monwni aibý%% ti-ý and ho like ôld frlenda.-Youm al tir Alm'riebou hy &Il the I~ te. almmbou ly, MAI faisais neere. That afternonn Mary B~ nrd, now bellin' thent chape to-day rn tmy wane, was up before an Ausitin jumtice, charlir- r:ttièii% ait Ili, te su the pntmpai Pliciffl ut raison on Un. 1tupert, catied, aýdMr. Tomwith obssaérved Mm Mullaley, pointiniz to a sort with unnierrifuliv beating, lier ho)-, the ê1t. tdb*MRM. Atmbtte t>*Obl MW Lukob lial a clactil 11). Idowt rutiler. P~ Md vuokoke,. At tbla Prosoult Moment rà%Ptain mueh dignity of remuer, eame faite the tempting . groulla -of Plump, yellow le-celored in -fmtiblateil front Iter Kild'e, an theY $titi calthim (finirait tennis holding au open letter la hie stand how voit couât have the heart tt, hav.- lier thons happened net so long an) . cm. Imd. squmbei6 Tfie buckster stated the et y own chi go cruel y.' Vecige, aidera this jetter the mont vsjuýZIe lie --Laffim Md gentlemen,» ho Paid, prion. Mr% MullaleY scafflsd 11110 well Il ri ý the parent of, a wottles%. sais. Os, like dat ar eu of nùOtj,ý: 1IIDJZ1*11ntil to-ritairruw in la. ce, Ji ever rectivrd- NOt MY mensage train *Mcd friends uumbled. 1 have a place U.lttted titille one seleeted the hifflest eV !, ej strict. theju gewithgreat i hýst Jiat 1 wilit niv weak IF. C. VAYILÔB* home annebuneing to the mehoolbray that of neraire forvoir. Mr. Francia Holford one in tete, lot, uttlad the btIl Mil dt -t. 'Den "eke4 Agessis, Xxprew Ogim. làndmY. ghann Ive; not anV outil. e encre ttingredin hefat tir M late ra"deriva germai-st.y's i liffle tliiiiýuý titi 1 lie 11CY)r %vrift.. lit.'l lAmmy, june luel. from Admillaity alter ho est contraetésid a-wâat do maretted home with lier Prise. En t k.' -Iisai, Mr. thert ranit indi -1 bad arrivect et, man's estaité., pay, Bot 1 et- allait of entiatrement with route borné able Indulwed, in the follow. Ky ute. al[ the worifi renti liant ( to %d'Il 1.1011-V My of San'a outillerons Iovo-Iettfflý las là of thât. lik. It inig«.giloquy: **j promièclad. Diante that -ek I'd buy Th" "lue o'hu-aa "ta. bitlossupreme- Wers-bad for Mm anythlek ilke the @Wauountakm" him a watermelon for hie Sunday clin falIT ME BRITAI N. atuntie importance, ai thie jetter. it -Tbercla you am quitas -mam» »Id Ma wluTOd. te lie prolongation la etatitied to the -Marins: faim- travels thretiuh the wt«yand tender and clever ta the» arriérés ethisis what in termesteon- Il ll.'d kq» "ber fora wc ly important titille anything which te re le-noedlme to my thar, vM éthortly Madge, procravely and cheserfflv- 11136 -= »- highest consideration. S Deak inie to us prairie, the-,,overn icenerai rneý a rnân. atter teilla rwdpt oUit, sud withmt »y- mirant te maire me the emno"on recentlyon thi» subjètr, Charles Nelaccari, traitent Johu %Iclolrugh, who fortiteriv leslicississard te myboady ho alipplessit off stalles, fer It vilain Nin sbat. be wmted Malexamais Armes W-,& -sq., propriefS et the Nelaou trouée, resided in the tu- n-hip ut Glourester. ;a, te Brudu« Md au a rom #4 the Nor- tolmarry MI the wey thr The tient ulve lit the worid for cents i;ýr4t Huma, observed-.--[ sufféreci sol achort distance faisant Orist,%it. Ilis 80LYEU AT Liâot) folk. - 1 -1 1 "Well, 1 " 1 beglad te elle rra amul -in that nay artw wither- ýel leury fui& tact Me 11 tigil al ai a tý ait ;t si i a a it vraits no ottmuge to thick that Sm ried--Ml of - Tem larve had b rutilent tores, uleers, mit rheum, lever with rheuntati _yoe," mdd tutmek&pW hands4chilbleJntý, oit, and physiciens coulai net help nie. !nic characer, saisi isoitaru z,,kt.i wu a ]lit#* wa and tlm emmoth bottier with vock» &long thm, $ores. I wu la diipair of my Iffe. wheu morne il lie final avy mem-ge In serait tu hi,§ lait- Ilberse wu «III a chance thM tbat, mine "Ton look quitilawallim OUto hbOidut eormt Md Ml kinclb Of skia ertrilitI0111116 ont advisesci, me te try st. jacobin Oit. 1 rents. The salais -refflie.] liant ho i,,.; irait tgvicowior#. Mm-the vouder of the wSld- with tinter rmwki& This ulve la gmrantoed tu «Ive Perfeet did tiso, and &» il by maïcie, I was In- noihinir il% ibàrrit-itiar tri ma%,. t.ilt if j_ wbm away frotte Mm the seortati "At Imet» bolwai ettulm down lit ait sissattataction Ilà every MM or moncly ro- tandy relleved, and; by the çontinued excellecitey tlaol-fit(i to fIi4:ýL ý1tIl 1.1, hécà =quftA attend somehow-edet emy ehodr and stretchalicg mat Mé limbe funded Pries, 25 seents per bm Fer &une of the oit entirely eured. 1 thank father aud mother lie w.)itli fi-ei VU lie hhl It Illewilderascil bim- PA Pt -«%t tout 1 have gaimd mm wissiom. *Me by'a PzRmx, Lindrialy. hmven fer baving maied this wondectui ed if ho crientioried thât h. ý.., ,. Totwm et Iréa, et Mommurt-B« l M rhill passulement yuls frirlait am lit remedy, forit »Veil mylife. Itbasaiso -,pirit-and do(riz well. Os préencS filline the honte with ma- who havelil net to esra your mm hv. Trust le bw Trust curait my wite.-fPort Huron (Illich.) ftt-fnOO91 Ili.- e.-irelle-nev dr..%.- olit ra tbuweomaotthm ta*$ light; charmainq «cryté,'v with lier ing. Yonecettnowwbmmparthto Too ammeh climat lie saisi of the lever CommiWial. 1-*Uliâ.%Iý-11,tgll»,Jliac..;ttttl.ýýd..Il,.II,14 déceler. w»ý ab quer4mw expompý qutet banscaroucs ways A" »If. do wtth voinfallivelas. Tou rmd Ra"In ftithftl allie a" motber. CMOUDUY 'à case, « The vij çaýlàg-le were lit ellocs, mtý ber aw«tmm éad Ibo làà*p allernest; but Md th" Tou dmid lie Taim Tm- B"zmu,& f0I»Mý et ber eluré treule ellet, And yen doca't Ignots, whes to lie eluillâclest watchbg and carins for ber desclar cuire, )ý«t ,kurom N. V..'.tfav 22.18m ne" sommes, Plait MI bis ý tâtabing mtàiw beek to tba cast iboét Tbm you telle tu..-P- »lw negl«g« a sing» duty la tbeir Messages. 14eth W. Fratrie & 5qus: -While 'pa"ins., ;t pond rie:tr h.ý 0" 84 41M Thm sitais »W Niait hume ho màad Md emm your taleds full babalf. Whoa ther me M"" by dis. Ge"ium-lwéw trattabied aru recenriy a Ntalailide liants -1, ai.., sebum.ot refouillait; Il carreulle tract equinowm and the Itrieil.ý-vi-r.Ll fil(. allais %&W & COILMOtif)ll ilit file maier. ýid (,!a toui Sm-, not My suisatitute: âOt My essilstepalec of the MOCOL Bu wh" dm it taille, Md the eystein ébould have a dý 'etirr o£ thin disatressisiisèc a vision te ho wavoirlng thilu oassay Md ail cSts toIl YOD emlt do inuythiffl thoroulth, elommiuz the %tomarh ant, etaimplaint withotir dem ithct USIY hé-Iletit fraisit and rt frog in ogi-,rti-1 W@ tu »Il 81.0110 Worth of »W»d eh" vectra'ni 1 fak accammais on th les 4tma, bekft a* bu*WF& t11*4 blât thevm? Nien h-r»4f. And If with te. Ilvecs If yeu, eoffld eticia Md bowele renulated, bkxxt PurLiéal, mater- inir the eivitt 1% écand after ossialigr rr.villit to,.Wjtllell% t la W" true-tt théa, relit Nan after Ml' toit me th" a lime-buraw lu Jupiter ial poisson exterminatrid, allie must twelvelatatuue 1 lùl.Lul%,4LU tqi- )Y ait exil-.& effort seizeti aise ý.8".ke wale to no bond Md biessais through lits bad tâtressassa hie wlit ilotta tâce tire, "se know that Meetrie Bitters are the onlv ttreyeure«L 1 t-onbider cary case one otth.. wîtb btow-wbwe, 09 ail the plates la no Mkfwqéd the wbwa tbat tes sure re«Wy. They am thas tient &nu gars 1 ever heurt. of. and 1 take t tion putup araît ersadisailly -ire, ii:t) lire in M en il 4. wak. Il infit laist -fýnsseil. 1 hi, And »ssý rairait fflrcmb. or P«4800. illar the wu aboula thany tir« ne toultherf met Th= Yeu bave &go &tPbibulthrow Purext modWap la the worid, and Ouly 4yitt'a. to &LU ' lie%*Ingr that it ing dempserate elforr,ý %vilile Iwitiii dritc, n whw.h wu laits %ho laissant Parlest lu afflot or - dissy mb" cent -fifty centa. sold hy ýL Perrin- a n. ;ýIL1 hi. sure te 0 pth, _1. , Vosatral, rom- -ait. i nacaffley. Te th«.Îoý: avaisy tnilb at.';plaop% slsmely 1 that% ummpraetiSl.* am Ut. bv ovoly..» w» Nin tain Uccla -ci lie New te Weald ho Ma n»U San whn ýt«bmum Mendins ebimewiq eloilbels, aittiv the traitait. At in obassassel &p»,*ub biscuits. woold ut et the ictalialle. »d tiop.h wit h d~ ,forotàmr wbutboybimht . Plat, M al or ladlga@Uouý by sait alriiggiate.- r. 1 ber ibbialiw setter eym,ýShw.t wr-til-8 te do fer thomeekw4m% 8" W-.nuiy eu,- hablémal liver or bead illýrtppeitrtil trous vi-% t(ire%.r, 111101ille Vteh Mm up the stallev Imm, the littrattalle. Pa s l Tu 10 Md tassim lusi Bri cataractes liefflassit a" cossimplawalles tii- --g ri la%% , , halas , lit! W . 13. omnlWht on ber, plillk elheeke; lie wois Id bolicil te lible Udddw et time in ateliers. a at"p clickauci the etitilliet wamovr,. lm. - the ni 3'. f-ki the place of aUýý lie PreýUtvd a à%ottlewhat hioated bleu ther ehSps of ber bout M the vret Cou am rat" ffl lonnr. 1 pp »row bu veto ta the sauves. lneludingpiU powder-% t ap wt.% w.:r in %frike il& whirt of holise Md ne t= am veste in cou&- lotion in tallit ,-tetâ%-umi :ans' th-Z 4:1, t -. q wif-h hW in (lie lacassant, IMMPWÇ Wor.la :e 1d la IL P.Ir 89M lu = euro fer ail billicauta estial te. 1 and, and pogitively refuil telist $"U&3 Ire "il cm binscela 41; Co Md aliceursace It was lit àm A. mut 50 Snm PU skisil, __>ý W §W M -NOM *6 Fm% . OZ. Il-- WY él.r.t Oell- J lit 7t elle Pxp. ...1 *4Wr.. [an? t4 el"', Ne -Ili leme, ýM.W.Mt ette t1w, prmý hy telle lqtw. 9,.rA 1111@141p, :441 et -,h. nouer -?wf* e,« wM Nbvv lie bami e art et.,. OIQ ih r4ý1 MX t'.ffl le, 1. 1): il- lier.go *mf «tIl $,*fne,-rm4 twi,* wiw -r éme, (WRIe.tý 1, ç»wlitel 1 for &4 ,ooé tho e«%*. and ôther.brMn 1 ... ........ Veffl.t 0%", thil- I-le t"e,4.."f kmi..r. *-«e, file %î1M4«Ný I 11(rricto KIN Nt-,l ýNr..,Nt W pf"po",,' WtItri»i et, É.,ft k ........... M it. f 4.0 1 1, il .,th 0lý -'t WEST» . Ai et- KI-Ili 'Ient (.et 1-ldý:îiy loiteet.i 11)1'-fkf ONK W.. f, the et w! Tu luel 1su a.%Nc..Z; ...... le tti le, elle 1 .. ........ l'outils lei4t"r' 't'Ili et%%«% tend protultim git, et", 1-4 J'Imm ýj4IIVbj,% And god Ma". tho» -,m»d luit l Akil OP.PA'T N Iffoi-tril lvith AI, Ille i d". Ylor fIfte. A ui"., f., ul, tVIvý 1 -Ih eh,, !-1 f ,,.q IACA 1 A,- dAml 'Ir C., rre Ir 1 1. il, Pf', WII j I%%# ' ; . - .:IV 1 t -f .11 te*, -A.4 l",I'pli l«I -4 IV. $9. ]MAI I:r:AI.IýIt,, ý.f le", Plu, elle, Il,; tr,1,41AI. puellir- .% itmýt 073-ty. -th lit SAIN 0*«fi. Delà. Mat, --fý .Il 0.1hu- , ýeIAi.I. "? el Ili the e..>i"llý 'T' 1. llilt IITACK ho -Alf et 1-1 AI 14 Or gýI î#,Lý gré.'t -1 1 -110 1 A-î! ýt,.,nlIh. futur ly PvI, % imA, A 1".,Iý,,y ."Il fi- 1 , ', 1 r'it.r" î -1 A-i A 11A.1, f-Al h-AI the llkluik hy NW (;r..ý. AAI -11 rhell, IAJIJ. tiý If. lýklil. 4-NIWI@11e* j'Il iý "Il Ai. 1 el, tfv.e.t.. ln th'm.h. 'Aut uffl brut-O the jartialitv l dI I..Il.-r,,Il Il. h" 1 ri, .1 "."Iy i.tty leu (If t,-,Ming ý.tt.-r A. w'd m the. mmith. l'A et. te'. LÎAAI 4-%ýr iIý ýùfi te'. dir "f d, -,II .rritý t L-A. A"I AqAn ý - et,,- lo* il- II AAll, fAr le ý A". A Itell fit odèý of To«b from $9 M'A .... ... .,..e fi Iý1I Iý > 'Il vieil il 110CIe. j;I11M. 1 , rF.>;i If tI11- fiIIIA-ý Aith le.1ci mul fl'il lei. wili 1 A m'ch, rl c'. CI à. 111-4 N' 'Ilh .,f tho* trvIý r AAI 1. ý;jt ýi 1, 1 Il 1 il-A j i,,ated. ami de Aperg, Y- 'w two q."Xorv l'mpItlv t*r. lie Nil l.t. î l'-. Ittl.,rifb 1*-,4Il f ........ d, 1 le tell, Itfttý,4" l.1. ili Ir %. tt.q. CI lire IAI -11 Il PI, Nt 0%.nlfite A 1,4 - ),iý i.A.1 baIr. 1,0 1111 M.144MI obout Il et AA, ýr mr. "%,r lIenum)'. e;-,,". I.Sm til.. 'nAther r1,110VAI Il Ni F. Ci Ild, Il ý-1. li Il. 1 -ýt, t. l"I q'tI ri I:é %v ij il ly %il Uýr.dIv lem ',th Iv.-Iý,r w'd Offl t;.r,. ci, VII"*4)111-*- 114--A frotte lý,etýativ t'ffleeti. celiht.Y vietortite. 1 et% bobltqbilig nt4a t h', v1ý- Af : - 1 .,.Il Joli-, r4oney to Loan at 7 pet -cent. 1 t,.k,,i Ir Ni, Im'. 1 q;F, JIF:K.rll * %Ir - ýj-evhWI 4 v.4. tender 1, 1. j'"It In .19 NM VIAK, thll' il, h: jul. leil. t- 10 -elle Il, .-f ill le>- Nv. l"q jjý 'perre. and hed il 1-Y Pli î Y V-V Jý 1 .'VA glt thmir l.kt, A flue ATA'r ,r .10 il, .1:0. - il' -I0ftIit%ý troleh *ml hAld of j4ele, IOevte(l "" Wltltl. ltrd A? Piuk fil'hi, 1 41- d. '14 te. DIM- W I, el ,ý. treuil Il te" lrnauth. oeuf holl, et, IA leu, mkllnt MA vlttm çliIWO f,." - A"ý le ti,,le ý,t Alf t,,eth. 0 fo.-th l'fi, t'Mo Il 'ImItro Weil jleK." aille '(Mt* ImItl, Iloor ln 111N lit: f 'M'A, Il l'la". lié A 1414 1.1 v icuy 4,r,% l IV. kz A j- NI ýI Nt f), "f q. *1-4 Il\ IF .-"wmwuuw" il 1 'ho I)N le Il l' %lý 01M f ý Pý 1-1- -ý-% Ill v l'l'Il i1ý DRESS COODS - vieiiiéigrfý i Ta band derbuathe, wreik. TWEEDS$ Mes and, Fil"igo N- T#[Sl- M. S_ At onoeq AND IT WILL PAY TREM ýCENERAL làRCE mime OF loi% Te le f, b M A le v le m y lie ý*t Lonwi 6 poir cont 1 l W11A0114 POWKH,4b TI N i t'tg ristitev IZ,ýk i.m. (but. I«t IV, UY a cou C'bel te 'Nvy Mdo t li%"Oý% 1 lull'. .1e "'.1 fi-i-, 1.11A ly BARLEY, WREAT, PEAS OATS tý jj 1 At lt,,kWý 41 %Vhittv . tr""ý ýq.qet 1 h. m ql iý'e "i-l .'t HW t., A 0 1 A I, t; y- At Id, l"I. lél%% le tt . tylitýirg àllql* IY TKA HOVSK, K"nt-@&, weet 1,10. NfT

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