--.0 --v asu d lemhp bav' hsee a..wy. vt. I OFpsfull m sIsi lui trIPLMENTTO TI CA M6AT %POR.. efffmuai t le peme useiepai~<~ e _ $W . W, *:1040~ t __llieme.bs, eMIrum. cve . R i_ dsm o.butaor ouma site be«.use çs. q*mw sw,.v. %i,"M -pmli eqsuv ' i»a5JstIm lookbe *0 01- t* ««M« amwm fflt im É#4. 1o -Sffmdo** 11- a . . . 0l o#m m11é * thak, )a*-Ma .te kiloas bb ';tb # &i b.4o'l. 'Anwe mi p uu llî Md ZC t-" 1uIINI. 15 I' S~ NaisJ>6% ibe4Wybu*m 4 4ho 4101 1" et«Mm thé ow) m h m @«ad 9 tt. am mm mml«d hW moku t PKIII- ta n oile on' sesuls lesy f étns,. o i e vw-lpm jaé 0110 m mmv ghl (4 ite. 1 ai u I1buau"w 4h*151W lm.- MATou hoe w Il 99 dmjte <, m' , t ibsi h.li14. i f a m i* rMI , ael lotlhlghtek. l.tue th* tblh, e obIlIbmS me «v I Filie ap * m ok"fî bel volue. haiaim aIa b A'. mil t" p *w- bm. ie-h«é ojpueali b. #a 't 6 < 4 v as b. egiifa i. m nupe bm st <veuleltt#e vo. 'e ta b. paevi. e - #O* as aWkI iIO» I* Ios mimaev.WW w.l ss l.>v vs - ui.vaeso lfty ulp Mm:1,11 li,îe i - {i 11#4 ~eptiuI sîiIm<4atah 'fiaSsi0 W, , bshir -golf 1*tlrmI14 wuItib.bt pot**. ici. I Imi il*.t l . kll u't ie. mà*pmttS v gsi i fiaotvusa wum .Irwyait','~a ti tur- es »» »h m. lm 1#(Wbolnu, ho!si.sa.ap ~~ i ils il Wt 'lims (1iemi telafeIJici.S u m et-- "lb.osagS bO b' * ~ 64 « O.Sem*S miimi b. -won. aue r*., 515QFbfsi,'k' OaWsasi * ~ Alie* id t abe 4 f m iWWS 4 i M ilo 'lftm* dm il? ial~~~êUU bel' ~ a ,rfy vt hll ea <ott cue b mv15wufi he ~ W deé&li pttf*10 fi lm e a U hvkosue u't'um levie m m otl "e lewah e baO M& t onta""#IosM l»iShSi t ouhu'.l b.. lwiueea I ae 'gn miaotim ass e 14 bo * euio . ,b ltvm .a a m ào&ào <bisaduti -.&aei l~tb.uu ~ E ~un Mu~ 5hP~g~/ILIU mi, ,*p~ - ~w*1m. L5~Wun~. M w - y.. aeawjos uu lhm Mdi"ai *l rO h Wtj 0 h0 b«mm S »lumd â« tuai gs bub..m. de 1 - age. 1.ev t*~ugsIf VAmi l"b 11la lu w. Wb mmffuausim. hWaO dm t Kt4* w- à# .msqamI iaa ibsfmisepu " sy dashtdef 1. OMOtUM 9 y..tek. 15tea 'aV~~~~08b SAI1 .,I bub . fvtb.mo th.y pkmd mteb." b*ýM 9 d 4Oul #Mr I'1 bu* hbu t p.eriMd t. y. Wï) ta tWUo doq v teta '?hw- or . ae$Wa.,mq2 eu e &Um. bM mk d b. th*d lM4s dm*mte acea h»»am ove, 10 tfu*im. Iurn bu'ebi "hu A"&sh. m IO~ iluiopdmon if- hWUw via bebs Ito #Pm « mse WY. a, ue m* qm m. b osi-bu #hW I. @vw Sa t uol, Ai i4OMm afomdl$0 kmodh1" mm donm onis W" s w bai. *r ab, hIhd4lmp.i.. hk Kin ,*0 vuâgbis ate v uow gs flm ,#lwmd.v ha pvnos sM* bn eaimh go- an h i «44 -hI. gamwtw bksgooIfem. %«J 0**» ~ , o. a.. t t hi1ev 10W<4teaaa',ibêih.g bua , 4f kuulaMm It.P va.fr '.iwv* n. t.d h. Wate =broad uose-* suebai meno MW* fou*" ube>t ishi.iqpiema. Md nit M bd* of «W V"4bmgo - aopWmlp i w» &WcIbebw-. Eubab Irabu.bem said about Good EuyingMd ami lo uymng, bv±at ler ail TELLS. the TA.EI s And vIrai cmbmned lvith LOW PROfTSMCS PCS I AIE STEAGET- FOIVAR DELNGTO ALL Theeare the maiunpointesin myplan of doing business:, My buying is doue by*per -o-a] visita to The Places Where the Bargai ns.,can. be had, and not through...Commercial Travellers. The Gooda are marked in plain~ figures, and seld for Cash onlys and the, name price îe charged to ail. Th lIe Public wil do well ta Ieep these points in their mind, and before purch asing elIsewhere, cail and compare prices at THM BAZÂÂR DRY 00008 D.EPARTMENT, 20 PiecSBroa0dt Velvteena, New Shades at .30 cents per Yard, worth 70 cents. Anrmmne arifice. la do Black> do do do at 30 cents do do 60 cents. Unsurpassed Value. 2.5 do ýBlack anti Cold Cashmerest at 25 enta, per yard, worth 35 cents. Best makes ini the market. 10. do Striped Sateens at 25 cents, per yard worth 40 ceuts. Sometning new andi spicy. 100 do Canada Tweeds at -1.5 cents per yard. wort.h 60 cents. Home manufactureti, 50 do. Canadian FManuels at 35 cents per yard, worth 46cents. Ail Woo1. 100 paira White and Grey Illankets at $2.00 per pair, worth $3.00. 0f the bnest makes. 150O Ladies Cloth. Manties at $2.00 per yard, worth $3.00. Neat and stylish. 10) l'eces Hemp C"arpt at lé'5 cents pfw yard, worth 25 ceuts.Gûoot fast colora. 10 Came Trimmed Milliiu>ry. A Manufacturer's Samples. New. styles anti cheap. *.,READY-IYIADE .CLOTHINOB XWs' Tweed Ulater at $7.00, worth $10.00. Equal to'ordered work. MWa' Tweed- Panta at $1.-75, worth $12.50. Canada Tweeds. Men's Reaver, Overcoats at $5.00, worth $7.00. Uinsurpssed Value. Men's Tweed Coats at $4.oo, worth m".00. Extra Value Men'. Tweed Suits, et 60,oth$.. Cheaper than 1Case Wool untierclothing, asorted pàve. the Cheapest. BOOT & 8HOE- DEPARTMýENT. 80 ]Pair et. le, og Boots at 01.70 per pair, worth $2.50. See themthey can't be beat. 100 do Rand Made Kip Bouts at $3.00 per piwrh4M5. Firat-clas&-.Hom e mnufacture. 100 do Woum'. Calf Berts at $1.00 per àar worth si 25. A fullrneo ie ý100 do BOY#iLong Boots at 81-50 per pair, worth 82.25. Good stock and well mate. 25 do Xes .Rnbber Knee Boots, at .32.50 per 'Pair, Worth -q5.0.. These are going at. N) do ken's elt Kauý Boots to arrive nextweek. Will be sold cheap. 200 do XWs . abbers, at. 60 cents Per pair, worth 90 cents. New fresh goodg. M( Lat1ieW Bnbbers at 50 cents a pair, worth 75 cents; Extsa value. 10 Cames Pelil Overihous ta. arrive. uhortly and to seil et a sacrifice. Wé ma0 a. wwinio SHOW uOOoe and COMPA" anojsmd al&U e<~e to LOZ HEO GÊ TME STOCK atmay time. M rd&y ivitod Such LIof Goode m 1 may aScurefrom tune to time willb. dulY SDfluneedTHOG T l PILiRgtoADVERTj !IV ElYTMNG -minsuch & T,. aa Vu" bS M Cmmda better id"a of the VAaMTI pTY 0M RGooe wMlb. bad GiA*. m1%-b - Ltaius~ Sas. i. i.-mie. E.mmluoe the P~ w HH~j Nu KXENT STREETs LIN DSAY. w Tha i~ thsetimes loff Keen Competiton and Close Cut Profits, the MercantWho Iceeve the'saps look out for any ciroumst ance wbich May give hlim an opportunity of euig unes off goods below regular priceS, and neyer faila to, talce advautage of those circum2staiioe5, 1n0 matter bow theyy b. brought about; is the one Who mma b Suocuuhfy Copeesfor the patoaeof the Public; and secure the saeby SILINO GTHBSE 000DB, at PRICES which men who buy in the rgia way cannot compete with. ItSepEvytng M. m I j UPPLEMMT TO Tu -CANAI)KAN PoST.-