92 OP ras WIM. -The «b et outows vlotwu net" a Boum gros, MulI. -&barbed wiremanutacteryla aboutit ta ho @me" ta NVIR@4w£ bY a, (,Iùcego arm. fa -imd« h» for a de. wigh the mute, "Ta Seek tête Ek"*» _Dr. Bliâo4 it la reportied, ra..» the ob ' - 1 U --- vaine of lits serviom ta the tue prmk dent se ààri-ou _Tbe lm Mr. Tb»» TMM b» lait [POSTAGE PPMAM By TIM PUBIMMIR. M.111111) te 1 ho Rom» Cathoue charitie» 09 Montrent., Vinland upout t" live-emc lat«am UNDSAY, ONT.. FM AY, NOVEMBIER 491881' poète4ce letter %tann»6 Tom , in Among tbe bequirété, of DeMs Istan- loir ilvait, noie of a iw-ffl et platel tu yS dbum bave cu» loto the 151 hlond.-BkbopCoWmxb. ta . btim Tou lancier. _'The. Winxii UOUlbeeý4. combas4om wilà m wbm 1 - Il SirG@wmabou it, A" MOUT AND 8JIADE. t U = -Witt %isit defflis My ciments. Ton @@Ir tg wmdàný't £ou" the Adm" ty did tient; abmdy.» bat 1-zir jolie prissa à" sa que. Manitoba next "millier. amis dair un a Thm teint a = .baasiste, Ured Metroft Frille Prenait TINWVAWU experts for Incité. thiti eh" et 1 t; le try en MT look au titis m se ad et 1 Sel did reý uat& I ý se how hS. Bu avemnd ta «PotbS.» bM» a yeuffl Deuotter the fissanis asa mMd te have boulot lancer theta PM& m Pub Md nt k»w nothime of Wb" irais union ou Oum' ev*uiv& *wors vas Ilvulir lu the Mllist Arthur, the tiaughter et the BU* ad gîtât wm bord go bave ta Suffind ainsi &M 10 Ils, wffl M& afin, th, sssrm. %T tbr- Imitent dm oui effcarls, Whm tber ruebed tbe dom of thé in ý,Ljb&uy. fbab tudm. en. tbAw wm 'My etiriti. Uý sum lis. lit, saig, seva' Mr. Henry Corby. formerky X P. P. JIM M Md wmh th-T «.bbft bailli IL *Why B« awwr &"Oeqm- for Kla ,"Ling., i4 dztnguruý1,1%- lit, batelai ulme. Yeuretmm in tm couste -«emyou *"Gmd-tqr sille roposted.-quirieWy. -dtherearenohoD,ýothir,,:,)- et 'Lou et deuil and wouaded mon athomrmImi utoid itiboumtwowýýaugo, tomotheý The loist, nt the liritiiii, eshiblittou et palatinus this afterooour 1 'Did vois kül mmyt- tope on unilber whh leffre tel -hi-à- i mm '0 14t" "or: -Weil. 1 -bouillait like ta answer th" .111 bande ü wtmbmotbmur, WB Thil net wurkoft;erit"u ýurtr' Il %M il Vriller te unoft cigare a Mer dom" lie :X Bolide tobwmié.» But be" wm quitte gagion. ,Thme--b somis bmtmu-*- lit colimpletýt. IL ! Are Yeu VSy modeste W - .6 --recul, ponte. Afarý chuRtu M» mahum 'Sbé, mm » boit turaied md ý2l towus, and haut CoIL about C o the ilawur wbm ha" Wb Éve "à traites, ha bois me écit, Md Mid ta mm la là, 1!ý ile il balle l'm ta modest te brm.» 1w. 1«" imauw.l ta Whi" 1 remplit -ble te -Tbai was white Mr. Smith maillot, 1 - It Kecma, te bu PuttY, Weil itulér. »»Obommbu aawSdtelhe Baia " &W Mod tift badin good ChMsd ta 1_ýIsa- thsu, whest lie w» haillon the mou, %flood th,,t the lion. -faille* skeail ýtil Md thm 1 fSud Yom au looking hm twales Mm " "L' doire. ai tînt drux store that you h"u't lie the next j.jeut.-t.overtLt;r of -ambb atmemirr Thou be left with tâte bmtber, "d Xr. record ta bras et., toblq. »Nffl týhom huit ab-milew-i- Pollu mambateft ta Tom wm ellent; fer hâte frtouct fief 'Redid.eW Smithisalitr!' ma zd- âmm be ad .1 uu»d mwà db*urffl &bout sortn- 1 0nt, !ý,briting il, Ici, JW-Wdmptu fille bbuit4ed floweraf entame "Tm dm»t fOM9 &U the dhagramble 1-4-a Md lie dîd BU wbk ta wu., 'ThWe urinait 1 thloquill. Ho told the ,-a.., h" purtlia.,ei tiie rio; i la abaitý bom et postillonnai det&Uia. thaler »W JqMIL, with a @mUs. hiuL mm thug you rua sa lut lie coultin't'federate, !.Ut, &L frinit w,: - rmiabbmhbJor emUqpm Bft«thO =go vminhed clivent lier fâce cueb you on horsellack. and auy uo> thouý 9 wkup- EWIgW Au for Madgui. fille ehose te quark, kout, bat a hem cm catch a nain bond of urinés ho bassin te Wk abo« Thell'iort litiroit "I*ittit-, tbel.w&lea û culte ý beraolcluo a pregfly P"on-thr-BÉh witb,,UgXm,' little lot craduk- Hom - *itbommySwmiatmuon. eh* " wuùm -Tbu "0 thowd: bte i'f Wýiq4iirq.: Il.t, lie the vum lit 19 wuidwsv% & JOY ta him ta think or sbould bave base bmdag ai ber tri. - durlate-1 al ITIQýt ,ý l'IiI to ý il, rire. Z-0 _F the a ce. ta; Chicitgu «»M muuLb IFOP lmé th 111111k atm% the glisse tbU ho Md M emph la. indud« or bim 1 bal ýUitt = ym, A" the wu" et iaiemm"wrea, 1% tâtes dum "eut tenftber Ow away xive tain thu vieil: ta 1=2. oulir te À flinicky caser, round littie mari 2%0 »0» composisid, il* ýwouauiw 1 gram tben la the south. Ami a-*« -Baty - filitti him galon et , doit witaitait steppedl up ta the first waiter la a liev Thé rurkýýli g. h- -i' ,Il te fAu Difentivit A whisa %lie voice or the rongeait, cim Md chalet the sueum mi the waroint or ex walf alitogeiber cystier saloon la sixth avenue, anci Ott igmni :fi rh, a" #fi* Lis«. inoroooinq tird&Nob- et tUuminUed lie= ich« lm She w» gloomy and 'Have von Rot My reai nie" 6;;h* Te tu court etthe bienfait te wifted tu. ta« of se; titis moussint. morose au the - would Bot go; good oynterer for iriiverv in'itis-La. mgj»èm. relumag ïamoid i»-MM"j Th Ili flottille deep ta a *11 mppe" gifler wal mener or leur te m the roft»d te casse and 1 'Yeu, sir.' .1 riii-tIiier of lart.ýrý ýtt Ili, the »hm désolais ait Our ahips a" ut«»« M stilb apmk ta certain ý est - and at dinuer 1 'Not ton, fat Yeu know- but not thin, ýhiP i)f ind;yutiolii. Md fée 2T.0 A" l'h overy wlu malle a littie abow et ljeià&.t of tilt Ficihtlicy, tu the.ýfituulit, .1 UMM -fth auw«im lem% the gins ohetrm balise Md mmoýuv thutild'either. 1 wamthemj«texwtivright, four thouland jiha lest, 10 Un wffle«W LIglisisod nostis, lie sa"Ir -h" &0 leMv 3« hurt MI- body vm amolli. j and 1 niant them Perfectly fresh. si élit ~ y AO&ý4& y. TewAmumr w uft and ad, brojabli ber a letter. 'Haut will Tou bave them-bait shell,. Q &pwdijl!# ist ail. OhMow eaubiý bmwýfti-t masses of je am Th» it rela. top a minute.* salit the littie muni situe whent tbe bout cmu» ajoug the "Da&B M&DGw.-.j thonght you look. -if Tou bave M just the ritzlit kind, in i liei»nm, Emdache. Skh "lie fais, orthe terme weet, puis. la the *d@14memt IL won indeeda ý ed aalcry wbea vent went lu-doors thi,%,' just the riédu condition, pleaille. taxe 1>11«waeào, Dit~ afier RO#Mg, Mises cou in 00 Clary with mm %bu knour '_ à" I think. vire hall, the l moraing. Don t quarrel about such a hall,% pint of s"I ofit» - [lot Leu stelui 1. th# sémam, ibortburaiý la the quý&n. j trige m My going ta London. 1 shall you U-ow.,md strain thejuice of thelu I know 1- jor, le tI ,Il Ale pet» m eh# sidts Md B604 Wang O'f IL" -bbp- a grand new di mien thé munie l lie bokek tu two or titres days; aud beige carefullv, lesvin&Ëju»t a iittie jaice on î Wmt of . xalffr I& bit- AMI dm It wu $tilt more î te brim with me the bloc photqgmph filera; iiit them in a ffl that huit litien r'ver .j. legs lovely Whou the Umm rom: and voit of Kingwourt, if they bave net any scoured anddried, and then add as litti, spirits. - POW Stomtwx If inviger- Sulet éeé the Venger, a" the moi-e:-ICOýPi«PrintedYeL 'ÏoumFPA.-eK." butter imod. pure butterï. and a littie tu ule 4r - Pr$* rf a" mna IM BU UTIIPULWRETC-Hio- aveu filin "From whom. le your letter. Nàdger' milk tout New York tnijk but ri»ai im elie illiemist Md giffl by ber there wu a Lady EkmtoM müd,. lacidently. . lie C«UtrY cows milki, autil theý piac LU E À BRIGHTOY 8210RL us th" scenteil "From Frank, mamma4" said, tbe pan over a coal rire, and be c&ref.li tu Go# thio mit aàlid kàkoii te Y~ &U the air.ti Young lady, an site quiétiy and doter. keep the jean in motion so a» tiot tu [et ýDrUqgî#j abied loirm samWo. or 31[stige b"_ bom regarding bu siMer mined'y-walkedacrom the roomand- theoYmmorthenlilkburn;aud,,!it At I". N Br WIT.LIAN B"Câr,., elowy. fletrey a toi", Mette for IL5 cm#*, Md Ma te'. thru»t la into Ch* tiret Lie juitre if Yeu chooft. suit theit war.-h AVTZM *11t mmt bam beau a maniant Binât Tau mine night NUst -jadlu aise the Pan eloulY qo that the V.xac, tiI0- yeur »sighbor abouti lit. ab* mid, quickly, "for N&Ws face hm wrOts, a mu; but the cati thing wu, ment it connett ta a boit voit ---an - hip it aud mm» DACOvrim oir uzm,,- MC. &et flatte white just thinking of tt." 1 at the wrieur et both note and ad- oit At the Mme tinte have a deti) disit "Elle istarte& A quiek glanee et the 1 w» tua dimuised band. And wmuinit oser ait band. and %%-lien bins Mowed him thât site ý wheu., mine littie tires theraniter, the %se tes firac Siun 01 boi 11 Dit fc«whvýuafrm Eau uvet) girl but" , ell.ptv tue wm ladoleid. plait, bar ey« effet down, i others, tirette lu the bWiard-room. Il mat Pan into the dirth. Do vou think ý .)U j A blittq L)IVIC8014, P. L aitbrv"or. "We% Mr. lguedwy commet do tr«&bLine lustantly hem" Malige herself who îlipped out front remember thatr th". . uirt;t rtmmimwmwr in the qi. CM la a eonfused hurry: the bouts and went and dropped tbat stew!* the waiteir called out étaider theris w» Initiative into the auront pfikr letter.es a" ait au evuab-hr m»oam.,, xâtu «da. . -.1tou Wu,ý mu Ami, 1-:ýl&£&r c o s y I*àqow th« la a very bug Joke,» udd nom* dday labou the concert. One box. The T60-Toaly awftL Martin A alaITU, Ja., C-9 si uladm lafit "Mm tmtbomoi touiller, «mmw did rmUySme batik tothe: Ch&~ icm They lived on Ridout litreet. year- ýt %bý Et Bellaigo. We bâil ont mmuade ail the i t1tUfLpItIé4IfIýiý1IýjI- "àm aide empid, bat joker tbu b» been A 'Are you m'y lily, deari' lie a*ktd oer G Mime - tâtât te ta my, any who were Hotrever, Mmge«s ILI fera was pm«bom "M foule a hfindred %toits. rm »bamed ira oblehbliv awake. Y- - they did m iut»d never long of dmmûon. sud ac »M_ soothinaly and looking down ait the et y«. lq- Th" My yen bave a chaýitl&C vilitimatieil oeillet, toiawtn&eyotL» , tieular time. i»gead et sinking ftrch« i little ferait that ue*Led couddin6tjy lit Itlc,%vlc twdm svelleil puuwu3r= e- grut mom or humw-, tharé initient YOU Va no! oh no!" uld San, and thon, juge solks cyor, fille. absence Bc ber M11181:. for in the ',e MY titillons - thély effatt ttn&rtand; uld il regaltd- lover, site gmw day by dey more jov. ".t.strong Shores.he added, with a d»perue nos Md mnuom and fiffretiolonge. 'An you my decorated wall-pat tern. ther prettemid ta bave a grofit uu»,Ot Smrt at empSure. The change wasi mont marired, and TuY pottery, iuy gold. and yellow butter. gams fur ýOidit. hamS tant Bu whowob Che humer la -We hmrd mmpretty falsifie Oui the t -Xaii4 -who -» hm si«Wo chiet cSt-. dy 9'thé mistA lit Ventes. Edith Picked u1n 1 Ildante. could, not ma" lit Our et ait. "Tes, Paz And 1 ant vour littte 8.ýkL]t OR TO RlMT. »m of the mm* She Win Pl" titillait Her gayety beeame aiment hy-teriml. boney suadower of the Eiaii,>,.he veu- tri !il-- !iIortIiit, III. te-sou after-dinuft.,, il hiiiih- -ý . ', "Bat, Uadge, d«rý" said Nul omtiy and lier klafteu to ever%-body in the turea. turni li.41.4-ilb tujt*iýam Lalle. 1,60 o-9 ni Illui tel dèdalt matin te my anythiffl g@l»gt Tb" sages niflit, as a" , M"" houmrmtoexuavmnS.'Shebouet and bu un lier soit eyes upun bits, 1 BIL WIL ditery Mm" ir, thit Pnirihm I»ngwàmm si roing, with il* intense and hot F m Mr.. a-- iutO-N&W&rO- ju«be(O-90iug, trinirets for the servanm Site pre- boat. a bois tbmugh hiâstidty irinbhirt fins Olt I sented Mr, Tom wigh a bSt-jack besoin. ý**Xaomy cméUWM la 0» la tiiie et IiIiruig ti!ý r--liit -,A 54-ilit. - 1- quiii, elle maid, lowdng stralight ait 1, mmutd 'sil Yeu am sa thisElaint, in 'I'sir, Mid lie %ras pimeed FOR sAIX -A »moer of IM- bouse who dm. nu disphis, Mr. a"- ber, "What w» lit apfec you aillent te "y thas il: Wall. the tiret, sensible il aru. Paul. Can vou jstrunt irim ... r.,e prutiiivuou thi, r.t.; PROVICIII rAit3ils fier *»vmchmP'» th*! bwy finir Franks remioMma ym of Bellal#oi" prastat lie bâti ever tracera a giri te '.',Çorio. pou'tthiàrthat-vo- .vrong T hz et Tisy, il, the (!.,Untv i'f *m«*. 1 bedon poure- -id Moue, hI "Bulkgt0t- MPW" -Non, wilà M maille. But it wu toward» -N» thu me. Lit !irni in C14 S. r,%Rtmtz f-Ir tale lit, the 'r.,wmhlpe lits fuils tbat his, papa aàd effm te appoint, naeoncious, but with ý4 fui ÏfflWiNé 1'leittlý,%X 1 UUMIM havelet gtvm him site w» mOst Particularly aff«tiomte 'Forciveme. l3utyOu-whatareýou1 t1jultt 1. r r lie vir, il. sud àl&&tVV.Y; aud ltt.*ILIilt. IAM »»y and i bar and caressing. Are vou my firent cardinal suriner. hor.-t, fer tric tr*tI,. fier ý"Àq% I.IN9* %Y wisi TWO e.URKS "d 1 @Mt bien out loto 'the worldi ta boy a tl «Yoye"u ytlmomukduo&wwltvyerY wfl 17011 k»w l'm net clever, aleaniion cardinal throuah the veLlow 'rW(Y liq, "f )Coeur th" I wm thiuMn« Of I.tigFet.ItIký%T. Forz ! wite!» , &lie mi& tu a buvec of confidence, "and dawttl' t J f carristerr, il sonserthing quite dilfamit fi Imy- I havea't flot clacit-works in unir brain, 'Yeit,'he satti. il ans, and 1 am vour Z IU. itIî1iIý losg.,tt. . Aad thwowM ehé, quickly am te! thint Captam King wm mytugrýl, N ACI expiu'ivit tuli pi..- ,Il! ý1. i Au. »Il 1 dar-- »Y Int net futere,-Ifnic-to P-eh bi~ tu of joy. vour iuteu-ýit'y of peil r t,% SALIL - thé door and oDened tte sud west cmt.1 si« Ait lec9th. is le et ne evmbodr. But I knout giris wha an oyster pie and etiuriib fair%- Beides 'Il FOP* Boucs ta yen, Madame beheve stuPidèr-thm I am urine au mette chi% I am your pink eyeu. ý4a1fron hued. Joli tas, ! tiSdy reauuMing a aient. 1 pienty of. And, of «tarte. if vOu metteur, Md souied. and wurniy wzLter. IýUrned tht Madm regarded h« auspkioudy fer 1 dont bave any Mutuelles when youre melou., tisserand, and theneiùd, withan atrot'Toune-homare ye-à ilbely togetit Oh, Paul!, 1 v"Y gleaiintly itimmd (in the laului ut the triliniph. tir Il autà»ý 1 afterr 'Yes, Elaine',' ri ju.%,mt"kle ho hou At ait levectif, ho isalft amun ta Ire- "But I doWt khow what yeti, menu, ! 'Yon am niy waternieloni' 1 V.Thula»tlit excel sil ley. 11111114 Nais waised the ruera or Frank &ad.,. e%., rý,r ýtr-,t.,i,,c tive tels & lit. ni W. Matisse- Non exclaimed. 'Why am 1 your wistertueion: fi ofliet ýto. 14; el". ile 0 ffly. King with the deeVm bcxietY. $lie 1 "Oh, Indeeffl- Non amwemd, gently. Nor did Xadge explaila at the maitu. i -&.eàuft watermelons are grettu. 'i hu liuiuri,,&tlýLe _tu 1 *Kkt. Ir., . wOuld ft» n«htna ift the» wild words i weii, rat ai": i Illuminait Yeu preter liet wm. 30CIX)14% eut She emtiiiùed. tfi dýf', fQiý Ili. litilli. Ilt-Ill. (bc madowiq bu m qebultition 01 terminer. lits net Roimr 'Il bellevre it was von, Nain, who told And th-c sigh of the wind died sway. Site coubd »M tYlnir berself ta bellevre, "It ùe@Èy calme ta a quarrel. 1 knowit me of the Young l;-Y -ho -m-ked. sud as lie hitched up hi* riuspenders, ;ju AND$ For. kiàl£l tbab hm assis, siMer- a girt with everv. Mild Madom, hunkly- 'il thmet te Whaes the une of temptation if you , the crosingt below ber houle lie al, i tbiggaumnd hw obecould deoimfn!jmtabit tue effet. Atall etreinteille donit yield ta tir he'd lis Charie* J. Gitteau'il if fic*d e I, er 1.,4 xi. in in the. xth i».eo@wnn nt the Uwil- fille w«Ad-would delluerattely enfer 1 onght to, pretend. ta cage a U" mm -rhu wu etaly, a j0ke,,, uid Nu, go thtre agMu. *iji ôt op., cordétilI mm. un the nuit SWO tapou eue et thom boulot marriaMot tFED S «à - form&» yer, prio i.1 ler.1 = ilictifil nie %be nitut illite, with lier denture Moite. iliw1y ttmte4t and tri ýiew 14 the t.lwn. Aliio cSveaience, It was true. Nul had ta tOh. Maître! huile ?ý:ý u my siteit *,Oh. I think thmit MM la ige,, uld loffit Pointillas., duct. r fin III- jmrk im 11. «tt ofAlbert -tftrs, à açI apposille 1 emfm ta herfseff, thaz Madire wu net thimW Cam for you lie bas osk- the Dractical. Midgeý '-It. doterait do te î'Lic - aile rItýIItù_ Illet, «atnd gnMnd-. . e face it Citatuit very lmpm»umable. There au, ne sa ymto be bis Witt! Coutil . ho care lie too, wise wheu y When a man nialzee a rv 1 1. -, élieil 17 in bk" g.. north nt Ciffit 1 greu. depth tri lier halam Thon- elle f@ýYo« more thala tour, m'te vounm" 'It go «Mom hàfflIU4 Madv_.-- said natural to suppose thist lie iâ a little whü have >te Il 1,Iii W" a trige Imm. Md tiked admiration; As bas never, etreu, t hmked me for ber sister. hav,- -n :,.r -1II-ir , i,ý-r 10-141% nt FUI $4r«%.,.dtfflw crSs-arainéd. 34&rket -trefill. . 'nt' Itud 'lie wm evtd@btlY Plësimd te have not gotitit ta E«jom' ball." udd "Thiers, iou me sosie old 3 Ti 9 emt. haet,.f lot 9 and the W"t hagdlotd, a effrinsialy e#Wbèe tother -The Buctington Hawkeye thinka Uadae. telle appeuM te imagine thas Habbaid, with vour presching. But le ,!t 1' Dorth 'If K-et 'Iflires. flotter. Bagnoit wmtmpoWbieth"ý -Xauw».rupo"ble for èvemhin%ýrmnotgoingtoiju«»l withv,,this thattheladywho useii lier huýian.i'- fýtr a, TKRX9 KASY. Ap ftho had ruily- meut what the ea«L CauWn King dia or did am de; z1v rit il Wben Capitale King eu» huit, then ý SureIy ha would take it for granied, finie. 1 trant ymraorice. I v;ant Yeu meerschaum pipe tu drive tack» iî nt) Àr te teil me whal; littie thina 1 aboutit lady. âridemy. Aprellgt, the tires, state of, affaire would lie seea. would ont; loir remomusted the boy for Frank, ýust ta lie frisotta sa f Ille net coin% te Marty for Lodu.fi rAster. 1 round. don't von Énow.» -Au zxuberant vouth hails a %uppos. Or PO"-- --. Ont, .01 "BU lie taires eveMhim for granted. 9. 1 h ed acquaintanq:e w1th -Heilo. Joe, hut forth jjj.- è ýýj 'fi, 1 $or fale oir ire Itt i ye ope go!" Mid Nan. dnding his ruintake. addq, -01i, excu-, iipor, ii:iII au. or thinka itworth i j- i,ý- with a araire lusille. "But bow cou 1 tue. 1 thouicht you were auothtr tiaâu.*' %%urtit wheu notait K" did come me. And I know 1 Ci t il ULýe.La% e yoq. Madaf I docit knOw. '0' Laconie stràngtr aishwer",'*[ am." ililtbf TO 11%NZT.-The weni Ialfî lirbe. bore whm que joi, te ouaht Co know. what Captain Kinq F * 1.4 ilit en the lit% emeevi".,t verultarn. Madge recetved blini iii avery nice, the old people still bas in the way of elgar cases or such old 'Ady, sleepiniz thrcugh ai- 1-ic tarte, weil. and friendly fmhtov4 and trait, biew" hy 1tt.ý»d mintreu ât &il; sud thinsm- vine service lit a chtimb in Liverpool, -1iiPlied ýu F J.,Ifflz -h..l %vittwtit l'Ir a tom t ycr.-. t%.,rmin messages frnen the Ord folkit whas am 1 ta dorI let fait lier bible with elaspý§ tu il; ztiii héep. L ;j lu:ý. I.IZ it TUONSAN. Fe.nejou F%814. (mm Xionsmurt. Nan'a fém begau She poured out thils strinq-of wild *'BtL* rail him Frank, N'an! Do. ta t. 11). tlffl. - 54. if. pleut mè. Aud I know lie wouid ilke the noise utàrùy awaginjc lier. @,lie e%. ta fade lbwav. x0toinx more w» complainte rapidly and aNMiv. . it." . châtiment aloud. '*%Vhat! iju vu brukua Illuittit -IL -i ut or«. YO- 1#9T. -.%$ 1 am amine huM of Jail: Ilanbury. Sa for as Madge.?' tiffid Nau; -1 *'Saine tinte I may.» mid Non, eva-, IaOtl»erjubt, have yOul"' « 'sivelv. Afterwarde. perhaps." -A Chicago editor got hold ofa: niap iivrt il Ilý ,t,- b;«GOÔd'uWbt- But 1 effl teU y-, if --Whou vou come ta Kingscourt.- the other -lay and pre--ently exclailnc-i: 1-'rtticit co;.ièý Aý ý:.. TIUt%*&UVfhowmvu,.v saxtous, and Pour .il: i-,11 i a, battait xiveu *p ý&dge, tri le te qi. "M'il nuit toit, Waller quitil i. the leuit ou thu accoent uniffinally Illen-Aitive, i would have been a there : gmd with à curions kiaù of tuaket. river runi, forthe puý ravir! laugh by St. Louis, dolerinit it1l' and then he T lie 6»i.b«t honte lit I.-wa. Tilt)$. VIÉ& eremed ta detect something stramile in 1 It wu &Itogether a etrance statte of Frisait KieWs fasciner. Ille liait nflthing 1 atWr& &Bd zim day lt was appuie fi Ný&D wu silect, and garanti away; wrute a paragraph referring te the ity i;j 9 lie neveri seemed ta wish te «peak et Mâëisdppi as a millerable brook. [tic oui sIýXL IPOR 8ALK.-Aý tiolid Farm Imite et, tb* gay widm' Of &0 â=Pt4d made vrerse. There liait boira a st Elumeourt or lier going thora. a' Y ne Lr" notaire -When, ho paid Madjre any unis blowing &U ilialit train the math; -There in no limit te the f lttanwtx)llý&e. Netir 'iklinconthe little attention it appeftred ainiost Frank K!Ws étay la 1,»ndonwas tbe-Nibilt»till. -Imejinberoitihliýbain an and la the vitamine. thouh the sky prolontred for am, remott or other. ait fui bcdvý in ac work on an attachnient wilule à41P.-inu alwwb.. Z;ýau lot il. .bd ~ . lie wu BrecSupied sud wàîs cloudless, there was la h«vy sels P. DM . i tbotwhtftl; semetimeui, acter regardiait 1 leMIL lie -"Ounced lits intention Of te the ba"ipe hy which it la eýaid thât 54-ti. ý . i ruffainir, lto rbat train the windowq returaingto Brfght«ORL ftP&rticultr'soul-destroyioginstrutuentmubepiay- Malins tu sileme, lie woold apparently they Uv white maum or tuant &Brion. Thuý1"7. On the Tueedav niaht _Xan ed with & crsnk the saute as a hanà- lit 1.113 P. SALE.-,%uth bina wake ulb te libi, eoureloumeFs th" lie tau loge the air, huried back by the bo ths modimiand àf&M arranoed thaitheywowd orcou. nantis ta more att«lti» ta hm bu' seswall et the ý«d et the ('/.t. 'il i -v, gý.t huisti. tbe» did net @»M ta be nineh jo;c; rLz-ý Tarera., Whou C&W" Kine mine tbe next dificer the --iYou« woman. zo weitt!" shoui-1 rite the decoration et the roomit. ýtU ait. riiiti"tkn. àvov si, immintheirreWioubli), Whisthe» 1 &ton& 31r. Tom or naceproposed they! la what 1 will do tory jtw)tptt It.4th, 1'. JoHX, tvrob&PPFUMý tq.b.e should &net themta"a fitrollait car i 'tg" .. 4. 4. inArizons, azed .19. aiverti;c-& in a Ta. vitt out fur hein. 1!w, toparlfteflor diten iz 1 qiï.-;ýnired. Thatis*why lav Vnu 'Il eoy, Boredud." ho au Ir oh- 1 MW uuw lu pmmuff. £Mt wnen xan Iwo lotta il,, t'-i! 111110 w Umm anduffluite. ser. om ataist et dinuer, 1*11re au »Il MW bleu ouly the othm d&y,,- eh, alm went below "0 found t lat. 1 hou the Velue of H.p Biitem. ait.1.10 n,,t r- OF lafflogon te go mimon." ng in Ire. Mid engvot -bad left the hocmme any one W 1 commend thein Illich enough.- IL. y. gliltateri ter. Iturai Houle. ý4_" Ir. C. TAV julmy lm& Witt Y" couler s"Bat be déîm net mm te the bous% UIL She ouoif ZM eu .,Ob AI"*. Expim (base'. 1 *Welt bat,-» Madm iaterpoeed, with dm hd» 1 Mr. Tom come dow Mid à4t, «Se 0. lffl. eh', luth., ýt-t. !lie% id air. os if dm ought te have Ud fflM&X lndlff«endy, *,elle to be Mwhty wmui Qui«. 4 trailà, Liau.luic til-t 'it.Itil -À been eý ffl tirer. 'Hm ho ffl tour elevm ma fin& ouc ferUfOrhei-i Anervoueloukingnianwentiutoaýtore thirer. Thcir purlàu-. a., I the otherday anti sat clown for hall an Lour t **l ahmid Illm it tremmuloiWr " »M Tain lit 1 lieip il: -l"'. '*Glk no,"&»woud X&d«& Md ltho 1 '-Bat I did me tell bar where tâter Mir. Tom, wfth a rueb. drow his stisontion, te a brW thm Wou 1 or Iie. when a elerk aske-1 ifthere watt any t he bu, Il m. 1 !v, 1- r **l am ffl tbe séesiery la the amatt- n , Fore. Ir noir mu they were on the' BWTAIN. coming ou the TM , thiiç."ecoulddoterhLita. He --&idntj6 liq: lisa.ivl lit Ichui. ý, 1,,ucli toi, à,,[ la V a the rond to-,» mid Nan. namfi* ' tilt ay "tt ne," eondausd ocant mu ladee& the t Want hiN& _ýhe &W vî lu-rtitciutà.% titer&Lurr tit ;,ý.vý 'Il dm mi ho hm a mod dui of ýi 1 hemsthere= »D heu the ton Kim lIat svects we am mm Pl- The writer hm r«w» of bàs lu for not bel= more «P"t protIrieler went ta heez!ý., _ir he want- tO thilth » huit &dOIR's rama 1101106, am te clo».' sak Franir Klan jhbamt- Owe ed tu be iglown aftythingi. "No - simili the rrt*ittegi;n il.$. 0, Th« le que et Polo" about ly. * Wbm am mer Solm te be marI "All theclever« if she cm lied out., nervoussasui *1just want tosiia;ýouad. '%Iy let t,-r of tife-lZev. Dr. OSOLVU AT LA a»% mi tilt, utw pbyàc" hm recomniended perfect quit. deWis sud sud only, wel&tjou mua mkial,» mid saki Mr. Tom os ho ta« for me. and wu abot eau thinti. 1 rivvst 011. member the b»L for brenkfut 'olicinic thai yon whi(IL I &oý botM off en longimi. V%,beý îc drow" lie qu«e assemilly torma but they am am soingg to be But et lamcà alo%, Madve bad c«; ise la the newqmper-. t *1 ont eure. xiiwi Nàll6» be tUMQd UI16 l t 9 this wwàid be as quiet a p pathytith Htv. b= !MI duci. 50 Ljust dropped in fur if ut lier'.'y ha- irait qiv»v»iv. ilerles of. ý bours et aIL» et i»"oiL' The mertbant picked tq ut- il malle, a".1 MI 1 ton ; up & boltef potier cé-bric to bruits bini. but ý&idhai Litweýttinic, %%Id ýU îtlýti,1-t 1111101110101111168 lu ruer miud -bout t"g 13o mmed êS hari as Il ho hM marcel te be deepir 1 the mau we t out. He mid &LI hp wantcd Il we why c"em we bey 0004n M eb"Per etlewor ptem mewâàol6 nftwr trou "mm- heud ber wht; Md thm ho .'oh nu, it Mr. i Weil aquiet Dr. ber tbe IMVO alonq the, Via 3tabý, la farriétr. %Ir. ira a 't" héol Geoft se ewriffl-the du*«» ýSjoisiettminatobsem~ Why!Tom, th» Wf= tbg: VA tIM brOr IMm bm mtW&-md the ow" of the rater have rue »vm toid me balcrer Weeted bw. The baby, Il hm l phieadeiphia. Jan. 1, j!;tý e»rue» «pu»k% 1101i. it in a privasie fémur matter," talces te tramping &bout tha coualtry 1 linothtr in the ;titoulitit of iii tour. cousiderfon you wore la a «W Xa*114 VMUI»tb- igt mm ta with atosèm a" prowlinc: &bout MSurs. seth W. Fowle & :ýons: cbeýr. whielà lie kept in hiý el@Md esrrtffl &M drivinu th mm oh be t&»" ubomt Bookles, bout could 1 fErMUSI kitehMI4 Md OUChing lever- G«Uemeiz. -11ils -:. Hume. ùf Mil und on Tbtlrsd&) jjjAht. while the dwkme% 1 doWic, uvmi" et a bescri- kuow ig wowd Ymer ets, &" elleIL Wb lives au the amwe COMM uz«t& bas long butta âufféring front uf the htwm %%et" ýr&pjtc«1 iu flatte et the minât. my deux-, we«u of 196velly là»»Uffl «? deq~miim te à goal 130 romain" dimé Md a »Vere hoamue@& which 1 con- thieveë tisade their %% -iy tu the itgode M the lewm nvme woltit àft CUO ffl ý te b@e& It W» thouabtftL - T sim,& the r06%, Md WO driulm ci thO SPOCIÇ Mdend chran- Me trait treuteu by - via ttie ami c»rried t, lq» bewm oddrm»qr aml thm wm lgudgpbeMalm b« "e donnait prewent lut front hae- of our Ulm emineqt physîçîàDý. but they plemed Haft la hmeyes.. PamlaW nagràetou& lut a whaekiM jippettte oomawbarg 1 were osW able lot affffl her tem=Po te. about net. 1 prescribed Dr. Wisýs of bmrcb h" ýo f" revtéileu il.' ma étl mme pattée vSy ddWb> -1 TAL Edfth. My love, Pm M» wild Chem, the use of tour bottk*of wküeh thieve. or muti-ty. foi tan _ pg _dm w4W te brIng hommu Ch* caym» POPM7 entireir eured ber. sa ir là now tour mmth» 'Stverai rtiort- arrý.,tý tw Ne te It fma sime,» 9" ut& more @Mur. affli ca thm wmwý t 04 q 1»68*àw& "And Y« recoliffl tàle «Owffl «Sb* bas wàadmffl Idemi, NAIL [COMMUM Ce SUPPLMUMT.1 aime a" tSk the leu 09 it. durialt which ereiun act were itý I,ý pd ý;s »Io»i3*eý sbé tbecoM a" coutil Une "0 1111011011, ne ftturu Of the"cuulvWut Monday. including that w Nit- If.,z- »Ule ellemir we am ý rite à" For the MSd 0É -Mrilw hunianity. Mes ma dwouý % uttié. iw sa lm immetve& Bures hm requested me to lar the cm be- 'ettoillaUýýd"ob for lu*, A*4 Sm or get: Pm Mr PM, 1 douft - -t« "e.omW ta Umm timm or qowk meaejou te' publiý--Y«n truly bibitinu a -.No Retic ii.&iàifeýU lu 4 whora de ý tbm du dm sa 19% vaibuënnu &vu, a Ic la traly ýionaTeJLI)- d;;ý a" ebewls% - window of her hou-se- Dr. W= mly Ir la aed Wharten artom momberot the executive n1l"d ellwam dImmr martiodR." Wb" âwe p»Oe T' D llmb:p tir @Isolowe wl»bu '4ftýüiÙr M. Tm dontab"Ile -ýd@wc rmm hmuoh« jugnthdr, roo am a bottà& -%U tir ait driqF and weil known &II the II&td":tbi &Ltr'4d- k»W. as Iller wenu Il It wu aut ot th- inivriýu"e.i mant» Cbelos El it atmotimat. 1w . hý. a, cm Ow os belma trou ami réI& was aiso arre*ted and e ..le, lu à»IF«6 tonnante L M as roémmmm& Étaccrie aimm lie f:etý louait. "And 1 tbbdc yes muta' - la abous Cm1>4&I1àý 1 - Imm e amm hSrwd u«S mwn* = ablé r@mWw. Md mot thst wm de mi Kliainsabain. The ýuà cu me - Il ummmmulimL TWY levmbbkT cure - Tb- lew ad»ctk- &PVW vrith p«idi- ci- jard to cruab i lie Pu% ýf -il 'kt-, bRoFffl" Wb bqffl te au up tbrowb tbk" à mu"& iL« it ut Ili, Iud IANIO ensilai. sol& lm un. " Ymm diý fwee le Dr. Thm» reectrie oit-ii sta". le*«Me by. U«w domb. Tb" pictu - etthekklmfflmd w_1tïýý îI ha c Fe te te = buka ber = k»w the otage Md mmberý et an Md baw" et mmmm Pecq - Md jetorma rouille. adammi, q W-. a" We k»w whemef we qMir. Md ami te die reiler a" aumid _, et zwol ddm&. X Owje emmb. velum in oumm«Ntkm& Do Ton M tbu%ýWbyd»tatwmu th" a 11110 rowlUy @W. ab* Umm a tri@L S" ait --- mi au @modo" of the bresth- prou -et Catane. Vember bowný tbe iphffl IOW" lents. liiwe% -lm WQuderm la U. tar emm aboule, br il -Mon, kkIwq troublecI etiverfationd., .%il pw»m suttertug tente cougits. ËM«ýý»tM ri And bow blite the mum. lémomm ý pble" paàrà.- *L tw cel&_ tu abm *0 se" rf Aft7h"v eau M&mm Wb" theincet coiclit. timbale. broneèntiok lama -1 toice, oene, àmmm> OVP OrécI OI&M JOURS tom 4313111m zoom bouma metà&r;cýL ÏM éïes, M for ente or and luueI, r« MW bv Imm ýý .. ýMbpw bmbmý-M Tmioobw la a" "Ob wm- Wbe The 1 qwîd nom'.., M., »> i an requemed te liait pxitici.%'s dru#& 4w-tmmd isp te the chi 99 au 1 dent 1 I&b»gt" plagaet auother pur-' *tomana get atrWbottleot De. Ki,-bc'* Nfw billot, "à*. 1 fAmvai la amaim W«pý. me Thoir, N'av Dhie7overv tor coumeupt". trou ceto» mom 1 W by om tant, nour tàm leur câbp or y- 0011110 a" lm 111affl .- à2bai -m CI! ich wüt convime thent of bà@Xd Pteikimee. y de Bu" &Oum la mu Y«113 M tbw Me a e 09 eb"M' Wb la worddSftù merita and %how w bat tâcetoite waa"fa me ormy mmier moew»- kame sor &IL biliom cammm clou r«mi« dollar bogde w AI, . MW by & pnob6 xéI9àI1ý. i:, %-I,, %tri tells, Çàlltd, Vetsw p si. 4m,'t ........ v I r:, let Il. 1*#»e . ... ..... t-It , PIO-, vilIli 'M". - .1 . h-A the Iý4"k M. Ner -it mm. v<pefielwo i'!, WI? t', lu 1,4 -I 'Oie, 'f 1 "Ils th. i*vq,ý*Mv hI,ý,i I.V tý, tlo ý4mîwI Ill. boit vetoill-Il h-Ihii-Z ; -vt J'. 0,4, ït VI IL 1- 1.0 'l. A, rrIto. As, î A thr 11.1 sin lit)%V VI4. Is l' f et- Ael th, si, md ,Z"O«YV il, XI) i NI 1 tel, N II. V Il -,nd t i. '0 .r belle lent,,ýt Iý , \ Iv I-I: I %. li, es* %IZY 1*1 Ul 1-'. q 'Ol le 'Il ;-I ýQe %Ir le sor, lýeýtnK» to.t4b III lis Imm. Nil 1 K W XLII A Nk t M's.pr. Ait, j %I lb- f -V ."I,, IN IZ l' o elIllé l'. sI.-ý NI f.., tý, mi- il, ti'.- 1 et t li ; . *1 -%st 0 1 1 l'lot 11, ri1.ýI.1 r, ýk 0 f,, P M. c,'q sels. ('t, vt(*rq'tt#4 î thi, -,fýt ,,,Jt", 1 os -f MIF il ft 1 t q"t I'IZFki s- NICW -1 1, relersi.. %fl N. *k tý ý ýs-, hp slm- si siooth -bN le si, ýt,",4 f', . 'sol 00 es, V-Ilk ;tfil t-b I-t. lest les, .1, S lu 19 0 lie; sý, .1, f V PU N 1 oe, fl, ýW». for ité4t pf MOI si N, Is - .1,, --drd MI ".It 4 Nt" -1."tzt ,est thk' 'hlýtwp th't', Msltsoe rIe.e. h- in't Ir, ï, I-Idi- ...... 1, se [;","y - sho -40 P. tel wess strotte, I eýIfW»tt . ýoff toisfîte, Ier 1 N A N 1) %y()() il. K -Ni A N v 14. li , () 1 - ý 8.v l ý ý *rt,,, Witt fuy th». plan -ý,"tqt plie Ib1 ý7 BARUT, M AL n» IR MW ,0 ký-èth All 14 It "l'». P.ý ffl. -ro imis vm tauvevaugm" NVl r -4 A ît y (vi le l'ci tq*y twMOIII In t"h. M., « %ae ont. multiost ppm $M ?I'r'. M h%" le effl e le *te Plýk" wtttt4 est, 14 lafft % Io ton la (le E %Ipà4l vilotit Ilme M ba %,I ,l or. Lit Bxx, . dm INT Yr, Pin-prit. f, illiam..$ lie tf l-cýj 'de 1, Do ne 1 11, ilni (ne .11m 1111ýI* let, i'-el, inel, tho -Iftk 09 lb. Ill n Iffl en min. 4 t'ho wa»ý»t t% IIIM $n l', enliro ho Witt r4vs lot hmd WK. Kitko 1 M.V.Vmt t'. mie, -,*W wa "Offlmie" « auu**« 004, tffl,. e q'. .«"p elle Iife lie el, le", tel,. ilýp 'A , ". ifý* 1. 1 oh eh* Wop.t nott'ne. IlOine -le. toi. rgbýt W m'lir. fumet 1. Ille, .1,11. jr WGILIFÏII:» Iw. i..,# ' li.11N 1-Ae,40. I'eî (Il lemd Iw PAOP. en lÏM th" MIT KUN jekc niln", Il te re- il II t;-ný4s« pob-»,. J.".. l'AM i'! illl-le 4tilo q,ýt woliffli Ni týýt end _eh 1-4 te K., CI % e 1 tî M-*Oet** t,*d ed th(.* ..... .. .... ýttýt tif rý'n, fInh. "f tir, tepe, "4- te f >ý fi (t lie, Il COQ), le q, t'f.l le) et eh., I_ ..... .. . ..... -el";, IcI --el, v vl@Vv M sexiç AU OR'Fi ... .... .. . yï ý'iWEI NÉ tr WIL 44 PURI rem 'V*O nAi