Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 23 Sep 1881, p. 2

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kuI hhiboer'," Wie buS u ba I 5h Th-IMPu tit mbel ___l rm A ww» mmlhS gouml As ummaM yon remd this to Iewïâs e lm d te bey aibmavtth b.sle M. p II ppli iloe Mig tua Svp au.lame rel wply 111àexun or. ta dm y au. ThmwmeabummIboadotbodmm-aiU W UU I T a ralr uset.,b« vv fiaU.NSlbSIfVUO 1 prime = hilwT at à,tthe spt to ge gocS& tht i gie good satisâction for the following reasn: I. Ah. mtis Y» rrange fron réose M euli 1501010 AIdd"& WS 70m a aI bmgBýilyIff avs lbfWvt. aw lUh.lp mue à lma & sunaAUTHE F OTs anti îEAS THE E AND SUIT THE PCE lait aimM lbet e un ssN.P.'m15 Se nas. "Mpoi imiand »Mâmj eoiltoi.W. Si Iou tePOK saui ont. te fbY a aine umatte moîwy abuindant. W. nsay note êI.or Sc.%r-- .pui.Sauetlm____________ ri.i -;~-though the L =pus.ve locis , fec0foti gvwlpoaffleet * Po ff______in ~ M"IR @MMCents perchasse MM -o-ertic.-lerlb. Tn-e su rat iuSdmecfl tot) locer. Tele hl anti foreegna iueltTlm 5SU intisieAmgnr FOR E ]FALT AD M ste p.-gIv.huit.A. rvigon ldîîtâ ei a restandl.timdvilKmbtilbanatý ~mmdc iebte If 600W M iUM "*SaUmON biStes, mmu n 0have uetfls do"n At te lb i I Pim tes W55 el nulutabked. 0000 [M . . abcoli. et 'l teiN r ille.quotet. sui, hocever , gdsho e PlanaOisol*&b.S ta "e. of ail suitable varieties and qualities, and while ISÀ 01 peSMU., ferta lt h'OSSOSO o b*srprisosite use a doe in ibar. MUnuu n kmi.loas he"tei m sa-Ti.&btsSeso a lethefi nother month. A. bftrlng P~ha.Tsnl hlutoeet @" acu t l.qutton'wte pi t teicler isn eprive fat8IUI817I~psl.l MOM Sll h . Amfi'. e owcbl, ofMr. Lawrmof<WlWIbtl. chleh wcl 01110r fr 1(tomIE I lopa ijsiIoldtisg ?sov n"i b. roati dIth Intemet by cnir famwneis.mmm Mbi trwa Oi mei.a mlma é ..we observe a roallnation of catit, rail Wb*".............S fi t 132 le 1100111911A1CM OtI ie Pivot exporter. ha. butsformegi in Montreal âpeingWbuaS.......... 126 ta10 a* , *i ka . 1 *l etb «»r*i fb tva Il y M-ad h boghtup-llthemghftrm-AmiustItUli..........I100lS~is fm od' ilntb ncesdbtte omhrOvlllniti th unij sm tt»I 1 pl11101. ba Incit5antionaongisommupallettelgheî 2 M te 319 ~ê~,the prices mygosWafotU ltcusU.ue<om~re ClISin qnttIwf . X&Bu <êb&-1lOSI Prls«S $U baveredue.dthe prices toje enicho ta01ouil, enabled to séi by reaon of LOW PRICES, and confining myseif strictly Co CAS 11 I)Offleg .d .WPlg.<geuui.. tarseat ho wcil hv oyjtpl..... 10 te25 1IOOIr~pIIOI I.ta#*j In a ruue lieol. aetheeossapsO 1. 0S 805011 ,O51IUBIO1Oaniufd gy aiee are 5t e Ceum..........O 0>0g130 cal00a nio rthe. laules to .iîoa w O nm».139 13le IwisllLUm largeth ttnio f oves sll m ageasrtetof l m maat -u natiu rM~R Lweo . l~ob5*heu.Oste 1 CFI NE GRAINED CALF BOOTS. These lunes are really ecletgood>s and very nu~înj a e M . .Lrr fWhitb b t..... ... (Ile'B o 0 00 MoieW kltI rISAIhiBuilOOi... baW* mebarpeMeitis ri. pulenet 'le ..............O 0SS e0 se Dmmmw ih. ome Ms rby use iedutegrae j, def fl t"a .......Sta OT SSE ,ST RI T C S H Gbs. .............. 0 14 1 bave viel1wamy of the nuIleslmoma ... .,%0ou 0 o lccfe<Wdit cmg..sutb-rffxelvlng peine M lais g. ue.pdl 012 90 018 luyni.sVi&-peS ami Slnd tuaS the.recentte Imma thrbrm.s m,ias vu.1u0ce ta1LeO 1 ilisses. 100 Ibo........... ou00 0 1230 IN this pèusbave MM siieri îngtrolls he l.favorble rellrt1 sml e orb, bIS.......0,01, use00 LindsS *terber 1. là, * homi f Ui saWi l"t. boat lali. smt aehee i. 1em2mi 'lays. 100......oout jSiierW.p@VIoad........ 00 to 2W0 lelue, 0 buwilg. fessesf and oft he crop la Ibis Province, wbieb M ly , .............. e oSeos lu. lb. ts af t o , ie» o f lbu nafly recloned PI upo a rou tiite flblf lido............. 00 l0 70 M.s cAIseb~ï bPb% S eue ,un.lva oea. 1e vry d e lltla'.........S 0 as01V hml «"trI ai. ew.Ma, orpflsaîreeêmi tlly ~lar is Lubsu........ eue t 040 hesdIqa met ig oseia 'i lu e 0f lb.si p O CM. wI t -heb s illeg.. ... ..,........ 0gou0 10. ou hotP1r her 1 0ol h oe le0w Mcsym p altr -proe in %a tIi taffoieu.... ........u30 .%0c64 uneme. linge, prrl= 00lIbo... 491 «% t 505l OM fe th e OU il mon f 001I sose 0f the porta ou Ibis lait. fremm ue oo 1a10pr11, W l sm #M Wl *. h ma s q« ci ier, bave be cs i. te luver erYM tre ly d u ri Clng. o cmt .... 128 ta 2 0 >Mi M"e* v.SttoyIi; t pebo hephWie plà,"10 tlgbltis l-e fins co e u........03l 8s r. ~ Wb fsO lihml.Uak o u. rja nilute 1lii îi IMSpsl'eV;prai, tic...........si t I348 . IseMuM ATsF1 M emr.iU. £idaU . siesu 0f thes"o or fuhmeva= thse bhpiss li0 t frbsihave" de......004 ti.0.....044 0 aSTC P1ulYtWANPP1UNiii0W5apertnomstes e hir croulte OUR.. .10..........ove ou ETEINj..j..  RT- eue"10 tuI il". Mr. P" 11l0,101Ii»&»V;. »bm.0 » seaste b te b ale ait. og,wa ssper ti0".....s bO 4M uml thdiie t usealalisemldetl ycun., usseandz Wbest bought eershown by u. We have amotmagnificant rang~e of T'1, S6 th l.lier. Mu. tioottfrein jt.usbaY thave aie m iteti"ý t0eIcon 40ey kittpt u0.......O 0 t 0ghmta(Juv? bwb"M aret I te foh-em1t&te 050.............6n WORSTED COATINGS in al the NEWEST DESIGNS AND SHALIE.- A ~ th ot. V We M 5it171i thi isES aihaeétanioés mcm- 0e i........O7à 1*12s i.peuissa iirev slarge inq mils telb. tb&Vsrte rceveMuBallr i.......0*83O025 Oits ~'itl?.-SU. Iielar &015MlM keailsoayfa C~ ad ltaryl........ ,DRESS GOODS and COSTUME CLOTHS. The very newvest goods in Frcnch, SnLha;\: 7... 4 . frth, Per ie& ........ ....016 018 * -'t Lti k.I. le t sMv vvs e k @yiu deaers in lb. luitror o h eu telper air so............. ..o fecoureo undioubtedly te,-' aleofèrdb'u . lV aiae a pecicffot liii & VINt. - oVioc,,IlilotsWtscouelnMiuu.eistaApple pr bamI .... .......... 125 a auatrte viel> ','Li> s .~î.ac~r E11'* R V -~ele.t al(q e nms reeeers of bavey trous Ray. pr ton ...... ............ 10 W0 11%W asfa suls t. lm.The opinion 1 stri.. pe km ...... ............54001l 0 ...... --'ad' ' ld 'E DRES. aeUto brtep oin 1the gCWestemIWol, pu lib.... ........ .304t Smrsrgtadhave succeeued. n.very lady want. uaFu..ss Au h *by (5iW le iiyt w çim antzhvI"nrt*cetof î'eunsyleanappeavs ________ "S W 1%o 'for«'hei idh l.tma«eh* the m a N oeuf mnm oelto gtth orrect value. FOR STAPLE GO DSW T K T ELE:ý Mms - lu quelle;0f appè,.. . i '4pouetntlsB 5P7I-Th exohibtion wua agra s unocuostin i.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -tpeet scnt Bt prtectsta ut syeae, andth"ia l.threuo toi Lut c Ise nt îe i aliiaee r OfIUic * f l It hat sIotion i Etes . .1 v. rse .ngfh0 miuia ule S Mid ortMtAi It,4 hImi madi, th«eip. hut Shah S large Proportion orthIis erap jacantufd rifor thse bettos farrb licUA ami tiaulàwhifois uvype 1.7 b= 'tirSi. oi tuisemouaPrmfor a grain ~ .TOIERManager. ie bo«? ao dc»~ra'esla h" tly t ight rrpo n*e ui eu iilseandllo"w . of tk mwmuise souites ad ceres e - a u mslaItleirt.%Ir. W. IL P.nitffl of0f ttkEt ft" Lindsay. Se tembi8si~1. Ait&* làdieton oi q ualitys i intbAi, w a aei thnplefo cto ré tity on use Ibétâ la queOstion. As joie thse uepeetion vettilus t XChicago, 1 anion i ok r im epse for loth edwl bo.cuesti ureffl Mosthe tprus auj Aungtle %th Septealiqe ln. Touloiuesese.male-,anti a 'lIiai Wfor mt _____________ meit< ceur fsi l tvlewtlothlb. cinsîe, for im: 'No. ?. -ucars: 3, o nt olou ee , tenmme._____________________________ iel*weofflory or~7e t tmv Olea M1*Cars; X&s.4. INq r ars: So.5. 21 cars: -lelts ay;--A1fe Wiht inS leIiSttlfifb= ftis t11luis eburte e grade, nosue: totli..471 Cars. l.as My. ont.. i.nMn"r rvhlhitor andi lie n"a" w voun ad usapffl do oul s.puts hcgoIseto ula larme shotw of oens haud.vegUetiboe.. îvtyiflchaimis istcuci Ilcu ar. ÀuîtheCsoi Imer-dn duianThilita g biut ePriibti mut l oU.F it & I li e gos. s~*. hle Uiept SlebAnctandi.ios a ss; o. . ~ ae:17.ami ,91.2di ne oa 1fW ,enit«buimoi f fle. -*M lfd@orietut lfaront aons -.,i bCars: n rte lely:ttl 1,Zi hotloeFiysIlnegMela.et Ic o~~~~~~~~" prnîu ietpethkn ia rom tishe a 0 e 1hatipeath ttisioul las f irl eitciieto hetwo.lear ouuihar 5s fatit lm eSeu entI i -po.55 bthe e Mrca sovten Inpe iNo. 2 la* osi lln, lf <jct.v ei clarken. ot hiy .yalit.j "*#iy *teas on. ceulmnt fie. joeaIt fait, Itis n seafo a e rcar ilu fiteon Ifroni a ..taro ,hy -.,ltToronto $lie.Tb119s t0 e ui edtAIe. 4t h"il<i< bt l. dt lo te l.'hoe Proportion of No. 4 In bliuse ta dwSendeti fron lsth ell.itiskowu o h av erydspsdo1ySp±~ .i su sh caiieti as ahartoemu n. lu buispUrs Isgv# y st aieI l tl llion Tlppoc. andt la itnl, til isroh.or- f fab s to . .1.upow ch seusetr cltanim t iseStieupcIn0fw tla lout and i wel Pitttlogether tuo..%à1. t~ il leAiiilllifet b tili 05 isa'mti ur iiilsepaî am ,an pe ot î.uwve reliable. andi judglng by bis p*d mier iseeti tocarde a potS tree. cbsistasthugaOba puat propotion of t flbvciPtA !gýeh t- hudletrtea s p s at dl ulîsm ey @ W«elar of o. "Itare n tithit bittr thlo ence anh a Mth etSanadNtiiaa hy oon %__ae. t*e.ht-ti Foecesn Of mnin in Sept ember, shr a ,Cag 1h toe as\N%.I:. btntare uolt i p eai i ei <l is csrrylng Ott tI n'a Ils t.tfor char. -M ft .15.1. Portitiffyne euelti w» f~romt à taSp Cents higiser tha-te-qu. al anmi Ipeeti l ingThe Molle 50tu":e- MUU XWITEWOLONY rtui uufoi. fVa S5h. Orev ltinsfor siraigisi Mo, ;j. belceen lisharcasitirait îng thse iret prime us takten R O IIIIOL O X lus.~ l'Wt*O trouiwÎtc e oSOsueurs wie gde adNo. .1 bersb en h Relier fl IVI ttrne u nu. heslieicultillY I* li ugaly sce.in unamateur cork., The F<1 in izLter od ,,oliiu TicPo.4l res ltu tsI. ha.uit etissu thaït the '1iPrim"sfor penril ,rti ugg ro eawardeti oArtepsc sA rente. Fh .Kv u . l ailudsay, anti WJ. Kâl. CMs1: l~n u#r 1 a n tliheb1 'ratierordtuarp e"Mfmsste! bm er.-in the Ord$F nâuld.- rois. Mu. l. Aler100.1 wfta " ab s oa ntiant crop ot lisrlep Is norhtis. -31rv. Slom lkqd lofd etliobeaigeon pauseui %tela tils cielk. I rn glateà am icanada ftoge ta is a i h10,,h <rison 'rlaay bauin v o.lt u the t.e ru ii% r.-To dpl t 'y Wst.. re-sly 'morteti, Thii.<lbesays -ta AtFuti )OU llen M Rvis >, s-cdtan&"o O e o hi.cu4n, pt IitlHy.Big IlandAaRETisiCT ira 1154 AtSt .14151eP.IZ;btputlthere " aIre aexc*ptimlo angs<,. li"oygenn. ihoca thise y i #4 PUB IC Esat Iom. Avntamdi leS 'lé, viillfigt. jts tiie l ii e e&'.openlon otthe be t jileriniportoit. 'Il. best groin oft ibIs ~hri.asi< censet p;.rtn Ie, chieh petints te s verp tilfertwSn tise ltre s taPrideofetFcnaliomn.tIl a very' te qcislee t-bà iustereuhe11 rite t0f 1conelsln. Compare ami peai'. Cii. 1fierlvlfèr tf I14 meisn.t h e qiu;i r uit.I____ erd, Afitrt l. svems mmi l-oupe. be" PrimtefeaslbMgide. 0riretî'. fiwoiere are . Vtoandnia l- I amn decided to wid up in afwMCsý hr 0=lett'Oiteelias buis aof rlietirut$se annual DISCOUNT SALE for A Go",Chanoe for Cash B yr rsoledntte Pcih"pince 4liclNo. 2 splug chet, $i t8 1.6 bicl.l suli ti.lirclanSvec'1.sr the benefit of all who want DRY T AEA IS WNXFl E 8 "r 4tbwI-ré l4r n t,, .it tenm e fl a ltS eveetng. 1 eNo. :1.corn, tII4 te et': No. d ats . lt sîscomet A i. n ut.. i<let .t i tls. heSl, r S» * f111 i ,ta ia theuw.- los$1.0,o teac.1.», te. 1 5,N 'bar ' e.1gilnâ h iiSWC tli wn it. 1P. i il cihi n .u __ sir rn sfvsoet s , .lle.1571arSangenNo. :1r115,10;. neon and 00DS, MILLINERY, MANTtIES, !ý7-DONT LOSESIGHT 0F 'THIS er zi paww= cérth, trte'h c ot.eul. r,'inr Ilhe top with hl'uttrlting i tetioi.4 5e1aitrlstlfocMesip.13hter., t t htevr lbpt tte iad ina iissitn tint. .Ths'ys'ilio.n , tr ma pMpieoW*d 1 isatît ttvd3. 1 th anM 1of t l(0,o 'grade of iisrley i.liiylieue tue ruie t'ueitcîl, lutn %virils a CLOTHIbG, G.A.3PETS, FLOOR OII.- et,. on tei tOUM eli util i<'ieo antiureiy il0e1tbàNi i ,OiliiIiYai lt.im a i tuaIt, is gatitliird_. r. ter. urtiet c ag e mii. ai l% »sltke o tells.t nfortise ram I.tliu ualriath.tclnoti jT FURS & fThe Stock is wefl .Assorted yet -oU,0, coneeli*M àRonlsd e- lb. alsluil% lgilst for tien for theuraeu 1Is. oi tiure ta~tis twersvoimfed aet UR , &c., Mcniu eteitreal strMase.amp nue ulirang ic rtnaluirbev otti esesi.,tllu ohbn. Ti.Mal eyUlsWte O'vrats for Mu ansd Boy,. Home. h fle lffl te-.... hiebspro. Tise r ree o ba O toy *tey i Clîlesfuoulîirlt isycitavuliilfarlea. MI. Wtaait.vr d'uing the month of September. BrzngMdEtfFa .3.U erCm.Jckto t. ise b#uî "ete mm. *esce. tse veau rentoglng 'lIS iembcv. L"), .lie lironght IoVsariifion gn«Wkiltwodstire aIne1 ale.VLdrColts aceq WWkies it Mr. tottu laicib hacve521.busiscle Tis e voclpîs s1peetuisua 01If iursioi. Thse flisiu. isai.t artu., DMrwem B ats and cape. Mitts iahè% OUbnelgisose, lelvtb«tersthin meSoisstac. n fer. o,r le toetpinion o e ine jud the besi. je your friends along to get the benelit < lvs irl* 1 teier IWO t etvattitami tisîtot No. 4 andi No. 5. tus ?flicaukee jyêisigro etmuis punch.tero and discount rt" t hs l.mmi. PVEsnilslaifetre ti lenon la nt serlodi itas li~t. !X a5bloi3IChem!iIL l hme e" ad. and :ano. tiser ba uclagSle.ls ets t opelbanbi. ie eighanIMmal1 a helEt.ont s msathse I b Md tib lerecthmWtanlorsmegrade tlu ChIcoand s oise. au b.l.0" sslon nt <he ocbobrw1- . !Ms.n e! III. Iflamitl 54<5019 Ici t.p ntiitcfe!5190 etale. I. àou mlitla ISEseLhNGnOff Wt<tt.wsiitam ,5sItieuititrsaiaietitsaeefo i r Ife)e.XaC ev.fOS.1* 1l.- siS.- Ai bol«*mopla thel. rvee r t bs baud. sud d tu om l.laitioreselsa I bb"dsesla vue cryssal lba<u th ue gîi Fm ue O -I seme Cruuh.De' as o 1.Inh-i. os. as 0"s w liM - a niMa active tieuwasti basm pmi ne for trsst se«, ronsund am i le [*.Mnoir pepurti 4> Law of 8, A i Ee.,. ur a o'cmu oa o 18410» lh" Ii ae ~ i t lriain. cistels les lb dp te atisoisagit cufvnire .," lttr blimmtis e.uul ant ' jB tm e, laWbes-I j.u.r& .pets mus vi *bb cusitm us<tiper. the 11W nobury ieilttil hbo t 1- l ue. it voua uus p*a1 TIîÇDS 1Ito tbbSbuhased.fsri1 al»ite 111111C V*SUZOM twow n4for $.elut. AilI".t___ ilKtlav tc o eioiSl M« esdIW»muetbar- us aytbs la-t tel 1,5 t'4Utei5, et l.U38= , j i1 5*6 liSI eu ilStt etc i th toie la.BB X *U1 ciii lb. ,Wâ W- luitybne- -- 0 , ceLL -GO@D SO»Im ATm CL omS" zUZ %"' et Sb 1 = .se.,ttomme s buu 0. bammWtv'gpm* » m- bosS susilm ai ol. ase dtrbuS 34914 Me ouauiltr cf. M*5 #W* tosals ira thtbe reet »W m orp .1 M maile s Iruel Fm"s 1.o iite..i mm, w» p Iieffl of.î»; implem l yffl te aDEAa N. I o h ffl e M em s u p e o ie u r li a s i e i t l e a t o i t t r ia"isM Wc e s a o u .l u tIWl s s tiOr T s 5er, M C o m w mc etI l o S S A B L E o, t e u a =I-t e i c e a u o Mi M 15y. tff ieS a gléums areon rab& stsu . i aien umbua m»M1hmda wnel <etS Uoetali tounA laf i O P 5 t e PSIi oU5A u mt*t ee bel.le!m i Og11fu lu v ~ne U «le s tie. a m a -utique ar et u t g b*% e u.ctW"RM lft elo ONecUtM& 1 mm" iyiug , lUa iGro4okS1tColOa"c. O la lib* veto ~ alqIaalaMoa& sibe Im m o. C us&0s IUSS eO wlem., r li 5VS liUh aem.. 1sltaleu1 etssa tlms llu e .m et vio uns u ~uest se l'ceaics iuteat cOus tX lb. d1elle cd pet nomsibbut et u4c u SpMd boulet ___ _____ mi.mar. a esour 11 1111Usea b»SOUSP o w» m ab bu m pull's osuuIiSoio~N . i o ai lulou. Wk5h 051cs,.aMmutI__ _ ~l5isir5 ie tir' nnmoptm liau bie oul . > phSe 5omt o m m a um ehMt , ,5TAIW»tu tue $111114. 13%t 3WIT H) ' SRLIN Y liocekîhle. ienerePirhmimbuilg .eo~mqulSp ervdi. nushipalmneer aess4ve oit. diao M -', .a,, - oaurnht maa trie buSde... or ten luIonnu Wirb. oU u ceit P lUS n as* 0 Erl5uleQds.sCmi ' 'a. etull v1 i.SB591 srsîa ameou.uAIie0& rais Veut. I ý1 "ftr.sma »w et yugmoissu etmy tu Ils neusbMmni lias hT'l~ ' il o %e 1hl m at mb oniepe it a"lb huai i a 5.55s551 i8"sms Se l-m -1 7 -- . Iwo meISIriUs 4ol hbu MRl P Ui5hiU - te u e i eaom ubsus - ..$om-urbmx r. urLý,y-. i te ut.et ~ OU ~'r.Lin euç ,,p Lt'tym lRl a>gsc . " t. -.o4i LSl>~,r..~. e bai sire yeuse. ms tts.'me -. a -- - iJ. a. mdoixjk 4:e. n . l. . uWilo. LX LSKis -"'.t" qua&- nota&UI .srnwiI..s

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