Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 25 Mar 1881, p. 1

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lJFJJâtt,,:ý_ ý , - 1 ý ý ý 1 -1 1_1ý .ý ýý- __1l, ..- . 1 1 . ý 1 1 ý - ý ý ý ý _- - ýP ----ý-,-"ý-ý - --,ý-iý"-,ý-,-- -I', - __ - - - illilli-lý , , - ýý 1 . , , . 1 - ý - 1 . ý - ý . ý » ý ý ý - 1 - . : - 1 1 . ýý 1 ý . ý 1 1 1 1 - 1 . iii0m leigt- ý . Il ý ý 1 . 1 ý ý . 1 . . ý - ý ý 1 . 1 ý 1 ý em . ý t. AV 401wift. . 1 ý - 1 ý. ýý 1 ý 1 ý I.. 1 1 Il 1 . . . - . ý .. .ý ý 1 ý 1 . ý 1 - 1 1 Ag" ý 00ýdop 1 1. 1 ý ý ý ý 1 ý ý ,* , ý ý . 1 -, 'te rýZ,%-..!= , hp ý , ý . - ý - . ý - ý - ý 1 ý . 1 ý . Iý ý ý ý ý . . . ý JKIý1-4&L.àLý . ý ý . , .. ý . ýý Il ý - - .1 1. , ý. - 1 . ý . ý 1 ý _1qý-. . ý - 1 - .ý#VIM ýeilý.4 ..,-týV I.e«.eI»;ý - . . 1 1, ý Il 1 ý...wII '... il 1 1 ý . ý : 4e I_ ý_t , Iý,I."J.,ýIV I. ti" ,,i-wh 1, ý . ý _ . ý - 1 ý . 1 1 ý . 1 1 1 ý ý Il 4 . ý . ý . . ý.*,ý ýý-,,ý,ý,.iý,'ý",ý",','-.','i,ý,ýe ý;"",ý'.ýýýýý, M r ý ï'Aý.b..* i - ý ý 1 . 1 ý ý . 1 ý 1 . ý , . 1 ý 1 . 1 ý - . . . av,ý- lu Il, ,,, , , .. ý, Il i -0 i4 i ý ý ý . . ý 1 Il 1 Il ý , 1 1 11, cIIl-.ý_ _ ".. 1 . 1 , q , . ý - 1 , . 1 t .I el .. %.f ., 1 ý 1 ý 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ý 1 . ý ý 1 ý ý . _1 ;" ,., .... : t -,ýý'.ýý,;..-;,'ýý."ýlý4,pe,,O iý. ' ý ý ý ý . 1 1 ý ý . ý .. ",.,ý., I., ;, .."iýtý. hee ý - ,ý 1 . 1 . 1 1 ýý . ý . ý ý, 1 . 1 , ... . ý.0 ', , , ,Il ., ý - . ; - ý - 1 ý . . ý . ý ý ý 1 ý ý . ý ý ý ý . ý 1 1 - ,ý ..., - ýtIý4ý,fv : ý ý . ý 1 ý . . ý ý 1 . . 1 ý . 1 1 . 1 . [P OM M P l ý- '. I,;*-ý'i'ý-:ýl.,- ý,% Ii1"ýI-,_i..-,lî ý (ý4i#ýle. 1), Lâ tt,,l«44» #*On«"&. .1, ,ý ' : ' ý: .. .ý . ý , ...,ý,%.ý 1.1 "".,.Ë"b enýt ý ý 1 1- 1 -111, - ,l - 1 - __ _ __ - . 1 1 . ý .,- 1 ý . . ý ý . 1 ý . ý . . 1 ý 1 . - 1 ý 1 - 1 - 1 '. ý 1 rem __"-ei _:ý- ".'*'.,",'**,'.,,.ý.ý,,--ý; ýVél XXIL W bbl$ lf« à « - 1124. - ' ý . - a i. -1_1 1". le . LINDOAY, ONT., FM ATr'MARCH 25e ý .- ;" . :,.,.i l>1 Il 1 , . ý . .1 . 1 1 ý ý . ý!., 1, e1I; l fi ..I,,II e4 ý ý -1 ý, - - ý ý ---,-- 'Il Ilý--.--- ý .- 1 1 ý 1 - _. - , ý ý - , ýl,.ýe., I, . , ova »Atum t - -- màw*e MW la bm ftdob. 1 ad au ed» tum âïssy domm otr .,&%. 1 1 1 ,. .. ý . 41,- . 1 ý ý *&&-A- # . ý 1 1 1. - O& Wommd tomthw la the émidit, ai . ý ý ý - >ý ý,,.j, .il ,W . .ýý " " O" ." ý ý " 011## te fou . 1 3alftýM *»M1113180 ýý -plieur. .- I 0 ý .*,L,.ý-,ý ý-- ý - ý - ý ,--. M#Mt.m-J "ýl.& ýIN.M*;ýý-mz.OMMM - = . liou"*O ý lamtiotesý udkbw.ov« 1 bave » 11- ý 1 Il , i '06 Ié, ;, ,:1;1" ý , -:,:I:ý,, ý ý . L. à - 'YOV " IF On ý rAw» Dtev» W, P. L -%U u*e liard a= W-Mmm&iwwewtmiuoti . te a Tur ý11. 1'l'. 't, >nteltwtbçàt)ý .1 ý . ex.ow) !rN #*Iklv.Allc #» , ý sufflumý lis, 1 Wb = .=! d=iit"30"T= »-v- A.di ý ý ý Il -Il 1 W (, 1 . . 1. OOM@& -.1 . - 'l .I. I..,.,..ý, , 6MI11,1111 1% ý ýý . 1 0 = Wb one. % IK . il - » id *m 1 bme au te «& »W -6 i bis que-. 19 - Mt àgeý, Il wl . ,- I,- ý >3 - ut« wr *'t m , se m t« 1 'V' lu l-t- ,4 0» té * «O ý ý solusissilit, à 1, th" de capm" boa t "Wbu ym Mr fi; là, dollar U" F.e éq't mita 4. VA - k "en# ý fflw=uwnt;:Cdgr.evm»t Imm* Wmuw toi *Oum au hW", irai limitation velivani K i ý* . ý ý, 1 . ý . ý Il ; ýi,ýý , . ,,, ""I' I', .,il l'M If I-h'-"Mt-,Oklï, 09,494 «-et.p«$, emellt,( ah«;ehàtbq», 1o@(ý 1 ýF. #46 1 * wu It 0 là 6ýý= ,_- ý7 _ __ _ - A . lori- : ý -, ;. .. : .1.. . ýli ', ý I,,l,,I ý ->e4t4e, , ý 1 . . ý 1 . , - .-,- - _ bélot _ ý _ bùwaim il. et lu lit Wols tion, eiwu; . Batz - -à*- ý - - , 1 età"b"Wtbu mmietbe thtm *Wtl&4 > 1 . Mid Mr. Mack, -Twe a se ,4tý II(.,ý't', jhb, W,.Iitýo,% 401VI, qýý,0A" let 6 M il *»W » a ý ý . * M W »M . ý . = hm 04112 ho corps 1 - - C;e- oteh. .Z"l ý ý ý ý 1 . __ -, - -l--_-ný ý 1 M d =U"ddl 4& .. 1 - ... 1 1 . . _* ", - l ý1IIlIlï 4ý ; iý ý 1 . ý ý " ft4m air f»i . 1 1 1 ý . , il , el. .îw ?» . . W ýý ,,,I>t, ';',' - ,,,,, *kIýrIh.. "t»e,ýývI é(»Wý*eo ça, ý Il 11-1-11 Iý bb Isý ààt bit OUMB" S«k &" > MM]14 wilsh Se WQW" I'ýý . ' 1 :', __11, Iýl, 1 - . - bb disons 1 wm whmbew»oabbbmk omddmxnwma . LU M 412 M Moite. , ý . 1. - ý > Mr mi ta *0 acutaille ce a mm My thoebte if 1 toile te ezpnm .11 .. " . , ý ý 1 . " - c- et 'I'te.ý.el..b«m solii ý .V= 1 FW. , 1 . I - - ýý _0ý 1ýN± _.ý ., 1>1.ý"I'ýiI,,,* : ', ý - ý il ý - - Zn- PMO@ý MWMUY. thomb hm effl prem se "Pmjudle« Cettest tom out te bu very ,-1 *#Wl#. - gm zg IFMAM 0133049 . 1 ý * z: ,imam a «Put. 1 » Sils de«MW" la the ý fool" thinm;NMr. Mwk.-- _e Y. 1 . ý 1 - ý . ý . ý 1 ,«« onowwl* dmol, «o-o& two. et 111194 et - .1 . 1 q % ý ý - , ý 1 .I"tý IIII WloobN »oi1ý4tq, willit.ny. W. 11#1101, pe;vtIt..L* .J em,%Ittj (,il ww.tu 04 sil. am voi,01M - ,soi 1&w«0Jý *W-'Ir* ~ Wàwboý ý Tbuvmmmt»omtmdwayomammâ = 1 ý ,ýý, "".ý*11""'ý.,"ý" ogoo* tom& ý , MMY ý "Thm yen do Mt ln lm 411J . . 1, 1 ý 1. ý - . - et ejbudbmd frisson , -Kavtog MM b&W ho hm diei ,Md tire . ut .. .. . .Id 1.1 --. -0, %& 'VLUZýwwbtw ctow&" ý 1, -M» et vois, essa haitie oldisy domuthm imar- .. ý , 1 K èbIc"ýN >IIiiifW' 0.44,4ýeta"».446 010: *140, Je W Afflt lq -0*# (O *mb*wwsi *Ytbmmttw;e*u retýý -0--Pdoa% P-h&Pg» mut- 1. ... 1 ý. "", >,,,, Iý,,, 1 4.4 ..Iý'ty thé ikk-6 oeil .ef .... we.1, fflVIN wI owx4t" 410M ý ý 1 ý AtIL-sm & à» ýe«»« ý im maum . h*W»Maikaudtb«b 1 lunette, sim't know wh" yen q_ am ý _ 1-1 ý 1 . . - ii.Mlè" l . . ý . 1 MUU." sald - ý P"W- - 1110NUM 0% ~ M» t=bm 0 tom it th« bu il , , et xr.,&1hý;nîi m . ý. . . Oý» loeèpqh,.* vl". . &**ai top, Naied 1 111111110M dr II 91& ý . -., 1*1 - i Cold J)(>N11NtIl>'ý tltb'rglI, Ktekgpkt, tmwx ( , -%Pm Md mulwot mer = um amy a Pm 4* wi maaneusý 1 "i; i»ý v11p , ___ TM. i Do, ýi,- - "ol, Yý - ý1 i-,Iý1I-- VtIff %Y kI pý,o04%,,p bieffl mt4bt».It4.. 'rh,ý.1whý t"om italien 9"M». *m ilit M& «» ho . ab a %adosser lm Wawor Our sepoles or OW16 ý let: héà 1 . ".. ý1 iiet - ý - _ e4riet utti4m. M . 10W lecte» ov« Lanym Md bis: the pnower et ;ssý ti; isirm Il. ý .C ý . : Ille 0»@% Lot u tu %,W* lac F;.i#eidij.j, W,&«m ThY $W$?. kilo heurt Thy oe& Il; )il ,.ý, I-LIO . (e-*4 4""I,,,,e.,t,-I,,,, il', *I hl* tell me #«-m the (14ýl.(,--Umoy b# k.V»* *6%% O& Î* aube - tý.,_I;I _, oifflouritvmbrl%îm ovwbwx& A ý sig»&"evmtawhiehmmtmd--O-u-r: Au ýý ,ý".IL"i, - tut ý' 1 Apwy %O . W. -ft 1 M3. k.w.... *-*W = bu - - noolles, manL" ý And 1 , $ri eh . ý il", ,.Iv. ý ý A ýiiè,.ý - % ew %, bift q4hui *%il Ilhetisaise. ý ý :ri. .Uuay . CW W. ý % - .ýý -I 1 - ..1 -ý'-ýljrlp ,ýlýý.'ti"gv.,.Iti, t%%,ý-l-I-ýi.mb». 1 %oi . ý - . , , fir, ý ý ,# , «*. as .&. . tunisienne. - ý ith yen, Mr. Muk.11, î _àn ý . ý . . ý . . l eltf# ekY - -, -*-_ 1 14. lim-lel."->«-- me» be lot vaibr, ma 1 aom».w ý ý - 11, - - A. 'WAZZM ÉIMI»ý - 1 - . 1 Voik mllia -_ A ýb« -et 111[el. m WRIWK Op TIM vomi&« we« - Mr. .= _ »daim ý 110*1-140 tl()'IIKI, Mt: '4Î& ýitbtý,lIllt",%»%(étqé ,&.wwmq, 1 1 Nuck MM th" ho et this. a .1 ý A" IV . 1 ý . N Kb"r»&,àbtàntfi*.I>""Ohmplaew ý , Id 7ýethJ3%= t,*-'4t- t (à ýýKt4i ti- ý 1 %W 1 , ,girovi walk endm le iý:ýei1iî; ow. Il ýcîq" .,ýtit 1,ý,ý 1.,-ely Iýiý,li.1 i,,,,I4, TÉWY. tri «the Comuy et abueffl "XORNIVNG " Au:, U net ladder, fer An ouvat4t râx» ý J'l' ;il \ ý - > "W,";"",Nqf,ý*%V,ýý,,t4.ýi.t«,ýý,ýkfsêlf ý 1 1 - *FUBMUUURUVIWUFPW ý1 14,r MW ka etionsontop ý ý ................ lý ,.il , , II l . , ,.,à ,Vi".,: ... ( w-,I.,ili 1. "g.»« ' lk é BaPmaoUrmmdm&màlun- woridâ4 and drelissaissit of a weddinI A*01 I.-I,")# tb",4 .1I't't» NEY TO LEND . trv»Màv A ?RRIL&I.VokiKet.sRD tý#p Ae a ztb&~ Mu"dM &"kmk- maites me mllestrabli, fort week&" . Th et** . , - ý 11111111111111ý0 ; lotoUs ' %ad 1.01111W W" Ille«Ililly 1* ý ý 1 ý - 1 ý , - 1 bbba t. y a" Mvmiw Avu soii>waiwirý ego*.&" m bu *ho" ma. br m te 'But whas; in it Tm test. eh, Wstaîre. , t ' ' , ; _ , ýrkl Li, 'I', -11110, -f t--JlIf.,ý ,%44I'i ", ktI,,,ttýt! b-,%4*, oaýIM %,fi4 I.9 1111411im ewos,80V pemim ý ý salle, 4 txt*à 1 ý . ý 1 ,,,, t ý k4 (Il luiV ....... Iwo II vobe. ý»4èèe,)e %çi %» ' ý 114w.. W 11111111t. ý -----«@---. ý lultbftwfflmdmdma îbb" Bl&eklWjiatym bi"teiLotehrened.Bltti ý ý . 1 1 1 .- -,-I-I,,t,ý ItVI ili ý ý . . ; ý 1 1.(,Fwý,we- . ý ý rw cisi mi ý 'Cr »emaum. b@»IWVIUM b«b&&rbMMbMWM L Fýspinoee4who.bavicirbemalarmed .11 ý ý,ý,ý,iý e.: ' ý 1 I- , 1 . . ý . ý . 111111111, . 1 limom av= à. le fflo! . by nt .0.11 %etit-getfy, i _111 4yrwi-ý liINIIIý14yI 011et. 1 - 1 ý . 1 ti .toc:zmmm»,Wlmklk tbwbwuumdmÈabmâ. bi&bmm; the &IotchamW» observations, and met w ,.. ý ý . 1__,.ý,- ,4""ý"i iý, ( ; ', ý* .., Il,'."ý, li bf*l 1 lffl ikilalt Àâlr 1 ]PIM M i 1 . ý 1îý - =A!0*71ý--, - . . ý 1 m&Mgbtawil,. IUý bM &ewql>i sondentandinst 1 hiè, um«Pedmwmted ý ý 1 ý ý i .. l-Il t% ,,ý"" ", , ." fflIýIt i;ý,, - " '11 4 1 ft ,ÇtAta-,-Vwràe lm go. 4&, ý , fcwî,mdf,ý'u bas, ,,,&ý 'le ' , D I ,"ý:i",týýe l 41 - - M dbouàmn bouatuý lm lond ý a plein amwer. 1 - ,I11,11 wY tlay lèmet ton by Ob DAILff ir VM TU wýe.. »mu",- ý 1 - MM" m Imm@* la se" 1 "I coulis *or male you undentan' . . ý il ,ý L. ý 1 '- Il ýlIl -', 4 ,41 ý mebwawebemopbe ------ 40- "$ou , MT %:I I b; il A'r ifý.,. il , .11.1e ý,,,.,.,Iý.1 el 'I'.1 I- t.,*.e.lý I'f' ý P"*%10,ve*llbbv t 0 . - -0 m a ý. N ý -\ , - '. _ý1 ,,".fll,, ý'.ý t'1.Iýýtý.ýt ý 1 1 I . ýlliV e. "Wql . N:."N.N;P. ' ý ý. . . ý . ý te ow«"* twoltkotiere Atalle w»P mont. cbw~ = iew- - - ;î --mmiu&» reww 3ùsi 111=14,1s; WQU 'L ,_ I,:.iýll-ttýI.J1- eaier Jý - 1 . OMM AM 1 ou»wbb4buoh, 9~ lesb-1» "wort Va »W 111somweboost, \ ' ý : 1 _ ý ý. . M, t-Il IIIýkII, 1 __ __ 1 101> ww* 1 m lm«tueuwwbkw. am ipa»udtoe»t"eantat tbm wmm sition il lie not'prords, air. 1 1 l"im, «#,** #*#Va&*** 1 ummwb» li Oa*bEq"«&»"àmswuewme il il-i 1 \,ý te I, i Iý et)ý,ýý.ýeý)'I-mb.,IýeNti"ýýý%y ,rhil . ils, qvt**I-M--- Il wq"fmrloc"= 3a*,rmwub,*Jb m ý '. ý t.ý_I_ ý1 ý. 1 :I, II 1 --IIJ,-ý I., 11,, )t,,t%ýý1..4 = -,iaim-îý ý . a cha "" IhIr -**. "Île--.", beb" mumwbw -emm L! te" 1': ý ý ý li Is, tl-ý, IýIY os . = 11, ;-i b« silo traveil »W*md obub. 1 biwa =" -, - èw MW " Imm la âe ý -Val= me nimrdý thei; sec *là lie M eom.twe, --mmtm héore, »w mmb'a -t" ý à tat.» ; -.."ýj-,I, 'l-11-Ill, '-4 ,-.,,,ý,,,,. Ilýi. ý -,..eiivý,',,.*,ýk,ýr,.ýi,,Wl"O%Ç.I.Iiýl-,»(,-114,0411.-4*00* * * 1 ! - à" #*W" c e t,19 ý= 1 wu il - l,ý'Il, Il. 1lF, t. ýb, I- -J., 1lýll .týN t4 ill'It 'le . 014901elàý *4111111L, kl" op ý FowbImutomwpmeelapokuwbeaittikdittimetos»" Ou M-111. . i tudý listing his, let .,ý ý ý MW",'04b;;;ýý O" bol mm ma ý . - . aper. " ws1ai;ý tý V,ît 1 ý , - 1 . Il; ý ý - 1 III, 111.1 1 "Il 1 1-111, 1 l ,I.I"Ifi-,,41 re', 1',.I,,ý.;I,*l ..il ,.tIh.ýk etýy,.bttI..,.d*býqb# 1 "MW*. ~ 8ý "». , . - __ b"w* by laut.tbu, m *Mbrtmymali*Kmwitae@»& -Zopn uqm»bâm à , *ý i:"",l,,ý t11-1 ., . . , 1,ýý t 'I 1 _ __ _.. - - Ait X&M'Ir.bmb *. m- r captai la the mukile wodm " . . Mr uneuý Il tmme-.ý yeu tell ml% mtm"what for Mr. tBdeý -., ';I 4 Vý'ý', ' ' " I' il __ý__4i = laidi, ýý ýý 1 , Il 1 r I14 1 - 1 11.11 -111- ýýý 4ýhêÜF la ah - ý , ý, -, -, iIi 1 ', , ,,,, Tý,I ý,ýI -,..,î,Ii u l _. IýII- '- . liýlI'WttýI et IiýV ..IP.-,,. K,,,,e It. »O'« ý - 1.1-1 1- 1 Iý 1 - - I . el -I - ;- ý -f Kýitý-'ý itgeiý,tIt,*.:4I *0 I..."40$4ffl Amme 4M . ..!!!'ý hâsse, ah" clos enoula wm. let., .i - . Il 1 ý . -.,>" 11.11 -;.ý - 1. 1.11 ý . - 1-1 Z, 'Ut PA" ip rý» _ f4 » insil My, Jàr. Eâpêmos& Mr. Black, 1 ortie. . ý . ý 1 - ý 1 . ý Il .1 - ý '41,lflii. ,;-..le,ý.ýv. . IPOV il. ý 1 1 , fffl itel W a] bie. aumd ta krep watch &" waub - - =1 àdm- ý "V . 1 . 1 ý - - 1 ý I ki Joux A »AICK(bit -#ANADA tapit - 0;III' Ilkir S& sais t'oxelon« nhe; hi* watch bae t!àm si,- 1 . *lm elle gAtit 0,00 or th* bewk ta ffl ubb tý 1Zb" bgobm ilissent cd" ý Peencuný te la drsn bellever in omens gTin ý , > ý ( i%%1;'Iýý:I.e, tiOV919 K io.k:14 IiII4 J. 1 titt Il. »xpftIIiýf. lkt,, I.»ýîtý, ( àmvaàum lw*ty.b" a hW L . ;..Niý l*abWr.mdtb«tàmý à"h*tbintabeSu"C-àptainFlanders the 1 1, .l I', 1,ý,fl Il 1 1>101- tt,ý,i,, -tïý,ý* ý ý ý 1 1 1 1 ý - . Md Wm*ew boiiii, .# os in mm:xouo.lg. i Md 1 bave tried ta willes ht'nffl b" .%Mm eue M»bmdik- 1 bied ce" aft 1 hmmd bim-elf that ill tuer wiii basta euoi . I-,,, 1 ,ý il l"', ii, Ir , 1 "i "W , -à «ý»x1*Y. . - ý 3@4 1 . , 1 ý ý , , I",. là m 6bou lool ~ : tS owawd, go&* gow imilit- 1 the non w &rd and 1 bave khSksd ce whmm ils My à . ý t" Star." , apo . ý jot ,. 1 ,V.-ý, ,- ýI . 1 1 #Il, m ,* , ý . 1 . ka ý ý 1 ý 1, ý ý ý ý, l"--l",ý"""'.,-, 1. "Il -111,ýý",;,I,,* keýik,,Z%. 0# lm . . ý %sles. am wool iwat,**ý. Yffl abeut M tr#» UV . . Il 'Iv ý ....... ý :; il EY TO tkom e ý 0l"M " 1 0*7 pend vin cm Mt no â»Wor ý -Wb" r: m de -Tharie &bout itI"sMd Mr. Black. l ' II Il ý ý'., t ', 11, ý - ý-'1 ý 1 ý Il. * _ _ b 49 $O M'ar. prom C"" or»bbuoemd sýW_= iop ý ý - ,!t-ý IIlý , . .4 -%'OP-*rv- ma' &'*ýf»m bson 3#938ii 1 lits%. Wbetber n.ad or nois bu je Ie kpoe1ý l ,,,,, lm We il - , Il ý t I,-,i, ý (.l,,,, . 1 - Toilla 1:4 -1 don't kaow whir vou ehould think 1 ý 1 ', 1 1 %te, m . i. Il == mîo*g hossi me. -M ' *au ..1III: 11, . N i J! %t,,ýp,,v'V ý , -1 . 11, I f- Il, , , Il, "%t lîm - - 1iýý 1 trAloo, Illeutte Issos wwh large 1 - li ý- ý 1 'Iril, ', , ý - 11>1q J,ý - elst.. hs à %.Wa and_,. 1 ý __= 191.1-1»,.hod, com bewoo "~ lomble t Our t4»uul&Uder. and Vite ail knout white ." a. M. Z. et bis = hure te, ý I I_ 104 ilnd«14#ffl le P»PWM pýW . ! U à= I= I 1 1 1 1 I - ý II -ý, > ý, ý z __ . ; Sam-. de4vt%.ýh" ýts-4»d tu -*" *xlb. in «pec.tý.il ut un and "W weemeu- Onai-t yen. Tbm b"m ne. 3bý The- dm cm-, sud 1 hOW 1 know my duCy, IL ime tb ý ,Zthl. -on ýriv hem et" tiuIwý oire et >il 1 II itý%il't, tiffl IKL ieý'.'PU, "Roillaito otléalitht lotitittee M « . ý, , à-9. it semaine my dossey teimmeaLuav Mr. Black." Mie . . ý . 1, 3,21 1 Mille -1»Okee Yen hm. %hentlemen, bu,. ý 1 - . Iý, Il ýi. J"el-4 1 %Nit. MV4,V-4î,,èý O"dm l ootobl#»Mlmiy MI P« , mi ewm Çd = t a.moI. (suis, il;;W:rf«). ès the *et, tberrf.,re 1 bave called yen au te ellise, you, Md ft foi sporte, the es . ý .. ý - x % tý1'1 t*\iZ 1 ý -- 1 ý, Il P- il ..... t >.I,,Ih 4-l') iý 1 m "lm 'et. ..." i b.*b.*st. 1%0 tapis, ile bibe y 'Inutiles ou he= With yburadvtgw aperià : celielli no (*MTAIA*toln obanfed-, " R"b*o" ý 1 Volent yen W" th" Wili taille emm»d &" i pkm," --ald F-*Onoea, with the enfin. sied .. ý ý_ . ', 1 Il ýý, - t 1."LI'i,,, -lllllffieè.ýÎiu * the ,ýl)dM«Mt# il* eýttt-li." 1 aloi 14 the, Mala i $bu metIt .boro, A *,nb »ai rit rmbwm laite; te 0 - 4ether, gmun th" ho Witt = the M; te ber degû»tioL Site - 01 deelleffliost, risintz- &am bis' - ý - t 1 ,,, l:ý,'l:, lleild i(*Ile cetil1% bil b" imouit. ,ai. .4 sale ;mw agie; la lutte. ces amwer. and tbas lie la not renom. U m be in entier haieds, Dm au chair and extending bath hi* veltow "juý1, . . 1 _ l 1 1 1 1 1 t11,I , ,-St.Iý7 e,ý .. - ou inî«W »*Mb = - w».W*40 *me ,ka ý 4 e,» ý 1 , ý . - 1 -1111-1-1 , .... - ... 1 "ýL- ý ý ý . ý 1 attela »èý,v» -by say ~ ý #K"* Uý uod."; obod belle y ,î ,ai A plilla obie ý %#« .Iibte fer iii. Ite-tiI)R.,We, stim = = ýules am , bur elawa te Me, livret yo%4,)nee fer ad. tell faa.' 14 ' ýi. Il I 1 14 11, il"; geoi - y Io* lestelii, Pl"'*4 1 bvîrk *eboot lieu-* Pb the hext, 1118, ehmotbu »O 1. 1 . - 1ý ý -, iý,l."':,:_ , , iýýt'...,,ý tvl ý 4=fflvý - ý i lit wwfk 1~ Vory hi* dour. airtti. if Wet and btra ilader::Czj". il ":Iý t"f"4&1*.ty î4kt,,t dia "M «on" 1 4t4t:otle . me Irritait it in yen us Wraid ail whoit hej Il 1 i ý_1 II ý à w'w thmabligt of rdVa» f»d- = 1 »* te" té *"l'm ý - ', - ; ý . 1 , I', ý- - ý 1 , '. 111t ty , È___ --- -.!L-bt -*W l ,n'eý th* lnmh%,» MO"Y,= lit upou our-ellets, fur ow gain, iivw -wetre au 09 th" opinions hessii Idr Il is -.IL (tanmirri Mr. Black, he veet nos AIL -ý'-' "" ý - ý ', .11 Io - ils I»Ud olk diolittrabb MM ýffl inwt-jàw -7 * loquaka ffl mortoffl *4 fa-Y tallev'l". volko, sud for ý homte of yorAer flestlés Md MM Sionft, and dm acheva zn;pný;;4 -%-ai- 31r. Lee, veel 1 ý .1 -':ý 1 , 1 1 ! I ý t, V Lt K t;,N ilýbl'gt. K 04. i' ý - 1 - . . WIK - [.#~ 404 pantouk.lm- 4pply to thel, pt»prkàf»r. -mein, t4. merure hh» A" amwer tbotrammtý' ý . me, sairej" ý yen Speak ta ed III, lL pt»wty lit - - r6f#649 lràttmwmm(.M* -Lorx. Km«I P.tX. à8"6kl4 ut litendie 1 aw. . d. "Ilix , ý,,. . ý ý ý 1 , N 0, ,,,, IV, (IN k'ý W ý ,Zt 1. l' V. 04,,Iýe;,lt.,o 1 1 p tr.14A"rLQUý ý i itiertu F1419 W our conduet when les, mmb spartil . 1 1 . , . - àl::L=P'I' . i*ýýa" vq, #"P«uw. Lkwm vidloy poil 1 The The lit" mm bold twaed very pale , -rhere la no dan"rf"l shoute - freil :, . __ ,ýr. -,ý ýIý.ý » t ii,:?",4, ý>Iýý7 '1'«ý141 .1ýI111 1'.ý.I'Ic AND O#E-#ALf fil aff . Iw»*.ý,,,t, rft. %, le* - . t«ýttt ; . men looked ut one amabw, thev whpft lie hourd me say tient the c-aprain Black hate, gn a notion into, lits lizi aboi -1 , ý :.., - 1 Iý , . ?e ýIL ý, 'Il ,'ý'l1IlI F, ,,ttý.., ,,,ýý,,Ie,,ýý l sx - 1 . j 1 - wer« ranch aurprierd; theybee thale lind. b&»Xp.d hiumen; but he limened ta that were doomed. %Ve =Wt hetip kuo .. I 1 ,Il ý 1 ,,, II lýI1.III-II lIýIýh 1 1-1 I>49 r«.zý )il rond agi. b« 91-7 , therad withmt interruption. and &fier Mr-Macki-4 notion-. but we're net obliir anr. -I 1 ". - -t ,ýý-,ý, 4 ý ý,k tsý,14,.,*«ý. d"Ille 1110 ,_ _ , 1 1 - , ý,,=,,1111;CZ 1 $« ffl « Z# x-dit , , , [.I guemhowwrollgliorth"uwpb" hâlait tursoed ta the men ed ta lune the se the captam taâ , i, ' i ttcw m ým - t tweil caffint dit ta lixteni te a :e z k-my thons for their words. hall bang ý'il.iPý.ef.ýl, And feeling knu ý ý , ý ; _ ... , 'q 1 -Fýlýt ý'. ILý -, .,..,lll" 11>, , - 1 - 1 . - -ý,,-- ,ý.,- --ý- 1 Beau&%" ,i>ýýla lý_ - 1 14 wbi ý . Li ýk R?4 TO P.t" I - LM 3% 140 lits. l thýtt.qtrtwk tome 01 thouls. di ès-ié Ô-Y I-So far front .!i..hinge ta salle the cap- S& I S.- II ' > - . nq&."fd,.ý.btoý,q(!Ic v(b. -tît te*Qlffl 9 , W »IYM et 9X eflOp, - ed 'l' ý c = ý_g .et up, savine Mi» NlI i, .% 1111noui', 1 uàa's iitioý' udd lie. 'il tu.là Galy sale, it 1 - ick,"aad M 041ile'N IU)V94, ... ttw)l.),K$t, - t ....... -M ýý ' ' _II, Ill- , ,rbi, et, 4 Iýpbr*r\l%ý %-r l-i'1..4tmt-4",,4#-e),it.hýt$4 ý jrà6llm à[= *.* . W, rI wè1-*ý 1(»,R""ý, te a",!. .Pb"",. 7 lu tup saké you on II1,1Ilt,1ýý1 Plm, -.0t aet Ilheilo t1k tim ý . 1 #~ lowVdmrý, nord basket r4owabd tir glue hm». $11,410,111Y the bfflttwaW aboUM borý wskuld go aoùast my heurt ta hurt ý . 1 ý ý !-ýý , 1, It- ,ý . 111. 1.11 111), ', 111., 1 "I'l ýe9-Ié,i4hVI4 ý IW.N lM k.ývtcttb.(,(,I: 1.41ýtlmi,,t*oo . ý . 1 - 1 ý L an , i . 1 1 ,;, , ,îý,, l"It ýý":,' ý, ý ....... . .- t. M"".110l'it .'u ý tîît. volittic t,«t,*4N,% (4).-, .11 4îIè4ý04,« oul WOW lourA r Par bon» *Foy le A. Wardl, ý ý a flv; but Dow thaï: we ail- of un know -(X ski rite abominable listie costards cipi Ii . ýý ý ý ý . . h*thw ký*er4l 9-Y. a toffl ý oft ývm" e ,, ý,.':'-,Il, , ý '- Il ý--..JI..I.11., ý . 'ImIel ; eu ý,b*n* ,4 »49ý%ltt*m. peemm....ol ý ý -38r, Lie and shipmoe,4- MU tosir 1 ho VÏ» m", 1 feet 1 " I salie my sillet in the wodd." elud 1 to Nelly » we ý l'ne 1. ',',','-Iti,,,l itiil. ýkS, "' 1:I "1.11ý111I0*"111 ho ow *11111elloi, - - ý place ýýýýl. as a %es- -eut tip the tompartion. 4teles, *1thac 'ýl"L'I "', 1 l !ýo ,>111. 0 il, 1 pte. , il % .4 I. % bob mric e...,".,ý VI - lit Ww ý1 u; t 1 --eU* ýt*-'t-ý'-,.ýt- - - - , - -'i've, liâtene.dra what thiymem"ôdâeoN liât - 1 'Il ,p Iý.ifgl, .."ý,I*qmb ftb.%,Iq -ef imit.(XI0,00no ý Z ýýý f S . . 1 Atllý.- A M M . haël tmatil ami likewime have 1 wmeWd meu cau ý- ý .f l ,IlýI . ý',,zt ýe.".e M" *"Il, t bft* POINVI rm tST(ialmo» ý IP 1 ta de hià ,13pasa ter. And vrisacan l 1 1 . ý LI I 1, 1 1 ý ,s od = e the Virer Wei - 1 ý >1 1,lI ', 'l"'. I,,,,,, ýlI"eý ýý"",%ýlg 7'l%7 , si., .... 1-i,-,,i A'h.IMý% rý,0 Pef"ý-,0eM - i the ekipper. awl l'gre boeind le .4e tisi duty a etean la thaï; *&me Black! Send 1» _r N c, N 1 -.1111. liýý.1.1t"ý,I"t' ý.4,,V ýý,ýt4"l . ý - titiol, . ,ý ,& a bx"ittvlo.#»,".,*~ »Owwý,akik-bon. ý., ý ', i4r", - Il ý , . ,bjý,41emib.K4, . ýeî ! selies lKiméti, a i Po. oppexileil tbu»d", 1 (tuait think Capteurs Fiandors in, ta hhe ou&.- ý . ý him tue the forecustie ta palaver the mai ý . . - l ý 1 t,,-%,tY.-!Iý-ýtib týI PIOM 1 . . ý . ý,"N@, Q»*n" 4 an .wi Il 1ý . 1 ý ý 4. rticht mind. Taité tient 'i,>nwm w»said inthlavrayonelther erew and bet thar p _ __ - - _- - __ - - ,- , : mboftb",* , #'*Ob" P&PUctdffl tjetkeatl t4t, %uý". wid. ItIII .fp 4 ilf, 4 ýs" ý d y t a $bel 1ý . . 1 1 . 1 1 ý ý ý 1 .ý,. 1 m»tem4 LAIr ,'-4$ttmLy. L6*0" poor l.anyon, salle hiu pi aide. -hand wout turnout 0 a ceeeN bil *M I"Výf«fflQ4 . Sallers am ne fond of ï-ereinouv. of nov _. ý- . . -, t, ,ý. ý .I4 ý we'rwit, k$ý%IIttt'R- ý t>itw- 0,I"tly eluoi-wil . ý! Pteek, viko. te wt ': IM* _1 overhomtt; lait@ hix lorki "Il" ý dl strz 1 ý 1 .n,ý»ýK>.'I.VY,,rý-ilfýot,ýl, éfîor..4ý %Itltrtlbarv ,Ourototxt. ,.,4 I4 b4 te**. à t«» ýbmw#; ý . 1 1 ý - . »"*a,ý- l"7 el 1 t 4: b-ip' Il 1% thý:lbé 1 W-hando»evel thingina-hip-shal;e work for fem of meeting a ghost." 1. - '" ý t i lit -I, --w t;,.,i t fi-III 'W >'I', 4. . ielom. 1 I'bMgulDL£r.,%IUTt)itbl.liT. ans, w ho, m everT man tiers know*, i* , fasiiioni, and ail Ze had ta do W" ta %Ve-tou" Mr.Thoniaà pfti« the L eý ýI.-ý ,,, ,,,.ý"%., -1V ý, ZZ ýýx.i 'NNý ý 4481111111l . ý As polis au odirer, du any xatbor needq ta deck- 1 raid hira whar the pasaengern - ; , ý > , , . 1 - 1 ý; ý, - 1, ýf,,k ,- i,.ý, I,.,ir.,." - lit tU ý . 1 : ý 4.11 ý - ý . bury CapMa Flandem and, as we any ,ý ý 1 - 1 ý . - 11.1110w, il*» t1iku. .Ukltf I . oeil with, a kLnd gentleman &" incatir i at «14 malle a new point of devarture. vrere taliri= about and "ked him. ta *01 ýýIt _ . l >%, ý ý ý Iittl'-ý,ý,i-,,,t th- ,,ý.eI;'".,t » ý . = le4I __ i im muatissim e" Cook Oum ý 'I_ ý $ý,L': î0_!"ý-0,4 ",,,i., II,., ....... - ,-,ý-,Z 1104 Iralriinufq4uv 18 .. Il allie ut a wronglui Ret Mate«ý if yu ý Ira the rarpenter, Wren was, alac, sait- put a Mopper on, Bla KI 't * le. 1 girl .f 'lýý'Ilf: 1-11 ý.,.ý-,tý>i,*.. ýi.,i-1, -th JM;;;; finom» *t - - , .9o.wfflýlw*»4"dwv»tuttivà#@d, (34ýdfr4m@ tire a fI milia' large witb hot torp,,; imkbar"fm tell the ta»k of ftwing ap irould keep a look-out,» f UIZ«'= hot -W -_ _,! I.:.ý,.ý ,llý -ý,pI-ýtIhtLJq_.lllW~ 1*14IL ,ue, ook, ,pWowe oaffl nommer t.tl.,W. , il IL 414du of vive 1, IPÀ ' 0" fi,, the ,ý, z ý . - ý . 1 1,ý ý elm, mew wwob a L "il" 1 Aud notheu met but ber top i i he.dmd body in cantrais, and preparing innehe& .Tho wmd hakd ýw" ed up ,ýý ý I i , , Id '0.ý1 I.", iI, $0004. Kmiure üfThve. 1ý 1 . . .ýll -1,111 -1.'.1ý, .,I il - L - . - ý ý ý ý 1 ý obiss *%.ý,%»eeftr 991111lât @*il% YQU mAY reck0ft the »kiii- 1 it $W& sea, bari-14 the others ý -t:ent breeze. jm lm en- - -«._---ý-;_-M L '. ,ý-,f. l , ill'i t.; '11til, fkffl m +il .. 1 . W&ýeèIî»s~ Fr t#141i»,ý%rit,ýIV4ý,te.,*(*Wjt. I . 111ÎI - . 1 1 lu,»#êgomogffl , LUMMI mates eue ta emble, us Io eam the foretop 1 1ý' ,,, ý i,.Ii,ýiI..t,>,leýÏ q.,%.t "Il, t -t" W 4.1 1 Ni ý tatiDit luffl luim obperva- 1 fmmud ta licite, th ta theïr ,lii 1 ý ý . Ç- ,a---- - - a = e.11rti went On the maist stud.rý f.Zi ý. l ý , .. 1,21111à... 1 ý CI ... >a gentil for hi» bongli, DU Io i send Mr. Irhumon, ý iliti. it i m%,ý,, . 1 __ 1 . . - ý . ha 11rand Vre were tenu- - . '. W . KKX" . auvuý M m E, -b*uw tflé volit 1111AILIC Clty.%P. net; wiby O> thinkla, queefer tbium hW , poupe ning .To as tte&Mv and as of. - . ý Ktel,ýt".S"ýbrel,.t!A"4ý4tNtr«)r4» i . ý [ D - A emoli flialle *voulais twmý eu . bien doule abourd the* nhip hy the, 22c! Tb* Wells au hanI ewiftly als a raitaray nain- 7ro and a Ueý 1 - -', %1 \ -Ný Nt lit , II Ivqi '41 ý - 1 1 ý V4"pwae vm ou l, ý çqo~ «oa*ë«m, w"r$aW*.>.rd. nuit eu pwmenwm .ý . -iI, ý I il -, 1týIl-,ý ý1,1ýIII 1 tI.iItý.4itoito *hot bopoo»,(>ItAiPr m im , itablO rtm »alliWheruadertougMiaue !&bout the companion inagreat *rate or fine ýteadY treeze dire this IIL theft lati. toi .. . . 1 . ý . l , :IlI -l ,,, 1 tý4Iý tl-ý , ý t-etil liule , Il" 1 ;, qmo~ »* Y.MW ,,PON*M, homw .,tlale ia ZY! u ho lit in hie cabin'aW wm»t 1 auxioty te heure the news. but if they rude$ Vrais a grossi pieee et gond fortune Uà . 1 ýý . ,_ I, -,ri, ,,,ýI,,ý 1 . ~ OUWM%,,;N*.,&«M."b»~ Rwll, ,r4q.ftt.li.«» ý-I1 -1 jtIvt tt,,l ýtth4het4 lu 1(bip.%#Icbti-ý#A*Irn vslif. ad à v"WW of amwer %here, muet ho soins b" - - ý ', . - lcbtl%&%»*t (ýt*t.&,ror.. 1, . > torort th""Uuqën ýI4 ka -a ka ,ý, , _- bt'ill"' " Il' i"46iiIf. t', 001.411t't.4, 1 ," PT., le -hl ressasse i hardly kmw whethei ta look for the --it ruade this pan of the voval. il 1. l'f'ý, - :,-ýI,,,,ý,,II,ý11tu ,I"Výý,II . ý ý . ý ý . ULUADY. all botk"' Md m tg may be a qpmdm ý rapsmi'4 thuIV %th" la the Espûwm aad * na trip. The heaveis bâti the le It ,,.,ý,.,,, , _ - . ý of dur tirent mal", and the »Mw»Mm W: Ut. Blwk) were quite rec 1 : , i ' %.. J Nt se. Ili ý ý el j _ , , , Il , ý ý O&M MW 0APIM , ý . rob, 9, ML- werdi. 1 ý i m a=ed. su, ;.fthitlliue of the Enàjfli,*h *um, uni . . , ý , , ', " _.tý - .,*,, ,,, i - >rh4ý tefk. eurt 00--re psim ta ý jbtbbtàxdo, v3c mer --4.y, , , la rekw""O' Kww«4e*weý. ý .ý . ý -!ýw" ý ,. ,,il M ailed along it au, l 1 -- 1 Il.- '- Zi. ý ý IM YO I' ' .. . . 1 thl* »hip. l'go fur auftein' ta Villes, Mr. ý es tbemate; an', . and the elonde %vieil % ý 1 ý - , ý - ý ,ý.,.m,, ,fV 4 % II, . i hef » or no -l': ,ý,I,..ý ',-, ý 1 ' l I 1111,.I,ý,,ý', ,.",ý""I"t , ' et, Ir 1 .tmpd,.w V'.100114VI . ý ý kgal , . . "lm.-I Witt oeil - tir "le Loi, ZI and breakine oprit the capI i Tbý show bis hmi rhan E.Pi- were white. smail and fuil. litre pue Il,, - 1 _ . .. ý .. - 1 - ý ý - 1 wl>114. ý ' tlbl>ýltýbltmiwbffl Ili' 1 wu lit là»dmv ý Il - ý î harbed wildly latit, bis wite and nearly ofemoire. Whal: little Sweil there wis& Iý III 1- - 1 il - III, - l4d , , W ..,.,..é lII,,Aý plamm d nulmî aloét i wu kem,4",4%lrx*IK», Lrlq' ,'.'Ikg.,,Vl 9.1t Tlit. 1 "rbr-,* ikhodes harangue pu . 1 'Ett - ) ;. ý _ , ý ý. ý ý. - . 11, 1 .Ir q 1 eltitit i.1" ý 1 1 - - - 1. . i ý ili.1,1141). .tu. e the couler; capaliselà lier, ýmd Mr. Black turried vrais n alitera and the ship went ar .., . l II .I..ý,ý, 1 . Ll , ,,l'ý ýL' - 'ý' '."I""'I'ý .ýý">t.,If4 **ý,l 11.1.1g K)WICltg» , 1 ý 1 ý ý utititD toxWes tom" tho - le ý uttyllit lnagwbw light bt-bwvtheme% whobad yelkb*,aM ilite eyra beeame as round *ver 1 -h Ianx --meefui lewpette -\, ý . llýLi lI,,t I1ý.w1 ty ý 1 ý ~ Irbm 1 I>M,É m the towimmp il# Iloi.ueýUý«-ft, C.lt . ý1 '. ý ý Il .'l Il 1 , -, _ _J, ,,, - ,K-,.IIIý(;eýýt,,*W,% ý ý AMM ' Groyal ýiW*thýttter"!etty ,:I".Ww ,il.ego PM lt, ý I', ý , I ,-ý ,t ,.,ý ,I lu. .151l.l.eý,,ýt i w ý - *W«&'iwbffl . hably fou" my addrem toc taH W ; in hi* head ait the bringue on sels waiât- the% it was scamely perceptible. ilzt ; ýý - . ;., We ,Ifl , . AU M Id, ' *-.o»tbwrm.týu,.oftyàffltttrt-týitlt. thrin. ýitaileventenosSnerbadtbe.coa& Huimuuxu&Wvgtantrue ý f%\ . i04!-..ýttt lt,,,*,t ý ,.ý,. ý,ý;k _', ý - 1 il i .'tIl,,iti't, 1 - ý ý . M I& ý Md OUI. Now tient thm - %vais na captain, tg li . e . . 1 ý ,., , . ý 1 1 1 mas -Il, heituâ run illn'ait the gay et T-,rI-ut-,. ý bmtàw&in ees@@dý Chan a niurmur ran ý -Where la the capt;1in, MrII J.eer wateh me. and Mr4 Trio-naà knew My WC 1 ) _î ý ý Il .. -,. 1 . Né,, - w I', -t IIII., 1 lý- - ý 1 1 I.I1ý 9'f ..;, ,it,,f4ii.* ý 1 . 1 ý 1 ý . "= -,, = là m - 'i @f -IaIté tw,90 th*» PoY fi'? la'" (% a ,storiv, I rend no dial-lenS la taiking ta .. ý1 ý .1111, ýttei,,t, 1 1 I t' 1MJýJè i'llý11.ti>N.*,. . 1 ý 1 1 11*1. lltl»b - eh star- 1 amie thera 3" am amie aile, *'Nlre're i -lie la desti.- 1 reptied, ait àý ý ,ý;â - ý ý _ . - ý it»bx, lëndi Out. W heu FýpiDo@â 6, , =' illi, ý ý .boa N-V, W-I Joici ,%W fth the second attirer; Vie ait thiobt ho ! ta explain W hontz. ,. e ht . . ý . ý c ,il In - "il ýxr-- 21-41!t--- ---- , aituedý , front, hehLad hiswite, trequently ,.stcod totSther ta ý' li 1 . ý - . »All w1uUm . -eMý,.-, lu quite riétbt;" and mother ezel ý,, the skipper dansait amwer les ri lit 1 ý - - ý ý 1 ., ý -L 1ý I.., ý: i EM IRABLIte IOAIM lit. a . T.- 44ht 1 "Daitt %Vhas; yen Say, eht de capi. vrindwardi locking over the rail et the U 1. V è, IZ ,, ý , 0i'l"i-f ý . ý 6#614#§4 ends. 1 . ,ý 1 " th rlmàb thâle moduler should, be bouts" ý lune dais r ehiD'eëopperghmeing through the tum. lit& ) 1 ý .. ý 1 ,I,ý ,, ý Iq -,ý'*e . . 1 ý .- 'Il.', 1 1 Ilhaileihi.it-ritair Affrit il, rffl . the tenu 1 . ý* . ý ý-,i, lý ýIu-' , , .'. M AN11TOM. 1 - . i&*OtLM lu V-n. tuITý,wmIèdptf Nkton. 171W 1 open; thM anotellinq withontit ,vient ý «'ý%y,-sMd 1,'Ilas dait an b--Iti ever ble of fom sud green water. and taLký we . . - ,1 ý- Elli. 04, titbwý;I4, ,%,,otliIeeoptI.1,%", _ - - ý ý 1 . k4~ *O- 1()dlwl" in *»ýe -tut. QeýuIth'dj"'. 1 May halietom toblgn;'and ,"veruàcdd; inadea man.' - ed 01 Catitain, Ptandem home, tue voy- - ýet., , 1 i I,- . ý 1 1- 1 1 k battue, .tbW. ilhels.. rý11%,ý mes a I,"Vrr »atum apaiser amoux théiste Chipe the i I'God guide sisser ejacuiated Mr.Blaek, am. mw expérience _ffl fair; and. If we lm 1 II, \ 0t, PI le I.ý,ît Ille 1,ý, - 1 - ý omti.,« wMet T 1 ý , cibiepente, ;,il, 1 Il l ... l . '. c 1 ) il'Il týI ,If ,r&tg ,40141,wmt" 4 ,èx#y W«- tel: Ii,,twhèet dime maki ". a"M' "' ' il =11 IL :1 - ,II il ýIA . 1 . elà), sale whffl Iluil ,,bm loits i.,%tèy t ,iht, ho hadn'ti attes, se-em . ý - t ' .. '.. . 4 ý 1 1; _ ý P itfb%;ýgi % 1 I, I14>Nýýk04 A-f, 10- ý DAX«rA mit ., ý 1 ý 1 . eýtwoýtlst y-,,uo« -, .10 the .wif a" 3bý and lookin&c air ail events an hapPY naw ai; two child ýý ý a Iý9 t- - Il t ,ýttyin whieh leiloyon haut bée.n baried. ý hint with m expreilsiots, et horror,,,who ren,.ýtanding close toirether. Ili our ; "d' : _é ., d N ,; t -d ný.tk (1helwot ý ý 1 wwe.*,# rAw "M #m Vole 900ç %é...I.ýar.vhçuyt,.,m, Thom, se, whol mid tient ho serrer had ! keeping &lm between him- bled been depretteed before. we were at .1 1 I* ý te ý ý , * ', 1-' - t le 1 ý . -.«- ý. , Plue troolwI-ld-'thut the ilopitain w»it't u0und la bie; hamhauMdbimr 1 . hands elasped and hidden between u% -, 'Il, e,,,t.%,iie '1ý,0, ** 04 6 - .q. t 1 0 t'Mr. , ý eV 1 . ý - 'ramer 1 ,,,.eý.--e-i«-tt-wbýý-t-amiehuvvhvA apperwooks. lie huit tried te :t- ". , ',,ýýý,,l -- Il -- -(1'..1t,1ýIV4V l lm 1 V clior . ý _ , --1 -ý.fi.l.tIl,ý V, - ,,, 11 e rio 44av neim» ,#, mm b têtai, Apu M 0" Sm ,tutoie te, i . Iplied. -sud if 211r. F-spinom la net memery of niy life wouid be the recol. ., ,;,. 1 aikzueyý *'Whv.hehmb"mdhinuelf..ý)ir,*'l Once anain 1 toid her that the deare-4t, wl 1, ý ý ,,iýt> kQletxy, . ý le.us» . YSt Imimue.-rýWithtbeboiteun, out twàmntuotim.;rt ', L 1 1I.J,ýý ý tbo-v't"*tpý.1 tb,,tý%pi.. %'(,Iý,,ee,.%" (ý,-)ý,,wb.l-e,,N Pur ta 1 Ce m tittelbo %gli,',,,ý(t, ý,i(4fi.tt* 14-10 , « *Obý* tho. -*»*i«. by Vit . . ý ICI ü 88AU. , thé bo**ttn k»w botter tuait he, lie airain ta efme within earshtiýt ltihail be ,ýeionot hecouraxeandlove ha lied _ý., N 1 e'r..,ý I» Nb-%It-i"t"ý hýI,.k - ý . _ _ l - tête S.- t. , emna r». - were ouly a P - rpew ý able, ta tell votu ant,àii-n aittiq t',ý -i illklib i F k- II I't Mý,ý,k -'f«ýý -";S e-ev ttýtbtIr., , "'!1*,liý--Il.--pi Kp,.b:et.. tw~Iý(X*, I tête .91 Por ignorant ehip'* Ira about ic., brought lier to my side and made a long ) , ý ,,,dI ý 4 4 e MI t il.ýýt4ý'ýtýý,ýýý,i4»ýýý,%%.4t-e#. , . .%I,,Iéýt--.è«l, 1-1?è.l,. , __ àr= vbelmu W am ý ý I t« OR ý4KLL-That 47(i'.Î., terlbucSk»*nmet,-otsldt~hbimtol Atýhesdmetimelteckonedte'-Çeilv, ge ils happy thost 1 courd never wish 1 1 ý . . 80 _ Il rayag 1'.1,"ýý, -# .- " . ý - , , =ý4ý_ _ ow ý Il ..&Jl ut which tw (Wiver- : who etme over and ethook; hande wtth ft ettl 1 . - - 4 ":,I ý . ,,Oottýev t* 0, .0 . - - r Y...). ...6 biti§%Àutc aititx , *wk essimete D«IIJxtý ete, k4e, 12 AMI 1,3 ulirth ,If Ruelles cd with hi* , haudt% burird in hik, rien-*- 1 Mr. Thaum --m artion rhat semewhar " 1 al-ays fels; -heu 1 made un ruy - , ý . ý , , ý ý ý t- I., il7ý,ý 0-4'l0t'-ý11-Il"."Ilk, (ýIMiot.4e.tlqttttib M, . - ý otntist JOIM M" x. 'en M'm... btnwi, , 1 -. 1 _ ý -il, Iý" Itie4l, ý ý . - ý - Y#. _ _.- - ý, ý rw»*WAO«O. - .fý CI, $«Vos, Lemilli coniai»init ele . rIs pockffl Md hi» huad roillie front l iitpitited the üth«%, for they ail three mind ta join you rhar yaks would star , - . ý l 11, 1 tic . - ý ý Md t'y M. V. L, palier, Ths huituer ut 1 aidé ta aide an he midre*-ed th-nt hts'ý or theni tireur near. . long ressaisie a-tu.y," site amweredwittL : ý1 1 Il ittIý9rdIl1, eigkiI, àwét%.& L . ý . Il .ý 1 : tah",lý,ý le & lm i ' ,si 1 - = >$.ituaw and eta"Inisertly estelà Iiitrè, Ag hand- nortabber. then hia left, th= Ir rouir me a good tweaty minutes ta a quiet smýle. She thela uked rue if I ý . _. ! '! 1, , i . 'q .ý,,,ý - .le, ý , VIý= ý - ý -_ - j - -- , - - ý to.dffl WPUOM»Ml* liard ami , et ,raser. i rio W . t'IýýýINt".-,%I,-,t,,,,Off elt NI. ý - ,L "f m »y* I's lamil wgh e somebody elâtern et teint., . . relate vrhait 1 had ta Vay, or rather ta thought 31r. Thonsi optas likel% ta com- . , - tý-ý 4.'t Zýý, - ;V. ý * jbomt*tWooýquaon ;1,ýtl ýý ,_:, _ý - - . 'hni ', , , .t q O g«bffl t ý _ 4 ilaviiiit h«rd au t bat they hall ta may !, tell the %tory in ,ruch a wav'u ta maire mand the shlb homef I said sin doubt . ý ý .1, ,I', , .1 Iý I., 'l", -,""M - MW4 ý.'t 4 . , Ô"hutklgffl %Uu t- ll"tlil-ît- ý- I,ý,ý 1 ,,,,j,. ý-I1l V-IQ%.t,ý M 1 ý - 1 »*W ter à %*Tm lit %par-,,r -ld lir, vry nait, betu« fortided with %bp whole thons aft how entirPlv titté it vii The ha would, that w.e %hassid probabiv ,ehip xl, . 1 1 ,,, .1 . 11, Il "."ýti,.:twft W, llobtl,î,tý,>h ;If 1 = t* la. 1 - . ý ý ý ý , , ý ,., ,W - ýýý - ,bwwrm. blop Ilortiebbb". Ji applv il, ,,hip'» Company » ortinesmett, Tordered Spaniard incee4antly ,ejaculared, and another mate et Callao, but whether a pa .- - le 1 , ý 1 IL" ý i- 'l» o, fêtl#. i) t-ý,,ý,,t r r tst*.,%Yr*A fiktîuwiýxolnt-*, = wtaAtty,% O-i-MAtt'r. kwrtidtue, P. S.. t ho carpenter ta fetch thé nellessâtry , w.hevr 1 de*cribed t he siaht we lied be. fini or second mate I could net zuesot; foi - . . . . ý - . . ,fý->I tt - - Il, k FýItý,V, P(III, ». ý+ ý, wr, , ,,,',' ý ý, , ,-ý-jlh, i.01;.ý - à *1014. iàUnN ttmrri-t«. Lo-týaY. ,Ir the ~ 01I'r, toolu ta force the (tuer; 1 aloo raid two ý heïd in the t-abin m forcing open the if a setond moite. which would oniv be -a , t;. ett. i of th* Mont loplimen in eaeh vratelle ta 1 cabin dSr Mr. Black groilisied aloud fair ta me, 1 shSld then be th-%t odicer. Il . . '. 4. I 1 ý,F , ( ý',.,. ýA., ý 1 - t 'Jý' ý m ý jlh*, îim"cy. l'a thl, Pr.w.w,". 1 ' , ý 1 . 1 1141m" . « 1 . 1 tmwwe. robloury 10. ffl. ý , P. 1 *taud out and falloir the boamwain, in: amit ri»pinoms legs quivered in hitl and havinst filled lisait Position oi 1_ý , ý ý ý ý I , , 1 ),,Ik,ý Nu llu ti, . ý * 1 - ýý - - ý . . 1 ace it >.- si ý '-i IiII G , ,Ilý,,iII,ý ,14èý t- ý il - il. 19" . 1>.Ib.&qbz» j&. J&ý . -1 . 1 I = I - , 1W.A & IXAIKI.IC PARU MR 9AI.lt:'the euddy. and dirftt the relkt ni the 0 trousers. 1 tutormed thenst %hier the was quite likely 1 should be appoi n te . -1 1 , ý _ _ ý d 1 ý 1 ý ý 1 1, :", M.Pp"«ý4 Ae(,ýt%*ffl .5t,4**" i (kIý,hIb6f lit thet l'I'il.ýt.qýh4 plielait t4414400 1 _-, ý 'VAOU IO Ur..%T tà*t VbtlY OtAtIV'TKKU*.- m mon tu go fortorard. 1 then taro" te 1 body w» bMow: would they go and assain. and then my next berth would it( . : . ý . ýý . 1 1 ".. I-t Il . 41II;'gfý.tuIr4I lit -h toi $"tý 1 Am ý ý ý 1 qr#* ',Mb*Mbur "eý bIr.aw lui %O rpat, M4 haël, . - ý ý ý , twouley to tfo4* M 1 P" *w l 1,111ý:1ý11rIe..111= 14Ja"" ý ý . ý Ngr. fasces. ý 1 1 ineilleet it bafà» die carpenter ,,4ewet it be capitain. ,ýl . - % . I;v 1 - I ý't'ý. ,il t.»t1rI1.Iý e 1= 1ir ýý . 1 1 - b4 loe. il lit thèt si-e ...,m4-.ètm '41hé towtwb&p, .eYa, have heird," 1 saist, "isbat hall ý upt No. met ficel woridit. Mr. Black The mere talktn# of such thillus wus - ý ý 1 ý L 14, ýý,'l l -- ý,l , - -, Il 1 ,.é ýIýýY»,ie -il. le livil op .4,,,ý,lwýhebý»tifiteýè,.,g. ti,4*y . ', À»- -----&- ,,# Výý eu»iby vt,.t,,rigý. (hi tbobNw lmm«f , - aE . ý ý - . ý 1.1'l- ,ý 1- ,"Il ,ýJ-, t', ,; ,'N ,the et.-I. , boro mid ta the crieur, and you'ean noir , %hied himuff aloi, fron plu enouzii ta make me liSht hearted But ', t tz. . . - > %siort amM m-te.. 0kitred sud etril tý,.,,M . . i me ma Es ' Mille ttb?,ý , ,..ýý.ý,.-,-lý,,-- a lm ilw al .- ý eà>ý. ý VIMV il M'il"»I.t.ite I-tý,ultl.atkm*. the hala"e; tge the puait ton we and ourselves in. 'Iotia, %hoolt bée hmd aok tholt,çhhewant 1 bave seen hetis =Il IV ,â, o 1 't',I ,ýK ii in, oiP,,tl'ý tlul m',' i'.,! . 1 caekle over chaiL e th -1 kt, 1 ý Vol -)»I*e-#. Thom -m ,In the -remiý 3ý ithoutttl,@gL-ditynit Witt juin un nu; edtom&rldcdbMnose. -ý£stoMa"m and I dan't think I qhould have cftatted , à., 1 I 1 , 1.1 ibý 1-- W .; ýNt ' 1 Il Il ,,eIIllil,"Pt'ýie",,tý,.,, ýJl,1I,, ý lie MW destello ibè 1 , in& - -- '12 &UIK th % ew» lie hW il t#wqý, ,%te* " wooa . 1 a witneit, ý ý ý 1 $-- . ý ý . tow,» torn, .%ý-ýt*)-. à sheui 1OX44; goeui IllAble: , : Fgtlinom, Mm %%slod nearher huetiand, qo lklitholv had 1 Jmawli the 1,ý. U., 1 ý W. * M& r4rv ý ri .1 1 -e41 %art of .z, ý,I - ' " tutu, "mur davifine leilloo, th, I at lay belote me. tlf ý 1. l , i,,iIN let %wé -, . - ý - a--&&-- f. ti*teuîng te mu with a face as white as a huehiuz job th. C:I Wb »"« faitiflit "IlIe«. il ýllý ý 1 1 1 . . , týýt in Wh p 1!$'Ine: ' ylli) 1 ru ,-- ýil 1 1 BWUIRFWWW xýwýýabmtao*rw.ap"%"-.1tha*,ý.tNw.k ý short. whille Nelly vII overwhelnied .ý ý - e ', ý ; .t. - ý I" e S 4. CWf"l c" am - athwe didý e vreste la Ar sinon to.iay Vire had foltind our_-elveîý di . ý - . ý - ko.Mu MW ffl.xt.rmi. a couit erçharts. lit -or" ý et tirofy t'y a rem ,, ý I'l' ý 'l ýx ý! ýý ý4I, weil *om«ed and "W ot tho elsiolle entamer bnowm miel r»lï be -Prtue w1tuat; ý il 4. M. itieltit.oid & _ es rý (or th ý with home, and -kept m tiseiýaifilinu ta exactly one huiidred miles north of the - - . - - __ à.9à.aok..k& , - t Mr..'Thomas ln. a lew..voice, ". î E ehe leine. aving made situe -eix r ini'Z2.3 "" nr.1m " «ni 4 %oses ...... ,ý...t..».h .. Ili'm, Whwu fiaw ý MterY.», . 1 - ý ý 17 lit - - - - - . . . . 1 - . - - - . . rupM.M to we. laini aiVFll4 7«fflilMW t»t i)r4i ton .7m et ffle. bave -M, - htm hanatr«ýthém dw" the ree, S"cy ali th" theeYe cet the hOwereT, berhq» coi pi nted him on hl lismion Ot My lear exeseded yam nu to bu emned inid loomng hm wlu ý waimacome; ÎI;ÏÎ; he had always ftmet- bat& #é*~ ý mmy im«t»tlon entild bave depicted whos M au the body was Vver- ly thoucht a E-pinosa a due wo. bilé t wm *e4med -itb &t»"Inu board a" the grau= reptaew everr and MI 2: ridieulinc him had; et M: tels; the -Pr num rttpiratton Chameau Mýa7 -r T ma è en et 1% 0»9 W» RKAt, Qilv.. foeilm cet rend. Ont 1W occi emperienced à t ýeunmd bis. dandyiqm beyond any- b»h«d. The inauralrici. NOA ý4l g wb" hW of remport to 9 ho mmewlv Ot the ski»Var 1 thinjr ho woold have liked to own, bier i0WA XXIII 1 hesd w» bowed prevenied un tmmgee- e-;el, 11111.4hili 1 prm ute %j>jý land bem dans through the 1 pmW now, .,s*é M ni% a idw rare -et lasse 'lm leu barrer ci i moral=; the neen, thwetme, hall had 1 _ agand complimentinit biais 001, lit made him test lainissit a Ûm little fel-' .%Ntï -1-t . le là th&S poitture - ose vWbl-bat 14b 4ý'M? » sbon" pienty of leinen te colk over hicu lu= low indee& lim gath, and, harimoi of lm colçrlc L M timo igé Riom -W- 0 the 1 ttmombed dovn lut* quk*aem br the hl* de meurt -Masse A& M Il Io lm qmy W- ersidticam &bout MîMes 9.4 foie, = ý fp. 4»f«. ---- U. mm titu",,Ot Va" DWIÉ. hamad, and only the ekuwbw ont* ot»' tbey wero u»»y uzeffl they bail gtvem .1le 'i' kit an ut qlr# fi Dà».- il, »MOM t'a @MI, 100, 'the üfto,"rim ginvisilir Proie placed tbQ' em W lit La" atan' Dr. Mues New Diqcovery for Coin- ».tbm *0" W- elaci-10116 sparl -me fSl »A»Wlat ý âner the boréal the erew au la ewuWy the gm - st mi- the ehmr lapdabi, jamped Uffl te A"'ý «lard tVý 0" thdr d they wm wu. la was, ouveu by emedy avier pWe withta the ftwww& tara" te md ut abatte the; rench, of sufféring ho m-anity. Thons- &" 0» et th*loý 1 dîgbmm job& wbkh a abip le alwava ý amb 01 Qum hopele-se sufféren now Mot tctpu- t14@Q,ý 1 the c*rppnter uubfttbe ý»jç. m = % - i Who lttd ît along the b-alu-d praift for thi% tieltew è', Oioté i rectairim doute, b" ths1ý WOfs uriý i jou&y procisima their ed ropée grouad the ft@dFý 11ows-, lie %4tQVýk*f«. as not outy i euàue for the UOM&hbder Cet the day. 1 wondertU Dèseoverv to which theyowe %W41M »ýtortu 9 - . th" 'Ç't tirety ne, h«r* ào oathm, cce Io" I»Rba* only does le for above % bour or avois lor*W. POW hm "Dits te mbdu" voieel4 but le le, M tras n« ont coughs, colde, le waa vrry n~ly cold a" t lm, (tbnv%4w tought" xiomm m the av" of .NI*, Vëý-bWz%, 06M Aat pmaliie W tfflild not tOMPOM the tamil berk; sa qu" 1 betieve th" a4thm", Wenebitte. hay féver, home. il - -e i OA& kt" &hem laromit, iZ" ', ow"m, omet" RANK COM M thurs he lay. %oith illée b«d thrffl haid t&ken_ wlab me aess. sud ail aff«tions of the t 1tý hi» ,,,,d bile 7 the chmt a" longs ait once yield to toi forward so th" hl* ne UV" W tikw»tq ro* î; A. a. 21"ý Chem JO" twiow ht*throa#a" If le aile Opîm tale ig lettre te onderfsù curative powers.ma If le bfé«111111111 toit t.« for, bt. mm hie P.«M 96eg4 ta", - oso MW. 'Wedon«»kyolLtebuyaýIZ ettilinexit ym vreum have Îhetteit bel pmduim mo*« la the forecaatte 1 cm hottle lama voit know what you an ma igm«t» tha, »lime 0* ftarwro» là" 0# e~ oemcb*igb& Mativyr. Iffi tb«efo» earnem'i# rfl M IS, W» talave and etidé, acother w» thdrntStm Ji IR IADI or mometbien heyo" hbk Net. t voit te nan on votait druamdm, S' A". est tail thO tOUth, WP WhO aold g« trie hotti. Mr te. ;ýàoq Wh» we hait PM faim tu bis bout. la tbe ouddY we» deure-ed encogh. and after ire wm mg mtte"d, tb" bal' effla wbkh Win convineil tue mont Wbm Thoum and 1 came te taik ove-r meritis and waa dend. 1 ?" -7 the e âïla we toulid &fier ail w» said mombinif ;ma Que dollar ARent- [la the ho of ,MI, the tâtait . qmythilnç th" had lwm Uir by S. P«6 wrttins-, for 1 bàà board th" È = =1118. wttdeàt imanwa biaxte Imm lntervem ria. 1 le F. V t'i bi: t;,& lie a m Dy thommb"ýi. Md - S »efttlem&u4 e ý Ot Wiq4b butm thry eo»m*d ibulium odue@tîoà4 ton of bummüty, a mm Who j writm gown la mauumd bbbaMum »&mdWmd te M & Cam § Oum , M 1 thetr amivte for -bc $Qàekl& à& la, ronde or the new MMMOWMI ffl laine fat; et OM« roiWoome Ndimm- riaist - *N 1: 1 el r K t1ý or nerf»&& ueweles et. "=mi= importmd t M mmett Um m film toblae j tel hm* bem dbmve-d by tale esteromme: 1-4 be ouiiý A lam 1 WMBMIU. la the j(bttt>- (en Oum bb mad»@l4 ma qnaký lutroduetion. of ze- t et ae, A" Omme W W" . - c il IR» MW setbw te. Imp - - pfflemit ...... àwgqm Illommfflx. != rvmw amon i ut Uruk -M Yale, M juguy eolotra" wimme le le j. a imuvolmilD.- am* tblup *%.= k»V ew the em et et lftdi- om W«w ba» thmabt moi .3 pu . mot or, fi ...... et On eo7 mawtw"m - mmu8tomml4- and F4 ensuit Ume »M» Un V&Mlangum nom; la ta* W@ Un ift" tu reuwe A" bit: limm 04 87 =MW. tu t ý1N t "e : b", la onsa li'el "Wé om lilla homes et tbet ami. to wirdcd IL Gmamr.-att mi .--mou

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