Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 28 Jan 1881, p. 2

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ý - . 1 1 1 ý <'.. _ý1_ - 1 . 1 1 ý. 1 ý - 1. . ý . . * ý1 '_ - ý 1 1 . . ý , ý 1 1 1, 1 . ý 1 ý . 1 l . _. . . 1. ý 1 ý 1 1 ý - ý ý . .,JOLI&, ýý 1 ý . . ý - ý,- ý - ý ý 1 -ý- ----- - -.--- -..- 1, -__ _. - 1 . 1 - --'. ;- - 1 ý_ ý, M9 198 lo*PJIA& . %" .è"ý *1 , 1. ilmob . ; . - . "à ma IC eý» ýý «0» 0 fla - etumww *$#W l* ,wm #« _: , , , ý . ý ý ý . immal *94080= Z bbo ý ý., - - ý. «opim of O» lm»eum "MW 1 . . = Iý ýNY'.tawmbl 1 ___ __ - 1. l - ý . 1 - ý- ý». aa*m 81l"i *#MW& 1 - ,,, 9 .10M ibe *lob wbie >,a wýtibta -te levivil .: 1 ý . - ý . . - 1 Mièm md»%Umdq»wboë,tlwpw> 1% ý III . 1 et 4- -t- "Ïë ' ý à t1gè jý!ýF - oe.vtllvmy ombm oerà$W obe« A" O, . IR the% terwit da"Imble th . - ý 1 ý ý la tu _ et Illas fellow. elten"nq. lie malby ho pend - la . 1 , ý 1 = èàè.iqdwgèîldldsdlldgdv_ ýý -ià- bot toffl pèw '014 Ref #A.4mot pe - v,àz .ta Weald -ý ,ý . *,MA tbootb«:wm thv: t 1 1 ýýt Il- - 11IZ1.11ý1.11.1tél11111111o* 1(1*1y(tiroffl .,Dtb 7-'à Z III lik t*M& a livage _ý 1 ý 1 . 1 . _ . 1. ý 1 tg = ,Waum et tbe réatids. né MR W lîlq* aimr qu- enitec Wu% lntl»%M by 1 if e$WW*MOM ~ j, ,»d OWUI» Zew 11c", t O ohffl ý foif. 1 BMM a 1 atair t YMWUIW li _ dais . .. .ý ft»ba»»Willemmut ot1'e24i1týý1.,g1 twlt4dý latal, t 1 1 Ulm aduw r« »»Mi riedifi ý : 1 ý . ý ý S.....-D..à- ý afiny Of the libler. 'Ille, toutbls Cm p«. ont on tête 'birAbuelbS ttet" m momd awil tlwlLs own, llikt~ by Illéo IIIIIII, deltWëdbYbIAT- "-.-.ý ..--ý" ittbio*»»«, l'h. ti,.,d,*, le 7n----.np----i;i;è te the emtm ý- ý l - ý .,wS,,.i, ,ý.,ý4etteit "." - lit iz è'q' m l e. ýý".1-er-4k .. :7 »% %lie »emtim omis omt-4 W* - ,,w«w- .ý lielletaise loir *t»k be4bes i h. or ,.,ib.S w .. -."à, ___ýl_._ the 111111118. b ýýiL di.Ifonwttm ot éd 1ý .11«0901%*- ol» ,Wlkto» . -.,:.hý,,,nlý,,ý,,,.,,,,,i,.ýý"""Pepp", . ýL e . .. et 9)» t . §te , ..= Pil . ý ,ý '",n-*'Il lie *que« ill. ý,41e am4mau inter è" dm . . ý : t . ta 1 lt ý . , - , . . _. ý ý __ te t vilho ER hl kift* las »W t t a -W» the OM , à" 0> rwpw de têteilla .PM*14 ho*ovev Md Mt . 14 #1r. - hW fwwo 11111; Plait, bv'»à3nim %bat ý illeu vistelle lë ý RU se - 0 Kijl'i'fili#Ai, WOrg.14. -m Id!$ & clam .. 1 . 'y au $6 be ,,Mid Jtà,.Ogl" 1 1 ».»,.,d» 1 1 tiqu'illieli billa - «A" tkeg 16mom m , . . 9111006 * t ta the fliétaidestille of tbe ý'. ýý , r . btuU 'se 1-ý ..V-jËit."-t".tý - ý . _ , %tr vot,4 fée the' mui ,,ýrthtir Ntr(4%bbýOe AW YM.IY te tbe;ea=$dhd 1 [ývddvd1ed1 by devélint êtrél ... llk*toe (!&in. ~ IM W"ki efflIt IR the Ultlh»» tué ev4tttitotti Ilidiffl.)n t'ut %If. 1 tieftmotthe vty»wlopow*1,1*= oit, ý= rý.,z . $sýMwf I 1 CF a te wM Mt ou la adeb"dit . ahooki ho lundi mmý 1 wW à* ($.t(bMwot, étroit *AM, "&;"*ht." ý ý ferrm th" t net r«-.otvlet ton dravella moquédé lm ý 1 mumt ý 1 ý %V ttttttefmtà il ra aturda le te titi, plète D'ma theb"h they I di, fi - IN 011111ele or thla ft Mon. ý ý ý . _% 404811*tNlç. - -, ý , el in tete lýle,.tibliti(stt tuditabditalté for 4bbbI-ý salit 4 " , wtsàto lee greWý b M-1 Il ý 1 : - ý ý .. , 'ntubi Th* erts ý 1 ý ý , the de- whlelb the e6mp =**= this bladel Venir WOR ý ý 1 1 The kàoull citer ltairvey Pt the reliait Valley, IL, foât of the Ailes contridée.t. &lad laid os- eue tww*« go »Mil*, lamb th*xov doit gvt,4,tvtit» 401JIHIIII:. ý projette. tieavmd to-fix the r"D"LIwllty 01N the »MWIft«b mm thès O» dollar pur ,ni r-ýeý %I-1 1.1, ,,,, 1to .fii -'l Io. .".ý.."ýo,.,ýtýt- la ", -ICI ,.t ý (>1ý,»1-I--k I III t '-it - ,..."t:#,; IbIb' ait(% IM(de te lodlrn glatit 1 Ion.. P41M ouffl ition ' but the I ý. . ý _ tinhoeý outa" ýJ .1. II;,,-t,ý', - 1 a. -, ..., lm- lr ottbW sa th" liait net OMW ,14111 qye -.11l..." .;O,,.tb,.,.? ,%Itkekoeiolt,'* limlth (ot.!It;ttttr,4 te thot, 1 alwoo ý-;I ý til ýýI "M' ' 1 .- I..I. el I.l: ý 4 lL." F,.,:41"h garnéte. » PRO tillle'he linéat ilflib ttltit*l 1 nXIS Ae1*14 davellui #N'KM . a cl, l, 1 Kýi.1k.l ý , ý ý ý 1 made the finit batibloter Cible fft $loi with saw mm* uneem ilté thé MO"Y th" si »w Appettre, ý. ýý - . .- ý, ý ý . _. etatiditida". MW*- te t» ý ý 1 . 1 The mvmme*t hm nobrop shevm m mft« m the cible gowmay , " Il ý . 1 1 ý let" ,O." ro ]ta 0 pà:lo - ý and lè *» mir te 4%"»Me thède If they Tel". itidaittiph telui.el*hedr»%dr-y pernaidiedit for thiblýpIétidéflût trbeefflim. Md oeh« r«»Us ho çomidemd th" la obtained-, film en thar l t«'f(btt,.lt%,lim4 ('.ý%tttrvIt-ib tbtltl (Istior. Telle Iniétant daddy, fiv* th" 1 aud,* 'I.".. ý : ý . hio» wu* made blie, 1 màmh ý ý 1 Il. «l;.ý to'.1 - 4 ý m1IQý Z . y t m effilé whi I . , ý ý ý - - kwvi(vhttu (!t»ttttïrt %tilt Mhorte4 . ltproffl »w. lý1(bpoifétidotttthulào* oust te aube Mo il the avalda m the = ulada, ý ale 111>911111 fi Ir, ,Vair. 1 - ý fil bile %étaler. - ý . 1 ý - - . . K"t" the filoverdément lied çomwdtt;a . ý otlerily *dt»itlted that >te. ItOltit and Mlllr - 10 tho ocab"d"Be and il* "tan ý ý . 1 lu - et 1,4 i ..I ý ýý tiodit et the régi W*Y fat the golesroti»fàb . ý - 1%(>Icll"Ow SA IK intaiefflalle»: w1be, voted fertile cm- nimn§4 Cellulite and best»» aWi $ jw 1 - Il viols. iliblittorit. NI. P. V., Weil t*.Mppo.ltit- and bblieffl gelait, illidi" thédit IdInje &Iollmed »Mal lie mmitted, la Cook, A. a. UCNW«e pli uh"titttt ýOlitarto tbitnty. It wotbkl country w» bel hW j"Sur; 1 sout, "I'lir-,411f,àl'It.-ý ,,.%mP.,O lait, ten etmlltNt iApeK)ittttfttlà Ob-.ttrue-t lit lifilisth, ('oltibahilb, Il ha ti«"Kd»d tive 1 John stelib". Jobs PrSter, P. el ,%morb of lits thO . C neaut pr -idtet..etyý . , 1 . 1 tho ente *ett'rilt bals tallèh tetllptbftlly flap- wm»n for the oppositiola %O bées. lis 1 @%%on. 1 ibi di, t,.bau» et w4odaï obad b" no" te ,0,1,mnmtheèbilýendmmt»lidgrminný,itowla",4%.T.,«Ood, Allas oatff . 1.,. ý _. ý . ý .. . , al»lxftltt.41 III tex, plitro. IKhoMtid. The novetam*vit h" » Au- notbittait and complivert lt: te a nuat- l J. Va rýýl..%- ;-Iý ic.,ý,""ý,;".Iý ,:ý.,.,é a le the , I'Vor why rediala fadol île 'J'évé tg" nht Ji bild barils i ,h..«",. lh'troit tertit, lInI . , rit-Y tottnter fib .i .. . .... .... %,low Kou. remaillerait ferait% unhmrd ofýbsto". U» ". - . . -::ý .f - ,ýl-,,,,,,t 4 ...... trwItIl 40 Weil Niltlll;wutè And ý drivara daté with 00 M»Y Chaudivelli Order, 1-d 1 (,Outil itotýtéhetter i te (%»%barra» the [supporters of the Laren Sal ý - ý%ý, ,ý 1 ":",.,.,ý.ýIt.ý,,I..,r. blindai théleqîf, iduil tatltween ta ý 't. ... ý . ý . Art of 144. lie held teint parliament m ment. ()lit voulaud le 8%ýIgmi, , 1 t ho" parts of th A.",".ý 1, .fi. ..., F.:"",,ýi,ý"""ý. 1 1,1,-,,ý,--1.'ý-. A TZ ' el n'aad 1 1 avais fer+ ta refume te ratity thie voutrètet, amondanest .= labbadi, hm - déelort, the. ýj 1. . ý 1 - l t)liitk-. lut (>tri, (If filet* thitign #te tello 1 ý . . . 0 (,,fP#r"týe etâment. and luivinit beau ë,leuted ta ý. .1 - . - . .. ý - ý - 1 . ne ï gr, (km élorest froU étée hum 1 did tics k rml final l'dit. -t*twe*yt it Idand the siew PPOP(imd ta 9 tentée ý 1 , r ,ý ý ý ; .ýli ,., ;,ý Il- 7.', I,ý'Itl. ý . - . . Ic altif Il. i sa baïve gué ibi ladawl the mlèvlog tair, the new tervidét ý . : ,P.,Iltt,'j'ttt-grttmýl II0110 (le the, ffl . ! , l - toit il hi ut lé, sau . ý 1 a,,* . I, 1 ,- ý -I 1 , 1-1 , , 1 , ý lit «'Ilqtrtiéýtion %Io" wolitti il@ ton ou th 1 nai t* ýt e L 1 Il ri hy the rentrer Ad Pet ta 1 t.'l nuit a mi t ettry la the WIOWIDg. orthoeust" iwar= ite Me " ý- ý - ý ý 1 Milft* t fat, t (1111tot May. t hda m"(> vt% tit ,ý Il (...%Iill ý ,ý . . % doty " lied lie tl.» ,(X» mm f ý ý'ý - - ý tenir ý , M-ý lit, rtflwty iM A traitai 14 t*(-âtlf.* . M . , 1. . ý ý . 1 ,,,-., ' "i't't ' ý . 1 t 110 rttlway iltoelrbpcdy.in foin yelles t'me Ir re ý ý 1. 'rib@ rontnS. _.. ý if am aitalle, Iby te t-tttiteny wltt#" atout. tbaus débats tatte tewbw . . 1 1 - ý âiiother ton iilllionn. Telle advantatiteau re Pleure rmt 1 . ý ïdý ý ll_1.- -ý_I- VI-ï! , . . y l or exemption froin taxation ettail other whiela Oulft . Il of - of 27-,t*R).txl(], »re ý lera, Are ilemely 1411 refe . ý . - 1 - t hedde- " Il gladit lie luid not huera ait dipil , j .ýuth.johno ý;' . ý thal xâtoli, filiale ta lit. tic oddit la rei»rtl:l ocheffl éribla, vOë" bible tu"tlOWM &Rd et pliedant for bme* train the geý*ernmmt ý te arrept , . Uffor >Ný.5etiliit.loit. 1 )il,, ta ,lyt-Ilda #test -Vh(t» te. 1 tirait pointill lit ý .: . . lodit O( e uuuý» Ila resté J.Colýoèco salmit atrats Shen se . . . ý 1 . ý. . ý 1 ý ll,,,:,,,Nliý4, ý41tphett.Altntt*attifiýpettbItt tint rontairéédivil proper provittion for the gé,jjjko forthotilttifill inaiNt .1 1 L . ý - 1 ý : - 1 . 1 Pillai riet lot% or Z. O rtffl (liait dite Hode pro- . ý craign . . . 1 ý .. 1 1 ý N, l-Hillil tbe" ait mltettierq - . . ' whieh ý.y ob»ltka«lulltlbn t It-p.ý,u-hiig nie: ,,,'iien .b.oit . Iý - 'l'In, %,Itwt iliti (et %Ir. ;ý._ ý I!i,.kl.,*.. 1 vide foi, the Mardi hl" la t ddddbtrAbIoo 1 %IIIII. IDIXITIllit (,AIKROI.q 1 ý wttiËe enadat orton t ý . ý 1 ý", ý . - ffl #ý Ir et diaiteil be titptity-rýrtvtl tif ýMtrll" àlt(btttopM 0 1 au 1 1 mot thI, ,,allant. >le t 1 il 1 followed in a Conte '1_1 ' . Itioit l ,III, (ter d,1%ell t-(biiipalle" Il r. Malle toi , a . r 1 ', r ; , ' ,, ý ý a aithoitich . ilbere w» atome i the 1 * ilion partite ràtlw»y no Oi ": ý tif waitien (.1 utoCLbtkttty Ili a doserved lie, otruitairet of ý. Il 1 . . tliw,»;e Î.aeul was nu um au - ý 1 ,> ' . et, lit j*rýt-tltl Worth And potaiblide. roiréalderdait thug 1 moditter provillaffriés ivideh ho wott . - 1 1 . ý ý il ý . ",%'ai taltel, flatter choitéla and lay tell l"iI ttýl lie *&Il part vil "il My tý",t,,b ýý , 1 l'Ot.lýIttiln, jtAtgWf. lie i wav as Ili ý - 1 ý ý itv Aille te the %,vtIetlt)bv th" . 1 - , Iltoilibe" of the slow syndicat@ rallier flot bottela tel%* i .î W 1% il «eièt.%iivt,. Nie. Parti, 1 e-k"lltl roi, frotta or mt"ped.,n liI ý -11 lie ilt Id, repre - . - . for the - , 1 . 1 . 1 ý . , la Pli very favoratily In evriv'y larty anxilluit liait the 1-fiteredatabot On- Ir elle; allie Ilitil $rive% -an lave. . 1 1 t »,k the - . ý 1 . 1 1 I, - . ý italmon IlibIt Indot illanv yearq ltàttltt- Z , . ýw,ý Mm il, aie «:IeIi lie mtruck ni .. ý . . ,VI ý è llitritýttiýt, and %viii ttt.%ktl 411 V',welletit . tarin idéould la tif thaler gond failà by adulte of rativray conniretiont with the Vit ý ý 1ý . __ Iletie, Ref the 1 1- nny-luie audo telle .f -ottie ej ;4k- 1 . I wibqrtlt«ït. 1 liq ilittity friviffile Weil jotri . ta%! thypoldt, they hall. ý le they %vote ont aIrt. ail eorditil ri- qgmtlttti(btiý--ý. . 1 laTN . , l. ý il - ý . 1 ý 1 . . ý . a 1 ý ý j lobt in gond libith lie vrould punieh, ý ý ý inje a t!aving on . Of tabien rrodh Illewc 1 Wtlti%,Mtlgýhtt ý t lient. lait t ontivilled outil tour. Nyt4atilKhly mm - and 2,27-0.tX»arret% or -vi total ffl ing M lira" aien roffid begulity of any sralh divice log mien the linotte divitWd on. bfr* t1luit jaart. ut - '.%IItl.(Itqtnbtýlt4t: 0to hoillait %Veille %Ir. era toI1 - 'IU VW ý rd III 1 Il i ', FI JI - la,,IttrIe,!e triek. Ili, tlleittxl louée op. - A - ý rit whleh W» , 't litu àý itiýtkt, evIa-t t4lW:tkfttý linge 1»4-,*ými thé - 'ore; .: 1 . ý S , ,:. %'Ilt- IN ý ý 1 - . bave. 1 ut 'the rédéboi 4 . . ý . . I 1,(,.*Itiotl r1l"erts by 14t*tltllt that .%leu". yeux, à'-I-. 1 stiondit quite 8. liait C. (;tlrlNeky .W--. M. 1 CMW "et tue %vote a"rffl 1 corteurniat 1, hy a vote revera word'to faim whim te ride (air tas hý 11 1 - 1 1 , 1 ý lecilpoi-N. Vitoria 1 . 1 ý . 1 ý : the enliblarait Prq> 1 "' """' A 'ad . ermIl t tant 1 flev selotfld blot tic mitbuiltttd ý enterisibc the I.L.ý"-....- ý - the western 4m) itbiles Iigtrt-itý inettititir Il irldnd t4ynglk-atel le bute bretté V IN I'elf'IPI(,' je.4 11,ý&VA Y dý1fjps- Tia, Offer priardaars ta &«qW e »%» . ý ý ý TION. - ý hier " ow»e kkulorve«ýiatm.ýteý thre.U.ni.g ressent lor - ý T11.11 ÀUNUAýt, rdRÉTI90 t ta t lit, ai--%' ettt-het mett. tllimr«tttt thnt laddla liait goinettiena L'Y I'Ilrý 1 1 . tle-tittttt's tIilwité(t»ro tg étretit ami% (If te tic with the prepardiatiole, of tel* noi ý - ý ý 1 1 hpt1iý latteil teil, ly tell titi, (.Iqttttd,(,e. 'ýiliti ý- . tlue a bationa large ïSr et wat-e . . 1 ý ý 1 - Peter (but ho laid not . $M>,(Ubeý.%sh ý . 1 »%Ilt . 1 ý ila à .l'ri.;itlptl tir Ille Il bette-#" whivig spoa if la t'il atter il, %villa ma~ » - owl4mdScm> ;a%,Ilti 1. ý ý.1 ý - 1 .. - crIf . 1 . ta ri eigne(t 1» 0 ýg ont liat offl l ut the 90 ," U TII V'ttyro a ,£A Vonq edivemindraire iiiý'th'tirrhi And tante lie terré colteulted wofflit have - eqtil"te. of *2,QMtm the mwkwel and 1 Iudlod or j1joc * (blitttriti t'gillib(qtt".d traite teinte hIffl lidanitt 4 1hlaýtlldlildiishea Whieh %VAIS R d M A 1 -rilm *rnxT or ý%tu. itt'A.Kic't (.O.%tliaititiç,, , ý -Atibla - , 1 . f ý ý ilited in latth riblitrédéelle removed. le eniment, Illiait portait die, àdmà»toi4 utat . 1 . ý . Ant(i thair if W%(% tif .ýIVK ,%,MN-,41)-414,%-f. sud unes ou top-, liée hq'to,ýpt.tl Wtý(ttwtltv ter Inienllit le ttltq rol1nty: 8rujdffIJdeýj Il wala ab nitteh AIN . fre 1 . 1 .1l'..ý'I.-Ilý,,, - ibrtlrlt, luletion. bat .14%àl>jolned la the teict of lion. ý Mr. 1 plates. and other faittenindifil, . ', ý ý rouug lied ; .ofthez. k.tu.ýirýel . . river, dredginal. ttt-,.. 4ý'.Ikdd). liait Aimée otrer file the en t lm vreddlIt édés avalé the lllitke's colup dl- licnom lu n de ý 1 1 ý - and net der théell, e-r 1 1 13011 14 lettrrit.rivtr w(arkla. *;.,bIX). %Valet A rom prédicat tbjtre*nwlNt. ltedid not éliddy the idioveraitérant c.i,ütrAct with the Se - 1 ý . ý . w0l, .... ý - 1 . . 1 -4:., ...... 1 1 ettfrIl et dm-..'")- for the 14 lrkfleld rothée, teint et idiollid ladit ne."Dted. Wad , - 1 . __ ý ý . ý . bettleved t liat, kt bel tel, citer could te pro. P . aitity favor et Ir and of -a telt-crffl bh lino in tý6nueed" ter Id wlott- di, wamdu . l of lie@ Streat tipelleh lèglit week. %V111111ily, 'Ni t W" thk-re%%-igh, unie ail trirffl phicaptera a , ' $7.'Ïa. t lit, ý voutird to etalfriblite 1 ý ý - .ý . - ý ý . ",.naý 11,illever mtd,$709),. Violeris, "diV 'S'Ille en '%AV$ JU I-191 29. ix . t - Ut alle listent theui. 1 [O. compardial the m.w. . . bc ,4reqtlire4,i fIlirthe ferait equip-t of Ili ib th 1 "z il ui ý 'a. I, p -%l ifrI.8--I,ý,.treltýMdr.,q, n'ail, eilit). volitbrit te jgi%-o @IR)' ttt( .ý , . . ý . 'c', 1 "" dam. of the enintt4teirit4ilettt la lnttittting M d rareftilly by dévery eler-tor 11N tboq saieh t 1-"; -, 1 , firi , -Il -f Iý't'ý'-týtt,ï ý ý . ý tOý1g1ldvrd1a4ke file (bbttbtatione withont itajuf 1 ., . 1 :V, . ,Iv . .Il . . thélit (a# the ativilidée rtitthinst down land : . .tire u . 1. Il ý1 1 - 1 .1;. ,,-ilt,-.;,,,ýI t ah.,trtblI4 lin il-(, reffiflention or telle (e '441il rtind. te (l ý ý, .- 1,1 ,,, I mj dlo' III I1,,1ý IÏ,l -,,,I,,,, -t #719); Moitit rond. "Idof Kint»,aitta$d loto Teint the mid irý,@Olntim* bc . ý 1. ý1 ýl'I. -Il ... 1. . w refile imI.4 a for ý dit, Mou and te an net 01 PD oui- . teint for Illere wers " btowle Iaruck il% the mec . ter; Iaý objettat bu clk4n... with ('.r.týý w . . ý N'il-4gt%. - Wè - . litient A svetin.1 tente. lait Il 1 ý ý 1 ,ei>.11»4r elq* M. (If ltt,4tbygrkti rond, sii4l. ,9»W' cide. ý in éonestittion lie iliéved a lon tilt, lýbt . ý Vritm"fetit. floli ý vent W&wý #ltruck laith .1 1 1 . r(a.'ti Mention. wlth unie tIittt*rtto didandialaiment nomme fortt - Iblüt li . ý (111%.11 la IlItItit. ltplef*torýyot the queilitiovil complitin empatruction und %vorking et il%(, ('altattlen, lifte or railway X , ý j> -, I , ý_t lrittim (wer tintai river, $Vgém 'Ntindrit t t'en dit «Saler t lat, net of Ir, 1 - filât no the Ilýitnioliýbn parliament t't lý1.1<l;tý. .fi',- - M,£,IÎt,-ý . 1 . . the tralaCt with the liet et liéti-t. and 1'&%eitV' .. ýý ý ý - . alliait, tri .Vtltllplet.0 te lltlikltllpt.(In road. èblqqb wlth the »W çailldal, ý . 1 . ý q . ý , . . ý ( , . . railway 1 ý - il ý ,* hir , rtý$brtqtItttkti"e et wlil w te% d: er(vus v nt% vittbtkln$l; feint 'the poliey.of tel(, presclit W thé giý ; - o t, . f'!Iad,ý - - . . 1 canadien i»aritte, rail wày, estelpi 0 ,14 d , Wý lé le ruté eotlth.we*g or te the t ma; my nature illattèl" 14"Vti luive laleti, ittklitit latter the int-ev, Connell tact te 1 leddd:1, à. - . . .%q litikliy phieditied dansait the t-ott?»Of atriedon (If 1 ".. wa* to.obtttin.iqlliielda ý ý - 1 1 plitlt ý 1 . ondul - ý ý ý , . ' work; thétait file IIDIWY tif the fifteeft Miles' -xt, nor ta withtinn ý.t.iý -ý_» . oi th" voulait Y., %V'd'h reàMrt' il% hi* *P"eli And itiýt* when . lie édientued. ý 1 1 fý of ariv new province . 1 ý ý ý $Itigojg ý tirrtlititte, Nié. %,Ir('ttl - libéral the 111.4 daïaddit. ý toward'q the vert hy t lit the nnrih-wt,-t territtarles provision ""kt -ce -I i ,, d D, la Y. leitll).Ity.ýJ%\. ý-c. -ý"1' wala - lière littii 1,Koý,q&wlbrll.lf klnjl friver tif 1 ho tivimrt aient, net file , al,: lit t lie -tlm,-Iotl tif lm. NVAA te venger . ,alliée, Iejaý de ftr contltttlttlt sàdIe .1 1 ý . ý ý . 1 a ý . ,-tLIiw %vite -Ià tolérera ý . wortt, théit et ate hlfghtien t'Itt-ltltsttovt - , ý ý - *.»$ (al *1ýittýýfy and %vt4littxtitqy illaklttit totik lei(, dent nt rit-ven o'elork &ad r 1 . .- ý . tilt, ilýt't'tIq riteurveils. . ý ttixike wtt-h t-onulderatblt% vidifor. Ild: imlar4 fluait tittrinit il%(, et"" the gaver'%- file ex ý I . ., _ . . .. . ý I i 1 cJI. 1 . - 1 1 ýllortitke, the celle e4la ý Y ,ai. II f . r rrf 0 1 1 ý t 'Aoiti(q lit" In mmoortille themn- motif drIferodued .. .1. ý ý ,ý 1 ý (JUR 1't)Hfp"Vlllti liK1,71-pie, "fatin .o ortimr pl"pffflý" te 'I'f%.-. ,;qtf,. - h4vp il ý 1 ýý 1 tract wlth the art, (le 1871. and art.er-- rtgafý for the (*onL4trite.tkin allie working tif Ir 11%,t vrP't'r, ,vit( of prtid op T1114 ý - - - Ille raitwil? titi wholly valait crebdition ý,lem,ý,%tq tirre wtrtl* took ut- the ripw contraet, %th , 1 e »r«k»i or M-ttit-weitile- . % eïr Afid t latin,- etre iltitte a t-4'Plittl(l, liffltlit-vrt 'Ch den Vantit lait Iltieifié m0w Mét,49104 lirtim I>t,,tt&-rtç lac itlqtittt.tlv 14t'nte(l Coulai Rat te roul, lit t lit, %Vtlrk» On lin pédavprovid, byttbec4M VKUSlafidPrO« j ,,,Ietilimbvrý ,trt-1-qýtttitý.entlix-tiýttift, e%»tý-4'ýrt!llt . a, joe lart jetvtn rait fi, abay f tilt, ritilway stable 1 = v la ý aïhall h g"iigtît en pgrli&inmt a" tbar MIF P11141> thaaà . . , t I?,ýir .Ilt,,i.rflpý.lk4 ,ttýlqtlll fqtrtlel, _. ' - -Ir t lie grivothment. 'rhetiOll@le vontrartor (ýX(,«pt arter filme" viners, ý *tlt%,nt)Iýf '11111 11011.1volabdy hw ItI,1-qyý If i'tifiýI-týý-.ýz ïrv et, dative ittollev ý Ig fi 1 , . t the, Roveil . ý . ý . 'f ý #fi, elt*r.leý4m 1ý%W ý ttittutltin%*Itetktlwt.lègonttS (tortlle-it, fredidout et> Charter raiýw&ye MO te cr it-"- enailitiorts. tir ai Ail. %te-ém p(41tiv Iaj,ý ti.tllltl,!t .If leir-to, tqt.,."ttlltq latjadt. %.rttltlq telle. Ktiowinit that ttieigovei-n 1 ý ý -l'-ill itiliviItf!,Ily Il , , 1 M, ý . . ý vrait taieural an attiré atoll holittate ta (titlt,,Ii.%vrre t .ý - lit ltt ititi,,%swrtým 11 1 . ý ý enottent ad tatar Unit, M er to the inattentif tif teffl t. l'Aay relquire, and b --;Ittii ilitilli et(, ibrtqqetl , 1,11- ' te, , ob)Wd- moilll cùndtwt. 1 1 -,Zý: :,. ý . 1 ,ý titi liait 1 il tiritrrli*tt, gtIý 1 ý ,-.,, t e ta 1 l rec . ,:,rat 4..,rl4.ýt.,tlllttlt.t,-tf'l'ýt, I-t,ýi 1 édjin, étueld Sb pr(t ý lieditintat t-tttme- le, jimidiffillen tilt, enut race, normale the ý - . . 1 - - ?ý4J. Dermember Jetait. when itttývlittýr, ý 1 1 1't-ifti-4,rt., .Inn. ý";,. 1 ivilo -ravit. .ýýýiwandfi 'OjuuiO ý llndmýillefontifofleaittlt*entnm(.tunelt au th" me"' pré' laid ni the table 7. The rourribet providewtlM tb#Cm. filera' lttteonlder"d that th@ Uov' ditiongt. tact fauthorinfit orconteinplated' .diantàl'triaoitýttie railway as« all détationta ,ý , 1 Clin «M . 1 isp bordé. wh ý ýTII,-,, iiteeI-teil fflr llrltttl4lî Clam Ott troublante vouloir Gratin te amuit ilýu.nt.r liait ý bat. Inime vm Ilttrit rallié t o * lait the Vidaniffl ait Purifie ratiýA-ny &et are liait M ,Xronftdab,ý wor tilt, 1-iý,1.ii,.rt..t 1o 1 r ýý *r1le avork (Ir t lit, Mfvqt(,n (If the- lestl I. Ill mil i--tv ltli,,,.Itlv, 1 fille tiq-tltlletv MI. rite liallIM441 Verv sittelle eue hall flot rth.ttwn a ditqpmlt.ioa (If the Most vital tmrr ,atoek und applierenta ttmonngt the "nie &te 1 0 toiiowinjt* ftlatted Z4 liekib-e 1 ellI . 7 ý ý . te hoid ofilledi, 1 1 1 ý '.. 1-t cin, #ittit't'.ýr.,-f I"Iqt"..(,ývtIflItIP Ai- And lafIll Itttrrtht'étlli tif th" ilfti,4eett, a deb"Indit ethiela il-ne of théd i . f ý 1 ý ý governnwitb.tn agnle, Mt-h the Congédiée. thereof, And the capital ilItéit, i W.t ilt-%v paid %VI, Il de taille: aveIýk 1,11qitir-q %vite t'lot lit, (et a matheux liait ý , Lt, (la!tll ai" . ý. ' Ont to ('ontt'fttt't' for the tienetIt of the Ç'C'Inpfny, taloill le fer ever troc from, =.1ý11 ý . cIl iti:lili av longer. ý , Wiraoller. ý . ý Ftt%'I'11 (IN 1*11K giboitr'.4114 ter* "etlonq of t lie work te lie taxéglion iy flic Dominion. ci bv, artictePrtnte(tongtugd . flot% te defeitttlitk* the pretta #,air. Il ý 1 elle t1liaiter ititillitter ofiterdid lutothe contrede 1 I'dir'-illiý01 10,11111 klifFINT ý ncaq ttlit vtI.-%r veilv Illirltte-%. (lie danly fllinne(ttl diallarlet (If elle que liandettd . ý Ily elle 1 ' tatami the elau-ts ,if i - VOIS ,7 t, »V sdaeh emalption, ,os rotirmt ti'110 il r','iCrTOkl tl,-. P, ý ý 1 . -selon wlth a . le lainifil lttwit te kt aue laitantrimi etirpomtiô 1-týlttittlt(, roll VI(Iw te kkht)willtt t1iftt. file- PPqltlOn In linotitshtd ileetiol j:tI1ttý(, ititertý.týtttetit il M-tjiltj'tiiq'tit il, Par 'qavr .tlilq ý tltl* MPfet. Wl gin and finish t li *1ýlIt, . f 1 . -111 jeaital t4t4ti*fNft0ty. 1 ellimplote the . 1 a oit put I ý . relation ativra Io tire: amendaient . 10 in the ý M.ntrtiet? by vererti Olt a great, fil~ Pilbitt' il, 0% ieIwitýtfi%,% fýlIt.Iltiti l4tunitlqt:%IttlttlrvltltlttT . tiiieiý, and te hand-(I" ý .qtllr" laIetoidé, leid.Ittrit'ti ttl-tbettIrtietttt dans top glapir civil lienetit thé- work ininve4l the atliiiitriinit-itt. of th(, tiobate- m. vie réagfruie 1. - l'..., 1. ý4 eýw -, _..f A 1 Il, Wctèk: lorril *tlfnl _ eftnocal Ion, and %vu inay adki d mit>qxi(,IlM. Friail. ibrrMttet 'Appelé Il -V; (",.ttilIlit 1't-l'('i't"liatg,é of Filitev. ,détails of the Company tri tiieffl"h-%V-"t -arvvacmt of Mr ., . . ý l ý Any rývfikfbm (If Illt, CorIxI wottltt Je ý nt 12,ý1f) Wrlork, fait tilt- gover . 1-'i,,tlI-ti 1bolt. Il %ýX1Iav rim é4l*ttI(1 (-fi the (lotbmtt, éteinte On and lie Ileviiblna [bPanth alerte le lorritc I.mtiail allan 1 %*t'rttltn%. klitit-It'rtit III A tila . - % Il litéréfer ý (---Ilqt.fltttIittlY Su'omléfleti illittev'itrot.ot. yieldiiist nea .1 . nïk-l -;t-litiý- :IIvtýrti, littilt.q. .% ltrq Ilote ,tlirr.týftn, dite dimid-Illetion leila ý ý ý . lir.= 141rt, ý ,,-illtl,,,ttit ,viit 1W i.-týtitl lient wèret 1 . le 1 . - ý ý ý , , . ý tireur àgond..Iti4 teridpary 1*[tiw ta *stt.)iý ' la the ovident Intention tif elle gov. VeInIte. c expendittive of frola the erýc,%,rlrl, .,II-1 qi lt,:Iýt every. r-flier %VtIq-k there. ý 1 2. liv the net flétri, Aqh Ii,..:"amftl.toil-ti. ta, 1 1 1 ý . 1 rallier teinti adélarittit, t'ho palette dédale; prunifile te force à divitélon Ne go" ta,% the, R6vtrlmt ý 1 1 1'ole , On dit, wilote titIitilqý11-iheýiblati et lew;@%. #*Rtlatf'- 4111- tell% '%lit*' (If the tit-hftttq le paire ta t lie rtbnt.ràf-t'di l -,il, r lit petter t-a glvt :1 odt t-ttllj-lrtllt-tt tif :bmtlprtt ý al . Weil qt.tq«.elv tic etainfairted fra. tg irait ilan a régler. or about, %"#.(Xq).tggý for the ttrent, further 1) 1 ý . 'C"Il .ttri-rIq rouilit .file 1,aettl t-l'vrt,-Ixii .. 1-4 lier filet tif 'IRVA t'O vp",ýp rat. Ille tirlif,ý4t. le. will te whole ilair. départ 1nau thé, cestit or aile. il ili 1 ý . . , ý 1-leiiititil ntl-qinti'q enti t'p .4141ql lé, have tg %V(+,kortrii davis t,"fpre détJi the aitiend- Ill Ibitifflit. p .hweýqt .h', -P ,1,-IýI', 1 blur rt,:ttttirq titifi ladvertIllere, vistli . ý vry%. wlitt tir ililltht, tint. terré% capot nt. tif the nerf ý , ittoutt% bave, lx-411 (Illettenard of and t lie part illeir4pcbf. lly thordr ,ý: l'IOI, tho ildtiitïtli t".tlit, vellad,44 tilem. 1 lasit dtviqlovt taltelti. Theta il%" tiltieula- r i,,S%,Itlg te thil 901,t.rnenffl , , a., hy the Now. 1 mie.ht ha" eaq«M faill "' VI 'rh*offàrpro.,' iI,,,ý,,,,ht I,,,,, e»"I",(I" ,"I't.. eh, ,,.-,-,,,,;h ,,eh I- ý. ý - 1 1 there larleinq il, la, a fénIjjadtýtèlat- elle Mien lit titi, lteitntè, 1 Weil II.l1ý - . 1 1 l . ý 1, admit - . 1 ý - 1 . - . 1 1 . on III ý (lie ft-rtitt'r %veillée: fond Io teilla %Vh(ýIffltieNtion t raverterd ove? R»tll, C1iý de' eV 'Il 'ce' "'O CO ýrI1O_1 ý .1. . i O, r le.,i,ý'i- 1 iIrliiit a ý If 1q (bill-V régie et hotath Ibrtl,!%&.Iv tint. et ableil le»glll. ý h - 1. in te. eu ý'. . 1 lîl., il W 11111#101.11NIII? Il ý ad the leiller. - . 1 g ait lttrÏinrd Vart %rright titvntq,41 lllelll*lf '.' C ' "bal' l.1ýý lit 1é,igib. ý . la 01e t'filer Iméïd. filet S;lr the râlway on terme, te bit mule-d ilv tant - . 1 'Aý Cas dit 1. 1 e h et dý,ItR ý ý . . 1 j .ilv, a 1 Ittietll"p ..-..»,.i.1 .- lé prIttrilleblIV te nt%-.'%vt'l'itllt t lie remarke, of le a.( ý Or .",V.Y.. . le 4b ý a, be h rai -1 all'ethlnw tell" battent th. éléi.".;., ".IIt.tdp- Obnffl t-ptioiblariv Iomopb eh.,4.nf. . - t lui billaverdiment. In carbe, tbe, M i - ý 1- 1 --ý..ý- t. .... roi de. ini,-ht bea mctanhorý Ti B la (Int.réndem itrd reprIt il "Ibnq't .1 tlttt ténitn 10 j.rlttèt into t4ti eh ('l u fi% - 1 1« Il t ho vaine tir t lit, dtqtbtited tetrtl 1 '1,«M'tt"%P«" et jeteph t',At*ed f«"ý t "0 the devernatemb, m *@Corn* *W cou- tt'rv. the %,Vit of 81P and tntlnlt4pNl t.&»tion b" K W 6 the fronni Witt lie depowiw* m oui-Cite U&tult me-, 1 de 11 4replvttit, 1 1.111-171M S. , th" it ilev Omar iliv rýllityr ttilri 1 ItIhn 9ardx1IIAý S('l in tleltt'tltq*. tO allow tlebliod r th" peteible ettl *lIé il%(," -611%ttttit "a, ad the Ilélu he ilmt Atittier in t lin &W tifil t p 1%, t net ' a towiluhip et ýfâmhe-. tyepffl renaît the date (br-t-he liftan iveil lit tilt% t-t4eý t it!ld itm itilitrv lie I* tltttll& 111% partie in tbntivîtb (",iltttv. 0. trotter t mr The tItthjeet, ýt'upntqIll" tri%- l,ý tttltv. If lit, iq Amved q11Iýéd iinitv- -nthpi. lltolhtv tljeç t'm'n lit (ItbIbmtb ln Xîtr. M . and vente et Md MMOM Mid 1 May ai tliqlq ipqqtqtt th" V0111 1*04bl jeeb to Im ts siriev citimeir 1 nt ITPPFP Vnuads Vottexe, Te, t'O W amaud lied FAUX âfter >' p ho lattroed the tanna; 1 did imll "y th" 1 wTffl th.t have il% t't, refrÉrm if% if% Silb a la *tllttm vrhIeh vrili, etiffl rmt* Ana p Pd rwb A lhilllpm, the prio. nlit vive ipro"otl 'e ëndj"", ItetIvit-litti iý in. soeuà@ no-W pffltinelle, Mr$ lit ne «in" hin m U*L£AitY a $19 l 1 Cr VA ý4 lui" %vhltit à ehter'tif Itév. a that And rfflée of et entirlée on the ixtrt. nt iumtbtmke. t»ffl*M. WR(t 4% major ln fw -*dwtmr (irebrqffl Il tilt «týititt oh- . tenta the of the th 7he inilffléé, anit La târiller. and At (me M, wu~ . * r 'taie (il*, 1 th(% pâhriv liât~ way* hem la "salut Wb"oua« ai mlqdpr* fera I-tlëf fil, Viltp. nt (ltll*rlttg. At the M&V re illim DY the vontract Sb te inattier R"t»MOMIMMII MINr, *Il(, pq géhetAi pfflion lit IMM lie wan rmilmed tter4edt fat rellainent and avIy »W toi Iond Ir t"twq i râninir j thoir horàm; 1 hrânt of an-the lia'm t%%%-rnyt A fetifttlit @Ml«ýýèPf ftllthe qelit hf lield at-)ýt(o deftth, liem q8ha 1 ont for tv"lb" 1 finit whié ageilli ilettirtim tri lm. lie W*q P*" @r sumour the Lend« à$dtltim And t4ilt Wh in the :Ittbitqp therlitie t Imitimlý litinelplé of *if% 1 f M IM71 tblit. wâg rt-êleet*d At rn"inn lit cierte Ur. rurm. - tilt- ee"ttbtt tt*lwn- 114 diroptions whtèh dot«*Mib«imd ii fou ln % onoeu a»»? Mine quffliffl ereil. dertauti 1 Mellevis, Ilmý,4%wm ilevel. 111!i4ht lnt*rhft'Witt in lie 'And leto in malle à r boit fir If kl.*tben rdenled ta t (41tiriiiiii 44 11*111 vomee. trem th Cif$ ate aefitting for turtit, btit *tetbtoht @ttppoqWll of M coderelant ne t. Who the ps"ma r@f il. a? blie met t» offlrhme«t itntll*lll,(,t hekln(t niffloîtrieffl VOINIO? t* àlate, hm The ZAClargATC rng@d thet the oo mw me e-vw mu* 1 Fiam &M did " kkowth" Gram ».thIi'ttm tilt, pthtf -% il et qýùotlw tilgh ltwtehd (if idbfht ne lin Net qw Élav k-ri Wrinek ph y l'm tImtt bn tiens lit@ tarte or Pr latilte the ment A"t réii to 1 tql!d lilial, il st At li",eph 1 ej- waau. se m (qiefflet th@ pow«f nt ý th 4*111 v?ý lit à ý1%f. mqë. illit phIl -*«Rnit Se ni x tift6orleet la pue la tu, par wAit thé tq«Aflqqt. thelft ptidf44 tiffll NVIIMl on FrIday tbvetttnot. payo the 1 h@ te IROO rfqd- IN, M fin"» cd thIe . . ittenn . ý . l %v 1 t lie" t. in Vritirh t le a 00 S'y sn"Ip %feffImtit il Ato kf#6« ffi""Pmd«nt. the fiati. Wil. 1w Ità»og» IIIII it-tit el-,%* An «Initial! ré Wt révenue p lit%* ...t --*I,;,A eon, II Ptdien ý4,«rt t MI 14 Pitt (se the t1offl. 1. IlLIM %tMdtbfàobll rffl In hi* ont tri th" a (.'hi%* jqtq Mottai ltivettffl 1 't the, Ir. BAR veh nfdltm wn% Il pwvitnl rotkh cit- Mewbbm ta thell, the rail ",p. atm* une haé did nat temio admit t ai umnww. h@giffl le, liv cithb" noble, MI. aitnkbu* ta hoévl whet lie mid le vI2 the Wb - Îhe 00*emmevëi th gt**,AlNd- titiot do 11.1titi. went"'#*' -mu am* th" ho dil Met mllýnt flair vrmid ha" poivrer SA prèm1hp rimom lm la ffl, batu 1toi; swit me tâ LÏM bel th" ha (3laDm»U) liait ýWjbfflîa4 fillé â@04- 'éhe ReP"""r't! t4lMltqt fi* bavt, lt(4v*tebur. Ome ta tlme t W(.&Iptns-thti "bekwý' pe the «4ýhp lima limitait the fftffl lt watt »ffl fi> thp.tmi*lt to me. FJY the enut rillit *vIeh gow« lit alwuo*oe fur MW b ý 'W olw- Ur. )Iei).innrti and 1 wmt «So Sfttito ateenef of p te Vriry dwatftmint And lis idntqýtef *4 un lepo. AM nuite withla the P(4(tttdlltk* that he PR, vftég 0*" l*t ta Qtbff *ttwàtpo tqbm"ltt the wolild mqppérb the $»vmt»nt, but ne la; ttrider the th# Dm"r.. thf ënlitélat et hq*ý 1*0, -*Iohed-tt*. One e-tr-fflfd XIReh lé 00meftf ddf% %* vwwbow ;;;ibtowm Mil of *10«tftmit". * Nve ttem %my et Rwy ý limé, the Pf ther pwtton Ait t* made lut night.- ý7 lit" 4fité qà lek 01 1 ri Ur demand. fI të j.ht. évit4i*m% êwwhot* file,' le wffl e«qlly lnm. ,t. hant no *"eh pa till, . thnàà* mv thtit, 'Of', PR" te Itiffl. la tel 14% dl*r4monom M Ofm W10à @cIme et thf M*Vtmb deelo lit 14 " JIV the M4ý thp gpm#*, of bits raft., nImalon or th* ~ tbelonob WàR tboit, no wiévItit. 1 Nt, Iltiqllir** rail 4 %voaM lap rm the ami e,14pfhftttpaq let».tf.* litiom fj thfilt WOOMIk% 1W w». AM t (a diýM 140w IMAIR %1,01, @ébeéb Witt "et thé (40011w Orlho entflait (If the hm%@ and th« ovbft:of vmrkt*ý*, It nt mit vmrl(or fui Woote- thra t onq ;;Z;Wm the *tî fflp Pt(* = 11eu the C-hiq#twm AO) qtet*rlt. Th" liqýbIle 1411 filffl à fée. -Vbý,, 00 18114", tq.,4,it a py sdékt*g thie * ette"d ilie romw#wrmm And maqpe (of the rmit joi dt,#Olt 0 tho* k"" etegi file ilititit ttl*.%â h»l hum In the of thé -p«" top M(vp lie dellerminemit ý hy - th .ýtiÏtq'Aet% ' PON" It wu formert? tbedoutv'04 lnlr,4*1%t e~ 41011 te. 'C ta« 0 Palier or inn "i tee the gênera am"" .4 thmt tipi* 11* fmm (Iw.ý = % à - ~ etta 1:11011*14- Ibe y«» OMM «Patel. 9 ho tilt% tqbtvlmmv t4- 00. tfo me itpf ýrsqqq jlstbtéàlt"W* A". Wb" It wu effliqMi t WM MM cow: ho *00" %0 m jj;. wuadair s r te a him 0* thb q»fflkMý M. r»nwh thie ballotter, 1 bond %h ov~t 1*«Mfb et. ths oss vie -no ~ h là K4 t» 0111001[$111kli »largué 1 twalla UMM 11114ille ew Fiée xt.%Vi ntoê h*q «#Itt@e 1 oe 16ffl t'W Me* pletme hie worie, thm the omeme ISI la th# *éfi thle eftt te* #fhfi ffl9mtt, il% 1&0" eow Sw *Mme. W a op«M réée w» =1 W" 7M to u et iw lmwmlm lky 04 0» Ille son" Mot Wb» 1 wu dowlé eân, - walm =MC mma av Onan bout ne lm w» bée d"M, 1 Tbu»W M»tdeo qî~ ta"- 911 ÎE 4w tyMM. M»W_ =r tm C= W«e te ....... Inai Ww uz rwf WK .1 111 q

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