'l- lu *mm ««M Our twffl warlk goum (Yang - Fm& 03 a goum cz»M M a mi of b-i4 WZM Abe, bo auwow»W tom ? , rx(mý,%RT, offl mm malm knl» nt d'y septem, nuit. -00« Awd ýhdd ý ir ne ouswaig wbum & : wý MEULE A#§ -IETAIL tow for Voa t» Yffl ma fmaffin qui et. w Nf* *"X; *ffl CC of- ttmiq 0 wt lbeq-tiý oý,k4 (élq t" ffl»th et sq* ýo-» t-O A 1 bw om tit 4t'O wlffiq lolk-It %fv. qeesmlý .thti4»4 té om blie ti" Qe kt»,. M.Z.- thm t'.. mf bo* 1 A.Pblbv &* iq o(-"ý à to QU" am -et : ý ".;tké:ria awm Roi wm tot*W bfl - ý 6:1 nW .'9- -ar --we ýw 'tilt, ilor Tm Tom&âe,"N-mm walicaricam amady mutaàm a ý in the auma Moutaite a" &W Md baroice, J'AlUARY 16, M. M$Cdt"M&W«" B"dm"ib» mm a" aveil muruauewwjm ai $1.50 ià &dvu 1 m. %la badW Wond and it je - 1 &--m ho -M mw« uù",f raitroer'. LrRd DECD«g à" à" OCUoie" a tenu in » mm4a *b wiem *8 OUR F.11R 1-1)umr LÀ.V». the central ; i Md is le ahouttb»r a revèreme%, m et»M Metteur a" bu betl@bMll a 04mwlwàm probable ho vain bu nom tâtitre &&mu. waguem Give Ilisalluitait ber atisitaindai te dieu of 4" owm«okt---. dm semaze 0"0" le-, . toast. TeA c«,%," "Xr. Boyw aGive Frin the eh" tobout. on i lm of Give Engimd tg pride in Windur- lestI firlemd te mgr. beau, Imar 1 " owke& M17.41q;lp" It.lo.-rioub #;auftd quite. daisaislail ba- bý wWmm yeu; and yu -1 sawk 7MM 'Wdbmye'4b"lw@» Me 'Male' Ha, Z=eèausid lier dJaees so gmn ail file i esse 03illit4saume la the township during ne Mke mi Wakas within M114 qM-Wbaý r j aewaam t. - ; the day of vottralez. The rasait wit, te 1 ab twe YtIar.- T. IM W y yà m iduLdefer " slight ileed taLce the Canuck. %ý hose helt- fnlluw»: - Philip cCrae, retý;. Yom uaimme m ::rriagir, and 1 alave salami O'Leary, delptarty-reeve, PeterThmnpwm4 new, IlIfs, rtm larbeait tue sair = Izrwt. beffl te repromb . W; Ir vreetk. uÙn!gi,!titl faimr hila uwn fort:ýt land. Thfflbwmaowmmdvwý . ;k M. Ci. Sullivan and G. Bruce, i§W mouftwýiffibe kbm meh Inbas? OR 9b9M 1 M" fui tb" the »114 4" &M 1 eMU UM "dwm lier. it fair forc,, land. lors. Wfm 1 1 m lm This nue fortelit land. WEEK et, PRAYsIL-P.«. D. touktrbL troetwbteh O" mm nain la Sm but saiteisala me alavans, toussaint lier No Land clin tumpam ,viril lia. f sbe mu" en hoj::e j a" taftaffly, - ortýt _jff #Am lairrus M"b M ta. 09" "O cm a ,reizur hélai mutations daity altentattiv 1 diaisaisait, aucar Rires am "M& th" Maidest Md ommd hm am wu lier j Qaelit and Emdlob during the ,eeek îruu!îî" ý 1 ais broielai rivers and woud ýk-ioed of or th This muwm noir tenter m alimente au bande, WÀ Leu ïï b" ft« uncownd for_ or. matmilm Id This salame la cb=kM and wu bebasiai Ir, 111 bartale ka aketi PPEIYO-N".- -.Bev. P. Ray ie bap a m Our 1 - Etiente. of beauty lis xit W cent whal, 'B -O W E S ' m Oum bu. consenaïlui. FOIS te kàa,» 1 mid, jougly logie« my ; - illakeâ., - ill. We tire un" te my *bat ie tit4- h= ; bave toid ysim Il munieu hmdoaberwivlý i What,-:till retirer grâce amqtnd it le thrj% ustift of hm but lumale te -6 The Tirait- a mâlestrel, anand %Vhen the mwnoi the usapie tu scariçi hue bien fully rascevaired mua. 04 j a ?bruit I'Ycus bave WU me I clessiusai the daier opm futur and waited 8= 4W warb:"»P." . M W ontmdlpe i And the nrebard tree biends like a mette %% il- i O.Vl.IRIU CULI.Vl'Y. BUlPbmhbemgwmd= 1 ab" not'foroM IL God ShedidembdopmlmgwW«m il Io%%-wand @lie lnqdored, labercalm4e&rmt titillais, - : Neuth the burdea if bears la tùLý folle tou, wmlm Me licence, aveu la ; valent faiew1y doiersainatis, the Sddy. the land! N!Pibeil.g - hats been - made on the ý4 h midwat bS duelubg sorrow. T fair foreet land. of 13rot-Il, oppeýite.ManilléL Ille vibudan. th" " bmw Ir U«àd Wi* &B bluiai Ili winter hevrifrand ti'eiiti Varpei of*lluw 11ý am contiassed a luttait gaw Te the Moule belles a tu go: 'Thors. Scott, ceuneillor-elect for 1-la-t "M womd changod the Nor " the enjoyment %vitro over the ke and du au very, he&vy. Yet overhnad "Il, -Moà»7«»W,-Mumid 1 Whitby, wala driving rieur the Five And traissust troua 5. l 1 Point8,'%Iontktv vveniux, lie watt -,%er. It. W» a akeb» t; maitais thoubu OÙ --a juv Vastes ail 1-ricl-: Te ide «aomW& Wlièàt %vould but pour natal ýi 4 trop' cùpm ce= --- h" rhuse m-um,ýf rmi" te ncý= *» ftmul Md w» taken hi- a ruissavaray hurl.- belanging tu The whase ho . y W« m mmed me the wild trembler Me-iz m » ive ýfo rn si Ta" uvh bliss in thi. lanic illut. i;ln%-rr thitt 'iusitpttt trac, Ili- ut "M tarit au stoire-al, thU aise bad»»wlve& and 1 lecord- Im. lit et sied di"-atit.g Ingly tuait bar band te lm& her avray te force lm. 411 deinolishin)c With au ide" et bar C"ktL This fair ioreac land. etc. t'4 himider.' hh)ý a" belleviaitat "Iliet m lie wfth ymi-obeamdurted. (hiihetitorttiiqbc Jetait thhsk of ourgirL%- &U as Island as tbey'r%- tif the:tIlit tilt.. tk4-1,Pt, !k'd ait woidd lie no bard mattair te do sol if "Indee& indeusai, Ir am astrong elassaingh te fair the valeur ettal, nu eom ilno bar More bear Tt. 1,ý&hmm net ho if 1 did And. the ýmw-dake while yet iii i la.. t'ailli the The Ilbirait, la loaises faadiion, ickly, th« me wuse »W mahim IL net luscrier the mommtwb=m loft me alierre voutble; in the faeAnd w» hta ouest (m liste. (tu ilim. dT gg Thm se Peikiim- Might piray te God fer bien In valise i%*ottltlron match. ý_-arvh titi- planer gel « nt Inve'n peure 17saturtermestelly, tbm vreste assiv, two ; the vitinit-t. Charte. tient hi,% tif ballert and ItA delaire. Parti» 09 the sbtp% hou whielit laie ectuld then.ý' ail round. 1 twovearx. tound- ud. m ho tantatait the Vieille. gel hao-= right teravard. in the "Bas ILS%" r auuwered. -1 verdi Cali .1-h enchaîstremase* rare as those (larling.- tbe.jetje frtiow IautliiijC Il%- the ,Iide -ýf The )W -rets multal bien. forepenk and lit et down in the yen tablette we m reudy.- the lied wil la hi* ciolli-- elle i relv titi rural lit nerf a butt or -Site left axe; and CSn4à and the The (;ru-ek-, brait ideal ait bettitty would tair bilu. lie died the".11le evt - ilinu. hin4 j T amaraitte. Il saite, fusil lautai tand T -iinuiidm firpver! 41arted any et ber, pkmking or outer steward and 1 tuent futo the caban te -1 Txýr licier the iiiitiI14 of thi, a. One, h-iii.1feti M CM 9 Thaodorr riltoâ. skin, ami"îps or anywhere in ber compiete, the mourstroi prepamions. lanki. M1.1 enterc-1 their X battant bètwe« these twol)WntA, there 1 1 eàftd the botiv COMPletelv in the This tair foree lantil. etc. n t h.e'ýmk% et the. Whithy hiý:h ould lie no chauve of getting nt the hammeek, and we'theuraised-it attend kt tia%. Il lit t-.Xiwt-tt..i thet ev'là A ROXý%ýi.CF, 0 MID- Y.4iillýn ho tilt ttie-ir own Iiutuber litlx- fak ualm the caffl Wert stung Out Of laid it UPM the %tam, which vre hall ' . . T. H. A Ný ber. larnis. But the ilsak coulai net lie entaindered over Tt 1 tb"w a sitte Uncvariitw evittion.,01, P-ut-,ia%- i mode te answer 'W- a stretcher. and -ete se that ouly the Mea who have achiëved by tfie ,tilt qw cierk of the Io%% !.ýiiip ni ldn tk-. vM erfoin tient filet M; rois a 914Wer alheet and tue ensign were visible. im 'REW £ - - N- im.-ly ; lfractured W W ER km aTm on, A vrfrlNot,.q ( idetatte ettairaterinre thethe %hiPthan This doue. 1 t-omulted with eornLb'Therightýýithe 1 g,,t a Il limier si, tout au hour: and ith the ai te what'sjart or the deck 1 albuaid , mrd: , Hé W" iiý,itlz m.1 theweath- elle" in order te tilt the body over.'Iltlrr&hfor theili itil.agti iikr ail 11.01 wlien hé. Iiplw.i on rite lBertrand» cloue ut band bond A WM IIIIIIIII im'Muy. ter parnarialiging fair, 1 cueilli Ili dore te hoard. If Tas generally the eustom t* Te molie ýtiH more thi, lair toi,--t lit Nir. fillette: if P bie., despitait the balaies A" i re-îatsi hp body nar the zinaïeway . Cawlatir foutid a (,,piý -i air AND AV"OILI le" al , but I&MI! OR EU C O US A, temmeiy elevated and the ohip wa7% tiraillait ton hattavair te 1Uý fair i>i-t,,-: land. itid inapte lestait trerk.] depressd me, te ail.MppWd and under-manned an âhe'deel.--%,ras iiitoat: noe ierided ouar, i ce,, tip. lx-Il %yzý- cb»ter =V. rving the body rizhtaftind thither LOCAL fixer IN.111 Ild 41BUT, if The Walter 1 »Ine Uport the Malpý we 1 lots 2W Thèse speetallationait keX me busily tranporred ii. Inwinix the tocat or the .-leur. ýuid ai.-%% in heelm thinkinu fintil h&U-pan elevieu, un etretrber on thé rWil ahaft the quarter- FR you WITT. nob ho 1'Wbat will we do liseur j fith, bat when bourg. su lvpll known for ber rumaical tisalir thf, body land the others Imitât- trtmetr 1 on'Lwantpd the boat-' ehde bien. "Pot yen on basatit anather 4wain. . rni*b Il sixht if was Mid. ttaininent-. lias crtittpted en eriuxge- et) the, ais Merise v&0'094 lie raine, aft. Irmigued Mr Peut, belulait 'sOn that ail %ras readv, and look frons 'dfiast church, Toronto. for lknewwhatt4heineaut. , fie main-derk, where the books bel . . - -O-- ;anxiolintogeont onglieux IO the cavaIssin au '*Olbý of course, if we do net in the net of old allie volume coutaissing the odice mh the 1 futind the boMawMn t4ho» *%lie Mail noue of utat he al ý4«iindIn« the well, ho having !est soine for the borial of the daasd at"eo4 pint. SCUCIOL MEL- anythlue",,4h* »Id, droppinK' tend, leur 1 r "Il t . a l2l.mdlje a Ur. %V. John--tou waeettw-ttd.ý.s trutee r-.,,- for she utood cloue enougla tu fi - oinua.. Ut- jinnmM the rod, carefWly and book when ov Ca Oz" in place of the retiriner ont, 31f. Carr. owiijgbt-to m" e elle te m lier nàovi> 1 folind the water thirteen Taches deels-' oW,§ etfects, for rov own k letiitiltiitl luitrIliwi- c, Ili, y sillet avala naielle taches h-9,b in the ! did net Lontain thiýè The vote taken un rite adviýaliilit%- of Ilartaientis Md almassat catch the expreassion the etitablihillig Luwnship hourds wm i.>St. paimps. talles tao Chtireh Service Caïa- NLV BrILI)INt;. '.tiiiler on ber fm*m *«l assassin. what will you 1 just wbu 1 thowbt," salai he;'tain'a books. *9 Mdj«p Off do wham ym do &et *»horer' ,ohe s taista, ni Tt ut a fout au hour, nu eutrasaitteil Roixers Johnýton a omtuat4ou ait tnmtt-r."' oit the, llie -calit-41 te the 'Itew&M and Ive the moment bc Ww 'eavinz lier, anad bleizi of Lite.- DY ' lie Rev. W. E% ait', aillent &gàiu, and 1 calllght, i Il the" went te work and puniped put lier band lm mine, aurt eently -aile . Impattf tWe-%init Paiterly te the salaud of ý %-itnmuslv ankfept the lasandie- wind- and with relira inhere3w, thouzch wit'h imat.. vra*.notwitbbtauditi4 the et -%il tilt titi on the mainwderk -in iusdýIan ith nette and ilgain a worid or "-rmw In ber heautifui paie tient, troiiji: the palamaisin i. ;z ly,,Il ej :j, *Rd -wonder . tnic ait niy Own levity in t TIR' ýpeII of a couple of minutes» rest face. 1%ked 'lie te laite ber ai derk. stalle of the weather- ive" mi:ht. ears (LV av'i nibcht t autof noir danger. But 1 i-m.id ri WceUý U.Stil the pqlgnpK :_ ý atteII1edý ýaVC ont the SU liaving Ditilliv sud %villa -fy grasat il Of het _ eh 6nief Dm tobearývýitedwith f4irueý,q and felicitv Dut il.,e ugittive ahelp forgétting a cul wheu tlgrmty.ýoun4 whien total us tissait the indeed, 1 feit it wOuld lie cruel te Ols- ide -)f rite subjeci. lie %voir 0 plite Me avait a4 my -ide. Water veux exhusted. Pose M - faurv however ýtranase it ý eloquentiv te show what %verre Ihl 'r le 1 ri", itet Oliem il tl.%ahrd upen me that Though t lits oroveil hevond a douht. seem ome-ýých illicites: reiWýsoIâS l,;Olletitueàtâollite. Our ber fkilher owned tSveraI mhipasid thaï, tjuat pvôvidl th leak remaned as it: lier. lit lit arv In lier the le-uturer. Ougilt te bd llebar lot%* %verr parélimilà. Wtà we il lie able te keep the She started and etopped. f atwbaim- âhe enly ut erroir, out constructive o trotte. au me. tJe von.àmand of Due ut water tindier the prospect beforie u nt xaw the :kiretcher and the white aheet Ut treaiteil the positive ide of the L4,(* WILL XVIY à IPIM. 1 airs vs al. ae ýfavOur lisstation on nhore, of lie weAlth 4ý the alretativ Our 'bonem loterie acisag with and thés). Ilfflolving th£t ,ahe àh"d flot PETERBOROUGH. ;,-jpu!ýtrit% il% by luttait oM mmtt licirexit, hall m ahaurahiteiy warin«t.ý,% Yet it wa» irert.iein ire sce the body Icare the stretcb=.l pro, Tt P»!» ont or my robinet lui. If file kikow. qhouli tra able te obtain. &S the v and ires- ery cestreil a dates and plâced il n«r the; IssaIlau b" never butin Imfflted. W l'et lieqt. t:ut briet -.Marchés of ret, nd 1. afivrski, light, and said she coulai kne-el p.ortant aiteraistious and improveuititte The chri;tnia, litjt!i*ee, Wal, Weil aVIARM TO am", MW aubes ta me whas leva and the for one. did net even pronàiýe my8elf sel, thereè -bletti ite -liai -with ber baek are being malle in Brddburn's oW.m; ed and otttejf tir, -IL, look trIk c"f Tueur fm tg. gait M, Olitel. te* croa. ýion of danger and traieh for 1 bâ og lamb.. a-a a or 0111, »W auwoe&md malle %vômau %visent 111t; T1ý%- wa er mole, rapidiv tipon Ula lirive flint te tilt the xtrptchèr and tO do Orwood. ha» gro%% tain :ucir. -ou %%ould.. -ulwi the inot b@M w» drawing clouer and clouer to thaïe vre . 'though 1 it quirkly, atter which fle. whirb mat-t have t-, purdi t conflit pump it out 1 plated mysell cled bey a laree alutiz 4 "on fleur. tarlatour lite 1 would have'l kelit liriv leurs te ruyairir. Twar the body and beel, ira the hall durirsé; the 2rovth of Titi k;ý I (% a ap> presIerve, whome danger salade 1 hwd . becn on deck sentir for four'z service. begau te read the the pattatira. tif -% tilt buckle Ilectime fF. l'iý»i c-t titi- My 0" lire a forcer nez-estality thau 1 lintim au one stretch; se. leztving Tt was.0tfugétbcr .itrange. lupres. prtttud parctl. el% in', et jetisaisras or the »kili te ansolyze il., îtiàe lit4AY ahd 11WD me fallu Md lisay- quoired in filet plutition. T'le use-fty- the périt 1 simulai; returning front à viiiit te fon via the- ýt!ii eiliflicu:t% -1 liait lire literie ait-tmbused fflain within preftr te my--« Our situation beir 'lit. Dickson tout bridge. %vitale u--ar the itt-- Vie 110- pi4 Ulm %hertaon!" down the companion, and away we hold la the eurpla, we au, trred by lier «'Ym»shemàwertýdpromptly. dotiti.lered with Our eye» icumined up coulerait te the deep - lare about te Il -es, it but Dr. G utile. *'Atarftmpenae for mair humaine eudtný ,,I!nearthespotwhtj %vent'to herjt_ý.jst_ uç,tgýr %villa sieep te the pumpas, and wearilv nielauchOly tOuerunàerot ourÔqkliend. auf'e, %vites' it w4b di*(.-Overed thât site inaîngel te britli la lm ce*. tons. deeks. ber 'ib-bom geste, whe went te ter assistance procured a ci-insiderai -le atouts tir tif -t'lem -t IGI t**ffl. talleth a"Ix. lis ' e wttbdmw ber bftud.frOm DIN terni The dallerai tunnel MO affala et the ber one sail avollen by ic boum =Id sietgh and saisie blankets and COIL"Ved the eecureti tIiiýi)rifijzr proi)--!-;v tut* -1 a" isoribuert lier lie" te look e tuil In dfmd lavais, wilit te»m *O* w having been there about hait au pluncing and rolling isssidt the ber te lier home. At ltit accotant, jhe long ajý,n %tri. wotiltI nor have. to. ibei l14 licar 1 1. allia 104b haleur. tatami niother wa» Isone the worse for lier --iv- :t'Ili ait W4)tàl-i ?a, %, brio bwkt4hpt aimais! t'fous qe" that foamed aroussal anà ffloui. .14 ittelleu. ait ç»moe r»W r Il, 1 Attirer thalaultilit YOU 1 xcanned the broken, desolatp hort- elver ber-, the strong man wh,,, inter birth te lier child on a railway ýdt- (Or thl- travriling wootd tenue like that." et the of . zon in the paie liglit creeplug over i , bam k. There :ire ýever-,1 oit a w il %và« 1110 rftOMPPttge fer What 1 ltitiiohipvastinsigm. The Dessaler!, laiet flair blutera about by, rac tfnlw ab -tels -m. sea %vas the Wind. lookion dolvssward wilh a tori-a, licaci verte datizerouli tri iý-Il. rixer att-rrii)l%* "Icapaloy. short and quirk an face ritil nt bjUM and ho eijl, serre Illiew le m a wýý on driving horýe. ira the hatpit os 4f, * "lb"e n« caibred yen my fieront. talmidéri verv&ften siver the andhilip'ta motri as T, y fCnrre»ixnde"ce -)a Tite Il .t 1 Jéri, con. 31111% 1 A M ne revaisateai .0 .6 Io . . - enaking rite deçký dirtv With raille th:tt the motards 1 reudthe nlotiSL-I% kneel. LýcHOoL REUPE. me fbaý" 1 raid, 1'that 011 enelinsberted them look wretthedly lor girh. the three ithn attendance ut 47 pupil*, and, otherprotectifiti. ri Of Us standing near ilessiderettaisald Tt lx possible- for an Enar lxh dirty. .i MW() vâiu.% al£ PA" si FOR soifoir te de his duaty viaithont Ask ing tir 1. hait net haarà mv Ont lie$ Off me fcS the eorP>e:ttkêstiU de@& bMbmcmtbe ivith Nlr..£-Pewart Pritchard as ,cacher. aMor,. plintifili F*ýýtrittt-r, (balle, tatmoise, W ý t.41T 14% lx las, expw.dna *Dy maissaier of reward. The, *nne davý4ý and 4fretrher, wa fer tli"4)nif;irt in no aituali degsw_1gszMvaTý - . nod Tt *oaml abave t int'ooeory&'% Ope. where heha.- heenetiegeai fer the thing » fair parjire porii lie esmern horU=--ail 10111, *MtýW. 11W 9*n» a- Weil fellatiolait, mmvtw& wy ith Sap tkhlè yMeb%@M; teb*Oe 4" @t1saý« Omd ed able lienfoursai feeling af %veairinesiqa th~ were derails which formed a pie 1 la*t.three vears. 0" %Vt4ine-dav the that i.i fuir ton are Tes., 111-4 lulotatal, tom l- yon "M w'th mer talle Whieh t1(ý-M like rh-'umati-ýlt, in my ture thé wild- and atranneneu of ý -hool %vA- vi-.ite(l i3y Mr. Roiiziii. In. butter. feel more hoveiul. re ic»)kit.e ber hessai and 31111111,11sk' hody and ahambattelly *Lune my legs. The -bielle no pen craillai destrible; they are, epttetor. whaIl expre.,,ý14 laint4eU weil beriPar .-Rrud- t1artal, ainifs. vir ni 01».. alliýkii il( tuy face was hard and, dry with j ait as a vision bef«we me » 1 wsrite, faleased with the douai onter ýj- rite trâvel ari.1 plifit.v of tvterk. Ake 11, ý Or' a& le oh çailix MIY. eýksajq. 1 w» attend re, the hean bay ber sied louait t-xpt;ýtire te the semble wind and ý hait they tuake ma k»w how poor and the installer in which r. -10. 4iW ý the eaitt water that hait blown and dried 1 words and elasquessiatine ho me, Pritchard taliatit r-ý,tding alid arith- Pi)R T inait 141111, *rws, 'A ale«. ettallesteulit Ji; bud««d tome, MW &»weffl, alid iptN«f bti>bb, A ýW4I1 latait laimait aloi qoaed 'X am sussè, 1 ild not lie if, ;jnd thongh oy. nu errlothing gmi. ut vreak. when anc'Mlle e e »»Ot* ii sas 11,40,11110V DM »à Vt*%Wffl With 'a ètrI**ý -FUIR,. W» forts lit What 1 have dont, 011 te ft4t that vratit drv Ir parnatured ait the lltenqa- befillen many nain an tu be described. the pnpilî te 4nir a fev Which Ilop-eoii*P'ri.lav. b~ belaitain exe, th* $lm-* Falloir lx illissalias - eth" whaltever 1 ablt4y tien Of ;Iàmpuem Disons iny irin, an-I *%ylleu 1 cause te thatiseart or the.elece they did te the jatisfaction Of t4o,4e homý a riev d realitie%,aud tbluM whieh bave tuerie. lie elo..îed fils viýit ily itt*N.%w.%): tfukplace il. Ile S 1 faitérosi and astarappard - au ignagarratini- rrrahIe. %vmr, and -Diritl,-q as 1 did &hall he let Wi !rite tjias sale. mv heurt Tiýw\,sittp Bte.%RDs.- At the ntaliai 1 sieigh. ville 1P.O. L% 011110 buestovr! allongés 1 think ir COD-' ýt_.»dInX lait the whatel when the datera beatar r was tinaitimoiisly' reaw thait Traie secriet of m LXÎOUIYfOrItenudtbU»thegiri.ýchOOI lne@tin i 1 herse« ran ýtxY. loac -i!ýt ri--i. brokrand 1 ionisera abroadat the fielais troulai look round Md am abat ,lasse i earried abat the. section 4vxtern of elett. jVhaen hrýý kvèrý ir -et,. FrAP.» von %AuL kif rugized %voter and tunnel no vessel in doue. irait trtt-ret-, etc. be retaiÎted. . . ý ceveMI that 11ý gir..ý4 11.4il ix-n 1 m-ew-d My confusion hy tamnit lier ýitaht In inelsire me, witha Monsentes, 1 gave the signait Md imtentlycomi, ftý- -A perition i% beinit e.ned -vf.ral band Md riseautislag it npon my tenu forit ton of hotte. eh' Ibo sillattearlbar OMM gallup MW m ý ulipn %plastie tiliteminue, 1ý"!OT, in i Camlira.v instaissiot NVoodville."itdoes, ilopp gij-j '1?u YM MOýb%- *'thm ail , huiles %loisirs and look saisemamer tusen à the e b -_ - - ___ -ii- - - - - - 6 - le r _- '. _j -, mbmaudý h aj;à - - - ý , -um muni MW% ýa1wttIrn Ont bM"Me wheoi t over the corpte silmedugh i encourai cm hm& lm Ir tant huit Md I do net think 1 "hmtid have woeda ter tai' milL Alh f- tea at' Yel yprton , ae goilix on. tit, f, 'Utim de 'ýn ';;; 7 "', bat 1 -Mt bout fam.'t-ille ch9ir=ve ï0nie choice ýe- pa,,cd %,ith )nt ii,-,eiztitnt %v.- the kludly, dhmiOP4 ro=%en-ý -&red amS, etrmue te gay, theetersui rowmcof the letfic» 01 MUsic - hich were wt-il e.xe. *,rhat o tilc iutte-%t 'As ym wown lm bdou. mu B'th, reverent with its wbit, fiair rind be»ný 4141N At times It courpi«ely amamm. "t'L 11,)rt jý,pe thitt V" gww» »Ulm «-Mr bom tuumiýlffl. @.MR iiiIier, bey WM stop that bal! amiled M nie trom'the huait, ed Tue- ALte it Cave nie & raddng 4. ý,:r- *0 104;,àLt h,- LNWIM. au" moI& md tbaubd me for wbu 1 hadak»& beadwhp- and oermiommiv the mofim t',ir tht. -ma wm be et lu mer iàeemrimdo». done. A. %Viildruirt au-1 Orrer UUI in-luç-,-iiiettt-s io 'b-" Vor wbat 1 bâti tl~ý Alaa.? how ýi& dOwft "M hoid my hemil im MY Mr. 1. NoWe. famwr».. avt mae )y Mr. a homb MM Wang. m f "ion was Ma mie= = 1 Wltb bands Outil the dàoinain hud pmmp& the farm> lately purchased v-v - bwisi in chai! tu t ttý tht: t r i sitereett to b- e Wb" omatai c;" jmMy fbene- tblafeeumwastheremùt of the townthip (à rilly, and -hicit ditir ittanuioctorv lleft." ", ýincc fwe lUustratudm pu~ .ed mm ovS; overwork, long waboadNwm a" PMF- tbev porinvèe niaking their mrniantut l"i. ito.» h« btti, ri le pou ohuity ta momi the icSu i«Um of lite Md dmtLt lac gglzwy wlikh tomme bow)y -00«mr > 1 T,)mnto. m4mhis rettirtt lie iuto,» d ba m bourme item ba 1 broulcm um ski» or the mmemh MT Sn«fta#- yet 1 - ge»"&nY, St The âmamd ap to, met r tb& entrisme. mè beld 1 reÙvý by evm a qmrter ni an bocea TIM BALTMORE ELOPkàllk- thý.- lomt paparté tétât 14emub. H1j-iý' ovi Coboum %Vorid 2.vs tb,-àt a letter hab and Barbpir Broo., WhO WCM IMOtt'JLk f1w white Combb p»md the%üftbee. i ileep, bat premany wm tmqbw tffle. Ulm ma" bee m-eived tzo 31m Halliman. in by Mr. »Sali ami, beiwg nienibers ot e!w 1 thm dent him te fta mme a blg baw Md to, dremil the ttme tua 1 which site confemd that the moriets la tompmy. hâd no emutction, %vith a Oahtt Ose; a w#* et bm* m m te àÏ& take the wb"L fer Tic" âft Om cirruiati« about bermaïf and DrýTumer whatevir. latheiroWnim#..otton mmiti. yww "Irm Mr the body, be t-et» MM pium motima C* tbe viwp wm intumab fOit were Mie. and expmm the hoPe thM facturinx in CamimIls bo airmdy uber. t* stde lm or the -%ione. *bIeh 1 sumo& in by me. » ma* » tbu du tbu mw»ý »he may ineet lier formiren pa"ner in doue, md Umy woWd prefer to t:iWýdrk elaws at the fffl et the tM Cm vumers «Om àRÙM iw & bOk hmv-n! We boM *he M&V. acide the ta domme mgarprhe ut& more protui-onc we loft the tm*empmd mm rab" 10*1 1' --W WM«, Md OMW Ba"d i 'World. thOue wtkeu *Uck au ev«t CM charimicter. d t v d ide put Sb" h ce tu am »v tbuUM *»» uns the body on the a" cevu" It! = f "à -Uligr OR the de* bY 1 ta» "M. ille cbàffl bar We- their capüM !%ée the fornm, hoveý et-, ym; orer. anS wbIM Ir cormick mavaidvdv &0 met dim on it i» pretty baril to det«m thay wq" boild à oùil in rrý- hW iplim It la beliertici that the township muto wi* @Màmo&«d ni m joont, 4â and amierd PM theenuu enaly, hérimw a" W»tu am UWAW« Win ]me the amomu P" thé 3fr. BW N'ext toforuiéte ow ennabig the MON; *b4araod" mam bmw% immuat Me màg the they the P, Pul"K mmwav m tbe ortier boit ont refèrence to ll,ýrt Md twawair& 1; «domi»mt cÉ the other trut«& jiopeýý "W Mg. a belie"d to lie wmld hart imm*vm ivemit ffl àW! b@tSwý but ùm bumb» qmaa - -il -A son a puhf le mt for Dr. Tuffi»es b"o& adveaturw who hm» to ger a i ftawy whîm he bu b»ý bmus »d theaqeil mdw»bouthe ý .«t to som Stu- itbe»wm»wutmtebua«adtwtew puiri -ýau 1 @""au èIsre, mwdty. ruput « the mat. paur. Plui demb la tomm! ou lilLevhu.-tà* et émichm bm FEU Fwmw._V»ý c til *mm" tb" 0 tu thille lm ulqp a km* rm Ew" M" th" Mr.nmm Thm là, m Perma ]lli.Cp=litt bacit 038116ý Tb« *M = 11MI. 1, . suftn mm or lm with Lon Difta»e, ME -hile on Inn wzar"tob% 1. Cbugba. C" or ÇOUWAnkp-gwu. vé: L Z-StZ me* mimait mrq lumewmm*ýa :LI7= :» lm we* hm batil mm wot die rather th" pây* obu« --jk bo«W ot - modicidà th« dom lb -ou t-be-"m woold com Umuë Dr. A. budme wjww1= ý le _The BOBMM EW, Galman lumudwm»q -W . -1--l - .- _i' M.. du" um théé ..... Md tob wand«ý em«4Atue" -7 omme thm tw a. Ir ym do id Wb" W* MW la Pelat. mIa tui ont&" tom is te '11119M a agi a" a mmpb b«U e ;w7m ý1 àwlo ce _ry ýw4mmt"!V ý '1ý le te if "4 -19 X , 01 eh 1 lit r»M4. lit eu let, ne 119 a l site r4omn go" lot. týrex lit oft. le .1% wenfAtoly Issild if" okfflbll Imm 1 = 11*0 fi- With 0, t-PROO.; JIMInffl Witt "A -utiom tri vel, mil Fj*h. tion t4 filet Vident 91811#411 14 P,.tt Petrv ÉfA (titiffi lit âed À10aï M"q .%rit* %net éw 00tâ sià, Lom» l#ý4tsIlî (is1wý tes# e 1 K* lient filet pomfil in lqxlwt,,4» - Lte - _ê hpnn-II,ý te" miw*vt «% Me IV Intention le 9 1 MIIIIIII Ils ci, m ni, #W .e 7 el 1 .fýyss J.V loir 0 M* 1 *9b*f gik fi 'i Ci Ix ii#(Ot Iho rit b*Utl% finit lot i i née %vith lier b"ý jeýfflt-.filé= Igl el, elle lor-0 IV lefflfft ivot J. , 1 Ille atit M 4 M tpg io« vn- fi à jet. !tMý Tas "mm a tuner. 'et tel in X 14-tz'. *eý* t'rio* heltel. «Il, 4qeAtt«f 1ýý1 In 4b x filet égimet mý-,nqm" II, Ils th# lu t honte. Nptw mm A* MO' C ».Iý ig.t**.Dmn 4dq4wrÀý y ne Il liq* fflés, Mie 1 41 11, Que" l h, i Il 44, 4ow t,,i* lier 10 It-tt l: 10 Prix lttfffl honte. exil tel" 11,01 %tt4,f.,%r t-mvltt, fief «* (Min) Inter tomtffi" et rht. iIa%'imt IMPIV tlf*kwg In, e Il tirs, rèeotvfml #me 4Iý.,ý.1i." , J.-hgq,ý. Ineve, «lélffl 4 %*blp g4 4hl, f-n, ilet will t-ý-htlmié ityIltftbtv le 'l' Oeil àIný '-ithief 'ferme IIIIIà U --n lient tlhe Il, mer A thit obove 0; tend lethlg. T(Il te.", di on, lie. a. ognowi»olv, j il, «ý Ontp te ais, - $m 000. le tqs th" p.d tit'n, wq.m te- Iký tir. '.1% ral *hd to ýý 1 ý j . 1 1 h4t 4. t'p" je, 1 i ,, voiffly. Il 1 le eh'l telle- d lier N.? i .-Vée ho Imy &.Vbvlh,!o Ilt raylitit ..... .. Af th., ativ rw.etl'.1e es tht, deht t »Py i vites.: (à tt*t»t el, tinte revers *Ili A. 1 pittet I'k*N* Witt he tomll, hn, elle. lwwllt n -'Al on rhovAVý -.10 ge 44- estoM I'mi Afils iý. 1-ifo rit lit 111,101. ISA0.11010 btb 1 t...l lit. vo toi-il M (sobé, fbf>?#' pf fil, »Puai. 'Il G l'of, If-ftbit(iob fillette fîtrob for 10#su (lof râtellis jtéri. crod infto.. t: N Ifb 41-14 lit V 104Y M'I'A 141#119. fils ttbtf, P,',Otf,. ehr 4.,f) $.et liter j»Weif, 0A, K NI t4 il I y, le 14 Ife von jaes'if ty0b bid li,#v hf. l'Isly bf ..j isblr- illî. Ili follet- fiaost, illota -il,# Il, -l 1.11110vi- m Mod- i leff.). Ohe (les ri. pa"M. oo, (soi p-r-eté t4iikwe, fil es Affirv A , Mie#-ft for leffkiot) pèobl. fillinieu. mille f4" q "q fAf.4e of fer trisfoi 4.0 lie. lie Lt 1 1 x« a fi:i q týtt" le- i', ý*-K§ ftttt. *ïtt 1 y Sb )b Sb t4e et..,ý4t i 'Mèr 1ý ffl'e Kmd ris %il'êt oh t%.t 4 Womink," -ml tl*mlýel joui mkmv» weffl lit $10 pu prk**, t-iletivNt-J ffl r "ètbp jibrolb 1ýq «ati et ze lbgý flot ëf tbe 44 %VM. fflurep ýMèwk» 14% . "F«l todo .11 pt #km to bel gowbb«.". Ak- W» I&wble and elle wèèh *il lieu iwh*bodwp ý»rk4y 4 11%ffl. kerit lu -èt*,b, AN* t4k**o qhe. Wb" W* th* 4%* %vtýk4, 0ýe k4d Oum wlil tib 84PAMM ép ppo" %0 the PQWIO (tu #PW. Me "f . lemý 01M s»AM ri »Wr jýj.A S&M titille Ki *gÀ,,«bNkP& 19 NAYM 190W ee lm* 6" tel a «Ae%.èt M K 84,rric, "t4%eý ý î P»1000 *~ . ttn*ffl . VKlq)-*4qý (181N Vat Imm *0 let ithia 34=14. 210, wAwbqw.. wmémw4lf. .4él bé houvremi. w0wo es WMM tm4k* Nme th* mw#qý-, (àf ait lèbad.. motob» $Pfb*tb&mu *veul pose# mtrqtr;"14.» twh»d t4fflp le "fAW et».Ob ww*pd*. Ose - 1 tom 111,11114. L»409. oit yevo. botow b'»% te 4*bw~ wo ow MM be M& pbmw & Ir. #àý :.>",>%,ý,Iétl Ne-f ý ... . 1 te o %ftbl, Vil It v 12, 7y AM~IMMP èb» Z= "d mur OMM -am fin, enmon, iobum -, w