WRST DURHAM StYPLMET mie snuaiaeitp vu v*amen&-d,«a»i lbs drnam @quli o h. ssp0et ies ossspnu at" n " l sa ..l.eib«».»lb et, mabilb. lt **tu iSpalOSha tsupoem P uo Mopclb â elisuta voulmirkitola b* on sulsisi, vie ari Ve etse, f tIýae"oel . s *6i ufa mm a Ca -" êtmis.Ws-dsflair ouths -tail? eaî lpoehl, Ilmd #. «miotebs hîsse ft T eqasi e lb. oio it esrble o IlmsablImo itallon, s-d ey 8,1 ire et botermîlsuit$ bcash ule. *o laua sbir ib» o5 e isobtalmahsmima b§ alb.i fo l i tffisllmi moulib b,z ràik aEd Ilodseterpnls tIsa ms lglIl ît naa..,demn vo.mUls.t hbge bdibmeo t!ard.,haoeud i4irs, mai a tht. vémota tiaed ntyy atir~s oslmulis Meualst û.«the ua oli av bou be O. dai s is w1scyîu cf>'hiTzi * de. (M ippimese>laI -ofs sais' iie, »d<LaIeci ih depesel 'vuer.aed»1»ahido»bIo l 7, Th.pw 1.-etle iel i.& ie ben &Mghpe opMssMi S'asc ht1ib. iýv*Tis Wèe- lIa »p eau. nuafy eP01604 o labo 1emko a iolo f tas pepl"the lu ine o-aith*.1.9 ami os&~uag 6bauéiddvlagîl wm ut»stlb Maisé vue awb6n theb loh dy am b. coAiSsI s masse. iii Kglind aI lia liet" MWomms brlilstoto urner of So , iblg isà".lâ« ton Ot l 1 apriom igr. Tab*ai-ors Andia eard.sditl vsi oise b5 imitaI t!iquts a lb .asd et ahe, ndmitaU $boe tt4ed cned k> bvhS mioi.trbmWoI ans e cf thépopultihby ie d Stais.. Tur vas b t l sufsiniaiau teS li I t.i taieLi4take ba bue aete laocthe. 'of cl iad I prauve mmTie vaslMdaso$i axvy priod t depeu str.8sUltdi Cire ob. savnii io Sthe pOciS ciuteseMdenf *îpî>ded. tlre es pe udl>you ruly day if I kia oui dils i&Jel eoila lb.e duanu * ano Iht aveu la 1csth erai lreau- iw1,46ftl i ooen lw»d»un'ii? *ea0i5lyà e, vn uiltt leîoignsîltei on. T. 4 lu s f, ir l igt thê uu"làpensm case- ovessla Iîîiadthefropl e -108aIted S-Iielb. mouia.he i quel.min .wleditMI t he hundrdu l Iio tniY SkeS i sd tù o, ile sroalani ïdlis 1e.rtii: t illt'i ho o t i Btu8e.hIc *VAIli u I!iobtèIagé fur shéiralobe t1ram ir<it-ti #t u t huid haverati.atit e. ~i~rgi~Pad aeai'y MdtiiItUlt asPrm. ~.i î~ : tllat 8ahe.has toa, erslbth. 1,istrLy4the cn ut a aviisicouraulty ilisio uiao'ty pesatrl . chhml c1lndvr liI itas hte '-4 erer img lu wiais ox r,1i'u1 mcno be ai A it. vhic ve 1 lfl mAil i theybuns erbsud rlao the o>id thi~t lcb. UatcilealbisSes mi of InglscIduîiegl.pd hi, sud btspovha hie socal o Vatin ut io. mieopl mas dunl pîig mure bu gouda ma"ie i auu'ds!Tua va, heer, lthe o.>dIiic ut îtratu vubo iheelêofo! iai. ocnl hui cuualtisumelves. Agies, Ilis pdi 01t labor 1»!4# bl rnir lase oumate aMtb migttul be imitable, isud ay ma»se aiii ax eitt vbb omui& tà be tb ýoaci S<uIl l i seucOmo I bplopwi. unit p aamnfortboIrlugode a l o t oenmie.t mea. oa.Oa.uembeliuih»utIal vue th b, O mmne f loilit o il le er edci~ tS a nou ime ter u a filod aiof t'o"iu, sbepeopi gulîth*ebe"âbi 64ohssp >form e %on ki t4 lb . e. andin ia. sysisu ofuse Tna (&ppltuus.) Nsu! t ýiu uy Iraisyoten1 V viasi. lIsp vantai b buy ami vb h etal lbyieusdho siAfbli ooda. (beyr9 spenilon b~*fodg btakelbllbu dolg a lip hisi l lIse MWSe amI lme asmaturai e m W" vikllbos W"ve ovasdiviasm i Mauu 0co- l eslaushsmî ! àb smetiur; os lIe î irté» -s muso «hi»bngmmlame ti " aiai bus produdM là bmibgis mat lie eU bave bois*taseuIf snob a episseo! liPeTiuis. (Appltue., OEPOiL SIs UX . Wirus hob bllslatais" vua sqeios me»#e flhsSIl vu Sire MAY quesllas b v" al lbmtabn ofs!hie lsial port eh" li e ihseot. 13sbeleva" tir tir vais eirsrquaslou e b valbmu aslg pompe ulgirIveI idos a seins, là retiadb ous e! o %" hlputàbaps lIs lgripo.ely sg in, di IsIbowi ye, et mIuesiler pouloilira litai Whc s Ie tépahe lspaple abomitasà 1 uolma !oose---lm à emthi plimuunsluol oulsi,--à o! vaslis vers Im'bo mpu 1lprovoitior no%, #m" »=«y mil Iu. " Ibsuler.lH. hebsi*poua Mr peu«& oal ise ashlng a ilIfameleallse miuallof11. poopl vho, vireaoom e uIl b periomu H& ou *ais Pms asms ,moS impesteal pieue o, ie massof tas poopl bë denot tauslnsate une a.ildotlo guailpbiliuse iduto ie upon vinupi. pomionsfor thumuanduenî m r oper b Ilop w> 4 ba a av»stidto I0811 a pet- peu V" evoilave a oumbo! gcSsm ter mwodm tism asu lie sasilithei qesln plsu. Tiaes onldlishafoee ulil03s=0e!,cunisanMi sobolicn. $"mes, . Md e- - --r m oe mnemVcmi tisa go l m uohlp. BultaMi mIeWh cosinitas subject moui lhaiu n lutst %0bpetle Mid"aseof petitement. amp govamnse#0bttasperselion of despot- 1cm. Thon Mislake. vers ulm la thlueb use tofpUesmdi " of popuir mci lo.Tb.y vonkf h. amendai trou lime ho t ime atjeansrouai e, vwite i.eisrnàiag. ont s!,mau pou"is!lism ai ntillgem el ot lsèisnelopinnlofs! iepopula MWinauditlbher SalsvMuldeuha un $epibcnji.Thosmrs ais *oSIer q*utoelios-uala questions o! lhb M gstImpI ,an .To oaleof ahees ha bai ainerl e uilnalneithaS Iscon. 4111m of"liIs otrp vssorIscil fusu.aly. Re mMtl5 uahlln itaS me es ailbanni b Ilch thle ulmosi cards ai iorulst allia *é w easilsMai the polo f sîpendilr Uruielakcn t'y the Govermret, aidbrouî doua by lb. sancotion o! Pamlameal. lHe bell Ibi th« wuvasno perlaiofoenvbitorp si uhbola l vas more lmpnýrtsnI baveuanîa gffai eommlSluleo! ezp.milu Mai ongqgmmt. tie ntaI Iis porici o! oui hkétanp. . Tne Lberal paty vas monetai t hUn aid -toutimo o!guordl ofthe publé lmeimp, as ite aulvoceso frugalilIp. atemooup, c et reobmen.hm a s very peandmoipmessilng duty tb perfora- a iulp leir h casli moi sfolsnllyp penom, makàs ltmauin, mumbrsonthie floor of thé Houas o! Gommons, uneielIm im ehci op by a siai ani valciful attitude on the. part o! lhe people ltemealve. Mad bp their expruesing tnesly lIeïropinion villa roter- sut. tIhéproposiionss ilolvlng andai 008oqmm.Ssbkaei mgiS he propouds. Tiers mws a pisebil question cf lbe higbhssl cuasuqumesw nov ocght, clealy litore b. pplo.The poloy o!ofthe Liberal pinlp uvil ýrmunes l liasPuoie lIum»y aaeby msou"eapoervas hIbiSeu aihlb.legisatalon, vhlièhe»yprpopoïed, I elb lcuh. eonamued. mu f"tU m thlei la.reounnesa o! the oounnr voutipermû is ! thionl renieming uecsseary avet fumiae %0tIe xla rate cf tbasilon. This, vas nol unoriginal pollsp mîit liacu, 'bece , lu orier la enable lire reaolul ol b. pIsetci. la lb. Baues o! Comsone, the tansmv Admtiniaion cf the dey bai propesia esolaln0cftuai iai ut tl Liersi pytp oul ta gIve il prao" lit es, andi tu lias PsoISo Rdlvsp 11,1cal 171 mad la bhc Bupplp Act o! l&17 ly ommlat.i on tIesrmcordus ci lh. J&unàkaleo! Palîsmat-smi Ibeme flc uhiai obu tleasisleBoo-ds- elaaulmofo!the prineip la iwu obvious "M M'Mg. Masksrzls'sanifety la msal amis piorevirils the surepu va' in pu-opes, Wlomti ou prtopose la Panimuc- ht.lll#nsi itIl d@nti gre. 10 a portou fet he o lng canota ue:cd s UuYermsn voica. Bal- Ibis vas W lie ucobtàpllled pnaiaaiplly by hue nidio!flias Imai gnai Aà pPoual vwu madc fen thre eonsrton clb.herail Ibrough the Se&mai Moltiahaain, in Brîîlh Colombia, abanhi nol ho oummees aespt it wvespossible la do no by ansi a contnasset maiwosiruemplaicdi n 1871-s cutrasi, narnlby wviai>for a large grani o! laid suda somparailroly modanal"Dey sbi ldy alil Iis womh sol liu asoopllsîd. IluthIis Admianistration bad Salien &mnmvdeparturs. Final t i], liaI eoi i .Gnuent couàmmthe lb. nono icionnes of Ibis c.)unrp l hee lousruln. o! -the Pacillo Baivaî,beemute 1he7 propoffl 6, set O! résolton*sila ublol llsy isoarei lIaI, ovtcg la ltheimpérial oiaanaoer mof the menb, 15 maslporlul la&th t*s O- opsnalicu o! hl.hapsnlaGovennuct teu is grétî undsnbahing. aid leobt ilion hr ii by guèrmabseor ollirelse la tVe@onuslon eft this grisaInanional ueîh. 'âe s SIei proposai, -vhioh indicated au admission lias bbthe ieoulcof o!bis o4Unul ipmessuoki Ibat, iolt mceo«. oporallu tley wvoli b.o isdequale 14 ithé 49k.,Tiisvas a cemmenlary apon Ibair tI nc ommalttaog ha4 l onry Su snob au uuet gwithlbesnmochImpetiloce- operation. -Tûyet aIthe samne Sis proposci tbaa mthonip ahould bA iveIrn Ibenuto deoise ou lb. locaion c! 125 mlles out"ti ne la Bîlisit Columau as a (levenal vomh. la opposiion t b itleviev,«a ne affrmatIon of Ibair oh polley wvu isolrsi he asLibérait, rbut, o o caea, Iis vusvotai doijsd mai ye husu Ibil tis conStaIact - aièvorlhsaor, asni mou, ina asharS lime ,nbl,tndr r ould b.iecrsia. Before Paimlel cl lb. ouInS muh probably lis lot toibis 12lu mué o e n., b. mo ai sfor luaosaI outi cf0lb. mocorcofetb111e onntmp. Bs fourni -a iouil et cftisebmaalerof taisel pely i.ploig th fl rv » smu« ae -ai"O0pb $0 litsbuiling o!fltsmcii. lipuIoli ma ol suvin ta. me Vi m t li. om le mcm Il a c t il a a i i I i I Otb t ulof! lliaof l. S n" r bu vu ua ceiU.uea pociliibd hm eamlobois taus bs*0 seim1*0a sp le uslatcf aEsh-pilMd es. b.ft hal olitUoI mi b.Mtb.. Pusbod foamiameisna$lup tam lis mlesauls9o! lb. OOmlmy pormiliaior meV eeaWsls uuquursi. oupisi v"ih a iodielou Olcelatom me t" e ilil 0f lb. liiulthel 0"BIsoma ivenlihoa msau. &Ti charmuro! ie vonk I souliaci ..e b iul , bat I ouli l m opsb. buis tain mser bIo Mv Io m l itod by Umm of lis plasmllouet msomiIemm'**SI.paucla.mur 1eOu dmva *Watin aullins Ibm on baieli Ste mciiimgtomsa bldlaia eomuos me aurvey baubaismMaise. roprpslmu actinla Ib s"esp tvenu now liai b a on mi-hu mOmW e a le*in 'oughi t, b .-as ]ma péllmu0 ai noS lneluimilin irllg8h aeo ta. liai asina bMy iauyaiu- ageai tth be ouli smspm as caua quit face; but vileIt nM48M be usaay Se put apiu on o Ummm» I oM6eà$ mu lhie mi' miib u iet ibiS ieamp It volmib. nvar uhmn. tghibdoyen a gnet compim mt" umosucu iSilas of ily Manlou s tee!lse 9»» addml,li tue Il itsigoa tesmlii, via Ibi sonh "ii htusanmb ouli ba mlhntalDo pri" aboesa osia u mmnmasifteuli lia rueulI m l . sn b b boom fls in sous 0! lia Westen 8aI", masm iste. am i b hm" la as ln lmsming be bbc lookilug-up of lads liagrtnl, Wb" > 1 M O u e l ei s m f oS * a b W &is. N o v , I I s v a s a hZaou lu lml 5 mss Ibal qo vsus lis lb. tb ouuUCY vin usotlciabouli b. enabisi bom »oy tbe ivamlageof coaucus fmeMaMdunil seafsof vonhlu la ais Pracl a eraloso!f11h. It wua" oia mmi. mater go"sa aitm ca. use of proteebonl"aIvu soeosrmibialb. csenvers ans mabisi* t. gel on mu Ilsir vorli0a. mch mor mil"Y &hm oulit lis llievhl lis eta. Il, Semeforetur t" rl.arnnis ai"lu s1i lhutelism iniute tlis, Il mocason gum i ia. veaiencembto teolera.Thdime. n ienees atesn on anuutemn .ers svibd oilaStu 'Ommeco c! taes greaiilcallle spsnien by tmel wuers Mas oei l y tae Ismot» being late, market- lii lip ti fuetla juge ruar M ias epable cd caltivatioar hp bolmthe arable portions et the eonalip Tisl oporsat msouslp tasheprt*adias of est tanrtmaNi.4 lieu bsegeallemen, vIo in 1872 mlott Ezquimalne as iterminai o! te allms, lu 1879 icclus inlathe moit poive nunreIr aaen e O ut aage- ooely premalare I.lcoilom a sud c-ui Pàanhsmual b mm$ini Ia u solemon tu"l 1877 8 by the Moshemnie ovenumeal muspramators. Bat if it wus lusmalure b eleci ateminu -beoinso ahers mas àSo% ufficlect la- formtation ob"a"ci egmdcg tin la1877 8. b. ulahai 1 hnou boy premalure lB vas Sa et cla terminus. in 1873,0v*sa tire Cabin vu uItloul samy information aetail apou the subjeet. Tb.y mci ol dcc eli. galinslbhe Mackenzie termisai', bhlhdi IhllIse vu noS engbinformnaion lto iIbe thxt decieos sble matýin la1878. [tIbit vu loglosi bhouViatabhasuhou mach Intor- maotoulispposmesioat rgmding theieu li-b peit la 187s. àAMMercoal oamsnation ouI c! tasir Oema montas o! tasar ouduet ulistenses. lta apoinS of snob vital.ouse- queuceslé vasmimpoè iblela ecuccive sKnsIIhATZ. smasnot, aste ly more sare. ounc! îles Who beilevei lin Il vus aaistent ilb tle thus gamiua o! ,oui foruci- pou"ioc institutions tb havaeauaslai Banalst holdingtiroirsosie -for ifs. (Usai, hurm M neposi drounds ofo! besnlg.) ion iiiho blieve lIai lb. prseiod cpniaeo! ils conu ofaisnob hodes bidtemiemi b confinaà the olisaist e! *people o! tala couMlr ia liam. ,WMM hoe iilivereps mgo "itaivha Mismt prpam etiheai ie u Su propou se ahp dlspcslg ul 1the Bonite, TAis Sonit.eu as&setiia s ogou of pravili nlu, uMdiha Ibougtits pismainre la ester lio, a itsilon as t. Ihe mdiIebIIIy oftiepemaing-. mithal-ai iogslbeU vIlM ooasNNM Ith"Confédération sbouu iae a linger ange mMd saporlmS li onn»ecilo mt Iis -body.. ta smn hemfat il r.ally »asctheas l umaof provincia rigite, bfoia " lopie ibouhti b. diseussid. boîte people proposa a more violent reformu mth &i nicu wo! disesn mh its butMaiogsasr. Ihsy =gss th&aS Ilwua u s siesbody, mmd *Ihore wma gnutdemi1 om orsla lis. argument lvWu stomu, ea I mopie, li vu masiseilathe lgblt o! linig lire apéelsi guardian o! poin. cialriRil- (oeen)-liut as ths atange vhleli be. bai bougît *aiaablc lai buesisap. pr ido!on Ils grusi hast moahi eîîroe»ltheperm ihobelonged tb bis p-pula brau i . tirsLgielalsrs, le wmobsi4te poca oCui lhe restâti sîpeinleo. Wmb"it bai ben bai 01 A nnlawc second - olbor lu dioug min o popclar body meulé dus le, do. TbSemai batioétirendmp beL&ugis lahive Coneiof Quches a body appoanlué b hold boiejust as Il" Dens ils!, nstesàbg tas suppliées. 1TieytomaiIbis -body vin mWas oirib c iaiitoo Consermve auliesSia l Igossisnedeablof eti lhiré.e Psmispuurugl o im oulus à* liai psolnc-to b. "% mtiqualsi pro-, sciure"lvital mcmlibe uajuslflb!c onthe part o!flis popuwar ianch wiilgare Ils suppliasi, b@iossew u unonglo refuehlen- Bas wiAbina uap foumoalti-it bsllevei vil a lsfm mume--vIsI bai bisaipointai cul la, b.s u 4o Sifibison lis pu$ 0oSthe popuuar"body mâ doms by- litsmomiWMaé bodp, -M.liriimna peek for lts -people aS mil. (Chi4 -.) Titeufos lte liaine 00 s -amoseélia bodynoulss iiue o- fas issfma UIM tS li glltuasm" iope o!fls ations. o Thins u» neiial.'larofoa. les tas» ""_ -6 .lanpermlsou ai iIl trente, la- doe.iang by a gins. mal pispommlis vraStaismedulous vins li DomWmlo Esaieougll obe ha msd. W.oi aoulé o posnhisdiisposl cf 1 main- liea Easy o n m ns nm - the f tiSa um i Mupc. tr$-smweses tuc Me1h. ,Md" pepi. oepbe miipatba oms Men PO allineuhm, nsorBekpica) as0s firu iroueof ouaiItaltis mi ma Airts i!etpopule r igits-Thlaitouhm gaUmllM MO 5 0 " of *0 mm satsla lis Sis a"s in ts ou14dfflumiaha ouiIS Tories cuf ci ocfies.(Oteac lantw blody bdeQii blats) vis urs "h5 nomo f lis mnonsvirs e usmteist im iensmo WW*e lpositions o a pBie mmm a abou te Impéeteus a psam 09 ***a Uu mi of a bulits e. -allaisitIis" m ommBll o! i Ho uues.ci b caui Ibir mlate b uo ther subjacu ulcb b.obahevmiwvas0o!mmre au. asqueue la taescomus imooion. Tb.y a&U knsm of tbhecemmené, <fontsmaiketaIe"e seiobclo labung tetarns b-lhepoula NSantaolsastais moni imprtat iiy of thé citizen masusiilyauglsebsi Il vas estlmausiIbS b. n0amber ofthta vobenaon tas régltte wu 877.160, bal taure cMe»ltasté.poisladslng e. jectisi ballaIs, only 259,560, .hie appareml aliaatunug 121,000, bultbes vWa' Bot ail imlly iabers. Tbsy wmouprarsabsi trou vosimg for ririon sse. Bous mo ditai; mos» t; ouseasontSUU11a larg propo f.ohe! honpolleivota u Vas vliu", lm nSsgtae.la 1874 lb.einilabls &b ".u mfoMa, arsmly as ha cnui aseimat., 18 par osat of tas megbtmd, roe, ms u W 88,18 par auMI Re advoubcatsmremedy btalisateai sudaag uumuita. reromuauation of bac iopbul" morng lappuato mich lbelougei meltaer b b. o- their or Idbsnmipartl.m.Tht* mini of preper renusllimma mothan um ey eraus yvl Pucof o! tgsison ablalebees- ooui.ged, amotal le amnaitiby Party uaolmuy.Thous mrsnoS gueulions vIol lnlresledmesly bl L i lor ttas Causer. votive parly. Ho gave the figures asse ubiol mel the b.oonslduagito m rw lie. n. Et did molhope.liMai b. ngo iu mieh b.d uit roma ouint iC haUss diaêo trait.Me hm"opi Ilm lispvomI.la limhast friS;bliàSapuisaIobustvu [oby thmieaolbbste ibeuer, m mm of mmlured onon, bomeausb. oadinu Iti hme daiy, stIe r mrese v-Ma ài muh hmave l ime lduly if a couttelbaitain pe-roly b hall tasu vin bis ouanvam viusmoS mesali Mita gand tbquestions ulisia baibacons priiulbuStmiss mtI refereui ta tlons questilons lih- hob. Boud wyàletm m snday bsmqueln 09paial en" PeHlMd et ils bas impoane n b tas sonatry aS lange.(0mr) ne bad mo fait immmi!trsousodoovla undetake tb ls& is humble amistance buane ths elr lica o!tenLhna piP b oils forerpoaitmof !po Md nmefalueus. (Ohisr>je 6ic"l la lb. 'ulhimMes tiumpb cf the cas. (Cisua) A"mhobial thle iustice oui icunneof e! taeprimolples c! tse pmnt. (Chmis) 41slocgIrtieas k a*$itlowe ud m lisunepots migi adrhmrn, tite as a born Lte lismme; sud ha bolleudltai imewnli appeer lu tis pkft mky .ONCOdeysor era. a migi moub. tllehi omaday or tauroi ,bautIl vu huiler purins bmn lIebsllsed làb b. gial lireagtsie* MMd domi" i a" e Md isuhis lIn teb puris tc hsusa ! hoLalmm O z u ib. chmwsi :M b hedli Molpropose Ca tb" cuemalos10 dom lb. ommatlm ollI!maehs; à mlu p uobbtlm sis aa-s au vas m 1jymi I"is bis lmas» im e b. ma vUN& M"ul a"MM i their allmea et »,uw parmml sasinSo Mm- fomemi - ç_-- oue.e mis ibliui bi lseuba inonàSai 1-bim o! govmmumt. Thor Voes ndir lia impte.i at biekl um00»iset!commua *""eiieio!fapa M'0m epismiata o!tsire populaion. The. balieveal Iballbmter- am of pallieopimlosvuas mblmdinadir enub .lmemna ls by Shià eleive hobal. u0, ths-e lmbo. This vme mimhai màIlvuas mii bSthee zatlug myséen of popolar repmmmtism di.noir&- maliaSmitbi- th.e lamlg "dsmvhem lavollg e $mfuri ob b.voi er fmita tir ~ l truthe, 02 bccupaseio euh *body. if ha tonli U'ahovihan- ma b. dia Mol propos. m tii .oieaso b go f1mb ddll-itSb.ttb gon" mi yomnV"lavusnov ln pulsai opuSSs ia nflliy hmntrn omdan liasM fora fpublis opluls, on, . nlallas i"i b. vou ihave shownsmmiblag whlch oUglitla uthe ewry ni aongil hon - lr b. suméljc Tbs9u" géum lection cf0874Mmnutéb l Hasieof Gommonshtro hle rovince o Ontadrlot uiz sl Lbmamitat- >oauvles, gili b. for mer a mmaiy of 4,or 3bL 1 b.grasul u oe o 1878 Ii.piovico eatul) PanlMnUMl 5h7. gilh« lthéfomer a majoiuro!fneelp a t L Tbhisvas mol emiy a&cimge-il vuas ibvollou i ea19dotei a abnge thou3Stb 1 of a uajcully orneu a balmotat Sb lhb ts my. Conaquemieit purlakel c *taehmraser cf a svolilm, ater Iben cd amer. changela liascharosier o! lbe rpu. meation. -la noireasee 0iinhumes vu anlhlatu i z maso! taseoumplslsas0 ibm dOeeai.ma aimais paralysi hamaceth .mBmliiio! lb. defuehsiparty vrwm m I tboas la tbe mjoraiy Vers or course, i* Pûasi beovumale lthe eompieismeto!Sh viS8omy. TbWSy ati, 1 dams 'a", la bobramse a"i -uta prdty thon they, voul bave, ommnietlbauaeelves iflbtey lie Muuylpknom Md Proply retizai boy van fnorh lbmea u iPalammut vwu rou ez, pressig Wh"athé extstm aage 0f lb.popula 7 ametul a. The change Sma1the charme. 1er o!t l spui emtsll n 84mi1 1vau uomun. No lms Ibis49 per cent. ai tb. rtus vrsaauino, 49 par mit. o! th, 1 hol" number !cias dcitzicts becmeCon. eervlImmtrouhavlag bisa Liberal ait tt amemeioinla187-44. Ho @edam"is" ta l nomber of votqu, -alloviug fOr eluahomu hl *m&uamlOm, vus 207,7W. o .f2vwidhsb I Libenais pofla111.840 aithb. Ommenave 95,880- The Lib"ara mjonity vms-15,960 Th* quota meuh! bava eisa3,26o, makini lb. umop@rmasult of tire rote 4710e 41,while tli 1 ctuaarelumua66 te22. là fiai,4 4,91( mmr LbM09 rotas VOal havO hem mequlrs te jusbily Ibekirsjmily. ,lantmalia, 43,161 .CouamvaliuveVrset "IiS ime noamerok, arpremta iu Parlimeal but représeulsu bp Lilea-vwhi*r vas mi&rprwesers. Yc tb@ ganenalélection o! 187-8 bh. su" miit b 1po~l il 252,450;- Lik-riâ 122,380, Mds Cou m.ma*l.s1311070. :Thé conierratiri 1 olrty va. 7.620, cnlp 3 par oxl. Th quaota euhabeaio2,860 Mai the issu! Of thevotea45te 43. Tbe actus!lreaulit 651t023.1t0 jugti!y vhich 50,350) gmrw&o ' ftve o tevou4 I bhave licou raquisIl [ 1rulia, 50,580 Libers! rotaers bm n n MMYUr ureePr«»t@d. but .mlpmsa.nl 'hY CoaaMN"tve. Oaly 71,600 Libéalas er reprmel.The change la feeling wmasS PU osai., male .change lan »rmpmessalo vas 49 partcunt. Tble ment the umrepr amlabof clitllapart cfibte ubole Peopls ,But Ihey mueI not suppose thastthis va 1aivaa l be rsmull-capneloassudt uneslau 1 Inl874 théLibsrssarlei12imats by 7& rotas. àA lura ai306 vota voalibar. gives 'tiacu te tas CoBu gwmva la u1874 th .COnscnvmtves osmisi12 seat. ly 506 voles A ltta o! 259 voles vouii bar. gIV.U lb.. L tabtheLibéalei, mskiag lbem 78 tlaj10. Be it louli le'-b mIhai t".sellasofl . praset Sstean dui Dot liaiabu 1 twl mm epusai lo c! tha people lu lh IWla o f Iusillr. Ha b"liev.ithb li"ue IsProveil Shathis mtciulamydi ut do lie vwark pmopril. :Il di noS accompli, W.aabl Cblldnm S. V..h. t 1 birlhi vire mcv oonoaad tha thebm citt e »Rgloration migbt b.esoaPei. This led to à hallier enactaient, vhich roquireI parents aUder penalty, la gir. notice, af bâtas to, %i ulom gy ilafivs day. o!1liacir occurrenc.- Caniahar, thc terminus", cf lhe pnojectei 'Anglo Afghan Bailway. sud the acta capita 4>1 A!ghauitan from 175 1 t 1774,. w11 makE an admitrable aIt. for a ilmading camp, thouk the Bmitisb ccuption lie a permasent one aituatui .on the urguniab River,&Mmid a u-vaterd plain, mlaeherei by Ibigla hilhsU the norlbsmal, iis 0»omso! th.eIieallhiest. mu vWou as lhe msonuMMniUg pointeal the uliale eounlry. On rIs uorth aide lieu th. Hlsamr(eilael, a strong forS amurrndi by high villa, trou vbhiob lb. town.ipreada oni Mak a f an. Clou ota tas laiel siandi lbe grmi MNuque, eauS-po-i*gbuildig vitt a Ibs central ionm ai our 5.11miarets, o»set «eh cSr. Ilaromlof 51heIbmn h ulotelplace, filaivllhnss-Mutaisire bah and svrung lvu Surei aus, tbouslb. slu vhiis.roboi Sin"u b th. pntl Uzbog -la hic biaok thse@>"km cap. The guterk pmn imma h m unl ths 0biS o anmraud, mouge mahlim plufluuqe.On a aeq rida., vo Ml« snorlir o!f uns Ity, miais sa an"& 1,111 fort, nov in mains. Tha disiaui b CébulI14Via lbth uram.PaisMndlGhi iSi 220 milms Tha LoriObMWfBaros of lths Erchequer, ftiv Pllmy lîzlb, atialmi bs 8ri yetthil noua. 133 la a remarkahlsmon, sa mmli > velve ne a day maiti my mumbur ai b oues. onuthlbeah. s B ousty jYmu o b.h vas osinaslior living onnmittaimou 1omrupltae t m esilm at Ipswlihmaid esang aeateusi of avtngomittei perjurp 1b PaulluaI - iGr oborlPel Pu" ei i o ver mepeumsl, bu ho outivu the imputa. *»- MSbtugb biagraiéabgiWi. Lkéea rmi Chanoie,,ord Dla. Loonaris, ho Thsy s favag Of MMIMga sable mari Sir river a nuiogas 5, tua vwhica aau nq bung aboveila g of l*a fuim hft uba.(Chcma> ihB lbe nbewm u hhhb. alhque i - lebOuh cf Jpom mia i» M014S aM lb. nu etfisboncfomet m lmmmoue, uni s o et im o Ummcttoma bWlmM Mmi UM@34iMd bdoe eoi.m gma .a mmsWbieh pound&. (ippa)S.>e b.Ioi thIa t he isws et mamiy mmitheb. mi Wiug of the voeU Siim highM wn»sus.vami vould be ooom.nd ui blh.maaof PrueTra" .(China ) Thq shoeUlidaumim b aimai ahotldar ta ahouder mi menusa"oeh omn a b appimmi las miidoiM litS ppcê"td 181er, lb. SxuIh vould triumph MdlprevaiL Imshm miko ali.)viiec nw Our] ~.Our NEWI CEZCÂG3, Xav. 17.-Tite ju4m aof the Clii ulgo fa sock showv bave male taslr avais. aanee. Bis record la s !oluua -Bas long vool vethers wSm ar or anatu fo re Yseur &"miu uin(2). mi for -de csOU, 7. 112 prias ine«& eu; bati om ccwl ese, Sm unr mi onen, iraS pizzas; sesUi oms er, msod pris; *bëal ule misai sus omet mai uner tiv. yeme, scnd pi; Ose-s- na de msyean, finalpra.; huit votieaninon. pumr,' gradua or omoses, es5; 5W, Smo pairsor mar finsprims; ove, on., md uer tueJuifs, imaS pdae; eus, nadir oas lou, imoosi prias. la lteé mvaspiakm ,bultvIer, ose Mdiw w mair u om, final prie; vilhar, Mundir1» on. final pria; boatle.SOIi mop. Ardt P=&zsThe unowu as a palaliza Im zeadIugEit«aIr Etmar. Mu. Lmcy]B. Booper, la a Iltse ta lb. Phhlisipiaui Tdefflpla, muions taml ias bai mmintailiasopina nm. Lang"r, vh@, ah* maya, il osmilay hamioas, but nos t3 b3 cmpausi te dosmofo!fim Amumi=m voues uhon ahe bas mal..Bll, sh* in bandeomera hanberpbolagpha mathd ima o bsupos, asthetie b!de"seinl ber tacs--ma udit. einineu mi brumil o! jav--omneoui nnplissSubinltas-pic. laures.Thseu"par panS o! hem fase, wmu lh. broMi bm brou, large eyes, aMi beau- tlfuily oulianou, ih 'ez lorilp. lHer full aid f eey mou"isifigure mw" displaped bo idvmmlmge ina stigitu Irllag iran o! hloak mtin, proiaasly doeauaiedvilir geli corsageMa irnsprmmons vu x A g Ilsh chrmes ofa complexion a! tase rotu white tintd un atreei moothuces a!f a Oelmnla puel. sel as,as Unr.H., -a gaideal lruck by lhe catu m&ilbiamea-W ak au whicia dbsposainlathiaslobby viails viing for b hon mmmlmghe Sa lui n thon alliuda la valoi maSo! ber photographe a' lahan,6 mita bsn liii tannai onter miouiqm md slighlly linli, nom tshaow the beautiful Ianeof aibr profile, talkang linssamiug uemasclugme t b bar efcarl, pyu jual as mShAn ied at alat a lia lookui aItas aven vuaun arusî'amodalen lb. plattoan ai Les BeUMArt." - m.rm.uu Ecviva et ahe Cirde *Iiip- bailding Trde. là le, pmummIJl pponsai Ilam inu ébl- h~ru1fla5Icolmt l"b. hatior trustei VI& ecuy 80am.MaCmssahm spion.&i quu tb. ocary. luI yFmeh* bai ea "a.o *biMua tramm b. Xv Yom nome fat soidle' lams; tibus r ha 0f thondo t". amsis wshlbg for, Ibo Innum, 84 Isai 150, là Iinlstitution..lu b. Clause of th. New York Comgbbah8o10010 pupils are mons Imiusbràous baiplul aintellgent Iba thas II"1 ébilirm trom Unb. m omhoolà ami ejiaritabls institutions. la point o! tait, liachiUirenBasses arn lhe muet euas aid unfal aImportant, for the uholcema cos iam .111have on lb. .tlmof momsety ihey repr.aent. The artisan Course cf instruction for "0 lsse ut.faiki ant ele, girls bempriss the preparatim mai woking 0f1simple diahes, as tutgtSireS*l, brlaging ta 1he "lMer., viug mt table, m- movig mai vamblug gw iidiehes, Mai msgu. Ialing hitahen Mdai ing moon. Lot m go sM U akapeus Unlb eUdre. A U11511. fasUmibrthe11guittinis of a kindly i'it±on, 18 pasg cdown t50 thebasenent; vs ente Uith thon. Boy nmrily Shery belble What a iple suni billofo! sh lanJmgblsr as they mive for lb9irStrom e hi&"s Llstas: a sadien b, a mettling doua la smus, sudi a .mobag of &proue,masMiso Corso= appeau,aid, dafflaboum aid eloWk, takés ber poasition hbailtheable, uith a searmy - G;oi maemoome chuiru ThImm asof o!hebdey, amys th. bl.k.boar,ý Je "ària Telais ! of iuie," S.mahti i'HoW lButter," " Grillai Fisa no.s" ad "Garmâcsi Cuutads." Tu. or tiare girls art uumally obosen- dis«Mreu" c esta«4ah lesuo-to ms inl nakmg th. dishe;s; wvhen the maisnia vau laidi on lt.etable, and the letton. an- nounesd, MissCrson saW, --Wîaab nl. lgirl lam nloué tb help me sut th.ietasm A idota bands e Wrs heuUp St one. Selecliag of o he .eldetet ils, vho came trouai mai atood, by bar ide, Mise Cormon, takinup a b arp, tala bladai halte, isflly Mut iff the vols aide plis sor fihlet of the f ah entire, unil Smhenhadlli the uile 10 bbe vatch!u irlm ai bar ide, gave minute directions trcm time b lime, vhichva f*ooveigo accumwsy IbaS bhe rsmaiulng tiare fies svertsm]jling. dan aide doua, am the coaulr.MisUorson, thon ba"cg th. hiie, aboyai the CIBIS boy b c ut lb. "teilts fn tt he skia.' Meanwhil. another girl le calla4i for Sa make th. braiag. WL1h fiaamiied oeeks Mdai auair cf' .luapcnlacse, aa illd e i hng &topa up, Miz. sthe roiler, and vidoronaly reis lb. bnmi-cramba bu povier, bette an egg Up vith ma poonfl of vaSer, aid retires. Tue ider girl, vho by tbi is asapro- Pard 1h. remaaiin fillt, bramis tin, dipo thean la the sgg, andlin the bruti agaïn, anid layeuthem on a dal.i n readineesa obutried " delicasbrownj» smoking.hol lard. 0' ov, obildr.àiýI on observe thut w. havà s tics, bon. lefs; shed va blrov il avay -.1 use it? I think itvwould be -«rL!eiWi vii tak.. amismua"ad, sait, papper, îaiad oùl, un il vlagr-mak. a pust« cf bena, ard apremi il ovrrUnb bons. Tireulotc us broil ion an oled grid.iron, aid a! trvud serve il vîbb aprigi 0! paréley or alieu of lemon. Nair, besideu the fillets froantthe fish, vs have liasmaking Ivo isilous dialies viibe people ommoaily make bat on9..' Theéebildren look".i ry vite, a 11111. hzmgry for the ooming faut, sM4sxceeiaàng.! interebsi. AnunasILual flatter toch place. whL o iti 151.girl&swvre caflaifor ta anche " lemon carisMo" and o oa s mka Maitre W'liçtel Butter." Ail the banda vint up ai onceaIa thea mare, mention of cusaads. Thé fortanate girls vha vers chosen mamhed arounat behini 1h. couater, sud the reaigneil reniainder aubaidei lao pisci attention. Ons 0f the littie maids beat bbe egge lustily, uhile thheoOUM, sveetening and ±loriug a quart af milk mccording bu direction, met ai on the fire l@ boit, trrang Il caraely; - hon a siave vas hol over the baiuton egges, lths mlk wvh itsls 1mça.rind aid mugir trainud therein, thon poured intc .cups, virich. wve pl.ced in a baking.pan wiit 1hot vater sarouid-ing thezn. The Lagi. thon canticuly mlii the pan intu 1h. oven, hea È%ca agiiav uith prido lan bbe mage pzrforniato o!he bahu. Memnwhils lh. Ihird 11111. dam sel liai ehoppeal bar paraley, midil vitix a tounce o! butter, a teaspoon!tai of! ion j aice, und itû Utleit aud papper, afWer hicura o-i retirai btu hem seat, mui another mmani cha.ld came forvard te drop 1he.P. Uets in lb. smok. àing lird. AUl the o"atE aited for lthe Ismor 1ciutards, caating troubli glances at tht cdock.As they vers lovly irmun forth trou thebc ami pliailupon lbe table, lhe les. m on oonciaded, 5the children acoviai around r o tmetaid roaire Iheir aharet of! lia 1flaishei ramultz a! th. esson. Little th 1pails POPPai Up .maylsiousy 10 racsiois h At he baqet vg tu Grai mU Thuradai uai bt Tmusi, Mak Tnn vas' rapomdIob the toast fil ~ tlmy comfors t uî car forcet thnt la ontU r Clemmau a s I au? likk7al nel afil bail theg a or aluaoisra, bat wb0o i1. Iowa su the b'Lb.a wi,~ bâbies. k.nvd fi fty or on@ hurdrtd je t. mead ie (aga. ~ jour firet bàby-yu i ý ~ nre mmouated tu is . . dt a&U kmow tbatt whtnu-a tok entirs comlm=~n. y _liii mme bcdy-urvant,%, ha& t0 ittand ouri1, too. ~e lie Vas Dot a OMLt I. smsfor 1ime, dsae el». (Convulsive s t= ««et a Iit Orders whethtr aà ofmaohlasry.forbit mualio troai 7011 eîlh very sort a' you dduot dre to aa swý st) You couldi ac-jtL- Doumon ail ackb %ad for blov, but whoa ke e uni pulicd jour Lair, &L BoIS, 7011 lai 10t3kts . r: tha thonderis cfvar wcre - sar, 7 ut 1your ±ac t ha burnai on tbbc krrcrî c. z! t-.e zl itou, a-24 mighty ~aif (tienoved lalurher, V. .U sotin yrup, d:d Cl au~ acy aide remarit atr:îit riobacoming a cL.Ot &L4 (]ioiaterc.ýns 1auchttr> >O go t. (Gxr-t t au,;kLtu.W .. ?.bo pap boUl.Ioan.t c V 4 talk back? (Liuhtr N, 1newed Iauglitr) Y.)'.!Wt i 1 armêd -11. '},î r cendtdeu ceiar in Yî- r Eàà îtaie a Eu*ka t~ (langhte) -j a & tot te. 1. w parta waier tue aof 1 aughter-a tc.à. r*o! 4 irsythangà you laCrri- ad r 5Sýntamettà1Young Li .It'j2 Sm:ie6 à fia btCuEýC a,. L t hxm. Vbry prt;tty, l; j vini on th. 81om4cj, Mr- ifn;t.., I ts baty lwfipo,,-s v ,lt ; usual hour, 1wu etozs LI .a t reiaark, witl aà r-ttal not. improve a Sc-,ÎÀ - (!augtt)-thàt t.ct IoI'(Ure-at roafr.) U 1g0od CUraciplie-(!ýuÏ.; -Z» 3w6Dlfalteriflg up and :1 .i* your undrc-es ni - Quaiy pratt,?bd rULýà-u. -ý avbn tuuiCd11P yp:utr *rý. for lnuts.Lca. iJtat spzcacle fer an Am (Langher) And wLat L biglitcis, Ico. 1cr at .- a ~oaroumti that h1t- a iLre n lb. mrri. . when jon had U.oen oçi. 3 Up two or IL r:c h-;urd, ni t "z i hewaI intlmULsd tl~a 1ezrise.ani noieo W r waId!d you Y.- ' a on Until yoa"",:;;i di.h itoi Laugûter) 'lue L. U- I Io:drLA àWLOLÂflt W tua- *baby italt a a oaUo by itaeif (agitr Pit na mure bascti~s ti:la *Intnior Dý-partmcz! i làsugbter ) ie s anrrle i LbrîmLui ut wii i ter.) Do whai you pe hua salay on the rç.. shns) Suflicieulna aOýt ba..(Lughter ) a3 loLs j yejur right .mmid dosVL I t t* O dL 01 MooRSE i Tire Ta rît Lt. FAuLL -'Si BOOT MONDAY, New style ME mMissi Sulioand spaalah sole LOCAL J'o( '0< ugas- Thel Mil, j fJl i il bamu-. ii)~ ; hqaad interist, pour 1.L O iljg vthlaà beume f . r.j L lia. future great is àtoii]3 Ile iwiiI Ct.njuti to h Lù &.c Iearthlp missiion jeid d Ifuture presab d a bicXI'% *(langlater), and inan e "e' cradIes lAiera are nav uluà a ccaision lg grappai w1til~ a proble a s econud è1mel. s c10re craile, s~sb'cuntdtr ftu S ur nrivus Coa' r iAuaôricau amroejsi5 80id go à hi. approaclag grandhUr ia ' rii u "aomuemnt g trih, O t itumiMa ttentionl t - a 1 mgo; Mai if th. lillil bo t heamon t uee i (Uyb t4 ho smuedi. Âr3.-g w e eollrfrom Dam andiO iU York tns. Tthe0*1q ~m ingvas t éraI a -aauoar, took the fOgOwe~ shah Blb s gu* aultL 1sauuno tmeked sadi1 Y tah jouraul Wli bi The Mmqis o!ofLo05w Io! bienMW a. a«$s reWO", Issu YorJi mmdmfao"k r huvmgjpoiù Clou ]rjtlStl Lflîn~%n Il A corrampondeut mnihlng trou Glasgow, Oclobértr maya: The shlpbauilig trais au lba CIja bal o! lite bakena.a big leap. Onr" for mev steames a ud. iailffg reamel are comimg in tram ail quarlons ai prosplect a' vry brighi lads. lThsimnraie bers in " tu la a erp fieurlahlng ilaa." London Truith imys -.1"Theme mucuslikely 10 b. plsnlp o! uork la band aunsthe Clyde duing the mit !su manils, the Trench Miesiageries MaritimsaCoupany balng orderei ten flut steamers for the mai! mcvi..aid ondinary ride la icaheMedilsnrmuia, bteout ai buIldng vicia i!li e orar 1,2,M0,003. Deinai otaer heavy oendura tropr various paris bars basa contraw" for by fi-au on lhe Clyde vithia lbe pasl forlaighi." Thes Camard Compmny bas lutal peaun onder 10 a Clyde mbuilding fina for tase onstruo. lio o! a steamer for TramsanlicU servie, a! grest Mia sud pousm. Db. vil! h. lârgl tiluthe (IralRautea, 15Saai. k A GamsxL EYii-Il ausmi té be laas cou. mon ima mnovaimys, uen youug girls lire lisa, "lnlabed I t oeu.iglx-dlas sia,- liou estabilshment, I"i Iiey èus.lin pie- penr i bmeel al lb.; upc aMd dovus o! Ibsin futures1M&., Tb%* mbocksarel"Id aide, llaolr acoom nlai mourielsied, uI,-lakiag labo mua aihy, tbb. i eher onvueinlas round o! unmeaulng social ohaerano., omperbaps, deprrad o! conguais ccity aMd Bot aov- log boy b employ thé esouncas aI Ibein omuani, Sey bacons no utterly dia- otueusiIbi. taoy au neiiy tb mu- sort bo mmy domponate entanihai 1h hopes of!rse. In Mt alulionof the cou. mon neo f b-day tb fargel Ith", uben isiboot-lIfo la ont." liashevomi o S o! s gensrstntbou acme",irascommesasdi.Thài roapouallity l sla na giers Ou a bias, ait requines a largo amoant ai! prao"ea hmoledgs, noS pl~c p ta the sehooi.roomo. t1 1m th1é d"«eof litsetaS bisperlio. if girls becama vives or moîbans, biai pra"s imouhedg. le nacaaimr ; il, ta.y rema ingle, tbh" mli ha al, itemu Is ulp, ta con. tribut@ Shear mite la 5the cou o! lumin hem- kidge; ani, figly, if Iirey lotS Muatre temi bauds iîta- li eions, iseocteal or stnmii neyrmm . beli W mentl iguelte. A -Qcsm Hnoua CiAU.-Jlhs Miler ppcréci betare Squire Heammn, aI Jarvis, I= ~other -enlag. -ebargsi mith cialmlag stiapropenly. [s mppeaus IbiS a boisevas ilu rom Mr. John Meilhor, aillhe Toma- abipof Wist lmboro',on tae 2adiol Ottl. luit, su un vas kan rspasilg on Ut. Wafter Péaoston»uu. Mr. Parpions pisaIlh ome@ la poand. 'The poumi.k.epem, En. Abiraham, acbei acacnilug to law, by kasping thé boise tiey.ourbourigamihobmadvertlmlng c for Salese0ig 51011msosfor. #48, aller 'the alloîlual lIme bai sîpirel. Thes only wmmewmios toy bai amny velgîl vihiîsr, vasMr. Troud"t.who amame poalireli hâiaMlletrsal la a convrmsabon vWhb och plats, beluomtbs omlly befome lIc suise!flisIons," Sh aSlolngeà tb hum. Mr. EEaMMMn moatiMilet lCapuga ho aanil bua trial. Thc gàesof! ubis i ermphdly, negaeg Is pnisliu p 1puQi i Mai e apldly miovlag viii. ommsallng Upon liaschinge thé Timaa ates tlIainaàapromnlscuna ompauy uhuiere su mpioposi ià la s$ram mmon wu tn b faind h"tas gm ifrit anggetla1 mse, MA SMat eut Of ieRava poup" s! pimyesfa fly hait of theamlii ha sgageal la "I ivason. Poosllly, a paill! spms t"a 62 liseolîlotosnmeatlSa tb ha tom u lte lois1 o! lasiIbi s re ho. 1William Chauler - vmiles la Choabuea aloursai Shai lb.moies pat!o of ou. peSlive simmlnallo%, miraae h.lse mnIts ci demaîa, basetalumaSboum the moins cf "ovlr mltazy y amiS o!1 e Goun, Md Dow minsl loi! Inahiai T IL. . Camail i arsliesrepaoraeIta" elleupté b latradwa »m"rn "s inao Pm maetrutas Unitusi BW« h ave bues maumaofl.Amade=ancoal caol h. ema ta Prisa mIte pplg dalnas 9O 104 pu ton, ci' Europe uaceBUla-tarit o bllm>ua Undorthtse cmln o ite lu. B. Pyiera Irais mark luwht ltse pimiCourt tasmb - fle, il.iirdpie l*n8 auolluuep.ig