ý 1-ý-.. . ý ý ý - ý 1 . ý . . 1 1 . 1 1 . . ý - - ý . I., ý ý 1 - - - - ý - . ý 1 1 ý - ý 1. 1 - 1 1 - __ - - - 1 - 1 - 1 - . , . ý . ý. . ý . . , 1, . - -,:,-,ý - . . . 1 ý . . - . . ý ý . . . . @W ou ###*,$ **& .1 ý ý -'. . ý ý 1 ý ý ý . ý 1 . . ý 1 1 - ý ý ý - - 1 ý ý - 1 ý 1 ýý . . ý . 1 ý ý 1 ý . ý ý ý ý ý . - 1 1 * . - ý. 1 . âà," Sl .. . 1 1.1. ýý . Étto.sie*rg,,# go'rirjr,% , 1 . - 1 . ý 1 - . ý ý ý - - 1 . ý 1- . ý 1 . - ý 1 igly ý Il. .ý,zýwiýbt.4,mmhe 1 - : ý . . ý ýý 1 . .. 1 îa _Àâsasaggâs,,&ýý_ dk,& b& . Ah,.& à& ld&L,& ,g& . . 1 ý t.$,. 4ý,.= ý ý ý . . ý fî.ýýe , . Il., Il iibi-m - ý 1 . . . . . ý ý ý 1 . . . ,il le"ét ý 1 ý ý- l m ý ý . , t. th. l"Ile . ,,ý,lgiýhe" Il il. --,ý .. .;n g:'. ,z s»--ý-c% ,ý0-14pý" ' - ý ý il,.ýIý,», 3-t-t t,, el ie.;;t t.;e,,r Ç'"I' ,. - i-d ý ý , 1 1 - . . ý ý ý - IR%.4,tllcNt Il iv K ttt..,ý,,,,,ý',,4.t%,.i.i, , .'t .,.j..bI.p ý ., ý . .. I,ýh .ý,,,,»,ý:,*ýý..::ý",':..'ýý'.,;,.ý,ýý.;!ý,.ý."..g, iý".",.,"ý,,eý 'lie ' ,i,'»Itý il 1 - _ 1 1 ý -7;r qqr ,Vr 1 - . - ý"..tl .f I..,el;.,."II, eI" .,ý ..ý'l .ý ...... ýtý.t.11. . - . . - . . 1 ý _ý . . 1 . - ý ý ý 1 . . 1 . . . . . 1 >,,.4ý.,l I., l'Il.; ,h.,,II ....... . Iýt--ýi_1.-?0I--, ý - 1 ý . . P.-'...-All-I.,q.ý -4, là 1 ý 1 1 1 . . ý t-ý,N.I'iý , leq'l'git . .V;,;,?;i,ýl".,...,,,,,"e.ý.ýt,ý'Il, C.,tA#. 1). BNIR* 11= 03 AXD P» m rrço. 1 ý ý ý . 1 ý . . . 1 ý . ý . , . __ý., ý 1 W - - , --1- - - , ý ý 1 . ý [POUM , - ;, »",;" .- ý ____ f. . ::;ýýI,-.ý,ýý.l ,,,,, , ". *Bemwmnm ý _ _ ý ,:,.-i.,:-1';ýI-'iIIý:,-1. .', I l- fi 1 . . 1 11 ý - - - __ - ý - ý . ý ý .:ý - - , . ý ý .. ,.".I,ý,ý . vollé X X., W ý 1 1 1 ý 1. - . . il. ",nmber 1028.. --vý-Iý,--N.ý ý,.,;,..ý..e ... ..... ý1'- bole '.\ ý ý . ý .."..rlýtý,.;..,..ýlii..!ý,..,.r 1, . 1 .11 ý 1 l 1 LINDSAY. ONT., FRIDAYY MAY 23, 1879. - . ré 1 -ýi.,. :ý'- - .,---;_jýý-f-!ý -r - ý 1 . ' . ý ý . ý 1 . . 1.1 i ý1. ..::...,.,, 1 . - 1 - - . 1 - _ . . 1 ý.. - - -- _ __ - - ___ ý ý !-11 -- - ý ý 1 ý ý . . - su _, rjIIlIý .11 ,gl .Il "; ,.lý ý ý ý . 1 - 1 ---- -- .: _ 1 Il ,, b'.ýtrýe, . - ' - . - i1iý.'.....ii,ý1 -.-il ý. 1,:ý,,-. 1. 1 I1d-ý 1 ý 1 *l0doge - 4rthitreto 4 ».m qm . ý - raitVAP= --1 l__ý._,--_ ,,,..,...,..f l ý i $urào -la #019. . , FM mm* 1 cor W" Ulm my . UqR? AFD MADZ IJTERÀRY -YOM . ; . r 1 1 .-.ý-.1.ý - -ý--.ý- . . % ý', - , -- . V 04 ,1101*"%ýt. i.lit(imay. K. . - _ ý1ý mi hall le *0 weaeiommd MW'% ormdbdàw Md 1 liguera agiter otage.ý . , ý 0, ,-I -', . . ý ý ý , - -1- ý ý 1 - ý 1 . "..r'. - ,-gt-,-ý :1.1 ,AXIV8 LIIIM ON, P. L Surisseiyoir, i V ARX FOR " Lammudm§4 M . 1 ýI-. !.Iý--:::,ý li",-,* i','.,. .I;"I.rit't..,. ý 01,11, rI,4ýrI1.,_ ; ý .,,,,".!ýIiII,ýor.w thie, Y, K. r 1 . c Wftbifawrmdcbmodwdnme.» ----a- hial. -mmum& mm Md A Umm remmr. ý B"cb,,WWD s x.wâmm for -1prd, 1 _.ý - .- Il j.ý --, '...; -'l . . 1 . gi!9;"giýq, j 4 U'avvvaum.. a' e il 911117,11l., . . - p.-A , ý ', t,ýwi, 1 - 1 ..- . ýAe. ,4vvl.il"rb" cbnmbl,,alqaw ,,%%. W, h= 149-121= ; . A type ce yeur yeuthint Swmr Whgt tu the S» or a mame r*armmàSrwtl ý reymbU*hed by the Lonnard SStt Pub. 1 ý . ,ý0,,1 .Il . - -, = ". 1- 1 M te is ilsinfit to tipi onts, ettery, roui, rI.Y. hécw ,ý ý_.,k-I il I,ý-1I1'.'l?-t' ý1'ý ;ý -4-1. ý , ' __ ,-,--- , ý 1 00100, xol.qcv M e l'Aî lu sigle prw» MW 10,.âneu; Mid tbeur . . te off the I lisait Co. . -1- ". ý4 ltm'r.%». 1w i Apray M -a" %O u »CFI% ý ., - - )Ioi.ý,g, %,it't.lrla Roisest. ston mule" P. 0. , . . . Abume Young - j ,41 »bM&I.W.,X.ew Yorkl t- %tte.,4.11.%,%P>I. Yli- milifiN - tAb%., itý,Irý,-» MW wkive-. religieuse Fait., (ýg.-àhdhgàs1s. Avril 1 ý elsher 'la sprint or seý . Sm Babd tu"4»9 about à ... à'.4it'l". 0- 41.11...,_ I.ýl.--,i, . ilt«g, ý 1 ..-gîglg,;:,.ý s.-l"414 The lent ý,,ý.; 1%. . "TOU fornet the chmumatuum et aw uâmth opens with the firest Put ofs1b oser story, ý ý - a ý ý il 1 1 1,71, _ýI ý ýIg,. V,, le, 1 t.;." lil,,I.I'..",l ý -. . . - - 1 1 Or in the d"M Iram . 1 ý dro" i 1 .- i.-I-1I Ir 1 ..".l : - ý g :.. - ý . - l..", . . » T-CU SS - ý eu@&!* - Mo 8" rowned hum M the l him which we MAT Inter tilt 1 . ý e .";", ý ._ý, '. ý :fýI1i-1I i.....I: 1- 1111.-) à ý...- (;.,ý..,,!.ý*,,:ý,,,,eý-ý,--f,;zý,ý,ti,ý-- i'ý'Igýýl tioi,»(. et .KAIN% ,4rebut.-ete.: F O,ý,gl 8ALILý, A Fi 'Nid,.quun%$>Mtdùkiffl 1 ýý 1 ý ý .- C. " . 100 stenla grit, le-. being the le . la drawing toi a clogu. la j l ý1 , . , , et . IL& r,-ýl»«r-. tend provigerial Land $Ibf%-tyor., ; e»t huit of Lot 12, le 14 . nth*ocron. et rivaliser. ' "*'a bùr« et tàm JüL ail il IIM 1.100.1-i' i.IýP. lý-1-i %ý, r - ii, il . ,ý 1 1.1 ý iilx,,I\'I. 110 11.1, .9, .. - !b.ý,,,,..,,., 1,ýý,ý;"ý'..Ptýffl.àlpftiok".,#I. -mb4 ho oebswed badly- -1 A ý - j MOtY "Pu cleiga". glicectil agissis bars mil . ý 1 ,4«â-..m- 1 ODUM M The a= av the grattestai: --ami&- the hm Pm Olt to M it hùâ .11-1...; 1 1 ý "IllI....... i....!, . N . P ... pir4l-, ll.W,. efIl. , t ".;l ,Ivt.,t. l'fais 'te.effl , ICMIVA4$ - Il . r-ny thinire un C«U. in a -bAgwr . ..Jý0l;NKAI long. il# work: - .W bou».&""Vvr.fwuu .1- ... ý "..,. 1 ..... ... ý:., - Il -rIjýý . -, tt---l NI,ý11--"-I- - '-il. Tercio, Devra M»Y.kp. »il vanom mwanzba bouge -them la n«ààna cm à"- mm for the b«O ma pumamd ý . , ý ý ý.... ". 'Il j é t ... N . -14,COD. - -- 1 .... Il i4 1 . li; ...... ý ,;,;, .,ýl,, _ ý »=Dm, Md ho giséessiblis, Iiirely toi have a' ý 1 . ...,-,I,, ",.eety liait pe'sgeritly IIn application, , à te joissir G"Uàuý Let . Rer 9111119811sgsgt Ions le sers. -à» d&m«I . - 1- :....,.ý'..ý 1:,.?,,,,, . 1 '. !- ,..-'-»-'4fý Il .1,.[l 0i.plje,-ls;,-ý", .Nrylitffl ,.btrt&.tt4i te, el. f.r ad.: . or - loto.i3pdi mer wide mbumu. le ousigh gla mdàbàm M PF1111K r Am bien -ufi a PW»t OB dOcks! T041by, Illraty lignes srIth the mieW tom :ý 1.1.1 -.1, III , N;',,:ý;.,-ý ', ,.;,...:IF..t.#é," ..;ý.,r ... .h.- -- il _i ,Il-,."" ýý 1 ",; t .. jI#qtt.Mll, - Il .11 ,,-I..ýiIo pmm ."il t..V.- - sants te &"Wb" P. 0. ý The suAbu= tu fringu ir. racan kage ne rissignaing ne the hernie joug mm la wàlkmg ý ý . ý ..,,-,-,.. ... '. - - .. P, % i.,...,j ý - tblýrý,4r: '. il .. -pmoelum ho hisa unduuken ta show higu the ý . . , . . 'Il X y t * k q - 4 I 1 le. -el... Z. t,,Vv. 14;91Î;7 Rus VOIR. $At& 'Mid dut-broftd ai, assidemissils. lit Md 1 imou rois; ma the jsuppw la nomd on bu on& W I 1'. . 1 :JII.:.. - .. -'.. -3 -I--::;".,..ý %\l. IIIIN Iltý(.,ýF', 1.1ý'1).',\ 1 ý ý 1 1 - leloit"«Ilit'l'Im. 1 UP= ý"Thdi.eegm. ..My: .!.ý , ., , ,« -it-.i)I, Ur Kvt,,Nq#iv.. - IIIIIIII-L . ; JL' . - _ bu" la the triste. emioÉd« of a -Menteurs for«L - ý 1 -111-111.1,,, . ýl-.f --- -- ýNI Il ýil.;.ý .141VIIIII. -l'.. 1 - 1.l_-ýI 0-11 -if A 8 -iý--ýv kl. - T. Koem. e. IC., P l'.4. Mer livellervolors séâsse, ,- ý - ...I._...^I'..ý - -- dl ý;'. - - ý'-1,I.# te 1 ý ..; l"'.g V.- I-1 1-1.1,1- l T" WM Mn Tot mi. M » cou. loilige th- disillest et'. brt~ fmum "Bot pesthissils 1 M Mme affl y thm aumLt. . Latent Experiencib"describliges, the treat., ý . * , . ý -- ,,, ,,,,,,, , tIiI"., , ý ýý - - gOý agi« uat"enulmýep" illoussit.il, . 1 il, _1 .. 1! ý - _'. 111- 1 _ I Ir. .,:.,. 1 ý Lia acyý'.. 1 ý 1 1. - ', Nl.l'%I;'I'Ir%. 1-!.,",i,ée.,r. ... . '. . , - "-..ý.,g .ý ý ý ire - 1 estimerait .. l'W sillage,.: - 1 . 1 ý 1 - ý "18 la the "ffl thim aussi 1 wigh . . ..... ...ý-, ý - ULM or "eure*'presoibed ait the Bath» .: . ý gZ-,ýi ý. Il...Il-!-," b'iý,,i't", .h..11 -III1,ý jp ourac là mm 1111118101116 la M CM@@> y M- - amom Il I ci Famadeu, not ý fu trm Pari& The I... . ý 1111l'. ý ý ,ý . . am er 1 17ýaVMý4à,arr"elgisgr0. MW W--% Obýàh#YtdoýukbhmL ft tu-Pue# DUU« 1 *%?.. . (lit ill*l ý' ç 14;, Clig) l' N 1 ý 1 . \ 114)1*.,ýP, g..,,.e.,.&. il 1- -P 1 1 FIA V Kit Pot) L A N D LONDON - ""-ý "ne- . Cusset sisaity whât ha thînk& 1 TUF suisse un. pffecocie» la the net*. i aecossmt of the "Mn* £inh" tion» Put- ; , %-ýl()ý glisse va.y dw "N.o;' bài a aussi doul -bu JOha bub" est WSumS, xàmwhumta. i --«" In putieularir isatergestiu& 1 .. , , ý . . ýý . 1. . ý .. . ý . .. ý , ý . I... ', . e Ir,. .... ;, ,.I1ý , ý , ý *cKU4 1 . taille ,f- ru»kIft r4tio sent Subun-c-,n. l4u think& It wotdd be casting a illiglit 1 ý ; . 1. . 1 1 1. ý ý .. i. .- . ýý... Il IN..i-%%F>I,,. 10-1, N- ý ', -'. ý .- . ,_ ý cessent -,41. -Terni. "M ea.y. -litrum »veu.yur4dd gide- tintritou 1 "9- r la a long dissertation on the! . - ý ý 1 )* "" ý i' illelà OLOUIC [N'iluaitt'Z >Xràxy 1 . àt.I%ýu ll't., are ,engin ýitu&W, wi - - . 1. 1ý - - 1 1 .,...,!!.ý, !- 1,'.,,,, .:"., - ,,,, an thowgh bel adaied me la .ý ý .. . i. ý ;1ý .... . I ýI . .,:g :,;, 1,11 1 lit le. A illii L) 1.1 V IR. ý ci, oisâsr. ý 2 = 11, a" 1 Win on no age- i a biud -w» ta the ý cespeaire and thas of Xsil . . ý - - ý,..,,.,.., - ,.",...,.],ý...,ý":).I..ý"1"ý - . -- ý i t.iIýil il',Il;I r .1 1 Ï1112 - 1 dujawrmm ý Bassallet or shai . , . . . . . ý - ý ý "!:;,9*;. , IL-... .Il 1 eI'-ý-Il ,"! ...... . .... 1 """,. ý , ý - lffl.- M14-Ilf . ý 1 1 1.11 _ - -On", . . ý 1 ' IrvinM The ardùe on - te-p--y 1 mm_ - __ " mà " un hie ,s- eotmt do le rýllipi,,%it(irý14TrlRFlN,,4vRAlîclc, - ý ý . '. MRMMMMMM!»- l'Tt would nie «wh & simple ý . ý 1 ý . ! ý ý . ý ý t!->,%IPANVIN *rllcwqbfgtn. ý . 1 - . ý ý , Ok" w1th bar sississeille and dr«müy ' litieraturse this month explains, the didi- Whmtbowtnlertmd.uevieidhe ý ý 9&Ys Ces% with a melà-holy -w-ý i lookint h-- the wimbw. lr»mt . . - le-lardsttre, .1s itqvlýttig. #1 t1t. il . V.Nt"týl . - . . #10,011>11, -fer ,ft ltier ;O mit. bLI(ýë'.-; UFI)t OFil. . , 6Cnscie, eWti« of wTitim bimM %, '. ý - i Te the ligages, regagnant evisy. deur Mony in M obtifissage assui " , trisintait ber hesâd, she nid& > b ý . » ý 1- . . 1 . . IIII.. l"; M,-,,.eý . . Ab.= _ ý - _ _. ý 1 1 . -, assissi seligen makefifteei , ""* \%. ,ý 1ýI;:l,ý làl'N.ý1-10).'l..-W ý 1 1,,,,ýI,.i ir, 0111ild. . . . AM m«rY treups are qoeding ,Uabloned. thient foillissers, am bais, pislrun, ý. . billet notices of ,àocm»e the 01 ý 2:0.0110, rj 0 ýL19T.-A Goggid Mim.fortable To sugu-woud- aval- ; Il , such warks. il aisils, tilleuls et books oi don' theyr ý#j. 1 j. 1 , 1 - - - l'I'. -.., I At. ...-... ,& It ]Ca s - 110 T E & vIiIeg,:ý% I,ý-:-"---Icr . 1. . ý 3.(M obse »r» igeý týý Iët,ý ithi. -ne ntinlate*# ne ,Iweet and velits« julm songer Md mm dedded tban thé fur. ý rigissit. Re reoed thist libe liens travel and their inereming value !- ý . ý ý mil-se., noebftter ý . . 913:700 -gelk lit the M.,,ýýt il.,11.I.. ' which exigne theit welcome spoil, MOIIV, with ber bissels: turrossil to her q thev bocages lem seumd" "si morts ý . 1 - : - ý . ý 1 lient. 8,I.,.ttýý,te. Tell Ili the S«uùag piusy : friend, commente» am& .ý"-1 'tg la y Vu» 1 allait 1 . 1 . ý RtI.. "".rI-Ilellikbm e.low"ili*.Y,4horreý Vna-tis. 1. j ý Titus FF.11. Whigigh hffl .air. har,«% tels. ý _ - adiuma tissittrie, ý c oui ai"t Il, ýIlibgàl'ie, Il ,,-,ýt..,.. % - -ýý,r.ety, Illerle ý . Til@ ýQikbleàgl,.»t ý 01 111" ý _ ý 1 oison correct, a su.bject thost log" VM7 tint- Il 'e lt$dCèced të $i.$O a Day., ,,-t4t.t, ('ý,.:I.ýl;% - ý . ý - fissige, a beau, Il oh! 1 dressé il.'- 1 P 1 N - e...ý', III ....... - - ý ,.,,,,,,I.l -'i Il ,,1ý 1 _. LUT. ý ý 1 the wlndow- M troulgif bils l - urally to bo«b tr"tt»9 01 the icilling -1 . . , il ,,.-'- :,,.,, ,,flei; -'lg!--ý e.pI, tI".ç iIIIretl in lis ý - 1 ý ' suffleient to deprella azy me WfthoLt ý _ ý_ ýIý ,, ý- ý_. - i -.1% 't, ;.q "... 1 I... I.O....1 , , -- .. II., 1 Whenweet.w.Iiëed Sprhigdeftbmtb II , *, , 1 . ri- rt,ý,,Ifte, >bel-, -tat-d. 1 Pro . ý ins; tortiller cissuise. Ber &le" in ousierfng i -Twmbîjwnum- of ail sorts of gagne la MI.-puft of the ý, ,-,I,, ,, !- 1. e. l. 1-1.i, 1-1 -l1ý' .".,?.ý,":,.;" il, ,!",;,.ýtý tý,,ý 1 llma" Icmure's ÎII7 simp, _. P [ Before the Cudl- a Mails worid. The eoneluding article of an ý - ý . - ýl 1 1 i à 33»bemm a" w am uqN 1 And uni ffirrels lxttg- ue.qmylvtr ý deee . unedm gras l)ýl'XViI A- . K# I&N 1.4r -, --1 I. . ý Il M - - .. z TUM [AFF F)FPzItTIKN&T 1 i lie the Vgti..ývIfWIý.iýilliI ,%týt:;tt., 1, > . P Il ý, - -.0 l, , '. ý,', - f-, ýg ,,, ci unu»uWly grisou aumber couaiders, *lthe i ý 1 1 ý ý , ý . . .1 ý ý 1. ý %, , - . 1. , . - ý 1"; ý .... .. Il' 1 ,- 1 - - ý ... ; . 1-. 1 ý ý . . 1 Likethe listera waýe.>t si ý 1 .. Illy," Ilible savist. pressenti lie deép; li tth a' brought up for buraing dOwu a Chris- eham ter =et impo .sent : . .., . ý . . .% -, ý. .!,. . 1 it-4-1-1--ý-,ý1-1ý,11,ý,,-,Iilt--(:kb"ýý-e-.--,-11,-nkýt.lar' i ln lier tour and bibidoW bmuty. i am amicaux of tagiliassienée in t _ rt of the Pm 1 1 ý . I 1 e.t,..ý!qt tir. C:..%I'.K, W"..Ititju ý touse, ; ItJaws homeý . depreséglon of t" regarffl1. . . ý :i." b4el-t'-11,ilW'-ý ileIM t-Ill-ili-rie-gglioliblit-ý1 ... ýigwI *1 féessi âme yosss ars 1 Il ý ý . , '. - 1 ý, . .4 .ý. . ý . . :il "'...., - -. 1 - ____ à Iusngér *M Im .1,0 . . ý . .. - . 1 -1-1. ý a . ý pair u, ()fthi- 9Iler lem Ili J'r.mi", 1 ail the better for your prigie, or lire . .. 1 . , - r- ".,Ilý-i-tý,ý.ýý,! i'l »,wrftlwé«Mý"# W » 1 kOR 8.1s LE. - A 1 matched 1 l rtubt. I uke -Whon-isthe coussissioitissant r - Il na ý ý ý \ 1 , i g! * \ 1, ý ý - -'l' , , "II, , - it. sift . ý AL' ('ý-friý,Ii.,u hIIvw-. ý.'IIJlI,ýý. ; briv.11% bw- ; (lit h,,pe.,.f liberty. political point of vieillir. . 1 N 11. , II - - , ,ý ýg-,- ,,,, ý I.1ýX ý, el. ,,,t ?- I.- 1, ', ",.g J,- vit"rt, - ý i ever . Yeu may *Ièh te cal IL But j , -XLV our seuls be a sacrifice, but lie 1 . - - 1. . 1 . ý ý .1 Il, Il. - .,ý ýI-Iz Ill:1 V. : ý ý . -_ liýil.z lile %ý'irý -ill; ý.,,,-d ýtej i'grl. ami Ivith ý ý ' ý Tim Lo-,çnoq Qr-%aTEnLy.--'%Ve have 1 ý. 1 Il. . ý ý ý . .1 -1 ý 1 1 i.ýý.,ýý", I.Viv tgIirIý',,g,ýýl te.4îo fa.t tel tt.,ý; rht.) ,gill ý And II 1:ev ber itu%,e., ait vringlon, ý - ý what a pitv ft te ymgr grandfuber la la the osissur w,,i& Re, waga burmd . . . . ý . ý ; .- . ý . , ý vrould noit offer yogis a tire%& or a check up wfth.bàs mmue." hie reprint of the A rit number of the 1; ý .. ý. % , 1. - , 1. 1 L. I-- .ýf,()N.FY'1*9) 1.1)ýN. q.gýkv Il. eell 4u. tglan. 1*.g..ItItiv ,if W. U. Mc. ' I)n,.Ij,ý., ss;ënll-,- And fait __ - '. ý , ý"-.------ ý ý 1. 9-A 1,01 LIN. th, 1 Igglii.4. t Qi.1 .1 - t r. L,ýI-,!-,,--ig lis . ý,1,1ý-.d .elligit; ý toi finir Ili 1 IuPpom If lie did you : ,,The Zï«34, Mid the maggstrs London Quarterbý Review frout the . - :, -- -r.. .r., ,,ý-, , ,lit t., lý - Iw 111-14., lit .. - 1 1 . ý sgit i , 1 1ý,ý 1 Il ", 1 i ý ý, 1 . % _j1ý- . , I.. ". - 1 ý . . . ,. ..:- l'Il., , f. "I' 1. ýI, 1 ýý,.Ilýt,- t ,0ý . ý ý,r . - -.- _ . - , Fr-ýmýwý,rri,,r lmveaud.tàlt. ! would galle itr 1 el, Leonard Seott Publi»hing Ce.. 41, Bar. 01. . 1".. . . . 1. ý . 1W ÀIvý'..ý il'tti'tlý. ý ,,.%ttm ri LF - -élar, ý TIII-y tdi 1,,I,ý f:,.t...l freelv 1 -11l'hast a - charire lisiers In et tbt--r. "Provitlm thM wbere the complaignant ý 1 1 1 1 ý . ", - . I: . . '. 1 . . . , ý ,i c . il Il -1 p, 1'..,I.Il ý Il 1,.",,.i,, :Il týg..- t.. ý J, Z»tbauo2liotxutnbwlaànthoi - J'r ý ;git ýee. ehil.l,,,:i'., III.ýl lie ýýhti, .... i gayg MoIl la unable te :Lpear, if bis ahiding place claY-t4t., X. Y. The leading article is lm colle. et Vorl"àm wi, ;-,ý-,. ýL.qgti,0 Z, it!,.Ii.lI.tgri:IIt îvecd.M lI1.1, ,\ ýý . . -11.1l.1, ",."",. -Iý--- Xt---,I"ý . - ' i offéried Il - -.Ye&' il lie be knOwIt culPrit, *" l be Laken ý on '*Tilt, $ýeake o e t y t le il.i )%ý E-ý ýq#I-tiI>t".i.r . :Ir tAtC - 1:",,.,,", 111.ýl,.ýz..,. C- .I 1 »,-tilý'. ",r.ele*red. lý,t,, h.lu>ý, te.tý- iâglr;l. i.mý.iv I -.1,I, a f.,ýt,.,e., &",J. l' still alcàmv elq C Ulm a ar on Il . - , ki'ntl'i do nut thinW 1 cvisid bring ý -I , Vý ý., - 1. ý . ý ý . - . .ýý 1, . 1 ý !.,.".I.t. 1 ý ý ! mvself.to refuse IL lamn«adam=L i thesse a" combon'et' 'vlth him- la OldTe.-tanient." -Ilterbriedyexplaixi. .. 1 'I , ', -!, i : ;: I . 4 . ,,IIýl!."Il bý Jý,i;.g 1;,zigý,fl v. ý - ý __ -- ... i >ý i . . .. . ý -ý . .. ý..., il 1 , .. ,., , ý- Il 'l", 1, ,,, i, cëlkvtlyaletng assigil irollef-lirg. ; I(m)-til. . . K. ' ý I Y;)u -" mY pride would lg,,-,eý ., l"., . __ -- ,ýý-ý.. i11'1(g'îL'ý'ý Li.«.i- 1 1 ý ý ý 10% trirrry me the pre*entm-te the plaintiff do" net ý ý .ý , .. ý . . ý ý ý I _M o LLY B Aw lx Il . verv far." . APPear and la knourit to lie in the next ý ing the origin and object of the work-, . . . . ý 6) N V i ', ý . %rý... , . ýý. "k..: 1,,,II,,--l l", -, - . -ý----- - - - ; 1 . Il I 1 à à 'Il ý \ -ý FI.Iý1%1.t.. ("!)I, , ý,_,I'-t,-. t-I' ýý , , ý:_ Il 1"1!"tll.., 11(pit $ALK. Wentlialf il' X ý ý Ftir enough- Let un go down to the ý. wàrid. Let the tiw be execuffl ý ditto and pointiag out how far il hes setc- . . ý 1 1 1 ý 1 1 ý .. . 1 ý. . . . i _ 1 ý. ý 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 f lo t . Ili. 1 .--D- . ý il . 1 N -, 4. C4&. a. &« wffl -bm llosb ne 3. 1 ,jr 1 1 ký - P'Oý1,T('.Vl-.*.'4 #)P )!ýLBýI.Vtj I - - the Pri$Ouer.ý -et -umDli.ýhing' ils purpo-,.e, 'il : % . 1 týý a. ci,,týgI...ýg ýý»aesh,..; t;,,tkI ýI,.jI, «ri,.". . OR 1 01110vée," Ilsav% Cecil, sibling and vawnir.g . . g. -lied in ace ý , 1 r t 1 % 'il g,,, i.,, ".,).,I. li',1111ell, ý tir r4 ,T.I""jýý0 t.ice-l'n"ýC,%, 1 1. -Il , .lit ......... !.,.".,I, ý - M'. - il ! I, Il. ýlI.11 I ï le,ýtitk . 'tIýerv,;Im M-ggt ý'.*ý;tere. çioues 1 i lisichtly. 1-Tiiey wili think tirelire plan. 1 Go" tO me« bis vietinst. a . . . ý 1 1 ý . . - i ', « E P. .y El. 1 ý *i ninir high tritagison if lire absent our.: ý. \ý1 ý ;, , . .. 1 .. Iý 1 .I ... . , ý IZ",, III.: ý-.l Iý ýIl-,- .ý:, , " , Il- .11.I.1ý.11;E1% . the grenier part of the article ilit devoteti ., 1 . ý ýll,,i 1g'i.,c,ý4,Ii,, hon".. lie, Il; fi. , ý1,0 e..; km- . 1 . . . ý '. ý 1 . ý . . 1 . - 1 ý 1 , . 1,,.I,.ýi,;, ý4",..il M 'J': 1 ý- .ý.Iéý. .ýII ::I- fi % 4ý4 fi: IIi't Let: ý,#I.1 part fIý,I...,.». 1,,t.X-ý - ý .. . 1 «elves any longer.~ 1 1 . " àýà'dm 1917UMI P*Utieàml6 te un exagigulnatitlu of the manager là ý . ý ý 1 . .1 . . ý . .. .- l . . , ý . 1 1 ... P . l11I')1I ý. ý - . . ;- !"..It.,."".,I'i.jI-,I.. i'l-1 e"", I-,,I."-iý. , t:J"UýIglot'Si.. ý,.thçgrlr:-:- 'i.ýlitg.-, h.,t-. sy the lanther or - lishymu g Together they go livrera stainaud j ý 1 angle- I)M-er. 1 whieli several (iut-stiou* of iptýtullar. . .. ý . - . ý . ý 1 . . ý ý . 1 . - %J- --,lIý, -A --Ih. 'il, , ý,i,'- I,ý.".;.., 14 il. , il tg .. ..... L ,1ý"t là _, ý ý, _,,,-ý ,.:e;eret. ý ' . - 1 :; into, the drawiziýîr-rgoossssbtrhjch they Étnd 4 roPos -et the orgassaization of the . N 1 ', P ; 1 t il. 1 ý'. If le- ) \N V 1. r.. li, r XrIctee.-r4ýIII, fer riliel". C.Irýl»%%. long ;- 'f lie In-t. "ImIl, d r, .11 ,. . ...II, 11--g. .hy J,%Itý me pi ', ý , a. ý.g-ý M,ý-ýIih 1 'ri"",it,.ý"ft"\ýalçt.tl"ýlitý.,ý, kl- f.eritý.... Il 1 M aingli, .i m ptT. ý Interest ait thé présent ligne am treated. ý ý 1 ý ,ý -11; - ý",!;I ý 1 .. . .. 'Ou &KY prenant ELM» of Reprengentativellé at The ,ut)j,,t, let - , . ý ý ý 1 - . 1ý ý l . ... . *141.1rtit 114111140% tilt tlittt4rio. ý j 1 .Il -'t I!ý- ( ,ý:,;ît.,j;-II !,I'. ý. iý Il gý tI,,,t,,jw",ý,é m the i: - II I--ý-,.,It,-, k',ýr gg,- -gl- -4 l-,,-ýi.' ýttillg here fur y1Iuý -ý : As thev stencils the centre et [il Cecil . s ;:Ililiv em4idered am ' , .11 . 1 - 1 . >. 1 -... .. I.. - 1: .1 , ,.ý 1, Il ( -0 - . !thegr s.'ti, gt:;gý .gr'illy tIý ý 1 110MAs Jdejlýgtsjse. i siens ai sayins; . rassiellessir ý . ., * $*.O 06.00 0. *L. - .lFuptlv, and ; 'Wmhlngt«14 'bigre Portieig were 50 , the doctrine of a futurestate, the in. . . 1 ý 1 - .I ý --1 1 . -- l l. 11, ý '.. -- .. .;- Il 'I... 1 Il V., il,, -.1 1-.,.,iii,,-ý 1 f-:-Iýý ý . 1 - ; caffl er Mn. . ! 'Il twill be baik in one moigent.ý tu ', i,ý.i,.,It,,,I. . \'.I't.."If 1'. t)ý . lIi-,,i;.t;, : - ' ý very CIOselY clivl&d- the imPOrt=ee Of terpretation of the leading " 'calculettes I 1 ý 1 rns fui 1 ý - . . . . I î. ,ý 'I :, ', !ý ýj ..ý.1.1 't'j'I,ýýt'.1 -II, iý"""i." ' (bit To t,.b.,ir. : *,wt.tl.,Ivtýix-endiseu 1 " , ind leam the main . . . - 1 . ý . - .I'rit,ýf,'.,l .;:",;.,I,ý, 1I:ýýII11,g" 1 1 z4I%1.t. ý mimtsomettting, a Thé ap&rtineùt .(..)11,ý,,,ý\ýý'il'ý::ý.11*ý,-ý:?ý,,.ý.ý. 4tiý",iy , Il. Ili 1;,il.- 1. ýh e ... ... i.,r".:"" Il,. -I ..F (J'I', . - _- , ha - deseristed. No -kffi ln 0ZWIs P" ml attendant lis torii =rmtives, and the 'inspiration and ý ditfui for the past titre minutes- ph . e ý . ýý . . 1 1. 1 1 9 gli-11.11.\.. ! :.I, ", %fCý "'Irgý ý TIOUets fissest sisaiel telleil pjggrg*ý ' billusirmilsille. P - . ý - 1 1 perberractes to Il. Even tha very rieroeunind vibly filubýrlý rise vlliciall, at- : authority of the Old Teetwuent. Th * ý, 1 . 1 . - - 1 .. %. ..., I,...,. 4 h-t. ý f - l'-il .I,.I,, ,,-Il.,i.t,, 'apffl y in tome $08111ething downgight delicious. but Ivre; lit of pique, bas degenerated loto a tending Revressentative AcInen in article *'.Bru6sch'* Ifigstory of Eg.vpt*l . ý . ý z ý ý ý. - .., Il "I..l I,.,,,ýi,.,«,. ,o I-!, 1 . cars titi trot 1% ing lie, ithout you.. Wili you i. ". .t-.-,-,-ýI.- Irown or 14tutl*ay. ' duli glogir. l 1 ý 1 ý , 1.*.-..,qqql,%tte &-ý- -,Il. ('(Itti,ý,s Vietevia. .":, ' "Il -r . ý Washington. Dr. Gamett. In a stontý gives seule verv volluisible information .- - 1 .1 , 1 ý. . 1 .,,.ý'..I(ý.ý,,, lýlI.'lýýIý!L.ý ý,"l"".' jl,ýj.I1% ý-I ý si ll't'>;'. 1 1 4'-ggi-ýggI -If Lessits, a a" 7 in belle lis. gniafipLLIlai ,grill your' site mit& ý Mellywith ashiver. rouges Ir. th ý ý ý. 1 - ý 1 - . cent. --i- t'. 1:1-1 ;:,ý-,, il ý , ..., - t., ll"18 IL Xgent et IJA84»y.otý l'ait an ail tiiiii %vilh ttie-lirettiest grave. gazing I se rews ý ,)L- - -%m bOdy bked hissa il it - ou the PregressI et bieroglyphie =d jý' Il % ý J. - 1 ). g N IJ. 1 à. % L !"ý.-V édt)ttey te) '.fl"i,.k 0 t. 8 I»r !, ,-ý,,ýý-'t l", I,;,I.l 't-ýgIi, týI'ý""" . :41ý" - dowii usidannied fille, the sour old face ý on sl"fresh 'au, and &M es If t - ý trois triste that his patient wu d ý - - ý "";:ý, 'l'Il "ih,.l"".,Ut.tç t'..»gel.,!I;,..ýý. zl-.,,I ulil ;gnit Iý ýý . t- j- Il -ý- 1 ý lte&ith>...ý.i pliri ý.tly ,,Ittlýt'd f - '* "' .ssd litrulge. ý--,-,),i"i:--ý, L- I-1I.ýý ,ý - , r., , 1 te. hurle. . ý !tais: to indues, the tirdy liantes to cliguis, ý le Yinr. ' cunsliform interpretation, and the iight . .. . ý 1 . ,i. . .-2l". III 1-h , Il ... 1ý-,',iiý 'il ", II>ý',:ýI --ItýI.",I.&ittz. ; . ý ,*ý%,,%v DY!= !" ejisseulatesi the doctoir, l'do . . ý ,. . ý 1 . . ilve vols q . , and fiels: Il until 1. y Stafford ret thereby thrown on early E;Z.Vpt tau bis., . . . . 1 ý. - ý ýý1- , .I.- .1 Il, . - ý .. ý. - -. -'i j ... .... 11.1. . Terige. -li, ý.I..ýt& i,,I;, 1 ,rokesvonlane, Os. -'Éhis doeâ tout, 'cq>v.** Cecil sales. - - ý 1 1 . . . , , . 1 ý ýýlItli,,%r.". t-I the pri'. ' 1 he, il% l toniý that makes the 1 c YOU think I'd la a vote die when*we tory' ieepeciafiv in Il* connection with le , :,:.ý".... i- 7- - ý ý 1 ý i , ý ý M. A. WALma. ý iriét,.r. 1 .V. ýl%[;Ybl t malle s a e"ilv siliking fatal a léunglng liait. have ord me maitrity. and no ligne 1 ,ý --ý- 1.- - I. - , , tlt,'I.Fý%I.V ,,, tri.v..%&;I. Iigrrg;ýu- I dl'«'PIY attentive C cil viiWn for a = dwu.à . 3 . 1 ý ý . 1 . .. .- ý Ili'., .ý, "..,.,f %J. ', ý 1.,-*, 1 g , , - ' . i grissan -Xoâ, if tholée tiresonte lutin lia .1 iI,ý .ý;-,.,.. 1.gi.1.ý Y. I,;,.l t-ý 1.>-.'ký, 1,..t:,-#. ý tilt the vaemey. the narratives in GeneL* and Exodus. - . - (1 'lot Frisib"Si ugk# rd billot hi& medicine for ý ý ý l AI l"I'...!, W- ",ý i,,ý,,> .i,-,,> 1",.Ii,:" . 1 ,11 . ; , ': ? - - - ý 1 . . _. ý-.- - attend. 1 1 ' ý%, .,% ý ý - 'IVell - lierause 1 really deuil know : net gens shootinil we *bouilli Dot lie The ohr articles are ,,Micùaelo Angeoi - 1 se . 'd iIV 1 .*, 1 ý '. -- -. I; ...... tf Il lýtrwq)od. . 1 !4AI 1 (bit To LET able tatuddle into our tire as we mie . hila a"ý dm myssesit ffint rit Io andhl2 -Ige:" 11-ligrarfan Distrm and ýý 1 . 1 - . . 1 , ý ý why, exerist that 1, chose to fin, so. But : doin 11ter ail, fi in, a posi- - . Discontent in ln(lia*.*' *'Ilynt and Shaf. %ý iý1111,\ Itnbl) . ,- . ÉC1 A& S A D A ILI ]P E : F ! ilsiant me ,this. isny tint request. Ah.1 g ai prelégent. - TIMW lut iw çb-çl& . te,§bur . ý . ý 1 ý . ý 1 1 . 1 . 1 . . 1 . , tive reflet te gel them out of tàe wav l 1 . . - ý 1 . W ý . , 1 :X rien de), isoler, I:raUtip;tpLi.«' MeV _y:'tta-O Popi>h Plots;*' l'secret ,timegg. me&» DemmtheàuuTyleprhs sonsigi ." c 1 et Lý:)uiiX%* - -Early . a , rue ý The sveicet rc - xing of the Irish "Ah!» 1 -Il . E le telr*à liq fil, el, ASSUI%ýAXC'X COMPANY. ý 1 1 . . ,,Z - 4) le t'f àutms%,iouîue,î *Y. .,r,,,,,_ en,,. . - ý - about . _ Pilote 140 llq r . 1 . t YOU dosait sestissis, verv hearti . . e.orv I-eor _jý,UbbIgàsUd , , 'y liro t.0 A X , - . ý *I' ý ý irisistib". estir viýt*cbrm ltm oi. pellet -tes évilsa hi* withered, hardesseil ! bat septiment." ý ý Fur Lu= trail ber guident petit, Bri.,ht.. ".!.ý,,, ý ý . ý ".- .. . . - ý1 .ý A. -ý 1 ,:. , ,."."..ll:,.. g).Ll,ýI, - I.A. ý - ý la watelde-ci maje-.tv; tright- "Lord Carnarvon"s, A»memsý . 1 ý Ni: - , i W . . * Vi,-.tiiria ('l'.. il "%Vllat is th!% %vonderful thinq you .. 1 1 ,. i 11-1 . ý ý ý 1 . ý i 24 am fer-ait that. With a. gossit The gricket ýhtrTIW, tikê Illit-il, non anà Ut-nernl ecliomberg'sOdv-.ýwv:" .. ý ý ý . %I, -- ý . . 1 , . ý ý ,ý 0 ý ý ý . 1 - . . " - kuth Afriéan l'robletti." ille 1 -.1 ý : ý ý -.. .î ý ý 1 , vilould have, nie dee' asks lie, sortie of ý novel 1 gOulf now Ille Utteriv c"'Ellent pureI hie littut dam- -The . . ý %It g.j., - Ai. W o .. Il, ,-.ý.... ý , - ý ý. 1.1 . ý. - - ý , 1'... -,',ý .I irlelaiR.Bl MIR AIRZ ; 1 1 * Tw- in the àlumbrm ;;6%- niqht -.ý--- - ..- ,-ý.-..ýý-«."«.-,ý.- ý .. j-- 1- 1% ýý; - ýI ,. 1,-.t.;, 1 . theavcumulated verjuies of yeara dis-' for au fleur or two. By the. bye. I left periodicals reprinted by the Lçonarti .. . -, ý,ýi.--.' %,,: . ý 1 : STORE AND, UWELLINQ HOUS9 1 my book on the III)mrv table. If von 1 That thm two =« by cW.ç,e. , _.Scots: Publisising Co.. tl'%rt:lav.i§t., N«. ý . ý . ,eli . , - ý - ..gg..1.I1.» . - ý I.:. . ! ý . - mil aplmariiig, (rom hils, face; white' Lady * 'a ere gwd-riaturled, Siolly, I kiiew ý 1 Y.>are as follo*f§:-The Londs;n Quar- ý'iý!t..ifi")hýý. ý . 1 . ý ý $talfurt, (rom rectifiai the eurtaits, look- Silo ,va. a tgagIer thinq %Vtl. ii -4.11 ,tleý',,-t .. . on. trenitiling with tenir for the suircelus 'grillât von would do." 7b'ý'il-1.ý,rous. ýùLniug eye. £dinljurgh. Westminster. and 1 .er ý .. ý . -- iiiit il *týýibitr'. ý L&ROP. PROPITb 1 ý ý .su - -ou. t'Ir, ., .. ý or lier %rherne, and Mania listents and 1 1 do I. 1 would get Il for ,ý And clown the i:arden luth -he lnt>vel 13rgtyiè.h Quarterly l'e%-ie%%-s, and BLacl,- t , t 1-. I ý 1; 1 %I \Il>. 1.1 là,. l,:.v:ýIý - , -., ý ý . - ý ý OROCM IES a PROVIIRIONB,' Weil. takinz trille. t.ýonidemtit>n ail Warblinz- -weet cxlI.iy. ,.vood'î Magazine. Price, ý4 a yegir for , 0. . '_ - % l 1. .. I.. ... . .. ý ý - 1 ý . ý ý vrattlhele %vith envions rage. jy thingz. yogir alicle and zrnwing 1 lie iiàand-to twen. on -lie -ped ý any one, or only $15 for ait. and the 1 1 1. ,ý ., ý. 1 .. . 1 .1. ý1 ý 1 ,ý ý 4 1 I: li fil Is1,,,ý LIV 1-:1ZY ,ýTAliI.ég'-,;, - 1 - r., LI.. :-ý".,K.I 1 - ý . ý ,«%%«e birant velu te lxive a balle» MOI --drtiii. ý ý ý ý . ý - - . 1 .. 4 ý 1 _. . ý 1 . 1 ý ,gill-let'-il l- the ý a little gagspiI keeping : t'es amonx tilleul, 1 will ac&pt yeur %vith àffl-i%!Lý luit and ligier. -polissage in prepaid hv the publielsers. ý ý ý 1 . ý lt ,gggy - RI 18M . cor»r et viaterte and W-»- d St--. i bel- large eyrs fixclIl wilh collier anxietv i .11j""d. iM d r,,,Zt; ,,lie gnegé la ftarch Thza 1 te-lýa-, 1 _ý 1 ý il ýý .VIIIiIýVý;à-."r;;g iI» ý ý - XXXT Y£A I .VpIWtt. M. ri t lrslr là. . =ý jin. - IVÉ - .-EEK - - It. 1 4;I"%Iý_;I. Il si. Il I, Il . . owl»g NUL .; - '. 1,; le 1 1 1 1 1 niions bis tace. vrhile lier pretty partelli , - fI:ý (JF TUE il . 11- 1 ý 1 ý . . 1 jf 1! 1-11t. Pý1' - - 1, ýI .- 11.1i ý. 1 1 1- _. ý Oisgening thi librierr door with a finie Witla throbbing pulse and beatinit si . ., . -I%,ý ýl ýýlI:il, !ý"",, 1% I i I', zIý,-'A 1.1 1 -I, 1, :-,ýi, ý ,Iýe t'.I'.11my lipnsK-n%*tilltoentreat. "Saylyes'te; eart. , 1 . 1 1 1 . . 1 .1871111. . n ýr r«. .. tender a plendinge ý egNLsciou.,4nesg, elle findis herself in Mr. uto her L.-baci?--- lives :bere =gne il . : ý. . - ý% . I.. . - 1:. 1.! 1 11, 1. ii. ý ý.. .,r! i.fý - il,, ilsth et M" ý Illi- 1- l,,It-,-f the leIt lltIýlut,ý ,lLingt- 1 )i, iýl Il j Il . . 1 ill N, 1 l, . 1 I- V e 1, Y ý - te,ý,ý,ýtfýýri-ý",tc.,Zý.ýtý,,O.t,ý,le. .1t)*r..:I.,".f.,r Itow.to - got ten years in ,the petietentiary fur' «. .1 . . 1 .ý . - ' à 8 l fil % . . . , ,,eI:igýý-4r'- th;et t .%et% iltI,.ý'. tI,ïe.t.I,.,f li', tl'I'tr- Il ow te lirin -P 1 Ambiýrst** sigresence. 1 a mtr0r-er. dftVir zi, .-. . 1 ý . ý ý 1 1 . 1 ,.11.,e.1 1 tt".t il gg,,jý-'II!gl t-,,I., the gliale. minet cause upon lier .%lui fittre. tiu.liçtIe -pat. .. Il .I.",.. ý 1 ýý 1 -Ir ,;:g -i 1 ý ý , ,q the blank lisait a 6".\ - -Oh- (.-rien telle. with a surprised Titeil ni) the aprie trc 1 1 . . .1 Z. _ ý 1 > 1 . - "Il," .:",Il,,I,"Ie.It-. lI--ý,-I.,1-, ... I'v .. livilliant, lovely .1 ý ý ý . 1 ý ý 1 - ý . ý ý 1 1 !-, Il, -i , il .... ,ýf ,;I.- g'.ý",!i'-% ý l'ý.,ý,,rt. , 'If 1.'th izi'g'n farce 1 . ý start. - - ý F--r tht-.e tw,, were sav ý,u.Ij tu. ali.1 -The Brg.ýckville Recorder .,I.,-ýs zhat - - %.". I - - ;-, eel, ý ', .. ý- .. 1.....t ý'. ."..,., *'. g;,i,,,,.,i.!I .I"Irtru of July. t,,r tcr... mI. sur. - pau -il your il rn%'Fa )I, 1 "ý . s 1 j ý' . ý . - .ý.-I.g,:.Iý,,le ;.,il, %lI,,l 1 ,Il, il i.1,i.iy to tile Mg.ni-:ýe1, L il ' hepat= »h4jld hagi -clrnUý-,;Iii1g in lit:ilii, carried ou exten. ,ý ý 1 ý. ý 1 1 . . . ý I. ". . 11,- III. e Il. ;; , . , , ý, 1 . . Vý, ý , 14 ', ,,il i til giber, - _ý ý -*'Sltppo." 1 ýay 1 mentir ', .Igka lie- Ir leing on t My tiextýitIir mighbue,ý liai. ' sivelv in that tiéiý.h1àg)urhood. ,ý - ý : li-1 , .1 - but- bis toile has aiterrd %;.(,Ilâirguilv.' : known vou were here 1 would non have 1 ý - 'tilt: Ch' 11, .. ý 1.Iill.1q)\* -4 - icaggs, Tinivie thirike ý L le net ý . 1 1 tg, wtbi;Knté%N & .1;4$w, pligisigrigrestere, 'i 1 110MAIl Tk -,roti.*' Pebble& 1 titi .. ' . lIl,ýý'. ,.f. 1 1 yIetiýre.& lz,,i-,.i i. el. and there la ait týxpre.-ýion ripons hii disturbed 1 lie pr,,i tr tu, say that qý ý . ý ý 1 ý . 1 ý - a able. Theutter *;Yoll don't disturis, me,*' replies lie. note eý .- 1 __ . . . 1 ý .1 - g ý. , ý. 1 .1ýý ý . ý.. l ý1 1 1 1 1 .. ".; ý , 'Il 1 1- i. . . A -SUJIIPI#U$ or $»r.pla ý . i ý . - face Il bat is aIgcnogýt ý mi. %visitent looking up, and pickthý., iip the -Trust not the circus athlete ags t rowman of thetu ail. .. . ý 1 1 1 ý absettre of conzictraint. of tenir. eh« *(fi%- ' bowingly selliers the siens. He là a . -In order te u.et eariv sprinz ttIivem . ý '. ý :.f 1, ý ý il 1 'l ý 1 '-.,,,,:, l'.If.,;ýl ...... . 1; -- 1;ý,f.. ,,>,,;.,..,.",if 1.11..- .I., -t., J'il, '. 1 . ý -ý -t -harnied hiiii, ý relluiregil book the ýongmences a haéty ý, îý ý .., >,; -e , -, ý, . 1 0 plaigs il% him preýcw - fi" t in ýeaiion %ve s'lait hdve to tan thein ý - . ý 1. , ýý e . ý ý;, .. 1 l'e ;I,'- 1 ý iý, lie I- 1-1 ýI»"",z 1I.'t...% i 1 . lé, ducatibu t. ý1, retreat. 1 mon of revolutionary intentions. the vear before, like fruit. . ý ý2 - . ý ý ý .. - . . . . -,.;; - ... I-.ý ,.IT.-ý c'Il ,1ý'.1t.,f thl, I.144it I . . - . . 1 - i betýbt soi unlike the studied alarmer But just as aise gains the door ber -Betvreen M and ffl Indiana near . -ý1 newpaper man in Texas baie ý . ý 1 . 1 1 . ý 1 . 1 I ý l' . > ;ý- ý ý .- 'Ir-ib a' Il 1914 gl'%' 44 FI- art. . ý 11, 1 II ýý:"t...I,.> tlI,, 1.'l I.."["i,ýý,,,ý lu 1.ý,..b j Il lit ý . . of ali thome with ,grisolla lie vaine in con- ' Ê' 1 1 . . . 1 . , ý . . . . - ', , 1 ', ý ', ". 1, W,ý ,i.'t 1 ..,., ,1ý,!ý,I,ý%-ýt l', ,.Iý ý ý, .. ý 1 tact. ý rrand athces'rà'eé once more arre'ssis kl -cýýwin;4 ý :, %,-a t ,- ë., -fýý--, -ý ... 1'.. r -Alhe l--a,- t.11,11i T.."i.,,,ý ,,, .lie, 1),,.,., i-, lý;:,ý, ý ail cry in-. -Uhland have taken the pledge. They marritil lit ,Ijtju.t.oýoý and il Il ý ý - Il , . ý 1 - - -11en 1 gels. - virelt out," lunes lier. . .0- :.': - Il .1.11 I.., - -.-I ,ý ........ ý ý ,,i.ý.ý.t, ý - I.- 1-1-, vilfil, I', Il Il, -Il, ,,Waitll heval ,il want to ask voit col the Idea lisait the piedgre ivais, leonte. ý brother adde. "Pleaýw excliant-.e.*' %J i'. , 'il l' ;'ý ., .1. I-.ý-,,tI, ; il h:,wl sel 1 LOIRETTU COINV EN T ;1ý,111,. .giiý1I lightly, thilt liber heart la -ýI 1 . i 'Il Ili . tion-thot beeaoumvndnffor, thing about whIëkey, --3ý little child in Berlin, Orit., dur- 1 )V 1. : ..ý . ý; ý 1 . - - -. . '. ý ýII -; Ili ýIýg,-l-.11ll Il...,il,,.... 1.;I..i,..,I",I.ý,ýl'.i, j- ,,ý,,,,I'. 11, ,ýt.1-ti.." ý 02 S"d»aye ossarte. i Il ti. 1 . ý . 1 a ques, and lisent was . 1. 1 ý, t, ,,, ., - 1 . ý ... .. ....... N "'.1-m'i',11 4 ', Il 1j,.IýI-I I ,>,.,,,ý,., il" ,",,,.,.,,gý,1. i ý ý r leî a considerable time." enough. . ing the absence of fils parents, mot soute -1 ý , . ý ý -%" . ,., - ý , .., ,ýý , ; , ":.!.ý.. !J'I', il ý,lI, . - ý ! Cl»m romm" 1 . 0 . il perceptible Then TO the rOInMOB«t Observer Il wGuld lucifer matches and ale the etid%. Il ,. - ý ý - ll.ill ý . ilý,ý.ý ,-Il ý.,ýý . % g Z, !; il 11.1 \ il. . " «""Y-SOP*-2ad* 1 'tir %wher., say-.A..,yýaUse' , -The musical click of the croquet died next day. .I . > ý . ... : 1 . ýw - - il-: -- 1. -11 ý . 1.'.(*.,rlvlll)m. . Il, I.1à ,;,,,, te, t. fý,.,.r ;:iI,,, 1 ,gels ý_r-II ..J. ý ' '**("rving vvill ronte Il oerur libella trot, thebreak to, ilige doIsh balles and the edkinimte svvear word of - J. Bir.l. aist tittatva dealcr in bolets ý . ý 1 -ýý ý -1. ý1 ý 1 %I- I,- ý PiI', ', %,ZI-Itt, I.iI-kby. . . . oý selon. child. .. . 1 . 1 - , - 1. . - ý ý .,ýi"".,.,ý .1,,ý', ;ý Il Il. M 'cI,?:",."Ii,ý', .titi thé ý * ' ý .4 littie sentence le one elumsy in- . 1 %V, e 1: lI Ni X N ý,ý ýI, N , IIL ý . _..lliý. .-.- . - of thi; ý -. il . Nout exil Ktep your eves dry » 1 . 1 -,.t.,l I.e;l,,'ýtIi I.e,ç.l. :m d ,,,ý't'je -_ri,ý'I'.1. j - --tlig». I'. -- --ý-- -- - i (*..,,,, ý vention. the villa= puftr are simultiantous and *hoe,ý. hm received an order trulli \\ ',.l :1.- i ý 1 1 I% ,, 1 , ý t L à 1 . f. - -1, ý . 1 1 . '1110iley to ï0ait. 1 ý -Jiý,tllen,,, ej'l'.4I,ý.,r,,I iIcAt-bý% tý"..IrtfIr the, lonfrag yolir Ileart givill let«yots. No, "Ytst" saysil 31011Y. . 1 on the smm h entrent of thing the Couateýs of Duilérin who iý now ait 1 - 1 I, I . . ý i >,,I-,,z 14iicý,t4ýIItte-d,,ttItýe. ý 1 you shail net Iret leverglise of me Yeu r'M ý ý ý . . . 1 1 . . ý . ý .- Ili- , ý no Witn - . . ý ; "Have von a dm. a for thfie bail-this ,,, ýl.!«.t., -lem gligogra ý S:t. P>--ýtersb 1 . 1 ý ý ý - lý,,-"rttte,»I- ,itiy(>N%*.IrNDxDD,,t,",Le " l have your W l. 1 promise yoga. Md . qergseleggéà roust that is ,Louligt;i off!, says -An ambitions yogmX init Mis, . ý '. ý . ý 1 ýý Il - 1 . ý . 1 .11-il.ý1.1.1 i.wikiiiiigrrv.hçh, . 1 . ; Ur-' .1 er havtng - ,Zonlevb.t- extensive forest tires ýIIgkIn- . . . . . . am sisson as ever Yeu pleaKe.*' . vrereeagirt-.-I.tt-.%7celin. -.-ourtNew 1 . ý .. ý .. zl;,N",Iý tg - 1, 1) .x.. ( ý l ý 1 Mr. -'Lmherst,'wtthout lookingupat alked .'Wlmt magazine Wil, ,ý . . : il ' . 1 Alidlé- X.Ailli'sVIIIERIoRý 1 Se sayinIr, and %grith a quivir mort- ý -Ivania sud Maine until ' .ý . - ; _ j 1 1 .. . . . . 1 lier. 1 gilre me Jersev, Venue% il. f -.. ,'!,,ý. 1 -..,,- ý, gl'i'...Iý C.., , : 1 ý«M 0NKy, NIONI'ly, .Nit)*%ë.'Y. 1 i(MIi;.Iv . ý, . Wngttay ý ont.. Cý>"da, ment of lit", band that derlines ail ý '*Y-, 9= dpapa." ra a loue a il biahest position quirkest r was toIdý- the %%Felconie ilin fell. 1 ýý ý ý ý ý . , . ..,ý".. j 1 ... ti;.,. ,ý.-. .1. ýýf Il !Il ; ý;,. . ý mm!MMRUMRMMMM - -A away. leaving Molly , e- "A powder ý -A rectint l . 1 - ,f. .... ,,ý. il ."ý.« i .... ;- I IIIi.I 1 -,.ý 1 - 1- 1 ý ; thanks. lie niovt . ý nmg&Mne, if you constribute ,1. , , to siplussissi to the bondéli triussophla , , gree barder. il % il il il l. -1 ', g, 1, . , pet.eli of Mr. Gladstone ý, I N à ý, ;".:,. - .. il ...- j:; ... 1,_ li,-"e 1 nt, , . a liery article.- 1 in the 11QU'e ,f liaisons %vas listenud . ý 11.I i-ý'-1.. ,,,.Iyou agit, my granddaughter. 1 de. . , . . . , , - . . . I , %., . 1 4.I . 1 jý ý ý ý - thousith sortait gd Izi, Il . ý 1 - . . . ý. ý ý -w arbir W ork.s. ý -%vlut struck and saddélned ý re t te vour --The would-be assassin of the Czir, lotion. the sotssntf bLing cot;veyed I)v 1 . 1 1 ý ý 1 - ý I , - ý I-1. 1 ý ý ý ý 1 1 ,,,,, ""'I' ,,,-I-1,,,ij-,e il, ,,I-ý,lI,ý,*. 1 . . hy Ili% worille and mangter. 1 . te «ce von dremedas such. . te in tilt laboratorir of the Ho% ý If. 1 . ý, ý .ý . , , . .. 1. -ý . - .1. .", ý ' 1 "lie -Il C -1 . .1 . 1 . ' emi. fi. affl e. Ill, 'I'l"11-11 ;Own a handsonse one" la sud lis, have been a glebool teacher, 1 telephogue. 1 Il i 1", - ".,", "/"";O t'of,.jg Il 1 ý , Ný KNgb '.%I.ýltl'.I.F. ,411011. j t site enibragre voit." crie K!. ' .. %Veil. that grelatly depends ripou ý 1 ý1. ý . . - . . 0"1.;... ý 1 il, ý tragically. ttinginc herself inte lier bw lie obliger have beeà a miserable one - -'i Bo,-tnti jut- have awarclett a Il t.r. ., 1 . 1 -1. . . - 1 . ý . : te-," returus .Niolfy, Who. though ., - 1.ý 1 . ý. ý . ý . . ý ý . ; - . r't'n iligit ýýý,,,-,ýjý.,tf,,,-iý,.*O!li",ý'Il"!Ii.",,A - ý i avisas. e3loligir Mollyyoua ý M a pwfwt ' as for any siellisoi te d ml',.-,4l ý dict et .ýý:.'"..-,-'N)'a="net the Grand Trutil, - ý - . 4 - , . ý ý ý. . . 1 . .ý ý ,ý ,Il t;,/",ý j,,,,v i..."t J IPATTE» Olg ; etiren!'. ' ' ý ! angrir. tinds à &nint" amn"m, nt in acher who roui ýI' I/ý 1 I - ;.10. P.. _- 1 î ý . ý %vittchinz t. ;ý1 in the .%uit of C. D.Worth ni a coninier. . ý , the flotindertiýn or this tac ait tigre pactes certainlv fsn*t tit to tel gli nitio ,,,,, le 1. 1 ý ýý ý ý 1 1. .l"... ý il.. M, 1 l- , .el 'I'J'il ih, . ý pe; , Ili, .. ,ýt* eq . )",/. Il ï,-ï - ý- ý . . without a tgord or a look Mart-ia cial' travelle his lez in itit ý ýý ý ý ý ý t "P 1 ' lessoldwinson. -Ifwe are to belitve Young fde« how tel ehom. , '%Iichiauù, 1. __ ý ý 1 ... . 1 .,».. ... , ý - - . . .1 .. 1 . .:4 ,g ý & ý as-cidessit by a collision in - 1. ý 1 ý 1 . - - ý.. .. Il . 1 tý, 1, - .. ý. K-! - . l . ý_ 1 risels gloggvily and quitathercloississi. .1ý ýg ', ,.ý- ýý1-'- i*",' .ýý 1 ",.!""!,P""ý;,.""P,11,ý.ýý,-,,##.;ýý001 , ý à ý 1 ý - . that beautir unadorned la adorned the -".1 sernen mSkey and a red mon. during: a race with a train eu the.%Iit:iki. .. ý ý . . ý ý ý . ý . ý 1 ic ý - -IU ,ý . . illost, 1 mdy certaînly duter myggelf I key have been added to t'le collection, lotit Central. ,. 1 ý ý . . .'l l 1 ý 11-1 1 _ ý .. V 1 ýl. I l N fil., Iý 1, V . N' V L il. N' 1), 4,ýý,'- 1, ,Il ýý,,,l 0,',I,ýi, ih, ;,,t.,....p 4.,,,,.e.- P IRIR11t.119 The invitai ions are fiteluseil and Unani-! ,hall lie the best dregsedwemau in the . ý ý ý 1 1 , 1 - ý ý .ý 1 ý .ý ? 1 lit 1 ,-Iný.tf,.týv jnf,ýr»j thmr ",:",), frï.,U.I. and ting., 11141111uly arcepté-d. A bail at lient fit ý eu,. BUt literie mav be sortie in the la the Philisidelphils, Zoo." A ..gs,,,e1ý ,,-ý%.,4aftttieral was >«tb.ýitil: through ' !: ý ', ', ý ý l' il , 1'.I.ý-' ;I,!I,ý,, JllI. - 111. - 'Illil?. . 1 publie geinor:Illiv t Illi the', telle titieh a ziciveitir that the Sunty to a man .. 1 1. .1 . 1 1 1 . 1 il. 1 'd lare, thririaiteritionot beingligressent , remplit who will net cuit %visite ijiuàliii monkev le, one that tightly gm ps a utremont. rgear Montreal, the other ,. . 1 - ý ý 1 - ý - . 1 ý . 1 . l'i' ,,, ,t,',-ý . ill". ,;,,,.,.,,,ýiý.1. .#_ý i c handsotue." . da%* a loud explosion was fleurit and théi - ý ý ý . 1. -- - 1 . 1 ý , , . . red-hot penny tiroern frims, a second- collirs. %vas _ýLeu te t)urst and dl-.,eL.10.ýe 0p&:ýed a.M aTble Shon ý ai' il. Il therefore prontîm fià, bc a ~White nigalglin ilp, tô sixteen is vérv stor.vvindow, insteasi of approinching - ý 1 . tes - . ý , 1 -1,,ý:,v--. - 1 OW C&MbM O St., -It%,,-i!Iý «%Ir. Isaker- XS'eut -%ttcc- the corp-we. the gaises te iviiivli il liait - ý ý ... ... ý ý ý 1. . - .. -_ .. -, tS ý , Il, ii,, j,,,!l fi,,. h,',,g ý . -harminér Il 31r.elintierst says. in a siolir thé coin mingerly and contioluisly. sa rift being loti much fur the ý - - ý ý 1ý. 1 . ý 1 te 11-1-0 ell, 1 '11111 k . Ii. '11,11) M. I il 1 wy gre, As for the hom I lune of aýt-oilnoi..,.eur in % attem plI.-Içi.,:ý*1-11'ti, 'O ý,-n, là, -,ili t., ,;tr,ý. ,In , . e itýell il i,,; ina @tale i v ý , ' . 1 '. j. ý , .g. , déclirlous iiiirt,%t. There hI gocti !lile ý ,kiýli ,u ',-.t ,t il il il. l e ý . .:,..-., ý z Y ,Iý",e..,Ie >11 i',ý lIr.ii,,-hý,ý, ,sir. l'ýgttr -q' I..ý , tich ni 1, ý 't 01 . . - -icil. ý ý . ý ý !ýéa ý . . - Il - .11 IlIr IIogtý jl, 'X. ; -but not fwvond that. And you are. 1 Lie il. t., .ý . , . 1 à 1, , . 1 ,/,,i,-- ,.,k ,,,,,l /;,II- ,,,,,/ : slipneicte,-t ,,,I,ý,,,#,e ,;f, * ,,ý : deal of noiete tint very little perforni. A àKhmd4w 0" tu Igowar& ý e. . ' 1 . 10-1, 1 .le "'I-,-, - 1 -A horri titiller occurred en ý - . -ý, ., 1'l-1 Ictir. Illerrin ýg, iér i 1 t il ý tttink--" 'l . ý-, 1 ý« Il 1 - 'lu . jrý,Mefs pi"-m..r Thurýdztv uf !aýt vrtek ait ýZhgrl)roûke, 1 , , 1 ,I .' t ; - ý I ', ti\ ' Il. .1 1 e 1 ! _', 1 ,l'elle,, 1-ýi.,...ýý,l"..,l -hl ()p ; f,,-l ,-,,-11.!I lit t4v "'It,!.I 1 Ig-;ý 'I.ý,ý-f"T;,.l l"Y ance, and e%,i-ry one gitves vûircî noIr ..-\.- ., ý , - ee -,i,,,f - "q'w Tý. ". ' tend lisent tg) the mcmtatartlizL« opinions. ; ' - 'ni't""n'-" Durirrir bis Il Il ln Pari.-. M. ' Que. Two men, Garoud and Letour- ý . 1 .'l , ý J., - .. ," ,",ý 0" ,kt", 1 Ill'e il, t Il, d e ... 'z 1 , - 'ý ý , , 1 - . ý -,le ,1 mqi "., ",.,:t .ttc,,ii;,ý . "Q'Ilite 411, Then ln vour case 1 ýýhouI4 ý m vies k- ý . ; ý . eIII,,. âîe h-.,."".Iy" tt'-i.r"l , si. pre- igeau. cluarrelleil hi refereuce te soute ;., _ý- ý - 1 .-"i . ý . , 9 . . t', bI-Iý-"".j ý t > One illiglit, ilidessid, imagine dîner ail 1 the aàtuàlin.' Lasalle. a distinscissielled Germa l'and. whers the latter i.,truck the former 1 ý , 1 ý . ; , , !ý - - , ",Vlïe:b.,.".,ý,.f p9d'i. 1. ý thette opie, ligillo. %vttçn in town dur. 1 conderni l'ou IVIII peralit ý"JI1!, ýp ,,, ý 1 ý 1 1 - . - . . ý - 1 4.1- ý' -,..»lý>, ý illettitiel g.t.trittttr. ý a-,'% ;1ý$I).N %o; Ve:U te me tri glyt, vots. a dress, Eleanor. iiLcre -ented him-ell -.il the lion-" of .1 w'-'11, W ý ý . 'ýi'él",:", 'aýIN*. fins: t O seation, yaivit 8)-Btt-.nt.tticàlly ý 1 ith au zexi- fil the elit:.,t. the axe siijk- . ý 1 _ 1 , . il l II .! 1 t l-ý si> 1 ý . 1 ,,,,,, ý 0 ,,,, jý"."/, il h.- y 1 ý Pr.,Iwtt.iý. throng O accord Il ). ý, ,iý,: i l . ý ý . . ' 1 t.i,,ý-I,,v. >14.1pf. lir'h. , ý ý ý théir two or Illustre balles of a' allée with veut a,-e and Pugli* knOwn lady. to lgvhom lit- bail ,iett lut- lin, in nt::tr*v te the bataille. Letour. , ý. . 1 , , 1, , , 1, ,,, ,, 1 l' Olll;,. ,,"",..,/. i lion." - . - . ý Il 1 . . ý . ý 1 .lýý,ý..,,. ý là............................i........ ý__._. _ - I nizht lait never. ween onge. so eaisser. __ _ . . - __ __ gr- rgf lnr-.I-,I- 1» ..lý...,.- Xvi- e-.., - h.*,Iý..If - 1 in zit the fiaillie &> CMI Staf- he boids out to ber treg.% Th:. ta, ion ýjM %%-ili.34tirely bave vant. lui&- ton Illowder CSupany and the Grand pat4ot W«wlaee, ÀL lm M- a nthing do hut Trunk litilwày Cq>tttpanv are cenîureti. (imi dig 1'le lier cimtigule for the eQminx regardinx ber eâmestlv the langh loyer 1he.1oký the line flr ?lot giving'notice of the event ..,Uw speciai ertitmt-!er of file explosive, atui 0ntý dav. a frrtnight Wore ibe hall, The *'310HY" bas dm IL Too, se-ter- 8. foitair a 1F.Allip 44mb -ci# doliý on ber, aud, can7lut OUS elfeft tO hesitate, she takes ber , for ean-le- liandling. The V# Cper, arà&w,= the -ire YOU a desimilent sufferer front ppo hprnfttoher wtirortii-andpWingher a A tohimllaysher verdict ret-Onimenfis the a i Ment le of Governusenr imPee-tr)m to repulate 1 OUIRTY 07 EL4WBTTP.TOJR i in her favouriote chair, %ay% sontewbat uffl ehotdder. Sick lt«dache, EWbftuai Contivenens, bave bun rude, gmndpqm lWvitatigm of tbe, Beffl 1 Bave vou the shiptutnt and carnage of v.xpo. '*What about . your drépa, Molly four PâlrdOn-and am veV ma& ob][19. Dizzh3- ci Me Band 1 1% vêtir Xer, ires. Aud W. ln the lui ta Y« for this momy. vous Systent CI d ! Does -31m John Ilorine. of %Vashinuton, j e J J Ir, she bends,ànd Pr your Ky.. Mve birth to five thildren a few "I dont know that theré la 80 8971M Circule anlythinx ber 1 to -av abont il,- says 3rolly, Who le la soft iweet Ilpi& ta hie ch»L go malkes Cough. Low S" - ý ( ""' Ton & il"is %Ince. At ber dr-4t mnâr*men' S' Corolh£ UP of Eigh. -110 elbrt ta retum the emens, but lm *he became the tnother of t,,i. NINO SPACTO KY. 1 low.%Pàritg. - V the food afterenthME &;r_ &P- Ut of PLAN «btl teen month% she . Crized ber neiizh 1 N 0811% "Ilibt what a" yole ov.ii«to wearr after ithe leares the room sité, staring these and mSh ne the direct re. bom . 1 1 ; . by xivinx Ir to. three living î 1 -The oply thin va«tWy befm him out of iàe dreary sults of Dyspep@im4 'ell'ar ';OmPW"t children. and the other window on te the «M rame drear radia x's Musibil, and th" wili searcely U*tmiab and petion. Gaz& Arar«; the tuother of tive ýî - V- terrinlit, Il. thé î the nuive&» Undune outaide. thlidaim or van". ý FLowm la new aeknowWged by ail 113fluella! oh, Xotjy! ý Not but thm eddýkysa"haxmtimaetio»that Ww, Drepaislaitebeapositivecure.:ýMM only hall au hour interveninr between 6 the birth of ench. lier husband is 1ý le la pretty always-1 kb-aw Z DU lib Mids but wirr wfth thune, tbeir b"" wM minà âWay la the U. -9. eure, Md kma revenue, la the know. neariv distmered. and bas been ad. IRA - 1 Lâ'n Dru mon dSssl ee -Pzim to the»-liut fer a boit through "Ple as a viftdto'aPply to the Kentucky Leais- xe thak to the dead no Ut cm trial. Two dâiee Win tntisty auv pere., lature lusteaf, or the courts fer reUeL ww»W imm». ty heurt on "un ho lm- %lut a reswen",.. tout. and if yen are not 1 11011, 9.r àl,,r -ýîàw il try A 4y to gorgeoue tb.." 1 ý '_ of fts W»àduiW U&B 'a =run' M th, 'hileirmi are dong weIL ti i- WIL Xmun 3101117, goïnoît gowly butte ta the en for- .1 11198,01»Ilim . Mardal " S break won't de at aIL" un UML Dodtiwjy by au &Mt-dam omgfflisu ln: Tbe attaum MM la *111* werht "%%'hatapityitiolainsoverrmeeh -Welil, -hem la my b»kr wam thu the 17niud States. -169L 4A wi tbe meau Chwnloen tbat bave -Me V-er- Chaese i ýhortev, thau ytm,ý pAy*Cérit irtiiiifieMl- la- t- 1 thought y m- we.re. Dever -me der tht inanetd ad kI the dý.i. ly- '*.Xmv. il l wan't&U« leu, Mi.ght1 w Aalbw Aboute cite. pel cynic. te) -hý égumbixnq bas bectne . perbagm mette nue of my dreum«Wt *y dit! you tell amadouait wfth a , A et Mr. Ctariton hnwivgm %Md rApim Tw -.ithýr ià aLwav. ton hf;t er in il* r"e»rv ýNI.CX« N'il YORC ý demande 31ülly, bblekdýpI tée licue bw WaS. wirc. bu. é tee dm; the rnýéx i. t;.ý) mre ýr tmo thuroughly el Aveu# C. iwiburq'm -Yeu. il le gà pkv--a druiM vitri» b"v..l -lit fflr% t,ý fat eS t- itan in -hort, h. 10 1 Ch-u--Mvw, My deur lit-tie tt the gme ta stop and: Ues aheat everythi.g f-om hi, co*e te, Corl6ný- am amme a 00. W ho rudly Weil drime& Uweh, 1 Wid-lue, 1 wUl by ta le - e - 1 -DWa tble 1Ný will be la Main. or mmethine blugh a litth% ex i - 4 "fà De in ýMt -i ý thi!1g bu ha. »,,t, "Toudid. Therefono aseyour d& 1 Mc"- quë*-tàm 80 t:ieowr-iv th" you -dirumd il. Iton seé thP bit of Ew 1XXIVII a 0 el lt.» : C-,uuutiww 1. hi,, ýâ«inuukAùng trait. Il hi. ohls win deek herpeif ou oywMa TondUn f oh, Mony,:at,,, Orkow spiendour, if P" dhoDun 't refuse 1- 1 bold la Mr band! lit la a Coût. M to -Pend -ho ith a triend 32 &R mr troubler 0 -hU WU eail Sol.ii It h, hO 111114M UPOD Mayùq at bom. - ne w«M ij mye Céeîl., ,-xor- 1-ahing. uummine ber ne ma néoa-ev- The Gov.,r,-m,,t did bis balhulne tnes"b 9- bûlmm çt râ"mO£KY. HL, n' I_.ýSAw AU 'PL&ORIFIn nus. y«;ý ; a pau»--a duelded OR& M in. ýQ full ci him* aw erche., bb"tng Md onvîm et -here the P"S was mmh"- i ttiàt cail it into, elvl"eaS just for tu&. le, x0cy. WM h» Màk late, m attitude but 1 - vue nue it. au th« hi* 1 » thry kit " for a use-les. ha a j l tie, vylàc imew. tbe aum ni fil IDM«w» ne kbm&» viarvellugWy be-cu» a eniâ be-emme mm wbm a dtamud liver bu 4uppienlemoi Fm _ need-edimive of tbe * t î il ule .4 Twélittle mmum 1 ahmU bave dom se. 1U&ýdhR1w di 1rýCban«z Wb" by hypnebond!ime. Then the sbghlm «mloit. iiiiiii en wâuuwwm Pu--a-ed at-djl, voWijk par-eboý& 1.4 ý,Ï Udixt imannum and ' ' -1 ï tbm tell mmum vemma taire, tbe PM. hque tuait; ami. i l a - Ïbe 4" terrillie The vieuft be. *àM e ý l qe0lim dwý et hi» b" frmd.. MM eu »M j Md là p, ýÉNùN1pffl il tau - t a Laý twe hmut the weekm" buum. et 1 amaý - be umd fur omqm :Zý 0 m 6 net owu"w% as tbbumbd4 'f iz MIRC îlet ýhw lm .13m'r, wby au nuit yeur ommuk 3xei-umdm attm-l in wb" dome4ft hep. en dam-.&m la m unagre, com te p-PM se wbaiwamuL wlag Wb« 01W ta ne MW pbý SM bwmmU h&v* b"M wr@d" bv b, avant emý u»« r PWPW in Ma@2!Fý imýowy ne a" c[w TM IL waiteàiwàat *9 mur. ohm a ellend ýau" 8" a 7M ýéM. P"qwý b"14M A" »M*&00»4 b6»'M Vlleoifflt hli OEIL Saym riorwà tu Mil ou l"D a, silsir acuim mâd" nk»lu7a" rwmmt Pupune de A)wq»mw" Mo*tum abeair tg lm 1-w"IqC ta' à- Ftammawbdtu ex**»m Dm oniu.,».b a làmi mmers" .rit 14L ale nm«ue» « C, ait MO irîw-.