OTHING STOR E SUTHEBLÂND'8 L .j ill but a6fle tadIi-O mat lu of soda Otbw.t f ~EE G WL'OEE Â CAOTTE £CO'5. 4 - 4 & ýf tinttme o- hitm Wam seu ~bm lu* e - ib.m g. b me Irq balle "ài h.. wbm omothbet-miUhssM- bm 'Wis.om 1-M s - ume'h b*~Mr . aW. Cb..- , wh. se. miWi thonte lm js. WINIe Mie lo Soccea te,- .tbm my om y mla hu ti. mmlii fat Wu -. b. eut tnu* a twoducb plaek et & di , mam u us hsit.aeoui- am it Nent Si is ouants.Thecatai - "lb and bel<I beir ow meiMe hi da eV slag, tb.Ikbwbhpuue Fi some., amthe peopi. ser , Ont afttiupi. Tbf. e .mmb ê Tsaua-A Iis la a Xueiml* UMsosMib" Amires an u. AL.EOVDr.N.DlhMbas uetuuaed -ta hie charce la TPenais aftoe a ohm rt aitoScin. DISÂppor.Tm. - T%0 People. wov liiv& d. UqPpotat4 uba th" MsW "non the "Gious ýz Twulb, but1 mlich more sewbea thuy b.d PAfIRt LLE. dulgthe. Peuttwo weeks. Oca 8cuooL.--Good weeik h» beau doue by oirscbool lately Olve FM fmom fItbavlng pudthei h im teacbaV :examafnatIon. This. Mshow tbait our school eambofd lb.coma whea bro"ait.ethe test, and a"s *i..& faf' edriboloset tue work do»e.by tii SehooL .ib.above erti uy ida ais. tactry oofto lte ratepayers of.S behach"er, Mri. W. G.' on tii. ~ ~ h sceshchh.attamId eIsla. for the put . d a ý-ba,ýmahffl h tiifthe= bis labumay b. crowued wlth aiiM or nm- -Th&.bavaboionglngt Mrf. J. Xuerdock wsbuvmed dow thJac m u Tmod.v eVeMIt a"at wuVa MivSk bf JbO wl"ed. ý Tim wTâ beila va"y dry. Iwo Pituft lm IsuMid dM, COmbination mi riBeuand ttlLaud, The aboie ploghu ame wlbM au A Mthe but ij1 nla the k1. A~~~~~m umat egva h hom bey wilnet' faels7, £by wlE be takeUbaek a"i m» sae AI.. NAINS'GANWG PLOUGHS The B__ FANInGIE1L IX 1ME AEKETr ow P Uw. a Md &aimlbk1 i2 LMWp ougbs cm be Sathea"t vzoeCR]MRm .A.lulr Ami- l. cgh.tmiUu~7~aB~ltmmmsuat UlmI rlde on vi&% W" qwhagast - et au hkf.hW a" mB a Eum and amvthing lthe uH BUT AOIENT '0F JEWEL 00NA» ILVR. IWÂATC-I Te BEIAL-L, a ~~e effuI l~y bkW gamson tegsi» m8 àu.. eboul knouet »R aiknd,. «U adasqe lyrequàé& bu@" 1bbb 16, -..ihi.ouma* uaut uw$ mn1o~~g.tacar" m A ublou .SWiUt i he am lbk ~ ~ im i011Tmc ~., rsd~af j rImEUR wwav. 4VO.IsgaE~Pp<IeOmSm*. i ~ ~ I EEA~. ~W~mi ~ & lit 40W Ovm~ .mdkWmieCbat@, »wb, Vmt me. RW ~Ame d s.kottm an iraTNSVUEO TfD &, a. iaw te 0 01 >" 1 LL ýèý w : a u-l, Mum- 1 Sm3 "K