Ar', BrOUX» TOWs. l*u' !t bermelert64"day hi têrr row we (dally edlitleu» dis. tomtwg1-"Iialuy f&Ut*,$1 lmv t lm thefboud m o her m a14e AMAuzVL# Atithe hois sIr. publish. wôud oeu.lus e nlajethe Mm of *Mrndo&"$ Olbe aud therefore raflhlOtpub it he ist. Jr Tfi ANT£ MU1W ori < secu sa 0h.ou m "M~ataiW. Vlk -*nbot "I sd .llvr platerKnowlm W£ W1AIq oivft ~Wthe me. 4"rnpct. soek of xi - uryGoo<iela MnoumA the . Vy -16WIéo e nItftf p>l" .Corne and. es.- IMADBR]wtaI ie Tbwq..- fMr. Charnbevu.iIn atowi worapVflWif Vthe peterbovo 2efprýThé. cÀtiL At 0. W. stspbeas, next dé«r fth ti.Pms office %mre w bv» lu watche4, docks ud jewelry. Sélioo hoolk@olitatiomeyMd fancv g00" ebapsto twn. ftmVau XinviToi,-.- Thé, pubi6m u- vltd to c*1Aid me ur larfl Md wvas led «46ck or P Iul ub .Goo&e iohng a pecltal p &W uvlu the fii. $>Etil &rk " 'Pwii.uelkoet md dcecr Thas bai7 do W" W eilseaet, bu Ohmsve Ita fontMd go toL. A. VOMZnu"d @Kgoa MWe"d suSyll tee trae Pair %jA.uUlt orAnd s h "à « Nu gAA W?4.1gw0f li <4 hon sd meur u hm>a a meeing t te giusthe. buiut. botaeu toU.Wi mtw; amewitli dueToreto or tae. rua t. lprucbsnos t:t tie mesy me«ed MWww Md uoéta. a r drive ~~i~4UumLICMIL-S. k&O -u~ ~d Mnoveber bas been O~P--êThakIv!ng day P~ ~~l Mnou utei r eeth vowd tu. w« te a atbe dontai osUSM alauè procure a V!Wpw - sce om acotne' &Fmu, va rn The Mster m Limy heodal ebo Tii.~~~~~~o thuti vsi15vteades umd wk -bata1. Uza i t~fuwpswg~mîuaiudon& _1-. r. L NrFss14-Dzm SM A~W Eo'gux,.The mouabera cf nt 1~ZJi.vIag bom i nformi a< a ve bR houermd -a -devoied ' am paso" bieude -&purt- - d ýwa se y Imm *M, :ur ~Ldsy u h ~ vUaietvoau i«. oIl mev mulsv M a]FIm.Aauml but sem 'liu mas iScud net iuaIOi M So wshedluII ol u'eobt a Cali &Pt. ad ___a 1-6mi Ntbor ___ dtermely edttsv <« hal ee w en h* 1er. esIwoah. W" t 5I>it mîdi. è<e w»5 #~'ty plumed wft the 4Fq I iuiy*Ul tv i img a aibat fr wang Ponti luTuklY g oPOpsm«Wmd. 1.vppoam .Tou TasCA-#AgtA,,P r"fub 'itiiugô(- 511 i§ÎuWU mle t. un)aa fie, vu. tue iaipousaecn etES eP!le u vbd *tO tbvf eu A s 'am '4jm - onth rw nou-~ au onL~7,Robin. 0 F evesdslieTi eu. 4u Mmd If b (John B&> takeseie .15 lmm bIUS médl eve ~lL~3 ci toa. OU If tise T1 mU wvsE o w ..... 1..1 4 par iod Wlt ...v.... i < . ie Ohhti.f1 a etam ld aCe.eT1 ni 1frfl el. te poe. i'-' onw0 b-y, sud ien<o Md[heu EDOÈ - wb4~ ud ~ u mIl 8 doî igl.moicsai ii sps~ elnMM 3, a~e~ [ononAdfl~y fIcs.,oe Stu0. feftghe~ and made ber decaition, iu tha" s8 ebei-.2 t us orn W E ler ma4 FlaI6dInwJ.?s. <hOn eveuinif andm tear aefmloe ien ha was admittai om bail 1 onMàoiday sd tbojm e bqrais.4 la the ese ft w-m-w adjournds4 uzMitTuuuly mSl The pulonerila ayng mmarn bm 23 yeueyedrs0f gew abou 5t 95 às,- chsud wel builk sud hie hmily coc- nectionsare of Ment 1 àpet11 ma la fait for jiefcei m e t là thefr pmrnrn toule ÂTuxM POMMO.- An abfl% wasmae es ayluei week te oio £yO U glad lu bisvillage by p tt n Pa rIsGeeu ln the te& kettiewhlah wau out cf the. boume. No clue ham hemn obtainedto the ta dlabodiartci 1MXL . aEAXsGEXENTS-Th* long hoped for chaf nge u r postal mente am t Oeaino ed on our htreets with bis. newstg If11 of passeugers, aud c hou @mi ture. b. had smmm neS am& is. la a sathaatr« rr eetFeu - Ba'UMY tookr a start lasi, weekam Promlusd to e . ood fur a wbile Siame show day It bas b.., slackagi-. dwiwagd teulerncy cf the pain mai-: hit le the priaciple Cause. I'AEIGE BVILDING làM 7«~ I UMSRS cf lb. Ab. - -. .115i ou-I& nJ. LotBl (1roVl Tw m ms.God Sa.. eth3e Qeen. M W us) Ilmy a mbgÊun ý4ftusi show *aunds. Apply AV W T AT H YS4 y ii E.wi. Ka. .: 0! NYuo'r~.~ au r FUSTUENTmr»yN At a Pu of the Practical fenits th1 AMW20~ th aefUsibeg (on wlaiclao th &Wbmbff . m O" io m meinvited M&sud na- W ý , Wan appfrance) the following erdic um~uuiud, lmving thua day witaumd the U ar"CaihMM Wuïm theu .grounds ait te Ontario P *4 ~~ W asy tuaithe work perfored -by it «Rn«Y.- 1handkeichief. né% W-W mm osai leu tham on4i "ethMteula have been washed by hand, or ih, #Wahm e à»mi quatai uith. In ouri opinio- tv&& A. Marnie, Loudon.Stieain Laundry. 31rs. G. PiLL e4 mi~ xMi, London. 1mis B. H. Mete.u, Lo- mm, Wwm. Cuttbe, London. -MMs.J. jé,hso mm . 1 ~b.Xtee Ont. Mim Esther B.,wen. BV ~ ~,~OUL John W. Fietcher, LOndv mm@4jw.,LmuLT. Palmner, Efeljnuth Mm ran, ,, ortMm .SumatLondon. mm J.-4- ffmte mMHn. j. &.DotyD.,, î&mitte ;it tihe Le mm Pftnow»-- Du ititFies ,'. G(ranL wblek la flo u d esed for the Ematen fl,-hylrai C'um tiuowi " f hy »mof te redlâm la m Z mm cw.&lm« Coe NQS OMA ste - .t"M lie sv, aui t" NOev em eim1 - 'SB..k tht'bu.mtoWL bv PWanp.aMakM Md oChers in their employ tiw irau a" m o.. eakoka .r th. obuth poli, that he u .&,Iltob b zoa: Swhsormte d. k - ButJOà Suaio &e dtu.ywarated. I.s«oms y m meww uni wf0y 25e par fnl. 1I mufacturez tb.~Im~ hr rimin.ÎW" e t '21feet 1 tue 0 te huwhl ktm e î*0btcynader md.1M h.yOB4«h. M ,WagNp dami lugFacury, Dear lb. atone mii. FL- JCEAED ~ .mma RBci AU edarajet aiKeith' s curlmun !2" -1'UPCt ttoh. Al kiada f pumpe repaaedonthebbc:* ATmIrT TI WEE GOTOII 2z d v a 4thIýjob"avi Um~ the Prim List of the T 94&20 t~S~I.Woodvnz. JuneUu. at Indu Auve a ndlr àie9î Luav Ll5ataiOp. m., for Urilia. ;Rwe Ubip as aie .. Antre ai W.t ANu h. Cboooai&ipMd Luaveg'~. 1. a13. s 7e..u 94? OMiseu.~ iâr~ a~ 1e eft at lb. offIce <aor ierr B'u!ci DOTe Qpkn MUÉ', .IT TE UIC ixpo uilll U~t - w -~ Uw.., ZImdaal A~EEEE~ 1cO 'G' Wh plessure in tallirag tht ooeplete In every departrn,.t stok and puces I on hnd. which wil bev JR. ~&PLE & WifliueTy B àEED ILeemau',~ U bal rb. foUlowug vry d*urable tal ; te uo~ybrick d'vtUt me akwQ FariLo 2 6et Us i .. 0a pod; blaac..han. loi; ipV farimd id 10. Pe oi.s md huu., Itid hi Trust Cooepay, Btailditt&g nn-cmmM a oSest rit 'tria"Oy ilICt iner inut a fv .. resý unt rafLe t edfb1 .GEl~T W.ica] tit. ~T8M DVTAriz 1-las for ae cheaP iL. 1. -M c 1iL CI 1 CIEL ent 1 k lalc