Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 3 Oct 1877, p. 4

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T~ 09 bkw iM, ]lnerY Msd; bouet bc*- a sm. DlckuouNa i<o w< iloù " 0~S . I sct FW& & g ý 3 . tutSaturday At a pul cdmm~rtO o h rc c!uerits <ft ~ ~~WW1 .11 ~ eveaing Mud atr aefue eam>iflfrwahoe n riday, the 2Sthof Septeiiiber, (un w1kh kt fo4 uoa!~ Th o f sovember j 1.> iO . SSàflltu-O iaS.aW -1 bi emi à&-chfma m. on zdt apeu-e cWna &îmà> flowiigVtrdci p4v iqn' dur . uaeis *Wi, aein this day witiuessd th, ~ul4 eompel nsgo uuIw~i tO m et- the0f I i. Cladaa en, uthe. grounda at the. Ofltajo'r-( qMiPmuslwe nft to eubuwi teefre atm = munthlNdame mm17Tuniui*aingy that the work perforwied hy ui. u.t. alade Weil to Cai at the a I Tne plimDer la &yUl 81 0f ordinur- V.y dirýty sut,~iaucis i~deg. of Wr f Néelands Bros. and po k2 m s rwyears or agi bu 5 fre mkttete e1w biad êkan inîle@,th&,, t 01MO S&.Ise Ma ofW WIIr1300keOt h etâ Ï m ell, bu L Md iS umpecabe n4!ti*Mtby e.14have been washed by -hana, ~ms, ~oK sud tlvw platoejte have vareeof suoe --a e a" à~ ~ c ua ned wt. In our opiiun it a M..s.w'mfa-,-g-g. Iu Taugfue %as for the painles. ex- ý ls hisffcted parents: (Sign.d):h* .Iit W nt l~mu.>N~ lj~~eIou0fteelLla itheir present trouble. £ mie, London Steb, i1Laundry. M "mi lk1 Dy Gomw tub. ou YJ irT5.,'-TRie fslowlug ad' ATT!XPTD PDUM.- An t teimit îMms.]RLConley,We,-,t'er.u.-, Londion. M r-, B. Il. id thevery Iowe*t eittfeu Jns'.was adopted by St. Lawrence WaIS ma&e one &ylii.t week tG po~isnMrs. Wmn. Cute. London. Ms.Jh. - f >wtce Corn sud e. Bu rn~UU k Ld f'. N . 137 Inde endeî Or- .youn l Yl u in snv ma.e 1>by puttlIng fre. W . Scott, le A n'..'M~ tr w ,.C der ot OddfeIiowq. of Brockvilje, Pàtlm Green l i.tsketwi. ine theI hBW ..enAr Ot Jos hne.r BON% am vwz1sI1w~uiy' au Z to vas ouM&t of the house. 40 due hm;eo Jhes, aro£tý?On. oà W Il~û John. L tbe ail. te; >W"oa nMtothe prpe"ttors Oftài , "ui.n .PUii IleInl., lIpa t b*lcbtd fm onu %ha»te of lindaqay lModel MSol. diabolical act. WG»èflea %Oit of bokbidin&M t",M'W jThe Intention was to have tiie addre jM àiL UAGEE -The *. ,MTb. J. -%. White, Lno.lo...I l=fale tI,r*nrigIYflOCd *wehl rsetdat oia 1thrn o W hope kr cange iOsa rPol'e- Anda,*..iters, Consiiiittee of thie W 'wetyetinpctemembers of thi. e, uv MFa menta came into operatiO1 on -Monday "Cmeh r a..~y~u&iow. - JMily I*: ., C M t .W , g P . W f t < our b L f ~ o U c I e< w y w t u r last M ud Our m ail arrfved tw o or three _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ic hePf ofce o g ebvgatW hiuW notic-prevented thfitbeingdone. huzrlo hahs- thldt abos ru X Ir luN! EUNI tiokmstUOf4'7 fnc --d't NU Baor.a,-Thememb0.0F. js md oluntaret wthhm6e ~~n. ~ 'WL~~m-Ta OA . H rFàl--DaaSm iing of the mail. Mr. Simpson api eATI E IN SA Lawrence Lodge havlug beenu lnforaed ft11o Gi pBSBflgdS, muid on ua de 15000 lau it iwra1 aoef.The nWl&rl-' Intention ta remove frontac htae h.had nmre ipeasegers ao. Vltedte cmli and *e u ln 4Vr l he >roeof amsuminir the la a&umtMsactôr arragementrfr Fut wil etock otf iaienahl*D"S G00o0-41 àead mau-erblpot one of ti. pinipa- in Fns 0du rmai« n:insttuios otfddrands é E nt ortai Waa tnl>!u e l job. ~-Ém b ,M dsrU 0 1)rem-gou apr.-* om i i g" S I N- Sa lie tAti' I4MYTiI WU,-1! show da. it bai bem almack * & "Fortii velc e euhsIy~ M*iibepteem in. whlchyon webeld i dowwé de ftii he mr Tha t'tb - yow lvbiuhreui heu.-. W etii. lou1ket ladb.à-àp1 Gse woeta d re y&y m a ref . 9brother and a, devoted J I I G L T O M I& syh um c x. laI it: x.~ ft U~ B a »W 1ourselt ta b whiie' &mi&" of N< BockvSi.in la kr rmnYeu. ThenterteL.im.r ' .rtyuî.tI'idtt*,: 18~~~ I 5gy er kiohsma vile weic.sn A -Imm s. ,u~.i ans,~*m 5 ent.J l0?AT~*~VSt*tf>ti.the 711 1551 ariupnoalfrrf- orut.Gox -.- e tibet. tu Ip'ah' hould nai; <ail teo ep il sesthrlu (sS au mmJaI regrt l ewt. uat.-l Dur tTH i regrt yob, derotu iA.PPIlvoi HÂVEM lr vpksoetf ?=yCvuoodi., Jewev, 1 mnf U e efetcsl ~CtX&XDNtL PokaSat.vtfetll.arure n mogu, rtvi él ml h cktitevyaTy a u9" ! wfpl lvor b lt.prop. W. NcDoszL .gw~ ~~u'8IMUEb i Lwinq,7îat a Liadmr, Oct. 1, . LI *frug store hi ti. thenpas Lo aten StendfuliTOMRlllu pvre" sua *we.k. LMp deitu*Iyu r WSInterrouCIlmL Aa ur dom. lampa loc eScI. Aue" jo"'i1 8.pg Nk m4 On! "197 O H R-X- mml* ii U.vry hwoe#hm a Mpiiw ad rfabeA ! sita.tuS $ haia fb tok ta ' owi7exllntudoginnt amui 1'E_%M BBIKYàRD *tye.t lv i. acai. -~WMu.~ ~ti~i IUdbrut to cear apou the diL 1- -. a ton, êt IflttqW54 YOD? 15et ationsUUBet<the aboie and au the ?Nsweut sa]% Tir ~~ ~ ~. wdbus tail t=...to renijer thse ti 1 gio« h"lu.A«ifb..WISiMY myu*. "QU odf you, and C ET K kenale viii sord!tipSVLidmey a vISI. 17w laWfu8*O"hemi e th te crdinal lie lot doubtiffl i~»Jfrw fvtis Iprluciplen ofOdilfelowghip, have com- ~usw.t. ii vuIS tiiepostn. Iumd our hlghest reuect mnd ad-________ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 0<1 M&VMton, a8" Wl!! oe .be azociated f & Lvee.setov stew@s, for whis tiehi e l unerfiewith feelings sMd. t-! R.tara*lame8 wwde ioleloa tisedm Mont Pleamuf ta up t-*Ietbp. CGo thon and secure tU eWb" .ru a»e fominjmnw frt.NahS Ov lia eN t!y etevery mv»w ta lm .hmd a amtng to mgiut t tIa Ue4tay M.mme sgen ourgemeat for 'ou to know tsSthe! ]Red U Me N U am*ti De udC lo efbrauis htatii. Whithy ratlv.y; 'aru1f197rnai felihgeuhch p&okd D1hj* 1PU Md h" ou ayor! ýý« tan Muis« 1 ;« m P ellinir the Centenn ai ýFý;p.Mbfr2'.Per tbot. Iu±r 1 . .' n« iitheToronto & Otta.wa, or le auce 1 ~ nid lb. Cam P, $olte t iae.. ju %tJis tif :.,kIttt. I .G runetin locootiveha. suereci .,~g., DI.P#Y 15 Ii. Mid W>SnitheC!ulrwhich 6ltai nittUd te Ù~te uriai hope or St. Lawu'ue£*. enSt mCarrnatte. WagL .- : I'ctigh IUat:t ryrtar t'as ton amIdeS great freldlUW and f tisSls dmIuuD .G, .THwôi bidgeopeo.ite Queen*& lMte. i ytealeta potat ider thUe -191WO$t g iii.G. .g.ko ilm, wiII r.ev. r amPt atMten.xAl .j.4f11àb rtîtâ*tù1 i t~ qu., e peud. vu________wkwarrate4 mand PwsPP gair t ciiau% lu ret .s. i 0 le 1 wa ii mai ~e 'n ~'*,r~ ~ ami r'~v uteprn~youa Jnd Jr .. p. FE YEýL<N.f ,tnth.rtsd about mte r a SbouttCôr*;wbnl.oce 01The Pfflt.i(~NILEB TU Mu «m 111009àus. e coUl4 et nqt OU AU.SHOW vaS heMld itule tem Uaion O et iBU gthse Central. Place om Frlday, 2Rh Sept., maid W»aaT r m y J.E. aron. ollectelnofAIMOM gevevy departmpnat. & dal-O ' 1 OMR. Petabero, and tormerly editov of >hou, iranei a lîttie la tihe MOn-; EJlbDêîîer. e baie ud h.mrty.1 lie &as geail leausti vth e &p., tuMYet 1turne out a mont beautîfa tW pesinc etthige S cir how j"Y mm uauauallY large number «: 9 vr VOL vaut pittlig <iuckly go toj ia. lilr&PemaneYur____ Tu AA Pm oT job prnting tet-m'Pond*it was umable to maie amýbm wm: ilce, where -tism steant pressMe e penunal, Innpection, onjt. eVMebdyLWZ MNW _a ...Wv. aedaa 4mistlv ut vevk. A "doigers" setunsi highly pleaaed uztil tieprize -S.Arie~Lnu~ s rua f O ttors e caneau v"%& k hlutSw»m rëad, when as usual ln sueh ~LO& gyse .Vr eDm ,m- ndi b ooe!L çke &u m Tulabn. buondd puai srvic Te*ema Mpftag - bstthn ethi cmeon, f he in funmlinmui throughout tJeda Leavt tUxbrii m7..Mi. tWèemifl. itoitafrsuld t re#Ié1iin i hien Tu£, snd theïr pli 1 mgreatly admre&.I .jtctkia t a8là.- FostPM i le M.er, «sMM to e e' Wt Jm.h kaugaUp; tas wlght mmi 1a laà AahC~BPU We se)! bail vas held lulu McAr- W U,.WuiUim thons hall, and th-is"lgrbcaiatic" al jaMeS cottou for ........ S9-0 va. ud freely nutîl about 3a. M. leLIàuhewsu bitày et a£P.Mm nwt dame 13 lar*Plain or Fmqnec IS RAtCa '% on ut ~us cme "1~ O yrd O "qd hrtlng.ý. .. iSetrptvrecmmte n ers lhvtsIown Ducli........ mi 011 G. Kelth, Verulaun, under tise fol- 2mm u p"boSSlà.M at 4 pair ol Whi15.vii G. lwe.C«*m-X.adM vet eut to Feneon Pulla te the. fa» 'SVLmaijgnt 14m. Mdm2 45,7 Baà~auuw o < o.svan 7vId us$, Md Tfttvo child -_ Nuisitc&N.wpo,, v.about w. ear(tvlhs) ohlu n pUIetlte mans iwfresatedr o am 1W. gi bot eek Yeau'. old, Lm lnm fr auyéem a 4.M, ad<illav>svOrtis et sme klnd et MdiaY Mmd a1bq«MURS. UAt sg.. Ti.' p0 PoiM"lW. -t kî hiféniff u laylng -àss tEghlr tfta, aMd th.,returus te t »nWqa e'M' udMt ets ubigtl ~TBrwf tptm iejt d" t!oi làw ftrrMÉ.eand Mm rmtb. Train al hElusCWlPp mxcoupbw ts mly .~ uue mmmhr filîcîso.on %turuy ~hfJ. il. Kh NI#,GR? lmy fb Oanadian me'. THIS WEFE~ Whie h wrncota thle Prize List of the .]Mme mZE CEXT th Odem Waid miiurea.tea ybe leM, at.tie u%,e or st -it -~ DO YTF PU& IYBIO EXPOBE Feet f K13 peetLiid UkL Ida W w ~~ 'eare flot r, ~ r hcema1 w et lt lm I. ou a iR <S'. GEN lu" a à

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