Pstt r rilo w mv ..Omo- t.' *~»< t bu' me uit' o~m. ail, ap1W~ [il tif 'f md bJLo~U AT U~8IU LwAW ro- DI:T Vrl Thlht# ê laur PL 0311 N *1316 e s4 'Je . ___ âI&rÂY, EDN ESDA Y, ocrO B E R ~irn TVr'P AR NTI'W NW YoEK, Oct. 2n&.-i ffewaid"Wyhulda abl>eK hotel, laye * ___ - S"n Anonlo dcspach Ramys it* laet- "" On & (>rueandi bec>nem the b.d- f 4 dlrfp TePst)!retyreported t<luith<le merican ing 1150uakie of a suhonbeau ~A~d,~troojisunder -General Bullis *ere mmM TAqDo Oc* dppaeliJýrù1roughly baudled by jexican troope. BiiehAret ays <the Rumslas have re- t Tie - "perlal States that Bullis îost t hai mha diffovereti wl;y ou âdPapkol, on thle fft bank of iieariv ai uwhfie cutting mi ve awf5e appbe in E 'em.T'n e M_ ~~~~ ~~~way thoisih bis o0pne.t4, le; "","WI hvl weaiUm h fiii th Athat CoL Shaffuer bas been surrounded è .br kd i A' dempatchfrom Gorny Studen1 Smye by a thnand Mexicans.ltAa e t'hv tha at t<he council yenterday te.Czar.- I ____________&W!_ho 9P1 - wftch a&Vocae" th ii.wih4v"al of the blm Usur IUm ; but you, O S AI. ~ ~ ~~~~ tN*Nm for the w inter over the Danube CLIrOJ 4 Y D f a Lanêbo'n oeo 'Jeaviawgarlons ol at Sistova and Cgobàb mlts .o-Ve neh~ 7~d.mth pou are. *2-The ompli- Ckxn i &lus aae lu i cot&e 1; btthqim@n era G c. a F~vsfu Y~ dm&. Turku bave crosed toKalarash But the pens ter i.twair is duos, a"il mtLth en film M4tà ma Ire... osbonrd a ymht. "thre ~ .5~.L..AA. Ué....d Theulsius bve o!hi..I ~ 0.0. tiS,~euuub acres-but the lan i 1 hmbasma"iery moustache tust» WEE ew* oSmw, $0o nsm truct .1aM miles of Rail- 1Eau tt b ua i te i U ya.Lleh moeey çauit. mmc"r mred a Young Mau ~~~~ta ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I , ,i la» wtê t içtt .j.ri.yri~t~.~~~~ IB ~rI huta for 2:1.000men 1 buC, wh é ëb...furt.morne time ooeaie tsad gtbwwy tel hi* laiffoavil *rted YMukhta'w Pasiia report* <t h ÉVRu- T nowif",1:= sii t 9llnsattacked bis lreaar gt uwdurilera a . 1 Rp " ao ,idocul as «bjmý n 9U&W th FAMIag cem e,&mua pretty Kla.An t he woMdem rtm at f ea.~1 w.wi.s ~ Oi AU0.d7~theRUaiala .0i.a be t. Paidte »m theiitl 1 lqaft ber friendu Ianghad. "People dhrave heurs fiubting Were repulIedAM ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~IIi kIl.dun Imahoa t l. WaM awowàd,.aw..u~Imed. Clu me u S éhu,"aerm*d anti <W hi'.. reghaustsof cavalry M1t. tMEu"WU.;it i ~~~~~'r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.umn -i s'vd'vnnM4hUe $wrIa.e. s UWIgluthe Rusian.rUhtwere De numy cô fnd me rndy-bappier ~ ~ ~ ~ tebr .t*b~ PlesVspUWI ..~,., ~r., ~ ~ ..f ~. ~ iam am âi. i mid0chday ham broughz _41M anima hmiefflawA the titi* 01 au iuIâth"t Ve Wùahdto enuire. « srqssr .OUutAII " (noma- - »sla *Oam Mlu-x 9 em »ec to recount fthe A.LO I Land. MuikhtawPulà Ntrewhp oaf fwii re ff wse reil f MW livell, how Une 0 A IL .11 ILThe Ports ths'ouM heTurkish Mn tet tt iha te4dwewuasM'em " 1aw ytt We t aWa.bintn de - e dmM uXîs L .su Ho UB.that of t. eTewMeh etuoie1Um The Cosései_______lleih ~daout s hn 4v!wl. ~tihk% il<ho «~Mt*<te. thettdo sall rim eto 4%w» Ptwith a obvsa1c. aeacst tklIn 5Kr hiI VT4'>&'SQ.woety to b. reniembered or men- ---- - -- tibe Coràveatet st. John at Haydm a4d'-&y"& t. woDes look lre Every varant hou«. in <lat reg"on w.. but a weektha.o they yul b. forgotten. * u * t -Ni gh t-ights-G luw- Worm. lu 19 1)r &S e-Pl..u.-A sSthma" ein 'r *'i"'e"by -A nuutios vesdrôppev-.aÀn.t i ýLATE1ST TELEGRA.& I . -Abmficitl e e- Sudking ajob. 1o ama a Aa.Pl- 1 s l- _»- ever 8 l.ove ishua POrR T OPE -Cutnter-lais&--Your vif.a. ahop- auao pofl ecito unwm et o am me amprmi for mere -r cYT11KM, Oct. :.-irJon .pi1ngib et-Tod .e. i! ~~'&Wee" saitheti.ecte- Mw'adonald Andi peêrtyvpaur»" t<rouis8et eseni hem Tt.moulgo Coi wy o 1 i "hs vas iat Hke Joe Simp- brook. T.7 muiletart e-,tatiorbl -A gmissr n >e *penjave ife oti ou-opr Rws a large nttse&t.r ni the eciten., %ho sjK mli.. a pensive buaband. M<dthem ami mWelnmby îa k ÂJCT DE 0 0 BeoIpttd hm oMllrok.J-EIl that LWgabehimatinma rondti <bt 1 gtlou7t1tInby hial & « I mamiy ame divîug, vil! alwaya b. inià'a.-The l1ut 4d t a V& rivate dinner BELLE VILL E. dosai of duat là . Edhrth. Who emgth made. TLa.VfOUT,0c. 2nd.-- A strange -ICapita puxishnieut," as the. boy; itP hu m14 that it VaiS turne to retire. anid i therto tînknown di.ueame among u"id when the iqo.hool-rdiatreca seated announceIai zteition to the batIer: 55U7LdX hU tu tfhorsts. inreportet from A -nwlilabun4hm with the. girls. J asu, fammying that h. qaw omething wbere two A11» aitmuval. baTS tutt -The. enthri ammta of a recent bank-1 like a maiei ithe. arvmt*a face, ho it on the ft*% of 24r. Win. Anderson. * p,~tuiruaL grar.y rouând, mayîmax, " Shorrible death la epo Yoa y utet ai exuailnasa ou ndn gh.Mm.D. u«uacted u manniousîy, Mdat iet1m oI7Lkfiotabdbula fine, who rsildet It the Oth cmD., in thue keep <hrem. nWfu>., John, mnmd that; rn no' the aUtkI Ab N EE CL ENG' ofbe b.m d ams* _6*o l" m bus IPm jutzefat kp'«'7;c;' Who left ber lai bed umaveil, lit.ber pippfyi.j < * ~t~ i uc îJ andt he tirs cmniunmcted <o î <ahfrÏ2. andttheuinfofttunate voman w» un"b~apupl "lor purposea of expW TeVro. lpmt fD 10 rirsc and won roasltetdesîi. rto w"u .the. reply. broaotdapclarbtmfi _______________________________ -AIhleitc@ports fur ladies: jiup-- nnl ingemions Lethod (if provins; -amis#R2=AMe!=immatcumaclumoms; walkinwsaousia theu i di psitioe of thedodvil. M oubject; ranaing trotigha àn<ôv.; ddp-i Hbs I*taêevevy aspect of his w u pm"M ýuil elleipt* - nmwmFrou the. word devil, - COEWAlL.C t2-The rgst6ne -An Illinois editor, havir lbut hie whk in iitfmers au acuser or Ilot, wibsnh&@ auti buildings a r'acissurs write,: "Whee M yubae h iEt UU o'IN e AtidrewiNthe pm'ps'tv of Joseph A. to moura teI. kmlif onof IteDm tdca- emnove e. andthe re- *, wOT ttal y deattyeti biranMdmoub trnatuimdmamiatats the uainderia Pil*take away the rr &ntiit ~~*~> ~~ ~ bil. ~~~ tire IauwtiCht. Three vaîniable houpe worMd ever kno.»Js;atti.aeu iteIatbtr inauamie, ai. oosabot *.O0Oj -he edator of a Nevada aPMU My*; reminds you of, the. aime of thei- bot- dv.lî* rao iMa, naW.' Ws ilMflnd ; two 1008 et Hx; GRdENeRS. jdath le botsomof a d.ep mine os- Dins eat"--- ockplc 1'~kWtl Yr,.. M.116< Cmm. Oa, (0 ev.: 90 ndo cutiatih; ."î jtRere. "That his aleWsed smal w m mmm. atuneago in a 8cottish Town ~" ~~fl *~.,u.fabe I.lng bhnuî.e oe Md t.<olkhd M MFa',hait .-m"of tramaportation- "Couata .on a queon .mmci Cu- * U W Crn SMefflew, Dg a;1 w. 18Vli wi;1 al G.V~-U~IOtt. Z --Br -denî Bras. -A, postaL Cad vas lateY recaiv" eit e* f oplin. - vpraied, a baWle, Il; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~M Îll5Ç.Itdoa;hbnslx4 swmi ni.1 the machinerv was et the. FitcbbmrtMas.., p..t f*2 amom'gs'.her raison in support of the t-t uas.aa tIt ivdelv pe !ampe, 'ulo, nu fiw* 11eantdesrm ed - by tiré laet uight. fluer. atdreiedti . "-Mr. K-,the an ar, tteitatL ould b. of ~ uil<t.tu b "duu'swdlet t a ê,r'a>.Vi pwltuan t lst eis., &t., 011 as).; blmnolicio t la a total le" or Rat intiefamoyu. ~& eh.ims %lti.pssme.O * *OOA)O0* - -~ - -a are m& of po at os ut W1ahh , N.Ï , hsoem ti t i, tbaw pm v t, w ho h ea de I Tnt' ('nnp.n. Mn3 tm # Ud lpgo o rmAI WI d4 . te*k ai t#amrve d t k S Uin1 U I ?i&H !U .....W hy là t, m y de i mir,' m id, Zmeta hastm y mam a n K 1 1'V itt . 111b11 WeA f f.w " z<, & t lw;eieoio timdd -Qin ilIbo ...., . otti rhem 5 k m u L t. W hat tea- - get ii ?W I 1do mot kL.w. va hi penteity Pei" it t, eo- CmEEsE MA«KE. rpl;"eepti i ha" douma Md étb4, stwiig theii. uMati booking * *E ~éW rAEu - r aCA, . Y. Oc., .n1 do met tuMallwayq -togethor. xupatyat bie oppoent- d'point ~~ ~t-botiund beit ;O)d at ljc to 13ýc,. Tbi# Yankee hum juat hati a PMUs cf ot as mngle instance Wimr postentt riffn pL~e1' l~.Fewnomniaiin 1mr;n! wim mgb,.WM 'Md toim. . eebeno'hleubeeitt u (W.2d. Génrlbemu km 18 jean. [t mmy b. truly thiiks. Chief J'o"jh -lias probably es. fat mdming hat ertirs perinti ho caped tCG Britlithttrritory, and that l'hmtOtDfl Ibma a IIZ±ly fthi ft0111 IliGeieral Howard and Sturgls diti th pane. - --- 1MEXICAN Om&ORDERrfly itme TETIARX -.qBRE --IR ----- -t - trm h - th1 ubi f !~ IIovat#~olbge q~ DeMatS~.P9.ouw0staj} ENA * *TÂW. rat Ed4, ntbth ,~ à.-Mie